274293 WHITE - C�7V CLERK COUflCll PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ��� ��� Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution establishing the title and class specification for Jet Sewer Cleaner Operator in the Civil Service Rules. RE50LVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3.G (Labor-Maintenance, Ungraded), by inserting in proper alphabetical o rde r the title of Jet Sewe r Cleane r Ope rator; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 32 by inserting, in proper alphabetical order, the attached class specification for Jet Sewer Cleaner Operator. Approved: .-� - � Chairman Civil Service Co � ission COUNCILMEN Yeas McMANON Nays Requested by Department of: �°�'' � [n Favor �'E O N E L O F F E - Hozza ' � Levine � __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco '��'�� Form prove y Ci r Adopted by Council: Date f 3A� � '� � Certified . -ed by Coun ' Sec ar BY sy Ap v d by :Navor: e — �.lAN 2- 1980 Ap o by Mayor fo i io,p to Council B – -- P11�iLISHED !�i,� 2 :�� ;�5^�? �"��L��i �s�F� ��a ;: �°a. . Title of class: JET SEWER CLEANER OPERATOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled work in operating, maintaining and repairing high pressure water 3et cleaner and jet cleaner-vacuum combination unit, used in cleaning sewer lines; and performs related work as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the general technical and administrative supervision of a Sewer Foreman. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a unit direct technical supervision over workers assigned. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Operates truck used to transport jet sewer cleaner. Reads gauges and operates water pumps, hydraulic equipment and vacuum equipment associated with 3et sewer cleaning equipment. Places, or directs the placement of, support pipes and water and vacuun hoses. Performs routine maintenance and repair of �et sewer cleaning equipment. Fills water tanks and dumps collected debris. Directs the operation of all equipmenr_ associated with jet sewer cleaning equipment. Prepares reports for work assignments,.work completed and any pertinent information as required by Sewer Foreman. I�iOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Knowledge of the safe and efficient use of jet sewer cleaning equipment. Rnowledge of the routine maintenance practices necessary to obtain maximum use of jet sewer cleaning equipment. Kuowledge of the procedures for the proper and saf e xepair, maintenance and cleaning of sewers. Working skill ia the maintenance, repair and operations of high pressure water pumps and vacuum pipe equipment. Working ability to understand and follow oral and written instructions. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Four years' experience as a Sewer Maintenance Laborer or two years' experience as a Sewer Crew Leader. Must possess a Class B Minnesota driverts license. • •� v � r; .c L�.s.� �..�.e.s. �:.� �. .� �� `. .,.. . .r'�'i--�;�\ ��}����vj': �.► Z't�.]•. �:���.1� �i�t���!7�'J _ . .'� I.°� -��'.: ' , . �,,�F�.�i�"�`� , �' r`— ..\ i. , - i=�� ,� , ' � � f � :�„: - .' .� , ' �` ' .� J-f DafiA ' :`4�� 4�:�: • January 7, 1980 _.� Gfl �`�ji1i, ��i ! � � � � � O � i � , � • i O : Soinj °uul Ciiy Councii � '-= �i; � �'t;I = C O:`�'3 i7l f T7 G'� O:�INANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL - RUBY HUNT~; chaiFmen, mc�;es fhe fotl�:�inc� reporf on C. F. � C] Ordinance � � . � � . ��) X� Reso�u'ri�n . . . - ' •. � � . � O�h�r - . � liL� : • - The Finance Committee, at i�s ,meeting of January 7, 1980, recommended approval of ' the following: . . � � 1 . - Resolution �egr.a�ding titles of Attorney I and II. (10484-RH). . - 2. Resolution c�anging class, specs and grade of License� Inves.tigator in the . � Technical Group �3.L) of Civil Service Rules from its present specs and Grade . � �Grade 32� to Grade 34. (10495-RH) . . , � 4 3. Resolution establishi.n title of Jet Sewer Cle�ner Operator in Section 3.G� � ' 9 � �Labor-Maintenance, Ungraded) and also establishing class specs for ti_tle. (10494=RF " 4." Resolution .establishing rate of pay for new title.of Jet Sew�r .Cleaner Operatar. �10493-RN1. � � � I • � � _ • - . ' 5. • Resofiution - St. Paul Capftal Allocation Policies .1981-1985. (10534-RH) . , . . 6. Resolution approving a7location of specific funds for several Citfzen Participatior ' ' districts. ' ' ' " ' ' • . 7. Resolution transferring line items for multi-famil'y rehab and .South of Front � • projects. . 8. Resolution appointing�Theodore Collins, Ronald Smith, Robert White and Patrick 0'Neill as special counsel to represent Richard Rowan, Dave Weida, James Fecl�y and� John Voita in defense of lawsuit commenced by Joseph Carchedi , City License Inspect Referred back to City Council with no action since Council disposed of this matter on January 3, 1980. . 'i f(�'.j.L Sft'F:\�1�: FJ.C:):: C:1i\l I':l[�.L, t;►\�::$:►�E:t S � . . ',, _ � �o not deta�h this m�morar�lur'ta !rom �e � resoln�tiorr so tha# this infortt�at�n �ii �tl! � �►�y _ �vailable to.the C�ty Cou�cil. +������� ' . _ ` F�7tPLANAT�ON OF �N�STRAT�V�: t�R1�$�S' ` RESOLUTIQNS - � , ,, ga�ss November 29, 1979 , TOz .MAYOR Q�ORGE LATIMBR i�� ��� �� � � � QEC i `9�97� : � FR: Persenaei Office � _ ���� �; � R8: . R�so�.uCiQn fax su�i�ss�.�n to City Cvun���. y ` ', r' A�It1r1 �tEQt�ESTBD ` iii��111�11'�F � . . . . . - ' � .. . ' . . • . . . - � . • f:� . ' . �.,�rec�nd ycu�; sPProval and at�i.eai4n of thie ResoXut�,Oit �o; t� �tg Gouu�ci�.. . :Pt RpQSE AN�3 RA�IQ,,.,1�AI.8 FOR THTS ACTI(}N s � Thie Re�olution es#ablishes the title o�_Jet Se�►er Cleaaer C�per�tt�r . in Secti,cm 3.G (Labor-Maiatenaaace, Ungra+d�)�r>f the G�,�il�`�e�i,ce F � Rules, aad it also establashes in Sec�i.on 32 a class �peci�icaf�.a�n �+o� thc title of Jet,Sewer Cleaaer Operator. - _ �� _ . . :. � r ':,={ A3'TAC�ISNTS: Reso�utic� �.d cop�r for the City C1crk. - ' ; ,, _.,. '� � . . � . �. � . - � . � t..:.