01-1183����������� Presented By Referred To Council File # p �. �\$"3 Green Sheet # 103 �' �l � 4� Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 RESOLVED, that the Day Care Food License held by erst H. Wilder Foundation d/b/a Pre-School Classroom (License ID Number 0043234) f r the premises located at 911 Lafond Avenue is hereby suspended immediately for failur to pay expired license fees. Said suspension shall be in effect until such time as the licens fees and any late charges or penalties have been paid in full and written notice of the lifting o said suspension has been provided to the licensee by the Office of License, Inspections and En ronmental Protection. This Resolution and the action taken above are 1 20, 2001 Notice of Expired License letter to the of the violation. / upon the facts contained in the September �ee. The licensee did not contest the facts Adopted by Council Adoption Certi£iep / Sy: Approved by Mayor: By: / DdtE by Council Secretary Date RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA . ������a � � � Requested by Department of: By: t/�'" � � "'Y Form Approved by City Att� By: Y� �j 14�i�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: / oFF=c� oF L=EP Date:. GREEN SHEET Roger Curtis, Director october 24, 2001 2"66-9013 N0 .103847 OE�1tP'1 1 6PARTMRST DIRECTOR 3 CITY COUNCIL 2 ITY ATTORNEY ITY-CLERK ua�aw` ust be on Council Agenda by: � �csz n�RecTOx Fxu. & Mcz. svc. D�R. � ovember 7 2001 Yoa (OR ASSISTANT) OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 fCLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: That the Day Care Food License.held by Amherst H. Wilder Foundation d/b/a Pre-School Classroom (License ID Number 0043234) for the premises'. located at 911 Lafond Ayenue is hereby suspended immediately for failure to pay expired license fees. Said suspension sha11 be in effect until such time as the, license fees and any late charges or penalties has been paid iri full and written otice of the lifting of said suspension has been provided to the licensee by the' Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection. ECOMMENDRTIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) ERSONAL SHRVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THS POLLOWSNG: � _, � PLANNING COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE COM1N1ISSION 1. Has the peison/fism ever worked under a contract for this department? � CIB COMMITTEE _ BUSINESS AEVIEW COUNCIL, YES NO , � STAFF _ 2. Has this person/fixm ever been a City employee? DISTRICT COUAT .� _ - ' YBS NO" ' � ' 3. Does this peraon%firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any 5UPPORTS WHICA COONCIL OHJECTIVE? . CLrrent City employee? . � YES NO ' , ' xplain all Y&S answera on a aeparate aheet and attach. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): License fees ere not paid by The Amherst H. Wilder Foundation after l.etters were sent and pho ca11s made to them by the LIEP Office. The A.H. Wilder Foundation also failed to ` tell LIEP they no longer needed the day care food license.. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: Compliance with current law. ����5@aSC��'�� ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: �� ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: No penalties will be imposed on Day Care Food icensees which fail to pay license fees. ��-- �- OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO "FUNDING"SOURCE ACTIVITY NLTMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � � �ty Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAiNT PAUL DATE: November 2, 2001 TO: Council President Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Jerry Blakey - Ward 1 Councilmember Chris Coleman - Ward 2 Councilmember Patrick Harris - Wazd 3 Councilmember Jay Benanav - Ward 4 Councilmember Jim Reiter - Ward 5 Councilmember Daniel Bostrom - Ward 6 Councilmember Kathy Lantry - Wazd 7 FROM: Peter Pangborn Legal Assistant City Attorney's Office RE: Removal From November 7, 2001 Council Agenda No�. � , aoo� � e..Y....:� ���..�..� Please remove item number 44, resolution O1-1183, concerning adverse action against the Day Care Food license held by Amherst H. Wilder Foundation, located at 911 Lafond Avenue, from the November 7, 2041, Council Agenda. The licensee has notified us that they had closed their chiid care center as of August 24, 2001 and no longer needed the Day Care Food License at 91 Arch Street. We are, therefor, closing our file on this matter. If you have any question, I can be reached at ext. 6-8776. Thank you. T ` OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M. Robinson, ✓r., CityAttorney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Civil Division Norm Coleman, Mayor 400 Ciry Ha11 I S Wut Kellogg Blvd. Snint Pnul, Minnesota 55L02 � October 23, 2001 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING Amherst H. Wilder Foundation Pre-School Classroom 911 Lafond Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 RE: Day Care Food License at 91 Arch Street East License ID #: 0043234 Dear Sir/Madam: 0 � ���� Te[ephone: 65! 266-8710 Facsimile: 651298-5619 Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, November 7, 2001 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed aze copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter, in that the facts concerning the failure to pay license fees have not been denied. The recommendation of the license office will be for the immediate suspension of your license. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, l� ��-w-�, Virgir�er Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Christine Rozek, LIEP Kristen Kidder, Team Leader, Thomas-Dale/Dist.7 Planning Council, 689 N. Dale St., St. Paul, MN 55103-1644 Johnny Howard, Exec. Director,Thomas Dale Block Clubs, 1034 Lafond Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 OFFICI � THE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M. rcobinson, Jr., Ciry A[mrney � � ���� CITY OF SAINT PAUL cmrror�;s;o„ Norm Calemnrs, Mnyor 400 Ciry Hnll Telephone: 65/ 266-87l0 l54Ves1Ke11oggBlvd. Facsimile:65l298-56/9 Saint Pnu[, Mixnesota SSl02 i September 20, 2001 NOTICE OF EXPIRED LICENSE Amherst H. Wilder Foundation Pre-School Classroom 911 Lafond Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 RE: Day Care Food License at 91 Arch Street East License ID #: 0043234 Dear SirMadam: The Office of License Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP) has recommended adverse action against the above-referenced license. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On March 6, 2001, a letter was sent to you by the Office of License, Inspections and Environmentai Protection advising you that your Day Care Food License for 91 Arch Street had not been renewed since April of 2000. You were asked to either pay the renewal fees or advise LIEP in writing that you no longer needed this license because you were not providing food at a day care location. Despite rivo messages no ticense fees have been received, nor have you given notice that you are no longer operating at this location. If you do not dispute the above facts, please send me a letter with a statement to that effect. The matter will then be scheduled for a hearing before the Saint Paul City Council to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your o�vn behalf. The recommendation from the licensin� office is for the suspension of your Day Care Food License until the license fees are paid. UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER o � - �� Y � Licensee Name: Amherst H. Wilder Foundation d/b/a Pre-School Ctassroom Council Date: Violation: License Type Wednesday, November 7, 2001 Expired Day Care Food License Day Care Food License Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Immediate suspension of Day Care Food License until license fees paid Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Expired License 3. 3/6/01 letter from Christine Rozek to licensee 4. License information CFFICE OF LICENSE, RVSPECTIONS dND EWIRONMEVTAL PROTECTION O` � \ , r ,, Rager Curtis, Director CITY OF SA1NT PAUL Norm Co[em¢n, Mayor LOWRYPROFESSIONALBUILDING Te[ephoae: 657-266-9090 350St.PeterStreer,Suite300 Facsimile: 651-?66-9124 SaintP¢u1,Minnesot¢55102-I570 Web: mvw.cistpnul.mn,xr/(iep March 6, 2001 0043234 Anilierst H Wilder Foundation Pre-school Classroom 911 Lafond Ave StPaul MN 55104-2108 RE: Day Caze Food License at 91 Arch Street East Deaz Licensee: After extensive review of your business license for a Day Caze Food License at 91 Arch Street East in the City of Saint Paul, our office has determined that your license has not been renewed since April, 2000. Your license expired April 29, 2000. In order to reactivate your license, the following requirements must be met: • Pay your 04/29/2000 - 04/29/2001 bay Care Food License renewal fee of $25.00. Please let us lrnow, in writing, before Monday, March 12, 2001, whether or not you intend to continue with this business license or wish to permanently cancel your license. If there is no response by Monday, March 12, this office will begin the administrative hearing process to cancel your license. You have the opportunity to appeal the City's decision through this proceeding. If you have any questions, please contact Corinne at 651-266-9106. Regazds, ��i�2.�.G�t:.> �� R •�� Christine A. Rozek LIEP Deputy Director CAR/caa n, U ` `��' �� � � t � � � ' ': � � � � +� � � � �p,� ��, � ' .,' �„ .� � . �� � ' � : �;� �. �� �� ' � , ,� \ , � v , � � .\�$, 2y v 6 � � �r ` Page 2 Amherst H. Wilder Foundation September 20, 2001 D\ -��Y7 On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, you are entitled to an evidentiary hearing before an administrative law judge. If you �vish to have such a hearing, please send a letter stating that you are contesting the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing" with the date, time and place for the hearing, the name of the administrative law judge, and an explanation of the procedures. In either case, please let me kno�v in writing no later than Monday, October l, 2001, how you would like to proceed. If you have not contacted me by Monday, October 1, 2001, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts. I will then schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it place on the Consent Agenda during rvhich no public discussioo is allowed and the recommended penalty will be imposed. If you have questions about these options, please feel free to contact me at 266-8710 to discuss them. Sincerely, ✓� � �� �, � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Christine Rozek, LIEP Kristen Kidder, Team Leader, Thomas-Dale/Dist.7 Planning Council, 689 N. Dale St., St. Paul, MN 5 5 1 03-1 644 Johnny Howard, Exec. Director,Thomas Dale Block Clubs, 1034 Lafond Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 O�_��Y3 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on September 24, 2001, she served the attached NOTICE OF EXPIRED LICENSE on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Amherst H. Pre-School 911 Lafond St. Paul, Wilder Foundation Classroom Avenue MN. 55104 (which is the last known address of said person) depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th of September, 2001. Notary Public PETER P. PANGBORN NOtARY pI�LIC . MINNESOTA MV COMMISSWN EXpik@8 JAN. 31. Z005 License Group Comments 7ext Licansee: qMHERST }i WILflER FOUNDATION �BA� PRESCHOOL CLASSROOM License#: 0043234 07/28/2009 a� 0728/2007 To CAO for adverse action. CAR . 07/28/2001 Fees due are 04/29/2000-04/29/2001 -$25, and 04/29/2007-04/29/2002, $25. Total due is $50. CAR 03/06/2001 letter sent for del lic. caa 0�-��Y7 Adtlress �Licensee, CorRact l Ucense� Cardholder � Type. t' Property �` Licensee r Unofticwl � M Street #. �— Stt'eHNeme: RCH Street Type: eAll> . Direction: c4W '" u�a a r cnr. <aia � � ssso 21395 ll RAMSEV ACTIONMT AIRV HEAD STARTDey Care Food RAPM5ADSTARTMT NRV HEAD STARiChatl Dey Care 53631 0 NEIGNBOR TO NEMOUNT AIRY NEIGF�CGrocery (Aj ' '_ _' ' _'_'_ _"_" '_"_"__'_' _"_- _'_'_ 99153 0 5T PAUI VUBLIC MOLINT P1RY FPRLY CFOOtlMs[dutional 980�02463 D AMHERST H VNLGGROYNNG PLACES-MCDaY � Fmtl e• � License Pmdetl _93131JI992 OSNi11993'91 '_ ' "" __ _ _ _ '_" ' " "- 03f31t1992 OSR1f199391 �censePrirrtetl "____ P i 12 f 11 R� 0 0CanCelpernafe10J261f9901025200097 A ���msePriMed ._,_____QSft77199805f17R00297P o� -���s T � �, � _.� Licensee 8237 M VN�DER FOUNDATION Stre� �°'' DBA R&SCHppLCLASSR000.1 Stre: License � Licensae � Lic. Types � truurance � BoM , Rz9ubemerds � E Stre( ; G Properly �' Licensee � Unotftial PmlectFaciLtator. ASIINCJON,CORINNE ;iu Dx�s� ;�reet d: � Adverse Adian Commerts U� j � Sited Neme: � ��,� �StreetType: ST DireCiw[ �—� � : UnR Ind �— Und #: �— - ;' Crty T PAl1L License Group Comme e;$tffie: AN � �p; 55701 7R8f1�t To CAO far ativerse attion. CAR —� i��� __ � 7R82001 Fees tlue are 04R9120�0-04R9l2007 -$25, a aar�rzoo�-oansnooz, szs. raei aue � sso. cna _' Dist CowIDit � rt1fi2001 Ietter ser6 tor tlel lic. cae Licrnsee. �4MHERSTFiVNLDERFOLWDATION Licensee DBA RE-SCHOOL CLASSROOM Commerds: SalesTaxitl: 339767 BusPhone��l . —� __ 7559L; DeyCareFoatl R 04R9J7996 � N $q5001 00297 ' ' ' ' ' "'__.._. .- .___.._ _ __'_'_ 2t39:? Totai: $25A0; 99391 __ "" _" "'__" ___': , ____ _ " _ ""_ __ " _ " �r� 99391 � � r . �' ��� �„�.�� �2001 91 # 234 Save Cha esto Finto o►-t��'3 TYP �R,_�r��;°?"�,� .^+.,... . '.. Llcensee S�HWfl.DERFOUNDATION DBA RE.SCHppL CLASSROOM Slre t SUe F Ucrose ��xnsee � �c. Types � Insurance l Bond � Req�uemerds 1 S4e� LicenseeName MHERSTMW7L,pgtFOUNDATiON , ,� � s' . �µ � . ._.. ."_""' . "_. . ., .,. _ _"_ Dire+E DBA RE-SCMOOI CLASSROOM �� ! Sales Tax Id 399167 ' ryo�.proft � Vdorker's Comp OJOOAppO ; ±�� 4 AA CorMact Rec'd i➢OA000 ',4A Trainng ReNd ONO+D000 � ` AA Fee Collectetl: ONOA70�0 DiscouM Rectt r y ° Other A mc Licenses Fmexial Hatl Reasons ��t��A9.. ,... �)rA�Sec'1�2� '• , 7�� _ ��"�`�-n� " ���!.�" ,R. � � �.a- . . - . —Meil License Tm �_ A'i�'"-`'�`"'rX��°.�fi'.' ��� � � : . " ..� �' Ma1TOCaMact :�;,k�y BusnessMS00A0N000A0N0A0NCOMMUWTVCFNTI _"" ' ()'__ :t"`��eAdtlress � �� qher ,OOAOiD000�A0N0010AMIC0_ STACEY ( ) _ � . Othtt DOAOIODOQOONONOOIP,�AIiFR$7' HVNLDE (651) 722-1781 i Mal lmoice Ta: .': i559[ � . �_ �C•�Ma1TaCaMad �291 2t39 � :� `"�.c;`..m,au'�`�£`la.�•s .n: � __ "�" 7 . ,�, C' LicenseAdtlress _99391 . . . �. , .. .. . _ . .. _ � . . �,�� _J � 99391 q Background Check Reqwred r `�T° p^� � �. :�-- � 536313 � �� � 391SiLicense# 3234 SaveG�angestolfiCarYF �� `y�a:�:s`� ��«,:..,�..n.w ____ ����������� Presented By Referred To Council File # p �. �\$"3 Green Sheet # 103 �' �l � 4� Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 RESOLVED, that the Day Care Food License held by erst H. Wilder Foundation d/b/a Pre-School Classroom (License ID Number 0043234) f r the premises located at 911 Lafond Avenue is hereby suspended immediately for failur to pay expired license fees. Said suspension shall be in effect until such time as the licens fees and any late charges or penalties have been paid in full and written notice of the lifting o said suspension has been provided to the licensee by the Office of License, Inspections and En ronmental Protection. This Resolution and the action taken above are 1 20, 2001 Notice of Expired License letter to the of the violation. / upon the facts contained in the September �ee. The licensee did not contest the facts Adopted by Council Adoption Certi£iep / Sy: Approved by Mayor: By: / DdtE by Council Secretary Date RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA . ������a � � � Requested by Department of: By: t/�'" � � "'Y Form Approved by City Att� By: Y� �j 14�i�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: / oFF=c� oF L=EP Date:. GREEN SHEET Roger Curtis, Director october 24, 2001 2"66-9013 N0 .103847 OE�1tP'1 1 6PARTMRST DIRECTOR 3 CITY COUNCIL 2 ITY ATTORNEY ITY-CLERK ua�aw` ust be on Council Agenda by: � �csz n�RecTOx Fxu. & Mcz. svc. D�R. � ovember 7 2001 Yoa (OR ASSISTANT) OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 fCLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: That the Day Care Food License.held by Amherst H. Wilder Foundation d/b/a Pre-School Classroom (License ID Number 0043234) for the premises'. located at 911 Lafond Ayenue is hereby suspended immediately for failure to pay expired license fees. Said suspension sha11 be in effect until such time as the, license fees and any late charges or penalties has been paid iri full and written otice of the lifting of said suspension has been provided to the licensee by the' Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection. ECOMMENDRTIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) ERSONAL SHRVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THS POLLOWSNG: � _, � PLANNING COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE COM1N1ISSION 1. Has the peison/fism ever worked under a contract for this department? � CIB COMMITTEE _ BUSINESS AEVIEW COUNCIL, YES NO , � STAFF _ 2. Has this person/fixm ever been a City employee? DISTRICT COUAT .� _ - ' YBS NO" ' � ' 3. Does this peraon%firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any 5UPPORTS WHICA COONCIL OHJECTIVE? . CLrrent City employee? . � YES NO ' , ' xplain all Y&S answera on a aeparate aheet and attach. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): License fees ere not paid by The Amherst H. Wilder Foundation after l.etters were sent and pho ca11s made to them by the LIEP Office. The A.H. Wilder Foundation also failed to ` tell LIEP they no longer needed the day care food license.. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: Compliance with current law. ����5@aSC��'�� ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: �� ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: No penalties will be imposed on Day Care Food icensees which fail to pay license fees. ��-- �- OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO "FUNDING"SOURCE ACTIVITY NLTMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � � �ty Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAiNT PAUL DATE: November 2, 2001 TO: Council President Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Jerry Blakey - Ward 1 Councilmember Chris Coleman - Ward 2 Councilmember Patrick Harris - Wazd 3 Councilmember Jay Benanav - Ward 4 Councilmember Jim Reiter - Ward 5 Councilmember Daniel Bostrom - Ward 6 Councilmember Kathy Lantry - Wazd 7 FROM: Peter Pangborn Legal Assistant City Attorney's Office RE: Removal From November 7, 2001 Council Agenda No�. � , aoo� � e..Y....:� ���..�..� Please remove item number 44, resolution O1-1183, concerning adverse action against the Day Care Food license held by Amherst H. Wilder Foundation, located at 911 Lafond Avenue, from the November 7, 2041, Council Agenda. The licensee has notified us that they had closed their chiid care center as of August 24, 2001 and no longer needed the Day Care Food License at 91 Arch Street. We are, therefor, closing our file on this matter. If you have any question, I can be reached at ext. 6-8776. Thank you. T ` OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M. Robinson, ✓r., CityAttorney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Civil Division Norm Coleman, Mayor 400 Ciry Ha11 I S Wut Kellogg Blvd. Snint Pnul, Minnesota 55L02 � October 23, 2001 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING Amherst H. Wilder Foundation Pre-School Classroom 911 Lafond Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 RE: Day Care Food License at 91 Arch Street East License ID #: 0043234 Dear Sir/Madam: 0 � ���� Te[ephone: 65! 266-8710 Facsimile: 651298-5619 Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, November 7, 2001 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed aze copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter, in that the facts concerning the failure to pay license fees have not been denied. The recommendation of the license office will be for the immediate suspension of your license. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, l� ��-w-�, Virgir�er Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Christine Rozek, LIEP Kristen Kidder, Team Leader, Thomas-Dale/Dist.7 Planning Council, 689 N. Dale St., St. Paul, MN 55103-1644 Johnny Howard, Exec. Director,Thomas Dale Block Clubs, 1034 Lafond Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 OFFICI � THE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M. rcobinson, Jr., Ciry A[mrney � � ���� CITY OF SAINT PAUL cmrror�;s;o„ Norm Calemnrs, Mnyor 400 Ciry Hnll Telephone: 65/ 266-87l0 l54Ves1Ke11oggBlvd. Facsimile:65l298-56/9 Saint Pnu[, Mixnesota SSl02 i September 20, 2001 NOTICE OF EXPIRED LICENSE Amherst H. Wilder Foundation Pre-School Classroom 911 Lafond Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 RE: Day Care Food License at 91 Arch Street East License ID #: 0043234 Dear SirMadam: The Office of License Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP) has recommended adverse action against the above-referenced license. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On March 6, 2001, a letter was sent to you by the Office of License, Inspections and Environmentai Protection advising you that your Day Care Food License for 91 Arch Street had not been renewed since April of 2000. You were asked to either pay the renewal fees or advise LIEP in writing that you no longer needed this license because you were not providing food at a day care location. Despite rivo messages no ticense fees have been received, nor have you given notice that you are no longer operating at this location. If you do not dispute the above facts, please send me a letter with a statement to that effect. The matter will then be scheduled for a hearing before the Saint Paul City Council to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your o�vn behalf. The recommendation from the licensin� office is for the suspension of your Day Care Food License until the license fees are paid. UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER o � - �� Y � Licensee Name: Amherst H. Wilder Foundation d/b/a Pre-School Ctassroom Council Date: Violation: License Type Wednesday, November 7, 2001 Expired Day Care Food License Day Care Food License Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Immediate suspension of Day Care Food License until license fees paid Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Expired License 3. 3/6/01 letter from Christine Rozek to licensee 4. License information CFFICE OF LICENSE, RVSPECTIONS dND EWIRONMEVTAL PROTECTION O` � \ , r ,, Rager Curtis, Director CITY OF SA1NT PAUL Norm Co[em¢n, Mayor LOWRYPROFESSIONALBUILDING Te[ephoae: 657-266-9090 350St.PeterStreer,Suite300 Facsimile: 651-?66-9124 SaintP¢u1,Minnesot¢55102-I570 Web: mvw.cistpnul.mn,xr/(iep March 6, 2001 0043234 Anilierst H Wilder Foundation Pre-school Classroom 911 Lafond Ave StPaul MN 55104-2108 RE: Day Caze Food License at 91 Arch Street East Deaz Licensee: After extensive review of your business license for a Day Caze Food License at 91 Arch Street East in the City of Saint Paul, our office has determined that your license has not been renewed since April, 2000. Your license expired April 29, 2000. In order to reactivate your license, the following requirements must be met: • Pay your 04/29/2000 - 04/29/2001 bay Care Food License renewal fee of $25.00. Please let us lrnow, in writing, before Monday, March 12, 2001, whether or not you intend to continue with this business license or wish to permanently cancel your license. If there is no response by Monday, March 12, this office will begin the administrative hearing process to cancel your license. You have the opportunity to appeal the City's decision through this proceeding. If you have any questions, please contact Corinne at 651-266-9106. Regazds, ��i�2.�.G�t:.> �� R •�� Christine A. Rozek LIEP Deputy Director CAR/caa n, U ` `��' �� � � t � � � ' ': � � � � +� � � � �p,� ��, � ' .,' �„ .� � . �� � ' � : �;� �. �� �� ' � , ,� \ , � v , � � .\�$, 2y v 6 � � �r ` Page 2 Amherst H. Wilder Foundation September 20, 2001 D\ -��Y7 On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, you are entitled to an evidentiary hearing before an administrative law judge. If you �vish to have such a hearing, please send a letter stating that you are contesting the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing" with the date, time and place for the hearing, the name of the administrative law judge, and an explanation of the procedures. In either case, please let me kno�v in writing no later than Monday, October l, 2001, how you would like to proceed. If you have not contacted me by Monday, October 1, 2001, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts. I will then schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it place on the Consent Agenda during rvhich no public discussioo is allowed and the recommended penalty will be imposed. If you have questions about these options, please feel free to contact me at 266-8710 to discuss them. Sincerely, ✓� � �� �, � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Christine Rozek, LIEP Kristen Kidder, Team Leader, Thomas-Dale/Dist.7 Planning Council, 689 N. Dale St., St. Paul, MN 5 5 1 03-1 644 Johnny Howard, Exec. Director,Thomas Dale Block Clubs, 1034 Lafond Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 O�_��Y3 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on September 24, 2001, she served the attached NOTICE OF EXPIRED LICENSE on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Amherst H. Pre-School 911 Lafond St. Paul, Wilder Foundation Classroom Avenue MN. 55104 (which is the last known address of said person) depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th of September, 2001. Notary Public PETER P. PANGBORN NOtARY pI�LIC . MINNESOTA MV COMMISSWN EXpik@8 JAN. 31. Z005 License Group Comments 7ext Licansee: qMHERST }i WILflER FOUNDATION �BA� PRESCHOOL CLASSROOM License#: 0043234 07/28/2009 a� 0728/2007 To CAO for adverse action. CAR . 07/28/2001 Fees due are 04/29/2000-04/29/2001 -$25, and 04/29/2007-04/29/2002, $25. Total due is $50. CAR 03/06/2001 letter sent for del lic. caa 0�-��Y7 Adtlress �Licensee, CorRact l Ucense� Cardholder � Type. t' Property �` Licensee r Unofticwl � M Street #. �— Stt'eHNeme: RCH Street Type: eAll> . Direction: c4W '" u�a a r cnr. <aia � � ssso 21395 ll RAMSEV ACTIONMT AIRV HEAD STARTDey Care Food RAPM5ADSTARTMT NRV HEAD STARiChatl Dey Care 53631 0 NEIGNBOR TO NEMOUNT AIRY NEIGF�CGrocery (Aj ' '_ _' ' _'_'_ _"_" '_"_"__'_' _"_- _'_'_ 99153 0 5T PAUI VUBLIC MOLINT P1RY FPRLY CFOOtlMs[dutional 980�02463 D AMHERST H VNLGGROYNNG PLACES-MCDaY � Fmtl e• � License Pmdetl _93131JI992 OSNi11993'91 '_ ' "" __ _ _ _ '_" ' " "- 03f31t1992 OSR1f199391 �censePrirrtetl "____ P i 12 f 11 R� 0 0CanCelpernafe10J261f9901025200097 A ���msePriMed ._,_____QSft77199805f17R00297P o� -���s T � �, � _.� Licensee 8237 M VN�DER FOUNDATION Stre� �°'' DBA R&SCHppLCLASSR000.1 Stre: License � Licensae � Lic. Types � truurance � BoM , Rz9ubemerds � E Stre( ; G Properly �' Licensee � Unotftial PmlectFaciLtator. ASIINCJON,CORINNE ;iu Dx�s� ;�reet d: � Adverse Adian Commerts U� j � Sited Neme: � ��,� �StreetType: ST DireCiw[ �—� � : UnR Ind �— Und #: �— - ;' Crty T PAl1L License Group Comme e;$tffie: AN � �p; 55701 7R8f1�t To CAO far ativerse attion. CAR —� i��� __ � 7R82001 Fees tlue are 04R9120�0-04R9l2007 -$25, a aar�rzoo�-oansnooz, szs. raei aue � sso. cna _' Dist CowIDit � rt1fi2001 Ietter ser6 tor tlel lic. cae Licrnsee. �4MHERSTFiVNLDERFOLWDATION Licensee DBA RE-SCHOOL CLASSROOM Commerds: SalesTaxitl: 339767 BusPhone��l . —� __ 7559L; DeyCareFoatl R 04R9J7996 � N $q5001 00297 ' ' ' ' ' "'__.._. .- .___.._ _ __'_'_ 2t39:? Totai: $25A0; 99391 __ "" _" "'__" ___': , ____ _ " _ ""_ __ " _ " �r� 99391 � � r . �' ��� �„�.�� �2001 91 # 234 Save Cha esto Finto o►-t��'3 TYP �R,_�r��;°?"�,� .^+.,... . '.. Llcensee S�HWfl.DERFOUNDATION DBA RE.SCHppL CLASSROOM Slre t SUe F Ucrose ��xnsee � �c. Types � Insurance l Bond � Req�uemerds 1 S4e� LicenseeName MHERSTMW7L,pgtFOUNDATiON , ,� � s' . �µ � . ._.. ."_""' . "_. . ., .,. _ _"_ Dire+E DBA RE-SCMOOI CLASSROOM �� ! Sales Tax Id 399167 ' ryo�.proft � Vdorker's Comp OJOOAppO ; ±�� 4 AA CorMact Rec'd i➢OA000 ',4A Trainng ReNd ONO+D000 � ` AA Fee Collectetl: ONOA70�0 DiscouM Rectt r y ° Other A mc Licenses Fmexial Hatl Reasons ��t��A9.. ,... �)rA�Sec'1�2� '• , 7�� _ ��"�`�-n� " ���!.�" ,R. � � �.a- . . - . —Meil License Tm �_ A'i�'"-`'�`"'rX��°.�fi'.' ��� � � : . " ..� �' Ma1TOCaMact :�;,k�y BusnessMS00A0N000A0N0A0NCOMMUWTVCFNTI _"" ' ()'__ :t"`��eAdtlress � �� qher ,OOAOiD000�A0N0010AMIC0_ STACEY ( ) _ � . Othtt DOAOIODOQOONONOOIP,�AIiFR$7' HVNLDE (651) 722-1781 i Mal lmoice Ta: .': i559[ � . �_ �C•�Ma1TaCaMad �291 2t39 � :� `"�.c;`..m,au'�`�£`la.�•s .n: � __ "�" 7 . ,�, C' LicenseAdtlress _99391 . . . �. , .. .. . _ . .. _ � . . �,�� _J � 99391 q Background Check Reqwred r `�T° p^� � �. :�-- � 536313 � �� � 391SiLicense# 3234 SaveG�angestolfiCarYF �� `y�a:�:s`� ��«,:..,�..n.w ____ ����������� Presented By Referred To Council File # p �. �\$"3 Green Sheet # 103 �' �l � 4� Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 RESOLVED, that the Day Care Food License held by erst H. Wilder Foundation d/b/a Pre-School Classroom (License ID Number 0043234) f r the premises located at 911 Lafond Avenue is hereby suspended immediately for failur to pay expired license fees. Said suspension shall be in effect until such time as the licens fees and any late charges or penalties have been paid in full and written notice of the lifting o said suspension has been provided to the licensee by the Office of License, Inspections and En ronmental Protection. This Resolution and the action taken above are 1 20, 2001 Notice of Expired License letter to the of the violation. / upon the facts contained in the September �ee. The licensee did not contest the facts Adopted by Council Adoption Certi£iep / Sy: Approved by Mayor: By: / DdtE by Council Secretary Date RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA . ������a � � � Requested by Department of: By: t/�'" � � "'Y Form Approved by City Att� By: Y� �j 14�i�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: / oFF=c� oF L=EP Date:. GREEN SHEET Roger Curtis, Director october 24, 2001 2"66-9013 N0 .103847 OE�1tP'1 1 6PARTMRST DIRECTOR 3 CITY COUNCIL 2 ITY ATTORNEY ITY-CLERK ua�aw` ust be on Council Agenda by: � �csz n�RecTOx Fxu. & Mcz. svc. D�R. � ovember 7 2001 Yoa (OR ASSISTANT) OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 fCLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: That the Day Care Food License.held by Amherst H. Wilder Foundation d/b/a Pre-School Classroom (License ID Number 0043234) for the premises'. located at 911 Lafond Ayenue is hereby suspended immediately for failure to pay expired license fees. Said suspension sha11 be in effect until such time as the, license fees and any late charges or penalties has been paid iri full and written otice of the lifting of said suspension has been provided to the licensee by the' Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection. ECOMMENDRTIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) ERSONAL SHRVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THS POLLOWSNG: � _, � PLANNING COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE COM1N1ISSION 1. Has the peison/fism ever worked under a contract for this department? � CIB COMMITTEE _ BUSINESS AEVIEW COUNCIL, YES NO , � STAFF _ 2. Has this person/fixm ever been a City employee? DISTRICT COUAT .� _ - ' YBS NO" ' � ' 3. Does this peraon%firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any 5UPPORTS WHICA COONCIL OHJECTIVE? . CLrrent City employee? . � YES NO ' , ' xplain all Y&S answera on a aeparate aheet and attach. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): License fees ere not paid by The Amherst H. Wilder Foundation after l.etters were sent and pho ca11s made to them by the LIEP Office. The A.H. Wilder Foundation also failed to ` tell LIEP they no longer needed the day care food license.. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: Compliance with current law. ����5@aSC��'�� ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: �� ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: No penalties will be imposed on Day Care Food icensees which fail to pay license fees. ��-- �- OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO "FUNDING"SOURCE ACTIVITY NLTMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � � �ty Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAiNT PAUL DATE: November 2, 2001 TO: Council President Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Jerry Blakey - Ward 1 Councilmember Chris Coleman - Ward 2 Councilmember Patrick Harris - Wazd 3 Councilmember Jay Benanav - Ward 4 Councilmember Jim Reiter - Ward 5 Councilmember Daniel Bostrom - Ward 6 Councilmember Kathy Lantry - Wazd 7 FROM: Peter Pangborn Legal Assistant City Attorney's Office RE: Removal From November 7, 2001 Council Agenda No�. � , aoo� � e..Y....:� ���..�..� Please remove item number 44, resolution O1-1183, concerning adverse action against the Day Care Food license held by Amherst H. Wilder Foundation, located at 911 Lafond Avenue, from the November 7, 2041, Council Agenda. The licensee has notified us that they had closed their chiid care center as of August 24, 2001 and no longer needed the Day Care Food License at 91 Arch Street. We are, therefor, closing our file on this matter. If you have any question, I can be reached at ext. 6-8776. Thank you. T ` OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M. Robinson, ✓r., CityAttorney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Civil Division Norm Coleman, Mayor 400 Ciry Ha11 I S Wut Kellogg Blvd. Snint Pnul, Minnesota 55L02 � October 23, 2001 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING Amherst H. Wilder Foundation Pre-School Classroom 911 Lafond Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 RE: Day Care Food License at 91 Arch Street East License ID #: 0043234 Dear Sir/Madam: 0 � ���� Te[ephone: 65! 266-8710 Facsimile: 651298-5619 Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, November 7, 2001 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed aze copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter, in that the facts concerning the failure to pay license fees have not been denied. The recommendation of the license office will be for the immediate suspension of your license. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, l� ��-w-�, Virgir�er Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Christine Rozek, LIEP Kristen Kidder, Team Leader, Thomas-Dale/Dist.7 Planning Council, 689 N. Dale St., St. Paul, MN 55103-1644 Johnny Howard, Exec. Director,Thomas Dale Block Clubs, 1034 Lafond Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 OFFICI � THE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M. rcobinson, Jr., Ciry A[mrney � � ���� CITY OF SAINT PAUL cmrror�;s;o„ Norm Calemnrs, Mnyor 400 Ciry Hnll Telephone: 65/ 266-87l0 l54Ves1Ke11oggBlvd. Facsimile:65l298-56/9 Saint Pnu[, Mixnesota SSl02 i September 20, 2001 NOTICE OF EXPIRED LICENSE Amherst H. Wilder Foundation Pre-School Classroom 911 Lafond Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 RE: Day Care Food License at 91 Arch Street East License ID #: 0043234 Dear SirMadam: The Office of License Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP) has recommended adverse action against the above-referenced license. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On March 6, 2001, a letter was sent to you by the Office of License, Inspections and Environmentai Protection advising you that your Day Care Food License for 91 Arch Street had not been renewed since April of 2000. You were asked to either pay the renewal fees or advise LIEP in writing that you no longer needed this license because you were not providing food at a day care location. Despite rivo messages no ticense fees have been received, nor have you given notice that you are no longer operating at this location. If you do not dispute the above facts, please send me a letter with a statement to that effect. The matter will then be scheduled for a hearing before the Saint Paul City Council to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your o�vn behalf. The recommendation from the licensin� office is for the suspension of your Day Care Food License until the license fees are paid. UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER o � - �� Y � Licensee Name: Amherst H. Wilder Foundation d/b/a Pre-School Ctassroom Council Date: Violation: License Type Wednesday, November 7, 2001 Expired Day Care Food License Day Care Food License Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Immediate suspension of Day Care Food License until license fees paid Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Expired License 3. 3/6/01 letter from Christine Rozek to licensee 4. License information CFFICE OF LICENSE, RVSPECTIONS dND EWIRONMEVTAL PROTECTION O` � \ , r ,, Rager Curtis, Director CITY OF SA1NT PAUL Norm Co[em¢n, Mayor LOWRYPROFESSIONALBUILDING Te[ephoae: 657-266-9090 350St.PeterStreer,Suite300 Facsimile: 651-?66-9124 SaintP¢u1,Minnesot¢55102-I570 Web: mvw.cistpnul.mn,xr/(iep March 6, 2001 0043234 Anilierst H Wilder Foundation Pre-school Classroom 911 Lafond Ave StPaul MN 55104-2108 RE: Day Caze Food License at 91 Arch Street East Deaz Licensee: After extensive review of your business license for a Day Caze Food License at 91 Arch Street East in the City of Saint Paul, our office has determined that your license has not been renewed since April, 2000. Your license expired April 29, 2000. In order to reactivate your license, the following requirements must be met: • Pay your 04/29/2000 - 04/29/2001 bay Care Food License renewal fee of $25.00. Please let us lrnow, in writing, before Monday, March 12, 2001, whether or not you intend to continue with this business license or wish to permanently cancel your license. If there is no response by Monday, March 12, this office will begin the administrative hearing process to cancel your license. You have the opportunity to appeal the City's decision through this proceeding. If you have any questions, please contact Corinne at 651-266-9106. Regazds, ��i�2.�.G�t:.> �� R •�� Christine A. Rozek LIEP Deputy Director CAR/caa n, U ` `��' �� � � t � � � ' ': � � � � +� � � � �p,� ��, � ' .,' �„ .� � . �� � ' � : �;� �. �� �� ' � , ,� \ , � v , � � .\�$, 2y v 6 � � �r ` Page 2 Amherst H. Wilder Foundation September 20, 2001 D\ -��Y7 On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, you are entitled to an evidentiary hearing before an administrative law judge. If you �vish to have such a hearing, please send a letter stating that you are contesting the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing" with the date, time and place for the hearing, the name of the administrative law judge, and an explanation of the procedures. In either case, please let me kno�v in writing no later than Monday, October l, 2001, how you would like to proceed. If you have not contacted me by Monday, October 1, 2001, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts. I will then schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it place on the Consent Agenda during rvhich no public discussioo is allowed and the recommended penalty will be imposed. If you have questions about these options, please feel free to contact me at 266-8710 to discuss them. Sincerely, ✓� � �� �, � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Christine Rozek, LIEP Kristen Kidder, Team Leader, Thomas-Dale/Dist.7 Planning Council, 689 N. Dale St., St. Paul, MN 5 5 1 03-1 644 Johnny Howard, Exec. Director,Thomas Dale Block Clubs, 1034 Lafond Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 O�_��Y3 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on September 24, 2001, she served the attached NOTICE OF EXPIRED LICENSE on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Amherst H. Pre-School 911 Lafond St. Paul, Wilder Foundation Classroom Avenue MN. 55104 (which is the last known address of said person) depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th of September, 2001. Notary Public PETER P. PANGBORN NOtARY pI�LIC . MINNESOTA MV COMMISSWN EXpik@8 JAN. 31. Z005 License Group Comments 7ext Licansee: qMHERST }i WILflER FOUNDATION �BA� PRESCHOOL CLASSROOM License#: 0043234 07/28/2009 a� 0728/2007 To CAO for adverse action. CAR . 07/28/2001 Fees due are 04/29/2000-04/29/2001 -$25, and 04/29/2007-04/29/2002, $25. Total due is $50. CAR 03/06/2001 letter sent for del lic. caa 0�-��Y7 Adtlress �Licensee, CorRact l Ucense� Cardholder � Type. t' Property �` Licensee r Unofticwl � M Street #. �— Stt'eHNeme: RCH Street Type: eAll> . Direction: c4W '" u�a a r cnr. <aia � � ssso 21395 ll RAMSEV ACTIONMT AIRV HEAD STARTDey Care Food RAPM5ADSTARTMT NRV HEAD STARiChatl Dey Care 53631 0 NEIGNBOR TO NEMOUNT AIRY NEIGF�CGrocery (Aj ' '_ _' ' _'_'_ _"_" '_"_"__'_' _"_- _'_'_ 99153 0 5T PAUI VUBLIC MOLINT P1RY FPRLY CFOOtlMs[dutional 980�02463 D AMHERST H VNLGGROYNNG PLACES-MCDaY � Fmtl e• � License Pmdetl _93131JI992 OSNi11993'91 '_ ' "" __ _ _ _ '_" ' " "- 03f31t1992 OSR1f199391 �censePrirrtetl "____ P i 12 f 11 R� 0 0CanCelpernafe10J261f9901025200097 A ���msePriMed ._,_____QSft77199805f17R00297P o� -���s T � �, � _.� Licensee 8237 M VN�DER FOUNDATION Stre� �°'' DBA R&SCHppLCLASSR000.1 Stre: License � Licensae � Lic. Types � truurance � BoM , Rz9ubemerds � E Stre( ; G Properly �' Licensee � Unotftial PmlectFaciLtator. ASIINCJON,CORINNE ;iu Dx�s� ;�reet d: � Adverse Adian Commerts U� j � Sited Neme: � ��,� �StreetType: ST DireCiw[ �—� � : UnR Ind �— Und #: �— - ;' Crty T PAl1L License Group Comme e;$tffie: AN � �p; 55701 7R8f1�t To CAO far ativerse attion. CAR —� i��� __ � 7R82001 Fees tlue are 04R9120�0-04R9l2007 -$25, a aar�rzoo�-oansnooz, szs. raei aue � sso. cna _' Dist CowIDit � rt1fi2001 Ietter ser6 tor tlel lic. cae Licrnsee. �4MHERSTFiVNLDERFOLWDATION Licensee DBA RE-SCHOOL CLASSROOM Commerds: SalesTaxitl: 339767 BusPhone��l . —� __ 7559L; DeyCareFoatl R 04R9J7996 � N $q5001 00297 ' ' ' ' ' "'__.._. .- .___.._ _ __'_'_ 2t39:? Totai: $25A0; 99391 __ "" _" "'__" ___': , ____ _ " _ ""_ __ " _ " �r� 99391 � � r . �' ��� �„�.�� �2001 91 # 234 Save Cha esto Finto o►-t��'3 TYP �R,_�r��;°?"�,� .^+.,... . '.. Llcensee S�HWfl.DERFOUNDATION DBA RE.SCHppL CLASSROOM Slre t SUe F Ucrose ��xnsee � �c. Types � Insurance l Bond � Req�uemerds 1 S4e� LicenseeName MHERSTMW7L,pgtFOUNDATiON , ,� � s' . �µ � . ._.. ."_""' . "_. . ., .,. _ _"_ Dire+E DBA RE-SCMOOI CLASSROOM �� ! Sales Tax Id 399167 ' ryo�.proft � Vdorker's Comp OJOOAppO ; ±�� 4 AA CorMact Rec'd i➢OA000 ',4A Trainng ReNd ONO+D000 � ` AA Fee Collectetl: ONOA70�0 DiscouM Rectt r y ° Other A mc Licenses Fmexial Hatl Reasons ��t��A9.. ,... �)rA�Sec'1�2� '• , 7�� _ ��"�`�-n� " ���!.�" ,R. � � �.a- . . - . —Meil License Tm �_ A'i�'"-`'�`"'rX��°.�fi'.' ��� � � : . " ..� �' Ma1TOCaMact :�;,k�y BusnessMS00A0N000A0N0A0NCOMMUWTVCFNTI _"" ' ()'__ :t"`��eAdtlress � �� qher ,OOAOiD000�A0N0010AMIC0_ STACEY ( ) _ � . Othtt DOAOIODOQOONONOOIP,�AIiFR$7' HVNLDE (651) 722-1781 i Mal lmoice Ta: .': i559[ � . �_ �C•�Ma1TaCaMad �291 2t39 � :� `"�.c;`..m,au'�`�£`la.�•s .n: � __ "�" 7 . ,�, C' LicenseAdtlress _99391 . . . �. , .. .. . _ . .. _ � . . �,�� _J � 99391 q Background Check Reqwred r `�T° p^� � �. :�-- � 536313 � �� � 391SiLicense# 3234 SaveG�angestolfiCarYF �� `y�a:�:s`� ��«,:..,�..n.w ____