274273 M�M17E - C�TV GLERK -
PINK - - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA IT L Council ����JJ�����ff{{
� � ncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby
certifies and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of
Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed property and as
shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeals and Review,
dated 12/11/79, and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a
part hereof by reference:
12/11/79 42-79-H 661 E. 5th St. Parent Properties
(five units) by Kirk Johnson,Manager
BOARD ACTION: Granted variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section
54.14, to permit occupancy of sleeping room more than
50/ below grade, on condition that enlarged windows and
window well be installed in accordance with recommenda-
tions of the St. Paul Division of Hous ing Code Enforcement.
Property Description: Lyman Dayton's Addition
Subject to easements, the following North-
easterly 1/2 of Lot 7 and all of Lot 6,
Block 18
12/11/79 26-79-H 1927-29 Carroll Michael Kurtz and
(three units) John Hermes
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Butler [n Favor
Levine _ __ Against BY —
Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary �3� !^��
�lpproved by iNavor. Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By - - BY
� ` Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
BOARD ACTION: Granted variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section
54.14, to permit occupancy of unit more than 50% below
grade, on condition that light and ventilation be brought
into code compliance and that at least one window in
sleeping room of said unit be enlarged to meet standard
exit requirements as recommended by St. Paul Division of
Housing Code Enforcement.
Propert_y Description: Merriam Park
' West 1/2 of Lot 11 and all of Lot 10, Block 15
and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and
directed to transmit a copy of this resolution for recording to the
RUmsey County Office of the Register of Deeds.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
.�„ In Favor
Hunt c'9
Levine __ Against BY
�� JAN �. 5 1980 Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted b nci : Date
Certi d Passe Cou il Secretary BY !'�'��
�1pp v by lflavor: a — _fQ AI 1 7 iQS2f1 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By, -_ - - - � BY
PU�I,ISNE� ��i� 2 � ;;�s�n
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42- 79-H 661 E. 5th Sto Parent Pz�oner�ies
(five units3 by Kirk Johnson, Manager
SULJECT: Request wai.ver af St. Paul Legislative Code , Section 54. I4',
per�� ta n ng to insufficient light and ventilation in unit more than
50o below grade , because "the room was used as such when purchased and
is onlv logical sleeping room in apartment."
APPEARANCE: Kirk Johnson �
PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Johnson stated there were four co-owners , one of whom
was is wi _e , and this was the only property owned by P�arent Properties .
The company was willing to make all rec{uired repairs , but asked for a
variance on the basement sleeping room which was a part of one first
floor apartment . He proposed to build a ledge under the basement
windows to make the windows accessible for escape in an emergency,
rather than ta install larger windows suitable for emergencies as sug-
gested by the inspector. He said the cement walls were about two feet
tnick and it would be difficult , as well as expensive , to tear them out
and put in larger escape windows and a window well. The furnace area
was no�a enclosed according to city orders , and all other items had been
taken care of as required. The owners woul,d be willing to install larger
windows if this was the only way to continue use of the room.
, � . * -5- . 12/11/79 - Meeting No. I56
., ' _ .
Alice Bijjani stated that the bedroom was a firetrap . The windows were
five feet up from the floor and quite a bit short on required dimensions
to provide easy escape. In addition, the exit was so located that one
had to pass the boiler to reach the stairs .
Mr. Johnson said two new boilers had recently been installed in another
area of the basement, and the third boiler , which was the one that was
situated in the path of exit from the bedroom, would soon be r�moved.
He estimated it would cost about $500 to put in new windows and a window
well. He said the tenant was not now using the basement room for sleeping,
pending outcome of today' s hearing , but was anxious to move the bed ba�k
downstairs .
Ms . Bijjani said an alternative would be to construct an exit �ith a door
leading directly outside in the window space. It could be locked anci
would be more secure than larger windows and a window well.
BOARD ACTION: Mr. Glassman moved to den.y the appeal . I�Ir. Reiter secand.ed.
THE VOTE: Ayes - 5 Nayes - 0 Abs�entions - 0
(Later in the meeting, the case w as re-opened by Mr. G].assman and the
above action was resci.ndeda See page 7 . )
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Case 42- 79-H, 661 E. 5th St. (five units) y Parent Praperties , by Kzrk
Johnson, Manager:
Mr, Glassman requeste�. that the decision on this case be reconsidered.
He felt that denial outright of this appeal had been unjustifiable`, and,
a.s he had made the original motion to deny , he asked to chan.ge it. He
said that Mr. Johnson was willing to install windaws ari d construct -"a
window well,if required to do so, and such an installation would alsa
provide an escape route from the basement sleeping raom, but in the
Board' s p revious action, the appellant had been d.enied the use of the
basemen� room under any circumstances .
BOARI3 ACTION: Mr. Glassman moved to grant a variance to permit use .
o a asement sleeping room, on condition that escape windows be
installed that provide adequate light and ventilation in _accardance
with recommendations of the housing code ofcfice. Mrs . Peake seconded.
THE VOTE: Ayes - 5 Nayes - 0 Abstentians - 0
BOARD ACTION: Chairman ��lozniak moved to rescind the previous action
t3 en y t e Board earlier in the meeting. Mr. 6lassman seconded.
THE VOTE: Ayes - 5 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 0
--- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- - -- ---- ---- -- -----------
The meeting adjourned at 3:25 p .m.
12/11/79 - Meeting No. 156 + �
Tuesday, December ll , 1979
City Council Committee Room 707
City Hall and Court House
1 : 30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: D.D. Wozniak, Chairman
Ron Glassman
Estyr Peake
Thomas Reiter
A. Wali Naibi -
AGENCIES PRESENT: , Community Services Dept . - Division of Housing and �
Building Code Enforcement
Alice Bijjani
Tom Strohkirch
_ __ . OTHERS PRESENT: Dennis P. Grogan __ _ __
Charles N. Berris �
Bob Reiter
Ar�thony Caron ,
Kirk Johnson
John Hermes
Mary Pat Lee :
Beth Schmidt
STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness
Chairman Wozniak called the meeting to order at 1 : 45 p.m.
The minutes of the meeting of November 1;3 , 1979 , were approued as sent
out to the board members . '
43- 79-B 1885 James Ave. Hazel A. Lindgren
(vacant single-£amily house)
SUBJECT : Request waiver of quarterly fees payable under Vacant Building
Registration Ordinance , because of financial hardshin and because of
appellant ' s intent to resume living in home as soon as health permits .
Also, rec{uest return of filing fee .
APPEARAIVCE : Tom Strohkirch, Inspector
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26- 79-H 1927- 29 Carroll Michael Kurtz and John Hermes
(three imits)
SUBJECT: Request extension of time to complete code repa�rs listed in
urvey etter of 7/10/79 , including fire safety measures in basement ,
exterior repairs , and various interior violations involving plumbing ,
light and ventilation, and general repairs , because af economzc eonsid-
erations .
Prior Hearing 8/14/79 : Case w as continue d indefinitely. Appellant had
filed appeal with Zoning Board, on whose decision wauld depe�d whether
above subject should be pursued.
APPEARANCE : Michael Kurtz and John Hermes , Co-owners
PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Hermes stated that the city had insnected �he property
Iast summer and had sent a letter dated July 10 , 1979 , listing several
code violations . On July 18, a follow-up letter was received stating
that the housing code office had inadvertently failed to address the
issue of zoning. The letter explained that the property had been con-
verted at some time in the past to a four-plex illegally in an area zoned
for single family dwellings and duplexes onl since August 22 , 1922 . It
further explained grounds on which an appeal to the Zoning Board coul.d
be based. The owners then filed appeals with both the Zoning Board and
the Board of Appeals � Review. Since a favorable c3ecision an the zoning
matter would be needed to justify going to the expense of doing the
housing code work, the otianers asked this board for a time ext�nsion until
the zoning status could be clarified. The Zoning Board heard the case
on N�ovember Z 7 , at which time the decision was to grant a variance
, -6- 12/11/79 - Meeting No. 156
� allowing operation as a threeplex. Mr. Hermes said the �partnership was
willing to go ahead immediately with -all the required work except instal-
lation of escape windows in the basement unit , because this work would
require exterior cement work in unsuitable weather. He asked for a time
extension from the original date of January 10 , 1979, to a late spring
or summer date. The owners felt all other requirements could be taken
care of in the time allowed originally by the housing code office .
Alice Bijjani agreed that there were problems with cement in winter, and
she felt that a reasonable time could be worked out with her office that
would be mutually satisfactory. However, the owners would need a variance
to permit occup ancy of a unit more than 50� below grade. Tf the deczsion
was to grant such a variance, she asked that it be made clear that light
and ventilation conditions must be corrected so� that at least one window
in the sleeping room met standard exit requirements .
BOARD ACTION: Mr. Glassman moved to grant a variance to permit occupancy
o a unit more than S0� below grade for the lifetime of the structure , on
condition that light and venti.lation be brought into code compliance and
that at least one window in the sleeping room meets standard exit require-
ments . Mrse Peake seconded.
Mr. Charles Berris , 1919 Iglehart, identifying himself as an interested
observer ,and a member of the Merriam Park Community Cauncil , stated that
he disputed the statement by one of the owners earlier in th� hearing
that the unit had been continuously rented for 25 ye ars .
Mr. Hermes said all this had been gone over at the Zoning Board hearing.
With the exception of one ,.year, the unit had been occupied for the last
- 20 to 22 years . He felt it was irrelevant to this hearing, bearing only
on zoning matters .
Dennis Grogan , 1946 Dayton Ave . , who identified himself as president of
Merriam Park Community Council , objected to occupancy of the basement
unit before adequate escape windows were constructed. He contended that
exterior cement work could be done in cold weather by using a portable
heater, although it might add $100 or so to the cost.
Beth Schmidt , who said she was a worker with the Merriam Park Neighborhood
Housing Services organization, stated that neighbors of 1927-29 Carxo�.l
were considering an appeal to the City Council on. the Zoning Baard de�isiQn.
She asked if work would be allowed to continue if such an appeal was in
Chairman Wozniak said that would be a decision the owners would have to
make. It was brought out that an appeal to the City eoun�ii could be
made within 30 days after adjacent property owners had been notified of
the Zoning Board decision. He did not think the appellants should be
required to complete the specified work by January 10 if an adverse
decision thereafter had caused a substantial expenditure for nothing.
Mr. Naibi suggested it might be better not to grant any extension but to
wait until a final . decision. Meanwhile the use of the basement should
be discontinued.
Chairman W�zniak stated that continued usage should be permitted, espec-
ially in consideration of the past history of continued occupancy for
a long period of time.
. ', � - 7- 12/11/79< - Meeting No. 156
Mr. Glassman said this was a case where the appellants were willing to
do everything the city required, asking only for a delay on one item
until warmer weather made for better conditions to do exterior cement
repairs .
Mr. Reiter felt that a safety item should not be delayed until spring.
Alice Bijjani stated that the city had no objections to a delay until
spring. The property was generally well-kept, and completing the safety
work in the furnace area by January 10 , as the appellants had agreed to,
was a definite plus .
Mrs . Peake stated that she felt everything had been said on the subject,
and she requested that a vote be taken on Mr. Glassman' s motion.
Chairman Wozniak put the question to the Board. MOTION CARRIED AND SO
THE VOTE: Ayes - 3 Nayes - 2 Abstentions - 0
(Naibi , Reiter)
. ,
c .
12/11/79 .- Meeting No. 156 � -
Tuesday, December 11 , 1�79
Ci�y Council Committee Room 7Q7
City Hall and Court House
1 : 30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: D.D. Wozniak, Chairman
kon G1,assman
Esty� Peake
Thomas Reiter
A. Wal.i Naibi
MEb1BER ABSENTe Arthur Tieso
AGENCIES PRESENT : Community Services Dept . - Llivi.sioi7 of Hous ing and
Building Code Enforcement
Alice Rijjani
Tom Strohkirch
__ __ OTHERS PRESENT: Dennis P. Grogan - ---.
Charles N. Berxis
Bob Reitex
Anthany Caxon
Kirk Jahnson
J ohn He rme s
Mary Pat Lee
BetY� Schmidt
STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness
Chairman Wozniak called the meeting to order at. 1 : 45 p.m.
The minutes of the meeting of November 13 , 1979 , were approued as sent
out to the board members .
43- 79-B 1885 James Ava . Hazel A. Lindgren
(vacant single-family house)
SUBJECT : Request waiver of quarterly fees payable under Vacant Buildzng
Registration Ordinance , because af fin ancial hardshin and because of
appellant' s intent to resume living in home as soon as health permits .
Also, request return o£ filing fee .
APPEARAN CE : Tom Strohkirch , Inspector �
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a.a adop�ed by �he Ci,ty Counc.i,� .. . . , ;?anuary 15,,, , , , , , , , �q, 80, ,
and appnoved by �he Mayon . . . . , , , , ,, January 1�,. .. .. . . . �q. 8o,.
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PINK - FINAN�E C I TY OF SA I NT �A U L F 1e ci1N0 �t'j��y�j
BLUE � - MAY')q �
� a ncil Resolution
. ;
Presented By '
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date I
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby
certifies and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of
Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed property and as
shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeals and Review,
dated 12/.11/79, and marked E��3IBIT A, and attached hereto anc7 made a
part hereof by reference:
12/11/79 42-79-H 661 E. 5th St. Parent Properties
(five units) by Kirk Johnson,Manager
BOARD ACTION: Granted variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section
54.14, to permit occupancy of sleeping room more than
� 50/ below grade, on condition that enlarged windows and
� window well be installed in accordance with recommenda-
� tions of the St. Paul Division of Housing Code Enforcement.
� Property Description: Lyman Dayton's Addition
^� Subject to easements, the following North-
easterly 1/2 of Lot 7 and all of Lot 6,
Block 18
12/11/79 26-79-H 1927-29 Carroll Michael Kurtz and
(three units) John Hermes
COUNCILI4IEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Butler [n Favor
Levine __ Against By —
Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Yassed by Council Secretary - �— - !�� �
Approved by lNavor. Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By — By
-, , �, oR F��� N o. ���'�
Council Resolution
.esented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
BOARD ACTION: Granted variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section
54.14, to permit occupancy of unit more than 50°,6 below
grade, on condition that light and ventilation be brought
into code compliance and that at least one window in
sleeping room of said unit be enlarged to meet standard
exit requirements as recommended by St. Paul Division of
Housinq Code Enforcement.
Property Description: Merriam Park
� - West 1/2 of Lot 11 and all of Lot 10, Block 15
� --------------------------------------
� and be it
� FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and
directed to transmit a copy of this resolution for recording to the
R�=msey County Office of the •Register of Deeds.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department oE:
.�� In Favor
� Hunt � `
Levine A gai ns t BY
�� ,JpN 15 1980 Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted b ncil: Date
Certi d Passe Cou .il Secret�ry BY ���_��
App v by Mavor: Da ` I�A1 1 7 1QQ(1 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
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