274230 MH17E - CITV CLERK COI1flC11 ������ PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARV - DEPARTMENT V BLUE - MAVOR File NO• - Council Resolution � ��� Presented By � � ���'��� �� ���f Referred To 1• Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul ' hereby concurs in and approves the reappointment, by the Mayor, of the following named persons to serve on the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee for three-year terms, said terms to expire November 1, 1982: David G. MeDonnell 1988 Wellesle� Ave. , 55105 Gary Park 172 Prospect Blvd. , 55107 Robert ftogge 1440 McAfee, 55�.06 Adolf Tobler 915 Edmund St. , 55104 Harry T. Neimeyer 482 Portland Ave. , 55102 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � �MeMahon In Favor --�1�Ie�. Hunt Levine __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco �AN 3 i(�� Form prove y Cit Att rne ' Adopted by,.C�6unci Date — Y � C � ed�Passed ouncil , cret y �� BY �, � ' ��g� � t�pp by Mavor: ate Ap v d by Mayor fo u m' sion to Council g — BY , `` �l.ISEl�D !4�d 1 2 1�R� ! � ' � �`����(�ro �/��� CITY OF SAINT P�.ITL i a :� �. , _�a��i"n.��o'r� . '• *"' �; OFFICE OF THE MaYOR �° �': ,� iiii�si��n >'� 5',,vi�--1_�l �6 �����i R !s�• ' `�"`••�"' 347 CITY IIAI.L GE08GE L�ITIME$ $AINT PAUL,MINNESOTA a5108 M.AYOB (612) 2a8-4323 TO: Council President Joanne Showalter and Members of the Saint Paul City Cauncil FROM: Mayar George Latime D�TE: December 31, 1979 SUBJECT: Appointments to the Long�Range Capital . Improvement Budget Committee I am submitting for your cansideration and approval a Council resolution naming the following . persons to be reappointed to three-year terms on the CIB Committee. These terms will expire on November 1, 1982: David McDonnell, 1988 Wellesley, 55105 Gary Park, 172 Prospect Blvd. , 55107 Robert Rogge, 1440 McAfee, 55106 Adolf Tobler, 915 Edmund, 55104 Harry Neimeyer, 482 Portl.and, 55102 Thank you. GL/lm attachment �O