01-1181r- � s +° ( � „ T,. # . ; ,. .,m' t � �� a 3 ° f.� '- 9 i �t . RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To ��a\ �� a�� � ��'' , 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Council File # 6\� 1\ K' Green Sheet # l0 38y Y �� RESOLVED, that the Tree Trimmer License held by B x Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a River Junction Tree Service (License ID Number 20000003811) is ereby suspended immediately for failure to have current insurance coverage. Said suspensio shall be in effect until such time as the licensee obtains and provides proof of current insura� e and written notice of the lifting of said suspension has been provided to the licensee by tM Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protecrion This Resolution and the action taken above az�ed upon the facts contained in the September 20, 2001 Notice of Violation letter to the Iice�YS e. The licensee did not contest the facts of the violation. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council� Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretasy By: Approved by Mayor: Date BY: �J� � � Form Approved by City Attor y By: % Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: By: ORRICE OF LIEP Roger Curtis, Director 266-9013 � st be on Cc Agenda by_ Date: October 24, 2001 � �� � GREEN SHEET No.1038� °t `� k AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGSS 1 (CLIP ALL LOfc�ATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ION REQUESTED: That the Tree Trimmer License he1cY by Beck Enterprises, Inc. /a.River- Junction Tree Service (License ID Numky�r 20000003811) be suspended ediately far failure to have current insuranc� coverage. Said suspension shal in effect until such time as the licensee o�tains and provides proof of curren urance and wriften notice o£ t'he lifting o�f said sus.pension has been provided licensee by the Office of License, Insp�ctions, and Environmental Protection. NDATIONS: APPROVE (A} OR REJECT (R) NING COb@fISSION CSVIL $£RVICE CONQAISSSO COtM1TTTEE HUSINESS R£VIEW COUNCIL F AICT COURT �� S WHICH COUNCIL OHJECTSVE? - ��'SNi'PSATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPP� �failed to obtain new liability ' iability insurance is require� s DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Complµ", IF APPROVED:, ," immexs are allowed t�o ope TAL AMOUNT -OF" TkAI�yS�ACTION EASONAL SBFAICE CONTRACT4 MIIST ANSWEA TAE POLLOWINCs: N 1. Has t�+e person{tirm evez worked under a contract for this department? YES NO 2. Has/"this personJEirm ever been a 0ity employee? � � - YES NO - ' � 3. Iy6es phiG pesaonJ£izm possess a ski-11 noE no¢mally posseased by any �urrent City employee? . f' YES NO plain all YES answers on a sepasate ahaet and attach. . R'�'UNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why):.Licensee Lrisurance"after being canceled by previous insurer for tree trimmers. _� ' nce with current law.' A potential public safety hazard wi11 result if : without insurance. COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO 'FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOR TION: (EXPLAIN) �����•�}���� � � ��� �. a � � � , . CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemnrs, Mayor October 23, 2001 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Claymrt M. Robinsott, Jr., City Ai[orney �, •�1 �� Civi7 Division ' 400 Ciry Ha11 TeZephone: 651266-8710 ISWestKetlaggBlvd. Facsimile:651298-5619 SaintPaul, Minnesota 55102 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING OwnerJManager River Junction Tree Service N6357 132"' Sireet Prescott, Wisconsin 54021 RE: Tree Trimmer License heid by Beck Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a River Junction Tree Service for the City of Saint Paul License ID #: 20000063811 Dear SirfMadam: Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, November 7, 2001 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Councii for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter, in that the facts concerning the failure to have curtent insurance coverage have not been denied. The recommendation of the license office will be for the immediate suspension of your license. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, l/ ��� Virginia .� Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Christine Rozek, LIEP UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER a �_ `\ �� Licensee Name: Beck Enterprises, Inc. dJb/a River Junction Tree Service Council Date: Violation: License Type: Wednesday, November 7, 2001 Canceled Insurance Tree Trimmer Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: {mmediate suspension of Tree Trimmer license untif insurance obtained Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. 6i4/01 letter from Christine Rozek to licensee 4. License information CITY OF SAINT PAUL Narm Colen:nn, Nfnyor September 20, 2001 Owner/Manager River 7unction Tree Service N6357 132"' Street Prescott, Wisconsin 54021 OFFICF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clnyfon M. xobinson, h., CityAttorrsey 01—\\►� Ci�•i! Division 400CiryHall Telephone:651266-8710 IS Gt�es[ Kellagg B[vd. Fncsimi(e: 651 298-Sb19 Snini Pau(, bfinnesotn 55102 NOTICE OF VIOLATION RE: Tree Trimmer License Application by Beck Enterprises, Tnc, dfbla River Junction Tree Service for the City of Saint Paul License ID #:2Q000003811 Dear Sir/Madam: The Office of License Tnspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP) has recommended adverse action against the above-referenced license. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On June 4, 2001, a letter was sent to you by the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection advising you that your insurance had been canceled and requesting information about your replacement coverage by June 11, 2001. No information has been received by LTEP, nor have you indicated that you are no longer operating in Saint Paul. If you do not dispute the above facts, please send me a letter with a statement to that effect. The matter will then be scheduled for a hearing before the Saint Paul City Council to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf. The recommendation from the licensin� office is for the suspension of your license until the required insurance information has been received. On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, you are entitled to an evidentiary hearing before an administrative lativ judge. If you wish to have such a hearing, please send a letter stating that you are contesting the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing" �vith the date, time and place for the hearing, the name ofthe administrative law judge, and an explanation ofthe procedures. Page 2 River 7unction Tree Service September 20, 2001 Ol _!l�'1 In either case, please let me kno�v in writing no later than Monday, October 1, 2001, how you would like to proceed. If you have not contacted me by Monday, October 1, 2001, I wiil assume that you are not contesting the facts. I will then schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it place on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is allowed and the recommended penalty will be imposed. If you have questions about these options, please feel free to contact me at 266-8710 to discuss them. Sincerely, � !,�`,(.J �_� Virginia D. Paimer Assistant City Attorney cc: Christine Rozek, LIEP o�-»F� STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY } ) ss. ) AE'EIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JQANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on September 24, 2001, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: OwnerlManager River Junction Tree Service N6357 132 Street Prescott, WI 54021 (which is the last known address of said person) depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Pau1, Minnesota. �� n . /7 — . G. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th of September, 2001. Notary Public PETER P. PAFiGBORN NOTARY PUBLIC • MfNNESOTA MY COAiM433lON EkpIRESJAN 31,2005 OFFSCE OF LICSNSc, INSPECTIONS AND EW IRONMENTAL PROTECITON Roge, Curtir, Director CITY OF SAINT PALZ Norm Coteman, Mayor June 4, 2001 2000QQ03811 Beck Enterprises Inc River 7unction Tree Service N6357 1323'' St Prescott WI 54021 LOWRYPROFESSION.fL BUbDMG Suite 300 350 St Peter Srreet S¢iat Paul, Minrserota SS102-I510 �����1 Telephone: 651-266-9090 FaaimiZe: 651-266-9099 672-266-9724 Re: Notice of Canceled Insurance Certificate for business servicing the City of Saint Faul Dear Licensee: The City of Saint Paul Office of LIEP has received notice that your Certificate of Tnswance, policy #050290093 for Tree Trimmer license has been canceled. It wili be necessary for you to send a replacement or continuing certificate of insurance before 7une 11, 2001. Please Note: The inswance certificate you submif must have no lapse in coverage. If we do not receive a replacement or continuing certificate before Monday, June 11, 2001, you must cease doing business as a Tree Trimmer. After Monday, June 1 l, this office will begin the adminisirative hearing process to suspend your license until the insurance requirement has been met You have the opportunity to appeal the City's decision through this proceeding. If you have any quesrions regarding this matter, please contact Corinne at (651) 266-9106. Sincerely, Ctuistin� �� . LIEP IIeputy D'uector CAR/caa License Group Comments Text Licensee: BECK ENTERPRISES iNC DBA: RIVER JUNCTION TREE SERVICE License #: 2000000381� 07728/2001 �,��,�� 07l28/2001 To CAO. ins never received, IEiP is asking for license suspension until company has the required insurance. CAR 06l04/20Dt letter sent re; wnceted ins. caa � Requirement Comments Text Licensee: BECK ENTERPRISES INC DBA: RIVER JUNCTION TREE SERViCE License #: 200000038'11 06/04/2001 letter sent re: canceled ins. caa 04/03l2001 Insurence cancelled. Letter senY requesting a new insurance ceR. LKK � 0 371 312 0 01 Insurance reinstated. AMW 02121/2001 Letter of canceifation received from insurance company. Letter sent requesting new insurance information. AMW 07/28/2001 oti-��Y1 oti-t�Yt Address Licensee � �Mact � License � Cardhaltler' �-#, Licansee Namc. �•:�.�.�': �.; �r,,.. DBA VERJUNCTIONTREE x,.,,;.«„�,ai"' Sales Tax Itl: �—_ �'°,�* �'�`�"'i,?�*� d���` -s, u ;�� ..!!)L�`". � ',�^ � -'-. � _ _ TreeTrimmer-EacFiAcdvePer . . 08iD9f100008rt792007 KemSFOUntl o► -���'1 t '-°xa�.-i-:���:�'�..+s�er°_?;a:,::.;wm-�::,-r�.�„.v„� OBA ltNERdIMCTIOfdTREESERV{�E . . _ DBP Saie' Lsense � �i�ensee , Lia Types � 4tsurance l Bond { Requ'vemeMS l r PropeRy G Licensee �' IlnofLCi&I ProjectFaGldator. ASUNCION,CORWNE �� S[reet a 6357 Adverse Actwn Commerds Street Name 323RD SIteEITypE' �T DVEC[IOrt �— ' UnA Ind �� � #_ r ' CdY: RESCOTT �e��Wp���s: 'Stete: r VN Zip: Sqp2� 7f18f1W�ToCAO.Insneverreceivetl.LEiPisasking ,� or Ncense suspe�rsion UrM campany hasthe required � ura�e CAR , :.r.° 6AI4f1W7 ICtter 5eM re c9ncetetl ins. caa �, Licensee � ECK EN7ERPRISES WC�� '` Licensee � DBA. VER JUNCTION TREE SERYICE - Commerds: � � Sales Tex id: 7427i2 0us Phone: 715) 2625475 ��, .- „ - � ... . . �.. � _' . .. .. `.. c�e.k',' ��m" ��' ��.:.'�.- Tree Trk�uner, Each AdtlRbnal YeMCie R i OSN9ROOp % pgt]gR001 N ^.. _,. $132� -� .�j Tree Trimmer S 1 VeFde -� R� f,08A9r1000 i�OBN972001 _,� N 8164 - 001 N6357 _ _ `' ' '- Tatel: _ $296.00j _. . � 01-1�ir1 � �-� DBA IVERJUNCTIONTREESERVICE - DBA; Y y l Se{e, ���e ��censee 7 Lia Typzs , Insurance � Bontl � RequvemeMS, 1 UCense¢ Name' ECK ENTERPRISES MC �:�',��j �r�;. DBA IVER JUNCTION TREE SFRViCE SalesTaxW 742772 Non-0rofb.r Worker'sCOmp: Orti0m000 ":?r?P����:' A4 CoMrect Rec'd. �N��UW� AA Trein'sig Rec'tl� �0 AA Fee Colleded. OIDON000 DiscourM1 Rec'd � Other A e licenses ii�nC'ral Hold Reasons SSth"��C'�zn�s�rYS�"�a�.°'�„T;G��ae'. Ne �piiatmp: Re`�"'son,.t�:�°r'4�"�`t.,rr,��ct�ve �,�cc,te,`..�',':r. ��� � ���� ����.���—MaALicenseTa F a�a To cwneM MCHOLAS ttPPLICANT (71s7262S475 ;�{`��Atldress �' MaB To CorAect �� ,� r License Adtlress 01 N6357 Background Check Requiretl �" History Council File # O �— l�f � ^ � r�_. --s�ti� t� . . . „� : i ; > i � Green Sheet # � 4^� ��{ i RESOLUTION CTTY OF SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA �3 Presented B} Refen To 1 WHEREAS, Tom's I, Inc. d/bla SuperUSA applied for an Off-Sale Malt license for the 2 premises located at 1333 Thomas Avenue; and 3 4 WH.EREAS, the applicant was notified in writing on July 6, 2001 by the Office of 5 License, Inspections and Environmental Protection that the applicant needed to submit 1) Liquor 6 Liability Insurance, 2) a copy of a Property Lease/Purchase Agreement, ar Proof of Ownership, 7 and 3) a copy of a Business Purchase Agreement or Biil of Sale, in order for tha license applicarion to be processed; and iQ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 WAEREAS, the applicant was sent a Notice Of Intent To Deny License Application by the City Attorney's Office, dated September 20, 2001, for failing to submit the required documentation; and WHEREAS, the necessary documentation has still not been received; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Off-Sale Malt license application submitted by Tom's I, Inc. dfbla SuperUSA, for the premises at 1333 Thomas Avenue is hereby denied for failing to submit the documentarion required for licensure. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � , �--. � � . l'"C Approved by Mayos: Date '�_�� � Hy: Sy: l�W� � � V Form Approved by City Attora�y �� By' � �"�`� Approved by ayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date �.!1T_�pp� OFFICE OF LISP Roger Curtis, Director 266-9013 on � e Date_ October 11, 2001 � GREEN SHEET NO .103 841 °''"�'� ALL LOCATIONS FOR S 1Uiv K�guES'PED: Tnat the OTt-Sale Malt license application submitted by Tom's I, . d/bja Super USA, for the premises at 1333 Thomas Avenue is hereby denied for ling to submit the documentation required for licensure. APPAOVE (A) OR RSJSCT (R) f'PER$ONAI. SHRVIC& CONTRACTS MIiST ANSWSR T88 FOLLOp`IN6: NNING COMMISSION CIVIL SSRVICE COMMISSION 1. Aas the personJtirm ever woxked under a contract for this departmen[3 COMMITTSS BUSINESS AEVIHW COUNCIL YHS NO PF _ Has this personJ£irm evez been a CiCy employee? 1RICT COURT _ YSS NO 3. Does this person/fixm possess a skill noC normally possessed by any PS WHICR COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Cuxzent City employee3 YES NO SaSa all YSS anawers oa a separate sheat end attach. 'IATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The applicant notified in writing on July 6, 2001 by the Saint Paul LIEP Of£ice that the icant needed to submit proof of liquor liability insurance, a copy of a �erty LeaseJPurchase Agreement or Proof of Ownership and a copy of a business �hase agreement or bill of sale. The necessary documentation has sti11 not been ived. A IF APPROVED: �VANTAGES IF NOT APPR6VED: Malt Off-Sale license applicants will no longer de information to the city for determination as to whether or not they should ve their licenses. POTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION ?UNDING SOURCE �INANCIAL INFORMATION: {EXPLAIN) COST/REVFNUE BUDGETED YES NO ACTIVITY NUMBER � ���EaPCh fs�7f$� � _ ✓ �- . . OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M. Robinson, Jr., Ciry Anomey CITY OF SAINT PAUL c:�t viri5�on Norm Colemaq Mayor 400 Ciry Hall IS West Kellogg BZv�I. Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 rr�r October 1Q, 2001 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING OwnerJManager SuperUSA 1333 Thomas Avenue Saint Paal, Minnesota 55104-2545 S o�-��tr Telephone: 657 266-8710 Facsimile: 651298-5619 RE: Application for an Off-Sale Malt License by Tom's I, Inc. d/bla SuperUSA for the premises located at 1333 Thomas Avenue in Saint Paul License ID #: 20010003Q26 Deu SirlMadam: Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m, Wednesday, November 7, 20�i in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which wiil be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter, in that the facts concerning your failure to submit the required documentation far the processing of your license application have not been denied. The recommendation of the license office will be for the denial of your license application. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8? 10. Very truly yours, �"� � �.o-�, �� �. Virginia D. Palmer AssisCant Ciry Attomey cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Tawfiq O. Wazwaz, 8724 Hillswick Trail, Brooklyn Pazk, MN 55411 Christine Rozek, LIEP Cathy Lue, Community Organizer, Hamline Midway Coalition, 15b4 Lafond Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104-1832 E � UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER Licensee Name Address: Council Date: Violation: Place: Tom's I, Inc. d/b/a SuperUSA 1333 Thomas Avenue November 7, 20U1 Failure to submit the following documents required for Malt Off-Sate license: vt-\���' 1) Liquor Liability lnsurance; 2} Copy of the Lease Agreement, Purchase Agreement, or Proof of Ownership; . 3) Business Purchase Agreement or Bil! of Sate. 1333 Thomas Avenue - Proposed Licensed Premises Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalfi of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Denial of License Application For Malt Off-Sale License Attachments: 1. Proposed resotution 2. Notice of Intent to Deny License Application 3. License Infiormation Report 4. 7/6/01 letter from Christine Rozek to applicant 5. licensing information 6. License Application OFFIC �F THE CITY ATTORNEY Clnyton n.. dobinsam, Jc, Ciry A[(orrtey CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nonn Calemon, lVlrsyor Civil Division d00 Crry Ha1T I S West Kellogg Btvd. Snint P¢ul, Mirtnesotn 55102 o s-t��rr Telepkone: 651266-8710 Facsimile: 651298-5619 September 20, 2001 NOTICE OF INTENT TO DENY LICENSE APPLICATION Owner(Manager SuperUSA 1333 Thomas Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 5 5 1 04-2 5 45 RE: Appiication for an Off-Sale Malt License by Tom's I, Inc, d/b/a SuperUSA for the premises located at 1333 Thomas Avenue in Saint Paul License ID #: 2�010003026 Dear SirMadam: The Office of License Tnspections and Environmental Protection has recommended denial of the license application referenced above. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On July 6, 2001, a letter was sent to you by the Office of License, Inspections and Environmentai Proteetion advising you that your license application for an off-sale malt license was incomplete. At that time you needed to provide Liquor Liability insurance, a business purchase agreement or bill of sale and a property lease agreement or purchase agreement. The letter gave you until July 13, 2001 to continue with the application or withdraw it. You have not indicated that you ri�ish to withdraw the license application, nor have you submitted any of the necessary information to complete the application. If you do not dispute the above facts, please send me a letter with a statement to that effect. The matter will then be scheduled for a hearin� before the Saint Paul City Council to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an opportuniry to appear before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf. The recommendation from the licensing office is for the denial of your license application. Page 2 SuperUSA September 20, 2001 a�-t«a-- On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, you are entitled to an evidentiary hearing before an administrative law judge. If you wish to have such a hearin�, please send a letter stating that you are contesting the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing" with the date, time and place for the hearing, the name of the administrative law judge, and an explanation of the procedures. In either case, please let me know in writing no later than Monday, October 1, 2001, how you would like to proceed. If you have not contacted me by Monday, October 1, 2001, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts. I wili then schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it place on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is allowed and the recommended penalty will be imposed. If you have questions about these options, please feel free to contact me at 2b6-8710 to discuss them. Sincerely, �/ ��.� � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Tawfiq O. Wazwaz, 8724 Hillswick Trail, Brooklyn Park, MN 55411 Christine Rozek, LIEP Cathy Lue, Community Organizer, Hamline Midway Coalition, 1564 Lafond Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104-1832 o�-I�YYt-- STATE OF MINNESOTA COT3NTY OF RAMSEY ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on September 24, 2001, she served the attached NOTICE OF INTENT TO DENY LICENSE APPLICATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Owner/Manager SuperUSA 1333 Thomas Avenue St. Paul, MN. 55104 (which is the last known same, with postage prepaid, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th of S tember, 2001. � Notary Public address of said person) depositing the in the United States mails at St. Paul, �RNC>BORN a�-��r� � � O x M W O y p e- � O m U N � J � a ° 0 � 0 Q. m d' C 0 w m 5 � .° c m H C V J � � m � N p� � � c � V � -' a N N �U c � U Q ...1 � O N .. O � � �o M � O U p � N - a m � w > Q � 4 y� �O 2 aH� Q c M, O M In �� � Q z� Q � m W o a � 1� � U ro (Z ? I ` � ao i� .� C O U 'i � d m � a x W N c m 9 � 7 Z U O a U c � � N � m E R Z C N Q � 0 U V C N � C d � � 7 Z N G � O � '= M n. � y � � � C � �� m � � H � � cl' L11 Q Q � � _ F- M t"J r O 4 U � a> O N '�-' N w � 0 V c = N �- U � U O ca�p . n.= G> U m �.ots o N O � � ~ lp C C i U m �o � m U @ N � N d a � ` � � N � � � � 0 '� C p � G N o-o �o � � ��'�mo d d�pm o ` ��Q'am ... . � O N� C �. N �'� R � N i O � p O O �' z °-� �Z � 000,���. O d d�« O U O N 7 N� N , N N�•�- N CN CO p� i. U O cp y) h- o °�Uo-oo o�-�«�— � � 0 x ,_ � W � N O N � O N m J � �p O a � 0 � O Q � C O {9 � V�. � d N C V ..� N � N � N U � J Q U N R Q� t- l m y N C � U (�p J � U 0 O � �� r �� ' � 3 O Z � � O � � ° o � N `m� w a � Q d � � f" Q M O M � M lt� �- lIJ � � � z � a W m a � � � N � U m Z z O fn a O F U C 7 O U � � � � 0 Q X W N C � Q E � Z U O a U C @ � N C N � � Z c R Q � O U U C m � N C � a � 7 Z N c � o � L � a ,,. N � N � C m � � F- � � V W Q Q � 0 H M M r ° U � � o�� � c N Q � � U N O �•- �`omv�0 . � Q � Q fl-= m U � � a � � N�O C �-' N C C � U N � p � N U � N � N N C � � 9 � � N � � d � � '6 C pa G O -p � p N Q G i) � � O N N 70 cQ N � � �Q'o N w c odV cQ a�i 47 '6 V O N �n U > � N � � � Z d v � Z � $ o a� r . CC':- O�� Q O U o N � N � N . N N(�6 G tn N f0 � U O � C � P �J U o'�00 0 � -1 � P?r" � � O n x ' M W O m � M � O U N � _l � R � a �.. 0 � 0 a d � C O .� � L 0 W N c u J N � m � m � N � U � J a N m F- m y � � V O J �N 0 N o a� a-� 1] O = O Z M C O V O ..J N m� w > ¢ � a N � NO a M O M � �� � Q z � Q � m W p a � N N � U m Z? O N a0 F- �V C � O U � N o� a� m 0 n x W N C d .Q E � z U O a U c N 3 N C � m Z c W a. O U � C m � N C d a � 7 z N O � L � d m I� h � d � C m' � � m � � � � v W Q Q � � t M M � Q Q U � � od� _ "�- C U 0 p U'p L N i- U � U O @(n� . a_ y . U @ �� O N O � C N C � � s_ U N ._ O i d C � N � � � � "6 C p .U� � O C $a �o a�i � _ �� a� o � m � c �Q a y � o a�V c o_ a�i �;O U O N N O � G � O � L Z Q V � Z � opm o � QoQo o � � oUo N 7 y� N , N N�� C N O (6 uJ N CN'�O p� U O�p y^ o �:7Uo-oo OFFICE OF LICEVSE, INSPEC.`IONS AND EWIRONMENTAL PROTECTICN Roger Curtu, Director O �, � y� f � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Narm Colemarz, .Nayor - 7uly 6, 2001 Tom's I Inc dba SuperUSA 1333'I'homas Ave StPaul MN 55104-2545 LOWRYPROFESSIONAL3UILDWG Telephone: 531-?36-909D 350 S1. Puer Street, Sulle 300 Pa6imrle: 65Z-266Al24 SaintPaul, MinneSOta SiIO2-ZSIQ Web: twlw.ci.stpmil.mn.ar!(iep Re: Business License Application at 1333 Thomas Avenue Dear Applicant: This letter is to formally notify you of documentarion our office stili requires in order to complete your business license appiicariott. Your license appiication for a Malt Off Sale license located at 1333 Thomas Avenue can not be processed completely until our office receives the fol]owing; Liquor Liability Insurance - A certificate of insurance (ACORD) - tfie certificate must show proof of liquor liability. Business Purchase AgreemenYBill of Sale Property Lease Agreement, Purchase Agreement, or Proof of Ownership This locarion can not sell Malt! Beer until such required documentation has been submitted to the O�ce of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection and when your license is issued to you. Please let us lmow, in wriring, before Friday, July 13, 20Q l, whether or not you intend to continue with this Malt Off Sale license or wish to cancel. After Friday, July 13, this office will begin the adminis�arive hearing process to deny your Malt Off Sale license. You have the opportunity to appeal the City's decision through this proceeding. If you have any quesrions, please contact Corinne at (651)266-9106. Sincerely, f J r .• L •� .� `3 . . Chrisfine A: F�ozek LIEP Deputy Directar CARJcaa License 6roup Comments 7ext Licensee: TOM'S t !NC osuoizooa OBA: SUPERUSA Q,�`LrY License #: Zp010003026 OSl20/2001 Na response to ea�lier letter. To CAO for license deniat. CAfi 07/05/200� letter sent for req not met. caa al���sa. ��� � Licensee � CoMeM i L"icense � Cardhalder ! .— Type. �' ProPerty f I.ifensee C UnoifiCi91 �` All '� �reetzt � Street Name OMAS Street Type: cRlla � Dmectiorc <AB� �,. UnR # �� Gty <All> ���0a5a85 D SUPEftUSA UK_ 0000050% 0 SUPERUSA WC 5522 SUPEftI15A bYC SUPEftUSA 700@ " ' "___,_° _'__" ' "' 010003026 0 TOM51 WC S1IPERUSA Cigar�rtobacrn GroceiY C�"`_.. MaT off Sale . AJerm Permd (New CigarettelfoUecCo GrocerY(G) MMOtt Sele ��'� c " ' �-,.. � 10I25200713: ionsrom�x ,LicroseH'v2ed m,usnom mrosr. 97A6ROpi 07R16L ' "_. . . "__' '_"__"_"_.._' _ . 07N82�Qt p7fi6l. o � �� tF�-- `— i`� TYW -'" '� a3. �' �� E Stre• g� ���se } licereee � Uc. Types Stre t� properfY t' ���E�ysee C� 1lnofiiad Ore� StreH #: 1333 � � � � SksetName HOOAAS ChY. _ �'eet Type: AVE p'aection. � �a�� �---- �.: r � �Y. T PAUI, DBA �UPERUSA . . - - _ _ �nswence � Band � Requ'remerqs � —� PrqectFacidator. RSUPICION,COftYiNE � AWUSCAClIO�COttN1t11(S License ' � ;S��e: M1I L(x __ 55194: BROROO1Noresponsetosarlier7etter.7oCAOfor--- , # I Werd 1� rcer�se tlenial. CAR 7A572o01 Ietler �! tor req nct met. caa t � i �CountR iM1 �_fi _ � ; .Licens�e oM51NJC Lkensee � ' 00A � A Cnmmetrts � �a->. . _ . _ . . . 0060C OO�Otz Q��� License C " ""' """'_> _' ., _ '"" "" __"R"'_ iamo ^ R_ ta N g89A0` ... " "" "__'.. _ "_"" . N $2p0.tl0� _ N� v 5317.06; , n +� 371333° M1MaK Otf S�e ferrcdng ._._._... 07106R001 �i-��r��- 7 - licensea OM51�dC SVe: � OBA _ ERUSA Strz: License licensee � Lic. Types_ ,[rtsuance � Bord �.., Retnirrncerds) $ _ Stra; Licer�5ee Name OM'S1 WC t DBA PUSA . . � . �ve�• U � ! Sales Tsx Id. tfi669t Non-Profit [� Worker s Cam�s Rl0A0pp � �� - AA CartraC ReCd R]ONO�p 7W itaining Rec'd . ADi0000 �� AA Fee CoAetie[t �U�O ' DixcduA ReNC [- ' OtherA FnancielNaltlReasm�s .- o-.. as��4��., .y �9�k'�&Y .�NPab. �4''�f�35�j''k' B �s�eek.,'�+"`� E'� � �..� .9 - L - arr�pY�,� � ��. r 6Aad io CoMact �' Ucense AdNess -Ma3lnvdce To: — �' Ma7ioCnMeC r 4!cense Aadress BackgrrnmtlCtcckfteq�arer! r CLASS N , CITY OF SAIN'C PAUL T;CE�T(+� A7�PL7CA�`TO .� . OfficeoFLicense,Inspections A. LVil t1r 1 1 1`! and Environment3l Pro[ection THIS APPLICATIOti IS SUBTECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC 350ScPaa5�5uf¢SOa $uev Pau[ Nmccwa SSIO? PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT N PIK tesi>z�s-soso ru tes,� ��-s,,, O�����'�" LICEYSES ARE YOT TR�YSFERABLE PAI'IIErT AIUST BE RECEIVED WITH EACFI APPLFCATIO� Type of License(s) bein� applied for: !� 1� �"f �l�i"� , 3 A� Qi .,,���«� ,.a« �. ., S 0�.� S �I�I. S o 2O �} 0 � CompanyName: ' _ Tom`S I Inc:.- , -`- _` , . - Coryamtion / partnership! So(e Proprizeorship _- If business is incorpocated, give date of incorporation: 3/3/99 BusinessName(DBA): � Sup€rUSA � BusinessPhone:(,65�)644-73R5 Business Address (business tocation): 1333 TflOinBS AV0F1ue ' -:' St.:;' �?7U7 ;-� MN 55104=25�15` Sttez[(m,Name,Type,Direction) City Stare Zip+4 Bznveen what cross streets is the business located'? Hdml l ne/Syndi Cdte �1'hich side of the sheet? Nnrth ArethepremisesnowoccuQied'? YeS �VhatTypeofBusiness? Convenience store Mail To Address {if different than business address): Street(n,Name,Typz,Dirtetion) City State Zip+�i Applicant Information: rrameandTiue: Tawfiq Ottiman Wazwaz First M17iddle (�I�iden) Last Tide Home.4ddress: 8724 Hillswick Trail; Brooklyn Park; "-._- - MN� 554�1 Strtzt (Y, Name. Type, Dircction) City State Zip+4 Date ofBirth: 11(17f 72 Place of Birth: Jet'US31e01; ISrae1 Home Phone: f 6121 363-(177R E{ave you ever been conv[ctzd of any felony, crime or violation of any ciry ordinance other than traffic? YES NO X Date of artest: Char�e: _ Conviction: Sentence: List licenses 4vhich you cuaently hoid, formerly held, or may havz an interest in: None Have any of the xbove namzd licenses ever been revoked'? YES X NO If yes, list the dates and reasons for revocation: Are you �oing to operate this business personal(y? Firstt3ame �1�Shcelnitial YES \0 IF not, who �vi1( operate it? Last of Binh ( ) Huma Addrz>s' Strce: (�. Yamt. Typz. Dirtcnon) Qty Statz Zip+.S Phone ituniocr Are you going to have a manager or assistant in this business? YES ti0 1f che mana;er is not the sxme ns the opecator, piease comptzcz the folto«in� infomiation: Firs'tName MiShczSni�ial (�laidrn) Last Da[<otBirth � ) Ftome lddress_ S�reu (�, Name, Type, D¢tRmn) Citu' S�ate Ap-t Phont Numou �Vhere? ,..��.,�nnn P(e�se list your employment history for the previous five (5) year �eriod: p � _ � �4'Y-- BusinessiEmntovment Address Tom's Tobacco - President - - 1a30 = tVE RlainP rviN 55a4g= =' LisT all other �FFICER NAME of the cocporation: TITLE HO�IE (Office Held) ADDRESS H04IE PHO�iE BL'STNESS DATE OF PHO�IE BIRTH If business is a partnecship, please include the followin� information for each pactner (use additional pages if necessary): First Namc hfiddit fnitial (b[aiden) Last _ Datz ot Birth ( ) Komt Address: Sveet (�, NacsK, Typz, Direcdon) Ciry Scatz ZiQ�I Phunz Numbtr First�'ame �Gddiefnitial (iblaidzn) Last DataoFBirth � ) Plomr AddrcSS: S[reet (�, Namr, Type, Direction) QCy Sta[e 2ip—� Phonz Numbzr v1Ih'\ ESOTA TAX IDE\TIFICATION iYU4ISER - Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota,1434, Chaptzr �02, Articte 8, Section 2(270.72) (Tax Clearance; Issuancz of Licenses), licensing authorities are required to provide to the State oCMinnesota Commissioner of Revenue, ihe Minnesota business tax ideniification number and [he sociai secusiry number of each license appiicant. Under the Minnesota Gocemment Data Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to advise you of the foltowing regardin� the iue of the biinnesota Tax Identification Number: - This inFormation may be used to deny the issuance or renewai of your license in the event you otive Minnzsota sales, employei s withholding ot motor vehicle excise taxes; ' - Upon receivin� this information, thz licensing authority will supply it only m the �Iinnesota Dzpartment ofRecenue. However, iender the Federal Exchange af Information Agreement, the Deparfinent of Revenue may supply this information ro the Intemal Revenue Servicz. Minnzsofa Tas [dentification Numbers (Sates & Use Tas Number) may be obtained from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Department, 600 Robut Street North, Saint Paul, M\ (651-296-6181). Minnzsota Tas Identificatioa Number. 4166691 ❑ Ita bfinnesota Tax Idz��tification Number is not required for the business bzing operaCed, indicatz so by placin� an "X" in the box. CERTiFICATIO\ OF ��'ORI:ERS' CO�IPE\SATIO�I COVERAGE PURSUANT TO MINI`ESOTA STATUTE t76.132 I hereby certify tliat [, or my comQany, am in compliance wiUi the workers' compznsation insurance co��erage requiremen[s oFMinnesota Stamte 176.13? subdi� ision 2. I also undzrstand that provision of faise information in this certification constieutes sufficient grounds far ad��ersz acdon aeainst alt licenses�hz(d including re� ocation and suspension of said licenses. Name of Insurance Company: /'14 G )�A T C -- Polic} \umbzr. �'?�!� � � � LI S�� Ji� Co��erage from�itclG - � `� � _ to �ttit=Q'^ �� I hacz no emgtuyees cuczred undzr �corkers' compensatio�i insurance �(IVITIALS) n� IC,/?OUO r- � s +° ( � „ T,. # . ; ,. .,m' t � �� a 3 ° f.� '- 9 i �t . RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To ��a\ �� a�� � ��'' , 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Council File # 6\� 1\ K' Green Sheet # l0 38y Y �� RESOLVED, that the Tree Trimmer License held by B x Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a River Junction Tree Service (License ID Number 20000003811) is ereby suspended immediately for failure to have current insurance coverage. Said suspensio shall be in effect until such time as the licensee obtains and provides proof of current insura� e and written notice of the lifting of said suspension has been provided to the licensee by tM Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protecrion This Resolution and the action taken above az�ed upon the facts contained in the September 20, 2001 Notice of Violation letter to the Iice�YS e. The licensee did not contest the facts of the violation. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council� Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretasy By: Approved by Mayor: Date BY: �J� � � Form Approved by City Attor y By: % Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: By: ORRICE OF LIEP Roger Curtis, Director 266-9013 � st be on Cc Agenda by_ Date: October 24, 2001 � �� � GREEN SHEET No.1038� °t `� k AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGSS 1 (CLIP ALL LOfc�ATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ION REQUESTED: That the Tree Trimmer License he1cY by Beck Enterprises, Inc. /a.River- Junction Tree Service (License ID Numky�r 20000003811) be suspended ediately far failure to have current insuranc� coverage. Said suspension shal in effect until such time as the licensee o�tains and provides proof of curren urance and wriften notice o£ t'he lifting o�f said sus.pension has been provided licensee by the Office of License, Insp�ctions, and Environmental Protection. NDATIONS: APPROVE (A} OR REJECT (R) NING COb@fISSION CSVIL $£RVICE CONQAISSSO COtM1TTTEE HUSINESS R£VIEW COUNCIL F AICT COURT �� S WHICH COUNCIL OHJECTSVE? - ��'SNi'PSATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPP� �failed to obtain new liability ' iability insurance is require� s DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Complµ", IF APPROVED:, ," immexs are allowed t�o ope TAL AMOUNT -OF" TkAI�yS�ACTION EASONAL SBFAICE CONTRACT4 MIIST ANSWEA TAE POLLOWINCs: N 1. Has t�+e person{tirm evez worked under a contract for this department? YES NO 2. Has/"this personJEirm ever been a 0ity employee? � � - YES NO - ' � 3. Iy6es phiG pesaonJ£izm possess a ski-11 noE no¢mally posseased by any �urrent City employee? . f' YES NO plain all YES answers on a sepasate ahaet and attach. . R'�'UNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why):.Licensee Lrisurance"after being canceled by previous insurer for tree trimmers. _� ' nce with current law.' A potential public safety hazard wi11 result if : without insurance. COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO 'FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOR TION: (EXPLAIN) �����•�}���� � � ��� �. a � � � , . CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemnrs, Mayor October 23, 2001 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Claymrt M. Robinsott, Jr., City Ai[orney �, •�1 �� Civi7 Division ' 400 Ciry Ha11 TeZephone: 651266-8710 ISWestKetlaggBlvd. Facsimile:651298-5619 SaintPaul, Minnesota 55102 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING OwnerJManager River Junction Tree Service N6357 132"' Sireet Prescott, Wisconsin 54021 RE: Tree Trimmer License heid by Beck Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a River Junction Tree Service for the City of Saint Paul License ID #: 20000063811 Dear SirfMadam: Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, November 7, 2001 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Councii for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter, in that the facts concerning the failure to have curtent insurance coverage have not been denied. The recommendation of the license office will be for the immediate suspension of your license. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, l/ ��� Virginia .� Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Christine Rozek, LIEP UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER a �_ `\ �� Licensee Name: Beck Enterprises, Inc. dJb/a River Junction Tree Service Council Date: Violation: License Type: Wednesday, November 7, 2001 Canceled Insurance Tree Trimmer Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: {mmediate suspension of Tree Trimmer license untif insurance obtained Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. 6i4/01 letter from Christine Rozek to licensee 4. License information CITY OF SAINT PAUL Narm Colen:nn, Nfnyor September 20, 2001 Owner/Manager River 7unction Tree Service N6357 132"' Street Prescott, Wisconsin 54021 OFFICF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clnyfon M. xobinson, h., CityAttorrsey 01—\\►� Ci�•i! Division 400CiryHall Telephone:651266-8710 IS Gt�es[ Kellagg B[vd. Fncsimi(e: 651 298-Sb19 Snini Pau(, bfinnesotn 55102 NOTICE OF VIOLATION RE: Tree Trimmer License Application by Beck Enterprises, Tnc, dfbla River Junction Tree Service for the City of Saint Paul License ID #:2Q000003811 Dear Sir/Madam: The Office of License Tnspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP) has recommended adverse action against the above-referenced license. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On June 4, 2001, a letter was sent to you by the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection advising you that your insurance had been canceled and requesting information about your replacement coverage by June 11, 2001. No information has been received by LTEP, nor have you indicated that you are no longer operating in Saint Paul. If you do not dispute the above facts, please send me a letter with a statement to that effect. The matter will then be scheduled for a hearing before the Saint Paul City Council to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf. The recommendation from the licensin� office is for the suspension of your license until the required insurance information has been received. On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, you are entitled to an evidentiary hearing before an administrative lativ judge. If you wish to have such a hearing, please send a letter stating that you are contesting the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing" �vith the date, time and place for the hearing, the name ofthe administrative law judge, and an explanation ofthe procedures. Page 2 River 7unction Tree Service September 20, 2001 Ol _!l�'1 In either case, please let me kno�v in writing no later than Monday, October 1, 2001, how you would like to proceed. If you have not contacted me by Monday, October 1, 2001, I wiil assume that you are not contesting the facts. I will then schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it place on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is allowed and the recommended penalty will be imposed. If you have questions about these options, please feel free to contact me at 266-8710 to discuss them. Sincerely, � !,�`,(.J �_� Virginia D. Paimer Assistant City Attorney cc: Christine Rozek, LIEP o�-»F� STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY } ) ss. ) AE'EIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JQANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on September 24, 2001, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: OwnerlManager River Junction Tree Service N6357 132 Street Prescott, WI 54021 (which is the last known address of said person) depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Pau1, Minnesota. �� n . /7 — . G. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th of September, 2001. Notary Public PETER P. PAFiGBORN NOTARY PUBLIC • MfNNESOTA MY COAiM433lON EkpIRESJAN 31,2005 OFFSCE OF LICSNSc, INSPECTIONS AND EW IRONMENTAL PROTECITON Roge, Curtir, Director CITY OF SAINT PALZ Norm Coteman, Mayor June 4, 2001 2000QQ03811 Beck Enterprises Inc River 7unction Tree Service N6357 1323'' St Prescott WI 54021 LOWRYPROFESSION.fL BUbDMG Suite 300 350 St Peter Srreet S¢iat Paul, Minrserota SS102-I510 �����1 Telephone: 651-266-9090 FaaimiZe: 651-266-9099 672-266-9724 Re: Notice of Canceled Insurance Certificate for business servicing the City of Saint Faul Dear Licensee: The City of Saint Paul Office of LIEP has received notice that your Certificate of Tnswance, policy #050290093 for Tree Trimmer license has been canceled. It wili be necessary for you to send a replacement or continuing certificate of insurance before 7une 11, 2001. Please Note: The inswance certificate you submif must have no lapse in coverage. If we do not receive a replacement or continuing certificate before Monday, June 11, 2001, you must cease doing business as a Tree Trimmer. After Monday, June 1 l, this office will begin the adminisirative hearing process to suspend your license until the insurance requirement has been met You have the opportunity to appeal the City's decision through this proceeding. If you have any quesrions regarding this matter, please contact Corinne at (651) 266-9106. Sincerely, Ctuistin� �� . LIEP IIeputy D'uector CAR/caa License Group Comments Text Licensee: BECK ENTERPRISES iNC DBA: RIVER JUNCTION TREE SERVICE License #: 2000000381� 07728/2001 �,��,�� 07l28/2001 To CAO. ins never received, IEiP is asking for license suspension until company has the required insurance. CAR 06l04/20Dt letter sent re; wnceted ins. caa � Requirement Comments Text Licensee: BECK ENTERPRISES INC DBA: RIVER JUNCTION TREE SERViCE License #: 200000038'11 06/04/2001 letter sent re: canceled ins. caa 04/03l2001 Insurence cancelled. Letter senY requesting a new insurance ceR. LKK � 0 371 312 0 01 Insurance reinstated. AMW 02121/2001 Letter of canceifation received from insurance company. Letter sent requesting new insurance information. AMW 07/28/2001 oti-��Y1 oti-t�Yt Address Licensee � �Mact � License � Cardhaltler' �-#, Licansee Namc. �•:�.�.�': �.; �r,,.. DBA VERJUNCTIONTREE x,.,,;.«„�,ai"' Sales Tax Itl: �—_ �'°,�* �'�`�"'i,?�*� d���` -s, u ;�� ..!!)L�`". � ',�^ � -'-. � _ _ TreeTrimmer-EacFiAcdvePer . . 08iD9f100008rt792007 KemSFOUntl o► -���'1 t '-°xa�.-i-:���:�'�..+s�er°_?;a:,::.;wm-�::,-r�.�„.v„� OBA ltNERdIMCTIOfdTREESERV{�E . . _ DBP Saie' Lsense � �i�ensee , Lia Types � 4tsurance l Bond { Requ'vemeMS l r PropeRy G Licensee �' IlnofLCi&I ProjectFaGldator. ASUNCION,CORWNE �� S[reet a 6357 Adverse Actwn Commerds Street Name 323RD SIteEITypE' �T DVEC[IOrt �— ' UnA Ind �� � #_ r ' CdY: RESCOTT �e��Wp���s: 'Stete: r VN Zip: Sqp2� 7f18f1W�ToCAO.Insneverreceivetl.LEiPisasking ,� or Ncense suspe�rsion UrM campany hasthe required � ura�e CAR , :.r.° 6AI4f1W7 ICtter 5eM re c9ncetetl ins. caa �, Licensee � ECK EN7ERPRISES WC�� '` Licensee � DBA. VER JUNCTION TREE SERYICE - Commerds: � � Sales Tex id: 7427i2 0us Phone: 715) 2625475 ��, .- „ - � ... . . �.. � _' . .. .. `.. c�e.k',' ��m" ��' ��.:.'�.- Tree Trk�uner, Each AdtlRbnal YeMCie R i OSN9ROOp % pgt]gR001 N ^.. _,. $132� -� .�j Tree Trimmer S 1 VeFde -� R� f,08A9r1000 i�OBN972001 _,� N 8164 - 001 N6357 _ _ `' ' '- Tatel: _ $296.00j _. . � 01-1�ir1 � �-� DBA IVERJUNCTIONTREESERVICE - DBA; Y y l Se{e, ���e ��censee 7 Lia Typzs , Insurance � Bontl � RequvemeMS, 1 UCense¢ Name' ECK ENTERPRISES MC �:�',��j �r�;. DBA IVER JUNCTION TREE SFRViCE SalesTaxW 742772 Non-0rofb.r Worker'sCOmp: Orti0m000 ":?r?P����:' A4 CoMrect Rec'd. �N��UW� AA Trein'sig Rec'tl� �0 AA Fee Colleded. OIDON000 DiscourM1 Rec'd � Other A e licenses ii�nC'ral Hold Reasons SSth"��C'�zn�s�rYS�"�a�.°'�„T;G��ae'. Ne �piiatmp: Re`�"'son,.t�:�°r'4�"�`t.,rr,��ct�ve �,�cc,te,`..�',':r. ��� � ���� ����.���—MaALicenseTa F a�a To cwneM MCHOLAS ttPPLICANT (71s7262S475 ;�{`��Atldress �' MaB To CorAect �� ,� r License Adtlress 01 N6357 Background Check Requiretl �" History Council File # O �— l�f � ^ � r�_. --s�ti� t� . . . „� : i ; > i � Green Sheet # � 4^� ��{ i RESOLUTION CTTY OF SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA �3 Presented B} Refen To 1 WHEREAS, Tom's I, Inc. d/bla SuperUSA applied for an Off-Sale Malt license for the 2 premises located at 1333 Thomas Avenue; and 3 4 WH.EREAS, the applicant was notified in writing on July 6, 2001 by the Office of 5 License, Inspections and Environmental Protection that the applicant needed to submit 1) Liquor 6 Liability Insurance, 2) a copy of a Property Lease/Purchase Agreement, ar Proof of Ownership, 7 and 3) a copy of a Business Purchase Agreement or Biil of Sale, in order for tha license applicarion to be processed; and iQ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 WAEREAS, the applicant was sent a Notice Of Intent To Deny License Application by the City Attorney's Office, dated September 20, 2001, for failing to submit the required documentation; and WHEREAS, the necessary documentation has still not been received; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Off-Sale Malt license application submitted by Tom's I, Inc. dfbla SuperUSA, for the premises at 1333 Thomas Avenue is hereby denied for failing to submit the documentarion required for licensure. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � , �--. � � . l'"C Approved by Mayos: Date '�_�� � Hy: Sy: l�W� � � V Form Approved by City Attora�y �� By' � �"�`� Approved by ayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date �.!1T_�pp� OFFICE OF LISP Roger Curtis, Director 266-9013 on � e Date_ October 11, 2001 � GREEN SHEET NO .103 841 °''"�'� ALL LOCATIONS FOR S 1Uiv K�guES'PED: Tnat the OTt-Sale Malt license application submitted by Tom's I, . d/bja Super USA, for the premises at 1333 Thomas Avenue is hereby denied for ling to submit the documentation required for licensure. APPAOVE (A) OR RSJSCT (R) f'PER$ONAI. SHRVIC& CONTRACTS MIiST ANSWSR T88 FOLLOp`IN6: NNING COMMISSION CIVIL SSRVICE COMMISSION 1. Aas the personJtirm ever woxked under a contract for this departmen[3 COMMITTSS BUSINESS AEVIHW COUNCIL YHS NO PF _ Has this personJ£irm evez been a CiCy employee? 1RICT COURT _ YSS NO 3. Does this person/fixm possess a skill noC normally possessed by any PS WHICR COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Cuxzent City employee3 YES NO SaSa all YSS anawers oa a separate sheat end attach. 'IATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The applicant notified in writing on July 6, 2001 by the Saint Paul LIEP Of£ice that the icant needed to submit proof of liquor liability insurance, a copy of a �erty LeaseJPurchase Agreement or Proof of Ownership and a copy of a business �hase agreement or bill of sale. The necessary documentation has sti11 not been ived. A IF APPROVED: �VANTAGES IF NOT APPR6VED: Malt Off-Sale license applicants will no longer de information to the city for determination as to whether or not they should ve their licenses. POTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION ?UNDING SOURCE �INANCIAL INFORMATION: {EXPLAIN) COST/REVFNUE BUDGETED YES NO ACTIVITY NUMBER � ���EaPCh fs�7f$� � _ ✓ �- . . OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M. Robinson, Jr., Ciry Anomey CITY OF SAINT PAUL c:�t viri5�on Norm Colemaq Mayor 400 Ciry Hall IS West Kellogg BZv�I. Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 rr�r October 1Q, 2001 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING OwnerJManager SuperUSA 1333 Thomas Avenue Saint Paal, Minnesota 55104-2545 S o�-��tr Telephone: 657 266-8710 Facsimile: 651298-5619 RE: Application for an Off-Sale Malt License by Tom's I, Inc. d/bla SuperUSA for the premises located at 1333 Thomas Avenue in Saint Paul License ID #: 20010003Q26 Deu SirlMadam: Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m, Wednesday, November 7, 20�i in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which wiil be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter, in that the facts concerning your failure to submit the required documentation far the processing of your license application have not been denied. The recommendation of the license office will be for the denial of your license application. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8? 10. Very truly yours, �"� � �.o-�, �� �. Virginia D. Palmer AssisCant Ciry Attomey cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Tawfiq O. Wazwaz, 8724 Hillswick Trail, Brooklyn Pazk, MN 55411 Christine Rozek, LIEP Cathy Lue, Community Organizer, Hamline Midway Coalition, 15b4 Lafond Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104-1832 E � UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER Licensee Name Address: Council Date: Violation: Place: Tom's I, Inc. d/b/a SuperUSA 1333 Thomas Avenue November 7, 20U1 Failure to submit the following documents required for Malt Off-Sate license: vt-\���' 1) Liquor Liability lnsurance; 2} Copy of the Lease Agreement, Purchase Agreement, or Proof of Ownership; . 3) Business Purchase Agreement or Bil! of Sate. 1333 Thomas Avenue - Proposed Licensed Premises Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalfi of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Denial of License Application For Malt Off-Sale License Attachments: 1. Proposed resotution 2. Notice of Intent to Deny License Application 3. License Infiormation Report 4. 7/6/01 letter from Christine Rozek to applicant 5. licensing information 6. License Application OFFIC �F THE CITY ATTORNEY Clnyton n.. dobinsam, Jc, Ciry A[(orrtey CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nonn Calemon, lVlrsyor Civil Division d00 Crry Ha1T I S West Kellogg Btvd. Snint P¢ul, Mirtnesotn 55102 o s-t��rr Telepkone: 651266-8710 Facsimile: 651298-5619 September 20, 2001 NOTICE OF INTENT TO DENY LICENSE APPLICATION Owner(Manager SuperUSA 1333 Thomas Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 5 5 1 04-2 5 45 RE: Appiication for an Off-Sale Malt License by Tom's I, Inc, d/b/a SuperUSA for the premises located at 1333 Thomas Avenue in Saint Paul License ID #: 2�010003026 Dear SirMadam: The Office of License Tnspections and Environmental Protection has recommended denial of the license application referenced above. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On July 6, 2001, a letter was sent to you by the Office of License, Inspections and Environmentai Proteetion advising you that your license application for an off-sale malt license was incomplete. At that time you needed to provide Liquor Liability insurance, a business purchase agreement or bill of sale and a property lease agreement or purchase agreement. The letter gave you until July 13, 2001 to continue with the application or withdraw it. You have not indicated that you ri�ish to withdraw the license application, nor have you submitted any of the necessary information to complete the application. If you do not dispute the above facts, please send me a letter with a statement to that effect. The matter will then be scheduled for a hearin� before the Saint Paul City Council to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an opportuniry to appear before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf. The recommendation from the licensing office is for the denial of your license application. Page 2 SuperUSA September 20, 2001 a�-t«a-- On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, you are entitled to an evidentiary hearing before an administrative law judge. If you wish to have such a hearin�, please send a letter stating that you are contesting the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing" with the date, time and place for the hearing, the name of the administrative law judge, and an explanation of the procedures. In either case, please let me know in writing no later than Monday, October 1, 2001, how you would like to proceed. If you have not contacted me by Monday, October 1, 2001, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts. I wili then schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it place on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is allowed and the recommended penalty will be imposed. If you have questions about these options, please feel free to contact me at 2b6-8710 to discuss them. Sincerely, �/ ��.� � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Tawfiq O. Wazwaz, 8724 Hillswick Trail, Brooklyn Park, MN 55411 Christine Rozek, LIEP Cathy Lue, Community Organizer, Hamline Midway Coalition, 1564 Lafond Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104-1832 o�-I�YYt-- STATE OF MINNESOTA COT3NTY OF RAMSEY ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on September 24, 2001, she served the attached NOTICE OF INTENT TO DENY LICENSE APPLICATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Owner/Manager SuperUSA 1333 Thomas Avenue St. Paul, MN. 55104 (which is the last known same, with postage prepaid, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th of S tember, 2001. � Notary Public address of said person) depositing the in the United States mails at St. Paul, �RNC>BORN a�-��r� � � O x M W O y p e- � O m U N � J � a ° 0 � 0 Q. m d' C 0 w m 5 � .° c m H C V J � � m � N p� � � c � V � -' a N N �U c � U Q ...1 � O N .. O � � �o M � O U p � N - a m � w > Q � 4 y� �O 2 aH� Q c M, O M In �� � Q z� Q � m W o a � 1� � U ro (Z ? I ` � ao i� .� C O U 'i � d m � a x W N c m 9 � 7 Z U O a U c � � N � m E R Z C N Q � 0 U V C N � C d � � 7 Z N G � O � '= M n. � y � � � C � �� m � � H � � cl' L11 Q Q � � _ F- M t"J r O 4 U � a> O N '�-' N w � 0 V c = N �- U � U O ca�p . n.= G> U m �.ots o N O � � ~ lp C C i U m �o � m U @ N � N d a � ` � � N � � � � 0 '� C p � G N o-o �o � � ��'�mo d d�pm o ` ��Q'am ... . � O N� C �. N �'� R � N i O � p O O �' z °-� �Z � 000,���. O d d�« O U O N 7 N� N , N N�•�- N CN CO p� i. U O cp y) h- o °�Uo-oo o�-�«�— � � 0 x ,_ � W � N O N � O N m J � �p O a � 0 � O Q � C O {9 � V�. � d N C V ..� N � N � N U � J Q U N R Q� t- l m y N C � U (�p J � U 0 O � �� r �� ' � 3 O Z � � O � � ° o � N `m� w a � Q d � � f" Q M O M � M lt� �- lIJ � � � z � a W m a � � � N � U m Z z O fn a O F U C 7 O U � � � � 0 Q X W N C � Q E � Z U O a U C @ � N C N � � Z c R Q � O U U C m � N C � a � 7 Z N c � o � L � a ,,. N � N � C m � � F- � � V W Q Q � 0 H M M r ° U � � o�� � c N Q � � U N O �•- �`omv�0 . � Q � Q fl-= m U � � a � � N�O C �-' N C C � U N � p � N U � N � N N C � � 9 � � N � � d � � '6 C pa G O -p � p N Q G i) � � O N N 70 cQ N � � �Q'o N w c odV cQ a�i 47 '6 V O N �n U > � N � � � Z d v � Z � $ o a� r . CC':- O�� Q O U o N � N � N . N N(�6 G tn N f0 � U O � C � P �J U o'�00 0 � -1 � P?r" � � O n x ' M W O m � M � O U N � _l � R � a �.. 0 � 0 a d � C O .� � L 0 W N c u J N � m � m � N � U � J a N m F- m y � � V O J �N 0 N o a� a-� 1] O = O Z M C O V O ..J N m� w > ¢ � a N � NO a M O M � �� � Q z � Q � m W p a � N N � U m Z? O N a0 F- �V C � O U � N o� a� m 0 n x W N C d .Q E � z U O a U c N 3 N C � m Z c W a. O U � C m � N C d a � 7 z N O � L � d m I� h � d � C m' � � m � � � � v W Q Q � � t M M � Q Q U � � od� _ "�- C U 0 p U'p L N i- U � U O @(n� . a_ y . U @ �� O N O � C N C � � s_ U N ._ O i d C � N � � � � "6 C p .U� � O C $a �o a�i � _ �� a� o � m � c �Q a y � o a�V c o_ a�i �;O U O N N O � G � O � L Z Q V � Z � opm o � QoQo o � � oUo N 7 y� N , N N�� C N O (6 uJ N CN'�O p� U O�p y^ o �:7Uo-oo OFFICE OF LICEVSE, INSPEC.`IONS AND EWIRONMENTAL PROTECTICN Roger Curtu, Director O �, � y� f � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Narm Colemarz, .Nayor - 7uly 6, 2001 Tom's I Inc dba SuperUSA 1333'I'homas Ave StPaul MN 55104-2545 LOWRYPROFESSIONAL3UILDWG Telephone: 531-?36-909D 350 S1. Puer Street, Sulle 300 Pa6imrle: 65Z-266Al24 SaintPaul, MinneSOta SiIO2-ZSIQ Web: twlw.ci.stpmil.mn.ar!(iep Re: Business License Application at 1333 Thomas Avenue Dear Applicant: This letter is to formally notify you of documentarion our office stili requires in order to complete your business license appiicariott. Your license appiication for a Malt Off Sale license located at 1333 Thomas Avenue can not be processed completely until our office receives the fol]owing; Liquor Liability Insurance - A certificate of insurance (ACORD) - tfie certificate must show proof of liquor liability. Business Purchase AgreemenYBill of Sale Property Lease Agreement, Purchase Agreement, or Proof of Ownership This locarion can not sell Malt! Beer until such required documentation has been submitted to the O�ce of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection and when your license is issued to you. Please let us lmow, in wriring, before Friday, July 13, 20Q l, whether or not you intend to continue with this Malt Off Sale license or wish to cancel. After Friday, July 13, this office will begin the adminis�arive hearing process to deny your Malt Off Sale license. You have the opportunity to appeal the City's decision through this proceeding. If you have any quesrions, please contact Corinne at (651)266-9106. Sincerely, f J r .• L •� .� `3 . . Chrisfine A: F�ozek LIEP Deputy Directar CARJcaa License 6roup Comments 7ext Licensee: TOM'S t !NC osuoizooa OBA: SUPERUSA Q,�`LrY License #: Zp010003026 OSl20/2001 Na response to ea�lier letter. To CAO for license deniat. CAfi 07/05/200� letter sent for req not met. caa al���sa. ��� � Licensee � CoMeM i L"icense � Cardhalder ! .— Type. �' ProPerty f I.ifensee C UnoifiCi91 �` All '� �reetzt � Street Name OMAS Street Type: cRlla � Dmectiorc <AB� �,. UnR # �� Gty <All> ���0a5a85 D SUPEftUSA UK_ 0000050% 0 SUPERUSA WC 5522 SUPEftI15A bYC SUPEftUSA 700@ " ' "___,_° _'__" ' "' 010003026 0 TOM51 WC S1IPERUSA Cigar�rtobacrn GroceiY C�"`_.. MaT off Sale . AJerm Permd (New CigarettelfoUecCo GrocerY(G) MMOtt Sele ��'� c " ' �-,.. � 10I25200713: ionsrom�x ,LicroseH'v2ed m,usnom mrosr. 97A6ROpi 07R16L ' "_. . . "__' '_"__"_"_.._' _ . 07N82�Qt p7fi6l. o � �� tF�-- `— i`� TYW -'" '� a3. �' �� E Stre• g� ���se } licereee � Uc. Types Stre t� properfY t' ���E�ysee C� 1lnofiiad Ore� StreH #: 1333 � � � � SksetName HOOAAS ChY. _ �'eet Type: AVE p'aection. � �a�� �---- �.: r � �Y. T PAUI, DBA �UPERUSA . . - - _ _ �nswence � Band � Requ'remerqs � —� PrqectFacidator. RSUPICION,COftYiNE � AWUSCAClIO�COttN1t11(S License ' � ;S��e: M1I L(x __ 55194: BROROO1Noresponsetosarlier7etter.7oCAOfor--- , # I Werd 1� rcer�se tlenial. CAR 7A572o01 Ietler �! tor req nct met. caa t � i �CountR iM1 �_fi _ � ; .Licens�e oM51NJC Lkensee � ' 00A � A Cnmmetrts � �a->. . _ . _ . . . 0060C OO�Otz Q��� License C " ""' """'_> _' ., _ '"" "" __"R"'_ iamo ^ R_ ta N g89A0` ... " "" "__'.. _ "_"" . N $2p0.tl0� _ N� v 5317.06; , n +� 371333° M1MaK Otf S�e ferrcdng ._._._... 07106R001 �i-��r��- 7 - licensea OM51�dC SVe: � OBA _ ERUSA Strz: License licensee � Lic. Types_ ,[rtsuance � Bord �.., Retnirrncerds) $ _ Stra; Licer�5ee Name OM'S1 WC t DBA PUSA . . � . �ve�• U � ! Sales Tsx Id. tfi669t Non-Profit [� Worker s Cam�s Rl0A0pp � �� - AA CartraC ReCd R]ONO�p 7W itaining Rec'd . ADi0000 �� AA Fee CoAetie[t �U�O ' DixcduA ReNC [- ' OtherA FnancielNaltlReasm�s .- o-.. as��4��., .y �9�k'�&Y .�NPab. �4''�f�35�j''k' B �s�eek.,'�+"`� E'� � �..� .9 - L - arr�pY�,� � ��. r 6Aad io CoMact �' Ucense AdNess -Ma3lnvdce To: — �' Ma7ioCnMeC r 4!cense Aadress BackgrrnmtlCtcckfteq�arer! r CLASS N , CITY OF SAIN'C PAUL T;CE�T(+� A7�PL7CA�`TO .� . OfficeoFLicense,Inspections A. LVil t1r 1 1 1`! and Environment3l Pro[ection THIS APPLICATIOti IS SUBTECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC 350ScPaa5�5uf¢SOa $uev Pau[ Nmccwa SSIO? PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT N PIK tesi>z�s-soso ru tes,� ��-s,,, O�����'�" LICEYSES ARE YOT TR�YSFERABLE PAI'IIErT AIUST BE RECEIVED WITH EACFI APPLFCATIO� Type of License(s) bein� applied for: !� 1� �"f �l�i"� , 3 A� Qi .,,���«� ,.a« �. ., S 0�.� S �I�I. S o 2O �} 0 � CompanyName: ' _ Tom`S I Inc:.- , -`- _` , . - Coryamtion / partnership! So(e Proprizeorship _- If business is incorpocated, give date of incorporation: 3/3/99 BusinessName(DBA): � Sup€rUSA � BusinessPhone:(,65�)644-73R5 Business Address (business tocation): 1333 TflOinBS AV0F1ue ' -:' St.:;' �?7U7 ;-� MN 55104=25�15` Sttez[(m,Name,Type,Direction) City Stare Zip+4 Bznveen what cross streets is the business located'? Hdml l ne/Syndi Cdte �1'hich side of the sheet? Nnrth ArethepremisesnowoccuQied'? YeS �VhatTypeofBusiness? Convenience store Mail To Address {if different than business address): Street(n,Name,Typz,Dirtetion) City State Zip+�i Applicant Information: rrameandTiue: Tawfiq Ottiman Wazwaz First M17iddle (�I�iden) Last Tide Home.4ddress: 8724 Hillswick Trail; Brooklyn Park; "-._- - MN� 554�1 Strtzt (Y, Name. Type, Dircction) City State Zip+4 Date ofBirth: 11(17f 72 Place of Birth: Jet'US31e01; ISrae1 Home Phone: f 6121 363-(177R E{ave you ever been conv[ctzd of any felony, crime or violation of any ciry ordinance other than traffic? YES NO X Date of artest: Char�e: _ Conviction: Sentence: List licenses 4vhich you cuaently hoid, formerly held, or may havz an interest in: None Have any of the xbove namzd licenses ever been revoked'? YES X NO If yes, list the dates and reasons for revocation: Are you �oing to operate this business personal(y? Firstt3ame �1�Shcelnitial YES \0 IF not, who �vi1( operate it? Last of Binh ( ) Huma Addrz>s' Strce: (�. Yamt. Typz. Dirtcnon) Qty Statz Zip+.S Phone ituniocr Are you going to have a manager or assistant in this business? YES ti0 1f che mana;er is not the sxme ns the opecator, piease comptzcz the folto«in� infomiation: Firs'tName MiShczSni�ial (�laidrn) Last Da[<otBirth � ) Ftome lddress_ S�reu (�, Name, Type, D¢tRmn) Citu' S�ate Ap-t Phont Numou �Vhere? ,..��.,�nnn P(e�se list your employment history for the previous five (5) year �eriod: p � _ � �4'Y-- BusinessiEmntovment Address Tom's Tobacco - President - - 1a30 = tVE RlainP rviN 55a4g= =' LisT all other �FFICER NAME of the cocporation: TITLE HO�IE (Office Held) ADDRESS H04IE PHO�iE BL'STNESS DATE OF PHO�IE BIRTH If business is a partnecship, please include the followin� information for each pactner (use additional pages if necessary): First Namc hfiddit fnitial (b[aiden) Last _ Datz ot Birth ( ) Komt Address: Sveet (�, NacsK, Typz, Direcdon) Ciry Scatz ZiQ�I Phunz Numbtr First�'ame �Gddiefnitial (iblaidzn) Last DataoFBirth � ) Plomr AddrcSS: S[reet (�, Namr, Type, Direction) QCy Sta[e 2ip—� Phonz Numbzr v1Ih'\ ESOTA TAX IDE\TIFICATION iYU4ISER - Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota,1434, Chaptzr �02, Articte 8, Section 2(270.72) (Tax Clearance; Issuancz of Licenses), licensing authorities are required to provide to the State oCMinnesota Commissioner of Revenue, ihe Minnesota business tax ideniification number and [he sociai secusiry number of each license appiicant. Under the Minnesota Gocemment Data Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to advise you of the foltowing regardin� the iue of the biinnesota Tax Identification Number: - This inFormation may be used to deny the issuance or renewai of your license in the event you otive Minnzsota sales, employei s withholding ot motor vehicle excise taxes; ' - Upon receivin� this information, thz licensing authority will supply it only m the �Iinnesota Dzpartment ofRecenue. However, iender the Federal Exchange af Information Agreement, the Deparfinent of Revenue may supply this information ro the Intemal Revenue Servicz. Minnzsofa Tas [dentification Numbers (Sates & Use Tas Number) may be obtained from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Department, 600 Robut Street North, Saint Paul, M\ (651-296-6181). Minnzsota Tas Identificatioa Number. 4166691 ❑ Ita bfinnesota Tax Idz��tification Number is not required for the business bzing operaCed, indicatz so by placin� an "X" in the box. CERTiFICATIO\ OF ��'ORI:ERS' CO�IPE\SATIO�I COVERAGE PURSUANT TO MINI`ESOTA STATUTE t76.132 I hereby certify tliat [, or my comQany, am in compliance wiUi the workers' compznsation insurance co��erage requiremen[s oFMinnesota Stamte 176.13? subdi� ision 2. I also undzrstand that provision of faise information in this certification constieutes sufficient grounds far ad��ersz acdon aeainst alt licenses�hz(d including re� ocation and suspension of said licenses. Name of Insurance Company: /'14 G )�A T C -- Polic} \umbzr. �'?�!� � � � LI S�� Ji� Co��erage from�itclG - � `� � _ to �ttit=Q'^ �� I hacz no emgtuyees cuczred undzr �corkers' compensatio�i insurance �(IVITIALS) n� IC,/?OUO r- � s +° ( � „ T,. # . ; ,. .,m' t � �� a 3 ° f.� '- 9 i �t . RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To ��a\ �� a�� � ��'' , 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Council File # 6\� 1\ K' Green Sheet # l0 38y Y �� RESOLVED, that the Tree Trimmer License held by B x Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a River Junction Tree Service (License ID Number 20000003811) is ereby suspended immediately for failure to have current insurance coverage. Said suspensio shall be in effect until such time as the licensee obtains and provides proof of current insura� e and written notice of the lifting of said suspension has been provided to the licensee by tM Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protecrion This Resolution and the action taken above az�ed upon the facts contained in the September 20, 2001 Notice of Violation letter to the Iice�YS e. The licensee did not contest the facts of the violation. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council� Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretasy By: Approved by Mayor: Date BY: �J� � � Form Approved by City Attor y By: % Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: By: ORRICE OF LIEP Roger Curtis, Director 266-9013 � st be on Cc Agenda by_ Date: October 24, 2001 � �� � GREEN SHEET No.1038� °t `� k AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGSS 1 (CLIP ALL LOfc�ATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ION REQUESTED: That the Tree Trimmer License he1cY by Beck Enterprises, Inc. /a.River- Junction Tree Service (License ID Numky�r 20000003811) be suspended ediately far failure to have current insuranc� coverage. Said suspension shal in effect until such time as the licensee o�tains and provides proof of curren urance and wriften notice o£ t'he lifting o�f said sus.pension has been provided licensee by the Office of License, Insp�ctions, and Environmental Protection. NDATIONS: APPROVE (A} OR REJECT (R) NING COb@fISSION CSVIL $£RVICE CONQAISSSO COtM1TTTEE HUSINESS R£VIEW COUNCIL F AICT COURT �� S WHICH COUNCIL OHJECTSVE? - ��'SNi'PSATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPP� �failed to obtain new liability ' iability insurance is require� s DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Complµ", IF APPROVED:, ," immexs are allowed t�o ope TAL AMOUNT -OF" TkAI�yS�ACTION EASONAL SBFAICE CONTRACT4 MIIST ANSWEA TAE POLLOWINCs: N 1. Has t�+e person{tirm evez worked under a contract for this department? YES NO 2. Has/"this personJEirm ever been a 0ity employee? � � - YES NO - ' � 3. Iy6es phiG pesaonJ£izm possess a ski-11 noE no¢mally posseased by any �urrent City employee? . f' YES NO plain all YES answers on a sepasate ahaet and attach. . R'�'UNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why):.Licensee Lrisurance"after being canceled by previous insurer for tree trimmers. _� ' nce with current law.' A potential public safety hazard wi11 result if : without insurance. COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO 'FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOR TION: (EXPLAIN) �����•�}���� � � ��� �. a � � � , . CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemnrs, Mayor October 23, 2001 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Claymrt M. Robinsott, Jr., City Ai[orney �, •�1 �� Civi7 Division ' 400 Ciry Ha11 TeZephone: 651266-8710 ISWestKetlaggBlvd. Facsimile:651298-5619 SaintPaul, Minnesota 55102 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING OwnerJManager River Junction Tree Service N6357 132"' Sireet Prescott, Wisconsin 54021 RE: Tree Trimmer License heid by Beck Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a River Junction Tree Service for the City of Saint Paul License ID #: 20000063811 Dear SirfMadam: Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, November 7, 2001 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Councii for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter, in that the facts concerning the failure to have curtent insurance coverage have not been denied. The recommendation of the license office will be for the immediate suspension of your license. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, l/ ��� Virginia .� Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Christine Rozek, LIEP UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER a �_ `\ �� Licensee Name: Beck Enterprises, Inc. dJb/a River Junction Tree Service Council Date: Violation: License Type: Wednesday, November 7, 2001 Canceled Insurance Tree Trimmer Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: {mmediate suspension of Tree Trimmer license untif insurance obtained Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. 6i4/01 letter from Christine Rozek to licensee 4. License information CITY OF SAINT PAUL Narm Colen:nn, Nfnyor September 20, 2001 Owner/Manager River 7unction Tree Service N6357 132"' Street Prescott, Wisconsin 54021 OFFICF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clnyfon M. xobinson, h., CityAttorrsey 01—\\►� Ci�•i! Division 400CiryHall Telephone:651266-8710 IS Gt�es[ Kellagg B[vd. Fncsimi(e: 651 298-Sb19 Snini Pau(, bfinnesotn 55102 NOTICE OF VIOLATION RE: Tree Trimmer License Application by Beck Enterprises, Tnc, dfbla River Junction Tree Service for the City of Saint Paul License ID #:2Q000003811 Dear Sir/Madam: The Office of License Tnspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP) has recommended adverse action against the above-referenced license. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On June 4, 2001, a letter was sent to you by the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection advising you that your insurance had been canceled and requesting information about your replacement coverage by June 11, 2001. No information has been received by LTEP, nor have you indicated that you are no longer operating in Saint Paul. If you do not dispute the above facts, please send me a letter with a statement to that effect. The matter will then be scheduled for a hearing before the Saint Paul City Council to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf. The recommendation from the licensin� office is for the suspension of your license until the required insurance information has been received. On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, you are entitled to an evidentiary hearing before an administrative lativ judge. If you wish to have such a hearing, please send a letter stating that you are contesting the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing" �vith the date, time and place for the hearing, the name ofthe administrative law judge, and an explanation ofthe procedures. Page 2 River 7unction Tree Service September 20, 2001 Ol _!l�'1 In either case, please let me kno�v in writing no later than Monday, October 1, 2001, how you would like to proceed. If you have not contacted me by Monday, October 1, 2001, I wiil assume that you are not contesting the facts. I will then schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it place on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is allowed and the recommended penalty will be imposed. If you have questions about these options, please feel free to contact me at 266-8710 to discuss them. Sincerely, � !,�`,(.J �_� Virginia D. Paimer Assistant City Attorney cc: Christine Rozek, LIEP o�-»F� STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY } ) ss. ) AE'EIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JQANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on September 24, 2001, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: OwnerlManager River Junction Tree Service N6357 132 Street Prescott, WI 54021 (which is the last known address of said person) depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Pau1, Minnesota. �� n . /7 — . G. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th of September, 2001. Notary Public PETER P. PAFiGBORN NOTARY PUBLIC • MfNNESOTA MY COAiM433lON EkpIRESJAN 31,2005 OFFSCE OF LICSNSc, INSPECTIONS AND EW IRONMENTAL PROTECITON Roge, Curtir, Director CITY OF SAINT PALZ Norm Coteman, Mayor June 4, 2001 2000QQ03811 Beck Enterprises Inc River 7unction Tree Service N6357 1323'' St Prescott WI 54021 LOWRYPROFESSION.fL BUbDMG Suite 300 350 St Peter Srreet S¢iat Paul, Minrserota SS102-I510 �����1 Telephone: 651-266-9090 FaaimiZe: 651-266-9099 672-266-9724 Re: Notice of Canceled Insurance Certificate for business servicing the City of Saint Faul Dear Licensee: The City of Saint Paul Office of LIEP has received notice that your Certificate of Tnswance, policy #050290093 for Tree Trimmer license has been canceled. It wili be necessary for you to send a replacement or continuing certificate of insurance before 7une 11, 2001. Please Note: The inswance certificate you submif must have no lapse in coverage. If we do not receive a replacement or continuing certificate before Monday, June 11, 2001, you must cease doing business as a Tree Trimmer. After Monday, June 1 l, this office will begin the adminisirative hearing process to suspend your license until the insurance requirement has been met You have the opportunity to appeal the City's decision through this proceeding. If you have any quesrions regarding this matter, please contact Corinne at (651) 266-9106. Sincerely, Ctuistin� �� . LIEP IIeputy D'uector CAR/caa License Group Comments Text Licensee: BECK ENTERPRISES iNC DBA: RIVER JUNCTION TREE SERVICE License #: 2000000381� 07728/2001 �,��,�� 07l28/2001 To CAO. ins never received, IEiP is asking for license suspension until company has the required insurance. CAR 06l04/20Dt letter sent re; wnceted ins. caa � Requirement Comments Text Licensee: BECK ENTERPRISES INC DBA: RIVER JUNCTION TREE SERViCE License #: 200000038'11 06/04/2001 letter sent re: canceled ins. caa 04/03l2001 Insurence cancelled. Letter senY requesting a new insurance ceR. LKK � 0 371 312 0 01 Insurance reinstated. AMW 02121/2001 Letter of canceifation received from insurance company. Letter sent requesting new insurance information. AMW 07/28/2001 oti-��Y1 oti-t�Yt Address Licensee � �Mact � License � Cardhaltler' �-#, Licansee Namc. �•:�.�.�': �.; �r,,.. DBA VERJUNCTIONTREE x,.,,;.«„�,ai"' Sales Tax Itl: �—_ �'°,�* �'�`�"'i,?�*� d���` -s, u ;�� ..!!)L�`". � ',�^ � -'-. � _ _ TreeTrimmer-EacFiAcdvePer . . 08iD9f100008rt792007 KemSFOUntl o► -���'1 t '-°xa�.-i-:���:�'�..+s�er°_?;a:,::.;wm-�::,-r�.�„.v„� OBA ltNERdIMCTIOfdTREESERV{�E . . _ DBP Saie' Lsense � �i�ensee , Lia Types � 4tsurance l Bond { Requ'vemeMS l r PropeRy G Licensee �' IlnofLCi&I ProjectFaGldator. ASUNCION,CORWNE �� S[reet a 6357 Adverse Actwn Commerds Street Name 323RD SIteEITypE' �T DVEC[IOrt �— ' UnA Ind �� � #_ r ' CdY: RESCOTT �e��Wp���s: 'Stete: r VN Zip: Sqp2� 7f18f1W�ToCAO.Insneverreceivetl.LEiPisasking ,� or Ncense suspe�rsion UrM campany hasthe required � ura�e CAR , :.r.° 6AI4f1W7 ICtter 5eM re c9ncetetl ins. caa �, Licensee � ECK EN7ERPRISES WC�� '` Licensee � DBA. VER JUNCTION TREE SERYICE - Commerds: � � Sales Tex id: 7427i2 0us Phone: 715) 2625475 ��, .- „ - � ... . . �.. � _' . .. .. `.. c�e.k',' ��m" ��' ��.:.'�.- Tree Trk�uner, Each AdtlRbnal YeMCie R i OSN9ROOp % pgt]gR001 N ^.. _,. $132� -� .�j Tree Trimmer S 1 VeFde -� R� f,08A9r1000 i�OBN972001 _,� N 8164 - 001 N6357 _ _ `' ' '- Tatel: _ $296.00j _. . � 01-1�ir1 � �-� DBA IVERJUNCTIONTREESERVICE - DBA; Y y l Se{e, ���e ��censee 7 Lia Typzs , Insurance � Bontl � RequvemeMS, 1 UCense¢ Name' ECK ENTERPRISES MC �:�',��j �r�;. DBA IVER JUNCTION TREE SFRViCE SalesTaxW 742772 Non-0rofb.r Worker'sCOmp: Orti0m000 ":?r?P����:' A4 CoMrect Rec'd. �N��UW� AA Trein'sig Rec'tl� �0 AA Fee Colleded. OIDON000 DiscourM1 Rec'd � Other A e licenses ii�nC'ral Hold Reasons SSth"��C'�zn�s�rYS�"�a�.°'�„T;G��ae'. Ne �piiatmp: Re`�"'son,.t�:�°r'4�"�`t.,rr,��ct�ve �,�cc,te,`..�',':r. ��� � ���� ����.���—MaALicenseTa F a�a To cwneM MCHOLAS ttPPLICANT (71s7262S475 ;�{`��Atldress �' MaB To CorAect �� ,� r License Adtlress 01 N6357 Background Check Requiretl �" History Council File # O �— l�f � ^ � r�_. --s�ti� t� . . . „� : i ; > i � Green Sheet # � 4^� ��{ i RESOLUTION CTTY OF SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA �3 Presented B} Refen To 1 WHEREAS, Tom's I, Inc. d/bla SuperUSA applied for an Off-Sale Malt license for the 2 premises located at 1333 Thomas Avenue; and 3 4 WH.EREAS, the applicant was notified in writing on July 6, 2001 by the Office of 5 License, Inspections and Environmental Protection that the applicant needed to submit 1) Liquor 6 Liability Insurance, 2) a copy of a Property Lease/Purchase Agreement, ar Proof of Ownership, 7 and 3) a copy of a Business Purchase Agreement or Biil of Sale, in order for tha license applicarion to be processed; and iQ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 WAEREAS, the applicant was sent a Notice Of Intent To Deny License Application by the City Attorney's Office, dated September 20, 2001, for failing to submit the required documentation; and WHEREAS, the necessary documentation has still not been received; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Off-Sale Malt license application submitted by Tom's I, Inc. dfbla SuperUSA, for the premises at 1333 Thomas Avenue is hereby denied for failing to submit the documentarion required for licensure. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � , �--. � � . l'"C Approved by Mayos: Date '�_�� � Hy: Sy: l�W� � � V Form Approved by City Attora�y �� By' � �"�`� Approved by ayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date �.!1T_�pp� OFFICE OF LISP Roger Curtis, Director 266-9013 on � e Date_ October 11, 2001 � GREEN SHEET NO .103 841 °''"�'� ALL LOCATIONS FOR S 1Uiv K�guES'PED: Tnat the OTt-Sale Malt license application submitted by Tom's I, . d/bja Super USA, for the premises at 1333 Thomas Avenue is hereby denied for ling to submit the documentation required for licensure. APPAOVE (A) OR RSJSCT (R) f'PER$ONAI. SHRVIC& CONTRACTS MIiST ANSWSR T88 FOLLOp`IN6: NNING COMMISSION CIVIL SSRVICE COMMISSION 1. Aas the personJtirm ever woxked under a contract for this departmen[3 COMMITTSS BUSINESS AEVIHW COUNCIL YHS NO PF _ Has this personJ£irm evez been a CiCy employee? 1RICT COURT _ YSS NO 3. Does this person/fixm possess a skill noC normally possessed by any PS WHICR COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Cuxzent City employee3 YES NO SaSa all YSS anawers oa a separate sheat end attach. 'IATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The applicant notified in writing on July 6, 2001 by the Saint Paul LIEP Of£ice that the icant needed to submit proof of liquor liability insurance, a copy of a �erty LeaseJPurchase Agreement or Proof of Ownership and a copy of a business �hase agreement or bill of sale. The necessary documentation has sti11 not been ived. A IF APPROVED: �VANTAGES IF NOT APPR6VED: Malt Off-Sale license applicants will no longer de information to the city for determination as to whether or not they should ve their licenses. POTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION ?UNDING SOURCE �INANCIAL INFORMATION: {EXPLAIN) COST/REVFNUE BUDGETED YES NO ACTIVITY NUMBER � ���EaPCh fs�7f$� � _ ✓ �- . . OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M. Robinson, Jr., Ciry Anomey CITY OF SAINT PAUL c:�t viri5�on Norm Colemaq Mayor 400 Ciry Hall IS West Kellogg BZv�I. Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 rr�r October 1Q, 2001 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING OwnerJManager SuperUSA 1333 Thomas Avenue Saint Paal, Minnesota 55104-2545 S o�-��tr Telephone: 657 266-8710 Facsimile: 651298-5619 RE: Application for an Off-Sale Malt License by Tom's I, Inc. d/bla SuperUSA for the premises located at 1333 Thomas Avenue in Saint Paul License ID #: 20010003Q26 Deu SirlMadam: Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m, Wednesday, November 7, 20�i in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which wiil be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter, in that the facts concerning your failure to submit the required documentation far the processing of your license application have not been denied. The recommendation of the license office will be for the denial of your license application. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8? 10. Very truly yours, �"� � �.o-�, �� �. Virginia D. Palmer AssisCant Ciry Attomey cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Tawfiq O. Wazwaz, 8724 Hillswick Trail, Brooklyn Pazk, MN 55411 Christine Rozek, LIEP Cathy Lue, Community Organizer, Hamline Midway Coalition, 15b4 Lafond Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104-1832 E � UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER Licensee Name Address: Council Date: Violation: Place: Tom's I, Inc. d/b/a SuperUSA 1333 Thomas Avenue November 7, 20U1 Failure to submit the following documents required for Malt Off-Sate license: vt-\���' 1) Liquor Liability lnsurance; 2} Copy of the Lease Agreement, Purchase Agreement, or Proof of Ownership; . 3) Business Purchase Agreement or Bil! of Sate. 1333 Thomas Avenue - Proposed Licensed Premises Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalfi of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Denial of License Application For Malt Off-Sale License Attachments: 1. Proposed resotution 2. Notice of Intent to Deny License Application 3. License Infiormation Report 4. 7/6/01 letter from Christine Rozek to applicant 5. licensing information 6. License Application OFFIC �F THE CITY ATTORNEY Clnyton n.. dobinsam, Jc, Ciry A[(orrtey CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nonn Calemon, lVlrsyor Civil Division d00 Crry Ha1T I S West Kellogg Btvd. Snint P¢ul, Mirtnesotn 55102 o s-t��rr Telepkone: 651266-8710 Facsimile: 651298-5619 September 20, 2001 NOTICE OF INTENT TO DENY LICENSE APPLICATION Owner(Manager SuperUSA 1333 Thomas Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 5 5 1 04-2 5 45 RE: Appiication for an Off-Sale Malt License by Tom's I, Inc, d/b/a SuperUSA for the premises located at 1333 Thomas Avenue in Saint Paul License ID #: 2�010003026 Dear SirMadam: The Office of License Tnspections and Environmental Protection has recommended denial of the license application referenced above. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On July 6, 2001, a letter was sent to you by the Office of License, Inspections and Environmentai Proteetion advising you that your license application for an off-sale malt license was incomplete. At that time you needed to provide Liquor Liability insurance, a business purchase agreement or bill of sale and a property lease agreement or purchase agreement. The letter gave you until July 13, 2001 to continue with the application or withdraw it. You have not indicated that you ri�ish to withdraw the license application, nor have you submitted any of the necessary information to complete the application. If you do not dispute the above facts, please send me a letter with a statement to that effect. The matter will then be scheduled for a hearin� before the Saint Paul City Council to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an opportuniry to appear before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf. The recommendation from the licensing office is for the denial of your license application. Page 2 SuperUSA September 20, 2001 a�-t«a-- On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, you are entitled to an evidentiary hearing before an administrative law judge. If you wish to have such a hearin�, please send a letter stating that you are contesting the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing" with the date, time and place for the hearing, the name of the administrative law judge, and an explanation of the procedures. In either case, please let me know in writing no later than Monday, October 1, 2001, how you would like to proceed. If you have not contacted me by Monday, October 1, 2001, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts. I wili then schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it place on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is allowed and the recommended penalty will be imposed. If you have questions about these options, please feel free to contact me at 2b6-8710 to discuss them. Sincerely, �/ ��.� � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Tawfiq O. Wazwaz, 8724 Hillswick Trail, Brooklyn Park, MN 55411 Christine Rozek, LIEP Cathy Lue, Community Organizer, Hamline Midway Coalition, 1564 Lafond Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104-1832 o�-I�YYt-- STATE OF MINNESOTA COT3NTY OF RAMSEY ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on September 24, 2001, she served the attached NOTICE OF INTENT TO DENY LICENSE APPLICATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Owner/Manager SuperUSA 1333 Thomas Avenue St. Paul, MN. 55104 (which is the last known same, with postage prepaid, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th of S tember, 2001. � Notary Public address of said person) depositing the in the United States mails at St. Paul, �RNC>BORN a�-��r� � � O x M W O y p e- � O m U N � J � a ° 0 � 0 Q. m d' C 0 w m 5 � .° c m H C V J � � m � N p� � � c � V � -' a N N �U c � U Q ...1 � O N .. O � � �o M � O U p � N - a m � w > Q � 4 y� �O 2 aH� Q c M, O M In �� � Q z� Q � m W o a � 1� � U ro (Z ? I ` � ao i� .� C O U 'i � d m � a x W N c m 9 � 7 Z U O a U c � � N � m E R Z C N Q � 0 U V C N � C d � � 7 Z N G � O � '= M n. � y � � � C � �� m � � H � � cl' L11 Q Q � � _ F- M t"J r O 4 U � a> O N '�-' N w � 0 V c = N �- U � U O ca�p . n.= G> U m �.ots o N O � � ~ lp C C i U m �o � m U @ N � N d a � ` � � N � � � � 0 '� C p � G N o-o �o � � ��'�mo d d�pm o ` ��Q'am ... . � O N� C �. N �'� R � N i O � p O O �' z °-� �Z � 000,���. O d d�« O U O N 7 N� N , N N�•�- N CN CO p� i. U O cp y) h- o °�Uo-oo o�-�«�— � � 0 x ,_ � W � N O N � O N m J � �p O a � 0 � O Q � C O {9 � V�. � d N C V ..� N � N � N U � J Q U N R Q� t- l m y N C � U (�p J � U 0 O � �� r �� ' � 3 O Z � � O � � ° o � N `m� w a � Q d � � f" Q M O M � M lt� �- lIJ � � � z � a W m a � � � N � U m Z z O fn a O F U C 7 O U � � � � 0 Q X W N C � Q E � Z U O a U C @ � N C N � � Z c R Q � O U U C m � N C � a � 7 Z N c � o � L � a ,,. N � N � C m � � F- � � V W Q Q � 0 H M M r ° U � � o�� � c N Q � � U N O �•- �`omv�0 . � Q � Q fl-= m U � � a � � N�O C �-' N C C � U N � p � N U � N � N N C � � 9 � � N � � d � � '6 C pa G O -p � p N Q G i) � � O N N 70 cQ N � � �Q'o N w c odV cQ a�i 47 '6 V O N �n U > � N � � � Z d v � Z � $ o a� r . CC':- O�� Q O U o N � N � N . N N(�6 G tn N f0 � U O � C � P �J U o'�00 0 � -1 � P?r" � � O n x ' M W O m � M � O U N � _l � R � a �.. 0 � 0 a d � C O .� � L 0 W N c u J N � m � m � N � U � J a N m F- m y � � V O J �N 0 N o a� a-� 1] O = O Z M C O V O ..J N m� w > ¢ � a N � NO a M O M � �� � Q z � Q � m W p a � N N � U m Z? O N a0 F- �V C � O U � N o� a� m 0 n x W N C d .Q E � z U O a U c N 3 N C � m Z c W a. O U � C m � N C d a � 7 z N O � L � d m I� h � d � C m' � � m � � � � v W Q Q � � t M M � Q Q U � � od� _ "�- C U 0 p U'p L N i- U � U O @(n� . a_ y . U @ �� O N O � C N C � � s_ U N ._ O i d C � N � � � � "6 C p .U� � O C $a �o a�i � _ �� a� o � m � c �Q a y � o a�V c o_ a�i �;O U O N N O � G � O � L Z Q V � Z � opm o � QoQo o � � oUo N 7 y� N , N N�� C N O (6 uJ N CN'�O p� U O�p y^ o �:7Uo-oo OFFICE OF LICEVSE, INSPEC.`IONS AND EWIRONMENTAL PROTECTICN Roger Curtu, Director O �, � y� f � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Narm Colemarz, .Nayor - 7uly 6, 2001 Tom's I Inc dba SuperUSA 1333'I'homas Ave StPaul MN 55104-2545 LOWRYPROFESSIONAL3UILDWG Telephone: 531-?36-909D 350 S1. Puer Street, Sulle 300 Pa6imrle: 65Z-266Al24 SaintPaul, MinneSOta SiIO2-ZSIQ Web: twlw.ci.stpmil.mn.ar!(iep Re: Business License Application at 1333 Thomas Avenue Dear Applicant: This letter is to formally notify you of documentarion our office stili requires in order to complete your business license appiicariott. Your license appiication for a Malt Off Sale license located at 1333 Thomas Avenue can not be processed completely until our office receives the fol]owing; Liquor Liability Insurance - A certificate of insurance (ACORD) - tfie certificate must show proof of liquor liability. Business Purchase AgreemenYBill of Sale Property Lease Agreement, Purchase Agreement, or Proof of Ownership This locarion can not sell Malt! Beer until such required documentation has been submitted to the O�ce of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection and when your license is issued to you. Please let us lmow, in wriring, before Friday, July 13, 20Q l, whether or not you intend to continue with this Malt Off Sale license or wish to cancel. After Friday, July 13, this office will begin the adminis�arive hearing process to deny your Malt Off Sale license. You have the opportunity to appeal the City's decision through this proceeding. If you have any quesrions, please contact Corinne at (651)266-9106. Sincerely, f J r .• L •� .� `3 . . Chrisfine A: F�ozek LIEP Deputy Directar CARJcaa License 6roup Comments 7ext Licensee: TOM'S t !NC osuoizooa OBA: SUPERUSA Q,�`LrY License #: Zp010003026 OSl20/2001 Na response to ea�lier letter. To CAO for license deniat. CAfi 07/05/200� letter sent for req not met. caa al���sa. ��� � Licensee � CoMeM i L"icense � Cardhalder ! .— Type. �' ProPerty f I.ifensee C UnoifiCi91 �` All '� �reetzt � Street Name OMAS Street Type: cRlla � Dmectiorc <AB� �,. UnR # �� Gty <All> ���0a5a85 D SUPEftUSA UK_ 0000050% 0 SUPERUSA WC 5522 SUPEftI15A bYC SUPEftUSA 700@ " ' "___,_° _'__" ' "' 010003026 0 TOM51 WC S1IPERUSA Cigar�rtobacrn GroceiY C�"`_.. MaT off Sale . AJerm Permd (New CigarettelfoUecCo GrocerY(G) MMOtt Sele ��'� c " ' �-,.. � 10I25200713: ionsrom�x ,LicroseH'v2ed m,usnom mrosr. 97A6ROpi 07R16L ' "_. . . "__' '_"__"_"_.._' _ . 07N82�Qt p7fi6l. o � �� tF�-- `— i`� TYW -'" '� a3. �' �� E Stre• g� ���se } licereee � Uc. Types Stre t� properfY t' ���E�ysee C� 1lnofiiad Ore� StreH #: 1333 � � � � SksetName HOOAAS ChY. _ �'eet Type: AVE p'aection. � �a�� �---- �.: r � �Y. T PAUI, DBA �UPERUSA . . - - _ _ �nswence � Band � Requ'remerqs � —� PrqectFacidator. RSUPICION,COftYiNE � AWUSCAClIO�COttN1t11(S License ' � ;S��e: M1I L(x __ 55194: BROROO1Noresponsetosarlier7etter.7oCAOfor--- , # I Werd 1� rcer�se tlenial. CAR 7A572o01 Ietler �! tor req nct met. caa t � i �CountR iM1 �_fi _ � ; .Licens�e oM51NJC Lkensee � ' 00A � A Cnmmetrts � �a->. . _ . _ . . . 0060C OO�Otz Q��� License C " ""' """'_> _' ., _ '"" "" __"R"'_ iamo ^ R_ ta N g89A0` ... " "" "__'.. _ "_"" . N $2p0.tl0� _ N� v 5317.06; , n +� 371333° M1MaK Otf S�e ferrcdng ._._._... 07106R001 �i-��r��- 7 - licensea OM51�dC SVe: � OBA _ ERUSA Strz: License licensee � Lic. Types_ ,[rtsuance � Bord �.., Retnirrncerds) $ _ Stra; Licer�5ee Name OM'S1 WC t DBA PUSA . . � . �ve�• U � ! Sales Tsx Id. tfi669t Non-Profit [� Worker s Cam�s Rl0A0pp � �� - AA CartraC ReCd R]ONO�p 7W itaining Rec'd . ADi0000 �� AA Fee CoAetie[t �U�O ' DixcduA ReNC [- ' OtherA FnancielNaltlReasm�s .- o-.. as��4��., .y �9�k'�&Y .�NPab. �4''�f�35�j''k' B �s�eek.,'�+"`� E'� � �..� .9 - L - arr�pY�,� � ��. r 6Aad io CoMact �' Ucense AdNess -Ma3lnvdce To: — �' Ma7ioCnMeC r 4!cense Aadress BackgrrnmtlCtcckfteq�arer! r CLASS N , CITY OF SAIN'C PAUL T;CE�T(+� A7�PL7CA�`TO .� . OfficeoFLicense,Inspections A. LVil t1r 1 1 1`! and Environment3l Pro[ection THIS APPLICATIOti IS SUBTECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC 350ScPaa5�5uf¢SOa $uev Pau[ Nmccwa SSIO? PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT N PIK tesi>z�s-soso ru tes,� ��-s,,, O�����'�" LICEYSES ARE YOT TR�YSFERABLE PAI'IIErT AIUST BE RECEIVED WITH EACFI APPLFCATIO� Type of License(s) bein� applied for: !� 1� �"f �l�i"� , 3 A� Qi .,,���«� ,.a« �. ., S 0�.� S �I�I. S o 2O �} 0 � CompanyName: ' _ Tom`S I Inc:.- , -`- _` , . - Coryamtion / partnership! So(e Proprizeorship _- If business is incorpocated, give date of incorporation: 3/3/99 BusinessName(DBA): � Sup€rUSA � BusinessPhone:(,65�)644-73R5 Business Address (business tocation): 1333 TflOinBS AV0F1ue ' -:' St.:;' �?7U7 ;-� MN 55104=25�15` Sttez[(m,Name,Type,Direction) City Stare Zip+4 Bznveen what cross streets is the business located'? Hdml l ne/Syndi Cdte �1'hich side of the sheet? Nnrth ArethepremisesnowoccuQied'? YeS �VhatTypeofBusiness? Convenience store Mail To Address {if different than business address): Street(n,Name,Typz,Dirtetion) City State Zip+�i Applicant Information: rrameandTiue: Tawfiq Ottiman Wazwaz First M17iddle (�I�iden) Last Tide Home.4ddress: 8724 Hillswick Trail; Brooklyn Park; "-._- - MN� 554�1 Strtzt (Y, Name. Type, Dircction) City State Zip+4 Date ofBirth: 11(17f 72 Place of Birth: Jet'US31e01; ISrae1 Home Phone: f 6121 363-(177R E{ave you ever been conv[ctzd of any felony, crime or violation of any ciry ordinance other than traffic? YES NO X Date of artest: Char�e: _ Conviction: Sentence: List licenses 4vhich you cuaently hoid, formerly held, or may havz an interest in: None Have any of the xbove namzd licenses ever been revoked'? YES X NO If yes, list the dates and reasons for revocation: Are you �oing to operate this business personal(y? Firstt3ame �1�Shcelnitial YES \0 IF not, who �vi1( operate it? Last of Binh ( ) Huma Addrz>s' Strce: (�. Yamt. Typz. Dirtcnon) Qty Statz Zip+.S Phone ituniocr Are you going to have a manager or assistant in this business? YES ti0 1f che mana;er is not the sxme ns the opecator, piease comptzcz the folto«in� infomiation: Firs'tName MiShczSni�ial (�laidrn) Last Da[<otBirth � ) Ftome lddress_ S�reu (�, Name, Type, D¢tRmn) Citu' S�ate Ap-t Phont Numou �Vhere? ,..��.,�nnn P(e�se list your employment history for the previous five (5) year �eriod: p � _ � �4'Y-- BusinessiEmntovment Address Tom's Tobacco - President - - 1a30 = tVE RlainP rviN 55a4g= =' LisT all other �FFICER NAME of the cocporation: TITLE HO�IE (Office Held) ADDRESS H04IE PHO�iE BL'STNESS DATE OF PHO�IE BIRTH If business is a partnecship, please include the followin� information for each pactner (use additional pages if necessary): First Namc hfiddit fnitial (b[aiden) Last _ Datz ot Birth ( ) Komt Address: Sveet (�, NacsK, Typz, Direcdon) Ciry Scatz ZiQ�I Phunz Numbtr First�'ame �Gddiefnitial (iblaidzn) Last DataoFBirth � ) Plomr AddrcSS: S[reet (�, Namr, Type, Direction) QCy Sta[e 2ip—� Phonz Numbzr v1Ih'\ ESOTA TAX IDE\TIFICATION iYU4ISER - Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota,1434, Chaptzr �02, Articte 8, Section 2(270.72) (Tax Clearance; Issuancz of Licenses), licensing authorities are required to provide to the State oCMinnesota Commissioner of Revenue, ihe Minnesota business tax ideniification number and [he sociai secusiry number of each license appiicant. Under the Minnesota Gocemment Data Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to advise you of the foltowing regardin� the iue of the biinnesota Tax Identification Number: - This inFormation may be used to deny the issuance or renewai of your license in the event you otive Minnzsota sales, employei s withholding ot motor vehicle excise taxes; ' - Upon receivin� this information, thz licensing authority will supply it only m the �Iinnesota Dzpartment ofRecenue. However, iender the Federal Exchange af Information Agreement, the Deparfinent of Revenue may supply this information ro the Intemal Revenue Servicz. Minnzsofa Tas [dentification Numbers (Sates & Use Tas Number) may be obtained from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Department, 600 Robut Street North, Saint Paul, M\ (651-296-6181). Minnzsota Tas Identificatioa Number. 4166691 ❑ Ita bfinnesota Tax Idz��tification Number is not required for the business bzing operaCed, indicatz so by placin� an "X" in the box. CERTiFICATIO\ OF ��'ORI:ERS' CO�IPE\SATIO�I COVERAGE PURSUANT TO MINI`ESOTA STATUTE t76.132 I hereby certify tliat [, or my comQany, am in compliance wiUi the workers' compznsation insurance co��erage requiremen[s oFMinnesota Stamte 176.13? subdi� ision 2. I also undzrstand that provision of faise information in this certification constieutes sufficient grounds far ad��ersz acdon aeainst alt licenses�hz(d including re� ocation and suspension of said licenses. Name of Insurance Company: /'14 G )�A T C -- Polic} \umbzr. �'?�!� � � � LI S�� Ji� Co��erage from�itclG - � `� � _ to �ttit=Q'^ �� I hacz no emgtuyees cuczred undzr �corkers' compensatio�i insurance �(IVITIALS) n� IC,/?OUO