274178 N�H17E - CITY CIERK �����j^'\
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An Administrative Resolution revising the Class
Specification for the title of Power Shovel Operator
in the Civil Service Rules.
RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section
3� G (Labor Maintenance� by placing a star ('�) before the title of Power
Shovel Operator, and by adding at the bottom of the page the following
"This title is abolished except as to present incumbents. ";
and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended
in Section 32 by striking out the class specification for Power Shovel Operator,
and by substituting in lieu thereof, the attached Class Specification for the
title of Power Shovel Operator.
Civil Service C missi
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
�� �_ [n Favor �'ERSO N OFFIC
Hunt �
Levine � __ Against BY
Sh r
edesco �•��" 2 7 �� Form proved b City tto ne
Ad ed by Counci � Date �
ertified .sed by Co .i Secretary BY
Appr by ;Navor. Da DEC 2 8 ��?� APP�o by Mayor for si�n to Council
By -- Bv
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Title of class:
Dut3es and responsibilities:
Under general supervision, to operate, maintain, and repair a power shovel,
either boom or scoop type, equipped with a clam-shell, orange-peel, or
drop bottom bucket, and powered by steam or internal combustion engine,
for excavating, grading, digging, and moving earth, rock, sand, gravel
or similar material; and to perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work perform.ed;
To operate a steam or gas power shovel in excavating ditches, cellars or
To excavate for sewer trenches, and £ill back on same.
To dig and load earth from excavations to motor trucks.
�o maintain shovel, engine, boom, scoops, buckets, cables, sheaves,
pulleys, gears, and other parts in good working condition.
To ma.ke necessary repairs.
To move a shovel fram place to place under its own power, and to set
up the shovel on new location.
�o operate truck mounted generators.
To operate and maintain gas or diesel powar units.
Minimum qualifications: �
Eighth-grade education and two years° eacperience in the operation of power
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Title of class:
Duties and responsibilitiesa
Under general supervision, to operate, maintain, and repair a power shovel,
either boom or scoop type, equipped with a clam-shell, orange-peel, or
drog bottom bucket, and powered by steam or internal combustion engine,
for excavating, grading, digging, and moving earth, rock, sand, gravel
or similar material; and to perform related work as assigned.
Txamples of work performeds
To operate a steam or gas power shovel in excavating ditches, cellars or
To excavate for sewer trenches, and fill back on same.
To dig and load earth from excavations to motor trucks.
To maintain shovel, engine, boom, scoops, buckets, cables, sheaves,
pulleys, gears, and other parts in good working condition.
To make necessary repairs.
To move a shovel from place to place under its own power, and to set
up the shovel on new location.
To operate truck mounted generators.
To operate and maintain gas or diesel power units.
Minimum qualifications: �
Eighth-grade education and two yearst experience in the operation of power
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�'h�a-� �a.�rr�rt�+� revise e the clas s specifYcatio €or�Poro�er �,t��ve1 ��ator ,
iai�, ,o���c t�,i�cl�:de du�i�$ mhich h�ve tra�i.tio�ia7.ly been pe�f�r�ea�d l� tti8
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i��uz�a'I�e�t," �e Resolutfoa aleo sta�s (�}the �ti�le qf Power`�ove1 f��rator .
.. � �c�a�fla�•3,.G (La�Q�r Maf�tenance, Ux�graded� abot3,a�.i�g:fi�r�s tftle except as �
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Au r�crca�mgs�gc9ag Resolq�aion wi11 cr�eate a ��r; ti�le ara�d class°s���`�±ca�ion �for� ` �
Revolv�cg P'o�ver'Eqtaa.par�ent Qperator which-wh.11�xa�e'the a��ne.r�ie `�f pay as ''
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Resolution.a�d copY far City Clerk. { � '`�� �
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• Title of class:
Duties and responsibilitieso
Undez general supervision, to operate, maintain, and repair a power
shovel, either boom or scoop type, equipped with a clarn-shell,
orange-peel, or drop bottom bucket. and powered by steam or in-
ternal combustion engine, for excavating, grading, digging, and
moving earth, rock, sand, gravel or similar ma.terial; and to
perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To operate a steam or gas power shovel in excava.ting ditches, cellars
or founda.tions.
To excavate for sewer trenches, and fill back on same.
To dig and load earth from excavations to rnotor trucks.
To maintain shavel, engine, boom, scoops, buckets, cables, sheaves,
pixl;leys, gears, and other parts in good working condition.
To ma.ke necessary repairs.
To move a shovel from place to place under its own power, and to set
up the shovel on new location.
• Minimum qua.lifications:
Eighth-grade education and two years� experience in the operation of
power shovels.
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' J O : �ainf °�tul �ii� Co�rcit "
� ��; � �ti] : C O;�'3�i�F�f�'�, O i 1 FINANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL -
RUBY HUNT ��hairmen, m��:es fihe �o! Ic:lins - � � .
rGpor� on C. F. � Orclinc�r�ce � -
. _ � � � [� :�e5o;s'cson _ . . . - -
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The Finance Committee, at their meeting of December 17, 1979, recorr�nended approval
of the fol l owi ng: � � . � _ __ . __. .._ _
�1 , � Resolution revising specifications for Power Shovel Operator. (10469-RH).�
2. Resoluti�on revising specification for title of Heavy Equipment �Operator.�10470-RH).
. 3. Resolution establishing.title .of Revo'tving Power Equipment Operator. (10471=RH). '
4. Resolution establishing rate of pay of $10.03 for title of Revolving �Power(10472=RH) .
. Equipment Operator. . � � . - - .
5. Resolution cbanging grade and bargaining unit for Supervising Dental Hygienist . � �
from Grade 34 of Technical Bargaining Unit to Grade 7 of Prof/Admin. S n
. . ... ����.��-��j. �
• 6. Res.olution establishing title and class specs of Affirmative •Action Recruiter in � �
Grade 11 of Section 3.J -(Prof/Admin. Non-Supv. Group). �10474-RH). .
7. Resolutaon transfer�;ing funds from 1979 contingency reserve to Special Elections : �
in amount of $7213 to fund special election in District 66 on December 18, 1979.
1 8. Reso1-ution transferring funds from 1979 contingency reserve to Qepartment of
Public Works to provide local matching funds for tederal grant for refuse-energy �
� district heating in amount of.$24,723. � � � �
9. Resolution setting up•the 1980 Residential Street Paving Pragram.
10. Resolution allocating $57,000 to fund staff for the six ITA's in 1980. �
- --- - . li. Approval of resolution to be prepared in January, 1980, restor�ing pasi�io�cr__._- . '
- of �lerk-Typist in Police Department. � - • :
12. Approval of resolution �o be.prepared in January, 1980 tr.ansferring $32,266 �
. to prov.ide additional local funding to fully fund th�:Court Screenin.g Unit -
for �1980. ' . . ' '
13. Approval of 'resolution to be prepared in JANUARY, 1980, authorizing 1/2 � : �, -
Full Time Employee in Treasury Division.. � - � .
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