273488 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUIICII l_�s�la� PINK - - FINANCE G I OF SA I NT PA LT L CANARV - DEPARTMENT l+ V .f�r� BL�JE -J.IAVOR File NO. ncil Resolution . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVEDt That the prope� City officials are he�eby authorized and directed to accept from the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and on behalf of the City of Saint Paul a Deed of Dedication for Open Space, that area commonly known as the "Capitol Centre Plaza" located on premises more fully described as follows: Lots Seven (7) , and Eight (8) , Block Nine (9) , City of St. Paul (St. Paul Proper) , except the Northerly seventy-seven (77) feet thereof, and except the Westerly two (2) feet of said Lot Eight (8) , and aIl of Lot Six (6) , Block Nine (9) f City of St. Paul (St. Paul Proper) , lying Westerly of a line drawn at right angles to the Southerly line of the Northerly one hundred sixty and six tenths (160.6) feet of said Block Nine (9) , distant two hundred seven and ninety-nine hundredths (207.99) feet Westerly of the Easterly line of said Block Nine (9) , except the - No�therly seventy-seven (77) feet thereof, also except all rights on the Sautherly ten (10) feet of the Northerly eighty-seven (87) feet of said Lots Six (6) , Seven (7) and Eight (8) hereby conveyed, lying above a plane surface distant twenty-four (24) feet more or less above street level, said plane surface being at elevation one hundred fifteen and zero hundredths t(115.00) City of St. Paul Datum (City of St. Pau1 Datt�tm 0.00 elavation equals U.S. Coast and Geodet°ic 'Me�n Sea Level IIatum of 1929 elevation 694.10) , and COUNGLMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler [n Favor ERV Hoaza Hunt Levine __ Against Maddox ' Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date CertiEied Passed by Council Secretary R"_"�t1�`t �'��' �� I �7 By Approved by 1�lavor. Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submissi o Council _ ` � �f/ gy _ _ — BY WNITE — G�TV CLERK a/���a7�� �PINK — FINANGE COURCII "(,,/,,� ,J CANARV — OEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL r_ s �� BLUE -. MAVOR File NO. � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �2) All that part of Lots Nine (9) , Ten (10) , and Eleven (11) , Block Nine (9) , City of St. Paul (St. Paul Proper) , lying Northerly of a line one hundred sixty and six tenths (160.6) feet Southerl.y of the Northerly line of said Block Nine (9) , and lying Westerly of a line drawn at right angles to said Southerly line of the Northerly one hundred sixty and six tenths (160.6) feet of said Block Nine (9) , distant two hundred seven and ninety- nine hundredths (207.99) feet Westerly of the Easterly line of said Block Nina (9) , except the T�Testerly two (2) feet thereaf of said Lot Nine (9) , and AlI that part of Lots Nine (9) and Ten (10) , Block Nine (9) , City of St. Paul (St. Paul Proper) , ly- ing Southerly of a line one hundred sixty and six tenths (160.6) feet Southerly of the Northerly line of said Bl.ock Nine (9) , and lying Westerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the Southerly line of said Block Nine (9) , two hundred sixty-two and four hundredths (262.04) feet �esterly of the Southeasterly corner of said Block Nine (9) ; thence deflecting Northerly at an angle of ninety (90) degrees, twenty- four (24) minutas a distance of one hundred forty and zero hundredths (140.00) feet to a point one COUNCILMEIV Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler [n Favor R S Hozza Hunt I.evine __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary ��' �� y� By tkpproved by INavor: Date _ Approved b Mayor for Su m' to Councii ��\C��q�, [ _ �� _ B \' `�Q �..-�� Bv - -- y WH17E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT ����� Bl_UE -�'MAVOR File NO ` Co�ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date (3) hundred sixty and six tenths (160.6) feet Southerly of the Northerly line of said Block Nin� (9) and there terminating, except the Southe�ly two (2) feet of said Lots Nine (9) and Ten (10) and except the Westerly two (2) feet of said Lot Nine �9) r subject to the following restrictions and encumbrances: 1. Capital Centre Plaza subsurface space located with- in five (5) feet of the north and east property lines and below elevation 25.0 City Datum (City of St. Paul Datum 0_00 elevation equals U.S. Coast and Geodetic Mean Sea Level Datum of 1929 elevation 694.10) is reserved for use by abutting owners of property, such space to be used for caissons necessary to support such ownersr buildings. 2. Surface, air space, and subsurface areas of Capital Centre Plaza, except as otherwise rastricted above, are dedicated for use as public open space, except that those subsurface spaces located below elevation 8I.0 City Datum (City of St. Paul Datum 0.00 elevation equals U.S. Coast and Geod�tic Mean 5ea Leval Datum of 1929 elevation 694.1Oj may be used by the City, or others under grant from the City, for uses other than public open space purposes, provided that such other use shall not infringe upon or otherwise destroy in any manner public opan space use and improvements of those areas COUNCILMEN Yeas NayS Requested by Department of: Butler COMMUNI SERVICES Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine _ _ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form A pproved by City Attorney Adopted by C ouncil: Date — Certified Yassed by Council Secretary B � B� I�pproved by 1�lavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy _ _ — BY � WHITE - CITY CLERK COUI1C11 ���I��� PINK - - FINANCE �.9' CANARV �DEPARTMENT � GITY OF SAINT �ALTL B�UE � - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date (4) above elevation 81.0 City Datum (City of St. Paul Datum 0.00 elevation equals U.S. Coast and Geodetic Mean Sea Level Datum of 1929 elevation 694.10) as qualified above, or any utility improvements required for open space use, including but not limited to the storm sewer located within the premises at approximately elevation 63.0 City Datum (City of St. Paul Datum 0.00 elevation equals U.S. Coast and Geodetic Mean 3ea Level Datum of 1929 elevation 694.10) unless equivalent re- placement of such utility and other improvements are madef provic3ed further that such other use of sub- surface space by the City or by others with the approval of the City is deemed by the Grantor to be in the public interest. ALSO RSSOLVED, That upon receipt af the Deed of Dedication, the proper City officials are directed to file, forthwith, said Deed with the Register of Deeds in and fo� Ramsey County. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: ��r � In Favor �OMMUNITY CES Hozza Hunt �e�ue _ � _ Against BY Maddox Sho r desco AUG 1 4 1979 Form Approved by City Attorney Ado ed by Coun l: Date ertified sed by Co n � Secre�ary �'�` l' t�ppro by av r: Date _ n��r �- V �979 Approved by Mayor Eor Sub issi o Council BY - – — BY �� lt�.t�i�#ED AU G 2 ::s 1979 � ������ 0 ., �� � . � . ,. . ; :: ' � . I/V�BA Syr? ST. .. ,- � ;� ;,,,;_, ��' .�=� �. ��� �t/o�s :�✓�,7Ni✓i� �o \ .�- - � - - - - - ' — — — � � ° -- -'- -- - - --' - -' • �7 . --- - -- -- ---- � � � ,s � r3e.4y - . �� .� a�.� i � � � . - � � , oo . . _ �� ;�o� `��0.. �� I �. .. ro c_ _ � . � '� ° ' � � ' �. i , e.. ti � . �� � ' , \l� ; � � � \ � ` � � � � �T�: O -� �3G � i � � � p " F� O f i _ _ ' '. �- ____ .� __ __._;-� i �Y' � � , '1. ...r�. -- —'- �'�. O .'�: � W� n�-^ . . � � �p•2� _ . .� • ;;D o .90� �.� �4 �; ; ' , � -�3g - , . ;� ,o�-,r ; R' ? : � ' I ��',:� • - /Uo�o o ° �-P���-o 'a c \ � ` i I � � , ` o a i � ' ,: �1 __- _- --�`- --- -- --- -- --- - a - � �� n - --- - -- -i-{ f � 1�pb. o y � � ! � ( g3.Gc _: .. •• 77_ • ?,# ! � � ,'i` � /G o.,� i ( � � * ;i .. N; i I y 'n "�'\ o , j f . ' � -- -- --- -��— _ _ _ ____ � --- - `-� ' � -- — — .-- -- '___� _._ -'- --' __' �. �, '°' t /G°•G v I ' �� � �'� (� � i � � C- p � „1 ,� „ y,�_ �� • `�,,, � Z � �� � ' , �` '� _ _ _ _ - -- - - --- - ; + -- - - - _-_ - -- -- - -��� f{ --� ; ��. � i , ► � I F �t I� � � � � w ��. � � ' '� � t�----__..-- ---- --C-- � � j ;= � � � - - --r - - -- -,; � � -- -- T - -- - T- -- - _ ; .-r - - - -- - _ � � II l i � I � ;E � � � ( � } 1 i { '� i i � t � ' f I �� � , .\ � �,- �,a� i �`) � � � I . i� �� � i I . �� I � . . ' . I � ( .a� . . t ' I ; I � ; ; � , =J i , i ___..._ _ _____ � ' -- -_ ___----�--- -- � ---- --- - ___ _../ _. _ _- -- , �-�----- � �.�n•, r�;;� ,� �,,� L _L �. � _._ _ J� '�L.. � � -- - - -- 't- --- -- - - -_ �- , __ _ _ - __ __ 1Is�- cED A.� ST' . ,,;� :i� � OM dl: 12/1975 . , Rev. : - 9/8J7b; � _ �ECE � VED . �u�a � �s�9 ��� EX�LANATIQN OF ADMINISTIt�TI�E ORDERS, R ��'�"_ MAYOR,S �E ; , - - - � _ ; Date: J'nly 17, lg?g x }. �TO: MAY�t 6EOR�£ LATIMER � - FR: 3�ea lG�:t7.��, �ir��ar, '7�p�s�e�nt at ��ity Se�r�riees ��tt�► �#�3:} Rf: C�.�al. �aeitre Plsss - �. o= �adication� A�T�£�! REQIJ�STED: , _ � . � � � _ � � ;;� . �a��. cr� the r�ea�tios xi71. at1�x the tranafe= or �l�e �i�,7.�ta�;tr�e'�la�► �cie� '�e �3r� aad �d+a�►elapaeremt �.nt�l.ty to '�t :6i�y o�`Bt. P�1. � , ; . , Pz�pe�s��r is ehvva � t�e att.a►ah� a�p, .,: . ; , : pURP05t AND RATIt�NALE FflR�TtiIS ACTIOId: ' .Tat�+i� e� tbe �apit.sl. Ct�ntre p3.saca #,s �ars�at to i�he H�n�i����y �'s�ati�t 68.�/"�"'E'� ��� 9� 19�&. . � , � ,c � ��. _ �s A�'1'ACHM�I�TS: _ . .1. Re+�alaa�ti� ta�a� �rt�re�l. ' : �. 2. ac� ert �sr���d et ]�di�idu 3. l�trp � � a,� �,- ; . n._ . �... . � , , � 2����� ` D�F,D OF DEDICATION FOR OPEN SPACE THIS IN�EtiTURE, made ti2is day of , 1978, between the HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUT�-;ORITY OF THE CI�Y OF S�I?�T PAli�, biIIJNESOTA, a public body corporate and politic, Grantor, :erein, hereinafter referred to as the "HRA" , and the CITY OF SAINT P�:uL, a r.�i:nicipal corporation, Grantee herein, hereinafter referred �o as the "City" . WITNESSETH: L�?HEREAS , pursuant to the provisions of the Dsinnesota Municipal ���using and Redevelopment Act, Laws of Ninnesota, Chapter 58-7, as ar�ended, the HRA has acquired certain lands as part of the Down- town Urban Renewal Area, Dti.nn. R-20 , in accordance with the Redevel- opment Plan for said Project; and �;�iERE�S, under the terms of the Redevelopment Plan, the herein- after described real property was to be acquired and improved ay �`�i:e riR� and dedicated to the City for public open space. NO���, Ti�EREFORE, the HRA does hereby grant, bargain, quit claim anc convey t�nto the City forever, all that tract or parcel of land �nd improvements thereon lying and being within the County of Ramsey, State of P•iinnesota, described as follows: Lets Seven (?) , and Eight (8) , Block Nine (9) , City of St. Paul (St. Paul Proper) , except the PJortherly seventy-seven (77) feet �'r•ereo�, and except the Westerly two (2) feet of said Lot Eight (8) , �r.3 all of Lot Six (6) , Block Nine (9; , City of St. Paul (St. Paul ?roper) , lying taesterly of a line dra���n at ricrht angles to the Scu`herly line of the :�lortherly one hundred sixty and six tenths (lEC. 6) feet of said Block Nine (9) , distant t�•�o hu.ndred sEVen and �ir.ety-nine hundrecitns (207. 99) feet ��7esterly of the Easterly line of said Blpck i3ine (9) , except the Northerly seventy-seven (77) _ez� thereof, also except all rights on the Southerly ten (10) feet of the No�t�-�erly eirrty-seven (87) feet of said Lots Six (6) , Seven (7) and iight (8) hereby conveyed, lyir,5 �bove a plane surface cis�ant twenty-iour (24) feet more or less above street level , s�id :1Gr_e sur�ace being at elevation one hundred fifteen and zero :�.:,.:crec�.'r.s (115 . 00) City of �t. Paul Datun (C�ty of St. Pa�:l Datun � . 0� e?e�a�icn equals L'. S. Coast and Geocietic Diean Sea Level Datum c� �929 elevation 694 . 10) , :.-4 :�: �::a;. part o� Lots I:ine (9) , len (10) , anc Lleven (11) , Block _ ��e (9) , City of �t. Paul (St. Paul Pro�er) , lying �.or�:�er�v of � --_:= one :iunare� sir.t�� a.nd six tenths (16C . 6) feet Sout:�er1�-� of the _:c��:ier1�� iine c� said Block r�ine (9) , and lying ��esterly o_ a line __�:�:� c� =ic:zt angles to sei� Southerly li�e o: t'�e �:o.rL�?er��* �*:e _-._....=�c s_::ty azc s�r, tentzs (160 . 6) feet or saic �1ock �ir_e (9) , -__�_ ..� :.::o :1�:i1G?'EG sever. �nc; ninety--�ine i:v�_c=ec�.=s (2�7, ��) r`�� _.: _.__ __ C= �:?E ��iSi"..er�t� 1 inn` � �ZCC�' _'; ••�E� �'. _ _ o� said .�_ ( ) ► e::c� -= __=-'� _ �o � , _ � . _ - :� t:�e _ �-:. =t�.-t t_^_2I'-L'Cr 0= SciG �O� _ '_::°_ (i ) . , , . ' ` • , • ������ -2- and All that part of Lots Nine (9) and Ten (10) , Block Nine (9) , City of St. Paul (St. Paul Proper) , lying Southerly of a line one hundred sixty and six tenths (160. 6) feet Southerly of the Northerly line of said Block Nine (9) , and lying Westerly of the following described line: i3eginning at a point on the Southerly line of said Block Nine (9� , two .huncired sixty-two and four hundredths (262. 04) feet �7esterly of • the Southeasterly corner of said Block Nine (9) ; thence deflecting ilortherly at an angle of ninety (90) degrees, twenty-four (24) minutes a distance of one hundred forty and zero hundredths (140 . 00) feet to a poin�:_ one hundred sixty and six tenths (160. 6) feet Southerly of the Y3ortherly line of said Block Nine (9) and there terminating, except tha Southerly two (2) feet of said Lots Nine (9) and Ten (10) and except the 4�esterly (2) feet of said Lot Nine (9) , all of which above described tract is hereinafter referred to as "Capital Centre Plaza" . 10 HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, together with all hereditaments � and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertair.ing thereto to the City in trust tor use by the public for, public open space. The City agrees for itself and its successors and assigns to or of the property described herein or any part thereof that the City and such successors and assigns shall not discrininate upon the basis of race, color, creed or national origin in the use of said property or any improvements erected thereon. . It is intenc�ed and agreed that the foregoing agreenent sha1Z be a covenant running wit..'� the land and that said agreement shall be binding to the fulles� extent of the law and equity for the benefit and in favor of and enforceable by the HRA, its successors and assigns and the United States of America against the City, its successors and assigns. It is further intendeZ and agreed that said agreement and covenant . shall remain in eifect without limitation as to tirae. It is the inte:�t of the fi�.� that this conveyance shzll be subj ect to the �ollowing restrictions and encur.ibrances: �. Capital Ce:�tre Plaza subsurface saace located within �ive {5) feet of the north and east �ropertv lines ar.d below elevation 25 . 0 City Dat�:r.-� (City of St, P�ul Datur� O. OG elevaticn eruals U. S. Co��:st �r_� Geodetic :•:ean Sea �evel Datum of 1929 elevation o°4 . 10} is reserved `or use by abutting oc,=ners of nrcper�y, such space to be used for caissons n�cessGry to sup�ort suc: cwners ' ��ildincs. � . ' _3_ 2����� 2 . Surface, air space, and subsur�ace areas of Capital Centre Plaza, except as otherwise restricted above, are dedicated for use as public open space, e;:cept that those subsurface spaces located below elevation 81. 0 City Datum (City of St. Paul Datum 0. 00 elevation equals U.S . Coast and Geodetic Mean Sea Level Datum of 1929 elevation 694 .10) may be used by the ,City, or others under grant from the City, for uses other than public open space purposes, provided that such other use shall not infringe upon or otherwise destroy in any manner public open space use and � � ir.►provements of those areas above elevation 81.0 City Datum (City of St. Paul Datum 0. 00 elevation equals U.S. Coast and Geodetic rsean Sea Level Datur.l of 1929 elevation 694.10) as qualified above, or any utility improvements required for open space use, including but not limited to the storm sewer located within the premises at approximately elevation 63 .0 City Datum (City of St. Paul Datum 0. 00 elevation equals U.S. Coast and Geodetic Mean Sea Level Dattun of 1929 - elevation 694. 10) unless equivalent replacement of such utility and other improvements are made; provided further that such other use of subsurface space by the City or by others with the approval of the City is deemed by the Grantor to be in the public interest. IN TESTIMO2JY WHEREOF, the HRA has caused this Deed to be executed by its duly authorized officers and its Seal hereunto affi.xed and attested to all of the day and year first above written. HOUSING AND REDEVELOPP•'lENT AUTHORITY In the Presence of: OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAL'L, MINNESOTA By Its By Its STATE OF MI:�TIIESOTA ) ) SS- COUI•ITY OF RA�'�i.SEY ) On this day of , 1978, before me, a Notary. Public within and for said County, appeared and , to me personally known, who, being eac �y r.1e culy sworn, did say that they are respectively the and of the NOUSING AND REDEVELOPI:ENT AUTHORITY OF THE CIL�Y OF SI�IivT PAL'L, AiIP7i•IESOTA, the corporat�on na�-�ed in the fore- Soing �nstru.raent, that the seal aff ixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and said ir.stru.*ne^t was signed �nd sealed �y authority of its Board of Co�ru-�issioners, and said and ack�owledged said instru.*nent was the �ree act and dee of ias a corporation. .;� �,.,�+�� �,., ..:s ir�;:,;;,;,� . :..... �.�.,,• �, ,_�., .._ _ : - � = T.: -;�"t. , = - . �' ; ..' ,- i=' :.i�„ �.'�f�. :. -�. �L� : - _ . _- _ '_ . .. . , � � � . �_ ' ..'... _.... . ' " ai.� �•���r ��•`.� ry� ._ - - - -- - - - ••'— '•---' ���• ••.�... • • •va������� e • v � � �IL V1 � 1 VI t.�f'111Y1 1llUL� iv��y�[tu��vu1N . ......... � . ' . `. � ... CERTIFICATE QF ScCRETARY The und�rsfgned her�by c�rtifies as foll�ws: l ) That he is the duly qualified ane� ac�ing Secretary of the Housing and Rzdevelopment Auttiority of the City of Saint �aul , Minr,QSOta, het�ein cailed the "Local Public Agency" and tne keeper of tne records of the Lecal Publjc Agency; 2} That th� at�ached __��e�utie� N� �4-6l�. 17 is a true and correct copy of the _ _ ,.o���„�.;�„ . as ad�pted on the �� day of J�e , 1g74 ; 3) That �he seal affixed belcw constitutes tl�e official seal or' the Local Pub]ic Agzncy and this Certificate is hereby exec�ted u;�der such afficial seal ; and 4) That the undzrsi gned i s duly authori zed to execute trii s Certi fi cat�. I�1 4lIT�ESS 6�HEREO;, I have hereur�to set m� hand and the seal of tFe said Nousing and P.edavelopr�nt P,uthority of the Czty of Saint Paul , Minnesota, this _ 2� Qt- day of ` embe , 19 75 , , . �i�� . SECRE i t � �' ( S E A L j � , ' . t`.:::::: ' . .. �• ... �'ICD7 N0. 74-6/26-17 �I�T�IC�T PZFISO�LZIl�G L� OF I�DIC�7.'ION OR , . C�y'I5 OF E�S�E.N'r OF IA�6 1I�7 DUw'I�3Un1i1, .R���CVgW A1�TD �0� �RACE LB£AN 1�'1�WAL AFZF.�� PF�TDCTS ��1.R-20, R-26 and �-37, FOR PLIDISC U5E AS . ' .�"r'k'F'F-'T'�, PT�ZA�S Ai�-D �:AZ'ICi�T . . � y�� pnrcl�ant to the ObjeCtives aud pZO�Tis�.O¢l.s of th� Rc3eC�. �+ t P1aT1.s �or Lbwntown, I�.��rvi.ew and Ocn�rd �rra� Urban s�wal A�eas, Projects N'znn. � R-20, R-26 and F�37, and t� Cboperati.o¢i Ag�ea�nts t,,�ith the City of Saint Faul ze�pec-ting each sai.d Project, ti� Autt3ority �,;� ti.t].e to and c�used iirarov�- Itents to be In�:� to cprtain p=p��� �r� for dedication t0 the City Of S�' t Paul for the berr�,.t of t,h� public for st�ts, -p].azas and passive recreaticnal - uses; and �i�S, there have been presen�d to an3 co�n.siaered at this meeting, Deeds � of L�dication to ti�e O�born and �reric�an �laticazal Ban.k Plazas in Bl.,oc�cs D and F, Dawnta•m U� I��wal Ar2a, Project r�i:..�n. R-20, I�c� of D�dicat?csi and CY-��.nts . of Eas�-:�t for P).ato FsoLlev�rd, Ohio Stx�t, h'est Tr�ata!- Stz�_t, Stark�y Strm� and wi�ning Srnit:� j7�xsna Street, and a i�d os �clicatian for � Bluff Park Sit.�, Parc�l PP, in Rivarview Inch�striat �vject, r�sinn. �20', and a Deed of D�dicaticn for tnz 31uff Panc Sit�, Par�l 65, Canconz ��� Urban F,�r�e�z1. Area, Pra�ec� �•tinn. R-37, in sai� LL�ds and ��-ants imr.m sa�cific�l.lv dzsezi.bed in sai.d instnarents st�nitted for �ppra��al, ex�cutic�-and delivary to the Ci.ty of Saint Paul, l2in�sota. . I3CX�1, Zf�''.r.P'"'FbF�, EE IT FL�SOLV:D by thz �oard of Co�cm.issicslers of the F.�using and F��vela�n�-._.nt ��.ority of tl� Ci.ty of Sa_i.nt Pa�.il, I�'�n.�.so'r.a tY�at the I��d,s of L�dicatian to tne Dlazas in Bloc;s D, Block 9,'St. Paul Pxoper, and i.z Blr�ck F, Bloc;c ll, St. Paul Px�aaer, Dc�2tc�,�� lirr.�n �r�c,ral. P.x�a, Project Ninn. P;-20, ths Deed of I�di.cati� to t1�� B1Lff Parc Sitn, Par�l PP, Ri.vervieca IndustriaZ pzojert, Minn. &-26, and t-+� Bluff P�c Site, Pax�l 55, Cenoo?-d T�rr-� L'axxn �*��.al Ar�..a, Project i:,izui. 1�.-37, and tize D�� oz I�cticaticn and �ants os Easn.r,ent zor Plato Boulev�d, Onio St.�t, ji�st V��t�r StrzzL, Starkey Sts�et, and wic�ning of South Wabasha Str�t, kiwrview Ind�strial Project, 2�iin,.-�. t�26, in said instz-t.��.^_ts abre fiz31y c:�scr.�ed aedicating thn s� to thz City of S�int PauZ, r.i.rLn�scta, . for t�ze ber�fit of tr:� public for '-.'r,e recit�d �lic uses are ner��by a��vvedr and t� prav..x cf���-s � :sreby aL�ri.zed to execut� th.e s� � }�'�alf of tt� Auth��ty a-�d m�ke �li��ry therzof.