274252 WHITE - C�TV CLERK . PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PATTL Council �p�j��� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE y MAVOR File NO•_�� � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administration Resolution amending the Civil Service Rules by adding titles and class specifications and by striking out certain titles and class specifications. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended by adding the titles listed below in the proper alphabetical order under the heading and section designated: Title Headin� Section Disbursement Auditing Clerk--Schools Grade 30 3. B Workers' Compensation Clerk Grade 19 3. B Security Officer Grade 13A 3. C Asphalt Plant Operator Ungraded 3. G Stores Laborer Ungraded 3. G Water Service Worker-Control Desk Ungraded 3. G Program Coordinator Grade 16 3. J Vendor Assistance Analyst Grade 5 3. J Assistant Director of School Cafeterias Grade 18 3. K Solid Waste and Equipment Engineer Grade 20 3. K Librarian IV (Children and Youth� Grade 18 3. K Librarian IV (Circulation) Grade 18 3. K Librarian IV (Extension) Grade 18 3. K Librarian IV (Fine Arts & Audio-Visual) Grade 18 3,K Librarian IV (Reference) Grade 18 3.K Librarian IV (Science and Industry} Grade 18 3.K Librarian IV (Technical Servtces) Grade 18 3�K 5olid Waste and Equipment Engineer Grade 20 3. K and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended _ ..1_ COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler PERSO OFFI � Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine __ Against BY � Maddox Showalter TedesCO Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary By By '� Appr d by Mayor f r Su 'ssion to Council l+�pproved t>y :Vlavor. Date — By ,� � B ��rR �w� ;� � d ra�� �� ��-r i u by striking out the titles listed below where they appear in under heading and section designated: Title Heading Section Watchman I Grade 13A 3. C Asphalt Batcherman Ungraded 3. G Asphalt Plant Engineer Ungraded 3. G Librarian IV (Children and Youth) Grade 18 3. J Librarian IV (Circulation) Grade 18 3. J Librarian IV (Extension) Grade 18 3, J Librarian IV (Fine Arts and Audio-Visual) Grade 18 3. J Librarian IV (Reference) Grade 18 3, J Librarian IV (Science and Industry) Grade 18 3, J Librarian IV (Technical Services) Grade 18 3. J Assistant Director of School Cafeterias Grade 11 3, K FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 3. G under the heading "Ungraded" by placing a star (�) before the titles of Jackhammer Operator and Mortar Mixer, and by adding at the bottom of the page the following statement: "� This title is abolished except as to present incumbents. "; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended by inserting in Section 32, in proper alphabetical order, the attached Class Specifications for the new titles l.isted below: Asphalt Plant Operator Assistant Director of School Cafeterias Disbursement Auditing Clerk--Schools Program Coordinator Public Buildings Technician II Public Works Technician II Security Officer Solid Waste and Equipment Engineer Stores Laborer Traffic Technician II Valuation and Assessment Technician II Vendor Assistance Analyst Water Department Technician II Water Service Worker-Control Desk Workers' Compensation Clerk and be it -2- WMITE - CITV CLERK ������ y�� PINK - FINANCE ��� � CANAI7V - DEPARTMENT GITY� OF SAINT �AUL COUIICIl BLUE� � MAYOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date F'INALLY RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 32 by striking out the class specifications for the following titles: Asphalt Batcherman Asphalt Plant Engineer Assistant Director of School Cafeterias Jackhammer Operator Mortar Mixer Public Buildings Technician II Public Works Technician II Traffic Technician II Valuation and Assessment Technician II W atchman I Water Department Technician II Approved: ) � � ���� Chairman Civil Service ommi ion ..3_ COUNCILMEN Yeas McMAHON Nays Requested by Department of: �� � [n Favor 1'ERSONNEL OFFICE ddeaZa Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY Maddox Showalter J�� 10 1980 Form Ap roved Cit ey Ado by Cou il: Date �` ertified :sed b o .il �gcret y BY v y ` JAN I#p d by ;Navor _ App ed by Mayor for u ssio o C uncil B — BY �11�3i,13NED ,!,�(� �, Q 1980 . ' . . � ' � �. . - a�;. �o not detach fMis �memorandum fresm th� resolution so that this informati0n wiil be � 8i: 12/I9.75 _ ava�lable to the Gity Council. �.r - �18��6 �r�: oF e�r,�►szv$�o�s. a�sor��s:, a� c��cBS: �, _ .. ..,, ...�.� ���, .. .� . � ����� • , . �ts: October 24,. 1979 ' �ECE_IVED �: r�YOR c� �x O�C 1 91979 F�s Parsv�aa�; mi�£�.co , �� � , �1;: R�aolution far aubmi,asiq�t ta Citq Couaeil . . . . AG,�,�ON., � �:: Wa r��c�d yo� app=o�a1 aud submisstan o£ this Rssol���t to �ha Ci.tyt :Gt�unail. - - , . ^ _ PtJ�P!Q�1ffi�. AND �ATI�,P� �THI&ACTI�: ._ � �,� .,,.�..�.�..�....�.�_..,.,_,., r.� . . � Thia xesolut�.on approves a variety� of items which a.re i�n the Civil Seir�rice Rules.,: These items.ha�re already been approned� �.owever, the reaolutions in whi�h they were appro�v�ed referred to-the o�.d Civil Service Rules section aumber�. ,. Thi� • � resolutioa merely reaffirms.these cha.xiges, additions and deletions in the appropriate A� section in the new Civi.l Serva,ce Rules format and section numbering system. .° ,�'° There �re no.x�ew changes in this resolution. , � �. . . . ' - � . � , . .. ..n>r•r„ � . �� �i ��i��' , -� - ' � . R��olutl�n and cogy #or City Clerk. c �� • � � Title of class: � ASPHALT PLANT OPERATOR � DESCRIPTZON OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled work in operating, main- taining and repairing stationary batching equipment use�. in the pro- duction of asphalt mixes; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general technical and administrative ' supervision of a unit heado Supervisioa Exercised: May exercise within a unit direct technical super- vision over laboring workers. � TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED � The listed examples may not include all duties .p�rfarmad by all positions in this class. 1Kixes asphalt batches by operating levers controlling the heat, amount of ' aggregate, asphalt and oil flowing into the weighing chambere � Checks, repairs and maintains components of pl�nt to assure safe operation � and compliance with pollution control regulationse Weighs materials according to prescribed formulas; mixes weighed materials in mechanical zaixer. �'' Dumps asphalt mixes through chuta onto truckso � � Requisitions and maintains a supply of material for the proper and efficient operation of the pZanto Unloads aggregates from railroad cars and trucks to st�ckpilesv - Transfers fuels and bituminous materials fa-om tankar ta storage tanksa Places chemical in settling tanks daily and cleans out tanks as neadedo KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS ANA ABILITIES Considerable skill in the maintenance, repa3r 2nd operation of machinss and equipment used in the mixture of asphalt. Thorough knowledge of the safe op�ration of machines and er�uipmant usad in the naking of asphalto � Thorough knowledge of praperties of ma*_a�ials used in the prep�rati�n of asphalt� ' Working knowledge of laws and xegulations con�ern�ng palluti�n c�ntrole � Considerable ability to undQr�tand and fqllow complex o�al and written instructionso MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS One year's experience in Lhe repair, ma�ntenanra and operation of an asphalt plant or two ye�rs' experian�e dealing with th� applica�ion of asphalt surfacing� Music possess a 4th c13ss li�ens�o � EffeLtiv� May 26, 1979 ASPHALT PL��iT OPF.RATOR << .� Title of class: � � ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS • DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs professional and supervisory work assisting in the planning, direction and operation of the food service program for the Saint Paul Public Schools; and performs reZated duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of the Director of School Cafeterias. � Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit directly and through ! subordinate supervisors general supervision over professional, technical, ; clerical and food service employeese � � ! TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID , The listed examples nay not include all duties performed by all positions in t�i,3.s. class e � • ' Develops procedures and guidelines which will provide effective food service in each district operated schoola Develops district wide menus which will be nutritionally adequate, eye � appealing and meet all government standardso Audits the acceptance and effec�iveness of the food service programs in each buildingo Assists in the development of the line item budget Yequired for the food service .department. Assists in the wxiting of specifications for food, supplies, and equipmenta Assists in the admiuistration of the lunch ticket syst�em, including the free and reduced lunch and breakfast program> � Assists in the administration of an accurate accounting system that will inc3ude records, reports, participation, costs, etco to meet both district and federal requirementsa Develops and implements an in-service training program for food service personnele � �aintains lines of communication with building principals, faculty, food service personnel and students in order to have an effective food service programa Assists the various schools in solving food service problems� Develops and implements an effective safety and sanitation program for food service personnel� Assists in the screening of qualified C�vil S�rvice c�ndidates for vacancies as they occur. Acts for the Airector of School Cafeterias in his or her absencee (continued on reverse side) f � Effective May 26, 1979 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS � , . ASSISTANT DIRECTOR 0� SCHOOL CAFETERIAS � (continued) KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of the operation of a multi-unit cafeteria system and satellite feeding systems. . Considerable knowledge of local, state and federal laws, regulations and . subsidies affecting school food servi.ce progzams. Considerable knowledge of nutrition theory and principles. _ - Considerable ability to plan, organize and delegate work. � . Working ability to deal tactfully and effectively with subordinates, administrators and the general public. Some knowledge of budgeting aad bookkeeping pri..nciples and practices. Some knowledge of equipment and production methods used in a large central kitchen. . - MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS CoZlege graduation with specialization in institutional management, nutrition or related� field and three .years� experience as direc�or or assistaat director of a large school foad service program or comparable institutional food service program. ' � r � �T Title of class: +�. DISBURS .fiLF'NT AUDITING CLERK—SCHOOLS DESCRIPTION OF WORK: General Statement of Duties: Acts as a lead worker in auditing a variety of payment instruments for the disbursement of school district funds; and perfoxms related duties as required. Supervis�oa Received: Works under the general technical and administrative supervision of an accountant or a division or unit heade SuPervision Exercisedr Exercises within a unit close technical superv�sion directly over clerical warkers as assignedo TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED . The listed examples may not include all duties performed by a].1 positions in this classe t Audits and verifies payment instruments including purchase orders, contract claims, contract estimates, miscellaneous claims, traveZ claims, pay vouchers and inter-departmental transfers for proper preparation and compliance with specifications and legal, requirementso Audits checks received from data proce�sing and typed manually for correct number, amount, name and addresse � Supervises the preparation of payroll daduction checks reflecting the totals to be disbursed to the consigneeso Withholds employee chacks for encumbrances including garziishffients, executions, income tax liens and assignments; notifies affected amployees; prepares split checks to satisfy empZoyee obligation when necessaryo Maintains file of authorized signatures, agreements, contracts and other documents necessary to auditsa Advises divisions within the School District of inproper purchasing practices, necessary resolutions, administrative orders, agreenent or contract additions, incomplete invoices or other discrepanciesv Assists in the development and utilization of naw disbursement practices and procedures in accordance with administrative guidelineso Assists in scheduling disbursements to obta3n maximum use of funds consistent � with accepted business practiceo Responds Lo vendor inquiries regarding disbursements and t� School District � personnel regarding procedures and practices, KNOWLIDGES, SKILLS ANU ABILITIES Working knowledge of general accounting procedure� and practiceso Working knowledge of laws, statutes and resoluti�ns that affect the financial disbursement function> Working ability to read and interpret contract agreament language. (continued on reverse side) � Eifective June 2, 1979 DISBURSEME�iT AUDITING CLERK—SCHOOLS DISBURSF�IENT AUDITING CLERK—SCHOOLS � (continued) Considerable lcnowledge of modern office practices and procedures. Working ability to make arithmetic computations by hand or using a , calculator. � Working ability to operate modern office equipment. - Working ability� to deal tactfully and efficiently with the general public, ; vendors, departments and staff personnel. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS _ Eight years' clerical experience, at least two years of which must have . been as a Baak Clerk, Accounting Clerk I, Accounting Clerk II or _ Auditing Clerk I; or four years' as a Clerk III engaged in auditing work as a primary _duty or equivalent experience. . � . � - : �. �. � Title of class: ' PROGRAbf COORDINATOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs highly responsible professional work providing staff assistance to an administrator in reviewing, analyzing and coordinating department programs and projects, directs special projects as assigned•, performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general technical and administrative supervision of a department head. Supervision Fxercised: May exercise within the department general techaical supervision directly over assigned clerical workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID � The listed examples may not include all duties performed by alI positions in this class. Collects and analyzes glanning, problem solving and.program evaluation; prepares reports and reco�endations. Provides general or technical information regarding departmental functions and policy to the public and state and local agencies; supplies infor- mation requested by the City Council, Ma.yor's Office and other City � departmentse Assists in developing long range plans for departmental programs and projects. Represents the department. at committee and civi.c group meetings. Directs special pxo3ects as assigned� by the department .head. Discusses plans, programs, objectives and procedures with division heads, and reports and makes recommendations to the department head. Coordinates and updates departmental program lists with division staff, KNOWLEDGES, SRILLS AND A$ILITIES Working ability ta prepare and present reports and recommendations. � Considerable knowledge of the principles and theories of management. Considerable knowledge of department functions, practices and procedures. Considerabl.e ability to plan and organize worke - Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with a11 levels of management and the general public, Considerable �kill in organizing and implementing special pro3ects. MINIriUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation and six years' experience in program administration, at least two years of which must have been in a responsible ad:.�inistrative capacityo � � Effective May 12, 2979 PROGRAi`�i COORDINATU? � Title of class: PUBLIC BUILDINGS TECHNICIAN II Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to perform routine engineering or architectural work in surveying, drafting, plan checking, and inspection of public and private buildings and facilities; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work perforned: To review the less complex plans and specifi.cations to determine conformance with the codes. To make routine inspections of buildings under construction and the instal- lation of equipment and facilities. . : To prepare detailed drawings and renderings of public bui]:dings and facilities. To assist in preparing cost estimates and specifieations. To make surveys for the Department of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings. To make basic computations to determine safe loads and the strength o£ various parts of buildings. To make inspections of buildings to determine the legality of proposed architectural and structural changes. � To make investigations and reports on explosions, fires, floods, etc., which may occur in the City. Minimum qualifications: High school graduation and at least 30 credit hours aceeptable toward the basic engineeriag certificate as given by the University of Minnesota (certain courses may be substituted for thos� required for the basic engineering certificate; a list of such substitute courses is main- tained in the �ersonnel Office) ; and two years� experience as an Architectural Draftsman II, Engineering Draftsman II, Public Works Technician I, Traffic Technician I, Instrumentman, Valuation and Assessment Technician I, Water Departinent Technician I, or equivalenta Each additional year of qualifying experience my be substituted for five credit hours. Additional experience as an Engineering Aide II, Engineering Draftsman I. Traffic Engineering Aide II, Architectural Draftsman I, Valuation and Assessment Aide II or equivalent is qualifying for the first fifteen credit hours< �.i Effective June 2, 1979 PUBLIC BUILDII3GS TECHNICIAN II � � Title of class: PUBLIC WORKS TECHNICIAN II • Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to do inspection work on complex public works pro3ects; to perform routine engineering work in the investigation, drafting, and. design of public works projects; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work perforiaeds To inspect concrete paving pro�ects for conformity to plans and specif ications a , To inspect major sewer pro3ects. To act as chief inspector and supervisor on asphalt surfacing projects. To supervise lower level technicians on minor publ�c works projects. To make reports, estimates, and progress recordse To assist in the preparation of plans, specifications and esti_mates of large public works projects. To do design work independently on small public works projects. To compute quantities and costso To prepare scale drawings and maps from field survey notes. To act as drafting squad leader on less complex grading plans. Mini.mum qualif ications: � � High school graduation and at least thirty credit hours acceptable toward the basic engineering certificate as given by the University of Minnesota (certain courses may be substituted for those required for the basic engineering certificate; a list of such substitute courses is maintained in the Personnel Office); and two years' experience as a Public Works .Technician I, Engineering Draft�man II, Traffic Technician � I, Instrumentma.n, Architectural Draftsman II, Valu�tion and Assessment Technician I, Water Department Technician I, or equivalento Each additional year of qualifying experience m�y be substitut�d for five credit hoursa Additional experience aa an Engineering Aide II, Engineering Draftsman I, Traffic Engin�ering Aide ZI, Architectural Draftsman I, Valuation and Assessment Aide II or equival.ent is qualifyi.ng for the firs� fif�een credi� hours� � Effective June 2, 1979 PUBLIC WORKS T�::;�i,�jCIAN II 't'v� Title of class: ' SECURITY OFFICER DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs routine work in patrolling property owned or controlled by the city to protect the property from theft, fire, or other damage or danger; and performs related duties as requirede Supervision Received: Works under the sugervision of a unit supervisor. Supervision Exercised: Nona. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED Makes periodic inspections or rounds of buildings and groundso Inspects doors and windows to see that they arp properly lockedo Punches tims clockso KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Ability to follow oral and written instructians. �_ MINTMUM QUALIFICATIONS Must be not less than 18 years of age. � Effective June 2, 1979 SECURITY OFFICER " i � Titla of class: SOLID WASTE AND EQUIP.'�1T ENGINEER DESCRIPTIO�I OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible professional engineering wor� planning, directing and evaluating the operation of the so].id waste co].lection and disposal program and evaluating equipment needs and alternatives; and performs related duties as required. Supervisioa Received: Work3 under the general supervision of a division head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises general administrative and techn3cal super- vision over subordinate supervisors and technical support staff. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may no� include aIl duties perfarmed bp all positions fn this classo Directs the solid waste collection and disposal operation. Evaluates refuse disposal options and recommends changes to management. Evaluates constructioa and maintenance equipment and reco�ends procur�ment and implementation� Analyzes, recommends and implements improvemeuts in operations division's method� and procedures. Prepares annual budget for solid waste operation 3.ncluding pro�ected expen- � ditures and recommaends collection rates. ConsuZta with Federal, 5tate, County and Metropolitan officials including the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and Metropolitan Council. Prepares and evaluates performance and production reports. Makes presentations before citizen organizations and other groups. Directs summary abatement activities. � Directs maint�nance programs as assigned. KNOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of solid waste collection and disposal operations. Considerable ability to plan, direct and evaluate the work of employees. Working �Cnowledge of public works maintenance methods and procedures. Considerable ability "to deal effectively with city employees, governmental agencies, private employees and the general public. Considerable ability t� make effective oral presentations. Considerabla knowledga of inechanical e4uipment used in solid waste operations. Working knowledge of solid waste recycling technology. Working knowledge of Federal, State, County, Metropolitan and Local laws, plans, pol�cies and regulations dealing with solid waste. (continued on reverse side) � . Effective September 8, 1979 SOLID WASTE AND EQUIP,�NT ENGINEER SOLID WASTE AND EQUIPMENT ENGINEER � (continued) MINL`1U:I QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in civil enginaering and four years' enginearing e�cperience following graduation in solid waste collection and disposal operations, two years of which must have been at the level of a Civil Engineer II. (Approved qualifying experience may be substituted for education; or, additional approved education or special training may be substituted for up to one-half of the experience requirement.) Must be a registered professional engineer in the State of Minnesota. -_ . .._. - �. �. � Title of class: STORES LAFiORER DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs semi-skilled work involved in ordaring, storing, issuing, maintaining and performing simple repair of con�truction tools, equipment and supplies; and performs related duties as requiredo Supervision Received: Worl�s under the close supervision of a foreman or unit supervisor. � Supervision Exercised: Nonee TYPICAL DUTIES PERFOztMEL� The li�ted examples may no� include all duties perfarmed by all positfons i.n this class� Cleans, maintains, issues and accounts for tools and equipment. Requests supplies, materials, tools and equipment. Iaspects purchased supplies for quality and confoxzaity with specifications and places th�m in storage areaso Maintains tools and equipme�.t in serviceable condition by making minor � repairs and adjustments or sending them out for major repair. Resupplies vehicles with gasoline in the £ield. Prepares and maintains records and files as assigned. Takes physical inventory of stock and maintains stock records. Repairs curb irons� Keeps storage areas in clean and orderly conditiona KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of tools, equipment, supplies and grocedures used in public wozks maintenance and construction work, k'orking ability to repair and maintain hand and power tools. Working knowledge of procedures used in ordering and inventoryittg supplies. Some knowledge of routine procedures used in servicing trucks and heavy equipmenta Some ability to prepare sinple records and reports. MINIMiI�i QUALIFICATIONS One year's experience as a tool crib attendant or storekeeper in a moderately complex toolroom or store'nouse;� or one year's experience as a laborer on public works projectse 2 Eff ective May 5, 1979 STORES TABORER � ..�.fr �- Title of class: TRAFFIC TECHNICIAN II Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to perform routine engineering work connected with traffic operations, surveys, or plans; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work.performed: , To investigate and repor� findings on traffic complaints and suggestions. To inspect and report ugon the materials and methods of construction used on traffic sigaal contracfis. To plan, organize, and conduct traffic surveyso To prepare charts, summaries, and tables showing survey results. To perform drafting, computations or assembly work on plans, charts and diagrans. To supervise the work of sign a.nd marking installation. To direct and coordinate the work of parking meter operationse Minimum qualifications: � � High school graduation and at least thirty eredit houxs acceptable toward the basic engineering certificate as given by the University of Minnesota (certain courses may be substituted for those required for the basic eagi.neering certif icate; a list of such substitute courses is maintained in the Personnel Office); and two years� experience as a Traffic Techaician I, Public Works Technician I, Engineering Drafts— man II, Instrumentman, Archifiectural Draftsman II, Valuation and Assessment Technician I, Water Department Technician I, or equivalent. Each additional year of qualifying experience m�y be substitu�ed for five credit hours. Additional experience as an Engineering Aids II, Engineering Draftsman I, Traffic Engineering Aide II, Architectural Draftsman I, Valuation and Assessment Aide II or equivalent is qualifying for the first fifteen credit hourse � �� . Effective June 2, I979 TRAFFIC TECHIdICIAN II . ' .� �. Title of class: VALUATION AND ASSESSMENT TECF�iICIAN II DuLies and responsibilities: Under supervision, to perform routine valuation engineering or architectural work in drafting, plan checking, building measurements, property resea�ch., plan preparation, and preparation of estimates of assessable property frontages; to be responsible for the work in connection with the . valuation and sale of tax-forfeited property, and the spreading of assessments for local improvements; to supervise work of lower level techn,icians; and to perfarm related work as assigneds Examples of work performed: To prepare detailed drawings of buildiags or propErty for appraisal and condemnation purposes. To prepare scale drawings and maps from field survey notes. To supervise and train lower level technicians on minor projects. To make preliminary investigations and reports on street or alley vacation projectse To gather and raaintain statistical information on matters pertaining to valuations. � To locate property from plat by legal description, and to abstract the same from field notes. To research ownership and encumbrances on real property. To prepare reports, correspondence and resolutions regarding assess- ments and tax-forfeited lands for City Council action. To revise assessments as required for platting or sale of landsa To assist and advise the Valuation and Assessment Enginaer regarding the sale and disposal of tax-forfeited landse To write and revise legal descriptions, To explain individual assessments to propexty owners and to give .general information as to procedure on assessments, condeamations, street . vacations, real estate taxes, etc� Minimum qualifications: High school graduation and at least 30 c�edit hours acceptable toward the basic engineering certificate as given by the Univ�ersity of Minnesata (certain courses- nay be substituted for those required for the basic engineering certificate; a list of such substitute conrses is maintained in the Personnel Office) ; and two qearst expzr3ence as a Valuation and Assessment Technician I, Public Works Technician i, Traffie Technician I, Water Department Technician I, Architeetural Draftsman II, Engineering Draftsman II, Instrumentman, or equivalen�o Each addition�l year of qualifying experience may be substituted for five credi.t hours. Additional experience as an Engineer�ng Aide II, Engineering Draft�man I, Traffic Engineering Aide II, Architectural Draftsman I, Val�arion and �. Assessment Aide II or equivalent is qualifying for ths first fifteen credit hourse Effective June 2, I979 VALUATION AND ASSESSMENT TECHDIICIAN II �, Title of class: VENDOR ASSISTAIVCE ANALYST DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs professional work in helping the ' city meet its affirmative action purchasing commitments by assisting ; local businesses, especially sma11/minority businesses, to impxove ' their participation in local commerce; and performs related duties as required. Supervision. Received: Works under the general supervision of the Purchasing Agent or a unit head. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. . . Prepares and disseminates commercial information which will facilitate growth opportunities in the local econoany, particularly for small/ minority entr.epreneurse Collects, compile�, catalogs, analyzes and stores in£ormation regarding commercial transactions in the local marketplace. � Sorts commercial data into readily understandable categories and prepares summary report an available commercial opportunities. Reviews, catalogs and stores information on past city purchases processed through the central purchasing officeo Matches local marketplace data with the city's needs for goods and services and prepares reports and recommendations to enhance city use of local vendors, especially small/minority vendors, Develops plans to improve small/minority business participation in city purchasing activities specifically and the local econony generallyo Prepares and submits applications for grants to implement and sustain the vendor assistance programo Conducts training programY for vendors and userso Identifies problem/opportunity areas and ma.kes recommendafiions for small/ minority business expansiono Assists small/minority business to meet government procurement requirements such as bonding, licensing and insuranceo Coordinates vendor assistance activities with local asso�iations and governmental units concerned with local commercee Develops a system of program evaluation and monitors it fcr resultse KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of the functions, programs and goals of the small/ minority procurement efforto � (continued on reverse side) Effective July 7, 1979 VENDOR ASSISTA,vCE ANALYST VENDOR ASSISTANCE ANALYST . � (continued) Considerable ability to perform research and gather information from �eference materials and interview techniques> : Working knowledge of community resources relating to program areas. Working knowledge of purchasing methods and procedureso Considerable ability to communicate both verbally and in writing with persons of varied social and economic backgrounds� MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS : . . � .. .: College graduation in business administration, economics or a related field; or one year's experience as a Buyer I or equivalent; or eight � years' clerical experience, four years of which must have been as a Clerk III or equivalent involved with purchasing prccedures. . ... . . - • _. � � � Title of class: WATER DEPARTMENT TECHNICIAN II Duties and xesponsibilitiess Under supervision, to perform routine engineering work in the investigation, drafting, and design of water works projects; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To assist in fihe p2atting of frontagas, making of cost estimates, clearing with property owners, etce, in connection with water main petitions. To compute size of water service connections for residential and commercial new construction as well as replacement connections. To compute deposit estimates on all larger service connectians, automatic fire connections, and temporary mains. To assist in the preparation of plans, specifications, and estim,ates of large water works pro�ects. ' To do design work independently on sm�ll water woxks projects and to compute quaatities and costs. To act as inspector on water works projectse � Minimum qualifications: High school graduation and at least thirty credit hours acceptable toward the basic engineering certificate as given by th� IIniversity of Minnesota (certain courses may be substituted for those required for the basic engineering certificate; a list of such substitute courses is maintained in the Personnel Offiee); and two years' experience as a Water Department Technician I, Engineering Draftsman II, Public Works Technician I, Traffic � Technician I, Instrumentman, Architectural Draftsman II, Valnation and Assassment Technician I, or equivalente Each additional year of qual- ifying experience may be substituted for five credit hours. Additional exparience as an Enginsering Aide II, Engineering Draftsman I, Tra£fic Engineering Aide II, Architectural D��ftsman I, Valuation and Assessment Aide II or equivalent is qualifying fo� Lhe first fifteen credi� hours> � Effective June 2, 1979 WATER DEPARTME�tT TECHNICIAN II �` Title of class: � WATER SERVICE WORKER-CONTROL DESK DESCRZPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled work in receiving and dis- seminating in£ormation regarding the Water Utility's distribution system; directs the work activities of off-shif t crews; performs related record keeping; and performs related duties as requiredo • Supervision Received: Works under the technical and administrative super- vision of a foreman or unit head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises direct supervision over lower level labor- ing workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by alI positions in this class. Determines priority of work for off-shift crew and directs crew by radiao Receives reports of fires and dispatches Watex Utility truck and crew member to the fire locati.on. � Notifies supervisor of emergency situations which require immediate atten- tion and when directed calls out emergeney crews to respond to such situations. Recommends corrective measures and determines necessity of shutting off mains or other emergency measures. . Receives reports and complaints pertaini.ng to the Water Utility distribution system. Receives reports of on-site conditions from crew and furnishes thsm with information on the water distribu�tion system; such as, location of valves, water mains and service connectionso Coordinates the turn on of water services and collections of delinquent payments. Maintaias timekeeping records, enters information in log books and rec�rd cards regarding woxk to be done and woxk completedo IINOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of plumbing techniques, materi3ls and equipmente Working knowledge of portable pumps, portable generators and other emergency equipment used by the Utility's Distribution Division. Working knowledge of Water Utility's distribution system and regulations pertaining to same. Considerable ability to deal courteously and effectively with the publico (continued on reverse side} �� � � Effective June 30, 1979 WATER SERVICE WORKER-CONTROL DESK , WATER SERVICE WORKER-CONTROL DESK �_. (continued) Considerable ability to follow written and oral instruct:ions and to give accurate oral instructions. Considerable ability to read maps, plat books and records. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Two years' experience as a Water Serviceman I or £our years' experience as a Water Laborer or Ditch Digger. , . _ - �. . l. _ _ � , . . ' ' � Title of class: WORKERS' C0.'KPENSATION CLERK DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled clerical work of a complex ' nature in the handli.ng of workers' compensation claims; handles all ' � routine matters relating to Industrial Commission reports and forms; � and performs related duties as required� � Supervision Received: Works under the general technical and administrativs � supervision of an attorneyo E Supervision Exercised: May exercise within a unit, division or department i � immediate or close technical or administrative supervision directly over � � lower .levei clerical workerso � � � TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMr,D � The listed examples may not include a11 duties performed by all positions in this class. ; ! Opens files after receipt of report of injury; sets up follow-up dates for � file ieview� regarding receipt af necessary medical and time loss reports. Prepares correspandsnce requesting medi�al reports from physicians and/ox hospitals; requests further informat�on from employees necessary to � process claims if this information is no� contained in first Report of Inj ury. Computes the amount of time loss, the weakly compensation rate and any supplemental benefits for tempararily totally disabled employees and computes payment for permanent. partial disability based on State Industrial Commission scheduleso Prepares administrative ordQrs for appYoval of compensatian payments. Prepares pay vouchers for in�ury-relatQd expenses and for weekly benefit payments for temporary total disabil�ty and permanent partial disabi,litye Maintains records of all payments made fo?° every injurye Reports the amount of compensation paid by the city for work-related in3uries in order to obtain reimbu�sementa Prepares the annual workers' compensation report for the Industrial Commissiono Forwards all routine medical, time loss and paymant rep�rts to the Industrial Commissiono Prepares other Industrial Commission forms such as ?°�questa for time exten- sion, final payment receipts and dependent coverage in death caseso Types complex, technical or involved msteriais tha� require ind�pendent judgment and the ability to rearrange, expand, segregate and tabulate. Prepares legal documents and f ills out legal forns for atto mey's signature. " Handles phone inquiries, searches files and supplies information; directs individuals to o�hers wh�n a thoro�:oh knowledga of the regulations is requiYedo (continu�ed on rev�rsa s�de) � ETf�i.�ive Jutte 2, 1979 WORKERS� COMPENSATION CLERK � WORKERS� CO�ENSATION CLERK � (continu�d) KIvOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of the policies and procedures of handling workers� compansation elaims. . . Considerable ability to type with speed and accuracy. Considerable ability to read and interpret complex regulations and fee � schedules. Considerable ability to perform c3ifficult arithmetic calculations with speed and accuracy. Considerable ability 'to deal with the public in a tactful and effective manner. ' . . Consid�rable ability to follow complex oral and written instructions. Same ability to understand medical billing tersainology. Considerable ability to perform clerical functions with little close suparvision. . MINTMUM QUALIFICATIONS - Four yearst clerical experience; at least one year of which must have involved handling insurance or workers' compensation claims as a primary duty. . �. l� �