274212 WHITE - CI7V CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUflCll �� ' .� '� CANqRV - OEPARTMENT C I TY O F SA I NT PA U L F11� NO. ����� �� BLU'E� - MAYOR � � Council Resolution Presented B �k"""" Y Referred To Comrqittee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of St. Paul , upon the recommendation of the Mayor and the advice of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Cortmittee, that the 1980 Capital Improve- ment Budget, as heretofore adopted by this Council , is hereby amended in the following particulars: Amendments to 1980 CIB FROM TO Page MSA Funding 75 S-1202 Wabash Avenue Paving 153,500 89 S-5511 Ramsey Hill Paving 116,bOD 62 S-0301 Oakdale Avenue Paving 153,500 59 5-0102 Burns Avenue Paving 116 60U � Capital Improvement Bond Funding ''75 S-1203 Wabash Avenue Lighting 21 ,300 ✓89 S-5512 Ramsey Hill Lighting 26,000 98 S-6607-5-6608 Signal Instatlations 47,300 and Revisions Current � Amended Appropriation Change Appropriation S-1202 Wabash Avenue Paving 153,500 -�53,500 -0- 5-5511 Ramsey Hill Paving 116,600 -116,600 -0- S-0301 Oakdale Ave. Paving 218,100 +i53,5� 37�-,600 S-0102 Burns Ave. Paving 275,000 +116,600 39�a600 S-1203 Wabash Ave. Lighting 21 ,300 - 21,300 -0- 5-5512 Ramsey Hill Lighting 26,000 - 26,000 -0- S-6607- Signal Installations S-6608 and Revisions 100,000 + 47,300 147,300 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays In Favor _ __ Against BY �� (KS) D i recto r of Pub 1 i c Wo k Adopted by Council: Date — Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY B}, � "� � '' t#pproved by fVlavor: Date _ Ap rov by Mayor for u ��si n to Council BY - — BY �! e �' � WHITE - CITY CLERK ����� ��,` PINK - FINANCE COUIICil -'�'� CANARV - DEPAR7MENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO• BLlitE - MAVOR • � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proposed sale of 1980 Sewer Service Revenue Bonds in the amount of $850,000 for the Beaver Lake Storm and Clear Water Sewer be deferred, pending study by the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of St. Paul strongly supports and commends the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission's recognition of the importance of lake overflows into the treatment system and the Commission's retention of an engineering consultant to perform a detailed study with a final report to be furnished on the operational and financial impacts of such overflows upon the cities and upon the treatment plant. 'The ��. T'auI i.,ang-Razsg�C��;<<-•. Tr.,•-�:•,::•;:r�ert F3uuc�E�i Gc7Y; y '1`n� ;.�eP;vecr ,r . _ . c�G}�� �z `� � , _._. , ___. -,. _ � Ro cl�. �_=�.��:_����_�.� ������ � u�t�:��.1��l..�1'� ...._ __ AP VED FUNDING: APPROVED: � ,, , ` . . c��LL���e°��� '� Director o Finance and Bu get Director CI�Management Services ,�,��9 �,�,�h° , }.,lz�l�q COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas.�e� Nays r N�;;t p Publ ic W rks �P�,,�e In Favor r�;<��-;X ^:? :`;+:�,on _ � _ A ainst BY ' KS - g �`:""�aalter D i rector of Pub 1 i c W s T,,����co JAN 3 19� Form prove bY �t tto� Adopted b unci : ate � Ge ied Pas• by unci Secret ry BY �_ f: ` . � A ro d by Mavor: e — J�� � ��� App ved y Mayor for u missi n to Council , � B By '��1 �1.,B1.I�t�E� B A i� � ��' 1�?�n � . � � a.�.�. • . i� v� � v ' ' EXPI.�NAT?0`I C:.' AD"rtI�IIS'PP?TIVE O:I;ERS, - rr ��� � � .. RES�I.,��l l�i�t5 , t��iil ORDIVA�CE� ,�� � �.,� �. ` � �� • �4 _ � . . .� ` .. - . ��� . Date: December 11 , 1979 . O4��r Q�,C �!'► ; ; . . '�,p�io,q��'Q� ,�►� 's, ���''y � -w�, TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATI�•'IER • �" 'F � �� �,►�,�� FR: Donald E. Nygaard, Director of Public Works � � �� " �: Council Resolution amending the 1980 CIB�for specific projects • - - . - . . • . ��C . ' . I . � DF �� V�D_ . . I, � 1 � 19, , ACTION R�QUuSTED: • � � �1��� � . � �. � � . . . ,. . ,. � ' . _ � . � . Approval of Resolution to submit to Council . - � . � ' . PURPOSE �'.;D RATIC.'::�L�` �'OR T?�iZS ACTTON: � � � 1 . The preliminary cost estimates prepared in February 1979 for�the �1980 CIP �or Burrls. Avenue and Oakdale Avenue pavings were low. ,It is. proposed to delete the Ramsey Mi11 and Wabash � Avenue (lowest priority MSA projects) to fund them. . � � : -. . 2. The lighting funding` for the deleted paving projects will be �transferred:for si�nat installation use. � � � . 3. Sewer Reven�e Bon�i sale deferral is proposed pending .MWCC consultent study on lake overflow impacts. • . ATTACH.ME\TTS: • � Proposed Council Resolution � � KS/ck �. • , � . . .. _ _. .. . . .. . . .. ... . --'"�" � �i . .. - _ - _�,�c . �.-t�n�e: December 11 , 1979 . � %� � pa�,�, ��C F��i�, / f.�,,� ' 'qjL !�A,� �'F` ,f � . /� �'� , . o,y���r��Ty 9�9> � TO: N',�YO� GEORGE Lt'1TI:•SiR �R.�e_ ��.�'1�.�`-�'"' � V��F,hT p�%Q 9 F g�- Donald E�. Nygaard, Di rector of Publ �c Works . ��rS�'9i���� - :�n.- ,l� �`,�F �; Council Resolution amending. the 1980 CIB�for specific projects • �' . _ � • . . e . .���'�. � . . . . DE� � ���_ - . _ . 1 � f9�g . . ... CiCTZO'L�i R�Qvu�J'+i.�..1J: : . � . ' . �����r7 ��j� � , . .. � � . . • _ I� � ' ' - Approval of Resolutian to submit to Council - e . . . . . , - • _ . � . _ PURPOS_ �._.D TtP,TIC:�'s:�LE �'dR T::TS ACTlON: . . . . 1 . The preliminary cost estimates prepared in February 1q79 for�-the�. 1.980 CtP for Burtts tivenue and Oakda 1 e Avenue pav i ngs we re 1 ow. �!t i s. prc�posed to cfe 1 ete the Rnmsey t�i 11 and Wabash Avenue (lowest priority MSA projects) �o fund them. . � _ , � . . , �'. �- ' ' . . . � '. ' _ ' . - _ ' .. .. 2. The 1 ighting furrding` �or� the deleted paving praj�c�s wi lT be �tra�nsferr�d':for si�nal � � � installation use. ' - • . _-- 3. Sewer Revenue Bon�d sal� deferral is proposed Rer�ding .MWCC consuttant study an lake overfloi impactso . - _ , ATTACu�iE`TS: � Proposed Councii Resolution • . . . KS/ck � . • - . .. . . . .. ._.... . _ � •_ - . • _. . Approved by Ylavor: Date t�p rov d by Mayor Ior u �ssi n to Council " � t By BY WHITE � — C�TY CLERK PINK �— FINANCE f � CANARY — DEPARTMENT C I TY' OF SA T NT PAIT L COUI1C11 BI.UE — MAYOR � � File N 0. 4 Council Resolution , ♦� �� :{,_ F �, .� �a �'�IJ,{, T Presented By '?'� � `"� Referred To Com�ittee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, by the Councit of the City of St. Paul , upon the recommendation of the Mayor and the advice of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Cormnittee, that tha 1980 Capital Improve- ment Budget, as heretofore adopted by this Council , is hereby amended in the following particularsz Amendments to 1980 CIB FROM TO Page MSA Fund$ ing r 75 5-1202 Wabash Avenue Paving �' � � 153,�50Q $9 5-5511 Ramsey Hitl Paving 116,'60Q -- 62 S-0301 Oakdate Avenue Paving L�3y 500 �% 59 5-0102 Burns Avenue Paving 116 60U , Capital Improvement Bond Fundinq �75 5-1203 Wabash Avenue Lighting 21 ,300 ''89 5-5512 Ramsey Hilt Lighting- 26,00� 98 S-6607-5-6608 Signai Installations 47,300 � and Revisions Current Amended Appropriation Change Appropriation 5-1202 Wabash Avenue Paving 153,500 -Y53,50Q ; > -0- ,._ _-- 5-5511 Ramsey Hi11 Paving �-116,600 - � -0- S-0301 Oakdale Ave. Paving 218,100 + l���s'a0 �� ��/�(iQQ S-0102 Burns Ave. Paving 275,000 +1�•�!9�t1 ��I�Oip �A� 3q/�i00 5-1203 Wabash Ave. Lighting 21 ,300 - s �0- 5-5512 Ramsey Hill Lighting 26,000 ___- 26:OOa/ -0� S-6607 Signal lnstallations ` `,-� S-6608 and Revisions 100,000 + 47,300 147,300 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays [n Favor � _ A ainst By �u�-""� �' (KS) g Director of Public Wo k Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By, � ,.. Iapproved by Mavor: Date Ap�rov d by Mayor for u ssiAn to Council F3y _ By wHITE - C1TY CLERK . � � PINK -- FINANCE . . GITY OF SAII�IT PALTL Council � . CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - M4YOR File �0. - � .� . ,. � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Commiftee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proposed sale of 1980 Sewer Service Revenue Bonds �n the amount of $850,000 for the Beaver Lake Storm and Clear Water Sewer be deferred, pending study by the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Council o�F the City of St. Paut strongly supports and commends the Metropolitan I�jaste Control Commission's recognition of the importance of lake overflows into the treatment system and the Commission's retention of an engineering consultant to perform a detailed study with a final report to be furnished on the operationa} and financial impacts of such overflows upon the cities and upon the treatment plant. . 'FE�e S�. �aui�ong-Ra3:gs C.�r:�}�;I.r.z-�.:�-;:rre*t FiII�Cj@�i�'Ci. L:i�T�CgiyQC►}L-'_;_^^.'; �:.'. ... _ !�2}2� ,Z �3 / ___,�ia::".. .:ti,---• ��'- =+ �' �'a��f-L. w:���:!����. -_,c.�,-�1`���;c-� `� i?3t�:��--��.�:,.��,....t�.�'?�'.�_.�_� AP VED � FUNDINGs APPROVED: � � . .� . Director o Finance and Bu get Director CI�IManagement Services �����q �'t��' `'�l Z�l�� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Public W rks In Favor A ains BY � KS -- g t — Director of Public W r s � � Adopted by Council: Date Form prove by 't ttor � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY B� �, . / A roved b Mavor: Date _ App ved y Mayor for ut�missi n to Council PP Y t� By By ' � �-�'�