Flynn, Kevin RECEIVED
MAY 3 0 2014
NOTICE OF CLAIM FORM to the City of Saint Paul, M' ,� ,
Minnesota State Statute 466.05 states that"...every person...who claims damages from any municipality...shall cause to be presented to the
governing body of the municipality within 180 days after the alleged loss or injury is discovered a notice stating the time,place,and
circumstances thereof,and the amount of compensation or other relief demanded."
Please complete this form in its entirety by ciearly typing or printing your answer to each question. If more space is
needed,attach additional sheets. Please note that you will not be contacted by telephone to clarify answers,so provide as
much information as necessary to explain your claim,and the amount of compensation being requested. You will receive a
written acknowledgement once your form is received. The process can take up to ten weeks or longer depending on the
nature of your claim. This form must be signed,and boW pages completed. If something dces not apply,write`N/A'.
First Name Kevin Middle Initial M Last Name Flynn
Company or Business Name N/A
Are You an Insurance Company? Yes No ff Yes,Claim Number?
Street Address 2�99 Pinehurst Avenue
City Saint Paul State MN Zip COde 55116
Daytime Phone( 612 � 360 _4615 Cell Phone(612 �360 4615 Evening Telephone(651 � 291 _ 1892
Date of Accidend Injury or Date Discovered 4/28/2014 Time 8 30 am/pm
Please state,in detail,what occurred(happened),and why you aze submitting a claim.Please indicate why or how you
feel the City of Saint Paul or its employees are involved and/or responsible for your damages.
Piease refer to attached documentation:
Attachment A: Explanation of Accident-Resulting in Injury
Attachment B:Accident Location Diagram and Photos
Attachment C: Medical Report-Fairview Clinic-Highland Park, Ford Parkway
Attachment D: Medicai Report-U of M Medical Center Fairview
Attachment E: Photos of Injuries
Attachment F: Medical Bills
Please check the box(es)that most closely represent the reason for completing this form:
❑ My vehicle was damaged in an accident ❑ My vehicle was damaged during a tow
❑ My vehicle was damaged by a pothole or condition of the street ❑ My vehicle was damaged by a plow
❑ My vehicle was wrongfully towed and/or ticketed � I was injured on City property
❑ Other type of property damage—please specify
❑ Other type of injury—please specify
In order to process your claim vou need to include copies of all apalicable documents.
For the claims types listed below,please be sure to include the documents indicated or it will delay the handling of
your claim. Documents WILL NOT be returned and become the property of the City. You are encouraged to keep a
copy for yourself before submitting your claim form.
O Property damage claims to a vehicle:two estimates for the repairs to your vehicle if the damage exceeds
$500.00;or the actual bills and/or receipts for the repairs
O Towing claims: legible copies of any ticket issued and a copy of the impound lot receipt
O Other property damage claims:two repair estimates if the damage exceeds$500.00;or the actual bills
and/or receipts for the repairs;detailed list of damaged items
'� Injury claims:medical bills,receipts
C� Photographs aze always welcome to document and support your claim but will not be retumed.
Page 1 of 2—Please complete and return both pages of Claim Form
Failure to complete and retum both pages will result in delay in the handling of your claim.
All Claims—nlease COmplete this sectiOn
Were there witnesses to the incident? Yes No Unlmown (circle)
Provide their names,addresses and telephone numbers:
Were the police or law enforcement called? Yes No Unlrnown (circle)
If yes,what department or agency? Case#or report#
Where did the accident or injury take place? Provide street address,cross street,intersection,name of park or facility,
closest landmark,etc. Please be as detailed as possible. If necessary,attach a diagram. 2111 Ford Parkway
Refer to Attachments A and B
Please indicate the amount you are seeking in compensation or what you would like the City to do to resolve this claim
to your saUSfaction. I am seeking compensation for medical bills not covered by insurance. $1,062.45
Vehicle Claims—Ulease complete this section liXl dheck box if this section dces not avplv
Your Vehicle: Year Make Model
License Plate Number State Color
Registered Owner
Driver of Vehicle
Area Damaged
City Vehicle: Year Make Model
License Plate Number State Color
Driver of Vehicle(City Employee's Name)
Area Damaged
Iniurv Claims—please complete this section ❑ check box if this section does not avnlv
HoW weTe you injured?Slipped on wooden ramp in rain, feli, struck head on concrete road barrier. See Attachments A, B
What part(s)of your body were injured? Head, nose, eye,shin of left leg See Attachment E
Have you sought medical treatment? es No Planning to Seek Treatment(circle)
When did you receive treatment? 4/28/2014 See Attachments C, D (provide date(s))
Name of Medical Provider(s):Fairview Clinic-Ford Parkwav and U of M Medical Center Fairview
Address 4Telephone 612-273-3000
Did you miss work as a result of your injury? Yes No
When did you miss work? (provide date(s))
Name of your Employer: N/A
Address Telephone
�heck here if you are attaching more pages to this claim form. Number of additional pages 20
By signing this form,you are stating that all information you have provided is true and correct to the best
of your knowledge. Unsigned forms will not be processed
Submitting a false claim can result in prosecution. Date form was completed 05/28/2014
Print the Name of the Person who Complet this Form� Kevin Flynn
Signature of Person Making the Claim: �v" `
Revised February 2011
ATTACHMENT A: Explanation of Accident Resulting in Injury
i was injured at approximately 8:30 am the morning of Monday,April 28,2014 while walking near the
Pieology building currently under construction at the corner of Finn and Ford Parkway, (2111 Ford
I was walking southbound from Walgreen's along Ford Parkway toward Finn Street.At the transition
area for pedestrian access near the bus stop directly adjacent to the construction site, I slipped on the
wooden transition ramp from the sidewalk/curb to the roadway and struck the low concrete barrier wall
with my head. I suffered multiple abrasions to my forehead, nose and area diredly above my left eye as
well as a contusion on my left shin. Attachment 8:See attached diagrams of accident locarion and
photos of ramp.
I sought medical attention immediately at the Fairview Clinic—Highland Park at 2155 Ford Parkway.The
staff there preformed preliminary triage on my injuries and referred me to the ER at the UMMC Fairview
Hospital. While at the ER I was examined,my injuries were washed and dressed.The staff there
performed a CT scan to determine if other injuries were present. I was released early in the afternoon
at approximately 12:53pm Refer to rhe attached medical reports for further information.
Attachment C:Medical Information Fairview Clinio-Highland Park, Ford Parkway.
Attachment D:Medical lnformation U of M Medical Center Foirview
Attachmenr E: See attached Photos 1-4 show inju�ies sustained.
After leaving the Fairview Highland Park clinic and before going to the ER, I visited the Pieology
construction jobsite and spoke with the construction manager on-site for Broadview Builders-first
name"Rocky". After a brief discussion, he essentially told me that my accident and injury wasn't his
problem as the sidewalk and road area are the property of the City of St Paul and all of his permits are in
I believe the wooden transition ramp is unsafe and slippery-especially when wet as it was the morning
of 04/28/2014 while it was raining.The ramp surface was constructed of OSB/article board with no anti-
slip material applied to its surface. I do not know if this ramp was built by the city or by the construction
company for Pieology. I believe the ramp is unsafe and hazardous to others.Subsequently to filing a
complaint on the City of Saint Paul website,the ramp has been provided with anti-slip material.
Attachmeni 8:See attached diagrams of accident location and phoios of ramp. ;
I am seeking compensation for my out of pocket medical expenses not covered by my health insurance
plan.This amounts to a total of$1,062.45(one thousand sixty two dollars and forty five cents).
Attachment F:Medical Bills
Kevin Flynn
2199 Pinehurst Ave. Saint Paul, MN 55116
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PHOTO A Photo of wooden ramp 04/29/2014—taken from angle of direction of travel on morning
following accident
Photo of wooden ramp 05/06/2014—after anti-slip
material was installed on ramp
A-r��t ME�' c
..-`- Flynn, Kevin(MR# 0051000117) M�C/9.lN�RWIPct�o� � �r���� Page 1 of 4
G�l VI-TG �i i �'�'/lN./LP�
� r a��w •
�atient Inf�rmatisn l � �
Patient Name Sex DOB
Flynn. Kevin (0051000117) Male 9/20/1961
To Close This Visit
Recommended Items
, The foilowing vital signs are not recorded: Biood Pressure, Temperature, Weight, Height, Respiration.
Encounter Origin�
Manuaily Created b;� Corverted from Appointment by
Eneounter lnformation
Provider Department Encaunter# Center
, 4/28/2014 9:00 AM Hp RnlTriage Hp Nurse 104225917 HP
', Nurse Only
Reason for Visit
Fall walkin
Reason for Visit History
Vitals -Last Recorded
Pulse �
Rain information
No pain information on file
Progress Notes
Eleftheri�u. Terri K, RN at 4l28I2014 11:37 AM
S;atus Signed _
Kevin Flynn is a 52 year old mate who walks in with fall injury. Was walking on sidewalk near
construction site in neighborhood and slipped on a slippery spot and hit head and face on a
cement barrier this morning.
PRESENTING PROBLEM: Contusion and laceration left frontal area above eye (golfball
size) .Left Eyelid laceration. Nose contusion and laceration. Injury from a fall. Walked in.
Description/location: See above. Denies LOC. Head injury.
OnseUduration: Just happened this morning.
Precip. factors: Slippsd on sidewalk where construction was present here on Ford Parkway_ Pt
states he is on a medication given by cardiologist post stent so bleeding times may be altered.
More prone to bleeding.
Associated symtoms: See above
Bleeding: yes -from forehead, nose and left eyelid. Also lower left eye area bruised.
Deformity/dislocationldiscoloration: yes-golfball size contusion and laceration left forehead
, area above left eye.
' Color Motion Sensation: A & O x 3. Denies HA or significant pain at time of visit.
I Neurological: no deficits apparent. �
�I Pain scale (1-10} not significant
Improves/worsens symptoms:
i _ ---- ___- __ ___ ------- __
` ` Flynn, Kevin (MR#0051000117) Page 2 of 4
. Symptom specific-Treatments: Lacerations covered until he can get to hospital for an
evaluation and will need sutures in various facial locations.
Taking medication(s) as prescribed? N/A
Taking over the counter medication(s) ?N/A
Any medication side effects? No significant side effects and NA
Any barriers to taking medication(s) as prescribed? No
• Medication(s) improving/managing symptoms? N/A
Medication reconciliation completed: No
I' �ast related exam/Treatment: 3/10/14 with cardiology.
i NURSING PLAN: Huddle with provider, plan includes sending to ED for eval of injuries. closed
� head injury on a "blood thinner" Dr Wegener came in to see pt briefly and he agrees with plan
i to go to ED for eval due to the lacerations multiple and on face. Also evaluate if he needs any
further f/u in regards to head injury. Increased bleeding risk ciue to medication.
RECOMMENDED DISPOSITION: To ED, another person to drive-friend arrived to drive pt to
i ED.
' Will comply with recommendation: Yes Pt is alert and oriented x 3. Moving all extremities.
, Left clinic ambulatory and independently. Accompanied by driver and friend. Plans to go to Ed
at UM hospital.
If further questions/concems or if symptoms do not improve, worsen or new symptoms
develop, call your PCP or Fairview Nurse Advisors as soon as possible.
Terri K Eleftheriou, RN
Encounter-Level Dacuments:
There are no encounter-level documents.
Order-�.evel Documents:
There are no order-level documents.
Diagnoses ,
Fall with injury - Primary 959.9, E888.9
Facial laceration, initial encounter 873.40
Medication List
�This list is accurate as of:4/28/14 9:34 AM. Always use your most recent med list.__ _�j
aspirin 81 MG EC tablet '
Take 1 tablet(81 mg) by mouth daily �
atorvastatin 40 MG tablet
Ccmmon{y known as: �..iPiTOR ,
Take 1 tablet(40 mg) by mouth daily
fish oil-omega-3 fatty acids 1000 MG capsule
nitroglycerin 0.4 MG SL tablet
Commonly known as: N�TrtoSZA7
Place 1 tablet(0.4 mg} under the tongue every 5 minutes as needed for chest pain
;`� " Fh�nn, Kevin(MR# 0051000117) Page 3 of 4
� prasugrel 10 MG Tabs
� Co��mcr;�y known as. E�FiEt�t
Take 1 tablet(10 mg) by mouth daily
vitamin D 1000 UNITS capsule
Medications at Start of Encounter
• Medication Disp Refills Start End
nitrogiycerin (NITROSTAT}0.4 MG SL 25 tablet 6 3/10/2014
, S�g - Route: Place 1 tablet(0.4 mg) under the tongue every 5 minutes as needed for chest pain-Sublingual
Cfass E-Prescribe
atorvastatin (LIPITOR)40 MG tablet 90 tablet 3 2/26/2014
5;g - Route Take 1 tablet(40 mg) by mouth daily-Oral
�lass E-Prescribe
Number of times this order has been
changed since signing: 1
Order Audit Trail
prasugrel (EFFIENT)10 MG TABS 90 tablet 3 2/26/2014
i Sic - Route: Take 1 tablet(10 mg) by mouth daily-Oral
C1ass E-Prescribe
Number of times this order has been
changed since signing: 1
Order Audit Trail
aspirin 81 MG EC tablet 90 tablet 3 2/26/2014
Si� - Route: Take 1 tablet(81 mg) by mouth daily-Oral
Class: E-Prescribe
Number of times this order has been
changed since signing: 1
Order Audit Trail
fish oil-omega-3 fatty acids(FISH OIL)
1000 MG capsule '
Si� - Ro::�e Take 1-2 g by mouth daity. -Oral
Class Historical
Number of times this order has been
changed since signing: 3
Order Audit Trail
Multiple Vitamins-Minerals (MULTIVITAL
PO) '
Sig - RaGte: Take 1 tablet by mouth daily. -Oral
Class Historical
Number of times this order has been !
changed since signing: 2
Order Audit Trail
Cholecalciferol(VITAMIN D) 1000 UNITS
Si� - Route: Take 1 capsule by mouth daily. -Oral I
C?ass: Historical �
Number of times this order has been �
changed since signing: 2 �
Order Audit Trail
Complete On: 4/28/2014 By: Kaynes,Tara ,
Aliergies as of 4l28/2014 B� RN �
, � � Flynn, Kevin(MR# OOS l 000117) Page 4 of 4
' No Known Allergies
Problem Lis# Date Reviewed: 5/29/2013
CM Priority Ciass Noted- Resolved
STEMI(ST elevation myocardial infarction) 410.90 4/28/2013-
Patient instructions
Encounter Status
Closed By: Eleftheriou, Terri K, RN on 4/28/14 at 11:37 AM
AEI Flowsheet Temptates (all recorded)
Encounter Vitals
Vitals Reassessment
May a714�2:13p EcoDEEP ���` `` ' '��� � � 651-698-0881 p,1
- ° 1'��ql C,PtL t N fi�o RI�I�A'rION ��
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} f�Princ pacicnc's lega! namc ��� 1 Vh� Bird�dare��/�
PrcYviotss name • � (ogrra urr mi!}:MR# � )
Phonc numbers{Home)��{• �/. ���� (�/ork) (Qchcr)
1. Pleasc release my rccords from: (l�%�io har Jmur rumclr?) 1
Clinic or o1r��nan,il,,ation (iFnoc prinud abovc : � (5� �1 ������ .!��Z°j�/1/�
Address: �1__�_� V�I/I_UPi �{`�.�e�`�it�•:
Scacc- �1l�,��.. Zip eoc�e• ~' Phone• ax:
, , f
2. Please release my ceeosds to:(Who nteds_ynur�tcnr�ls.') �
Pcrson,clinic or orGaniz.tioo (if noi prin�cd ab�v�}: j `�. /� ,
Address: 1r Ci : '
J�are: � `/_ip codc: � Phone: � Fau:
/f�rien.cing records tn yoau;r f sfinuld t e trt:�tla/�c be»utrked"Pcaona!a�id Coirfrclrnti�l':� f] Ycr O No
3• Th.rse ar�the:ewrds I arould like co release: �At!percinenc recocds(extepc 61ms or slides),or chcck all diat appty bdow I
I '
(�ischarge sumrnary � Patholo�v re�rrs Q EKG/F.CHO rtpores �
� Cau�icalor's discharge surnmary � La�rrports �'Fmrr�rney or utgenr carc repnres �
�istory and physical exam �;X-rav!itadiolog}•rrpores C�Psychological ccscs
�Consulracion re�o�[s �T'ilms/CDs �Su:d to MD only:Pathotogy slidts/bl�tic��
�Ourpacienc clinic notcs t]Operr ive reporcs �`Ocher.��� �`��_ '�'` ep�Q�'
For condition�r dates of treatmenr. (If 6Gtnk, wc wi/1 rrlrate 1 yrari urorth nf mnst rumt�
Date records are needed v:_ 5 l�(r f_7�� �-- . Wil!s�corrlr hr.picied up? p Yer�No
4�' VV�1 �Ltd��f�/T'T'
�t. Purpou: ❑ Contirsued ear�hy anothrr provider �+.�.`Insuraner claim iJ Personal usc
�Sotial Securiey ciisabiliry• O rlrrorney revicw O Odier
S. I understand thc following:
• Fxcepr for paycho�herapy nnsea (which are noc indiided in my medic,�l reeord),aIS r�oreis wi11 bc rcleaxed rq che person.
clinic or organiraeion named abnve.71iis indudes decails oF rreacmenc for menca{health,chemical depu�dc:ncy,siclde
tei3 anemia,genecic wndicions ai�d AIDS/HIV j`
if I doni w;�nc che.ce co lie relc�ased, 1�vill placr a Checl:inarl: here: V . 1 do noc want d3e following
recnrds rrlcasrd:
• If J�h:tnge my r:iinc�, I may wrirc ro chc addrrss in seccion ] to stop chc reiease oF my I'CCasc�S.T�1i5 wtll nOt
apply ca recorc3s d�at have alreadY been rettased.
� TT�is f�rm rxpitcx qtt�vcar afrcr I sign it,or on (expirncion dacc: �,
• "lhcrc ma,y hc a fee for rcl��assns nc�sr rccords.
- Once chc rrcords arc releaszd ro thc}xrsan,clinic ar organizarion namcd abo�e, chr clinic o�hospicai rclras�ng my
recordc cannot prevent�hem Frvm being sha��ed wirh a rhird parry.Ac chac poinc,rhe recards may no lo���er be
prorecred bv state a+id federaE�rivac}•laws.
• To be valid,chic form musc he 6lled out eamplctdy and si;nrd.A copy is valid iFit haa not bccn alccrcd.
• If�O�oi�n�is fo m,l�vi1)srill hc rr� ed. s rrearmcnc is parc af a research pr�jece.
�. � � --���,nfc�� --- �?!�-
Da � Sigrr�ure o atieru or nurl�orized p�rro Autharizrd�,errani autlioriey to rign(prbnf reqr.irulj
R�atan , ��f�2 unuGlr tn sig�z• C1 Minor i7 Drce.,srd Ocher.
FAIRVIEW MRN: 0051000117
2450 Riverside Ave DOB: 9/20i1961, Sex: M
MPLS, MN 55454 Acct#: 11005329541
Pertinent Info Adm:4/28/2014, D/C:4/28/2014
Admission tnformation
Arrival Date/Time: 04/28/2014 9:32 Admit Date/Time: 04/28/2014 9:34 IP Adm. None
AM AM Date/Time:
Admission Type: Emergency Point of Origin: Emergency Room Admit Category: None
Means of Arrival: Walked Primary Service: Emergency Secondary N/A
Medicine Service:
Transfer Source: None Service Area: Fairview Health Unit: Uu Emergency
Services Dept
Admit Provider: None Attending Hibino, Seikei, Referring None
Provider: MD Provider:
Discharqe Information
Discharge Date/Time Discharge Disposition Discharge Destination Discharge Provider Unit
04/28/2014 1:03 PM Home Or Self Care Home None Uu Emergency Dept
ED Notes
ED Notes signed by Kaynes Tara B, RN at 4/28/2014 9:42 AM
�Author: Kaynes, Tara B, RN Service: Emergency Medicine Author Registered Nurse
Filed: 4/28/2014 9:42 AM Note Time: 4/28/2014 9:40 AM
Pt was walking on wood foot walk over a sidewalk at a construction site. Pt slipped and fell landing on I
concrete barrier with the left side of his face. No LOC. Denies neck or back pain. Pt walked to highland !
clinic and they applied bandages and refer pt to ER. Pt has left eyebrow laceration and nose laceration.
Last tetanus close to 10 years ago per pt. i
Electronically Signed by Kaynes, Tara B, RN on 4/28I2014 9:42 AM j
ED Provider Notes signed by Hibino Seikei, MD at 4/2812014 3:04 PM
Author: Hibino, Seikei, MD Service: (none) Author Physician
Filed: 4/28/2014 3:04 PM Note Time: 4/28/2014 9:58 AM �
History i
Chief Gomplaint !
Patient presents with
• Facial Laceration
Kevin Flynn is a 52 year old male who presents with facial laceration. Patient was walking home this
morning and had to walk over a construction area. He slipped onto a wet wood plank and fell forward,
striking his head on a concrete barrier. He had no LOC. He has laceration on left forehead and eyebrow. ,
He went to an Urgent Care where they put some steri-strips on a nasal laceratian and he was sent here for ,
further evaluation. He denies changes in his vision. His left eyelid is swollen nearly shut. He denies
headache, neck pain, or back pain. He has �ocalized pain over the left side of his forehead. No hearing
loss. No chipped or broken teeth. He is unsure of tetanus status.
I have reviewed the Medications, Allergies, Past Medical and Surgical History, and Social History in the
Epic system.
Printed on 5/8/2014 10:37 AM Page 1
FAIRVIEW MRN: 0051000117
2450 Riverside Ave DOB: 9/20/1961, Sex: M
MPLS, MN 55454 Acct#: 11005329541
Pertinent Info Adm:4/28/2014, D/C:4i28/2014
Past Medical History
Diagnosis Date
• Asthma
exercise induced
Past Surgical History
Procedure ' Laterality Date
• Appendectomy
No family histary on file.
Substance Use Topics
• Smoking status: Never Smoker
• Smokeless tobacco: Not on file
• Alcohol Use: Yes
Current Facility Administered Medications
• lidocaine-EPINEPHrine 1 %-1:100,000 injection 30 mL
• oxidized cellulose{SUGICEL NU-KNIT)2x3 inch pad
Current Outpatient Prescriptions
• nitroglycerin (NITROSTAT) 0.4 MG SL tablet
• atorvastatin (LIPITOR)40 MG tablet
• prasugrel (EFFIENT) 10 MG TABS
• aspirin 81 MG EC tablet
• fish oil-omega-3 fatty acids(FISH OIL) 1000 MG capsule
• Multiple Vitamins-Minerals (MULTIVITAL PO)
• Cholecalciferol (VITAMIN D) 1000 UNITS capsule
No Known Allergies
Review of Systems
HENT: Positive for facial swelling. Negative for hearing loss and neck pain.
Eyes: Negative for visual disturbance. I
Musculoskeletal: Negative for back pain. ;
Skin: Positive for wound.
Neurological: Negative for headaches.
All other systems reviewed and are negative.
Physical Exam `
BP: 132I84 mmHg
Pulse: 65
Temp: 98.1 °F (36.7 °C)
Resp: 16
Printed on 5/8/2014 10:37 AM Page 2
FAIRVIEW MRN: 0051000117
2450 Riverside Ave DOB: 9/20/1961, Sex: M
MPLS, MN 55454 Acct#: 11005329541
Pertinent Info Adm:4/28/2014, D/C:4/28/2014
Weight: 77.111 kg (170 Ib)
Sp02: 100 %
Physical Exam
Constitutional: He is oriented to person, place, and time. No distress.
Head: Not macrocephalic and not microcephalic. Head is with abrasion and with contusion. Head is
without raccoon's eyes, without Battle's sign, without laceration, without right periorbital erythema and
without left periorbital erythema. Hair is normal.
� _ I
� �
� �
R l "
Mouth/Throat: Oropharynx is clear and moist. No oropharyngeal exudate.
Eyes: Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light. No scleral icterus.
Neck: Normal range of motion. Neck supple.
Cardiovascular: Regular rhythm, normal heart sounds and intact distal pulses.
Pulmonary/Chest: Breath sounds normal. No respiratory distress. He exhibits no tenderness.
Abdominal: Soft. Bowel sounds are normal. There is no tenderness.
Musculoskeletal: He exhibits no edema or tenderness.
Cervical back: He exhibits no tenderness.
Thoracic back: He exhibits no tenderness.
Lumbar back: He exhibits no tendemess.
Neurological: He is alert and oriented to person, place, and time. No cranial nerve deficit. Coordination
Skin: Skin is warm. No rash noted. He is not diaphoretic.
ED Course
CT head, c spine, face-no bleed or fx.
Labs Ordered and Resulted from Time of ED Arrival Up to the Time of Departure from the ED - No data to
Assessments 8� Plan (with Medica! Decision Makingj
Printed on 5/8/2014 10:37 AM Page 3
FAIRVIEW MRN: 0051000117
2450 Riverside Ave DOB: 9/20/1961, Sex: M
MPLS, MN 55454 Acct#: 11005329541
Pertinent Info Adm:4/28/2014, D/C:4/28/2014
Fall with facial contusions and abrasions complicated with effient, stopped bleed
with surgicel, FU with PMD.
I have reviewed the nursing notes.
I have reviewed the findings, diagnosis, plan and need for fotlow up with the patient.
Discharge Medication List as of 4/28/201412:54 PM
Facial abrasion, initial encounter
Fall, initial encounter
I, Hannah M Bezek, am serving as a trained medical scribe to document services personally performed by
Seikei Hibino, MD, based on the provider's statements to me.
I, Seikei Hibino, MD, was physically present and have reviewed and verified the accuracy of this note
documented by Hannah M Bezek.
Hibino, Seikei, MD I
04/28/14 1504
Electronically Signed by Hibino, Seikei, MD on 4/28J2014 3:04 PM
Resulted: 04/28/14 1135, Result Status: Final
Head CT w/o contrast[201874140] result
Ordering provider: Hibino, Seikei, MD 04/28/14 1019 Resulted by: Cayci, Zuzan, MD
Performed: 04/28/14 1057 -04/28/14 1110 Resulting Lab: RADIOLOGY RESULTS
Narrative: Head CT without contrast
History: fall/pain,
Comparison: none
Technique: Axial thin section C7 images of the head were obtained from
the base of the skull to the vertex without intravenous contrast and
reviewed in brain, subdural, and bone windows.
Findings: There is no evidence of intracranial hemorrhage,
mass-effect, or midline shift. Gray-white differentiation is intact
throughout both cerebral hemispheres. There is no significant
cerebral volume loss.The bony calvaria and the bones of the skull
Printed on 5/8I2014 10:37 AM Page 4
FAfRVIEW MRN: 0051000117
2450 Riverside Ave DOB: 9/20/1961, Sex: M
MPLS, MN 55454 Acct#: 11005329541
Pertinent Info Adm:4i28J2014, D/C:4/28/2014
Resulted: 04/28/14 1135, Result Status: Finai
Head CT wlo contrast[201874140] result
� base appear normal. The visualized portions of the paranasal sinuses
and mastoid air cells are unremarkable.
There is left periorbital swelling and hematoma. No underlying
fracture is noted. There is no abnormality of the retro-bulbar region
within the globe.
Impression: Impression:
Left periorbital swelling and
hematoma. Otherwise no acute
Resulted: 04/28/14 1524, Result Status: Final
Cervical spine CT wlo contrast[201874141] result
� Ordering provider: Hibino, Seikei, MD 04/28/14 1019 Resulted by: Cayci, Zuzan, MD
Hoffman, Benjamin J, DO
Performed: 04/28/14 1110-04/28/14 1120 Resulting Lab: RADIOLOGY RESULTS
Narrative: Cervical spine CT without contrast 4/28/2014.
History: Fall. i
Comparison: None. i
Technique: Acquisition of CT images of the cervical spine were
obtained without intravenous contrast. Axial, coronal, and sagittal �
reconstructions were performed. Images were reviewed in bone and soft
tissue windows.
Findings: Lateral masses of C1 are normally aligned on C2. Cervical
spine alignment is preserved. Mild convex left coronal based curvature f
centered at approximately C5-6; straightening of the normal cervical
lordosis from C2-C6.
Mild disc space narrowing at C5-6 and C6-7; vertebral body heights are
preserved. No abnormal prevertebral soft tissue swelling.
Multilevel uncinate and endplate spurring, most pronounced posteriorly
at C5-6; facet arthropathy is most pronounced bilaterally at C7-T1. �
Mild to moderate bilateral foraminal narrowing at C5-6; no significant
spinal canal narrowing at any level.
No definite abnormality is noted of the visualized paraspinous
Impression: Impression:
1.No acute fracture or subluxation of
the cervical spine.
2. Mild multilevel degenerative
changes of the spine resulting in mild
to moderate bitateral foraminal
narrowing at C5-6.
I have personally reviewed the
Printed on 5/8/2014 10:37 AM Page 5
FAIRVIEW MRN: 0051000117
2450 Riverside Ave DOB: 9/20/1961, Sex: M
MPLS, MN 55454 Acct#: 11005329541
Pertinent Info Adm:4/28/2014, DiC:4/28/2014
Resulted: 04128/14 1524, Result Status: Final
Cervical spine CT w/o contrast[201874141] result
examination and initial interpretation
and I agree with the findings.
Resulted: 04/28l14 1144, Result Status: Final
INaxillofacial CT w/o contrast 201874142] result
Ordering provider: Hibino, Seikei, MD 04/28/14 1019 Resulted by: Cayci, Zuzan, MD
Performed: 04/28/14 1120-04/28/14 1127 Resulting Lab: RADIOLOGY RESULTS
Narrative: CT of the Facial Bones without contrast
History: fall pain,
Comparison: none
Technique: Using thin collimation multidetector helical acquisition
technique, axial and coronal thin section CT images were reconstructed �i
through the facial bones. Images were reviewed in bone and soft tissue �
windows. ;
Findings: There is left preseptal and periorbital swelling/hematoma.
The globes are normal. Lenses are located. Retro-orbital 'fat are I
symmetric and normal. Optic nerves are appear normal on CT. �
Extraocular muscles appear within normal limits. �
There is no evident fracture of the facial bones. The cribriform plate ',
appears intact. Alignment of the facial bones appears normal. !
The visualized portions of the paranasal sinuses are clear. �
I mpression: I mpression:
Left preseptal and periorbital �
swelling/hematoma. No evidence of
fracture or postseptal abnormality. I
__ __ _ __ __ _ _ _._._ __ ___ � __ _. __ �
Encounter-Level Documents:
There are no encounter-level documents. j
Order-Level Documents: �
There are no order-level documents. I
Results Head CT w/o contrast(Order 201874140) �
Resulted: 04/28/14 1135, Result Status: Final
Head CT w/o contrast[201874140] result
Ordermg pro�ider: Hibmo, Seikei, MD 04/28/14 1019 Resulted by: Cayci, Zuzan, MD �
Performed: 04/28/14 1057-04/28/14 1110 Resulting Lab: RADIOLOGY RESULTS '
Narrative: Head CT without contrast
History: fall/pain,
Comparison: none
Printed on 5/8/2014 10:37 AM Page 6
FAI RVI EW MRN: 0051000117
2450 Riverside Ave DOB: 9/20/1961, Sex: M
MPLS, MN 55454
Resulted: 04/28/14 1135, Result Status: Finai
Head CT wlo contrast[201874140] _ result
Technique: Axial thin section CT images of the head were obtamed from
the base of the skull to the vertex without intravenous contrast and
reviewed in brain, subdural, and bone windows.
Findings: There is no evidence of intracranial hemorrhage,
mass-effect, or midline shift. Gray-white differentiation is intact
throughout both cerebral hemispheres. There is no significant
cerebral volume loss. The bony calvaria and the bones of the skull
base appear normal. The visualized portions of the paranasal sinuses
and mastoid air cells are unremarkable.
There is left periorbital swelling and hematoma. No underlying
fracture is noted. There is no abnormality of the retro-bulbar region
within the globe.
Impress+on: Impression:
Left periorbital swelling and
hematoma. Otherwise no acute
Results Cervical spine CT w/o contrast(Order
Resulted: 04/28/14 1524, Result Status: Final
Cervical spine CT w/o contrast[201874141] _ result i
Ordering provider: Hibino, Seikei, MD 04/28/14 1019 Resulted by: Cayci, Zuzan, MD ,
Hoffman, Benjamin J, DO
Performed: 04/28/14 1110-04/28/14 1120 Resulting Lab: RADIOLOGY RESULTS �
Narrative: Cervical spine CT without contrast 4/28/2014.
History: Fall. �
Comparison: None.
Technique: Acquisition of CT imayes of the cervical spine were �
obtained without intravenous contrast. Axial, coronal, and sagittal !
reconstructions were performed. Images were reviewed in bone and soft I
tissue windows. I
Findings: Lateral masses of C1 are normally aligned on C2. Cervical
spine alignment is preserved. Mild convex left coronal based curvature
centered at approximately C5-6; straightening of the normal cervical
lordosis from C2-C6.
Mild disc space narrowing at C5-6 and C6-7; vertebraf body heights are
preserved. No abnormal prevertebral soft tissue swelling.
Multilevel uncinate and endplate spurring, most pronounced posteriorly i
at C5-6; facet arthropathy is most pronounced bilaterally at C7-T1. '
Mild to moderate bilateral foraminal narrowing at C5-6; no significant
spinal canal narrowing at any level.
No definite abnormality is noted of the visualized paraspinous
Printed on 5/8/2014 10:37 AM Page 7
FAIRVIEW MRN: 0051000117
2450 Riverside Ave DOB: 9/20/1961, Sex: M
MPLS, MN 55454
Resulted: 04/28/14 1524, Result Status: Finai
Cervical spine CT wlo contrast[201874141] resuit
impression: Impression:
1.No acute fracture or subluxation of
the cervical spine.
2. Mild multilevel degenerative
changes of the spine resulting in mild
to moderate bilateral foraminal
narrowing at C5-6.
I have personally reviewed the
examination and initial interpretation
and I agree with the findings.
Results Maxillofacial CT wlo contrast(Order
Resulted: 04/28/14 1144, Result Status: Final
Maxillofacial CT wlo contrast 201874142 result
Ordering provider: Hibino, Seikei, MD 04/28/14 1019 Resulted by: Cayci, Zuzan, MD
Performed: 04/28/14 1120 -04/28/14 1127 Resulting Lab: RADIOLOGY RESULTS
Narrative: CT of the Facial Bones without contrast
History: fall pain,
Comparison: none
Technique: Using thin collimation multidetector helical acquisition
technique, axial and coronal thin section CT images were reconstructed
through the facial bones. Images were reviewed in bone and soft tissue
Findings: There is left preseptal and periorbital swelling/hematoma.
The globes are normal. Lenses are located. Retro-orbital 'fat are
symmetric and normal. Optic nerves are appear normal on CT.
Extraocular muscles appear within normal limits.
There is no evident fracture of the facial bones. The cribriform plate
appears intact. Alignment of the facial bones appears normal.
The visualized portions of the paranasal sinuses are clear.
I m pression: I mpression:
Left preseptal and periorbital �
swelling/hematoma. No evidence of
fracture or postseptal abnormality. ;
Page 8 I�I
Printed on 5/8/2014 10:37 AM
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Explanation of Health Care Benefits
—;-- � > BlueCross BlueShieid P A G E o 0 o a o F o 0 o z
�.� � of Minnesota ��oo oioi000000a�s•
� a
An MdeperMmt Mansee ot(he�lue Aoss and�q Ssla�d Aasop�on
P.O.Box 64560 THIS IS NOT A BILL Thls Is an explanatlon of the c1a1m processed
St.Paul,MN 65164-06� based on your plan benefits in effect when the service was performed.
Piesse keep this form for your tax records.
Easily find a provider, see your claims, your
plan, health programs and wellness info all in
one place. Visit the myBlueCross online
member center. Sign in at
ST PAUL MN 55116-1123
����������������u������u�u��������������������u�������n�� YeartoDateDeductible 1 ,612.88
Contacr For Customer Service-Piease Cati:
(651) 662-5001 OR TOLLFREE 1-8D0-531-6676
Patfent ID Group/Poitcy Date Date Claim Number
Received Processed
XZ2184275 HAMMEL GREEN OER0040HA 05/09/14 05/09/14 4129911633000
Subscrtbe►lMember Name R O X A N N E N E L S O N
Patient Name K E V I N F L Y N N
Patlent Control Number 0 3 2 0 4 218 0 9
Dates of Service From From From From
To 0 4 2 8 14 To To T To
��pt�� LAB/X-RAY
Charges 7 3 8.0 0
Provider Responsfbillty Amount 3 7 0.4 0
Ailowed Amount 3 6 7.6 0
Amount Petid By Other Insurance
Deductibie Amount 3 6 7.6 0
Copay Amount
Colnsurance Amount
Pald Amount
�atlent Noncover�Amount
Amount You Owe 3 6 7.6 0
dotes Id
Total Chsrges
Total Amount Paid by
Other Msurance
�tta,.c h m e.n-f- �• �• � Totai Amount You Owe
�ee reverse slde for CpmplainUAppeat,Fraud and other Important Information.
Explanation of Health Care Beneflts
- � BlueCross BlueShield P A G E o 0 o a o F o 0 o a
�i�� � of Minnesota THIS IS NOT A BILL. 7h�s�s an exp�anat�ori of�t e claQin�roc�s�e�0 0 2 7 0 7
a+a►oena�ddusoenseeo�nmeuwaossaraearosroaie�ssooauon based on your plan beneflts in effect when the service was perfonned.
P.O.Box 64660 Please keep thls form for your tax reconds.
St.Paul,MN 55184-0680 See reverse side for CompiainUAppeal,Fraud and other important Informatlon.
Easily find a provider, see your claims, your
plan, health programs and wellness info all in
one place. Visit the myBlueCross online
member center. Sign in at
ST PAUL MN 55116-1123
����������ni���u�������uu�������u���u�����������u��u�� YeartoDateDeductiWe 2,179.83
Contac�For Customer Servfce-Please Call:
(651) 662-5001 OR TOLLFREE 1-800-531-6676
Patient iD Group/Policy Date Date
Recelved prp�sg� Claim Number
XZ2184275 HAMMEL GREEN OER0040HA 05/12/14 05/12/14 4132905900000
3ubscribeNMember Name R O X A N N E N E L S O N
Patlent Name K E V I N F L Y N N
Patlent Conuol Number 9 0 0 4 6 414 2 5 0 0
Dates of Servlce From From F From From
To 0 4 2$ 14 TO To T To
Descrlption M E D I C A L
Charges 3 9 8.0 0
Provider Responsiblllty Amount 2 3 . 3 2
Aliowed Amount 3 7 4.6 8
Amount Paid By Other Insurance
Deductibie Amount 3 7 4.6 8
�opay Amount
Coinsurance Amount
Pald Amount
Patlent Noncovered Amount
Amount You Owe 3 7 4.6 8
Votes Id
Total Charges
Total Amount Patd by
��te�t f �: � '2 0 .o0
Total Amount You Owe
Are you up to date with you�preventive care?Many plans cover preventive services that wlll not result In a cost when you use an In network
provlder.Preventive care can include check-ups,screenings.and immunizatlons.For more informatlon,go to: US/oreventive-cere
Explar�ation of Heaitn Care �enetits
�. � - BtueCross BlueShieid P A G E o 0 o i o F o 0 0 2
- �.�� � of Minnesota ��oo Qiol000�ooa��6
THIS IS NOT A BILL. This Is an explanation ofThe cla m process
M I�dant Npnsee otlha dltre Cross�0�ue SMaW AsmdNlon based on your plan benefits In effect when the service wa8 performed.
P.O.Box 64660 Please keep tnis form for your tax records.
St.Paul,MN 55164-0660 See reverse slde for Complalnt/Appeai,Fraud and other important Informatlon.
Easily find a provider, see your claims, your
plan, health programs and wellness info all in
one place. Visit the myBlueCross online
member center. Sign in at
ST PAUL MN 55116-1123
�������������������������u����������������������������������� Year to Date Ueductlble 2. 5 0 0.0 0
Contact•For Customer Service-Please Call:
(651) 662-5001 OR TOLLFREE 1-800-531-6676
Patlent ID GrouplPoilcy Date �te Claim Number
Received Processed
XZ2184275 HAMMEL GREEN OER0040HA 05/13/14 05/14/14 4133814388000
Subscrf beNMember Name R O X A N N E N E L S O N
Patlent Name K E V I N F L Y N N
Patient Control Number 110 0 5 3 2 9 5 410 0
Dates of Service From 4 From F From From
To 04 28 14 To 04 28 14 To 04 8 14 T To
Charges 2,464.00 887 .00 79. �0
Provider Responsibillty Amount 1 , 2 3 2 .9 9 4 4 3 . 8 5 3 9. 5 3
Allowed Amount 1 , 2 31 .O 1 4 4 3 .15 3 9.4 7
Amount Pald By Other Insurance
Deductible Amount 3 2 0.17
Copay Amount
Coinsurance Amount
Paid Amount 910.8 4 4 4 3.15 3 9.4 7
Patient Noncovered Amount
Amount You Owe 3 2 0 .17
Notes Id
Total Charges
3 ,430.00
Totai Benefit Amount
1 , 393 . 46
���� �' • � Total Amount Pald by
11�` f 1 _ �. � Other insurance
r-nr�.c,� o. o 0
Total Amount You Owe
320 .17
Are you up to date with your preventive ca►e?Many plans cover preventive servlcea that wiil not result In a cost when you use an in network
provider.Preventive care can include check-ups,screenings.and immunizations.For more information,go to: