273499 N'HITE - C�TV CLERK C�URCIl 2'734�9 PINK � - FINANCE G I TY SA I NT F�A LT L CANARV - DEPARTMENT �3LUE + - MAVOR � � FIIe �0. � ilRs t n � Presented By ��� Referred To Gommit e . at Out of Committee By Dat R�S4LYaD: �at lieeaaee� applied for b� the �ollcri►ing persoaa at the addreaae� stated be uqd the eaise are hereb� granted. Aldi�e Corpc►ration 170b IIniv. Av. �g/Brd Ese. App. 3218 �I ' n „ Fd. Estab.«�1�I n a Eierald 0reenlee 984 Riee St. Cig. Loa. 791G " Richard Knorr 2058 (�rand A�. Cig. S�c. �07� " � p t3ss Ste�.—a p�pe n a n h n n (iea. Rep. (�r. Ja�ea Yerknlst 246 S. 3aelling A'. Cig. OM 4per. 8144 " p � (3�s Sta. 6•-p�tepo� ~ n n n (3en. �tep. G1az'. n n (�eerald M Kalatabakkea 1115 �. '7th �t. �Fen. R�p. fiar. 8254 " Joha � l�rion Ciea�e�ski 2111 Ford Pkwy. (�en. gep. f�ar. 8263 " �� �� c�s 3ta.-.3 �� �� �� n " 2 Add'1 Pae►pa " n Joha H. Be�rrett, Jr. 1105 Selby Av. Rest. C»1 8791 " � '� �n Sale Malt " " a n Ofi' 3ale lislt n n Asdrew Wil�on a54 Riae St. Firear�a 898�') " AndreM Wilson 854 Rice 3t. Cig. Loa. 8981 " Cliiford d. Yil+�on 118 Hlair Av. Mtr. �eh. Slv6. Dlr. 9048 " I�ternationa�l Harneater, Iac775 �ice St. Cig. Lc��. 9�3 '� Zisamaeter Bakiag Co. 97' Sherburne A�. Cig. I.oc. 91�'j " Hethesda Iyutheran Hoap. 559 Capitol B1vd. Pkglot. (6t�) 9�23 " Betheadai Lutheran Hoap. Capitol � 6�rles Pkglot. �46c) 9124 " Bethesda Lutheraa Ho�p. 527 Gapitol B].�d. Pkglot (16e) 9't25 y Hetheoda Lutheraa Ho+�p. Fi� W. Charle� � Pkgl�t. �180c) 9126 " Betheada Iwtheraa Hosp. 785 Gedar �t. Pkglot. (4�c} 912? " Bethe�da Lutheraa Hogp. Park & Co�tm Pkglot. (1yc) 912$ " Bsthesda Lutheran Hc�sp. �ma �v. near �apitol Pk61ot. E191c) 9129 " Holida� Statiosstores, Inc. 6�9 Ri.ae St. Off Sa�►l.e Malt 9�35 M Betheada� Luthers�a Haap. 559 eapitol Blvd. He�ap3tal 9248 " � "' Rest. G-2 ~ a COUIVE ILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler (n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By B� t\pproved by lVlavor. Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By - — BY M�MITE - CITV CLERK ����� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. .,BLUE . - MAYOR . �' Council Resolution Presented By i'r��� r�r� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Contiaued: �icrther� 3tateB Pc�wer Co. 825 Aice 3t. �ig. Iroc. App. 93t)8 �/ Page 2 Heade T. Halaimc 138 1�. 5th 3t. 2nd FId. Dlr. den. 9358 " (�erald S. & Arlene L. areealee, " 984 8ice �t. Reat. C••2 9414 " Charle� A. Rat�echnot 868 8ice St. E�s Sta.»2 p�ps 9�+7� " n tt f�e1�. 8ep. QBr. �� n Pianeer �usage Co., Inc. 616 Riae St. A«2 aroc/Hutcher 9475 " a "' &•Fda I�P'W n n W. R. Frank 59p Fark St. C••2 Reat. 953� " Rice St. Pbarmacy 1136 B3ce �t. A•Fde Orig. Cont. 9f,3g " Leo Huppert 911 R?i.ce St. Elec. ApP• �P• 9639 � Park Opticiams 590 Park �t. Suite 11 Opticie�a �85 " Doaald H. Rerme�n �6 N. Snelliag Av. t#� Sta. 3••pamps 9698 " �� �" G�en. Rep. f3ar. n a n n cj Add'1 Pmt�PB K n Cc��tr� Club �ket, Inc. 568 IIniv. Av. (��. A»3 Fr'/�'de•IHataher9?t�8 " �r �� 4ff Sstle Msl.t N �� n fr Flo�Muraery n n C].ark oil & aer�aing �06o aramd Av. c� sta. 3�P��fe 9736 " n n� 3 Add�l �p6 n n n r► M1 aroCer� n a Mesley Dahn 524 7,e�,fa,yette Rd. I�. Anto BodT Rep. 9741 " Hoft�an Corner Oil Co. 95t) M. Lexington Av. t�e Sta-3 P�P� 97�7 n e+ n 1 Add'1 p�11mp " „ Attucic�«Brooks A�erican ?�egion Post �!6 " 976 f3o�aordia Av. Private Club 985? �' d. E. lolich,aelson 4�1 See�peraace St. Pkglot (60E) 9�71 " Larry Siedow 1673 tira�sd wv. Oit �ale Malt 9872 " a.w.�., �e. 2379 W. ?th st. , Cig. Loc. 9874 M Trisngl• Servicee o! I�isn 920 f�icago A�, 35. Mpla., 4t14 a " Mindow G7.g. c,�907 „ Leater A. I�rgan 736 3. Robert St. t�roc. A•.2/Butcher 991� " y „ �� N 11 I1o'd Peter$os 1�85 E. I�Iinnehaha Av. Hakery-B 9914 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt I.evine __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary B3' By I�pproved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — By �NHITE - CITV CLERK �����f� PINK - - FINANCE COUnCII V CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAIT L � �LUE• �- MAYOR File �0• Council Resolution Presented By �G�� C�OI4IIT4'EE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Continned: Page 3 Benike Radio & Applianae Co., Iae., � 449 N. Snelling Av. TIT Maeter App. 9921 B�EM „ n 3 aex^�iee�en n a (3razia Beauty �alona, Inc 54,2 Rice 3t. Beauty $hop 9923 " AaseI'ican Balceriea 97 E• 12th St. Ci�. Lc>o. 9925 " Meyandt Brothere�, �a. 9c�4.»6-8 �ice st, a�a�e 9984 M Robis Skelton 70 Y. �acsisth A�. (�en. Rep. 4ar. 1Q013" Richard � dune Hasaett ?91 Aa�pden Av. Bulk 0il $trg. 10037" " n P�el Dlr•I+iq. n " n �t Priv. l�lel Fqsp a n Tom Thur�b Food Ilarkete, Iac. i�1�4, " 1658 E. 7th St. A«2 tirc�c./Froz Fds. 1C1078" n n ori s�e �.t � �� Erra �tites 1090 Rice St. Beauty Shop 10132n Coit Drapery & Car�et Qeanera, n 729 Y. 6gth st., Mp1�423 Ld3►/Dc Plt (rags) 1�197n Albert B. EE�e 842 S. Smith Av. HardWare 1t)206" Chippewa I!�c�tor Freight 2489 v�emtine Av. 2 Pri�. Fhel Putpe 10219" Bt�rrough �orp. 251 LaiaTette Rd. Cig. I.cc. 1f1222" �Torth Star Bailding Aesociate�, � 4(� Ms►ia St. Cig. LoE. 1�3n Winslow Gommoa+a 16E! �S. Yegtera Av. C3g. LoE. 10224" Isrs. Vaahti 8. Ransom 864 l�ller Av. Beauty Shop 1�230" Hoikka Horouse, Istc. 238 pleasa�at Av. C3g. Loc. 1�236n Northrreet Optiaisin8, Inc. 323 �t. Peter St. Optician �0239" Acla�iral Merchaata Motor IAreight, " 2625 Territorial Rd. 2 Prir. l�iel Pumps 1Q241,'� l�Iidw�r Che�. Cc. 1389-99 IIniversity Av. � Ner 1+N Dlr. 10242" n n Dlr. Rep. f3sx�. '• n Joy 1+Y�galand 1636 Timberlake 8d. Maaseuse 10251" COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ��' � [n Favor Hozza Hunt •�e. _ � __ Against BY — Maddox Sho desco �l G i � !� �S7 Form Approved by City Attorney Ado ed by Counc� : Date ertified P• ed by Cou�' re ary BY y - Appro ed by a r: e _ RUG � 6 19�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy _ BY rtl�LtSNEO AU G 2 5 i979