273507 _ WMITE - C�TV CLERK COI1DC11 rx�i7i �U� �NARPINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL ~ V - OEPARTMENT File NO. r �W UE ,_;; MAVOR ` Co�ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Comr�ittee By Date _ Resolution authorizing Council members serving as Commissioners of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul to serve on the Board of Directors of St. Paul City-Wide Development Company. WHEREAS, The Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul has sponsored the creation of the St. Paul City-Wide Development Company to be operated exclusively for the benefit of, to perform the functions of, and to carry out the public purposes of the City of Saint Paul and the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul by fostering industrial development within the City and Port District of Saint Paul as measured by increased business volume, employment, business payroll, and corresponding factors to promote and assist the growth of small business concerns within the City and Port District of Saint Paul by providing for financial assistance for the construction, modernization, and expansion of the plants used by such concerns in the conduct of their business; and WHEREAS. The Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul desires to elect the Commissioners of the Port Authority as the Board of Directors and officers of the St. Paul City-Wide Development Company in order that the policies of the St. Paul City Wide Development Company shall be consistent with the policies of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul in the furtherance of industrial and economic development within the City and Port District of Saint Paul; and COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary By sy �lpproved by Ylavor. Date �— Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councii BY - -- By WHI.TE - CITV CLERK f�'7350'7 PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA IT L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT ` ��UE + MAVOR File NO. Co�ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2. WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul has, by Resolu- tion No. C. F. 271618, adopted August 10, 1978, prohibited Council members from serving as a board member to any local development corporation in order to avoid conflicts of interest where the pur- poses of a local development corporation may differ from the pur- poses of the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, Section 458.10, provides that two members of the City Council shall be appointed to serve as Commis- sioners of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, The purposes of the St. Paul City-Wide Development Company are consistent with the purposes of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That members of the Council of the City of Saint Paul who also serve as Commissioners of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul are hereby authorized to serve as Directors and officers of the St. Paul City-Wide Development Company. COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: ��� � [n Favor Hozza Hunt �e _ __ Against BY Maddox Showalt CO 4 1979 Form Approved by City Attorney Ado by Council� Date I ertified Ya• • by C .i , re ary BY B� I#pprov d by : v : a _ llllf: 1 F'i �9�9 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By . __ BY M�t.tSKE� AU G 2 51979 „,.....,�,.,,.r�: . . . ��'�50� � _�°.���T• �-°-�,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL _�� ,�,,, ;���, 'a .� �; OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORN.EY :, ����� ,; . Y.� nn �i��i ^_ . <.:o _ EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY , ,. �... ,. 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 •�„��::,..��`'� � GEORGE LATIMER ' . 612-298-5121 MAYOR July 30, 1979 — 31dC] S0� 8��1 Mr. Robert Sprafka 'Sld3a ��`� W3M Executive Vice-President �d� Port Authority of Saint Paul � F��'� � � �nr ��� ��r � 1305 City Hall Annex NOil�fl�-!�NI 0�a Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 ������ �y� ,� S�a a Re: Local Development Company ,��;°�� '�.;� �l� '4,” °,� a,� " "•"°" ;a`��� �g:='`'+,� Dear Bob: One of the steps recommended by Michael J. Galvin, Jr. , to im- plement the Saint Paul Ci•ty-Y,ide Development Company is for the. City Council to amend its resolution prohibiting members of the Council from acting as directors of such local development cor- . porations. Enclosed is a draft resolution for introduction by a member of . the City Council achieving this purpose. Yours truly, ROBERT O. STRAUGHN Assistant City Attorney ROS:er Encl. � cc:Michael J. Galvin, Jr. , Attorney at Law ���