273487 WHITE - C�TY tLERK
Co . i Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, That permisslon and authority are here6y granted Josepl� E.
and Cheryl A. Zacharias, 790 McKnight Road, St. Paul , Minnesota. to connect
the homestead at said address and described as the north 82.5 feet of Lot 11 ,
Auditor's Subdivision No. 77, Ramsey County, Minnesota, witfi tfie existing
sewer of the City of St. Paul in McKnight Road, and 6e it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Director of Pu611c �Iorks is here6y
autho�lzed and directed to issue a permit to Joseph E. and Cheryl A�
Zacharias for the construction, operation, and malntenance of said se�ver
connectlon upon and subJect ta the follo�ving terms and conditlons:
a. That the santtary sewer connection necessary to connect sald
premises shall be installed, maintained and operated at t[�e sole
expense of tf�e permittee o� tF�eir successor in interest, and
shall be made, in accordance wlth the applicable Clty speclfl-
cations for said �►ork, 6y a House Drain Sewer Contractor duly
licensed by the City of St. Paul , with the approval of the
Director of Public Works and under his direction in accordance
with such rules and regulations as he may from time to time
b. That said permittee shall pay the cost of publication of this
Resolution and all su6sequent resolutions passed in relatlon
to this Resolutlon;
c. That with respect to said real property and in accordance with
Council File No. 269251 � approved June 20, 1977, with payment
having been received by the City of St. Paul � in an amo�nt of
51x Hundred Sixty Dollars ($660.00) , credited to the general
fund of tF�e C1ty of St. Paul , said sum being in lieu of speciai
assessments and taxes, and computed on the basis of Eight Dollars
($8.001 per frontage foot of said real property on McKnlght Road,
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Butler J In Favor
Hunt 7
L.�vine _ __ Against BY
Tedesco Form pproved y it ttorney
Adopted by Council: Date
CertiEied Passed by Council Secretary BY � �
Approved by Mavor: Date Ap rov by Mayor for ssio� to Council
By _ s
said real property fronting eighty-two and five-tenths
(82.5) feet on McKnight Road, said permittee or their
successors in interest shall be autho�ized to construct
a single connection to the St. Paul public sewer system,
as extended in McKnight Road, expressly subject to all
other terms and conditions of this Resolution;
d. That said permittee or their successors in interest shall
pay, in addition to all other sums required to be paid,
a sewer service charge that may be legally levied against
said real property by the City of St. Paul or by the City
of Maplewood;
e. That the permission and authority granted herein to make
said sewer connection shall in no way be construed as
permission and authority for said permittee or their suc-
cessors in interest to make any future sewer connection(s)
to either the St. Paul public sewer system as extended in
McKnight Road or to said sewer connection referred to herein, `��� �
without the expressed written permission of the City of
St. Paul ;
f. That the Department of Public Works of the City of St. Paul
shall be given the right to enter upon said premises and in-
spect said sewer connection at any time deemed necessary by
said Department of Public Works;
g. That said permittee shall obtain all the necessary permits
from the City of Maplewood for said sewer connection, before
construction may commence;
h. That the City Council reserves the right to revoke this per-
mit whenever the permittee or their successors in interest is
in default, or whenever, in said Council 's opinion the public
interest will be served by such revocation;
i . That such hereby authorized co nnection of said real property
with said City's public sewer system shall be restricted to
the drainage for disposal purposes of sanitary sewage materials
originating on said real property and that said permittee or
their successors in interest shall at no time permit storm
water, rain water leaders, ground dralnage water, cooling and
condenser water from air-conditioning units, or sanitary
sewage materials from any other sewers or sewer connections to
be directed into said sewer connection;
Wf11TE � - C�TV CLERK C�unCll 2�3��� .
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
j. That said permittee or their sucessors in interest shall
agree and undertake to fully indemnify, hold harmless and
defend the City of St. Paul , its agents, officers and
employees from ar�y and all damages, claims, losses, judgments,
suits or expenses arising out of or occasioned by the con-
struction, operation and maintenance of said sewer connection
wlth the public sewer system of the City of St. Paul ;
k. That said permittee or their successors in interest shall ,
within thirty (30) days from and after the passage of this
Resolution, file written acceptance thereof, specifically
agreeing to all the provisions, terms and conditions herein,
wlth the City Clerk.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
,�� Departmen of Public Works
Hozza � In Favor
�e _ � __ Against BY
Maddox Do . Nygaard - Dire of Public W�rk
Sh er �
desco 4 19�9 Form A proved Ci At ney
Ado ed by Cou 1: Date —
ertified :sed by Counc' Secr�tary BY �
B r
l�ppro ed by , vo Date —
AUG � 6 1979 Appr v y Mayor for Su is ion o Council
By By
t;�1,lSHED AU G 2 51979
vl•a vl.: 16/ty /7
• . . - Rev. : 9�8/76
�����3 !
• . .
Date: Juty 24, 1979 . � .
FR: Thomas J. Eggum, Public-Works Office Engineer
RE: Sewer connectton at 790 McKnight Rd. - �
. .
ACTION REQU�STED: This resolution would permit the o�rners of..ths house
at 790 McKnight Rd. , being located in the City of Meplewood, to
make a sanitary sewer connection to_ the City of Sts Paul 's sewer in
, McKnight Rd. � . .
PUR.POSE �ND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Counci 1 Fi le No. 269251 � �
approved June 20, 1977 authorized a similar connection for the
fiomestead at 784 McKnigF�t Rd. �
• �
ATTACHMENT S: Reso l ut i on �
Copy C.F. 26g251 •
� � ' � �......,
.,...•.....�--- .�
t, That the DepartmenC of PubSc
pfflce of the Department of Ftnance `yarks of the City of St. Paul shall bc
esterly 15 feet �d Manasement Scrviccs.
�T being va- Adopted by the Councii 3une 16, 1977• pi�nse eandshnsp ctfs.z d sewer con-
� Apprpved June ^o. 1Ji�• nection at any time deemed necessary
er dedicate to � � (June ?S. 137?) by gaid Depariment of Yublic �Vorks,
nner and form r g, That said permittee shall obtain
Ci.y Attorncy, _ gy Ruby all the necessary pertnits from the
ement on, o�•er i Council File No. 269'L51 City of D4aple«�ood for said sewer con-
�wiag described 9 Hunt— com-
3 gesoived. That permission and au- nect�on, bcfore construction maY
z2y 35 feet of t ihozlty are hereb� granted tiLinerva n��,°That the City Council reserves the
0 teet of the � guck, 783 DicFinight Road, St. Paul, ri�ht to rcvoke this permit whenever
S ieet of Lot 3 y�nesota, to connect lier homestead�
�es;erly 15 feet interest is in dzfault, or whenever, in
uterly 90 feet - at said address and described as Lot tite permittee or her successors i
�1, Aud�tor's Subdi��ision Vo. i7. Ram- said Council's opinion, the public in-
6. all fn B;ock County. �finnesota, «'�tn the exist-
Idition to \�'est � ;ng se�:er of the City of St. Paul in i onst will be served by such revoca-
lVlcKniEht Road, and be it i, That such hereby authorized con-
�sly 15 Seet of Further Reso:��ed. That the Director nection of said real prooerty with said
ly 90 feet of the ot pub:ic �S'orlcs is hereby� authorized City's public sewer system shall be
i feet of Lot 3, and directed to issue a permit to restricted to the draina�e ior dLposal
�e's Addition to Minerva Buck for the construction, llr ose� of sanitary se�vage materiaL,
ppezation, and main:enance of said P P
ori�inat:ne on said rea! property and
rer earement be sewer connection upon �nd sub}ect in interes[ shall at no time permit
tted parcels va- to tUe follo�.:r.g terms and condrtions: that said permit.ee or her succ=ound
egally described a. That tne sanitary se«'er connec- �torm�ti-ater,rain water leaders,B
tlon n�e-�sarp to connect said prem- drinage �vater, coolin� and condenser
IS feet oi lses shall be ir.stalled, maintained and ",ai2r irom air-condii:onir.g uniu, or
3y2�feet of the '� oDerated at the sole expense of the Sar.itary se�sage materials from anY
) Seet of Lots 1 { yermittee or her successor in interest. other sewers or sewer connections to
i,Irvine's Addi- � and shail be made, � aec fic tnons�Vfor be ciirec:ed into said se�ser connection;
:.Paul' the ap�licab:e City s� That sa;d permittee or her suc-
�rly 1� feet of said worx, by a House Drain•Sew'er �• hold
; ti the City ceasors in interest shall agree and
ContraMor du:y licensed b_' undertake to fully indemnify.
4y ?S feei of the ot St. Paul. �ti•ith the approval of the narr.i:ess and defend the City of St.
D feet of Lot 4. Director of Public �4orks and underl Pa�l, its agents, officers and emp:oy-
ae's Addition to bis direction in accordance w'ith such ees irom any and all damages, claiins.
rules and re�ulations a> he may from lo=ses, judgments, suits or e:cpen_es
asement be re- Ume to t:me prescrioe; arising out of or occasioned by, ihe
the interests of * b,That said permittee shall pay the cor.struction, operation and mainte-
�ovxer Company. J �o.qt of publ�caiion of this Resolution r.ance of said se«er connection «'i�
ier pey to the : and all subsequent resoiut:cr.s p�ssed the publ;c sewer system oi the City
Z230 as compen- � � relation to this Resolution; of St. Paui•
cated areas az:d e. That said permi:tee or ner suc- k. Tha: said permitttee or her suc-
v�ith a bond in G, �essors in ir.terest «itii res�ect to said ceasors in u:terest shall, within thirty
Opp. ! real property shall pay to the City of p� days Yrom and after the passage �
parts of B:ock i y�, Paul, before the perrnit may be of this Resolution, file �vritten accept-
l, Irvine's Addi- L issved, the sum of One Thousand I ar.ce :hereoi. speci:�cally agreemg to
�avi w descrCoed Three Fiundred T���er.ty Dollars (Sl,- all the Provisions.terms and condiuons �
nnd b abo�•e be ' 320.00) to be creciited to t:e general herein, �cith the City C:erk.
01 St. Paul to f fund of the City o£ St. Paul, said sum A�yo�ted by the Council June 16,1977. �
a manner and � being in lieu of special a�essments AF�roved June 20� 19'77)
�p the City At- i and taxes, and computed on the basis �J�e �,
to Chapter 87-9. ; of Eight Do:lars 153.00) per frontage
e St. Paul Legis- ; toot of said real property on �Ic-
:�Pnded, and :o Knight Road, said real prcperty front- _ gy Ruby �
easement beiaq ; ing one hundred and sixty five (160)�Council File No• ��Z
a Condi:ion \o. ; teet on ;�IcKr.ight ftoad. L'pon pay-I Hunt—
� hernt succe=sors u n� inter e trnshall be I�ofBPubl cE��orls shherebyD�h m ed ,
uil June 16.1977. p .
1977' aect on o the Stst P ul puo clese�er I on lacneaP project that h se n tgpre�s
m�) system, as extended in �IcKni�ht I ouslroval ato�nvestigate�repair toftlan
Road, expressly subject to all otner�a�p
terms and condrtions oi tnis Resolu- i Slpt�l�e Lo n nsp ction�reportts by the
Zip — .gp Ruby t1oa;
d. That said permittee or her suc- Public Works Se�cer i�iainter.ance
Council of the � cessors in interest shall pay, in addi- Di�:ision indicating substantial damage
s Leteby apnroce tion to all other sums required to be and erosion that could lead to Euture
• agreement be- � aid, a se�cer ser�-ice charee that may I collapse. re are
;hicago, �Iil��•au- i ��b�lythe 1C tyg o�i SSt a,Paul lorr by I make recommendati nalland v pti pate.
Pacific Railro�d � �e �ty oi 1laplewood: cost estimates for a repair contract �
r2res 8, 19?0. and e.That the permi�>ion and authority to solve the failure problems in an
Lion,Council Fiie granted herein to make said se�ver I aFProximatciy 50-linear foot stretch of
to the construc- connection shall in no �cav be con-j sar.drock tur.nel near Hudson Road �
' the RESf:R�'E + strued as permission and authority for�and ::iottnd Street and report tneir
:v'D BRIDGE NO. i Safd permittee or her successors m findings to the �tayor.
B-1010 and the c �terest to make an�� future se�ver I Tlie project shall Ue identifie City
� BRIDGE 10. connec ti o n(s) to either the St. Paul�Hudson Road at NIound Street,
S-]P:9, and the � public se��'er system as e::tended in�Projec t S-1 6 9 0, a�ainst which all en-
re authorized and � MeKnight Road or to said sewer con- gineenng costs will be charged. 1977.
'.he addendum to nection referred to hercin, without Adopted by the Council June 16,
:half of thc City R �e expressed �vritten permission of Approved �June225, 1977)
�y of said agree- the City of St. Pau1:
ed on file in the
_ �
. .
� � � � a
� � �-�
City Council•
C ity of St. Paul
7th Floor-City Hall
W. Kellogg Blvd. and Wabasha Street
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Re: Joseph Zacharias
Council File No. 273487
Adopted: August 14, 1979
To The Honorable City Council:
The undersigned petitioners do hereby accept and agree to comply
with the terms and conditions of Council File No. 273487 adopted by the
City Council of the City of St, Paul on August 14, 1979.
� '.
osep E. Z arias
Q •
Chery Za arias
' i /'�J��
Attorneys at Law
AUG 2 7 �Q7�
Mr, and Mrs. Joseph E. Zacharias
2 309 Eas t llth Council President
North St. Paul, Minnesota 55109
David H. Hozza
Re: Purchase of unimproved real estate from Minerva E. Buck
Dear Mr, and Mrs. Zacharias:
Enclosed herewith please find the acceptance of the terms and conditions of
the St. Paul City Council resolution dated Autust 14, 1979, Both of you must
sign this form and mail it in the enclosed envelope to the City Council as
soon as possible. I am also enclosing a copy of the acceptance and of the
resolution itself for your files.
Should you have any questions regarding this, please feel free to contact me.
Yours very truly,
� `��'��2/J'�.c' �; ����"_3�
Anne L, B z,