D00816CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR . � �J ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVLSION N � $I(o Date: I � `! � _I � ADMITTI5TRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor on Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of Ditector of the Division of Parks and Recreation to amend the 1995 bndget of �e Pazks and Recreation Grants and Aids Special Pund, the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Cureent Rvlut Department of Community Services Division of Parks and Recreation Pazks and Recreation Grants and Aids Spending Plan 860-33192-0ll2 Full Time Not Certified 860-33192-0299 Other Misc 5ervices 860-33142-0389 Other Misc Supplies 860-33192-0439 Fringe Benefits 860-33193-01 l 1 Full Time Permanent 860-33196-0299 Other Misc Services 860-33196-0439 Fringe Benefits 860-33197-0121 Part Time Certified 860-33197-0219 Fees Other Professional Services Totals 0.00 16,110.00 18,952.Q0 91,416.00 347,707.00 1,000.00 0.00 26,827.Q0 _ 2 So nn 1� 1� 1{ (`h a�ngr 111 11 {11 11 1 If! 1! 111 11 111 11 11 � �� � 111 11 � 1.1.1 1.1 �1� Amended Bndget 5,000.00 49,110.00 8,952.00 108,416.00 302,707.00 $55.00 145.00 22,827.00 (, S�o n_nn 1� 1• {1, Adjust the 1995 budget to reflect proper spending authority for the payment of child care expenses for the Future Force program and for the payment of anticipated salaries and fringe benefits for the remainder of .ti- ----- r\ `-, / v � A�ved � y: Mayor � � � Date f a a_%z��,� /- �--�� Date �1,U.d!/ ���F/ uested by: Department D'uector /�` C � i�(�l1RiG, DEPqR7MENT/OFFICFJCOUNCIL � °"�'"'T'"TE° _ GREEN�SHEE vV v� ° 36126 � ,� Parks and Recreation �� 12-27-95 �NRVwoA� - iNma.mnr� CAP�TACT PEpSON 8 PH�NE T DEPAqTMENT DIqECTOF O CT' COUNCIL W ell Stromen 266-6435 '�w" []cmnrTOaHer �CRYCLERK UST BE ON CAUNCIL A6ENDA BY (OATE) pWn�� w BUOGET DIPE(:TOR O FlN..& MGT. S VI DIR. � ORDEfi O MAYOP (OR ASSISTAN� l� �� 1. TOSAL # OF SIGNATl3AE PAGES 1 (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOFi SIGNATURE} S ar ALTION (iEQUESTED: Approval of administrative order amending the spending plan of fund 860 - Parks and Recreation 6rants and Aids. � RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) w Reiect (H) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TME FOLLOWING QUESTfONS: _ PIANNMG COMMISSION _ CNIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �� Has Mis personNirm ever worketl u�der a wntract for this deparlmen[? _ CIB CAMMITTEE YES NO " — �� F ' 2. Has this perso�rtn ever been a c�ry employee? YES NO — �iSTpICT COURT — 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city emplqree? SUPPORTS WHICN GOUNGIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO F�cplain all yes answera on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WM, Whet. When. Where. Why): Adjust 1995 budget to reflect proper spending authority for the payment of child care expenses for the Future Force program and for the payment of anticipated salaries and fringe benefits�for the remainder o£ the year. . DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: hild care providers will be paid and proper spending authority wi11 be in place to pay salaries and fringe benefits for the remainder of 1995 ' DISAWANTAGESIFAPPflOVED R � c E�vE� None �� , g 199 � ���� C ' DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: Child care providers'will not be paid in accordance with the terms of the Americorps grant; proper spending authority will not be in place for the payment of salaries and fringe benefits. TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACiION $ �. COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE.T — ACTIVI7Y NUMBER _ FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) .�Y I R J C2 Vl�