273481 WHITE - C�TY CLERK �
BLUE� - MAVOR � Flle NO. � +
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An Administrative Re solution e stablishing the
title and class specification for Zoning Specialist
in the Civil Service Rules.
RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3. J
(Professional-Administrative Non-Supervisors Group) by inserting the
title of Zoning Specialist in Grade 14; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil 5ervice Rules be further
amended in Section 32 by inserting, in proper a].phabetical order, the
attached class specification for Zoning Specialist.
Civil Service Commission
COUIVC[LMEN ' Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
�Bntizr _� P E O N E L O F F E
Hozza in Favor
�ev�e � __ Against BY
Sho r
desco AUG 14 19T9 Fa� Appro a b c� cco�
Ad ed by Counci • Date
Certified P� ed by Coun ' tary � BY
tappro ed by
G 16 1979 Ap ved by Mayor for Su s on to Council
BY - – — BY
PUBtISHED AU G 2 5 1979
this Wednesday. After that, it will be heard
before the Civil Service Commission at the��_
next meeting which will probably be either the
6th or 13th of June.
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Jeanette Sobania is the party in Personnel
working on this Zoning Specialist issue.
She indicates that she talked with Sam Blue
and wrote up a set of specs that would place
this classification in Grade 14. This
was approved by both Blue and Gleason.
Currently they are discussir�gminimum qualifica-
tions and will be discussed at full committee
. •
Title of class:
General Statement of Duties: Performs difficult and highly responsible
professional work in the interpretation and enforcement of the St. Paul
Zoning Code; represents the city in the zoning appeals process; and
performs related duties as reguired.
Supervision Received: Works under the general technical and administrative
supervision of the Supervisor of Code Enforcement.
�upervision Exercised: May provide technical guidance or supervision to
clerical, technical or professional staff.
The listed examples may not include al1 duties performed by all positions in
this class.
Interprets complex zoning regulations and investigates zoning violations.
Performs site plan reviews.
Researches building histories and maintains files on historic sites.
Maintains files on all zoning issues, including flood plain, water shed and
river corridor areas.
Represents the city at �oning Appeals Board meetings.
Acts as a liaison between the Division of Aousing and Building Code
Enforcement and community groups.
Represents the Division before the City Council on zoning matters.
Coordinates the Division's responsibilities regarding Minnesota Environmental
Policy Act.
Reviews and approves parking lot plans.
Assists in the development of electronically retrievable data systems for
the zoning files.
Answers questions and researches problem cases for the public and for
business groups regarding zoning .requirements and status.
Trains inspectors in zoning code matters.
Thorough knowledge of the principles, practices and purposes of zoning.
Working knowledge of the organization of the city and the function of
various departments.
Working knowledge of accepted practice, legal precedent and governmental
regulations regarding zoning.
Marked ability to prepare both oral and written reports and presentations.
Working ability to deal effectively with community and business organizations
and the general public.
Some knowledge of management and communication skills.
College graduation in urban planning, architecture or related field and four
years� responsible professional experience in a planning related field,
two years of which must have involved zoning work as a primary duty.
(Approved qualifying experience may be substituted for education; or,
additional approved education or special training may be substituted
for up to one-half of the experience requirement.)
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, ,,,.<:�;,n�, CITY OF SAINT PAUL � �
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"`"_�,":�•�"'� 347 CITY HALL ' ��
MAYOR (61:d) 288-4323
May 3, 1979
The attached personnel requisition for a Zoning
Specialist is being forwarded to you. Please re-
view and submit your comments to me.
. �
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City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102
George Latimer _ 612-298-42'12
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April 4 , 1979 � , ,
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Mayor George Latimer
347 City Hall
St. Paul , Minnesota
Re : Request for Zoning Specialist
Dear Mayor Latimer:
Accompanying this letter is a request for approval to hire
a Zoning Specialist in the Division of Housing and Building
Code Enforcement. This is a new title and was not pr. ovided
for in our 1979 budget .
We appreciate your concern over increasing the number of city
employees and the budget in mid-year and feel we have done ,
quite well in holding our operational cost to the minimum
whiie in fact increasing our service level. .
However, we have reached a crisis in one particular area.
The responsibility of being rhe Zoning Code Administrator and
enforcing agency has become so demanding that we cannot fulfill
the ordinance requirements . The adoption of the new zoning
code in 1975 has placed a major portion of the properties in
St. Paul in some degree of non-compliance. This requires
considerable research and investigation prior to issuing any
construction permits. Also , the site plan review process was
transferred to this Division from another department approximately
one and a half years ago without any staff.
We have attempted , in that time , to use our inspection personnel
to fulfill the responsibilities , however, the one individual
who we felt was capable of doi.ng this job has been promoted
and has other responsibilities and, ther. efore , is not able to
work in this area.
At present , the zoning responsibilities include :
l. Site plan review for proposed construction projects .
2 . Parkin� lot plan approvals .
3 . Identifying non-conforming uses of land and structures.
� • -2-
4. Historic designated areas and sites.
5. Special condition uses .
6 . Flood plain districts .
7 . Mississippi River Corridor critical areas.
8. Water shed districts .
9 . City wide flood zones (for insurance purposes) .
10 . Fencing (loeation, height , types) .
11. Certificates of Zoning Compliance.
12 . Board of Zoning Appeals meetings .
13 . Receiving requests for zoning appeals .
14 . Recommendations for zoning ordinance changes.
15 . Signs (sizes and locations) .
16 . Interpretation of zoning ordinance.
17 . Enforcement of zoning ordinance.
Many of the requirements are very complex in nature , i. e. Section
61. 101 (page 64 of the Zoning Ordinance) states the formulas
and calculations needed to determine density.
Without a skilled, trained person to assist in these responsibilities ,
the risk of error should be obvious. Many developers rely on
our determination and approval of use prior to the purchasing
of property. We are very concerned over the exposure of missing
something and having to retract our approval at a later date.
We could very well be subject to damage claims.
Our Division income i.ncreased $233 ,000 in 1978 over that of 1977
and we feel 1979 will show another increase. We have reduced
the burden to the taxpayer for our services by several hundred
thousand dollars . This request for 1979 will require no more
than $20 , 000 and will go far to improve our credibility with
We feel we have a challenging responsibility to work with
developers and business people who do not or cannot use the
incentives such as subsidized mortgage money, land write downs ,
etc. It is through our office that the encouragement , assistance
and advice is available and we feel it has had a marked affect
on increasing the tax base and job opportunities . The investment
in a 7oning Specialist would continue to expand our efforts in
this area.
If you desire , we will be available to explain in greater detail
or answer any questions you might have regarding this matter.
Yours truly,
�,�x-L�-L-iC�`/ �u��-`��-�-
Glenn A. Erickson
Supervisor of Code Enforcement
/ REP. N0.
INSTRUCTIONS: Use this form when it is desired to fill ar�Y vacancy in the City service. Make five copiea
of this report. Send four copies to the Office of the Budget Director. Keep the blue copy Yor your o�r►z
records. The originsl (whlte) and the duplicate (pink) aill be returned to you aith the certificationa listed
on the reverse side. After the appointment is made. fill in the report of appointment on the reverse side and
return this sheet to the Personnel Office, keeping the pink copy for your files.
If the vacancy to be filled is only temporary and not to exceed 60 days, use Form 26 (Request for 60-day
Permit). For emergency appointments, use Form 2T•
Be sure to list all the typical examples of work which vill be performed by the appointee. A complete
description is necessary in order that properly qualified eligibles may be certified.
I) Decartment Communitv Services _ Di�tsio� of Hsg � Bldg Code En. orcement
2> Title of Position �1^^�^�T enP�'`i�� 1�t' __ _ No. of Vacancles . � Grade �$ l 4
Replacament Nerr Positlon Promotion
3) Check On�� �—
Other (exalain)
4) If reolacement aositiont Name of former incumDent
71tie Grade Date of Vacancr
Reason for vacancr (retirement� resienation+ etc.)
Mfi at alte matives to tillin2 the vosition Aave bean ez�lored7
5) ACtivitY to be charPeds Title Ho�s�n� � Build��¢ rOC�2 PdminiGtr�fiionNu�oer � ���QQ
Has tAis oosition and classitication Deen a�croved in the current bud¢et7 N O
Are tAere hudpeted funds available to linance this �ositlonY N O
6) List duties to be eerformed. Indicate perc¢nt of time on each dutr.
Scope of position is administrative, technical and arganizational
• as related to the St. Paul Zoning Code. �
T) Exoiain tAe ettects o� rour ooerations if this reauisition is not averove0.
Will be unable to carry out the responsibilities as indicated -
in the Zoning Code.
8) Comments: $@@ a
7he v¢rson(s) ati¢ible to be certified and avvointed to this oosition sAoutd reoort to:
� ��ia� H�¢ Fi i11d� I.�SLSl�.....�nforcem�nt_ at ��}.7 C1_tV Na� � -- �Q(Dh0 Q�1
�CQ� -
Date 4�3�79 � �1 nn A Fri c�k��n -
<ApaointinP Officer)
9) Avvroveds (Bud¢et Director)
Form IS (6-78)
_ yT.�,.
,. .,
� - '1'it1c� o! Cl�1s.: .
Duties arid re�sponsibiliti.es : : ,
Un�er supervisioe� , to pe .rf oi�m cli f f ic:��1 � and hip_,hly responsible
professional work in the interpretation �ind enforcement of the
St . P�u1 LoninE Cocfe ancl to �erCorm t�cl.�tccl work as assi�ned .
Ex�mples of woi•k �crf�rmeci :
'I'o perEor►n site ��.1.�-in reviews .
'I'o interpret cam��lex zoniny; rcF;��1�� 1 ](�(1;i .
'1'o i��vesti�,aCe 'l.0i11(1(; violntinns .
. 'l'a r•<�;ca►�ch h�►ilclinf; hisl �r�ir.; .
'1'o m�intain zoninf; files .
'I'o �ttlen� zanin�; AE�peals t�oa�•cl mc��t. .inF;:� .
'I'c� �in;.;wer c�uestions fro�n �lhe puhlic t•rr.��rdin�*, r.�nin�, requirements
.inc! st�tus.
'1'o inzintain fi.les on floocl Pl.<�in , w.i1 rr �,hcci , .�nd ri.ver corriclor
��r`c�;tS .
� '!b rc�view anc] a(�prove pai�ki.nF; lot ��l�in:. .
't'o aci as li_ason between ihc nivisi<�n of }lo��sin�; •and I3uilding
Cocle I:nforcr_mr_nt and r.ommuni�ty �;rou��:� . .
'i'� r•epresenfi th�� Division bcfore lhr� Ci ty �Counci l on zoni��F; matfiers.
'fo ��ssist in clev�.lopin�, eler.t:ronic �I.� �::� s,ystem:� on zoninf;.
'Co m�iintair► a file on hist.oric site::.
't'o tr:�in in�pcc�:ors in 'I.Ofllflj; c���lc m,� t i cr�.
To c�oorctin��te �lhe Division' s resp<�n:;ihil.itics reg��rclin�; Mi.nnesota
L'nviron►nental 1'o:licy Ac�l' .
Minim�m Qualific�tions :
!1 Masters Dep,ree in urban planninp, or n College Degree in
,.-►rchitecture with at lea::i two yc��r�:s �r::��erience in the areas
ul' i��nii�F; or r��1��1.ed wc�rk .
f'��r:;o�ial Quall�ications: .•..
!1 ttiorough knowl�d�;e of the �rinci��lr.:: , pr�ctir_e� ancl pur�oses
of zoninF,•
/1l�i.l i ty to rneet thc public ��nd w�r•k wit:h them.
Abi.liCy to prepare reoorts and makr_ ��r�esentations.
A p,cneral knowleJge of mana�;ement ��n<I commi�nicaCion skills .
/1 w�rki.ng knowledp,e of the or�anii��t.i��1 of the city and the
func�tion of various departments .
t1 workin�; knowlccl�e of court casc� ��ncl legal procedures and
�lecisi.ons relating to zonin�.
Abiliiy to work independen�lly with �l�rection rather than supervision.
"up,f;c's ter.l Sal��ry Range :
'l'hi.s pc�sition should be i.n thc Pr�fc.sional GrouP in Grade l�i
of the 1979 Schecl�ale C .
'I'hi.s w��uld bc� a salary ran�;c bi-wcekly from S674 . 00-$93a .OQ or
t�nn�.�a1 �alary f i•om $17 ,600 t� $?.�i , 5�0 .
, , _`
..� . / �
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� City Nall,Saint Paul,Minntsota 551Q2
George Latimer 612-298-4212
April 3 , 1979 ;- „ '.. . ' ' �. z"�
�iP" � Q-�?Q
f.��� :i►R'S Gr�r��
.TO: Personnel Department
FROM : Sam Blue,. �-- ' : '
SUBJECT: Response to Paragraph 8 of.
Requisition to fil.l permanent positi.on for
7oning Specialist
Zo��ing responsibilities of this Division have expanded and become�
highly camplex with the adoption of a new Zoning Ordinance in
1975 . .
We had attempted to cover the responsibility by assigning a
building inspector to administer the code. He has been promoted
to senior inspector and we then assigned a housing technician,
but have found that the lack of background and experience
have made it impossible for him to handle the work.
With the addition of flood plain districts , Mississippi River
corridor areas , water shed districts , historic preservation sites
and Truth in Housing requirements , the possibility of error
has inereased to where the city has an exposure for costly
law suits . .
Many development and rehab projects rcquire a very early stage
of approval of zoning requirements or a determination of what
deviations to the zoning regulations rnust be sal:isfied prior to
At present , with our lack of a skilled person to handle the
zonin� matters , considerable acquisition of property or development
�xpense coul.d be incurred before a zonin� or special condition
prob.lem would be discovered.
Approximately one and a hal.f years a�o , the site plan review
and app�als responsibilities were transferred t� this Division
from �the Planning and Economic P,c�ve]opment department without
any staff .
_ -.,
_ .
� -2-
Neither this Division nor the city can continue on in the
present fashion. The request for an addition to our staff
of a "Loning Specialist will go a lon�; way to reduce the risk
and serve the communi�ty.
A copy of our recommendations as to job specificatian and
salary range is attached.
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'����.:.�. � � ,.fz� ' Dc�t e : July 30, 1979
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3� � : �Qinr °c��i Ci;� Co�ncii . --
�'i; �} ��jJ : �p;�;-�-�t�f�� p� F_,�N'ANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL _
�Q C
RUBY HUNT ;��a�fmcn, mG�es fihe rotl�:�ins
repori on C. F. � Ordinnnce -
_ (10) X[� R��o;�fian .
� '. . - �} O;h �r
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The Finance Committee, at its meeting of July 30, 1979, recommended approiral of •
the fol.lowing: � �
1 . • Resolution transferring funds in the 1979 Contingent Reserve-Specified to the
Model Cities Health Program. �9995-RH�. -
2. Resolution amending 197$-1�79 Agreement with Sheet Metal Workers Local 76.. .
(9994-RH). .
3. Resolution amending Salary �lan and Rates of Compensation to increase rate of .
_ pay for Parking Lot Guard (Schools) . (9993-RH�. ' .
4. Resolution replacing title of Project Manager Assistant in Grade 7, Section 3.J
� (Prof/Admin: Non-Supervisors� with title of Project Manager i in same grade and
section. _
.� 5. Reso7ution revising specification for Project Manager IV in Grade 22, Section 3.J.
(Prof/Admin. Non Supervisors�. (9987-RH}. -
. 6. Resolution estab�ishin� titles and class specifications for Project Manager II in �
Grade �0, Section 3.J Prof/Admin. Non-Supervisors) and Project P�lanager TII in
Grade 16, Section 3.7 (Prof/Admin. Non-Supervisors�. (9992-RH} .
_ 7. Resolution estab�isF►ing title of Accounting Technician I - Renewal in Grade 30 of
Section 3.L. (Technical Group� of the Civil Service Ru7es. (9991-RH}.
8. Resolution revising class specification for and reducing the grade of the Disburse-
� ment Auditing Supervisor classification from Grade 38 to Grade 36 in Section 3.B
� (Clerica7 Group� of the Civil Service Rules. (9990-RH�.
9. Resolution replaeing title and class speciflcation for Substitute Library Technician
�in Section 3.M� (Special Employment Group) with title and c7ass specification for
Su6stitute Library Specialist. No cfiange in pay. (9989-RH�.
10. Resolution establishing �itle of Zoning Specialist in Grade 14 of theProfjAdmin.
Non-Supervisors Group (Section 3.J. ), also esta6lishing c7ass specification.
• � T SFVf�:ti I'f� �'7.OU:: $_11_\f I':1TVL, :'•II�\,`::Sr1'E:�, S:i?i.�:•
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Do not e�tach this �r�rrwr'ar!� 1�f 11.�.. - . �� ; °'
resoluiroi�"so t�at th�s In€o���t�1�� b�! � � .' .�
v,� .
� avaitabte. to the �lty :Councii. ,�:;
� �
EXPE,�INATI01� OF l�MI�I3't�T�VE 4$D�RS .'' "
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, RESOLUTIO�S;,- A�TII C$S , ���`� t
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Daee: ��y� 3�i, I979 , R,,E ��E � �`��.
' � JUt����1 197� ,� :
T0: MAYQ�. G�+ORGB �,AfiIMER ��'��
, .
FR: Pere�►�el O�fice �,.
RE: Resolv�tian for a�bmission to Citq Council,
, . . ti
.� �.�.._....�.._..._
� We recc�d ye�ur approval and submi.seic� of this R�scr�,ufiiatt to the.,City Co�ancil..
: ,�,
, ;a
», ., ,.
Pt�IR3�Q$8 A�]D �IbN1�I.S�FOR T�IS AGxIaN: �
` Z'his Ree�lxt�rm e stabl�.she s the titte of Zoniag S�e�ialist ia� Gra�de 14 c��
the Profeesioaal-Ad�n:u�.i.strative Non-:Supervieo�� Group; ��c�iom 3. 3),
:. It al�� e�tabJ.iahea a claas apeci�icati�r� fbr �re !�e a.£ ��g �pecia3f� ' ` '`
T�.e tri-v�reelcty salary'ra�ge for G�ade 14�i� showa belowe ,
A �.i C D E F : G �0�►yr. 15;y��. ;.
� 694��,�'9 ?�1,(�2 750.�.3 78$.09 828.38 86&. 79 9i 2.5$ 93�.48 96��`,� . ,;
� ���i'X�s OQ �t8�� � � .a��;.��
,, , ;
��, � '�.
Resolutiom and copy for the Gi�ty �1�rk.
,� � � � ,�.
, -