274159 WMITE - CiTY CLERK °l, /���� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council ro s . CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAVOR Co�ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul acknowl— edges its support for the administration' s collective bargaining positions regarding the Clerical Unit and as more particularly set forth in Mayor George Latimer' s letter to the Council dated December 18, 1979. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: H�a�'�/�ct,�►d Yl [n Favor #Ilnrt I,evine � __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco C Form Ap oved by ty y Adopted by Council: Date �c��� (` � Certified �5 by Coun .i e ary BY By App o by Mavor: a _ �.FC 2 1 �9�9 Appro ed by ayor for Submi •i n to f 1 BY - -- BY PI��LIS!iED ��C �9 �979 i� . �� . CC.�,, �� . ,� _., , � .;��r� . �a� t;:;'�:�., (� i •r�� c� r �.� r �z 1'_��- r. ��.�� �:s �,,:u,� �_ .- •'-'I'��-•;.�<. �o- (>1•'FI(7!•: O1'' '1'II): �l.\1'O1: . ....� ._ `s ��"! - ,��vii� .... � GEORGF. I.ATI�fER A1n�'ox To the Honorable Council December 18, 1979 . City of Saint Paul Re: Clerical Bargaining Unit Dear Council Member: After several negotiation sessions, attempts to resolve a satisfactory collective bargaining agreement with the above- captioned unit have now reached an impasse. At the last meeting the City offered a three-year contract , that provided for a 7/ wage increase along with an increase in insurance contributions which would be equal to 100% of the employee' s coverage cost; 50% of the dependent' s cover- age cost; and 100% of the life insurance on the employee` s cost. These particulars applied to the first year and equalled a total package of approximately 7.5/. For the second year (1981) , the City offered a 7/ wage increase as well as language which would have the City paying all of the' health and life insurance costs, including dependent' s coverage. The total cost of these particulars would fall between 8.2 and o . 8.5 0. In the third year of the contract, the City proposed a 7% wage increase along with the City picking up all of the increased costs in insurance for 1982. The cost of these particulars for that year would be in the area of 7.5/, but this estimate is speculative due to its distance in the future and the uncertainty of insurance premiums. In addition to the foregoing, the City agreed to delete the pro- bation clause in the current contract which prevents new em- ployees from receiving any vacation or sick leave during the first six months of probation as well as revising the residency provision to comply with current Council policy. �J , � ��/ ��_c�� � Council Members - Page 'I�ao December 18, 1979 In exchange for the foregoing, the City sought the following items: 1. An administrative fee of 25� per month per employee. 2. Wordage in the early retiree clause which would make it necessary for the employee to give the City ad- vance notice of his or her plans for early retirement. 3. A deletion of the current provision of the contract dealing with the posting of notices of vacancies. 4. Adition of a no-strike/no-lock-out clause. 5. A new mileage provision consistent with the State Com- missioner of Personnel' s rules regarding reimbursement at a maximum of 19G per mile. � The Clerical Unit submitted its demands, and we summarize them as follows : l. Additional vacation. 2. Total City coverage of insurance costs. 3. Wages totaling �0% or 55� per hour, whichever is greater for 1980 in addition to an increase in the deferential between the 15, 20, and 25-year steps. In 1981, the unit is requesting a wage increase based on a cost-of-living formula. 4. Seniority language to compel the City' s management staff to select the promotional candidate within the "rule of three" with the most seniority and, further, . City-wide seniority, rather than departmental sen- iority in case of layoffs. 5. In the matters of discipline, giving the employee a right to select an outside arbiter or the Civil , • . �1���.e..�� Council .Members Page Three December 18, 1979 Service Commission as the hearing body. , 6. The filling of vacancies within two weeks after an employee is selected regardless of whether that employee is performing the work of the new position. The City considers the unit ' s demands regarding seniority as most serious in that they constitute a substantial invasion of management rights to organize and structure its work force. F�irther, this demand may have a dire and drastic impact on the City' s affirmative action hiring policy. Because of the ad- ministration' s view, it is proposed that the City submit to arbitration on all items but the three above-mentioned and the City Attorney take the appropriate legal action to prevent the consideration of these matters by an arbiter. ` I would appreciate your kindness in acknowledging your support of the City' s positions and views as set forth herein, and I have taken the liberty of submitting a short resolution endors- ing these concepts for your approval. Respectfully submitted, � GEO LATIMER Mayo P.S. We will, of course, continue to work with the Union toward the end of settling the contract before the Arbitrator convenes the parties.