274280 WMITE — CITV CLERK PINK .— FINANCE COUIICII W/ b ? CANARV — OEPARTMEN T G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L p BLUE — MAVOR File NO. * ��;0-��� RETIJI�TT COPY TO VAI�UAT � � cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RES�LVED,that the proper City OfPieial.s are hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf oF the City of Sai.nt Pau1, an appli- cation to the State of Minnesota through the Larid Caa�unissioner of Ramsey Caunty for comreyance of certain tax-YorPeited lands for use by the City oP 8aint Pau1 for snow removal and street cleanin� disposal purposes; a description of the tax-forfeited lands is as follaws: Lots 1 thru 16, B1ock 2, Waxren and Winslows addition to the town of St. Paul. COUNCILMEN Yeas McMAHaN Nays Requested by Department of: � � [n Favor �nanc and ent ervices �-I�es�a Hunt Levine _ � __ A gai n s t B � y �`�-�' Maddox rec or �� Showalter � �s� �g�� Adopted b � nci : Date `��� � � Form Approved by City Att Ce � ied Yas• by Council Secfetary � i � /�1p ro b iNavor. ate � _ JA� � �` p���-' App by Mayor for S b sion to Council By - BY I Pu�3LES1tC� �;�i,: 2 - , ,,-, s . . . - � ��: _����.�7�, ";� R+ev.;: 9/8f 76 r.� � . ;���,�� _ � . . r, _ EXPLAi�4TI0N 4F RDM�#�IST�T��Q�ERS, _ I , , Date: a� 2, lggp T0: MAYOR: G�ORGE LAT�MER , . ` : .. ., � FR: �'. i�ia. �s �'al. b.As�, �*er, :�c�gt. o�' FL� 8� �, c;�s, 4�w �'fi� ` RE: Appli.�sati� i'o� t.s�-fort'eited 7.ands ib� snv�► re�►al aad a��� es�i�ag +&3���, . p�rpvs�r faar �e �i�y cf St. Pe�.. > ,_ - ACTION REQU�S�'ED: '. : M�rar'a tppr�►a1 to +su'�eit�reaoldttioaz tr� Citg Counatl. . � : , _. ,_ � ; .;.� . _ � ' ° . , , � i�IiRPOSt AND R�ITIONALE FOR�THIS ACTION: . . � B,e�e�'�i '�T<'h� l�iartmeat ot Publi� 1taMl�a ic�� le;a�s to ber-� !� sa3d � a ��: . , . . � '; , ATTACHMEN�S:: � ' ' 1. t'�astc�.l �sso3�ttios apPrv�r3n8 etttiy 4frS.cia1�► to sigi� a�pliawbic�. �. CvpT o�' spp33cstion !cs c+a�v�ce af'°tssr�orf�rf.tad 1�r i�o the Qitg c�f ��� �'�,. ` �. Ar�a I�ap. . � • .�^�.I.:. �{ # .. ,� � � > `� U `":�. �. �iewed: ADDITION: Warren & Wir_slows Add. LOT: 1 BLK: 2 WARD: 1 ', CJ�..— �`/ 1~G J — — p �� LOCATION: tTSE: bitt�-'for.�ny' ' `-� � , - - i f+�L��SEt� Street Al.lev Assessor's �, � �raded Platted NOTICE N0: 29158 F & T Value_ Paved Graded Curb Paved FORFEITED: �f�f•� Land: -� S'wa1K Sewer PLAT N0: 5-A-12 Bldg: Water �orrens Gas Abstract ZQNING: FiI Elec. � Grade: Fr. Mid. Rear. 'I �rp � y;REr�AR.KS: MINNEHAHA AVENOE '--- � � sv 1 � � ,, �, �s a �' !. � � � �� � � { � � � � � ��� �. � �� � � �a� � �`� � ��2 ) ' ;� . f N' � � �.. - � °�5 ,N.. �;�� �, +�,. :I . ; ��G �if ::�� R�-,�� �,3 Z / � � ` � � �� � � �� � ' ������ ; ;� ., .. -- � � _-___...__----_.�:._���.. ��� ��� � �,�---- - - - --- - �': ' YM �— �� I � � ;�,lS,� wy "��� p ��:.R�-k:'n �v°�Y.* p �i �; y t r �i H[ F ��y' � �1 � s '� ' ,y, �y �Y� +�� r ���`� � �1 eX(� � � . r N i: I� k` �,��i ? H � ��'� s � r �� � C�� � , (� j��'� , .���,� :���� ��r�'��� x � � ��� n_ C Y 6 e ,C�' ,� .s �y,� ;� .J' � � y l- S ���. i � 1 � gr P f�'N � } � . �� k Y� if � �� y � � � �T� �� i.} � y�l � , . � 9��C',".�";�.+ �"� r * �' � i _U ; r:' �, � .. . ...� - j�.. � , ; � � _„.._—_,_ . .__.__ � v RANDALL STREET v � � • �Cv ��a� ,'�� SD Form 982(Rw.11/76) APPLICATION BY GOVERNMENTAL SUBDIVISION FOR CONVEYANCE OF TAX-FORFEITED LANDS Under Minnesota Statutea,Section 282.01,Subdivialon 1. In the Matter of the Ap ication of City of 8aint P� a GovernmeMal Subdivision, for a Co�veyance of Certain Lands. �m�,�W the Citv oP St. Pau],. a n .�ipa1 Cornorat�on (Nams of wbdivision and alleges: 1. That applicant is a(a) b�inicipal Corporation, 8t8te oP Mina¢8ota 2. That (b) Attached hereto is a r�eolation oP the Citv Cauncil of the C��jj o�Saiat �� for ac�uisition o� the land hereinaf'ter described. 3. That there is situetsd in the CouMy of R�eY ,oertain tax-forfeited land described as follows: (c) Lota 1 thru 16, Biock 2, Warren and Winslory►s Addition to the Tawn oP St. Paul 4. That said lands are(d) �ecessary an es e or snaw an stree c e n sposal for the City of St. Paul. 5. That applicant desires to obtain said land for the foilowing purposes and reaaons: (e) for snaw reanrnral and street cleaning disnosal. Wherefore applicant prays that said lands be oonveyed to it for the use stated herein. CITY OF . ��» _ _ i�.3-e� BY AP�iav �M Iss or and I I�s City Clerk and Its Diree or oY Da�as�enent oP Finarice I STATE OF MINNESOTA ) and I�e,nsgement Ser�rices 1 ss• COUNTY OF RA*,���_) I each being fi�st duly awom,depose and�y,Aach fo�himself,that they are�espectively the �YYOr� City Clerk i e� Dfirector oY i�'inance 8o M�t. 3ervicg�� City ot' 3t. Paul • ' that they have read the forspoing application and know the conteMs thereof; and that the matters atated therein a�e t�ue. I . . I Subscribed and swor�to before me this day of .19 i Notery Public, County,Minn. My Commission Expirot i (a) Stete facts relative to legsI oryenization. • (b) Stete facta showing authorizsdon of aoqui:idon of I�nd hereinafter de:c�ibsd,by resolution of povarninp body or by voten,ss the a�e may require,attachinp copies of►esolutions,if sny. I (c) Show name of Gowrnmentsl Subdivision in which land is�tuated. (d) De�crlbe naturo of lands,use of w►roundf�y property and other similsr facts. (e) Give atatement�to the spscific ua to be med�of such lands. ' I I I