274243 �MHITE - CITV CLERK COI1flC11 �j � �� PINK - �INANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L � � � '�`.� CANARV - DEPARTMENT �^�'�+9 ', �� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � ��At�y'� Council I�esolution �� . Presented By I Referred To Committee: Date i Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION ADOPTING A GENERAL POLICY STATEMENT I'i FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF TAE SAINT PAUL SKYWAY SYSTEM AND DIRECTING A STUDY OF SYSTEM OPERATION WHEREAS, in connection with the undertaking of the Downtown Urban Renewal Project, Minn. R-20 , in 1964 , the Housing and Redevel- opment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (HRA) adopted a General Policy Statement-Pedestrian Concourse System, which Policy Statement, as revised September 1967, June 1969 , February 1971, and i August 1972, has governed the conditions of HRA participation in the provision of the Skyway System in the Downtown Project, in the Central I Core Neighborhood Development Project, and in the Seventh Place Redevel- opment Project; and WHEREAS, the funding of the Saint Paul Skyway System has been ' shifting from HRA urban renewal, develppment and redevelopment project funding resources to City of Saint Paul Community Development _ and Capital Improvement Program funding, and the Skyway System is being extended with City funding participation through and inter- connecting properties in the Downtown Area not otherwise subject to the provisiQns of Redevelopment Plans and of contr$cts for sale of land for private redevelopment incorporating the General Policy , 5tatement as a contract provision between HRA and private redevelopers; and i WHEREAS, the Department of Planning and Economic Development has undertaken a restatement of these skyway policies for considera- ; tion of the HRA Board of Commissioners as the same may have contin- ' uing application to redevelopment properties and projects and for the consideration and formal adoption by the Council°"' of the City of Saint Paul as a Policy Statement governing City approval of and participation in the financing of the construction of �he Saint Paul Skyway System; and � COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Planning and Economic Development Butler In Favor Hozza � Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY — 'I Maddox Showalter i Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � By' �' k Approved by Mavor: Date App by Mayor for i ion to Council i j i By _ — By �, . • I j WHITE - C�TV CLERK COUIICIl � ����k PIN; - FjNANCE GITY OF SAINT F�AUL �� a"�;8;�+ �,� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVO� File NO. �, Co�ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2. WHEREAS, there has been presented to and considered at this meeting an eleven page typewritten document entitled, "General Policy Statement For Construction Of The Saint Paul Skyway System" , which document has been considered and approved by the Economic Development Committee of the Planning Commission on October 17, 1979, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission on October 23, 1979, by HRA on November 21, 1979, and is recommended for approval by the City Develop- ment and Transportation Committee with revisions as to directional signs, skyway equipment and concourse lighting; and WHEREAS, it is desirable and in the public interest that the terms, conditions and policies for the provision, extension and public approval and participation in the construction of the Saint Paul Skyway System be formalized by the adoption of a Policy Statement. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul as follows: _ 1. That the Gen�ral Policy Statement For The Construction Of The Sai.nt Pau1 Skyway System, as revised, is hereby approved and adopted as a statement of the terms, conditior�s and public policies under which the construction and extension of the Saint Paul Skyway System will be considered for City approval or funding participation. 2. That said Policy Statement shall be in force from the effective date of this Resolution and shall apply to all proposed extensions of the Skyway System not previously approved as a part of the 1980 or prior year' s City Budget. 3. That this action shall not be interpreted as affecting , the term,s of any existing redevelopment contract to which the City or HRA is a party and as to which the party redeveloper has and is faithfully performing its contract oblig8tions. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butier Planning and Economic Development Hozza In Favor ; Hunt � Levine __ Against BY — – � " Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date i Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY gy, Approved by lVlavor: Date Approved by Mayoi for Submission to Council i BY - – -- By I' i M/HITE - C�TV CLERK � � ������ PINK - GINANCE COIlI�Cll � ` � : BI�ERV - MAyp�TMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L File NO. � Co�ncil Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i Out of Committee By Date 3. I 4. That the Department of Planning and Economic Development �� is hereby authorized and directed to study and report to the Mayor '� and City Council respecting the operation of the Skyway System, its maintenance, security, hours of operation and other relevant experience, and respecting the need for or desirability of ordinance revision or adoption to improve the functioning of the Skyway System. �, � �I i �I — — I COUNCI 'yEN Yeas McMAH��v Nays Requested by Department of: �r � Planning and Economic Develo}�ment ', �,�, [n Favor Hunt I,evine O� __ Against BY Maddox Sho�aa�ter�� ��.�esCO 19�0 Fqrm Approved by City Attorney Adcapted by Council: Date — Certified P:a�sed by ncil Secretar BY � ll �� r Ap o by (Navor. e _ Appr e y Mayor for Su io to Council By -- BY Pi}BLISNED !q�y 1 g j��� " . �; . 12/20/79 CITY DEVELOPMENT AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REVISIONS TO GENERAL POLICY STATEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE SAINT PAUL SKYWAY SYSTEM RECOMMENDED BY CITY DEVELOPMENT AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE 1. Page 6, item 5, Directional Si ns, the following sentence should �e�de at t e end of this paragraph: Such directional signs shall be installed by the build owner or developer prior to the opening of the skyway bridge, or bridges, for public use. 2. Page 8, item 3, Skyway Equipment, the last two sentences should read as follows, with the added language underlined: The location of such equipment in or near node areas will be determined jointly by the City and the buildin� owner or develo er, based on analysis of expecte tra ic patterns within the node and to adjacent private areas. The City and the building owner or developer will 'oi� ntl� approve the desfgn of all such elements to be p�ace�within the skyway system. 3. Page 9, item 5, Concourse Ceilin s and Li htin , the third sentence s ou now rea , Arti icia ighting intensity shall be a minimum of 30 f.c. at every point along the floor. " This is a reduction in the minimum foot candle requirement from 50 f.c. to 30 f.c. � � , , � �- -�h d, � r'�. �ti=' � +�-� `x,��-�r';� GENERAL POLICY STATEMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SAINT PAUL SKY\K�AY SYSTEM j DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA THIS POLICY STATE��IENT SUPERSEDES -0 AND REPLACES THE GENERAL POLICY STATE�IENT PEDESTRIAN CONCOURSE SYSTEM DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT MINN. R-20 ADOPTED BY THE HOLSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORI"IY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA GENERAL POLICY STATEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE SAINT PAUL SKYWAY SYSTEM TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NUMBER A. PURPOSE AND GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1 B. DEVELOPNIENT PREMISES AND CONSIDERATIONS 1 C. SKYWAY SYSTEM ELEMENTS DEFINED 3 1. Concourse Corridors 3 2. Nodes � 3 3. Bridges � - 3 4. Bridge Support Structures and Services 4 5. Vertical Access Facilities 4 D. COST SHARING AN1_l FUNDING POLICY 4 1. Bridges _ 5 2. Concotirsf� t:orridors and Nodes 5 3. Bridge Support Structures and Services 5 4. Vertic�:�l Ar._cess Facilities 6 5. Directional5igns � 6. Hardship Ueterminations 6 E. REQUIREt�ENTS FOR EXPENDITURE OF CITY FUNDS IN HARDSHIP CASES 7 1. Cost Estimates and Reimbursements 7 2. Submission of Plans 7 F. DESIGN AND MATERIALS REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARDS 7 1. Skyway System Symbol 7 2. Skyway System Graphics 7 3. Skyway Equipment g 4. Skyway Floor Materials 9 5. Concourse Ceilings and Lighting 9 6. Skyway System Walls 9 7. Skyway Colors 10 G. EASEMENT REQUIREMENTS 10 H. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 11 A. PURPOSE AND GENERAL DESCRIPTION Beginning with the Downtown Urban Renewal Project Area--Minn. R-20, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul has developed a skyway system in downtown Saint Paul. , , As used herein, the term "skyway system" is inclusive and encompasses the following: (1) concourse corridors, (2) node points in the concourse corridors, including, where feasible, one major node central to each block, generally at the point where several concourse corridors intersect, (3) brides spanning streets, (4) certain vertical access facilities connnecting the concourse corridors to public streets or other public property. The primary purpose of this skyway system is to divert pedestrians from the minimal width street level sidewalks, enabling pedestrian traffic to move in an enclosed environment protected from adverse weather and vehicular traffic. The skyway system has significantly reduced pedestrian-vehicle conflicts at street level, particularly during periods of peak traffic, thereby permitting a smoother flow of vehicular traffic and greater safety for t`;e pe��strian. Another important benefit of the skyway system is the opportunity afforded developers to provide shop and office space abutting the concourse. In the use of such shop space, the public will be unhindered by adverse weather conditions and traffic, thereby promoting the desirability of shopping and doing business in the connected buildings and contributing to the economic strength of L7owntown Saint Paul. The skyway system, fihrough the efforts of the developers, also may contain sculpture, water displays, artwork, and other elements contributing to the aesthetic and cultural enrichment of the citizens of the City, thereby becoming a focus of activity in the downtown area. The general lacation of the skyway system, including concourse corridors, nodes, vertical access facilities and bridges are shown on the attached map. B. DEVELOPMENT PREMISES AND CONSIDERAT'IONS Incorporation of the public skyway system into private development and building ownership presents some unique implications for both the public, owners, and redevelopers. With recognition of the public and private interests involved in the skyway system, certain prernises have been established relating to the system, and these premises are basic to the regulations and development criteria established for the skyway system as set forth in succeeding sections. The following premises apply to the entire skyway system, even though portions of the system may be built by private building owners or developers: -z- 1. The skyway system will be entirely enclosed and capable of being heated and cooled to a temperature comparable to that maintained in office and retail areas. The term "enclose�" shall mean protected from the weather, though the area of the skyway system need not necessarily be confined by its own walls. The concourse corridors and bridges ' will be constructed at a standard width of 12'0", with a larger area to be developed at , nodal points. Those segments passing through existing improvements to remain will also be at a standard width of 12'0", except where in the judgment of the City, physical limitations of existing buildings, such as column spacing, fixed vertical element locations, window opening, etc., render achievement of a 12'0" width impractical, or would constitute an undue hardship to the owner. In such instances, a lesser width may be allowed. 2. "fhe success, that is the degree of utilization of the skyway system, will be directly related to the convenience and comfort it affords pedestrians in the downtown. 3. Any ar�d all public cxpenditures for the skyway system must be limited only to those improvements that are uf public benefit. tii�hile ad}acent buil�ings may derive peripheral beneiit from a public skyway abutting their properties, no segment of the skyway system I or its facilities that are of primary benefit to private interests can be constructed with p�blic monies. Thz Citv �hall reserve to itself the sole and final determination as to what improvements are oi pubiic benefit. 4. The skyway systern rrnist have a design identity of its own, distinguishing it from other areas with public access within buildings as an aid to citizens in finding their way throughout the system. Further, where public funds are expended for the skyway system, it must be possible to readily identify those areas publicly provided so that the citizens are cognizant of their right to use such areas. The system must possess directional clarity and be accessible, identifiable and continuous. 5. The skyway system must functionally and visually help to unify the downtown. It should be urban in character and should provide a variety of special experiences; it should not be of mo�olithic design throughout its length. The skyway system should possess a variety of floor to ceiling heights and abut spaces of varying design and activities. Nevertheless, it must still possess enough common elements to provide the directional clarity, continuity and identity required. , . ' -3- C. SKYWAY SYSTEM ELEMENTS DEFINED The skyway system consists of five elements: l. Concourse Corridors - Concourse corridors will run through a block from building face to building face connecting to a skyway b{-idge. The primary public purpose of such concourse corridors is the accommodation of pedestrian travel from point to point, and as such, a standard width of 12'0" is established for such elements. 2. Nodes - Nodes are the points of intersection of several concourse corridors and/or the location of a vertical access facility. At such points, pedestrian traffic is likely to be heavier and moving in varying directions, directional decisions are made, and other activities may be occurring. Such nodes must clearly possess a design identity and character separatir�g them from abutting private areas, and must be primari.ly oriented to the public purpose of accommodating pedestrian travel in the skyway system, including orientation, directi,�n c�anges, and congregation or vertical movem�n� to street level. The size and configur�ation of the node will be dependent upon the number of concourse corridors intersecting its lo��.rtion within the dc�wntown and the overall skyway system, and the amount and nature of anticipated pedpstrian activity within the node. The node must be large enough to accomrnodate antici�ated pedestrian activity and to constitute a special area of importance within the overall skyway system. Therefore, a wider than 12-foot standard concourse area wil] he required, where possible, at one major node in each block and may be necessary at other nodes. Secondary nodes may also occur in some instances, especially at points of vertical access to the street. Where appropriate, such areas shall also have a width wider than the normal 12 feet appropriate for concourse corridors. 3. Bridges - Bridges generally span streets and sidewalks between property lines and perform essentially the same public function as concourse corridors; therefore, the bridges will be built with a standard clear width of 12'0". Also, the City of Saint Paul currently requires a minimum bridge height clearance of 17'4" at the center of the street which it spans. Bridges may span private property but must connect to an acceptable segment of the basic skyway system, giving access to a public street or other public property. Bridges will be of a consistent design throughout the downtown area, consisting basically of exposed steel vierendeel trusses painted deep brown, with terrazzo floors and an egg crate grid luminous ceiling. ' � � -4- 4. Bridge Support Structures and Services - Bridge support structures will support the bridges at either end and will be contained within the buildings unless it is structurally necessary to provide bridge supports independent of the building. Bridge services are defined as those electrical and mechanical systems which provide heating, cooling and electrical service to the bridge. Also included is the roof drainage system. 5. Vertical Access Facilities - Vertical access facilities in the form of either stairs or escalators provide access to the corlcourse nodes, corridors, and the bridges from the street. Vertical access between the concourse and street level will be required throughout the skyway system with escalators being required at the principal points of access to the skyway system. Generally, vertical access must be provided at or near each end of the bridges crossing streets and may also be required at other locations within the system. Elevators will also be required within each building in the skyway system to provide vertical access forthe handicapped. D. COST SHARING r?^.D FUNDING POLICY . The following cost sharinn ancl funding policy applies to all skyway system elements (concourse corridors, nodes, bridges, bricige support structures and services and vertical access facilities) not under a constructior� c:c�ntract at the time of the adoption of this policy by the City Council, unless otherwise specifically exempted from this policy by the City Council. Such skyway system elements specifically exempted by the City Council will be covered by the General Policy Statement - Pedestrian Concourse System-Downtown Urban t2enewal Project-I�iinnesota IZ-20, as adopted by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, �iinnesota, Revised August, 1972. This cost sharing and funding policy is considered to be consistent with St. Paul's adopted Capital Allocation Policies. The skyway system is considered to be a Service System Improvement and any proposal for an addition to the existing skyway system must be based on the merits of each proposal as to its economic benefit to the Ci�ty. The sole and final determination for each addition to the existing skyway system will rest with the City Council. _5_ . 1. Bridges - The City will pay not more than one-half the total cost of each skyway bridge, including constru�tion costs, architect's fees and other associated costs. The exact amount will be negotiated between appropriate City staff and benefitting building owners or developers. The City Council will make the final determination on the exact cost to be borne by the City. ; . , 2. Concourse Corridors and Nodes - Benefitting building owners or developers will pay all costs for constructing, remodeling or reconstructing their buildings to provide acceptable concourse corridors and nodes through their buildings. 3. Bridge Support Structures and Services - The developer or building owner at each end of the bridge will be responsible and will pay all costs for the provision of structural supports within the building, which are necessary to accommodate the bridge. The City will not be financially responsible for such increased structure to support the bridge, nor will the City build independent supports for the bridge at either end at its expense. With respect to bridge services, the building owner or developer will design and connect the mec_hanical and electric.al systems of its buildings to the bridges and supply to the�bridge facilities the neces5ary heat, cooled air, and electrical power from the mechanical and electrical systems of its buildings, unless the building owner or developer is advised by the City that, for a specific bridge, a previously constructed building already contains such ' facilities. Where a bridge connects the improvements of one developer or building ow�;zer with that of another developer or buiiding owner, each party so connected shall be responsible for agreeing as to how they will share the cost of providing the required mechanical and electrical services to the bridge. Such a cost-sharing agreement must be reached by the affected parties and submitted to the City for its approval prior to the start of bridge construction. For bridges in new builciings for which the location is determined at the time of working drawing preparation, the developer's working drawing and specification will include mechanical and electrical equipment design, location and connections to supply necessary services to the bridges. For bridges where precise location is not yet determined at the time of working drawing completion on the building, the developer must agree to retain the service of its architect, at the time such bridge location is determined, to provide necessary design services as stated above. � -6- The builaing owner or developer must agree to retain the services of its architect to provide information, drawings, documents, and to spend the time necessary with the City's architect in order to coordinate the provision of inechanical and electrical facilities to the bridge and to resolve all structural, aesthetic and related matters relative to bridge connections. All such design, consultation and coordination will be accomplished in a timely manner so as to permit construction of the bridge as soon as the two buildings to which the bridge connects are capable of receiving the bridge. 4. Vertical Access Facilities - Vertical access facilities will be instatted by the benefitting building owner or developer at no cost to the City. Existing vertical access facilities will be used wherever possible. The City Council may, at its sole and final determination, require the installation of escalators or elevators as part of the skyway system. The ber+efitting buildia� owner or developer will pay the costs of such vertical access facilities. 5, Direc±ionai Signs - Th�: City will pay for the manufacture of all illuminated directional sign boxes and faces within buildings. T'he benefitting building owner or developer will pay all costs for supports, electrical service, instailation, operation, maintenance, repair - and re�lacemer�t of suc'h tii�ns. 6. Hardship Ueterrriinatic�ns - If a benefitting building owner can show to the satisfaction � � of't�he City that the c.osts noted above constitute an economic and financi.sl hard�hip, the City may consider financial assistance to any building owner (other than a developer) in an amount not to exceed the market value of the square footage of that part of the building which is required for second-level skyway easement purposes. Developers shall not be eligible for such hardship determination. As used in this section, developer shall mean that person, partnership, joint venture, or corporation who is constructing a building or building addition to which a skyway bridge will be connected. In cases where the modification of inechanical and electriccal equipment in a building proves economically infeasible, the City will consider providing the necessary mechanical and electrical equipment as part of the skyway bridge. The City will make the final determination as to whether modification of inechanical and electrical equipment is, in fa�t, economically infeasible. The City Council will make the final determination on all such hardship cases. , . ' -7- E. REQUIREMENTS FOR EXPENUITURE OF CITY FUNDS IN HARDSHIP CASES 1. Cost Estimates and Reimbursements - As requirements to the expenditure of City monies for skyway system construction where the City determines there is a hardship to the building owner, preliminary plans and cost estimates therefor will be submitted for approval by the City. In no event shall the City provide monies under the provisions of this document for im�rovements which are not clearly identifiable as part of the skyway system. T'he cost estimates provided by the owner will include the estimated square foot cost of all finishes integral to the area of the skyway system as set forth in Section F. Such cost information shall included estimated costs for approved vertical access facilities to be provided by the owner. If the building owner undertakes to have any of the above improvements done by a contractor other than the contractor being retained by the City to do the bridge construction, the City will reimburse the building owner only for actual costs incurred. Such costs must be proven to the satisfaction of the City. 2. Subrr�i.�si�r� of Plans - Plans shall be submitted �ay th� building owner for approval by the City, indicating all m-�terials and finishes used in the skyway system and the architectural manner in which the skyway sy,stem is separated from abut#ing private building areas where ttie concourse occurs within the owner's building. The City will make certain additions to such drawit�gs, incluciing signs and other graphics, furniture, and other elements consistent with achieving icfentity and ciesign continuity for each segment of the skyway system. F. DESIGN AND MATERIALS R�QUIREMENTS AND STHNDARDS In order to achieve the design identity, continuity, and ease of orientation necessary if the skyway system is to function effectively, the City has established certain design and materials requirements for the skyway system. The design of the skyway system within each btock shall adhere to these requirements. With the exception of the design and construction of directional signs as noted in Section D.5., the developer or building owner shall be responsible. for all costs of design, construction, installation, maintenance, replacement and repair of all items enumerated in this section. -8- 1. Skyway System Symbol - A graphic symbol has been developed for the sky��ay system. Such symbol shall be used to indicate the location of the skyway system within the building in a manner approved by the City. No other use of the symbol will be permitted. 2. Skyway System Graphics - Graphics will play a vital role in orientation in the skyway system, and through consistency of design and placement, will also constitute a vital element in achieving skyway system identity. The City will be responsible for the design and location of all skyway system graphics; the types of graphics and general location criteria are as follows: (a) Directional Signs - Directional signs are the largest and most conspicuous signs in the skyway system. They are used to give directions to streets and to major buildings in the skyway system. All directional signs will be attached to concourse ceilings (or suspended frorr► the ceilings, depending on ceiling height), will be perpendicular to the axis of th�� concourse area in which they zre located and will be the only such signs to be rnountF�c�i sn this manner. The most important of such signs will be illuminated. The buildin� own<�r will provide: 1) support for the directional signs above the ceiling; 2) electrical servicGS to the signs; 3) the pendants which connect the signs to the structure above the ceiling. �1'I-ie City has developed stan�ard designs for the directional signs and will advis�� the developer or building owner of the specific location of the pendants and signs. (b) Maps and Route Directories - Wall-mounted or free standing maps and route directions of the skyway system will be placed in prominent locations at the head of vertical access facilities, within nodes, or in other appropriate locations so that the pedestrian may, together with the directional signs, determine the skyway route to be used in order� to arrive easily and quickly at a desired location. 3. Skyway Equipment - To achieve prominence and identity for major node areas, the building owner, with the approval of the City, is encouraged to provide skyway equipment in and near the node areas. Such equipment may include sc�lptures, decorative fountains, public telephones, public toilets, drinking fountains, kiosks for display of material of public interest, benches, trash receptacles, planter boxes and other equipment as approved by the City. The location of such equiprr�ent in or near node areas will be determined by the City, based on analysis of expected traffic patterns within the node and to adjacent private areas. The City will approve the design of all such elements to be placed within the skyway system. -9- 4. Skyway Floor Materials - All skyway bridges will contain terrazzo floors of a brown and grey chip in a dark rnatrix (Venice Art Marble V-1036, or equivalent), herein referred to as "skyway terrazzo." The City will require the use of skyway terrazzo in all or a major portion of the node to be developed central to each block of the skyway system. 5uch use of a constant material to each bridge and central node will establish a repetitive rhythm of spaces that will aid in achieving identity and continuity for the skyway system. In concourse corridors running between bridges and nodes, other floor materials may be used, though a consistency of floor material for concourse corridors must be maintained throughout each building. Skyway terrazzo and the concourse corridor floor material may not be used, unless changed in color tone or texture in private non-skyway building areas in proximity to the skyway system where such use would tend to abscur� the identification of skyway materials with concourse areas. If the building owner chooses to use carpet or other non- permanent floorinb material for concourse corridors, the building owner must agree to replace such carpet with new carpet or other material matchin� as closely as passible the original in color and t°xture at such intervals as may bP determined by the City. 5. Co►icourse Ceilings and Lighting - Concourse ceil:ngs shall be of the same materials throughout any one builclin�;. Ytinimum ceiling height shai4 be 8'0", and� no signs or other graphic�s ather than ��s sj�ecified above shall be fastened to, or suspended from, the ceiling. Lighting fixtures sh1i1 be recessed or attached in immzdiate proximity to the ceiling; hanging or pendant fixtures will r,ot be permitted. Luminous ceilings are permitted. Artificial lighting intensity shall he a minimum of 50 f.c. at every point along the floor. The artificial lighting shall be supplied with electricity in such manner that the interruption of service in any circuit inside the building will not result in total interruption of the required lighting. Where adjacent private building areas are open to the concourse, a differentiation in ceiling treatment, height, light level, and/or light color shall be achieved. At nodes and at other locations where ceiling-mounted directional signs are to be located, additional lighti�g and/or outlets shall be provided to accent such graphic material. 6. Skyway System Walls - Where the skyway system is defined by walls or partitions separating the concourse from adjacent private building areas, such walls may be of a design and function consistent with the use and architectural design of such private building areas. Exceptions will be required at wall areas where graphic panels, maps, route directories, or other skyway-related graphic material is to be located. Skyway system walls shall be of durable, easily maintainable, finished materials. Where shop signs, department identi�ication signs, or other permanent graphics not related to skyway graphics as specified above are required, they shall be located on and/or parallel to concourse walls at a height between 7'0" above the floor, except signs painted on shop windows may occur at other heights . � ` � -10- consistent with good design practices. No signs, except as specified for skyway related graphics, may project from concourse walls into the concourse easement. 7. Skyway Colors - Skyway-related signs and other graphics will employ a specific color scheme throughout the skyway system as developed by the City. Non-skyway related signs and graphics in proximity to the concourse or node area utilizing the same color scheme as skyway-related graphics will not be permitted. G. EASE�ENT REQUIREMENT'S In order to assure public return for the public investment made in development of the skyway system in the do�vntown, all areas of the skyway system must be located either on public property or within public easement granted without consideration by the developer or building owner. Such easements shall be coterminous with the designated areas of concourse corrsdors and nodes and vertical access facilities; also, shall extend on the ground floor from the foot of vex•tic:al �icc:ess facilities to a pubiic siGe���aik or other public property, giving access to a p.iblic siclewalk. Such easements shall be required for both those skyway system elements for wh.ich the City is responsible and those elements constituting a link in the basic systern for which private parties may be responsible. The easements will be in form satisfactory to the City and will be limited to the life of the improvements constituting the skyway system. Tl�e easements will grant to the public the right of use of the skyway syste� for purposes of ingress and egress and pedestrian transit without limitation, except that such easements rnay attach reas�nable conditions regarding closing parts or all of the skyway system within the developer's or owner's structural improvements during non- business hours as dictated by reasonable security requirements of the buildings through which the concourse passes. � Subject to the following conditions, the developer or building owner shall have the right at any time to change the locations of such easements and the easements shall so provide, on the condition that new easements are granted which permit the continuity of the skyway system, and the developer or owner installs a new pedestrian concourse on the new easement area at the developer's or owner's sole cost and expense. , . � • -11- Y�'`�'.'°�4 .4':�1Y;� � In the event the developer or owner elects to substitute a new easement location, it will submit to the City the description thereof, the plans and specifications therefor, and proof of ability to pay and methad of payment therefore for the approval of the City, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. The City shall have 90 days after the submission in which to approve or reject the submission. If the City rejects the submission; it must do , so in writing within the 90-day period and, in such writing set forth in detail, the valid reasons for such rejection. In the event the City fails to reject the submission within said 90-day period, the City's consent shal! be conclusively presumed. The City shall not be required to approve any change in easement location unless the easement to be submitted therefor contains at least the same area and dimensions of the existing easement; and the improvements thereon are of the same character, quality and functional characteristics of the initial concourse, including replacement of signs, graphics and furniture provided in the�original skyway system. VUhen the City approves the substitution as aforesaid, the parties shall then join in the execution and delivery of an amendatory agreement in recordable form which designates the substitute locatior� a�d terrninates the easement over the old !ocation effective upon completion of the c�i�struction of the new concourse and skywa;v s�stem. H. QF'LIZATION A�ID i4'iAINT'ENANCE REQUIRF:�'�ENTS The skyway system, including all future additions, is located on public property or within public easements. As such, the City has a proprietary obligation for operation, maintenance, repair and replacerr�ent of the skyway system. Nevertheless, the City wili require, as part of the easernent agreement, that the developer or building owner assume the full responsi- bility for the operation, maintenance, repair and replacement for all segments of the skyway system located within its property, for bridges over streets abutting its property, and carry out such operation, maintenance, repair and replacement at its own expense without cost to the City. In the event that the developer or building owner fails to operate, maintain, repair or replace the concourse system, or any part thereof, tu a reasonable standard, the City may perform such operations and assess all casts incurred in so doing against the developer or building owner in accord with the normal procedures for assessments related to sidewalk maintenance, repair and replacement in the City of Saint Paul. Where skyway bridges connect the property of one developer or owner with that of another, the developers or owners may share equally, or on whatever other basis is mutually agreeable to both, the bridge operation, maintenance, repair and replacement costs. Such agreement must be submitted to the City for approval prior to commencement of bridge construction.