274279 WHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE G I T F SA I NT PA IT L Council CANARY - DEPARTMENT 1 ►•�yJ BLUE - MAVOR � Flle NO• �� °� nc�l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety, has agreed to loan to the City of Saint Paul for use by its Police Department thirty Pre-Breath Testers to aid in the enforce- ment of laws prohib iting driving under the influence of intoxi- cating beverages; each unit costing approximately $480.00 if purchased outright; and WHEREAS, The City' s Police Department desires to utilize such Pre-Breath Testers in the performance of its law enforcement duties; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby authorizes its Mayor and Director of Finance and Management Services to enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety, for the loan by said Department to the City of thirty Pre—Breath Tester�. 1 COU[VC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas M�MAHON Nays i�� � � [n Favor �� Hunt � r ��� Levine � __ Against BY Maddox Showalter �� �p� � 5 1980 Form A roved b City tt Adopted by C �1: Date C' Certi Yasse y C uncil Secretary BY . � � pprov by Mayor for m' sion to Council t�p by :Navo : D e — i j r r ' BY — PU�LISFIED !Q�� 2 �a ;^^n ti Fra►n tite of,jice oj •. . 12-14-7 9 � '� PAUL F.McCLOSYEY 617 City Ha11 •'�'4 :':�. ,-:"� � ��a*v IC a.+ r" Peter Hames: Attached is a resolution needed to accomplish the loan by the State Department of Public Safety to the City of 30 Pre Breath Testers. Please process the resolution and agreement through the Mayor and Council. The State Department of Public Safety has indicated that it needs a certified copy of the resolution once passed to accompany the trans- mittal of the agreement back to the State for further sign offs. I would suggest that all materials, once processed by the City, be sent to Captain W. O. Jyrkas, at the Police Depart- ment, for his handling. PFM:er Atts. BUREAU OF CRIMINAL APPREHENSION /�,�°FP�� ��`` •� ,. 1246 UNIVERSITY AVENUE � `��� � � � ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55104 � �t`, TE LEPHONE: 296-]9L�� ',I\ i P ! \\�9�.OF MINNE:'", STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY December 13, 1979 Richard Rowan, Chief St. Paul Police Department Attn: Gus Reinke 101 East Tenth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Dear Chief Rowan, Enclosed are three copies of a use agreeirent for ALERT J3A portable breath testing units. Please ha.ve the agreement executed by the indivi.dual(s) authorized to do so by resolution. A sample form of resolution is enclosed. It is up to y�our city council as to who they may want to authorize to execute the agreement. In the sa�le resolution form the phrase, "hereby are authorized to execute such agi-eeraent", appears. It is in�portant, that whatever form of resolution is used, this phrase appe� at some point in the resolution. When the three copies of the agreen�ent have been executed by the authorized individual(s) , return the agreement with the certified copies of the resolution to: the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension Laboratory, 1246 University Avenue, St. Paul, N� 55104; Attention Eldon Ukestar3. When the appropriate State officers ha.ve executed the agreetrent, we will return a copy to you for your files, and further instructions as to how the unit or units will be delivered. ;, I ; � ,� ,'' � } �� �C�e-�L�� L �/���-����c-�-1-� I,owell C. Van Berko¢n Laboratory Director Enclosure AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER � � '�' � . �#f E �� ;'�y �u E,i �� Sa�le RESOLUI`ION BE IT RESOLVED that the City of enter into an aqreement with the State of Minnesota, Departrnent of Public Safety for the following purpose, to-wit: To provide authority for the city to receive from the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety, ALE12'f` J3A portable breath test unit or units on a loan basis. The unit or units are to be used by city Iaw enforcement officers to assist them in the detection of irotorists who may be in violation of Minnesota Statutes ��c;�.ion 169.121 . BE IT EUR'I'fiER RESOLVEI7 that the and be and they hereby are authorized to execute such agreement. CERTIFICATION State of Minnesota City of I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of the resolution presented to and adopted by the City Council of �he City of at a duly authorized meeting thereof held on the day of 19 , as shawn by the minutes of sai.d meeting in my possession. City Cler•k I ' :r � '�„ ;Q� ' `�,��'��` � �r. _ ��, r'2 _.���,�� 4; ,�= � - , � � � � . � :: _ � �� � � Y � :. ., . �' .� � . • • � r � � z 1 _ ����1���� ������'���r z��,.�" > ,, "' ,� . RE3t7�U4���3N�; ;�t�3 t��� � �`^ 1 , , . , �: ; s _: : , . :. � _ ; ,,,' � , - � y� - ` � F � 3 i r ; "F+ ... ' � - t } I� � r = _e"` i>,` . - � . } �.� 'i � .. . ; � . . . �. . ' . , . , ,. - . . .. . . ��'� �: _ • .. , � .� � '� s*F '�:t�s .,�+t�t�'y l, 1 S�o , �,�. ;g � � ' � � �; j �� f'� i .��: ,��. � . . " '� � . ! r ,::� .K K t��. 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