274282 WHITE - CITV CLERK �1� t PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L Council ,� ����}� CANARV - DECARTMENT BLU� -.MA1'OR File N O. o ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 231.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, (as amended by Ordinance No. 14662, approved December 1 , 1970) pertaining to regulations for the adjusting of sewer service charges, and upon the recommendation of the Department of Public Works and approval of the Board of Water Cornnissioners, the Council of the City of Saint Paul dces hereby certify that because of partial diversion of their total water consumption from the City of Saint Paul 's Sanitary Sewer System, the below listed firms have justifiabte reason for application of an adjustment to their sewer service charges as levied; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That a full or partial refund of paid sewer service charges, based upon these adjustments, shall be refunded from the Sewer Service Fund and shall be in the following amounts: NAME � ADORESS TIME PERIOD AMOUNT Olympia Brewing Co. " 707 E. Minnehaha Ave. 55165 November, 1979 $13�+.563• 12 Hoerner-Waldorf Corp. 2251 Wabash Ave. 55114 October, 1979 50,664.64 Hilex Division-Purex Corp. July, 1978-June, 1979 33 E. Wentworth Ave. 55118 July-October, 1979 6,990.22 The G i 11 e t te Co. Fifth at Broadway 55101 July-Sept. , 1979 5,159•69 Schmidt Brewing Co. 882 W. Seventh St. 55102 October, 1979 4,384.95 National Can Company 13g Eva St. 55107 November, 1979 3�018•49 Gold Medal Beverage Co. P.O. Box 3466 55165 November, 1979 799.70 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: � Yeas Nays Butler Publ i orks (REB Hozza In Favor , Hunt ,L �w Levine __ Against BY Maddox D i re tor of Pub 1 i c r Showalter Tedesco Form pproved y it Attor y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By t�pproved by Wlavor: Date _ A ro by Mayor ub�nission to Council BY - — B M/M17E - CITV CLERK ,,,���ppp,,,��� I PINK - FINANCE ������/��^� CANA4V - DE�ARTMENT COUflCIl �. �M�"- BLUE; - MAVOR GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. ''°'� ��� Council Resolution � Presented By , Referred To Committee: Date ; Out of Committee By Date Page 2 NAME 8 ADDRESS TIME PERIOD AMOUNT American Red Cross 134 E. Filimore Ave. May-September, 1979 $ 25�. 18 Central Warehouse Co. P.O. Box 3456 55101 November, 1979 203.52 Land 0'Lakes Inc. 401-15 Grove St. 55101 November, 1979 153•97 Plastics Inc. 224 Ryan Ave. 55102 August-September, 1979 150.40 Gross-Given Mfg. Co. 75 W. Plato Blvd. 55107 December, 1979 128.00 First Nationsl Bank W-1752 lst Nat' 1 . Bank Bldg. 55101 December, 1979 10.45 COUNCILMEN /Y� Yeas MCMAHON Nays Requested by Department of: v�, ,��, Pubtic Works (REB) _,�� [n Favor Hunt Levine _.�___ A gai n s t BY Maddox Di rector of Publ ic Sh��r Jp� � 5 1980 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted cil: Date rtified Y• • d by Council�Fiec tary BY t#pp by lrlavor: ` JAN 17 1984 AP r ve by Mayor f r mi �tsn to Council By --- BY �ue�tsM�o !A�1 2 6 ��s�� . . . � - . ���..�.• . �� v� • v . EXPLr:�1ATI0id 'J'•' �CJ�t T:'� T�S7'?Z�TI':E 0�CERS� R,..rSOLt;'1^Iv�1S , �i;ll OF�LINA.vCES ��'�`` � "a . �� ��.�,���:� , � . � , Date: � • . , . - R � C '� : �� ED ' � ��F G �3 �9/g TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATT.�IER - MAYOR'S OFFICE FR: Donald E. Nygaard, Direcior of Public Works gE; Refunds of Sewer Service Charges ' � _ _ � . • - . • . . � ACTION RiQL�STED: . . . � . � � � ' , Ref.und Sewer $ervice Charges-.from Sewer Service- Fund � . PIIRPOSE fi.ti?D RATICiiyLE FOR TAIS ACT�ON: � - Investigation has determined that certain volumes of water which w+ere assassed a sewer - • service cF�arge did not enter the sanitary�sewer system and that payment of the charges of these voltimes should be refunded. � � , ATT�CF�hIE:�TS: . . � Council Resolution ' Board of Water Commissioner's Resolution Recommending Refunds - REB/HS/ks • , ' � . . . . . . .. .� ....., .. `,,. . ' • � CITY OF ST. PAUL No._ � �M�° � `� OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS ..<q:,��,�„ • RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM �`��;����'�� � ,� ��`�H,, COMMI55 ONER �� - DATE ��� 19/ 1�9 .�... .-�C1� *wt .� �80LYF�D! Thti� th� �h'd 0f �la��r CO■ISiN�v�a's ha"�b�r �, apyra�re� th� saaro�u+pulat�ou aP 81a�a�!! L. t�l�, �Ss#�� 7�ir�etor affi ;� Cit7' �q�ia�ac', Drpa�t�'E of Pttblic 'MTOrIn, !an► h'l� l�t� �t D�aDioc 19r 1979 �o t� 8aa�c+d tbst 11�1 or �ig]. srt� o`!' p�,id s�n►�r 8�0� Cl,�s�n b� ga�ant�d �ur lirt�d in the le�t�s; �aid �'mtid� �o b�r � tr� �!! n$#�' �i'l�O� �n• Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas ���� Nays 1 8�.tar — D�ornb� 19 19 �'1� ` ,, vio.-Brsasa.ant T�p.aa, Prasid�aat L�rtiae _ In favor 5 Opposed � __� �SECY. �''3