273545 WHITE - C�TY CLERK � PINt'( - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CAf�TARY - DEPARTMENT File NO• ���� ' BLUE �. MAVOR ncil sol tion Presented By LICII�TSE ' Referred To Commi t e� Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVF;D:A That licen+5es applied for by the foolowiag persoas at the addre�ses stated be and the �ame are hereby granted. Dayton Hndson Corp. 1'744 Suburban Ave. Firearms App. 3?72 New n n t?ptiCi�n n n (�rriffin Radial 1Tire, Inc. 825 Charlton (3en. rep. gar. 5875 " Robert L. Battle 442 8elby Ave.. (#en. rep:. gar. 5926 " Midas Corp. 510 N. Sibley St. Parking lot (383c) 8920 " Metropolitan Transit Corp. 16� E. Kellogg. Cigarette loa. 9101 " Four Seasons Cheese & Fruit Special.ties, Inc. " 867 c3r�n,d Ave. 8estaurant C-1 9109 " 3amco Sportswear, Inc. 211 E. 4th St. L•fds VM loa. 9438 " Charle� Ma�anz 987 Payne Ave. Cigar�tte 1oc. 9499 " n ►r Cigarette VM oper. " " Herb'e Mobil 406 E. Maryland A�e ; I••foods VM loc. 9531 " Herb's Mobil 4�6 E. Maryland Ave. Cigarette loc. 9549 �� Terry Brindley 1054 Payne Ave. 3 Private fuel pumps 9643 " Antonio M. Castro, ��. 15 W. Wini.fred St. Auto body rep. gar. 9701 " Roger R. Ripley 4�� Rice St. Pet shop 9')24 " SonwLe, Inc. 1174«•6 Arcad� 3t. Cigarette VM oper 9738' " Linda L. Nes+aet 715 f�rand Ave. 2ad hand dlr. gen. 9'�88 " I-�9�':� Ehterprises, Ine. 310 M�te Bear Ave. Restaurafst C�-Z 9811 " Ritter Landscaping 666 Arcade St. Florist/�+Tursery 9820 '� A Divi�ion of A�ryl T.M., Inc. " 167-9 G4rand Ave. Atxto boc�r rep. 9822 " Timothy P. Heldt 434 Case Ave. Cigarette loc. 9829 " �imothy P. Heldt 434 Caae Ave. (�roc. A»2/frz.fda. 9830 " . " „ Ofi sale i�a].t " " Domi.no's Pizza of Minn., Inc. n 1543 E. Maryl�nd Ave. l••vhe. Food+�»K 984� �' Hazel Wood 47&-480 Hazel St. Swimming Pool 9875 " Wee On Moy 879'f� P�►ne Ave. Restauraat C»2 9915 " Jo�seph's :.aFoods, Iac. 1551 Pa�yae Ave. L•foods VM loc. 10016 f' (3er�e Daniele, Iac. 1081 Pa�yae Ave. Cigarette loc. 1t�f30 " COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler [n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine __ Against BY Maddox Showalter � Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Coune.il Secretary BY sy Approved by ;Vlavor. Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY WHITE - CiTV CLERK CQUt1C11 2��5�� � PIMK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANAR� - DEPARTMENT BIUE -�AAYOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By ���� ��� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Gontinued Page 2 of New Suburbart Chrycler Plymoth, Inc. " 1891 Suburban Ave. New l�otor veh. dlr. 10115 New r, n (dlr. rep.gar.) 2nd hanfl ..MV dlr. n n Buburban �rycler Plymoth, Inc. " 1$91 Suburban Ave. Cigarette loc. 10116 " Terrance E. Stolareki 694 Payse Ave. t�es.•rep. gar. 10121 " Philip Skarda 786 Randolph Ave. Gigarette loc. 10158 " �Tohn Hagen 7g5 N. sneiling Ave. L•toods vl�i loc. 10159 " 1�iichael A. Mohrlant 511 S. Smith Ave. de�. rep. gar. 10185 " Tempel Motors, Inc. 703 IIniversity Ave. 2nd handMY dlr. 10191 " Joe Ffart 3431 N. Hwy 100 �14 Vehicle peddler 10250 " A & J F�terprisis 236� IIniveraity Ave. 5 I�Poods YM loc. 10259 " " " 7 add'1 L»foods VM " " Jim Violette 5828 Zieath Ave.,Edina Veh. peddler 1�26g : " Warren Moatpetit 288 E. 7th St. I»foods VM loc. 1026� " Old Volka Home ci Minu., Ina. „ 435..� sibley St. �..iooag � ioc. io278 �� Ee�etern Heights State Bank 2100 Wilson Ave. Z»toods VM 1oc. 10281 " n et 1 add'1 I«�iood+s VM n n COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays er Hozza In Favor Hunt Q� vme _ __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedese Au� � s 1979 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted b ouncil: Date Cert ied Yass y Co .il Secretary B3' B} t#ppr \A vor. e A�fG l 7 1979 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - BY tttB�.tSwEO AU� 2 51979 :