273569 WHI�E - CI TV CLERK ��
. .
in�cnce Ordinance N O. ! CQS�.�
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An ordinan�e amending Chapter 144 of the St.
Paul Legislati•ve Code, entitled, "General Parking
Restrictions; �' repealing certain redundant or
obsolete sections and clauses and making other
corrections; repealing Ghapter 212, entitled,
"Parking Lots and Garages; Use of Streets. "
Section �.
That Section 144.01 of the St. Paul Legislative Gode,
"Stopping on highways, " be and the same is hereby repealed.
Section 2.
That Section 144.02 of the St. Paul Legislative Code be
and the same is hereby amended to read:
144.02. Removal of ille�ally stopped vehicles.
Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle standing
upon a highway in violation of any law, sueh officer
is hereby authorized to move such vehicle or require the
driver or other person in charge of the vehicle to move
the same to a position off the paved or improved or main
traveled part of such highway.
When any police officer finds a vehicle unattended
upon any street or hi�hway or upon any bridge or causeway
or in any tunnel where such vehicle constitutes an obstruc-
tion to traffic, such officer is hereby authorized to pro-
vide for the removal of such vehicle and remove the same
to �l�e=��t�}e}���-�a�age a place of safekeeping established
by law.
COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hozza In Favor —
Levine Against BY
Tedesco Form Approved by Cit Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
BY BY �`���%� {'��i�
. . � 1CQ��..�
Page 2.
Section 3.
That Section 144.03 of the St. Paul Legislative Code
be and the same is hereby amended by striking therefrom,
in their entirety, clauses 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12 and 13, and by renumbering clauses 2 and 14, so
that said Section 144.03 shall read:
144.03. Sto in or arkin rohibited in certain
p�laces. No person shall stop, s and, or park a vehicle
exce when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic
or in compliance with the directions of a police officer
or traffic control device, in any of the following places:
(1) In front of or within five feet of either side
of any public alley, public or private driveway measured
from the sides of the alley or driveway perpendicular to
the public street, or in such a manner as to block access
or egress to or from a public alley, public or private
(2) At any place where official signs prohibit
Section 4.
That Section 144.04 of the St. Paul Legislative Code
be and the same is hereby amended, in clause (1) thereof,
so that the same shall read:
(1) No person, firm or corporation operating any
public garage shall park vehicles on the streets or alleys
adjacent to or in the vicinity of such public garage for
a longer period than g0 minutes.
Section 5.
That Section 144.0� of the St. Paul Legislative Code
be and the same is hereby further amended, in clauses (6)
and (10) thereof, by striking the figures "132.02 (41)"
where the same do appear and substituting, in lieu and
in place thereof, the figure "130.02. "
Section 6.
That said Section 144.0?� is further amended, in clause
(12) thereof, by striking the words "Class A, B, C or C-1
Residence District, �� where the same do appear, and substi-
tuting, in lieu and in place thereof, ��Class R-1, 2, 3,
" ��-C�-� �
Page 3.
or 4, RT-1, 2, or RM-1, 2, 3 District. ��
Section 7.
That Section 144.05 of the St. Paul Legislative Code
be and the same is hereby amended to read:
144.05. One-wa streets. In the event a highway
includes two or more seg�ara e roadways and traffic is
restricted to one direction upon any such roadway, no
person shall stand or park a vehicle upon the left-hand
side of such one-way roadway unless signs are erected
to permit such standing or parking. The Ge��ss�e�.e�-e�
�����e-Sa�e�3� director of the department of public works
is authorized to determine when standing or parking
may be permitted upon the left-hand side of any such
one-way roadway and to cause signs to be erected giving
notice thereof.
Section 8.
That Section 144.06 of the St. Paul Legislative Code
be and the same is hereby amended to read:
144.06. Double arkin . Vehicles shall not stand
two or more abreas in any street except as follows:
(1) Commercial vehicles, when calling for or
delivering parcels or merchandise, may double park for the
length of time absolutely and reasonably necessary to load
or unload, when access to the curb is blocked by other
vehicles at the place of delivery. �Ie;ve�e��-�.e-�e��e3
(2) On streets where parking meters are in
operation, commercial vehicles, when clearly so desig-
nated, may double park at the place of delivery for
the length of time absolutely and reasonably necessary
to load or unload, but only when all available space on
the same side of the street is filled.
Section 9.
That Section 144. 10 of the St. Paul Legislative Code
be and the same is hereby amended by striking . � �
. ����.��
Page 4.
the words "officer in charge of the Traffic Division"
in the second paragraph thereof, and substituting in lieu
and in place thereof the words "desk officer. "
Section 10.
That the first sentence of Section 144.14 ef the
St. Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to the designation
and marking of taxi stands, be and the same is hereby
amended by deleting the words "Department of Public Safety"
and substituting in lieu and in place thereof the words
"department of public works. "
Section 11.
That Section 144.17 of the St. Paul Legislative Code,
be and the same is hereby amended to read:
144.1'7. Parkin� or stoppin� on the public way.
A. No person shall stop, park or drive an automobile,
motorcycle, motorized bicycle, truck, tractor, construction
equipment, house moving equipment, or vehicular equipment
of any kind on, along, or across any public curb, boulevard,
or sidewalk within the limits of the City of Saint Paul,
l�a�se3�-se��.��3 other than where regular or authorized
driveways or crossings are provided for that purpose,
except that vehicles equipped with rubber tires ma,y be
used on those sa�dewalks not having areaways or otlier sub;
structures between November 15 and April 1 for the purpose
of plowing and removing snow where such equipment does not
exceed a total weight of 4,000 pounds and the axle weight
does not exceed. 2,000 pounds.
B. When necessary and for good reason, the above
prohibition will not apply if permission is obtained in
writing from the ee��ee}e�e� director of the department
of public works or his authorized representative.
C. Any permission secured will be on the condition
that suitable precautions are taken to prevent any
unnecessary damage to the curb, boulevard or side�ralk
and to prevent any injury to persons lawfully using the
curb, boulevard or sidewalk.
D. Any person who has secured such permission
shall bear the cost of repairing or installing the
1 �'
. � � ,
. �,�.
Page 5.
sidewalk, boulevard or curb damaged by him, his agents
or employees.
E. The department of public works shall maintain
a file of all such locations where parking is ermitted
contrary to law.
Section 12.
That Section 144. 18 of the St. Paul Legislative Code,
Technical-Vocational Institute Parking, be and the same is
hereby repealed.
Section 13 .
That Section 144.20 of the St. Paul Legislative Code
be and the same is hereby amended by striking the same in
its entirety and substituting, in lieu and in place thereof,
the following:
144.20. Parkin� privile�es for the ph.ysically
handicapped; special parkin� zones. The director of the
department of public works ma.y establish special parkin�
zones for the physicall,y handicapped immediatel.y adjacent
to their usual place of r�esidence and shall adopt rules
and re�ulations to carr.y out the provisions of this section
includin� the requirement that applicants ma.y be required
to pa.y for all or a part of the cost of providin� the
necessar.y si�nin�. Such zones shall be desi�nated and
marked by suitable si�ns. No person shall park a motor
vehicle in such zone unless such motor vehicle is displa -
in� the identifyin� certificate issued by the state of
Minnesota for the physically handicapped.
WHL7E - C1TV CLERK 1 �'735s9
� 0 rdindnce Ordinance N 0. r�.� /
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Page 6.
Section 14.
That Chapter 212 of the St. Paul Legislative Code,
entitled, ��Parking Lots and Garages; U�e of Streets, ��
be and the same hereby is repealed.
Section 9 �j.
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30
days from and after its passage , approval and publication.
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays �
��rnC"rn�dn [n Favor
�a- � Against BY
Tedesco ��g ta979 Form Approved by Cit Attor y
Adopted by Council: Date r y
Certified a by Counci reta BY
� , • ` SEP 10 1 Approve Mayor for S to Co ncil
Apprav by Mayor. �t�i" �
1 K ' �'���
> �s� S E P 15 t979
l Amendments to C. 144
Proposed ordinance
1 - Repeals 144.01, covered by M.S, i69. 32
2 - Amends 144.02 to replace words inadvertently omitted
from last codiYication: ��upon any street or highway or. �t
Vehic�es� are now removed to '�a place of safekeeping
established by law�� rather than the "municipal garage��
3 - Strikes certain paragraphs of Sec. 144.03 whieh
are �overed by Minn. Stat, i69.34
4 - 144.04, clause (1) prohibition against public garages
parking vehicles on the streets or alleys adjacent
to the place of business of a public garage for more
than 90 minutes. Chapter 212 prohibits such parking
absolutely, so that chapter is repealed in a later
section, since this clause specifically permits such
. p�rking.
5 - 144.04, clauses (6) and (1� to correct misnumbering of
a section.
6 - 144.U4, clause (12) (residence districts where rubbish
trucks may not be parked or left standing) corrects
references to districts as now designated in zoning
oYd inance.
7 - Sec. 144.05 amended to place duty of designating
parking on one-way streets in director of public
works rather than the commissioner of public safety.
8 - Section 144.06 amended to remove absolute prohibition
against double parking on certain streets; Public Works
Department indicates no need for such absolute
9 - Sec. 144.10 amended so that keys found in unlocked
vehicle are to be left�'.with the desk �officer rather
than the traffic division at the police station.
10 - 144.14 - taxicab stands to be designated by dQpartment
of public works rather than department of public
11 - 144.1'7 amended to extend prohibition to motorized
bicycles and motorcycles; also, the public works
department to maintain a file of certain locations
where otherwise illegal parking is permitted by special
12 - ftepeals Sec. 144.18, which is covered adequately by 144.19
13 - Most of Sec. 144. 20 is covered by state statute, and
the remainder is reworded. (Minn. Stat, i69. 34)
14 - Repeals obsolete chapter (see Sec. 4 above) . .
,� �
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� oM 0�: 32,/1�"15
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, �tev.: 9,��J7 6
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_ ,.
Date: July 20, 1979 ���. 1 ���9 � '
: ���'S�
FR; : City' A�torney
gE; Prvposed ordina,nce to amend Chap�er 1�t4 of th� S�. Paul -
Legislative Code, "General P�rki�.g Re��ructions'� _
- �
Council action _
, .
Review: <of the Legislative Code s#�ows ob�solet� at�� redundant �
sec�ions,� some �overed by state E�tatute, and otY�er eorre e�ion,�,�
needed, shown �en de�aii on the attaehed page. �
� ,
� .
Proposed ordinanc�, e�.planation of changes.
� I �
lst � �'�� 2nd �����
� �
3rd ���� Adopted � �
Yeas Nays
� ��� 2��5s9
� MADD�X \