273497 WHITE - CITV CLERK C�unCll 2'�349`7 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF AINT PAUL � CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE =MAVOR File �O. r� Co , ilRs t ' n _ Presented By '' Referred To Committee: ate Out of Committee By Date R'ESOLVID: That lice�aea applied far by the Pallc��r3.ng pereosa at the addreea��s ata�ted be aad the same are hereb� granted. Centra�l Indt�striea, Inc. 270 E. �th �t. (iea. 8ep. Giar. App. 59�7 �f�fil Haas Auto Hody, Inc. 14�t� St. Clair Av. Auto Bod�r Rep. 7877 " St. Pa�nl Fr�e & Aligne�eat Corp. �� 337 �• 7th St. Eien. xep. aer. 8t�90 a a „ At�ta Hoc�,q 8ep, Et n l�orthKeetera Tire �o., Inc 414 M. 7th St. qen. �tep. �r. 8129 " B. F. Qoodrich Cb. 1685 Uni�. Av. t�en. R�p. ti�r. 8138 " Coluetbia Tra�n�it Corp 1142 N. �atelliag A�. (�ea. Rep. 6ar. a142 " Wheel Service Co., Inc. 2654 IIaiv. Av. t�ea. Rep. f3a�r, g363 � 7xRiag Schroeder 6�� li. Snelli.ng Av. � �4�6 " Riahard �Ia�giai 1177 Cle�rence St. �-2 Reat. g57y a Cal�in l�orey 483 f3elby Av. Orig. Cost. 5594 " fieorge C. Huber 6,5t'f (�rasd Av. A�tto Bc�c�jr Bep aar. 8�27 �' Dora�a Eimg t3arage, Iac. 1521 8aadolph Av. aen. �ep. t#ar. 8?8f) " �a �a, iuc. �669 �Tait. sv. p 8859 " tieseral T3re & 8ubber Co. 395 E. 7th St. " 8861 " Ver� Roaeaberger S81 E. 7th at. �nta HcdT Rep. 8887 " I�o-Rin f:orp. 1980 Still�rater Av. A-2 aroc/Hettcher 9013 n " " Off uale Malt " " Ra�ond A�to Body, inc. 10'75 Pierae Batler Rt. Auto 8o�j Rep. 9206 '" n �' (ien. Itep. f�ar. n n E�ry A. H].air 1121 E. Minne�aM� Av. Cax�pet Dlr. 9224 " Clark'a 3nb�rine Smndviah 1199 M. 7th St. C-1 Re�t. 9322 " The Corner pocr II, Iac. 1112 t�x�asd Ar. ,2nd Hd. Dlr. dea. 93�? " Earl D. ?ouag 1728 Selby Ar. ffen. 8ep. (iar. 9�j25 " Johr� C. Berg Avto, Iac. 774 Belb�r Av. " 9587 y Spa Petitm 21(Y1 H�dson Rd. Swirr Pool (I�t) 9b46 " Tb� (�vic 631 �. Da1.e St. aen. Bep. aar. 96�2 " n a �'ir. l�hel Ptu�Ip n M I,arvreace J. Palmer �59 �ouaman st. aen. Rep. aar. 9b�3 " " � " Auto Ho�►' Rep. N a COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler (n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By t�pproved by :Navor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — -- BY WMITE - CITV CLERK ^OUnCl� ���A�� r� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L CANARV - DEPARTMENT � �� �i BIUE =MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By ' L�TS� C014�I�E Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Co$�inu�d: Virginia M. Mell� 710 S. Smith Av. Carpet Dlr. App. 9')17 �1 � Honeywell, Inc. HoneyMell Plaza, Mpla. Apparatu� In+�taller 9737 n �ia City Federe�l Savinga & Loan Aasn. " 405 H. Robert St. Pkglot«75 �ars 9748 n R3chard Holt 2526 i1. 7th st. I-Fds V!I Loc. 9753 " N " 2 Add'1 Ir•Fds VM 1° �' J�vtes J. Snidariah 2599 Y. ?th St. C�en. Rep. E�ar. 9754 " �anca Lipori 11 �. Kellcgg Blvd. Beauty 3hop 9763 " Thoma�s Shaw 419 S. Cleveland Av. TV I�ater Rep. 9844 " n n 1 Se1'viCemel� n �� Stew��rt d. McIntosh 2290 C.omo Av. HardWare 9908 " IInion Oil Cc�. of California, " 74� �hepard ad. Cig. Loc. 9937 �� 3t. Pa�7. Police 101 E. 1E)th 3t. Cig Loc. 9938 " Minneaota Edacation A$sa. 41 Sherburne Cig. Lc>c. 9939 " Hancoak Nelsou Mercantile Co., 'r $p7 Aampden Cig. I.oc. 994� p A�ti�itie+� 8a11 459 wabaaha st. Cig. �c. 99�+� � Cferber Drug, Inc. 1008 Arcade St. Rad,/TV Tube Teet Dev. 9946 " Y�i1CA 65 E. �liogg B7.vd. 3vi�n Fool 9948 " Attuaka�Brooks American 7�egion Post �606 n 9'�6 Condordi� Cig. I.�c. `9949 " Phillip Hafrensteia 21']5 Ford Pkvy. Cig. I�oc. 995ti " J.R. Ya�lker & 3ona, Inc. 300 Larch St. 3 Priv. lh�el Pump�s 9959 '� Marie A $tapleton 183� C�raind Av. Beauty Shop 996� " Mi.lton Raasell 1520 IIniv. Av. Bekexy�B 9963 " ICe�up's Auto Bo$y Bhop ?86 S. Robert St. Auto Boc14y �epa�ir 9964 " Jerome Sommerhauser 1674 (�rand Av. Benuty Shop 996� " Albina Novotny 1905 E. Mintaehaha �eauty s�op 99�9 „ St. Pau1 Seminary 2260 Summit Av. 3�ri.m Paol tIn) 9970 " Hi-nce Eerr 13�t'1 Tho� Av. �T Master Rep. 9971 " " " 1 Servicemsn » n The Co�rt Honse of 3t. Pa�ul 138 Plato Blvd. �if►i�e Pool (In) 9�'73 " Fa�ru�,y Farmer Caxidy Shops, Inc., " 1�74 IIaiv. Av. Confect.-»B " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter 'I'edesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By lApproved by lVlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ — BY WMITE - CITY CLERK �Q�j(�C]j 2�'34�'� PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L CANARV -�EPARTMENT BL�.IE - MAVOR File NO. Co�ncil �Zesolution Presented By ���E �� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Coatinued: Percell's, Inc. 1818 Turquoi+�e Tr. Eage�xi Ldy/Dc Plt. App. 997? RENEi/ Fage 3 People Inc. 565 Dayton Av. Cig. Loc. 9i79 " Jamea Kreager 314 w. Bernard St. 1 Add'1 Cig. VH 998t� " $tephen Aus 2419 M• 7th st. Orig. Ccnt..rD 9983 " IIaited Hospitala, Ine. 125 Y. College Av. Parkinglot 9986 " Atlas Auto Barta, Inc. 228 W. Sycamore Av. I!V :�a].vage Dlr. 9991 " (iladTs �ueman 82'7 S. Smith Av. Beauty �ihop 9992 " Kirby �o. of St. Paul 13�U W. ']th St. Elec. App. Rep. 9�95 n IInited Hoepital8, Iac 333 No. 3mith Parkinglatw250 cara �'�98 " n n Rest. U+2 n n Jeffrey (�ne Kirchoff 230 Kellogg Sq. tiroc, A«-2/Fr. FdB. 9999 „ " " Off Sale Nalt " " Arthur C. t�riaty 850 I.owery Med. Arta Opti�ian 10�10 " Rosema�ry A. l�ovak 586 Burge+B,� Av. Beauty Shop 1�011 � Susen Oppegard 2236 Carter Av. Beauty Shop 10012 " Rice Speed, Gar Wash, Inc. 1540»� Riae 8t. I�Fds 11M I.oc. 1�19 n Bobert Yalsh 216 W. �th St. Hardxare 10022 " Yilliam H. Westcn 2115 Suc�mit Av. He�rber 10�'!25 " Keaneth Diakiason �ellogg Sq. 3nite 234 Heanty 3hop 10031 " " 1544 Yhite Bear Av. a ��� n Jeanne I[ulter 720 N. Hamline Av. Irdy/Da Plt. 1�036 �' E�rrand Av. gardware Co.Ine 16�6 f�raad Av. Hardware 1AE")� M E�er�rade Schouveller 1808 E. 7th 3t. Beat�t� Shop 1�55 " G�riatins Herbee 1795'� St. Clmir Ar. Beauty Shop 1f�67 " Hag�n»HoL6ren Drug, Inc. 11t�fi-� M. 7th St. GGc�anfect•H 10G'J� " Minne+sota Milk Co. 3�5 ttai.. A�. Priv. lhtel Puetp 'It�!'J2 " Mobil Oil Gorp. 6t)6 Vaadalia Av. �Lc 4il Strg. 1�t976 " Dfane J. Sactrie 2t7►69 Ford �kr�►. Beauty Bhop 1Eki85 " St. Jiunee Catholie School 48b Viex St. Fd Eata�brL 1Ef088 " Key� Mell Drillir� Co. 413 �i. Lexingtou Pkwy 2 Priv. 19he1 Ptunpa 1q�99 " John Ba�es 755 1�. Snelling A�. Hard�ra�re 1�102 " Henry Brodt�art 928 IIn3v. Av. Auto Body Rep. 10104 " Raflio Schaietk 1496 tTai�. Av. Ra�d/Tf/ Test Tube Dev. 10112 " COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler [n Favoc Hozza Hunt Levine __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By B}. � t#pproved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By - — BY WMITE - CITV CLERK ��J+� � PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L Council � - CANARV -�EPARTMENT I B�.UE - MAVOR File NO• Council Resolution Presented By I+I�3E (l�II�IITTE6 Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Continxed: ita].green Drug Co. 1530 IIni�. Av. Rad/TV Teat �ibe, Pag� b " " Deviae App. 10114 �tENSW Itorc�thJ E. ATelaon 611 �t. Da].e St. Bea��aty 3hop 1�124 " Albsrt M. Mintz 134� St. Clair Av. BeAUty $hop 1�134 " B�ancisca� Cnrdaas 47g �i. 7th st. Cig. Loc. �0�39 " aeorge H. Bcoaer 149� N. Dal� St. Hardwaire 10144 " Doroth� Scae�ahorn P,O. Box 7186 �Ipla 4�J Maseea�e 10212 " COUNCILMEN Requested by Departm�nt of: Yeas Nays / H�o�' � In Favor Hunt �a � __ Against BY Maddox Showal T co �ur .� Q �q'19 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopt by Council: Date C tified Yass y Council,��c t ry By Sy � t�lppro d by � a AUG l 6 1979 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — BY tt�USH� AU G 2 51979