274255 WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE (Community CITY OF SAINT �AUL co�ncii '��:1����:� CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAVOR Development) Co�ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon the recorr�nendation of the Mayor, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the following project budget transfers in the Community Development Year V Program. Current Increase Amended Project Budget (Decrease) Budget South of Front-Acquisitions Acquisition (Line #1 ) 689,000 (85,000) 604,000 Demolition (Line #4) 70,000 (l0,OQ0) 60,000 Relocation (Line #8) 358,000 358,000 South of Front Public Improvements (Line #3i ) 165,000 95,000 260,000 PROJECT TOTALS 1 ,282,000 1 ,282,000 Rehabilitation Loans-Multi- Unit Structures Rehab (Line #12c) 500,000 (100,000) 400,000 Relocation (Line #8) -0- 100,000 100,000 PROJECT TOTALS 500,000 500,000 and be it . FURTHER RESOLVED, that the contract between the City and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority for implementation of a portion of the Corr�nunity Development Year V Program is hereby revised in accordance with the preceding transfers. APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: APPROVED: �� � . Bernard J. C rl on, Director R chard E. Schroeder p Department o inance & Management Budget Director COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas CMANON Nays PED: Community Development Division ,�„ In Favor Hunt G:j�/ Levine _ � __ Against BY -;���� Maddox Showalter Form Approve City Attor y Ado y Counc' : Date �qN ��� ertified .sed by Council Se Ltary BY t�ppr e by :Navor. �iA►I�r� �980 Appro y yor or Submission o Council B BY PU�USNED i,t�� � � �Q°� '— ZJ.I..� .0 L1.L�� 1�.)L.l..l i.l i. .L l.\ L� .l.� . .r��-�--�`�\� O!!'�''1.^.I': O�"�'i(..l•: C',.'.i':�.' C:O�f_\-�;TT.. . . �:r�_ �:c!..�'i:.:, i�r a "�3' r-�v�,?,.r , � �. . � 1 aiu ia '[i.wP„E[�:1 .��;����� `` � �tf=�f Datp ; „ . . January 7, 1980 .���_ __/ >- • ,-:�- C � f�i �ii ;�i� �'''—... � � i � � �r�-'►` I � - . - . � p ; Soinr °uut Ciiy Council � ��� �i; O ��:I = C O:�'3 i?l 1�7t.'� O�FINANCE, MANAGEMENT AND FERSONNEL - RUBY HUNT�; cnoirnen, mci:es the fotto:�inc� � repart on C. F_ � � C] Ordinance - � . . � . . �7) Q Resote;'rion . . . . �] O�h�r � � � , � 1iL� ' . � - . The Finance Corr�nittee, at its meeting of January 7, 1980, recommended approval of ' the following: . � . � - 1 . • Resolution regr.a�ding titles of Attorney I and II. (10484-R�H). . - 2. Resolution changing class, specs and grade of License Inves.tigator in the . ' Technical Group �3.L) of �Civil Service Rules from its present specs and Grade . � �Grade 32� to Grade 34. (10495-RH) . . _ � 3. Resolution establishing title of Jet Sewer Cleaner Operator in Section 3.G �. �' (Labor-Maintenance, Ungraded) and also establishing class specs .for ti_tle. (10494=RF j � . . . , :� 4.' Resolution .establishing rate of pay for new title.of Jet Sew�r .Cleaner OperatDr. . ; (.10493-RH1 . � . . - � . ' 5. • Reso�ution - St. Paul CapTtal Allocation Policies .1981-1985. (10534-RH) . � . � j . . 6. Resolution approving a7location of specific funds for several Citfzen Participation � districts. ' ' � - • • . ` - of Front ' . 7. Resolution transferring l�ne items for multi family rehab and .South . - projects. . 8. Resolution appointing�Theodore Collins, Ronald Smith, Robert White and Patrick 0'Neill as special counsel to represent Richard Rowan, Dave Weida, James Fecl�y and� John Voita in defense of lawsuit corr�nenced by Joseph Carchedi , City License Inspect Referred back to City Council with no action since Council disposed of this matter on January 3, 1980. . '� ((i:T:� S�yE\'!�: FJ.O:):: C:11\l 1':�L;.L, �;r�\:i$:1�f:� S - � t�Nt Ol; . �2/t�� : � :: #tev.: ; 9/8j�5 " , EXFLANATION OF ADMIPfISTRAT�YE ORDERS, � , • .. SOL NS, . R I. !V � . ��� . , ; ,:=-,;- Da�e: January 2, 1980 � . TQ: MAYOR 6E8R6E LA3IMER • t ,� FR: MR, WILLIAM Q. PATTON ` ` , :' , p , _ ,= ,1��� � � 1� � C� ; � RE: �PPROYAL` OF CD YEAR V BUD�ET 7R�P{SF�1�5 .lAN�4 �. '� ' � . . . < . , , : . _ _ M���� �� . . , , � . - .,: � � .. . . . . _.: . :-.; . ; .� ..'��' �. . � .. . . . . _ . . ' .. ` - ACTI�+f REE�U€STED: Approval of budg�t transfers. . : ; , . . . � � .. . . . . . � . . . - �.�,.. . . . , . . . : ._;. .. . . . �, ... ' . � - . . � h��" . � �.I . , . . .. .. . .. ." . � .:. .. .' � ,.- .. . .� . � . .. .. . ���. " ., _ . #�t1RP0SE PIt�D RATIt?1�td4�E fOR THIS ACl'I0�1: Additional furfids f�rr tfie South �of front :Public Impr4�r�ents are needed. Luekily there are suffic�e�t surp'!us ;�dS in 'h.� .a�qu�sition and de�roiition �ines of:the :South v�f Frant Cl�arance pra��t :t�r ±�vv�r:t�e ,ri � p�ttrlic improwi�nents s�rtage. The City's MuI�T:-Family R�kr�b Proga^am �is-t�ec�uir�d t.� .;: ,pay r�io�a�i�rt ber�efi ts. .T#� reqaested trah�fer wi l l al low t1� Ci�y� to u�e .CQB� , }�� : , � � .. . . .. . .. ..., .�t,. funds for the re]ocat�on paymen�s. . :, , _ . r ; �. _�.. . '. ' . . � . �... � .Y . . . . . . . . . ,F . . .. � ».' ..�. 11���Y��l�TV• :.. .. ' . �. . . . . . . �. . - ` :�.