01-1160� � � P I ' i E,p� e t.e t i'e t�1 i. OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION Presented Refesed To Committee Date 1 An Administrative Resolution amending the Salary Plan 2 and Rates of Compensation by establishing the rate of pay 3 for the class ritled Assistant Labor Relations D'uector 4 RESOLVED, that the compensafion for the classification of Assistant Director of Labor 0 7 Relations Director be that as set forth in Grade 26 of Employee Group 17, Nonrepresented City Managers Salary Schedule, in the Salary P1an and Rates of Compensat3on, and be it FUR"TE3ER RESOLVED, that the effective date of this resolution shall be the first pay period foilowing its passage and approval. Requested by Depamnent o£ Office Of Human Resources B � ., � . ��� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: u\ a- � Y-�r �� �_ Approved b���y M or: Date !� �A '� By: �W YV Council File # p�— � �LO Green Sheet # 62920 Form Approved by City Attorney By: � ���� (b a� j� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B �=�� /C�: /!7/ G:\Shared�fII2COMMONVSHOCKLEYWSSt.7.R.Dic pay res.wpd Adopted by CouncIl: Date �,, �, ri 3-o a , C�s`� � DEr,+���o�c�co�ca,: DATE �TEn GREEN SHEET No: 62920 ��'�"' Human Resources 10-22-01 ' CONTACI' PERSON & YHOIVS: �meGUA'[e Pnlwmw7'a JohnShockley266-6482 ,n�,,,�n .���. KathyMegarry266-6496 �� i � p �� V�Iojt3 cr,YC� MUST BE ON COUNCQ, AGENDA BY (DATE) x ��� F � $ BOTITING �.qp�aqt�V� �.pp��p{,�V/ACCfG As soon as possible ��� ' . 3MAY0&(O&ASST.) . TOTAL#OFSIGNATUREPAGES_I (QdPALLLOCATIONSFORSIGNATURE) ACfiONREQi7ESFED: Approval of a resolution establishing the rate of pay for the new Assistant Labor Relations Director class in grade 26 of the Nonrepresented City Managers, Employee Group 17, Salary Ranges. RECOMINENDAiIONS: Appcme (A) or Rejeee (R) PERSONAL SERViCE CONTRACTS MUSTANSR'ER'fHE FOLLOWDNG QUESTiONS: l. HnsiltisPason/SrmevawmkWmdaacovhactfortLisdepatmmt? PLANNING CAMhIISSION Ya No pBCOT�R.7ITTEE 2. xesthispersoWfumeverbeenac�ryemplayce? CIVII.SERVICECOMhIISS[ON Pa No 3. DcestltisM�dfvmPOSSeuaskilluocmmallYPOwewedbY�Youaentcityemployee? Ya No 4. Is this pe[sodfum a fe[geted vmdor7 Yu No Ecpleio aLLyes a¢awexa oa sepa�ate shcet 8¢d aHsch W Sreea sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSOE, OPPORTUNITY (R'hq What, When, Where, Why): , The Office of Labor relations asked that a study of the current unclassified Labor Relations Manager position be conducted for the purpose of placing it in the classified service. The study resulted in the creation of an Assistant Labor Relarions Director job classification. This resolufion establishes the rate of compensation for this new class. The new class was created to provide continuity in the Office of Labor Relations. Without this new ciass, it would be very possible that the City of Saint Paul could lose its top rivo labor negotiators every fow yeazs. This would put the City at a disadyantage in collective bazgaining. Much is dependent in negotiations on a knowledge of the City's history, trends, and precedents set in labor relarions. This would include historical Imowledge of contract negotiations, grievance resolution, general contract administration, and the background behind azbitration decisions. This posirion wouldbe second in command and provide assistance to new Labor Relations Directors. The City must negofiate and administer 25 different and unique labor agreements. This is a very complex labor relations environment which requires the historica! perspective this new classified posirion would provide. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. Equitable compensation commensurate with the level of duties and responsibilities of the position will be established. This will allow the City to recruit and retain an incwnbent to provide the stability and continuity necessary for good labor relarions program administrarion. DLSADVANl'AGES IF APPROVED: � None. Salary costs have been budgeted. DISADVANTAGES 1F NOT APPROVED: F,qttitable compensa6on will not be established. Management decisions, actions and negotiation strategies inconsistent with past practice may result. TOTAL AMOUNT OF 1RANSACTION: COST/REVENIJE BUDGETED: FfJNDING SOURCE: ACCNITY NUMBER o+ FINANC7ALYFVFORMATION:(EXPLA7P) VolR7�li6� ���'P.$C�`�'4 �sv''�i6P.� Ot;T � � 2001 G\SharedV-IlLCOMMOI�SHOCKLEY\ASSCLR.Dir.payses.gmshtwpd .,�..�' . �.., f CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATTON ST[TDY REPORT POSTTION STLTDIED: �h[�1�11:3 �1►11 W DATE STUDIED: Proposed Assistant Labor Relations Director Terry Haltiner, Labor Relations Manager (unclassified) October 2001 APPROVAL OF DIRECTOR OF HITMAN RESOURCES: ���n� .-------------- f o I2. es _ _ L______ (Date) BackQround The Director of the Office of Labor Relations asked that a study be conducted of the current unclassified Labor Relations Manager position for the purpose of placing the position in the classified service. The Labor Relations Director is very concerned that having two of the City's highest level labor relations positions in the unclassified service is not good for the City's labor relations program. It could cause a disadvantage for the City during labor negotiations. There is a good possibility of having the incumbents in these two positions replaced every four yeazs. This creates a loss of continuity at the hargaining table. The City of Saint Paul has a very complex labor relations environment. There are 25 different contracts to negotiate and administer. All have unlque contract provisions that have been developed through years of collective bargaining. Much of good collective bargaining is dependent on having a knowiedge of the labor relations history, trends, and precedents set over the years. This wouid include contract negotiations, grievance resolurion, general contract administration, and the background behind azbitration decisions. Consequently, the Labor Relations Director, has requested the creation of a second in command position in the classified service to better seroe the City of Saint Paul. The creation of a high level classified labor relations position is not a new concept. Previous Labor Relations Directors have proposed that similaz ciassified positions be created to act as an assistant to the Director and provide a primary source of negotiation history, trends, and precedents for new Labor Relations Directors appointed by the Mayor. However, thDSe positions were never created. This was nsually because funding for such a position was unavailable. Stud�Components Interview with Labor Relations Director Interview with the Labor Relations Manager Comparisons with similar positions QE5 Anatysis (Internal Job Evaluation) 0�—\��•fl -1- Positian Description The proposed Assistant Labor Relations Director provides responsibie supervisory and highly skilled professional work in labor relations. The position services as chief assistant to the Labor Relations Director as a deputy labor negotiator and negotiator on behalf of the City. The position assists in planning, developing, and administering the City lahor relations program to include planning and implementing labor negotiations, mediatio� and azbitrauons. The posirion directs and performs labor relations research and anatysis, deveTops and recommends policies and strategies, develops altemative proposals, provides advice to city managers regarding labor relations policies and procedures, administration of contracts, and grievance resolution. Supervision of the position would be provided by the Labor Retations Director in the form of general and administrative guidance. The position would haue general and technical supervisory authority over assigned professionai, technical and admnustrative support staff. See the attached proposed class specification for typical duties performed by this position. Com�arisons The duties and responsibilities of the proposed Assistant Labor Relations Director posirion were compated to the class specifications and position descriptions for the following City classifications: Labor Relations Manager This is a an unclassified position. The title is currently held by the incumbent who is perfornung the duties of the proposed Assistant Labor Relations Director position as described. The Labor Relations Manager position was originally established in the unclassified servica in 7uly of 198'7. At the time it was created, the tabor relatians function had been made a part of the Office of FIuman Resources at�er the retirement of the city's first Labor Relations Director. Prior to that, the labor relations function had been ander the direction of the Mayor since 1974. The first Labor Relations Manager was appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the Council, but was supervised by the Human Resources Director. Tn February of 1991, the labor relations function again was placed under the direct control of the Mayor and a Labor Relations Director was appointed. The Labor Relations Manager position then remained vacant untii June of 1999, when the current incumbent was appointed. The cunent duties of the Labor Relations Manager are described in an advisory class specification that was updated in March of 1999. Those duties are very similaz to those of the proposed Assistant Director of Labor Relation classification. The Labor Relations Manager is assigned to grade 26 of the Nonrepresented City Managers, Employee Group 17, Salary Schedule. Assistant Director of Human Itesources Positions ailocated to this class are in the classified service. There is cunently a singie incumbent in this ciassificarion. Posirions allocated to this etass have similar duties and levei of responsibilities as those of the position in question. The currenY Assistant Director of Human Resources position performs managerial work in assisting the Director of Human Resources. Positions in this class may provide planning, development and administrarion of a variety of human resources programs. In addition to being the chief advisor to the Director, the positio� ��-\11.� -Z- currentiy oversees the provision of core human resources services including employee selection, ��„�``o classification and compensation, and training. The Assistant Birector of Human Resources supervises and provides leadership to the human resources consultants providing core services to assigned city offices and departments . This position, like the position in quesrion, provides advice and consultation to City managers in assessing their human resources needs, analyzing the impact of management decisions and actions, assists in ptanning, and trouhleshoots human resources issues. This class is also assigned to grade 26 of the Nonrepresented Ciry Managers, Employee Group I7, Salary Schedule. Human Resources Senior Consultant Manager There is currently one position allocated to this classificarion. Positions in this ciass are similaz to the proposed Assistant Labor Relarions Director class in that they provide highly responsible professional consutting services to members of City departments and offices in improving their individual, group , and organizational effectiveness. These position assess organizationai concerns and issues and then plan and conduct interventions, i.e., studies, projects, and actions, to address those concerns or issues. Positions in this class coach management and provide advice on the full range of human resources issues. They may also manage one or more program areas in the Office of Human Resources. This classification is assigned to grade 22 of the Nonrepresented City Managers, employee Group 17, salary Schedule. Labor Relations Specialist There is currently one position allocated to this classification. Positions in this class provide skilled professional work in labor relations negotiation, contract negotiation, contract administration, arbitration, grievance resotution, research and administrative procedures. This position may provide technical supervision of assigned staff. Incumbents aze required to haue, a bachelor's degree and least four years of Iabor relations eaperience or a master's degree and two years o£latsor relarions experience. This class is assigned to grade 16 of the Nonrepresented City Managers, Bmpioyee Group 17, Salary Schedule Analysis While there are suni3az classified positions that describe some of the duties at the level performed by the proposed Assistant Labor Relations Director class, these classes do not fully cover a majority of the duties and responsibilities as described. The ciassified positions are focusad on the provision of mostly services provided by the Office of Human Resources. '£hese positions may get involved in labor relations matters such as grievances, contract administration, preparation for negotiations, and the provision of expert testimony at hearings and arbitrations. However, the primary reason for the positions is to provide those services under the umbreila of the Office of Human Resources. Consequently, these classifications would not be appropriate for allocation of the posirion in question. The ciassified Labor Relations Specialist position may be able to meet some of the continuity needs described by the Labor Relations Director, but the position does not require the e�perience level nor does it have the supervisory authority of the proposed Assistant Labor Relations Director posirion. Regarding the unciassified Labor Relations Manager position, the current duties and -3- responsibiliries of the position in quesrion are adequately described by the advisory class ��� ���.o specification. However, unless the position is always filled by an appointed individual who has the required lmowiedge of the City's negoriation history, past practices, trends and precedents, and the required teadership ability, the issues of continuity brought farth by the Labor Relations Director will not be addressed. QES Analysis The QES analysis supports assigning the proposed class to grade 26 of the Nonrepresented City Managers, Employee Group 17, Salary Schedule. Recommendarion Based upon the results of the study, it is recommended that the new class titled Assistant Labor Relarions Director be created to maintain continuity in the City Labor Relations Office. Compensation for the new class should be assigned in grade 26 of the Nonrepresented City Managers, Employee Group 17, Salary Schedule. This is the appropriate group, because all other "confidential supervisor}�' posirions have been assigned to this Nonrepresented employee group. It is further recommended that this position be filled in accordance with the merit principles set forth in the City Charter. This could be accomplished through the administration of a promotional examination. Finally, it is recommended that the unclassified Labor Relations Manager position be formatly abolisi�ed upon creation of the new ciass. G:VShared�HRCOMMONVSHOCKLEY�CiTy.Asst. LR DRtptwpd .Z'� PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: Code: 219B p� ����,q ASSISTANT LABOR RELATIONS BU: 17 DIItECTOR Effective: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible supervisory and highly skilled professional work in labor relarions negotiation and contract administrarion; and performs other related duties as required. Sunervision Received: Works under general and administrarive supervision of a department or office director. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a unit general and technical supervision over professional, technical, and clerical staff: TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed e�mples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Assists in planning, developing, and administering labor relations prograuis and activities and negotiates for the City in the absence of or as d'uected by the City's Labor Relations Director. Directs and supervises the work of assigned labor relations staff and the planning and implementation of special project assignments. Directs the reseazch and analysis work involved in the planning and implementation of labor relations negotiation, mediation, and azbitration. Directs and coordinates the administra6ve work involved in the approval and implementation of collective bargaining agreements and of the development and maintenance of labor relations data and records. Analyzes labor contract and grievance settlement proposals, develops and recommends alternative management proposals, and negotiates with appropriate bazgaining units. Develops and administers management labor relations policies and strategies and coordinates the action of the management labor bargaining team. Provides advice and consultation to city managers regazding the intent and provisions of collec6ve bargaining agreements, contract administration and grievance resolutions, and labor relations issues. Provides advice and training to city managers on employee discipline and dischazge, grievance handling, and investigation of employee misconduct policies and procedures. Represents the city in labor relations proceedings, hearings, and committees. (ASSISTANT LABOR RELATIONS DIRECTORI Page 1 of 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES, AND Effective: Code: 219B Bi3: 17 Q��\�V� Considerable knowledge of labor relations principles, practices, and procedwes. Considerable lmowledge of the theories and principles of related human resources programs and funcrions. Considerable knowledge of the theories and principles of governmental budgeting and finance and of costing of contract proposals and employee compensation. Considerable lmowledge of applicable laws, rules, and regulations and of bargaining unit history and precedent. Considerable ability to conduct effective labor relations negotiations. Considerable ability to make decisions, analyze and solve complex problems, resolve conflicts, and develop and implement strategies. Considerable ability to plan, organize, and supervise work. Considerable ability to interact effectively with a wide variety of people often with conflicting views and objecfives. Considerable ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. MINTMUM QUALIFICATIONS A bachelor's degree in business administration, industrial relations, public administration or a related field and eight years of progressively responsible professional and/or supervisory experience in labor relations including experience as a chief spokesperson for labor contract negotiations. Some portion of such experience must have been as a spokesperson for management. A MAIR degree may be substituted for three yeazs of experience. (ASSISTANT LABOR RELATIONS DIRECTORI ASSISTANT LABOR RELATSONS DII2ECTOR Page 2 of 2 CTTY OF SAIN'r PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Katherine Megarry, Director Office of Labor Relations John Shockley, Sr. Consultant Manager Office of Hmnan Resources October 18, 2001 OFFiCE OF HUMAN RESOURCES Jahn Hamiltan, Director 400CityHaIIAnnec 25 WestFwrth SaintPau�Minnesafa 55101-1631 Telephone: ZDDrTTY: Jab line: Facsimile: 1` Optlon: 2n Ophon: 3'� Option: � � �t�`� 651-2 66 65 00 651-2666501 651-2666502 651-29b6414 651-292-6415 651-Z9L7656 TwenTy Day Notice of Labor Relations Mananger Study Determination and Implementation I have completed a study of the unclassified Labor Relarions Manager position held by Terry Haltiner. As a result of the study it has been determined that the position should be placed in the classified service. A new classification, tifled Assistaut Labor Relation Director should be created. I also conducted an analysis ofthe position using the QES job evaluation system. The resuk is that it has been determined that the class should be assigned to grade 26 ofthe Nonrepresented CiTy Nlanagers, Employee Group 17, Saiary Schedule. This detemunation may be implemented through a resolution of the City Council. You haue the oprion of restructuring the position. Therefore, pursuant to Ciry of Saint Paul, Civil Service Rule 3.C, this memorandum is to inform you of this determination and action. Please contact me at 266-6482 if you wish to discuss this matter. CC: Trish Freiberger G:VShamd\IiRCOMMONVSHOCKLEY�LR.Asst .Dir.20day.naice..wpd � � � P I ' i E,p� e t.e t i'e t�1 i. OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION Presented Refesed To Committee Date 1 An Administrative Resolution amending the Salary Plan 2 and Rates of Compensation by establishing the rate of pay 3 for the class ritled Assistant Labor Relations D'uector 4 RESOLVED, that the compensafion for the classification of Assistant Director of Labor 0 7 Relations Director be that as set forth in Grade 26 of Employee Group 17, Nonrepresented City Managers Salary Schedule, in the Salary P1an and Rates of Compensat3on, and be it FUR"TE3ER RESOLVED, that the effective date of this resolution shall be the first pay period foilowing its passage and approval. Requested by Depamnent o£ Office Of Human Resources B � ., � . ��� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: u\ a- � Y-�r �� �_ Approved b���y M or: Date !� �A '� By: �W YV Council File # p�— � �LO Green Sheet # 62920 Form Approved by City Attorney By: � ���� (b a� j� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B �=�� /C�: /!7/ G:\Shared�fII2COMMONVSHOCKLEYWSSt.7.R.Dic pay res.wpd Adopted by CouncIl: Date �,, �, ri 3-o a , C�s`� � DEr,+���o�c�co�ca,: DATE �TEn GREEN SHEET No: 62920 ��'�"' Human Resources 10-22-01 ' CONTACI' PERSON & YHOIVS: �meGUA'[e Pnlwmw7'a JohnShockley266-6482 ,n�,,,�n .���. KathyMegarry266-6496 �� i � p �� V�Iojt3 cr,YC� MUST BE ON COUNCQ, AGENDA BY (DATE) x ��� F � $ BOTITING �.qp�aqt�V� �.pp��p{,�V/ACCfG As soon as possible ��� ' . 3MAY0&(O&ASST.) . TOTAL#OFSIGNATUREPAGES_I (QdPALLLOCATIONSFORSIGNATURE) ACfiONREQi7ESFED: Approval of a resolution establishing the rate of pay for the new Assistant Labor Relations Director class in grade 26 of the Nonrepresented City Managers, Employee Group 17, Salary Ranges. RECOMINENDAiIONS: Appcme (A) or Rejeee (R) PERSONAL SERViCE CONTRACTS MUSTANSR'ER'fHE FOLLOWDNG QUESTiONS: l. HnsiltisPason/SrmevawmkWmdaacovhactfortLisdepatmmt? PLANNING CAMhIISSION Ya No pBCOT�R.7ITTEE 2. xesthispersoWfumeverbeenac�ryemplayce? CIVII.SERVICECOMhIISS[ON Pa No 3. DcestltisM�dfvmPOSSeuaskilluocmmallYPOwewedbY�Youaentcityemployee? Ya No 4. Is this pe[sodfum a fe[geted vmdor7 Yu No Ecpleio aLLyes a¢awexa oa sepa�ate shcet 8¢d aHsch W Sreea sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSOE, OPPORTUNITY (R'hq What, When, Where, Why): , The Office of Labor relations asked that a study of the current unclassified Labor Relations Manager position be conducted for the purpose of placing it in the classified service. The study resulted in the creation of an Assistant Labor Relarions Director job classification. This resolufion establishes the rate of compensation for this new class. The new class was created to provide continuity in the Office of Labor Relations. Without this new ciass, it would be very possible that the City of Saint Paul could lose its top rivo labor negotiators every fow yeazs. This would put the City at a disadyantage in collective bazgaining. Much is dependent in negotiations on a knowledge of the City's history, trends, and precedents set in labor relarions. This would include historical Imowledge of contract negotiations, grievance resolution, general contract administration, and the background behind azbitration decisions. This posirion wouldbe second in command and provide assistance to new Labor Relations Directors. The City must negofiate and administer 25 different and unique labor agreements. This is a very complex labor relations environment which requires the historica! perspective this new classified posirion would provide. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. Equitable compensation commensurate with the level of duties and responsibilities of the position will be established. This will allow the City to recruit and retain an incwnbent to provide the stability and continuity necessary for good labor relarions program administrarion. DLSADVANl'AGES IF APPROVED: � None. Salary costs have been budgeted. DISADVANTAGES 1F NOT APPROVED: F,qttitable compensa6on will not be established. Management decisions, actions and negotiation strategies inconsistent with past practice may result. TOTAL AMOUNT OF 1RANSACTION: COST/REVENIJE BUDGETED: FfJNDING SOURCE: ACCNITY NUMBER o+ FINANC7ALYFVFORMATION:(EXPLA7P) VolR7�li6� ���'P.$C�`�'4 �sv''�i6P.� Ot;T � � 2001 G\SharedV-IlLCOMMOI�SHOCKLEY\ASSCLR.Dir.payses.gmshtwpd .,�..�' . �.., f CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATTON ST[TDY REPORT POSTTION STLTDIED: �h[�1�11:3 �1►11 W DATE STUDIED: Proposed Assistant Labor Relations Director Terry Haltiner, Labor Relations Manager (unclassified) October 2001 APPROVAL OF DIRECTOR OF HITMAN RESOURCES: ���n� .-------------- f o I2. es _ _ L______ (Date) BackQround The Director of the Office of Labor Relations asked that a study be conducted of the current unclassified Labor Relations Manager position for the purpose of placing the position in the classified service. The Labor Relations Director is very concerned that having two of the City's highest level labor relations positions in the unclassified service is not good for the City's labor relations program. It could cause a disadvantage for the City during labor negotiations. There is a good possibility of having the incumbents in these two positions replaced every four yeazs. This creates a loss of continuity at the hargaining table. The City of Saint Paul has a very complex labor relations environment. There are 25 different contracts to negotiate and administer. All have unlque contract provisions that have been developed through years of collective bargaining. Much of good collective bargaining is dependent on having a knowiedge of the labor relations history, trends, and precedents set over the years. This wouid include contract negotiations, grievance resolurion, general contract administration, and the background behind azbitration decisions. Consequently, the Labor Relations Director, has requested the creation of a second in command position in the classified service to better seroe the City of Saint Paul. The creation of a high level classified labor relations position is not a new concept. Previous Labor Relations Directors have proposed that similaz ciassified positions be created to act as an assistant to the Director and provide a primary source of negotiation history, trends, and precedents for new Labor Relations Directors appointed by the Mayor. However, thDSe positions were never created. This was nsually because funding for such a position was unavailable. Stud�Components Interview with Labor Relations Director Interview with the Labor Relations Manager Comparisons with similar positions QE5 Anatysis (Internal Job Evaluation) 0�—\��•fl -1- Positian Description The proposed Assistant Labor Relations Director provides responsibie supervisory and highly skilled professional work in labor relations. The position services as chief assistant to the Labor Relations Director as a deputy labor negotiator and negotiator on behalf of the City. The position assists in planning, developing, and administering the City lahor relations program to include planning and implementing labor negotiations, mediatio� and azbitrauons. The posirion directs and performs labor relations research and anatysis, deveTops and recommends policies and strategies, develops altemative proposals, provides advice to city managers regarding labor relations policies and procedures, administration of contracts, and grievance resolution. Supervision of the position would be provided by the Labor Retations Director in the form of general and administrative guidance. The position would haue general and technical supervisory authority over assigned professionai, technical and admnustrative support staff. See the attached proposed class specification for typical duties performed by this position. Com�arisons The duties and responsibilities of the proposed Assistant Labor Relations Director posirion were compated to the class specifications and position descriptions for the following City classifications: Labor Relations Manager This is a an unclassified position. The title is currently held by the incumbent who is perfornung the duties of the proposed Assistant Labor Relations Director position as described. The Labor Relations Manager position was originally established in the unclassified servica in 7uly of 198'7. At the time it was created, the tabor relatians function had been made a part of the Office of FIuman Resources at�er the retirement of the city's first Labor Relations Director. Prior to that, the labor relations function had been ander the direction of the Mayor since 1974. The first Labor Relations Manager was appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the Council, but was supervised by the Human Resources Director. Tn February of 1991, the labor relations function again was placed under the direct control of the Mayor and a Labor Relations Director was appointed. The Labor Relations Manager position then remained vacant untii June of 1999, when the current incumbent was appointed. The cunent duties of the Labor Relations Manager are described in an advisory class specification that was updated in March of 1999. Those duties are very similaz to those of the proposed Assistant Director of Labor Relation classification. The Labor Relations Manager is assigned to grade 26 of the Nonrepresented City Managers, Employee Group 17, Salary Schedule. Assistant Director of Human Itesources Positions ailocated to this class are in the classified service. There is cunently a singie incumbent in this ciassificarion. Posirions allocated to this etass have similar duties and levei of responsibilities as those of the position in question. The currenY Assistant Director of Human Resources position performs managerial work in assisting the Director of Human Resources. Positions in this class may provide planning, development and administrarion of a variety of human resources programs. In addition to being the chief advisor to the Director, the positio� ��-\11.� -Z- currentiy oversees the provision of core human resources services including employee selection, ��„�``o classification and compensation, and training. The Assistant Birector of Human Resources supervises and provides leadership to the human resources consultants providing core services to assigned city offices and departments . This position, like the position in quesrion, provides advice and consultation to City managers in assessing their human resources needs, analyzing the impact of management decisions and actions, assists in ptanning, and trouhleshoots human resources issues. This class is also assigned to grade 26 of the Nonrepresented Ciry Managers, Employee Group I7, Salary Schedule. Human Resources Senior Consultant Manager There is currently one position allocated to this classificarion. Positions in this ciass are similaz to the proposed Assistant Labor Relarions Director class in that they provide highly responsible professional consutting services to members of City departments and offices in improving their individual, group , and organizational effectiveness. These position assess organizationai concerns and issues and then plan and conduct interventions, i.e., studies, projects, and actions, to address those concerns or issues. Positions in this class coach management and provide advice on the full range of human resources issues. They may also manage one or more program areas in the Office of Human Resources. This classification is assigned to grade 22 of the Nonrepresented City Managers, employee Group 17, salary Schedule. Labor Relations Specialist There is currently one position allocated to this classification. Positions in this class provide skilled professional work in labor relations negotiation, contract negotiation, contract administration, arbitration, grievance resotution, research and administrative procedures. This position may provide technical supervision of assigned staff. Incumbents aze required to haue, a bachelor's degree and least four years of Iabor relations eaperience or a master's degree and two years o£latsor relarions experience. This class is assigned to grade 16 of the Nonrepresented City Managers, Bmpioyee Group 17, Salary Schedule Analysis While there are suni3az classified positions that describe some of the duties at the level performed by the proposed Assistant Labor Relations Director class, these classes do not fully cover a majority of the duties and responsibilities as described. The ciassified positions are focusad on the provision of mostly services provided by the Office of Human Resources. '£hese positions may get involved in labor relations matters such as grievances, contract administration, preparation for negotiations, and the provision of expert testimony at hearings and arbitrations. However, the primary reason for the positions is to provide those services under the umbreila of the Office of Human Resources. Consequently, these classifications would not be appropriate for allocation of the posirion in question. The ciassified Labor Relations Specialist position may be able to meet some of the continuity needs described by the Labor Relations Director, but the position does not require the e�perience level nor does it have the supervisory authority of the proposed Assistant Labor Relations Director posirion. Regarding the unciassified Labor Relations Manager position, the current duties and -3- responsibiliries of the position in quesrion are adequately described by the advisory class ��� ���.o specification. However, unless the position is always filled by an appointed individual who has the required lmowiedge of the City's negoriation history, past practices, trends and precedents, and the required teadership ability, the issues of continuity brought farth by the Labor Relations Director will not be addressed. QES Analysis The QES analysis supports assigning the proposed class to grade 26 of the Nonrepresented City Managers, Employee Group 17, Salary Schedule. Recommendarion Based upon the results of the study, it is recommended that the new class titled Assistant Labor Relarions Director be created to maintain continuity in the City Labor Relations Office. Compensation for the new class should be assigned in grade 26 of the Nonrepresented City Managers, Employee Group 17, Salary Schedule. This is the appropriate group, because all other "confidential supervisor}�' posirions have been assigned to this Nonrepresented employee group. It is further recommended that this position be filled in accordance with the merit principles set forth in the City Charter. This could be accomplished through the administration of a promotional examination. Finally, it is recommended that the unclassified Labor Relations Manager position be formatly abolisi�ed upon creation of the new ciass. G:VShared�HRCOMMONVSHOCKLEY�CiTy.Asst. LR DRtptwpd .Z'� PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: Code: 219B p� ����,q ASSISTANT LABOR RELATIONS BU: 17 DIItECTOR Effective: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible supervisory and highly skilled professional work in labor relarions negotiation and contract administrarion; and performs other related duties as required. Sunervision Received: Works under general and administrarive supervision of a department or office director. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a unit general and technical supervision over professional, technical, and clerical staff: TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed e�mples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Assists in planning, developing, and administering labor relations prograuis and activities and negotiates for the City in the absence of or as d'uected by the City's Labor Relations Director. Directs and supervises the work of assigned labor relations staff and the planning and implementation of special project assignments. Directs the reseazch and analysis work involved in the planning and implementation of labor relations negotiation, mediation, and azbitration. Directs and coordinates the administra6ve work involved in the approval and implementation of collective bargaining agreements and of the development and maintenance of labor relations data and records. Analyzes labor contract and grievance settlement proposals, develops and recommends alternative management proposals, and negotiates with appropriate bazgaining units. Develops and administers management labor relations policies and strategies and coordinates the action of the management labor bargaining team. Provides advice and consultation to city managers regazding the intent and provisions of collec6ve bargaining agreements, contract administration and grievance resolutions, and labor relations issues. Provides advice and training to city managers on employee discipline and dischazge, grievance handling, and investigation of employee misconduct policies and procedures. Represents the city in labor relations proceedings, hearings, and committees. (ASSISTANT LABOR RELATIONS DIRECTORI Page 1 of 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES, AND Effective: Code: 219B Bi3: 17 Q��\�V� Considerable knowledge of labor relations principles, practices, and procedwes. Considerable lmowledge of the theories and principles of related human resources programs and funcrions. Considerable knowledge of the theories and principles of governmental budgeting and finance and of costing of contract proposals and employee compensation. Considerable lmowledge of applicable laws, rules, and regulations and of bargaining unit history and precedent. Considerable ability to conduct effective labor relations negotiations. Considerable ability to make decisions, analyze and solve complex problems, resolve conflicts, and develop and implement strategies. Considerable ability to plan, organize, and supervise work. Considerable ability to interact effectively with a wide variety of people often with conflicting views and objecfives. Considerable ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. MINTMUM QUALIFICATIONS A bachelor's degree in business administration, industrial relations, public administration or a related field and eight years of progressively responsible professional and/or supervisory experience in labor relations including experience as a chief spokesperson for labor contract negotiations. Some portion of such experience must have been as a spokesperson for management. A MAIR degree may be substituted for three yeazs of experience. (ASSISTANT LABOR RELATIONS DIRECTORI ASSISTANT LABOR RELATSONS DII2ECTOR Page 2 of 2 CTTY OF SAIN'r PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Katherine Megarry, Director Office of Labor Relations John Shockley, Sr. Consultant Manager Office of Hmnan Resources October 18, 2001 OFFiCE OF HUMAN RESOURCES Jahn Hamiltan, Director 400CityHaIIAnnec 25 WestFwrth SaintPau�Minnesafa 55101-1631 Telephone: ZDDrTTY: Jab line: Facsimile: 1` Optlon: 2n Ophon: 3'� Option: � � �t�`� 651-2 66 65 00 651-2666501 651-2666502 651-29b6414 651-292-6415 651-Z9L7656 TwenTy Day Notice of Labor Relations Mananger Study Determination and Implementation I have completed a study of the unclassified Labor Relarions Manager position held by Terry Haltiner. As a result of the study it has been determined that the position should be placed in the classified service. A new classification, tifled Assistaut Labor Relation Director should be created. I also conducted an analysis ofthe position using the QES job evaluation system. The resuk is that it has been determined that the class should be assigned to grade 26 ofthe Nonrepresented CiTy Nlanagers, Employee Group 17, Saiary Schedule. This detemunation may be implemented through a resolution of the City Council. You haue the oprion of restructuring the position. Therefore, pursuant to Ciry of Saint Paul, Civil Service Rule 3.C, this memorandum is to inform you of this determination and action. Please contact me at 266-6482 if you wish to discuss this matter. CC: Trish Freiberger G:VShamd\IiRCOMMONVSHOCKLEY�LR.Asst .Dir.20day.naice..wpd � � � P I ' i E,p� e t.e t i'e t�1 i. OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION Presented Refesed To Committee Date 1 An Administrative Resolution amending the Salary Plan 2 and Rates of Compensation by establishing the rate of pay 3 for the class ritled Assistant Labor Relations D'uector 4 RESOLVED, that the compensafion for the classification of Assistant Director of Labor 0 7 Relations Director be that as set forth in Grade 26 of Employee Group 17, Nonrepresented City Managers Salary Schedule, in the Salary P1an and Rates of Compensat3on, and be it FUR"TE3ER RESOLVED, that the effective date of this resolution shall be the first pay period foilowing its passage and approval. Requested by Depamnent o£ Office Of Human Resources B � ., � . ��� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: u\ a- � Y-�r �� �_ Approved b���y M or: Date !� �A '� By: �W YV Council File # p�— � �LO Green Sheet # 62920 Form Approved by City Attorney By: � ���� (b a� j� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B �=�� /C�: /!7/ G:\Shared�fII2COMMONVSHOCKLEYWSSt.7.R.Dic pay res.wpd Adopted by CouncIl: Date �,, �, ri 3-o a , C�s`� � DEr,+���o�c�co�ca,: DATE �TEn GREEN SHEET No: 62920 ��'�"' Human Resources 10-22-01 ' CONTACI' PERSON & YHOIVS: �meGUA'[e Pnlwmw7'a JohnShockley266-6482 ,n�,,,�n .���. KathyMegarry266-6496 �� i � p �� V�Iojt3 cr,YC� MUST BE ON COUNCQ, AGENDA BY (DATE) x ��� F � $ BOTITING �.qp�aqt�V� �.pp��p{,�V/ACCfG As soon as possible ��� ' . 3MAY0&(O&ASST.) . TOTAL#OFSIGNATUREPAGES_I (QdPALLLOCATIONSFORSIGNATURE) ACfiONREQi7ESFED: Approval of a resolution establishing the rate of pay for the new Assistant Labor Relations Director class in grade 26 of the Nonrepresented City Managers, Employee Group 17, Salary Ranges. RECOMINENDAiIONS: Appcme (A) or Rejeee (R) PERSONAL SERViCE CONTRACTS MUSTANSR'ER'fHE FOLLOWDNG QUESTiONS: l. HnsiltisPason/SrmevawmkWmdaacovhactfortLisdepatmmt? PLANNING CAMhIISSION Ya No pBCOT�R.7ITTEE 2. xesthispersoWfumeverbeenac�ryemplayce? CIVII.SERVICECOMhIISS[ON Pa No 3. DcestltisM�dfvmPOSSeuaskilluocmmallYPOwewedbY�Youaentcityemployee? Ya No 4. Is this pe[sodfum a fe[geted vmdor7 Yu No Ecpleio aLLyes a¢awexa oa sepa�ate shcet 8¢d aHsch W Sreea sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSOE, OPPORTUNITY (R'hq What, When, Where, Why): , The Office of Labor relations asked that a study of the current unclassified Labor Relations Manager position be conducted for the purpose of placing it in the classified service. The study resulted in the creation of an Assistant Labor Relarions Director job classification. This resolufion establishes the rate of compensation for this new class. The new class was created to provide continuity in the Office of Labor Relations. Without this new ciass, it would be very possible that the City of Saint Paul could lose its top rivo labor negotiators every fow yeazs. This would put the City at a disadyantage in collective bazgaining. Much is dependent in negotiations on a knowledge of the City's history, trends, and precedents set in labor relarions. This would include historical Imowledge of contract negotiations, grievance resolution, general contract administration, and the background behind azbitration decisions. This posirion wouldbe second in command and provide assistance to new Labor Relations Directors. The City must negofiate and administer 25 different and unique labor agreements. This is a very complex labor relations environment which requires the historica! perspective this new classified posirion would provide. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. Equitable compensation commensurate with the level of duties and responsibilities of the position will be established. This will allow the City to recruit and retain an incwnbent to provide the stability and continuity necessary for good labor relarions program administrarion. DLSADVANl'AGES IF APPROVED: � None. Salary costs have been budgeted. DISADVANTAGES 1F NOT APPROVED: F,qttitable compensa6on will not be established. Management decisions, actions and negotiation strategies inconsistent with past practice may result. TOTAL AMOUNT OF 1RANSACTION: COST/REVENIJE BUDGETED: FfJNDING SOURCE: ACCNITY NUMBER o+ FINANC7ALYFVFORMATION:(EXPLA7P) VolR7�li6� ���'P.$C�`�'4 �sv''�i6P.� Ot;T � � 2001 G\SharedV-IlLCOMMOI�SHOCKLEY\ASSCLR.Dir.payses.gmshtwpd .,�..�' . �.., f CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATTON ST[TDY REPORT POSTTION STLTDIED: �h[�1�11:3 �1►11 W DATE STUDIED: Proposed Assistant Labor Relations Director Terry Haltiner, Labor Relations Manager (unclassified) October 2001 APPROVAL OF DIRECTOR OF HITMAN RESOURCES: ���n� .-------------- f o I2. es _ _ L______ (Date) BackQround The Director of the Office of Labor Relations asked that a study be conducted of the current unclassified Labor Relations Manager position for the purpose of placing the position in the classified service. The Labor Relations Director is very concerned that having two of the City's highest level labor relations positions in the unclassified service is not good for the City's labor relations program. It could cause a disadvantage for the City during labor negotiations. There is a good possibility of having the incumbents in these two positions replaced every four yeazs. This creates a loss of continuity at the hargaining table. The City of Saint Paul has a very complex labor relations environment. There are 25 different contracts to negotiate and administer. All have unlque contract provisions that have been developed through years of collective bargaining. Much of good collective bargaining is dependent on having a knowiedge of the labor relations history, trends, and precedents set over the years. This wouid include contract negotiations, grievance resolurion, general contract administration, and the background behind azbitration decisions. Consequently, the Labor Relations Director, has requested the creation of a second in command position in the classified service to better seroe the City of Saint Paul. The creation of a high level classified labor relations position is not a new concept. Previous Labor Relations Directors have proposed that similaz ciassified positions be created to act as an assistant to the Director and provide a primary source of negotiation history, trends, and precedents for new Labor Relations Directors appointed by the Mayor. However, thDSe positions were never created. This was nsually because funding for such a position was unavailable. Stud�Components Interview with Labor Relations Director Interview with the Labor Relations Manager Comparisons with similar positions QE5 Anatysis (Internal Job Evaluation) 0�—\��•fl -1- Positian Description The proposed Assistant Labor Relations Director provides responsibie supervisory and highly skilled professional work in labor relations. The position services as chief assistant to the Labor Relations Director as a deputy labor negotiator and negotiator on behalf of the City. The position assists in planning, developing, and administering the City lahor relations program to include planning and implementing labor negotiations, mediatio� and azbitrauons. The posirion directs and performs labor relations research and anatysis, deveTops and recommends policies and strategies, develops altemative proposals, provides advice to city managers regarding labor relations policies and procedures, administration of contracts, and grievance resolution. Supervision of the position would be provided by the Labor Retations Director in the form of general and administrative guidance. The position would haue general and technical supervisory authority over assigned professionai, technical and admnustrative support staff. See the attached proposed class specification for typical duties performed by this position. Com�arisons The duties and responsibilities of the proposed Assistant Labor Relations Director posirion were compated to the class specifications and position descriptions for the following City classifications: Labor Relations Manager This is a an unclassified position. The title is currently held by the incumbent who is perfornung the duties of the proposed Assistant Labor Relations Director position as described. The Labor Relations Manager position was originally established in the unclassified servica in 7uly of 198'7. At the time it was created, the tabor relatians function had been made a part of the Office of FIuman Resources at�er the retirement of the city's first Labor Relations Director. Prior to that, the labor relations function had been ander the direction of the Mayor since 1974. The first Labor Relations Manager was appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the Council, but was supervised by the Human Resources Director. Tn February of 1991, the labor relations function again was placed under the direct control of the Mayor and a Labor Relations Director was appointed. The Labor Relations Manager position then remained vacant untii June of 1999, when the current incumbent was appointed. The cunent duties of the Labor Relations Manager are described in an advisory class specification that was updated in March of 1999. Those duties are very similaz to those of the proposed Assistant Director of Labor Relation classification. The Labor Relations Manager is assigned to grade 26 of the Nonrepresented City Managers, Employee Group 17, Salary Schedule. Assistant Director of Human Itesources Positions ailocated to this class are in the classified service. There is cunently a singie incumbent in this ciassificarion. Posirions allocated to this etass have similar duties and levei of responsibilities as those of the position in question. The currenY Assistant Director of Human Resources position performs managerial work in assisting the Director of Human Resources. Positions in this class may provide planning, development and administrarion of a variety of human resources programs. In addition to being the chief advisor to the Director, the positio� ��-\11.� -Z- currentiy oversees the provision of core human resources services including employee selection, ��„�``o classification and compensation, and training. The Assistant Birector of Human Resources supervises and provides leadership to the human resources consultants providing core services to assigned city offices and departments . This position, like the position in quesrion, provides advice and consultation to City managers in assessing their human resources needs, analyzing the impact of management decisions and actions, assists in ptanning, and trouhleshoots human resources issues. This class is also assigned to grade 26 of the Nonrepresented Ciry Managers, Employee Group I7, Salary Schedule. Human Resources Senior Consultant Manager There is currently one position allocated to this classificarion. Positions in this ciass are similaz to the proposed Assistant Labor Relarions Director class in that they provide highly responsible professional consutting services to members of City departments and offices in improving their individual, group , and organizational effectiveness. These position assess organizationai concerns and issues and then plan and conduct interventions, i.e., studies, projects, and actions, to address those concerns or issues. Positions in this class coach management and provide advice on the full range of human resources issues. They may also manage one or more program areas in the Office of Human Resources. This classification is assigned to grade 22 of the Nonrepresented City Managers, employee Group 17, salary Schedule. Labor Relations Specialist There is currently one position allocated to this classification. Positions in this class provide skilled professional work in labor relations negotiation, contract negotiation, contract administration, arbitration, grievance resotution, research and administrative procedures. This position may provide technical supervision of assigned staff. Incumbents aze required to haue, a bachelor's degree and least four years of Iabor relations eaperience or a master's degree and two years o£latsor relarions experience. This class is assigned to grade 16 of the Nonrepresented City Managers, Bmpioyee Group 17, Salary Schedule Analysis While there are suni3az classified positions that describe some of the duties at the level performed by the proposed Assistant Labor Relations Director class, these classes do not fully cover a majority of the duties and responsibilities as described. The ciassified positions are focusad on the provision of mostly services provided by the Office of Human Resources. '£hese positions may get involved in labor relations matters such as grievances, contract administration, preparation for negotiations, and the provision of expert testimony at hearings and arbitrations. However, the primary reason for the positions is to provide those services under the umbreila of the Office of Human Resources. Consequently, these classifications would not be appropriate for allocation of the posirion in question. The ciassified Labor Relations Specialist position may be able to meet some of the continuity needs described by the Labor Relations Director, but the position does not require the e�perience level nor does it have the supervisory authority of the proposed Assistant Labor Relations Director posirion. Regarding the unciassified Labor Relations Manager position, the current duties and -3- responsibiliries of the position in quesrion are adequately described by the advisory class ��� ���.o specification. However, unless the position is always filled by an appointed individual who has the required lmowiedge of the City's negoriation history, past practices, trends and precedents, and the required teadership ability, the issues of continuity brought farth by the Labor Relations Director will not be addressed. QES Analysis The QES analysis supports assigning the proposed class to grade 26 of the Nonrepresented City Managers, Employee Group 17, Salary Schedule. Recommendarion Based upon the results of the study, it is recommended that the new class titled Assistant Labor Relarions Director be created to maintain continuity in the City Labor Relations Office. Compensation for the new class should be assigned in grade 26 of the Nonrepresented City Managers, Employee Group 17, Salary Schedule. This is the appropriate group, because all other "confidential supervisor}�' posirions have been assigned to this Nonrepresented employee group. It is further recommended that this position be filled in accordance with the merit principles set forth in the City Charter. This could be accomplished through the administration of a promotional examination. Finally, it is recommended that the unclassified Labor Relations Manager position be formatly abolisi�ed upon creation of the new ciass. G:VShared�HRCOMMONVSHOCKLEY�CiTy.Asst. LR DRtptwpd .Z'� PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: Code: 219B p� ����,q ASSISTANT LABOR RELATIONS BU: 17 DIItECTOR Effective: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible supervisory and highly skilled professional work in labor relarions negotiation and contract administrarion; and performs other related duties as required. Sunervision Received: Works under general and administrarive supervision of a department or office director. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a unit general and technical supervision over professional, technical, and clerical staff: TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed e�mples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Assists in planning, developing, and administering labor relations prograuis and activities and negotiates for the City in the absence of or as d'uected by the City's Labor Relations Director. Directs and supervises the work of assigned labor relations staff and the planning and implementation of special project assignments. Directs the reseazch and analysis work involved in the planning and implementation of labor relations negotiation, mediation, and azbitration. Directs and coordinates the administra6ve work involved in the approval and implementation of collective bargaining agreements and of the development and maintenance of labor relations data and records. Analyzes labor contract and grievance settlement proposals, develops and recommends alternative management proposals, and negotiates with appropriate bazgaining units. Develops and administers management labor relations policies and strategies and coordinates the action of the management labor bargaining team. Provides advice and consultation to city managers regazding the intent and provisions of collec6ve bargaining agreements, contract administration and grievance resolutions, and labor relations issues. Provides advice and training to city managers on employee discipline and dischazge, grievance handling, and investigation of employee misconduct policies and procedures. Represents the city in labor relations proceedings, hearings, and committees. (ASSISTANT LABOR RELATIONS DIRECTORI Page 1 of 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES, AND Effective: Code: 219B Bi3: 17 Q��\�V� Considerable knowledge of labor relations principles, practices, and procedwes. Considerable lmowledge of the theories and principles of related human resources programs and funcrions. Considerable knowledge of the theories and principles of governmental budgeting and finance and of costing of contract proposals and employee compensation. Considerable lmowledge of applicable laws, rules, and regulations and of bargaining unit history and precedent. Considerable ability to conduct effective labor relations negotiations. Considerable ability to make decisions, analyze and solve complex problems, resolve conflicts, and develop and implement strategies. Considerable ability to plan, organize, and supervise work. Considerable ability to interact effectively with a wide variety of people often with conflicting views and objecfives. Considerable ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. MINTMUM QUALIFICATIONS A bachelor's degree in business administration, industrial relations, public administration or a related field and eight years of progressively responsible professional and/or supervisory experience in labor relations including experience as a chief spokesperson for labor contract negotiations. Some portion of such experience must have been as a spokesperson for management. A MAIR degree may be substituted for three yeazs of experience. (ASSISTANT LABOR RELATIONS DIRECTORI ASSISTANT LABOR RELATSONS DII2ECTOR Page 2 of 2 CTTY OF SAIN'r PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Katherine Megarry, Director Office of Labor Relations John Shockley, Sr. Consultant Manager Office of Hmnan Resources October 18, 2001 OFFiCE OF HUMAN RESOURCES Jahn Hamiltan, Director 400CityHaIIAnnec 25 WestFwrth SaintPau�Minnesafa 55101-1631 Telephone: ZDDrTTY: Jab line: Facsimile: 1` Optlon: 2n Ophon: 3'� Option: � � �t�`� 651-2 66 65 00 651-2666501 651-2666502 651-29b6414 651-292-6415 651-Z9L7656 TwenTy Day Notice of Labor Relations Mananger Study Determination and Implementation I have completed a study of the unclassified Labor Relarions Manager position held by Terry Haltiner. As a result of the study it has been determined that the position should be placed in the classified service. A new classification, tifled Assistaut Labor Relation Director should be created. I also conducted an analysis ofthe position using the QES job evaluation system. The resuk is that it has been determined that the class should be assigned to grade 26 ofthe Nonrepresented CiTy Nlanagers, Employee Group 17, Saiary Schedule. This detemunation may be implemented through a resolution of the City Council. You haue the oprion of restructuring the position. Therefore, pursuant to Ciry of Saint Paul, Civil Service Rule 3.C, this memorandum is to inform you of this determination and action. Please contact me at 266-6482 if you wish to discuss this matter. CC: Trish Freiberger G:VShamd\IiRCOMMONVSHOCKLEY�LR.Asst .Dir.20day.naice..wpd