273565 �NHITE - GITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE (j I T SA I NT PAU L Council �35s5 DEPARTMENT �BL'�CA�oR � File - NO. dindnce Ordinance N�. �L0..��� Presented By Referre o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Chapter 134 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, entitled, ��Traffic Code--Rules of the Road; �� repealing certain obsolete or redundant sections. TH� GOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That save and except for Section 134.01, clause (5) ; Section 134.04 clau�e 2 • Section 134.13, clau�e (5) ; Section 134. 18, clause 2� ; and Section 134. 33, Chapter 134 of the St. Paul Legislative Code be and the same hereby is repealed. That said sections to be retained are renumbered and restated as follows: 134.01. Speed; acceleration. ��� No person shall start or accelerate any mo or vehicle with an unnecessary exhibition of speed on any public or private way within the city limits. Prima facie evidence of such unnecessary exhibition of speed shall be unreasonable squealing or screeching sounds emitted by the tires or the throwing of sand or gravel by the tires of said vehicle or both. #�4T94-���} 134.02. Licensed physicians; emer�encies. If a licensed physician, while driving a motor vehicle in response to an emergency call, be stopped for driving said vehicle at a speed greater than is reasonable and proper, he shall upon giving his name and addre�s and the registration number of his vehicle, and upon exhibiting his driver' s license, be permitted to proceed in the vehicle to his destination and thereafter such proceedings shall be had as would have been proper had he not been a hysician. COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City AyCprney Adopted by Council: Date � ' Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY '' ��' ' ��By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By 1 � I/�/it, WHITE - CITV CIERK � ' PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council ^•' BI.I�EP�qVORTMENT File NO. /�+������ Ordindnce Ordinance N�. ` lD.�t�/'1 / Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2. �7TT�7-{�/ 134.03. Turns within con�ested district. Within the congested district, except on one-way streets, no per�on shall make a left turn upon entering or leaving a parking lot or garage. �34���—�3� 134.04. Backin�. No vehicle �hall be backed upon the highways for a distance greater than 25 feet, but in no case shall a vehicle be backed from one highway into another unless the driver thereof is directed to do so by police or fire department officers. ���T��� 144.031. Parkin� at bus stops. It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle within an area designated as a bus stop. The bus stop will be 80 feet in length and on the near side of the street intersection except where local conditions make necessary a different location. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its pa�sage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays f' ��� �Grn�� b In Favor Hozza Hunt v ��— Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco �CP 6 �^r�� Form Approved by Cit Att�prney/ Adopted by Council: Date � y� /� t ' Certified Council etar BY � By � Ap�rov by Mayor: Dat�::�- SEP � � 1979 Approved ayor for Submission to Council gy r,. � �•� r`. gy L L��'I`+,L�--. Ptje�tsKEfl S E P 151979 , _ �`��t�i� 12/1g7s . _ r ,� Rev. : 9/8/76 � 2�35s� EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, � Date: July 20, 1979 � � � � � �� � � JUL 1 3�g7g T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR'S O� FR: City Attorney �g; Proposed ordinance to amend Chapter 134 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, "Rules of the Road, " to repeal obsolete and redundant sections. ACTION REQUESTED: Council action. . PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Most of Chapter 134 is covered by state statute. A list of the sec;�tions repealed by this ordinance is attached, showing the corresponding statute number. The see�ions not covered by statute are retained and renumbered. ATTAC?�'�SEI�'TS: Ordinance, List of repealed sections ; �CpSG�� ' � ' �` ��'�5�� To be repealed, as covered by state statute: St. Paul Covered by Legislative Minn. Stat. Code Sec. Sec. 134.01 Speed, clauses 1, 2, 3 and 4 only 169.14, subd. 1, 2, 4 and 3 134.02: Impeding Traffic 169.15 i34.43, Speed on Bridges 169.16 134.04� Emergency Vehicles, clause 1 only 169.1'7 134.05 Driving on Right of Roadway 169. 18, subd. 1 134.06 Meeting Vehicles 169.18, subd. 2 134.07 Passing 169. 18, subd. 3 134.08. Passing on Right 169.18, subd. 4 134.09 Restrictions on Passing 169.18, subd. 5 134.10 One-way Streets 169.18, subd. 6 134.11 Laned Streets 169.18, subd. 7 134.Z2 Following Too Close 169.18, subd. 8 134.13 Turns - clauses 1, 2, 3 and 4 only 169.19, subd. 1 134.16 Starts 169.19, subd. 3 134.17 Turn Signals 169.19, subd. 4-6 134.18 Backing - clause 1 only 169.13 134. 19 Signals 169.19, subd. 7 134.20, Hand Signals 169.19, subd. 8 134.21 ftight-•of Way 169.20, subd. 1 134.22 Right of Way, Left Turns 169.20, subd. 2 134.23 Right of Way, Thru Highways 169.20, subd. 3 134.24, Right of Way, Starting Vehicles 169. 19, subd. 3 134.25 Right oY Way, Emergency Vehicles 169.20, subd. 5 134.26 Funeral Processions 169.20, subd. 6 134.2'7 Pedestrians 169.21, subd. 1 134.28 Right of Way, Pedestrians 169.202, subd. 2 _ - ' - 169.21, subd. 2 134.29 Pedestrians, , Crossing Not at Intersection 169.21, subd. 3 134.30 Crosswalks 169.21, subd. 4 134.31 Soliciting Rides 169.22, subd. 1 134.32 Walk on Left 169.21, subd. 5 134. 34 Driving Through Safety Zone 169.25 134• 35 Stop at Grade Crossings � 169.26 �134. 36 Certain Vehicles to Stop at AI1 Grade Crossings 169.28 134. 37 Slow Moving Equipment at Grade Crossings 169.29 134. 38 Stops Required 169. 30 134.40 Emerging Yrom Alleys, etc. 169.31 (Sections 134.14, 134.15, 134.39 previously repealed. ) _ �i . ��_ , lst / ��� 2n � � �T � --�-- , ; 3rd ����� Adopted� _ " Yeas Nays BUTLER HUNT � 6 ��� . ������ � MADDOX I V ! i SHOWALTER I TEDESGO PRESIDENT (fiOZZA)