274183 .. WNITE - GITV CIERK � �
PINK � - FINANCE C I TY OF SA I NT PALT L Council ���.l���
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An Administrative Resolution establishing the
title and class specification for Affirmative
Action Recruiter in the Civil Service Rules.
RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section
3. J. (Professional-Administrative Non-Supervisors Group}, by inserting
the title of Affirmative Action Recruiter in Grade 11; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further
amended in Section 32 by inserting, in proper alphabetical order, the
attached specification for A£firmative Action Recruiter.
Civil Service Co issi
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas �cMAHON Nays •ry pERSO OFFIC
�`" � In Favor �
Levine _ � __ Against BY
Te o DEC 2 '7 1979 Fo� Approved 't A rne
Adopt y Counc� . Date (`
rtified sed by ncil Se'�ret y BY
� � ��yQ App d by Mayor for S i i,en to ouncil
fAp ro e by iVlavor: �--
B - BY
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Title of class:
General Statement of Duties: Performs personnel work as a specialist in
the areas of recruit3ng, training and placement of prospective and
current City employees, particularly members of protected classes;
and to perform related work as required.
Supervision Received: Works under the immediate technical and administrative
supervision of a higher level personnel assistant.
Supervision Exercised: May exercise technical supervision over lower-level
clerical or paraprofessional workers.
The listed examples may not include all duties performed by a11 positions in
this class.
Recruits minorities, and other protected class persons for City positions,
Organizes a concentrated advertising and pramotional program in 1oca1
minority-oriented media and other specialized publications designed to
publicize the Gity's Affirmative Action Program and recruit applicants
for the City employment.
Maintains personal contact with public and private agencies and groups and
organizations for the purpose of enlisting their aide in finding protected
class applicants.
Regularly communicates with public and private groups and organizations to
explain the City`s Equal �nnployment Opportunity Policy and Affirmative
� Action Program.
Updates lists of organizations, schools and community groups for Affirmative
Action recruiting and periodically contacts recruitment sources to
determine if they have encountered any problems referring applicants to
City 3obs.
Solicits and acts on employee suggestions regarding affirmative action
recruitment. '
Researches career development opportunities and works with the City Training
Coordinator to mak.e them available to City employees.
Considerable ability to cammunicate effectively both orally �nd in writing.
Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with a11 levels of
management and with members of minority and protected class groups.
Knowledge of all City departments and their subdivisions and the types of
personnel they employ.
Considerable knowledge of and rapport with the minority and protected class
Knowledge of the theory and procedures of affirmative action and personnel
Knowledge of federal, state and local human rights and equal opportunity
laws and regulations as they pertain to employm�nt.
Some knowledge of the methods and procedures of gathering and analyzing
statistical data.
�ao years of college and four years of experience in job recruitment, 3ob place-
ment or job counseling of protected classes. (Approved qualifying experience
may be substituted for education. Or, additional approved education or special
training may be substituted for up to one-half of the experience requirement.)
Title of class:
�":'Y% 'y� �:��`�
General Statement of Duties: Performs personnel work as a specialist in
the areas of recruiting, training and placement of prospective and
current City employees, particularly members of protected classes;
and to perform related work as required.
Supervision Received: Works under the immediate technical and administrative
supervision of a higher level personnel assistant.
Supervision Exercised: May exercise technical supervision over lower�level
clerical or paraprofessional workers.
The listed examp].es may not include all duties performed �y aIl positions in
this class.
Recruits minorities, and other protected class persons for City positions.
Organizes a concentrated advertising and promotional program 3n local
minority-oriented media and other specialized publications designed to
publicize the City's Affirmative Action Program and recruit applicants
for the City employment.
Ma.intains personal contact with pu6lic and private agencies and groups and
organizations for the purpose of enlisting their aide in finding protected
class applicants.
Regularly communicates with public and private groups and organizations to
explain the City's Equal Employment Opportunity Policy and L�ffirmative
� Action Program.
Updates lists of organizations, school.s and community groups for Affirmat3.ve
Action recruiting and periodically contacts recruitment sources to
determine if they have encountered any problems referring applicants �o
City jobse
Solicits and acts on employee suggestions regarding aff3rmative action
xecruitmente `
Researches career development oppor�unities and works with the City �raining
Coordinator to make them available to City emplQyees.
Considerable ability to communicate effectively both arally and in writing.
. Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with all levels of
management and with members of minority and protected class groups.
Itnowledge of all City departments and their subdivisions and the types of
personnel they employ.
Considerable knowledge of and rapport with the mixiority and protected class
Knowledge of the theory and procedures of affirmative action and pexsonnel
Knowledge of federal, state and local human rights and equal opportunity
law� and regulations as they pertain to employment.
Some knowledge of the methods and procedures of gathering and ana,lyzing
statistical data.
�ao years of college and four years of experience in 3ols recruitment, �ab place-
ment or job counseling of protected classes. (Approved qualify�ng experience
may be substituted �or education, Or, additional ap proved education or specia
training may be substituted for up to one-half of the experience requirement.�
. . .._ , - .. _.�,�.u.,_ . . . . . � i :� � . , � . . � � ' �. � ..
�` " Do not detach this mem�randurrt �from �'=
•;` resolution so that this infotmat#un'w�{ be , �. , �
� available to' the City CounciL _ ��.
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FR: P�o�ae�. Of£ice � , c;
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RE: K�eolntion'for eubmisaion to City Count�il
We raco�nc�;p�our agprcval �nd s�bmission of �hie Resolut3�r.:tb t'h� Ct�ty�Goumci�;
� _
P,URPOSE AND Rl1TI� ,� �'aR THIS ACTI4N: ! ° `.
.. , �'
` Th�s resoluta�c3►n�establishes the titl� and claa$; specifi�atioa uf Affirs�a�ive Acti,�tt �
Recruiter i.a C'.rade-ll of Section �. �';(Pro#ess�.on:al-�1dmi��etraL�:v� I1�'c►ri�,�tpea��b�a . - �
tl Gi�bup� af the'Civil Ser�ii�e Rules. ' ` -
T�.e l�i�-weekl�x aa�arp range for Grade 13 ie sl�awn belowz�
. ,�
A B C D E � F G 10 yr. 15`yr. �
b33,�1 659. 7a . 6$�b. U3 ?24. 25� ?56. �5 , ?�94. 49 833.,�5 '8'�6. b2 ` 883�, 99 u
.$��i,54lS.!?5 ! �►23;;Q72. 14 '
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Reeal�ti�rn`and copy for City Clerk. � :
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�i; � �'yj : Cp:I'3iil!�7�'� Oil FINANCE, MANAGEMEN7 AND pERSONNEL - �
RUBY HUNT �;i!�hoirmen, mc�:es fihe �ot t�:�ing� � � _�
r�port on C. F. � O�clinance . _
. . � . [� Resot:�cic,n . . . - -
_ : - � O,r�r - . . -
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The Finance Corr�nittee, at their meeting of December 17, 1979, recommended approva�
of the following: � � . . � " �
l . ' Resolution revising specifications for Power Shovel Operator. (1U469-RH)."
2. Resolution revising specification for title of Heavy Equipment �Operator.{10470-RH).
. 3. Resolution establishing.title .of Revolving Power Equipment dperator. (10471=RH). '�
4. Resolution establishing rate of pay of $10.03 for title of Revolving -Power(10472=RH).
. Equipment Operator. . � . � - � '
5. Resolution cbanging grade and bargaining unit for Supervising Dental Hygienist . - �
from Grade 34 of technical Bargaining Unit to Grade 7 of Prof/Admin. S n -
. __ ` . .. - __ ������-�x1 . .
\6. Res.olution establishing title and class specs of Affirmative •Action Recruiter in
Grade 11 of Section 3.J �(Prof/Admin. Non-Supv. Group). (10474-RH). -.
7. Resolutaon transfer�;ing funds from 1979 contingency reserve to Special Elections . �
in amount of $7213 to fund special election in District 66 on December i8, 1979..
8. Reso1-ution transferring funds from 1979 contingency reserve to Department of
Public Works to provide local matching funds for federal grant for refuse-energy -
� district heating in amount of $24,723. � � �
9. Resolution setting up•the 1980 Residential Street Paving Program. �
10. Resolution alloca�ing $57,000 to fund staff for the six I7A`s in 1980. �
- -- - 1 T. Approval -of resol uti on� to be prepared i n 'January, 1980, restori ng posi tiaxr____ -_. '
• o.f Glerk-Typist in Police Department. . � • � '
12. Approval of resolution �o be.prepared in January, 1"980 tr.ansferring $32,266 � �
� . to prov.ide additional local funding to fully fund the:Court Screening Unit
for -1�80. � � . _ ' �
13. Approval of 'resolution to be prepared in JANUARY, 1980, authorizing i/2 - : �_ -
Full Time Employee in Treasury Division.. - � �
' . i!:'.%.� Sf.:�'F�;ti�Ii: f�I.C:3:. �:'�t:�l' I'_tE.iL, :.rr\\".•:$:jF_t S�'.i`: