01-1173CouncilFile # ��� �' {„� RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: ReFerred To: t z a a 5 6 � s 9 to �i t2 73 ta u �s 17 78 19 20 21 u 23 24 u 26 n zs 29 30 3I 32 33 54 35 36 GreenSheet# 106859 Committee Date: _. Whereas former City Councilmember Leonard Levine requested thatthe Minnesota Legisiature pass a bill allowing him to increase his - public pension thwugh the puahase of service credits antl; Whereas such legislation vras enacted in 2001 and; Whereas this legislation mandates that the Ciry of Saint Paul pay $9,566.34 to the Pu61ic Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota to cover 70% of the cost of purchasing the additional service credits for Mr. Levine's pension and; Whereas the legislation fuRher states that if the City of Saint Paul tloes not make the payment, there will be an equivalent reduction in State Aid to the CiTy; WHEREAS, the Mayor, in accordance with Section 10.07.1 of the ciTy charter, certifies that there are available for appropriation $9,567 in general fund monies in excess of those estimatetl in the 2001 budget; and, in accordance with Section 70.07.1 of the City Charter, recommends the foilowing changes to the 2001 budget: Fund ActiviTy Object Description GENERAL FUND - FINANCING Use of Funtl Balance 001 - 00000 GENERALFUND-SPENDING - 9830 Use of Fund Balance General Government Accounts 001 - 00001 - 0438 CiTy Council (Fringe Benefits) GENERAL FUND SPENDING CHANGE 0 9,567 9,567 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Councii appraves the amended budgets as indicated above, and adopts the revisions to the 2001 butlget. Requested by Department of: AMENDED BUDGET 6,107,366 9,567 ey: ��� Approval Recommendetl by Director of Financial Services: BY: �� ��/ Atloption Certified by Council SecreTary: B APPro By: ► L - .. � // i�. � � / �� Form Ap roved hy City Attorney: sy: ��� ��../ �G� 2ti � O i Approved rforSu6mi� on B ��� /` "+i ����!/iY�(�/ Prcy�MqMeOlrmMfiren[IalServices (G15HPREGBVCGETI2J PiBkIttCOYLLEVINEPH.WKQ CURRENT BUDGET CHANGES 6,097,799 9,567 Atlopted by Council: Date ��� � U �.�n � �1�—t Re CI' PERSON & PHONE Haltiner 266 - 8897 SE ON COUNCD, qGENDq gy (Dp'1'E) i ft OF SIGNATURE PAGES IbIz4 I0! GREEN SHEET � DEPAR'1MEN'I'DIILECCOR "�''� : 2`. CIIYATTORNEY� �� �x ' 1�i BUDGEIDIltECIOR�_ � 3 � MAYOR (ORASSLSTAN'n S � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 5 Approve the attached Budget Amendment to the City Council Fringe Benefit Account o� -tt�13 NO. 106859 � 4j CIIYCODNCII, ^ CIi1 CI.ERR � i _ FIN.@MGL.SERVICESDIlL_ i � 5! OFS-Acco�tivgc..r.�� � �rsECOtne.mvuw�t[orvs.n�w�(w)o.xyu�p � PERSONALSERVICECON7RACTSMIISTANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGQ[IESTIONS: ' !(Ezplain ali ya answers on sepaah sheet avd amch to grem sheet) ;_et.nwuwGCOnfnuSS�O� _CrvaSEav�ceCO,�muss�m+ . 1.HasdilspecsoNfvmcvawodceduvderacpnVactfortltisdepaztrnrnt? '� aaconafrrt� � YES NO i — � n_s�'wFF _ � 2. Has tivs persodfi'm evu been a city emPioyce� � orsrtucrCOUar _ � YES NO I SUPPoR]$ 0.RIIIX COUNCIL OBJECI]VE: i 3. Does ihis persoNium posuss a skill mt notmally possessed by any cmrent city employee? YES NO ��,1NLI7ATNE PROBLIIvI, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whaz, When, Where, Why): � Legislation was passed by the State of Minnesota that mandates that the City pay for part of the cost of a pension increase for Leonard Levine based on his time as City Counciimember. I I iADVANTAGES ff APPROVED: Compliance with new �egislation --------- -- — --- — — �'DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Cost to the City DLSADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: There will be a reduction in State Aid if the payment is not made. �� ��^ �� ���'� i ;1'OTAL AMOONT OF"fRANSACT[ON COST/REVENOE BUDGETED (CiRCLE ONE) YES �_NO � General Fund $9,567 Speciai Funds ncrrvrrvNUmsEa Various � TOTA� $9,567 i SO[1RCE General Fund - Fund Balance Prewretl bvthe �ce M Flnancial5errites CouncilFile # ��� �' {„� RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: ReFerred To: t z a a 5 6 � s 9 to �i t2 73 ta u �s 17 78 19 20 21 u 23 24 u 26 n zs 29 30 3I 32 33 54 35 36 GreenSheet# 106859 Committee Date: _. Whereas former City Councilmember Leonard Levine requested thatthe Minnesota Legisiature pass a bill allowing him to increase his - public pension thwugh the puahase of service credits antl; Whereas such legislation vras enacted in 2001 and; Whereas this legislation mandates that the Ciry of Saint Paul pay $9,566.34 to the Pu61ic Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota to cover 70% of the cost of purchasing the additional service credits for Mr. Levine's pension and; Whereas the legislation fuRher states that if the City of Saint Paul tloes not make the payment, there will be an equivalent reduction in State Aid to the CiTy; WHEREAS, the Mayor, in accordance with Section 10.07.1 of the ciTy charter, certifies that there are available for appropriation $9,567 in general fund monies in excess of those estimatetl in the 2001 budget; and, in accordance with Section 70.07.1 of the City Charter, recommends the foilowing changes to the 2001 budget: Fund ActiviTy Object Description GENERAL FUND - FINANCING Use of Funtl Balance 001 - 00000 GENERALFUND-SPENDING - 9830 Use of Fund Balance General Government Accounts 001 - 00001 - 0438 CiTy Council (Fringe Benefits) GENERAL FUND SPENDING CHANGE 0 9,567 9,567 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Councii appraves the amended budgets as indicated above, and adopts the revisions to the 2001 butlget. Requested by Department of: AMENDED BUDGET 6,107,366 9,567 ey: ��� Approval Recommendetl by Director of Financial Services: BY: �� ��/ Atloption Certified by Council SecreTary: B APPro By: ► L - .. � // i�. � � / �� Form Ap roved hy City Attorney: sy: ��� ��../ �G� 2ti � O i Approved rforSu6mi� on B ��� /` "+i ����!/iY�(�/ Prcy�MqMeOlrmMfiren[IalServices (G15HPREGBVCGETI2J PiBkIttCOYLLEVINEPH.WKQ CURRENT BUDGET CHANGES 6,097,799 9,567 Atlopted by Council: Date ��� � U �.�n � �1�—t Re CI' PERSON & PHONE Haltiner 266 - 8897 SE ON COUNCD, qGENDq gy (Dp'1'E) i ft OF SIGNATURE PAGES IbIz4 I0! GREEN SHEET � DEPAR'1MEN'I'DIILECCOR "�''� : 2`. CIIYATTORNEY� �� �x ' 1�i BUDGEIDIltECIOR�_ � 3 � MAYOR (ORASSLSTAN'n S � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 5 Approve the attached Budget Amendment to the City Council Fringe Benefit Account o� -tt�13 NO. 106859 � 4j CIIYCODNCII, ^ CIi1 CI.ERR � i _ FIN.@MGL.SERVICESDIlL_ i � 5! OFS-Acco�tivgc..r.�� � �rsECOtne.mvuw�t[orvs.n�w�(w)o.xyu�p � PERSONALSERVICECON7RACTSMIISTANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGQ[IESTIONS: ' !(Ezplain ali ya answers on sepaah sheet avd amch to grem sheet) ;_et.nwuwGCOnfnuSS�O� _CrvaSEav�ceCO,�muss�m+ . 1.HasdilspecsoNfvmcvawodceduvderacpnVactfortltisdepaztrnrnt? '� aaconafrrt� � YES NO i — � n_s�'wFF _ � 2. Has tivs persodfi'm evu been a city emPioyce� � orsrtucrCOUar _ � YES NO I SUPPoR]$ 0.RIIIX COUNCIL OBJECI]VE: i 3. Does ihis persoNium posuss a skill mt notmally possessed by any cmrent city employee? YES NO ��,1NLI7ATNE PROBLIIvI, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whaz, When, Where, Why): � Legislation was passed by the State of Minnesota that mandates that the City pay for part of the cost of a pension increase for Leonard Levine based on his time as City Counciimember. I I iADVANTAGES ff APPROVED: Compliance with new �egislation --------- -- — --- — — �'DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Cost to the City DLSADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: There will be a reduction in State Aid if the payment is not made. �� ��^ �� ���'� i ;1'OTAL AMOONT OF"fRANSACT[ON COST/REVENOE BUDGETED (CiRCLE ONE) YES �_NO � General Fund $9,567 Speciai Funds ncrrvrrvNUmsEa Various � TOTA� $9,567 i SO[1RCE General Fund - Fund Balance Prewretl bvthe �ce M Flnancial5errites CouncilFile # ��� �' {„� RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: ReFerred To: t z a a 5 6 � s 9 to �i t2 73 ta u �s 17 78 19 20 21 u 23 24 u 26 n zs 29 30 3I 32 33 54 35 36 GreenSheet# 106859 Committee Date: _. Whereas former City Councilmember Leonard Levine requested thatthe Minnesota Legisiature pass a bill allowing him to increase his - public pension thwugh the puahase of service credits antl; Whereas such legislation vras enacted in 2001 and; Whereas this legislation mandates that the Ciry of Saint Paul pay $9,566.34 to the Pu61ic Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota to cover 70% of the cost of purchasing the additional service credits for Mr. Levine's pension and; Whereas the legislation fuRher states that if the City of Saint Paul tloes not make the payment, there will be an equivalent reduction in State Aid to the CiTy; WHEREAS, the Mayor, in accordance with Section 10.07.1 of the ciTy charter, certifies that there are available for appropriation $9,567 in general fund monies in excess of those estimatetl in the 2001 budget; and, in accordance with Section 70.07.1 of the City Charter, recommends the foilowing changes to the 2001 budget: Fund ActiviTy Object Description GENERAL FUND - FINANCING Use of Funtl Balance 001 - 00000 GENERALFUND-SPENDING - 9830 Use of Fund Balance General Government Accounts 001 - 00001 - 0438 CiTy Council (Fringe Benefits) GENERAL FUND SPENDING CHANGE 0 9,567 9,567 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Councii appraves the amended budgets as indicated above, and adopts the revisions to the 2001 butlget. Requested by Department of: AMENDED BUDGET 6,107,366 9,567 ey: ��� Approval Recommendetl by Director of Financial Services: BY: �� ��/ Atloption Certified by Council SecreTary: B APPro By: ► L - .. � // i�. � � / �� Form Ap roved hy City Attorney: sy: ��� ��../ �G� 2ti � O i Approved rforSu6mi� on B ��� /` "+i ����!/iY�(�/ Prcy�MqMeOlrmMfiren[IalServices (G15HPREGBVCGETI2J PiBkIttCOYLLEVINEPH.WKQ CURRENT BUDGET CHANGES 6,097,799 9,567 Atlopted by Council: Date ��� � U �.�n � �1�—t Re CI' PERSON & PHONE Haltiner 266 - 8897 SE ON COUNCD, qGENDq gy (Dp'1'E) i ft OF SIGNATURE PAGES IbIz4 I0! GREEN SHEET � DEPAR'1MEN'I'DIILECCOR "�''� : 2`. CIIYATTORNEY� �� �x ' 1�i BUDGEIDIltECIOR�_ � 3 � MAYOR (ORASSLSTAN'n S � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 5 Approve the attached Budget Amendment to the City Council Fringe Benefit Account o� -tt�13 NO. 106859 � 4j CIIYCODNCII, ^ CIi1 CI.ERR � i _ FIN.@MGL.SERVICESDIlL_ i � 5! OFS-Acco�tivgc..r.�� � �rsECOtne.mvuw�t[orvs.n�w�(w)o.xyu�p � PERSONALSERVICECON7RACTSMIISTANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGQ[IESTIONS: ' !(Ezplain ali ya answers on sepaah sheet avd amch to grem sheet) ;_et.nwuwGCOnfnuSS�O� _CrvaSEav�ceCO,�muss�m+ . 1.HasdilspecsoNfvmcvawodceduvderacpnVactfortltisdepaztrnrnt? '� aaconafrrt� � YES NO i — � n_s�'wFF _ � 2. Has tivs persodfi'm evu been a city emPioyce� � orsrtucrCOUar _ � YES NO I SUPPoR]$ 0.RIIIX COUNCIL OBJECI]VE: i 3. Does ihis persoNium posuss a skill mt notmally possessed by any cmrent city employee? YES NO ��,1NLI7ATNE PROBLIIvI, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whaz, When, Where, Why): � Legislation was passed by the State of Minnesota that mandates that the City pay for part of the cost of a pension increase for Leonard Levine based on his time as City Counciimember. I I iADVANTAGES ff APPROVED: Compliance with new �egislation --------- -- — --- — — �'DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Cost to the City DLSADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: There will be a reduction in State Aid if the payment is not made. �� ��^ �� ���'� i ;1'OTAL AMOONT OF"fRANSACT[ON COST/REVENOE BUDGETED (CiRCLE ONE) YES �_NO � General Fund $9,567 Speciai Funds ncrrvrrvNUmsEa Various � TOTA� $9,567 i SO[1RCE General Fund - Fund Balance Prewretl bvthe �ce M Flnancial5errites