274224 > WHITE - CITV GLERK / PINK - FINANCE COURCIl CAf�YARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT �AU L File NO. �����L� BLUE - MAVOR ouncil Resolution Presented B � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WF�'AS, The �missioner of Transportation for the State of Minnesota has prepared: plans, special provisioazs, and specificatioans for the ir�rov�e- ment of Z�mk Highway No. 392, renw�nbered as Tnmk Highway No. 94, within the oorporate limits of the City of St. Paul, for the T.H. 94 Bridg�e ov�r T.H. 61 and ra¢�s in St. Paul; and seeks the approval thereof: Nt7W, Tf�N, SE IT RESOLUE�, that said plans ar�d special provisions for the in�ro�vement of said Tnmk Highway wi.thin sai.d corp�rate limits of the City, be and hereby are approved including tk�e elevations arxl grades as shawn and oonsent is Y�eereby given t,o any and all changes in gra,de occasioried by said c�nstruction. BE IT F'[JR�i�R RFSOLVED, that tl�e City does hereby agree to reqture tYbe parking of all vehicles, if such parking is pernu.tt�ed within the oorporate limits of said City, � said Trunk Highway, to be parallel with the curb �ljaoent to tt�e highway, arad at least 20 feet fro�n any crosswalks o� all public streets intersecting saia trunk highway. :.� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: �� Yeas MCMAHON Nays � �� In Favor � ��� �� �� Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by Cit Atto ey Adopted b I: Date .�Q�'� � ��g�� C i ied Yasse y Council S r tary BY a • � l�1pp d by 17avor: D t _ ,������('� AP by Mayor o b ss'on to Council B PUBLISHED !t��� �. ; ;�?`�'�' .. . � . . ' ��� VL'1 V1: f.�.�j`J �7 . . Rev. : 9/8/76 � , ; ' EXPLANATIO�T C7F ADMINISTRr?'I'IVL' URCERS, _ RESOLU`I':iODIS , r�ND ORDI��t�IiCE:S �p��-�„�fr� • . � �,�+�-�-� � � � � � � � �EC � : ��ED Date: D�oe�nber 17, 1979 • ���C� Z' J 1979 MAYOR'�i �OFHCE � � '� Tp: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER . FR: Donald E. Nygaard, Dixector, Public Works Depart�ment _ gE; Srid�e Repair for I-94 over T.H. 61 east of Jotmson Parkway . . . . - . , _ , . � . ACTION REQU�STED: City C7ozmcil apprdval of• ttse atta�ched Resolutio�r� - . � PURPOSE �ND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: �e laridge dec.k has c�et�eriorated and naeds ��i r. �e.work will aonsist of � . re�noving the blacktap averlay, scarifying the bridc�e roadway:slab, aiid placing _ ' . a 2-3/4",�minix►nm �oricrete I�ri.dcc�ee o�v�erlay. . Wbrk wi11 begin May 6, 1950, and is tQ be c�dtpleted avithin 30 w�i^k3ng cla�s. � � �ao lar�es of traffic in each di.rection must be maintain�ed. � p, t�n�or�y. ba�ier will be installed separat�ng the work.area fran the traffic. Wbrk i$: to be c�e Yiy N�1/DO►P�at no::�st to th�e City. They have requ�sted appraval ot this _ Resolutiari by Jantaary 18, 1980. � • ATTACFIMENTS: G�ouncil Re�olutiari I�t:DD�I':oed