01-1161ORIGI�IAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by Referred To coun�� F�e # o,_ u�� Green Sheet # 62919 Committee Date 1 An Administrative Resolution amending the 2 Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation by 3 establishing the rate of pay for the new 4 classification tifled Safety Equipment Design 5 and Maintenance Worker 7 10 � RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the cias"sification ritled Safety Equipment Design and Maintenance Wotker be established at the rate set forth in Crrade 07U, of the Equipment Maintenance Bargaining Unit OS Salary Schedule in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it, FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shail take effect and be in force on the first pay period following passage and approval. Requested by Department of: OfFice of Human Resources B�� �� �� Form App�oved b " Att ey B J �o/��-)o, Adopfion Certified by Council Sectetary BY= � `J Approved by Mayor: Date �� �� By: � Approved by ayor for S bmission t6 Council BY� .ri ' c:vcmmn assneso�mo�&OA�a�lsarbEada�m.�ec4��wuh«nFSOionya Adopted by Council: Date �� ,'7 � p t , � � Gs� � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII.: . DATE INITTATED GREEN�SHEET No.: 52919 �" Office of Human Resources 10/15/Ol ��`��' CONTACI' PERSON & PHONE: - , � I , N ,, n �� 'I � avn � A'c i e IIaTTn[.NA'tE M3rk Robertson 266-6471 , nee.vcn�rr n�5lo i < cm covNCU. Susan Moore (266-6511) "��D V�(�� NOMBERFOR zcrrrAl7oxNEY Q�'dFRK ROUTING OR1)ER �pNqAt gnV DIIL FAIANCIAL SIXVfACCLG MI7ST BE ON COUNCiI. AGENDA BY (DA7'E� //����(, � 3MAYOR(ORASSI'J V'"/� ���;��V� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ;, • j ac1'[oN REQVFS'reD: Establish the rate of pay for the new classification of Safety Equipment Design Maiat� c m Grnde 07LT of the Equipment Maintenance, Bazgaining Unit O5, Salary Schedule. 'l �` ° �� `� , RECOMb�NDA1TONS: Appro�e (A) mReject (A) PERSONAL SERV[CE CONTRAGTS MUST ANSR'ER THE FOLLOWING QOESTIONS: I. Hasdtispnsonffi�meverwarkedmdetacouvactfmth3sdepnNme¢t? . PLANHING COI.M�IISSION 1'es No CIB COM[v➢ITEE 2. Has fhis person/fum evaban a city employee? CN77. SERVICE COMI�4iS510N Yes No � 3. Dces dtis petson/fi�m possess a slNl not nmmally possessed by any current city employeel Yes No 4. Is this persodfirm a tacgeted vendoY? Yes No E:plasn ait yes aoswe�s on sePalsre sheet and attach to green sheet INTTIATING PROBLEM, LSSUE, OPRORT'[7NTTY (Who, W hat, W6en, Where, Wiry): This posirion was studied at the request of the Fire and Police Deparhnent. The position in this class will perForm highly skilied repair and maintenance duries in fabrication and design of Fire and Police safety equipment for fire trucks, emergency medical vehicles, police vans, motorcycles, and other safeTy-related equipment. The position will also provide specialized services as required by the City of Saint PauI's emergency rescue depaztrnents. The posirion was evaluated using the QES job evalua6on system. . �, t�met'2t ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: W�"' `�-' Equitable compensarion will be estabiished for this new class. �`� ��� '� � DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. , � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Equitable compensation will not be established and it may not be possible to obtain and/or retain skilled individuals to meet the standards of the Fire and Police departments. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FIi�iANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) G\Shazed�ClasdflCLASS�Resdut+ons&Ocdimmezs�Safety.Fq`ripmmt.D¢si�.Mtc.Woskes.gs.wpd ADDENDUM TO CLASSIFICAT'IONS STUDY REPORT Re-evaluation Study POSITION CLASS TITLE: INCUMBENT: DEPAR'I'MENT: STUDIED BY: DATE STLTDIED: PERSON(S) CONTACTED: Fire Equipment Servicer Mazk Allen Milbrandt Fire Department Susan D. Moore September, 2001 Jim Chermak, Vehicle Maintenance Supervisor APPROVAL OF CLASSIFTCATION AND COMPENSATION MANAGER: � � ���c�� 9- � � - 6 / Signature Date Report Summary b � -��v\ The supervisor of the posirion referenced above disagrees with the previous study recommendation that the position be compensated at Grade leve106 of the Equipment Maintenance Bargaining Unit O5. Specifically, the supervisor contends that additional knowledge and skill in fabricafion and design techniques in welding and operation of welding machinery warrant higher compensation because of the specialized service to Saint Paul's Fire and Police emergency service units. The supervisor also states that effective operation of shop equipment, and mechanical and power vehicle equipment require specialized lrnowledge of techniques in welding design and layout (e.g., metal sheaz, brake and wire feed, mig, rig, etc.) of vehicle safety equipment. For this reason, the supervisor requested a re-evaluarion of the laiowledge and skill requirements for the posirion. Knowiedge and Skill Comparisons The knowledge and skill requirements for the position under study were compazed with classificafion specification requirements for similar skilled mechanical and skilled trade posirions in the City of Saint Paul and the City of Minneapolis. This included Machinist, Welder, and Vehicle Mechanic. The skilled mechanical duties performed by these positions require working knowledge and/or skill of tools, materials, and procedures used in brazing, soldering, cutting and/or welding metal parts; and in repairing, designing, or modifying equipment, and the ability to read and interpret blueprints and rough layouts. Training and certification requirements for these positions include completion of an apprenticeship program or equivalent training; or four yeazs of equivalent experience in the respective fields. Another example is the City of Minneapolis' Fire Equipment Maintenance Worker position that requires warking laiowledge and skill in the use of gas and azc welding equipment and machine lathes. Similazly, the welding duties that aze currently assigned to the posifion under study require a working knowledge of welding design and fabrication techniques in metal, steel, and aluininuxn parts, and considerable skill in operating electric and azc welding machinery. Page Two. Re-evaluation Study Report Mark A. Milbrandt In conirast, knowledge of tools, equipment, procedures, and techniques in vehicle mechanics, and municipal heavy trucks and hea�y equipment is not a requirement for the assigned welding and fabrication duties. Rather, the assigned welding and fabrication duries require knowledge and skill that faz exceed the knowledge level that is described by the classification specification for Fire Equipment Servicer. For e�mpie, the position under study requires considerable knowledge and skill in welding design and fabrication techniques and operation of welding machinery that aze aze critical for successful performance of the assigned duties. Overall, the additional knowledge and skill requirements for the position under study compare most favorably with those described by the Welder classification specification such as working knowledge of tools, materials, and procedures used in welding, joining, and cutting metals, and skill in the repairing, designing, or modifying of equipment, and ability to read and interpret blueprints and rough layouts. Conclusion The knowledge and skill level requirements for the posi6on under study faz exceed those described by the current Fire Equipment Servicer classification specification such as "lrnowledge of operating industrial sewing machines and repairing vehicle upholstery, leather and canvas equipment." Overall, the knowledge and skill that are required to perform the assigned welding duties are not appropriate at the Fire Equipment Servicer classification level. Recommendation Based on re-evaluation of the addifional knowledge and skill requirements for the position and the QES analysis, it is recoxnmended that the position be compensated equivalent to Cnade 07 of the Equipment Maintenance Bazgaiui�g Unit 07U. It is fiirther recommended that a new classification be created that accurately reflects the required knowledge, skills and abilities, and qualification requirements relevant to the assigned welding dufies. o�-���� PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: DESCRIP"ITON OF WORK General Statement of Duties: SAF'ETY EOUIPMENT DESIGN AND MAII3TENANCE WORKER Code: 213B BU: OS Effective: 0 \ -\11.1 Performs skilled maintenance work in the repair, redesign, fabrication, or modification of safety equipment, small motorized equipment, other mechanical eqrupment or appendages to heavy equipment or vehicles (such as trucks, vans, trailers, and motorcycles) of the Fire and Police departments. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a unit supervisor. �ervision Exercised: May lead the work of apprentice trainees or assigned workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed e�mples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Operates electric and arc welding machinery in the fabrication of aluminum, steel and other metal parts; performs welding in the joining of brackets and mounts used for fire and police equipment and vehicles. Repairs, rebuilds or mod�es e�sting equipment, fire apparatus, appendages, or accessories (such as seat belts, seat track adjusters, door panels, and headliners) used for fire, police cazs, trucks and other specialized vehicle equipment. Designs specialized equipment to meet Fire and Police safety and transportation standards; sets-up and repairs rescue baskets, pike poles, pry bars, axes, fire extinguishers, battering ratns, covers and equipment bags. Repairs rescue geaz, emergency medic equipment, and accessories for mounted Fire and police equipment. Sets-up computerized key coding, maintains key inventory; and cuts keys as needed. Maintains, repairs, designs, and fabricates leather or canvas covers, siraps, belts, and other similaz equipment. Upholsters, rebuilds, and reglaces, vehicle seats, back rests, and head liners in fire trucks and other vehicles. Operates sewing machine to provide uniform and jacket repairs and lettering. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES, AND COMPETENCIES Working knowledge of safeTy standards for Fire and Police equipment. Working Irnowledge of design and fabricarion techniques. (SAFETY E013IPMEI3T DESIGl�i AND MAINTENANCE WORKER) P�e 1 of 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: SAFETY EOLTIPMENT DESIGN AND MAINTENANCE WORKER Code: 213B BU: OS Effective: o�- ��c.1 Working Imowledge of specifications for fabrics, vinyls, strapping and hazdware for Fire and police bags, covers, and straps. Working lmowledge of air powered, electric, and hand tools. Considerable knowledge of upholstering and industrial sewing. Considerable knowledge of materials, fabrics, and equipment required for servicing equipment. Considerable knowledge of routine vehicle maintenance. Considerable skill in repairing, designing, or modifying equipment with or without the aid of blueprints. Considerable skill in operating sewing machines, key machines and electric and azc welding machinery in the fabrication of aluminum, steel and other metal parts; lathe machines, saws, sanders, and chop saws, and mobilized vehicles. Considerable skill in the repair and maintenance of upholstery, leather, and canvas equipment. Considerable skill in the use of tools and equipment that aze used in servicing equipment, including a sewing machine. Working abiliTy to design pattems using various Types of welding machinery and equipment. Working ability to safely operate Class B and Class C vehicles. Working ability to understand and follow oral and written instructions. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Four yeazs of experience in the repair and maintenance of vehicle safeTy equipment, apparatus, vehicle upholstery, and other safety related equipment and a certificate of complefion of an vehicle upholstery course or equivalent to include three yeazs of experience in welding and fabricating aluminum, steel, and metal parts. (SAFETY EOUIPMENT DESIGN AND MAINTENANCE WORI{ER) — Page 2 of 2 � i C `�.;v�a,� SAI:1T PRUL IA� C1TY OF SAII�]T PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayar TO: FROM: DATE: RE: OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES JohttHmniltan,Dirumr 400CityHaIIA�mec 25We.rtFourtl+Street Saintpmd,�rmuota 55102-7634 Tim Fuller, Fire Chief Fire & Safety Services D artment Susan Moore, Human Resources Consultant Office o£Human Resources September 19, 2001 Twenty Day Notice `� � ;''. :3 ; .^�� i �t�l� Telephonc 651-2666500 TDD/IT'Y. 651-166-6501 Job7ine: 65I-2666502 Facsi m i l e: 651-292J656 Pursuant to City of Saint Paul, Civil Service Rule 3. (C) this memorandum is to inform you that the title of Safety Equipment Design 1Vlaintenance W arker is being created. A resolurion will be processed to establish the rate of pay in Grade 07U of the Machinists (b.u. OS) Salary Schedule in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. SM/tf cc: Tun Chermak Attachments OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES Jo3m Hmnilton, Direclnr CTTY OF SA1NT PAUL Norm Colemmr, Mayor September 19, 2001 Gary T. Schmidt, Business Representative Machinists District Lodge No. 77 1399 Enstis Street Saint Paul, l�nnesota 55108 RE: Twenty Day Norice Dear Gary: 400Ci1yHaIIAtmec 2sWurFourthSveet SentPm� ��mrsota 55102-1634 Trlephort� TDD/L'LY-' Jablinc Facsimrle: a►-���� 651-2666500 651-266-6501 QSI-266-6502 651-292-7656 Pursuant to City of Saint Paul, Civil Service Rule 3. (C) this memorandum is to inform you that the title of Safety Equipment Desiga Maintenance Worker is being created. A resolution will be processed to establish the rate of pay in Grade ON of the Maclvnists (b.u. OS) Salary Schedule in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. Sincerely, � ����� Susan Moore Human Resources Consulta�t Office of Human Resources SM/tf Attachment G: �/awif ICL9S5120 daJ' notfcealSajeN&4+aP��CDzeigrtMentW6:umonwpd ORIGI�IAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by Referred To coun�� F�e # o,_ u�� Green Sheet # 62919 Committee Date 1 An Administrative Resolution amending the 2 Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation by 3 establishing the rate of pay for the new 4 classification tifled Safety Equipment Design 5 and Maintenance Worker 7 10 � RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the cias"sification ritled Safety Equipment Design and Maintenance Wotker be established at the rate set forth in Crrade 07U, of the Equipment Maintenance Bargaining Unit OS Salary Schedule in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it, FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shail take effect and be in force on the first pay period following passage and approval. Requested by Department of: OfFice of Human Resources B�� �� �� Form App�oved b " Att ey B J �o/��-)o, Adopfion Certified by Council Sectetary BY= � `J Approved by Mayor: Date �� �� By: � Approved by ayor for S bmission t6 Council BY� .ri ' c:vcmmn assneso�mo�&OA�a�lsarbEada�m.�ec4��wuh«nFSOionya Adopted by Council: Date �� ,'7 � p t , � � Gs� � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII.: . DATE INITTATED GREEN�SHEET No.: 52919 �" Office of Human Resources 10/15/Ol ��`��' CONTACI' PERSON & PHONE: - , � I , N ,, n �� 'I � avn � A'c i e IIaTTn[.NA'tE M3rk Robertson 266-6471 , nee.vcn�rr n�5lo i < cm covNCU. Susan Moore (266-6511) "��D V�(�� NOMBERFOR zcrrrAl7oxNEY Q�'dFRK ROUTING OR1)ER �pNqAt gnV DIIL FAIANCIAL SIXVfACCLG MI7ST BE ON COUNCiI. AGENDA BY (DA7'E� //����(, � 3MAYOR(ORASSI'J V'"/� ���;��V� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ;, • j ac1'[oN REQVFS'reD: Establish the rate of pay for the new classification of Safety Equipment Design Maiat� c m Grnde 07LT of the Equipment Maintenance, Bazgaining Unit O5, Salary Schedule. 'l �` ° �� `� , RECOMb�NDA1TONS: Appro�e (A) mReject (A) PERSONAL SERV[CE CONTRAGTS MUST ANSR'ER THE FOLLOWING QOESTIONS: I. Hasdtispnsonffi�meverwarkedmdetacouvactfmth3sdepnNme¢t? . PLANHING COI.M�IISSION 1'es No CIB COM[v➢ITEE 2. Has fhis person/fum evaban a city employee? CN77. SERVICE COMI�4iS510N Yes No � 3. Dces dtis petson/fi�m possess a slNl not nmmally possessed by any current city employeel Yes No 4. Is this persodfirm a tacgeted vendoY? Yes No E:plasn ait yes aoswe�s on sePalsre sheet and attach to green sheet INTTIATING PROBLEM, LSSUE, OPRORT'[7NTTY (Who, W hat, W6en, Where, Wiry): This posirion was studied at the request of the Fire and Police Deparhnent. The position in this class will perForm highly skilied repair and maintenance duries in fabrication and design of Fire and Police safety equipment for fire trucks, emergency medical vehicles, police vans, motorcycles, and other safeTy-related equipment. The position will also provide specialized services as required by the City of Saint PauI's emergency rescue depaztrnents. The posirion was evaluated using the QES job evalua6on system. . �, t�met'2t ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: W�"' `�-' Equitable compensarion will be estabiished for this new class. �`� ��� '� � DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. , � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Equitable compensation will not be established and it may not be possible to obtain and/or retain skilled individuals to meet the standards of the Fire and Police departments. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FIi�iANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) G\Shazed�ClasdflCLASS�Resdut+ons&Ocdimmezs�Safety.Fq`ripmmt.D¢si�.Mtc.Woskes.gs.wpd ADDENDUM TO CLASSIFICAT'IONS STUDY REPORT Re-evaluation Study POSITION CLASS TITLE: INCUMBENT: DEPAR'I'MENT: STUDIED BY: DATE STLTDIED: PERSON(S) CONTACTED: Fire Equipment Servicer Mazk Allen Milbrandt Fire Department Susan D. Moore September, 2001 Jim Chermak, Vehicle Maintenance Supervisor APPROVAL OF CLASSIFTCATION AND COMPENSATION MANAGER: � � ���c�� 9- � � - 6 / Signature Date Report Summary b � -��v\ The supervisor of the posirion referenced above disagrees with the previous study recommendation that the position be compensated at Grade leve106 of the Equipment Maintenance Bargaining Unit O5. Specifically, the supervisor contends that additional knowledge and skill in fabricafion and design techniques in welding and operation of welding machinery warrant higher compensation because of the specialized service to Saint Paul's Fire and Police emergency service units. The supervisor also states that effective operation of shop equipment, and mechanical and power vehicle equipment require specialized lrnowledge of techniques in welding design and layout (e.g., metal sheaz, brake and wire feed, mig, rig, etc.) of vehicle safety equipment. For this reason, the supervisor requested a re-evaluarion of the laiowledge and skill requirements for the posirion. Knowiedge and Skill Comparisons The knowledge and skill requirements for the position under study were compazed with classificafion specification requirements for similar skilled mechanical and skilled trade posirions in the City of Saint Paul and the City of Minneapolis. This included Machinist, Welder, and Vehicle Mechanic. The skilled mechanical duties performed by these positions require working knowledge and/or skill of tools, materials, and procedures used in brazing, soldering, cutting and/or welding metal parts; and in repairing, designing, or modifying equipment, and the ability to read and interpret blueprints and rough layouts. Training and certification requirements for these positions include completion of an apprenticeship program or equivalent training; or four yeazs of equivalent experience in the respective fields. Another example is the City of Minneapolis' Fire Equipment Maintenance Worker position that requires warking laiowledge and skill in the use of gas and azc welding equipment and machine lathes. Similazly, the welding duties that aze currently assigned to the posifion under study require a working knowledge of welding design and fabrication techniques in metal, steel, and aluininuxn parts, and considerable skill in operating electric and azc welding machinery. Page Two. Re-evaluation Study Report Mark A. Milbrandt In conirast, knowledge of tools, equipment, procedures, and techniques in vehicle mechanics, and municipal heavy trucks and hea�y equipment is not a requirement for the assigned welding and fabrication duties. Rather, the assigned welding and fabrication duries require knowledge and skill that faz exceed the knowledge level that is described by the classification specification for Fire Equipment Servicer. For e�mpie, the position under study requires considerable knowledge and skill in welding design and fabrication techniques and operation of welding machinery that aze aze critical for successful performance of the assigned duties. Overall, the additional knowledge and skill requirements for the position under study compare most favorably with those described by the Welder classification specification such as working knowledge of tools, materials, and procedures used in welding, joining, and cutting metals, and skill in the repairing, designing, or modifying of equipment, and ability to read and interpret blueprints and rough layouts. Conclusion The knowledge and skill level requirements for the posi6on under study faz exceed those described by the current Fire Equipment Servicer classification specification such as "lrnowledge of operating industrial sewing machines and repairing vehicle upholstery, leather and canvas equipment." Overall, the knowledge and skill that are required to perform the assigned welding duties are not appropriate at the Fire Equipment Servicer classification level. Recommendation Based on re-evaluation of the addifional knowledge and skill requirements for the position and the QES analysis, it is recoxnmended that the position be compensated equivalent to Cnade 07 of the Equipment Maintenance Bazgaiui�g Unit 07U. It is fiirther recommended that a new classification be created that accurately reflects the required knowledge, skills and abilities, and qualification requirements relevant to the assigned welding dufies. o�-���� PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: DESCRIP"ITON OF WORK General Statement of Duties: SAF'ETY EOUIPMENT DESIGN AND MAII3TENANCE WORKER Code: 213B BU: OS Effective: 0 \ -\11.1 Performs skilled maintenance work in the repair, redesign, fabrication, or modification of safety equipment, small motorized equipment, other mechanical eqrupment or appendages to heavy equipment or vehicles (such as trucks, vans, trailers, and motorcycles) of the Fire and Police departments. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a unit supervisor. �ervision Exercised: May lead the work of apprentice trainees or assigned workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed e�mples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Operates electric and arc welding machinery in the fabrication of aluminum, steel and other metal parts; performs welding in the joining of brackets and mounts used for fire and police equipment and vehicles. Repairs, rebuilds or mod�es e�sting equipment, fire apparatus, appendages, or accessories (such as seat belts, seat track adjusters, door panels, and headliners) used for fire, police cazs, trucks and other specialized vehicle equipment. Designs specialized equipment to meet Fire and Police safety and transportation standards; sets-up and repairs rescue baskets, pike poles, pry bars, axes, fire extinguishers, battering ratns, covers and equipment bags. Repairs rescue geaz, emergency medic equipment, and accessories for mounted Fire and police equipment. Sets-up computerized key coding, maintains key inventory; and cuts keys as needed. Maintains, repairs, designs, and fabricates leather or canvas covers, siraps, belts, and other similaz equipment. Upholsters, rebuilds, and reglaces, vehicle seats, back rests, and head liners in fire trucks and other vehicles. Operates sewing machine to provide uniform and jacket repairs and lettering. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES, AND COMPETENCIES Working knowledge of safeTy standards for Fire and Police equipment. Working Irnowledge of design and fabricarion techniques. (SAFETY E013IPMEI3T DESIGl�i AND MAINTENANCE WORKER) P�e 1 of 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: SAFETY EOLTIPMENT DESIGN AND MAINTENANCE WORKER Code: 213B BU: OS Effective: o�- ��c.1 Working Imowledge of specifications for fabrics, vinyls, strapping and hazdware for Fire and police bags, covers, and straps. Working lmowledge of air powered, electric, and hand tools. Considerable knowledge of upholstering and industrial sewing. Considerable knowledge of materials, fabrics, and equipment required for servicing equipment. Considerable knowledge of routine vehicle maintenance. Considerable skill in repairing, designing, or modifying equipment with or without the aid of blueprints. Considerable skill in operating sewing machines, key machines and electric and azc welding machinery in the fabrication of aluminum, steel and other metal parts; lathe machines, saws, sanders, and chop saws, and mobilized vehicles. Considerable skill in the repair and maintenance of upholstery, leather, and canvas equipment. Considerable skill in the use of tools and equipment that aze used in servicing equipment, including a sewing machine. Working abiliTy to design pattems using various Types of welding machinery and equipment. Working ability to safely operate Class B and Class C vehicles. Working ability to understand and follow oral and written instructions. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Four yeazs of experience in the repair and maintenance of vehicle safeTy equipment, apparatus, vehicle upholstery, and other safety related equipment and a certificate of complefion of an vehicle upholstery course or equivalent to include three yeazs of experience in welding and fabricating aluminum, steel, and metal parts. (SAFETY EOUIPMENT DESIGN AND MAINTENANCE WORI{ER) — Page 2 of 2 � i C `�.;v�a,� SAI:1T PRUL IA� C1TY OF SAII�]T PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayar TO: FROM: DATE: RE: OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES JohttHmniltan,Dirumr 400CityHaIIA�mec 25We.rtFourtl+Street Saintpmd,�rmuota 55102-7634 Tim Fuller, Fire Chief Fire & Safety Services D artment Susan Moore, Human Resources Consultant Office o£Human Resources September 19, 2001 Twenty Day Notice `� � ;''. :3 ; .^�� i �t�l� Telephonc 651-2666500 TDD/IT'Y. 651-166-6501 Job7ine: 65I-2666502 Facsi m i l e: 651-292J656 Pursuant to City of Saint Paul, Civil Service Rule 3. (C) this memorandum is to inform you that the title of Safety Equipment Design 1Vlaintenance W arker is being created. A resolurion will be processed to establish the rate of pay in Grade 07U of the Machinists (b.u. OS) Salary Schedule in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. SM/tf cc: Tun Chermak Attachments OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES Jo3m Hmnilton, Direclnr CTTY OF SA1NT PAUL Norm Colemmr, Mayor September 19, 2001 Gary T. Schmidt, Business Representative Machinists District Lodge No. 77 1399 Enstis Street Saint Paul, l�nnesota 55108 RE: Twenty Day Norice Dear Gary: 400Ci1yHaIIAtmec 2sWurFourthSveet SentPm� ��mrsota 55102-1634 Trlephort� TDD/L'LY-' Jablinc Facsimrle: a►-���� 651-2666500 651-266-6501 QSI-266-6502 651-292-7656 Pursuant to City of Saint Paul, Civil Service Rule 3. (C) this memorandum is to inform you that the title of Safety Equipment Desiga Maintenance Worker is being created. A resolution will be processed to establish the rate of pay in Grade ON of the Maclvnists (b.u. OS) Salary Schedule in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. Sincerely, � ����� Susan Moore Human Resources Consulta�t Office of Human Resources SM/tf Attachment G: �/awif ICL9S5120 daJ' notfcealSajeN&4+aP��CDzeigrtMentW6:umonwpd ORIGI�IAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by Referred To coun�� F�e # o,_ u�� Green Sheet # 62919 Committee Date 1 An Administrative Resolution amending the 2 Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation by 3 establishing the rate of pay for the new 4 classification tifled Safety Equipment Design 5 and Maintenance Worker 7 10 � RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the cias"sification ritled Safety Equipment Design and Maintenance Wotker be established at the rate set forth in Crrade 07U, of the Equipment Maintenance Bargaining Unit OS Salary Schedule in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it, FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shail take effect and be in force on the first pay period following passage and approval. Requested by Department of: OfFice of Human Resources B�� �� �� Form App�oved b " Att ey B J �o/��-)o, Adopfion Certified by Council Sectetary BY= � `J Approved by Mayor: Date �� �� By: � Approved by ayor for S bmission t6 Council BY� .ri ' c:vcmmn assneso�mo�&OA�a�lsarbEada�m.�ec4��wuh«nFSOionya Adopted by Council: Date �� ,'7 � p t , � � Gs� � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII.: . DATE INITTATED GREEN�SHEET No.: 52919 �" Office of Human Resources 10/15/Ol ��`��' CONTACI' PERSON & PHONE: - , � I , N ,, n �� 'I � avn � A'c i e IIaTTn[.NA'tE M3rk Robertson 266-6471 , nee.vcn�rr n�5lo i < cm covNCU. Susan Moore (266-6511) "��D V�(�� NOMBERFOR zcrrrAl7oxNEY Q�'dFRK ROUTING OR1)ER �pNqAt gnV DIIL FAIANCIAL SIXVfACCLG MI7ST BE ON COUNCiI. AGENDA BY (DA7'E� //����(, � 3MAYOR(ORASSI'J V'"/� ���;��V� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ;, • j ac1'[oN REQVFS'reD: Establish the rate of pay for the new classification of Safety Equipment Design Maiat� c m Grnde 07LT of the Equipment Maintenance, Bazgaining Unit O5, Salary Schedule. 'l �` ° �� `� , RECOMb�NDA1TONS: Appro�e (A) mReject (A) PERSONAL SERV[CE CONTRAGTS MUST ANSR'ER THE FOLLOWING QOESTIONS: I. Hasdtispnsonffi�meverwarkedmdetacouvactfmth3sdepnNme¢t? . PLANHING COI.M�IISSION 1'es No CIB COM[v➢ITEE 2. Has fhis person/fum evaban a city employee? CN77. SERVICE COMI�4iS510N Yes No � 3. Dces dtis petson/fi�m possess a slNl not nmmally possessed by any current city employeel Yes No 4. Is this persodfirm a tacgeted vendoY? Yes No E:plasn ait yes aoswe�s on sePalsre sheet and attach to green sheet INTTIATING PROBLEM, LSSUE, OPRORT'[7NTTY (Who, W hat, W6en, Where, Wiry): This posirion was studied at the request of the Fire and Police Deparhnent. The position in this class will perForm highly skilied repair and maintenance duries in fabrication and design of Fire and Police safety equipment for fire trucks, emergency medical vehicles, police vans, motorcycles, and other safeTy-related equipment. The position will also provide specialized services as required by the City of Saint PauI's emergency rescue depaztrnents. The posirion was evaluated using the QES job evalua6on system. . �, t�met'2t ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: W�"' `�-' Equitable compensarion will be estabiished for this new class. �`� ��� '� � DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. , � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Equitable compensation will not be established and it may not be possible to obtain and/or retain skilled individuals to meet the standards of the Fire and Police departments. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FIi�iANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) G\Shazed�ClasdflCLASS�Resdut+ons&Ocdimmezs�Safety.Fq`ripmmt.D¢si�.Mtc.Woskes.gs.wpd ADDENDUM TO CLASSIFICAT'IONS STUDY REPORT Re-evaluation Study POSITION CLASS TITLE: INCUMBENT: DEPAR'I'MENT: STUDIED BY: DATE STLTDIED: PERSON(S) CONTACTED: Fire Equipment Servicer Mazk Allen Milbrandt Fire Department Susan D. Moore September, 2001 Jim Chermak, Vehicle Maintenance Supervisor APPROVAL OF CLASSIFTCATION AND COMPENSATION MANAGER: � � ���c�� 9- � � - 6 / Signature Date Report Summary b � -��v\ The supervisor of the posirion referenced above disagrees with the previous study recommendation that the position be compensated at Grade leve106 of the Equipment Maintenance Bargaining Unit O5. Specifically, the supervisor contends that additional knowledge and skill in fabricafion and design techniques in welding and operation of welding machinery warrant higher compensation because of the specialized service to Saint Paul's Fire and Police emergency service units. The supervisor also states that effective operation of shop equipment, and mechanical and power vehicle equipment require specialized lrnowledge of techniques in welding design and layout (e.g., metal sheaz, brake and wire feed, mig, rig, etc.) of vehicle safety equipment. For this reason, the supervisor requested a re-evaluarion of the laiowledge and skill requirements for the posirion. Knowiedge and Skill Comparisons The knowledge and skill requirements for the position under study were compazed with classificafion specification requirements for similar skilled mechanical and skilled trade posirions in the City of Saint Paul and the City of Minneapolis. This included Machinist, Welder, and Vehicle Mechanic. The skilled mechanical duties performed by these positions require working knowledge and/or skill of tools, materials, and procedures used in brazing, soldering, cutting and/or welding metal parts; and in repairing, designing, or modifying equipment, and the ability to read and interpret blueprints and rough layouts. Training and certification requirements for these positions include completion of an apprenticeship program or equivalent training; or four yeazs of equivalent experience in the respective fields. Another example is the City of Minneapolis' Fire Equipment Maintenance Worker position that requires warking laiowledge and skill in the use of gas and azc welding equipment and machine lathes. Similazly, the welding duties that aze currently assigned to the posifion under study require a working knowledge of welding design and fabrication techniques in metal, steel, and aluininuxn parts, and considerable skill in operating electric and azc welding machinery. Page Two. Re-evaluation Study Report Mark A. Milbrandt In conirast, knowledge of tools, equipment, procedures, and techniques in vehicle mechanics, and municipal heavy trucks and hea�y equipment is not a requirement for the assigned welding and fabrication duties. Rather, the assigned welding and fabrication duries require knowledge and skill that faz exceed the knowledge level that is described by the classification specification for Fire Equipment Servicer. For e�mpie, the position under study requires considerable knowledge and skill in welding design and fabrication techniques and operation of welding machinery that aze aze critical for successful performance of the assigned duties. Overall, the additional knowledge and skill requirements for the position under study compare most favorably with those described by the Welder classification specification such as working knowledge of tools, materials, and procedures used in welding, joining, and cutting metals, and skill in the repairing, designing, or modifying of equipment, and ability to read and interpret blueprints and rough layouts. Conclusion The knowledge and skill level requirements for the posi6on under study faz exceed those described by the current Fire Equipment Servicer classification specification such as "lrnowledge of operating industrial sewing machines and repairing vehicle upholstery, leather and canvas equipment." Overall, the knowledge and skill that are required to perform the assigned welding duties are not appropriate at the Fire Equipment Servicer classification level. Recommendation Based on re-evaluation of the addifional knowledge and skill requirements for the position and the QES analysis, it is recoxnmended that the position be compensated equivalent to Cnade 07 of the Equipment Maintenance Bazgaiui�g Unit 07U. It is fiirther recommended that a new classification be created that accurately reflects the required knowledge, skills and abilities, and qualification requirements relevant to the assigned welding dufies. o�-���� PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: DESCRIP"ITON OF WORK General Statement of Duties: SAF'ETY EOUIPMENT DESIGN AND MAII3TENANCE WORKER Code: 213B BU: OS Effective: 0 \ -\11.1 Performs skilled maintenance work in the repair, redesign, fabrication, or modification of safety equipment, small motorized equipment, other mechanical eqrupment or appendages to heavy equipment or vehicles (such as trucks, vans, trailers, and motorcycles) of the Fire and Police departments. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a unit supervisor. �ervision Exercised: May lead the work of apprentice trainees or assigned workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed e�mples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Operates electric and arc welding machinery in the fabrication of aluminum, steel and other metal parts; performs welding in the joining of brackets and mounts used for fire and police equipment and vehicles. Repairs, rebuilds or mod�es e�sting equipment, fire apparatus, appendages, or accessories (such as seat belts, seat track adjusters, door panels, and headliners) used for fire, police cazs, trucks and other specialized vehicle equipment. Designs specialized equipment to meet Fire and Police safety and transportation standards; sets-up and repairs rescue baskets, pike poles, pry bars, axes, fire extinguishers, battering ratns, covers and equipment bags. Repairs rescue geaz, emergency medic equipment, and accessories for mounted Fire and police equipment. Sets-up computerized key coding, maintains key inventory; and cuts keys as needed. Maintains, repairs, designs, and fabricates leather or canvas covers, siraps, belts, and other similaz equipment. Upholsters, rebuilds, and reglaces, vehicle seats, back rests, and head liners in fire trucks and other vehicles. Operates sewing machine to provide uniform and jacket repairs and lettering. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES, AND COMPETENCIES Working knowledge of safeTy standards for Fire and Police equipment. Working Irnowledge of design and fabricarion techniques. (SAFETY E013IPMEI3T DESIGl�i AND MAINTENANCE WORKER) P�e 1 of 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: SAFETY EOLTIPMENT DESIGN AND MAINTENANCE WORKER Code: 213B BU: OS Effective: o�- ��c.1 Working Imowledge of specifications for fabrics, vinyls, strapping and hazdware for Fire and police bags, covers, and straps. Working lmowledge of air powered, electric, and hand tools. Considerable knowledge of upholstering and industrial sewing. Considerable knowledge of materials, fabrics, and equipment required for servicing equipment. Considerable knowledge of routine vehicle maintenance. Considerable skill in repairing, designing, or modifying equipment with or without the aid of blueprints. Considerable skill in operating sewing machines, key machines and electric and azc welding machinery in the fabrication of aluminum, steel and other metal parts; lathe machines, saws, sanders, and chop saws, and mobilized vehicles. Considerable skill in the repair and maintenance of upholstery, leather, and canvas equipment. Considerable skill in the use of tools and equipment that aze used in servicing equipment, including a sewing machine. Working abiliTy to design pattems using various Types of welding machinery and equipment. Working ability to safely operate Class B and Class C vehicles. Working ability to understand and follow oral and written instructions. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Four yeazs of experience in the repair and maintenance of vehicle safeTy equipment, apparatus, vehicle upholstery, and other safety related equipment and a certificate of complefion of an vehicle upholstery course or equivalent to include three yeazs of experience in welding and fabricating aluminum, steel, and metal parts. (SAFETY EOUIPMENT DESIGN AND MAINTENANCE WORI{ER) — Page 2 of 2 � i C `�.;v�a,� SAI:1T PRUL IA� C1TY OF SAII�]T PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayar TO: FROM: DATE: RE: OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES JohttHmniltan,Dirumr 400CityHaIIA�mec 25We.rtFourtl+Street Saintpmd,�rmuota 55102-7634 Tim Fuller, Fire Chief Fire & Safety Services D artment Susan Moore, Human Resources Consultant Office o£Human Resources September 19, 2001 Twenty Day Notice `� � ;''. :3 ; .^�� i �t�l� Telephonc 651-2666500 TDD/IT'Y. 651-166-6501 Job7ine: 65I-2666502 Facsi m i l e: 651-292J656 Pursuant to City of Saint Paul, Civil Service Rule 3. (C) this memorandum is to inform you that the title of Safety Equipment Design 1Vlaintenance W arker is being created. A resolurion will be processed to establish the rate of pay in Grade 07U of the Machinists (b.u. OS) Salary Schedule in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. SM/tf cc: Tun Chermak Attachments OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES Jo3m Hmnilton, Direclnr CTTY OF SA1NT PAUL Norm Colemmr, Mayor September 19, 2001 Gary T. Schmidt, Business Representative Machinists District Lodge No. 77 1399 Enstis Street Saint Paul, l�nnesota 55108 RE: Twenty Day Norice Dear Gary: 400Ci1yHaIIAtmec 2sWurFourthSveet SentPm� ��mrsota 55102-1634 Trlephort� TDD/L'LY-' Jablinc Facsimrle: a►-���� 651-2666500 651-266-6501 QSI-266-6502 651-292-7656 Pursuant to City of Saint Paul, Civil Service Rule 3. (C) this memorandum is to inform you that the title of Safety Equipment Desiga Maintenance Worker is being created. A resolution will be processed to establish the rate of pay in Grade ON of the Maclvnists (b.u. OS) Salary Schedule in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. Sincerely, � ����� Susan Moore Human Resources Consulta�t Office of Human Resources SM/tf Attachment G: �/awif ICL9S5120 daJ' notfcealSajeN&4+aP��CDzeigrtMentW6:umonwpd