01-1159Council File # p � — \\Sq �i �i i '_. . r i :— r 7 `�-' i!- �,�a, ,_ .-.� CITY Presented Referred To Green Sheet # 62918 Committee Daze 1 An Administrative Resolution amending the Salary 2 Flan and Rates of Compensation by changing the rate of 3 pay for the Valuation and Assessment Engineer class. � 5 RESOLVED, that the compensation for the classification titled Valuation and Assessment Engineer be changed from that as set forth in Grade 28, to that set forth in grade 30, of the Saint Paui Supervisors Organization (SPSO), Bazgaining Unit 09, Salary Schedule, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the effective date of this resolufion shall be the first pay period following its passage and approval. Requested by Department of. Office of Human Resources BY� �� •�� � Form Approved by City Attorney By: C\�� I.e�,,' �!� 1 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY= � �- t"y..�—�_4.- Approved by Mayor: Date � �� �� �-- By: RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Approved by Ma or for Submission to Council sy: c�%� � /���� G1Shared�I-Il2CAMMONVSHOCKLEY�TMS.ValmdASSes Eng.pay.res.wpd Adopted by Council: Date � �_' 1 �. � o\ ��� DEPARTMENT/OFFICFICOUNCII.: Human Resources CONTACI' PERSON & PHONE: 7ohn Shockley 266-6482 M[J5C BE ON COUNCII,AC.ENDA BY (DATL+� As soon as possible TOTAL#OFSIGNATURE ACl'ION REQUESTED: °`'TE m��'� � GREEN SHEET 10-11-01 No.: 62918 OI -1\39 � sm7nvna� . n�nxrarmaxE 1 DEPARTMENI D�G�6, 4 CRYCOUNCd ASSIGNED 2C[iYATI'ORNEY �"�L'IfYCLERK I�IAfBEf[FOR ROUTING FltlANCW,SERVDIR_ FWANCIAI.SERV/ACCIC 3MAYOR(ORASSf.) P ALL IACATTONS FOR SiGNATURE� Approval of a resolurion changing the rate of pay for the class titled Valuation and Assessment Engineer &om grade 28 to grade 30 of the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization Salary Schedule. RECOM.�NDATtONS: APPro�e �A) ��� B) _PLANNtNG COMIvIISSION Cffi CAMIvIlITEE CI�'IL SERVICE COMbIISSION PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS M[7ST ANSWER THE FOLiAVPIn'G QUESTfONS: l. flaclhiipersoNfumeverwmkedwderacontmctforthisdepaztmwt? Yes No 2. Hasttdsperson/fvmevabemaeityemployee? Yo No 3. Does this pe�soNfumpossas a skill not no�mally possessed by a�y cwirnc ciry uuployee? Yes No 4. Is tlds persodfirtn a targeted vendoY+ Yes No E�laiwatl yesanawe�s onaepscate sheM and atfach to grecrt sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUF OPPORTUNII'1 (Whq What, When, Where, Why): The Department of Technology and Management Services requested that a compensation study be conducted of the Valuation and Assessment Engineer class. This is a single position classification. This resolution implements the results of that study. Since this position was last studied for appropriate compensation, the position has been " assigned additionai duties of managing the Design Section that was formerly a part of the Office of LIEP. Also the position is now responsible for overseeing the environmentai clean up of varioxs City owned properly, and the obtaining of State and Federal funding for certain capital improvements. The positioA was studied using the City's QES job evaluation system which assists in determining the internal hierarchy of jobs in the City. The study revealed that the Valuation and Assessment Engineer class should be placed in grade 30 of the Saint Paul Schedule. ADVANTAGESIFAYPROVED: Equitable compensation commensurate with the level of duties and responsibilities of the positions will be established. DISADVANTAGES TF APPROVED: None. Salary costs have b een budgeted. This is approximately a 5.7% salary in c re ase f t he in DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Equitable compensation will not be established. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACI'ION: FUNDING SOURCE: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (LXPL4i1� G:\SharedU�IRCOMMONVSHOCKLEI'1TMS. COS1`/REVENUE BUDGETED: Approrimately $5,000 a year i�crease in salary ACTIVITY NUMBER: C�s�nc�� f��s��r�� �°��#�� 0�7 � � 20Q� —� ..ax�.. .. `_...o_»�..... ` f Classification and Compensation Study Report ��dY) Class Studied: Valuation and Assessment Engineer Persons Co�acted: Incumbent, Peter VVhite Supervisor, Peter Hames Date Studied: June 5, 2001 and 7une 7, 2001, August 30, 2001 Studied By John H. Shockley Approval of The Director Of Human Resources Background �-601 On May 16, 2001, a detennu�ation notice was sent to the D'uector of the Department of Technology and Management Services ('I'MS) indicating that the Valuation and Assessment Engineer position had been studied and the determivation had been made that this single incumbent classification should remain . compensated in grade 28 ofthe SPSO salary ranges. On May 24, 2001, the Office ofHuman Resources received a memorandum from the TMS Director indicating that he did not agree with the conclusion reached in the determination and wished to appeai. The TMS Director also indicated when contacted regarding the appeal process that he would like to be interviewed for lris input regazding the incumbenYs position. The incumbent also disagreed with the findings and stated that the initiai study did not adequately address the efFects the addition of the responsibilities of managing the Design Section that was formerly a part of the Office of LIEP, the environmental clean up of various city owned lands, and the obtaining of State and Federal funding for certain capital improvements, had on the intemal value of lus position. The incumbent provided additional information zegazding his position in an interview on June 7, 2001 and in another on Au�aust 30, 2001. Additional, information was also provided by the TMS Director to further assist in evaluating this position. Studv Cotnponents • Interviews with the incumbent • Ixrterviews with the supervisor • Review of additional information provided including comparison data and an organizational chart • Review of the Job Profile that was originally submitted • Comparisons with other divisions manager positions • Thorough QES Analysis Position Descriotion o � -\\Sg This position performs highly responsible managerial work in providing leaderslup and direcrionto the Real Estate Division of the Department of Technology and Manaoement Services. The Real Estate Division functions include assessments, collections, determining space needs and insurance needs. The Division also provides advice to City managers, the Mayor, and the Council on spreading and Ieveraging assessments, and in determining the monetary awards for property acquisitions. Further, the Division provides management of City owned buildings and other property as well as facility planning and design services. Tn addition, the Division is responsible for oversite of environmental clean up of city owned properry specified as contaminated by the Mim�esota Pollurion control Agency. Finally, the Division provides grant writing O � - �\51 services in obtaining State and Federal funding for certain capital improvements. In regard to supervision, the position in question works under the general policy direction of the Director of Technology and Management Services (TMS). The position provides general supervision and policy direction to subordinate section supervisors, professional, technicaS, administrative support employees, and private contractors. As to the minnnum qualifications for this single position classification, incumbents aze required to have a bachelor's degree in azclutecture, civil engineering, urban planning, or real�state and ten years' eacperience in real property valuation and building appraisal work in a responsibie capacity, at least five years of such ea�perience must l�ave been as a supervisor or they must have had similaz experience as a practicing azclutect, azclutectural engineer or civil engineer in an urban environment with responsibility for land and property value issues. Comparisons The duties and responsibilities of the posirion in question were compared to the class specificarions and job profiles of the other division manager positions in TMS and division manager positions in Public Works and the Water Utiliry. Division Manager positions in TMS: Cable communications Officer Tlus single posirion class performs responsible professional and managerial work in the admiuistration of the Ciry's Cable franchise, cable television programming, and cable telecommunications operations. The position is the City's expert on cabie television franchise operations and cable telecommunications issues. This position manages a small division of TMS. The posirion requires a bachelor's degree in a communications field and five years of related mauagement experience. The class is assigned to SPSO grade 24. This position has less of au organizational impact than the position in quesrion and requires a more limited lrnowledge base than required of the position in question. IS Division Mana�er Formerly, this position was allocated to a class called Manager of Data Processing. The ciurent position is responsible for managing the City Information Services Division(IS). The Mana.aer of Data Processing class is currently assigned to SPSO grade 30, however, the curreut incumbent is receiving out of title pay in Non-Represented Ciry Managers grade 33. This was done as an interim measure wrtil a final determination is made regarding the appropriate orgauizational structure of IS and its place within the City's overall organizational structure. The IS Division is lazger than that managed by the position in question. In addition, there aze external market f-actors impacting the compensation level of the information technology mansgement positions Purchasin� Svstems Mana2er Tlus single position class manages the combined City of St. Paul and the Ramsey County purchasing program. 17�e position directs the purchase of cost effecrive materials, supplies, equipment and services for all City and Counry organizational units. This class is assigned to SPSO grade 29. Incumbents are required to have, at least, a bachelor's degree in public or business adnvnistration, organizarional development or planning, and ten years of related experience. Tlus position requires more limited imowledge base than the position in question. p \—\lS1 Also, tlris position is focused in one prograzn azea wlule the position in question has a more variety of programs to ma�e. Treasurv Manager This single position class is currendy vacant. The functions of ihis position are under the spaa of control of the Duector of TMS. The position had responsibility for ma.+ag+na the city's im�estments, cash flow, and debt issuance. It supervised the receipt, disbursement, banldng, and protection of all money and securities received by the city. While the position managed a very small division, #he work of the division had a great impact on the organization. The class is assigned to SPSO grade 29. lncumbents would be required to have, at least, a bachelor's degree in accounting, fmauce, 6usiness or public administration and five years of related e�cperience including financial investment and debt service eacperience. The scope of this position has a more limited focus than that of the position in question. Risk ManaEer This single posirion class manages the City's Risk Management functions which include, insurance, workers compensation, safety, unemploymetrt compensation, and employee insurance benefits. 17ais class is assigned to Non-Represented Ciry Manager's grade 29 because of its confidentiat status in collective bazgaining. Incumbents aze reguired to have, at least, a bachelor's degree and five years of related progressively responsible professional experience. This position requires a more limited ]rnowledge base than that required of the position in question. The incumbent asked that his position also be compared to the Assistant City Engineer class and also the Division Manager- Water Utiliry class which are assigned to SPSO grade 30. Assistant Citv En�ineer Positions allocated to this class manage divisions of the DeQartment of Public Works such as Sewers, Bridges, Streets, etc. These posirions manage divisions such as Sewers, 5ueets, and Bridges, with ongoing programs and projects which impact the City's infi'astructure. Incumbents aze required to have, at least, a bachelor's degree in engineering and eight years of Civil Engineering experience at least three years of which must have been at the Civii Engineer III level. They must also haue registered professional engineering certification from the State of Minnesota. They also require professional engineering certification. Tkiese positions require education and experience similaz to that of the position in question. The programs and projects managed by these positions have a similar impact on City as those managed by the position in question. Division Manaaer - Water Utilitv Posirions allocated to this class provide direction to divisions of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS) which serves the City and many of its suburbs. The divisions impact the provision of a safe and continuous supply of treated water. They also deal with land matters, permits, special projects, emergencies, materials, and a variety of equipment use. Incumbents are required to l�zue, at least, a bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering and over ten years of progressively responsible Civil Engineer eacperience. They must also be registered professional engineers by the State of Minnesota. They are also required to haue a Water Systems Operator's Certificate from the State of Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. These posiuons have a similaz level responsibility as the position in question. O � .11.5� OES Analysis The appropriate campensation ofthis position is contingent upon the application ofthe QES job evaluarion tool. The information provided by the incumbent and especially lus supervisor regarding the nature and scope of the position, as well as the added management responsibilities for the Design Section, the environmental clean up activities, and the grant writing in order to obtain capital improvement funds, were wnsidered in a new evaluation of the position. This information was compared to the QES definitions and the factor awards were compazed with those of other City job classifications. The result was a change in the factor awards as follows: 1. For the factor of Knowledge Required which measures the lmowledge a worker must possess to do acceptable work, the award should change from a level eight to a level nine. The level eight dafinition requires an advanced lmowledge of a field of work or study, and sufficient comprehension to regulazly perform unusual or lrighly difficult assignments in the fieid. The level nine definition requires a comprehensive Imowledge of a field of work or study, and sufficient comprehension to perform expert work involving the development of new techniques and approaches covering broad aspects of the field; or to resolve matters through novel interpretations of existing principles and concepts. According to the information provided by the incumbent and his departmenf director, tlus position is the City's expert in matters of detemiining and spreading of assessments for local improvements such as pavings, sewers, and streets. The position I�as full responsibility for the results in the preparation of plans and estimates , tlie determination of damages for the taking of privately owned properry for public use under condemnation proceedings. In addition, the position has had to acquire additional e�cpertise regarding rivo new professional disciplines of azchitecturat design and environmental engineering in managing the Design Section and the environmental cleanup of the City's currently owned and recently acquired properry. A majority of the other TMS division managers positions haue been awarded an eight level for the factor of Knowledge required, but the TMS director indicated that the nature of work performed by this position is of a greater scope and difficulty than that of the other division tnanagers. This would support the level nine awazd. 2. For the QES factor of Mental Effort, the award should be changed from a level four to a level five. T1us factor measures work in terms of its mental requirements. T�e four level for the Mental Effort factor is defined as work consisting of activities which aze unusual or nonstandard and information must be developed through specialized methods of analysis. Decisions would involve the assessmem of concrete as weIl as abstract matters such as issues, concems and views of others. The level five is defined as work consisting of a broad range of activities within a field and information must be developed through intensive analysis of many different aspects. Decisions involve new designs or major areas of uncertainty and alternatives require cazeful probing assessment to determine iheir probable effects. This posirion is now responsible for the Design Section which recommends changes to city owned buIldings based on tenant and developer needs. The posirion is also involved in the environmental clean up of contaminated city owned property. These two new azeas have increased the mental effort required of the position meeting the five level definition. Also the other TMS Division Managers with similaz point levels have been awazded a five level for the factor of Mental Effort. 3. The Hazards and Stress factor measures hazards present in the work and deadlines which create stress and the frequency of occurrence. This position has been awazded a level three because of the exposure to risks requiring safety equipment and the stress present in adjusting plans, schedules, and deadlines to meet frequently changiug requirements. The study revealed that the level three award should be occasional and not regular. vt-«s9 4. Surroundings is a factor that measures the discomforts or uupleasantness of the work environmex�t and the frequency of exposure to same. Previously tivs position had been awarded a level two on a regulaz basis. Level two is defined as a work environme� that involves some discomfort or unpleasaniness such as moderate levels of noise, dampness, vibration, dust, dirt, or odors: or constraints in the continuous operation of a piece of equipment This study revealed that the position in question is only occasionally eaposed to the work environmern described instead of regvlazly. The new evaluation of t6e position in question supports assigning the position to grade 30 of the SPSO salary ranges. Recommendation It is recommended that the Valuation and Assessment Engineer class be reassigned from SPSO grade 28 to SPSO grade 30. It is further recommended that the class sgecification be updated to reflect the addition of the new responsibiliries for managing the Design Section, the environmental clean up of City owned property, and the oversight of obtaiuiug State and Federal funding for capital improvements. It is further recommended that following implementation of the grade change, the Department of TMS should consider changing the name of t�e class to Valuation and Assessment Division Manager. T'his is reconunended to emphasize the curreut focus of the position, which is on management and not engineering. G:VShared�BC1WPFII,ESVSHOCBI.E1'�vatuation and assess�nent rnginee2.wpd PROPOSED TTTLE OF CLASS: Code: 439A VALUATIONANDASSESSMEI3TS BU: 09 �, ENGINEER Effective: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Daties: Performs highly responsible managerial and adminisharive work in overseeing the Real Estate function of the City including assessments, collecrions, facility planning and design services, space needs, insurance, and environmental clean up; advises senior management, depaztment heads, the Mayor, and the Council on spreading and levying assessments, and on the determination and awazding of damages for the acquisirion of property; manages the collection of assessments and the process of obtaining state and federai funds for capital improvements; perForms related duties as required. S�u ervision Received: Works under the broad guidance and direction of a depaztrnent head. �ervision Exercised: Exercises general supervision and policy direction directly and through subordinate supervisors over all assigned employees. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Directs the laying out of assessment disiricts and the spreading of assessments for local improvements, such as paving, sewers, street and alley grading, etc. Manages, with full responsibility for results, the prepazarion of plans and estimates, the determinarion of the amount af damages for the taking of privately owned property for public use by condernnarion proceedings. Oversees the process of appraising and fixing the value of property to be purchased or sold by the City. Maintains qualificarions to testify, and testifies, as an expert on real estate valuations in court and condemnation proceedings. Maintains ability to tesrify as an expert on conshuction projects, easements, etc. Plans, implements, and directs the activities of the division which performs the assessment and real property functions ofthe City. Directs or conducts studies relating to new or proposed legislation, reorganizarions,and new technology to assess impact on City and on division policies and procedures. Directs reviews of proposals for assessments from departments and advises as to what can properly and legally be assessed against properties. Assists deparhnents in developing alternatives if necessary. Reviews, or directs reviews, of policies and procedures to ensure efficiency, effectiveness, and compliance with law. (VALUATION AND ASSESSMENTS ENGINEER) Page 1 of 2 PROPOSED TTTLE OF CLASS: Advises and assists departments in determining space needs. Code: 439A BU: 09 Effecrive: 6 t- l�S`[ Oversees the management of City owned properry including building management responsibility for selected buildings and insurance issues for all properry. Oversees the provision of facility planning and design services. Testifies before City Council on a variety of matters conceming assessment and real property issues. Oversees the environmental clean up of city owned lands deemed contaminated by the Mimiesota Pollution Control Agency and the prevention of future contamination. Oversees prepazation of testimony including all required supporting documentation for appeazances in court, before Council, and before other public bodies. Oversees the provision of grant writing sezvices in obtaining State and Federal funds for capital improvements. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES, AND COMPETENCIES Thorough knowledge of taws, regulafions and administrative decisions relating to assessments, appraisais, insurance and other real properry issues. Expert knowiedge of government appropriarion and budget principles and prac6ces. Considerable Imowledge of engineering standazds and practices as they apply to public improvements on property. Considerable knowledge and ability to testify in court regarding assessments, valuarion, and insurance issues. Considerable ability to communicate difficuit legal and fiscal issues to experts and laypersons both orally and in writing. Considerable ability to negotiate agreements with high level o�cials from other deparhments. Considerable ability to function effectively with elected officials, citizen groups, other special interest groups, property owners, and the media. Considerable ability to negoriate successful settlements with property owners. Considerable ability to deal with hostile citizen or business goups. Considerable ability to plan, arganize, monitor, evaluate and delegate work. Considerable ability to integrate legal requirements, the welfaze of the City, and the interests of properry owners on assessment, condemnafion and valuation issues into decisions. VALUATION AND ASSESSMENTS ENGINEER (VALUATTON AND ASSESSMENTS ENCsINEER) Page 2 of 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: Code: 439A VALUATION AND ASSESSMENTS BU: 09 d�.. ttS t ENGINEER Effective: MII�T[MUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in azchitecture, civil engineering, urban planning or real estate and ten years' experience in real properry valuation and building appraisal work in a responsible capacity, at least five years of which must have been as a sapervisor, or similaz e�cperience as a practicing architecY, azchitectural engineer or civil engineer in an urban environment with responsibflity for land and properry value issues. (VALUATION AND ASSESSMENTS ENGTNEER) Page 3 of 2 O£FICE OF I�I[JMAN RESOURCES John Hamifton, Di�ecmr CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Nosm Coteman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Helga Kessler, President - SaintPaul Supervisors Organization John Shockley, Sr. Consultant Manager O�ce of Human Resources October 15, 200I 400 City Hall Annex 25 West Fmnth Sbeet SaintPaul,Mismesota 55702-I63I Valuation and Assessment Engineer Revised 20 day Notice e. �.�sZ Telephone: 651 d 66-6500 7DD/ITY� 65I-266-650I Job line: 65I-266fi502 Facsimile: I" Option: 65I-292L414 Zn Ophon: 657-292-6415 3^' Opfion: 657-292-7656 As a result of an appeal of a previous determination, a restudy was conducted in order to determine the appropriate compensa6on for ihe Valuation and Assessment Engineer single incumbent ciassificarion. The current incumbent is Peter White. The result of the restudy is that our office will be introducing a resolution, in accordance with Civil Service Rule 3.B., reassigning the Valuarion and Assessment Engineer class from grade 28 to grade 30 of the Saint Paul Supervisors Association (SPSO) salary schedule. Also, we will be amending the Valuation and Assessment Engineer class specification to reflect changes in the duties and responsibilities (See attached revised class specification). Therefore, pursuant to City of Saint Paul, Civil Service Rule 3.C, this memorandum is to inform you that this action is being talcen. If you have any quesfions regazding this matter, please contact me at 266-6482. Attachment CC: Trish Freiberger Kathy Megarry C:\WINDOWS\1BMP\TMS.VaI and Assess20day.notice.SPSO.wpd OFFICE OF HIJMAN RESOURCES JohnHamikon,Dirutor CTTY OF 5AINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor T�: FROM: DATE: RE: 400CiryHaIIAnnes 25 WestFourth Street SaintPau7,M(nnesota 55102-1631 Peter Hames, Director Department of Teclwology and Management Services John Shockley, Sr. Consultant Manager Office of Human Resources October 15, 2001 Valuation and Assessment Engineer Revised 20 day I*Totice Telephone: ZDDlIZY: Job line: Facsimrle: 1 Optlan: Y 3'�Opnon: 01. ll5 � 651-2666500 651-266-6501 651-266-6502 651-292-6414 651-292-6415 651-292-7Q56 As a result of an appeal of the original detemrina#ion, a restudy was conducted in order to detemune the appropriate compensarion for the Valuation and Assessmeut Engineer singie incumbent classification. The current incumbent is Peter White. The result of the restudy is that our office will be introducing a resolution, in accordance with Civil Service Rule 3.B., reassigning the Valuation and Assessment Engineer class from grade 28 to grade 30 ofthe Saint Paul Supervisors Association (SPSO) salary schedule. Also, our office will be revising the Valuation and Assessment Engineer class specifica.rion to reflect changes in the duties and responsibiliries (See attached revised class specification}. Therefore, pursuant to City of Saint Paul, Civil Service Rule 3.C, tlus memorandum is to inform you that this action is being taken. If you haue any questions regazding this matter, please co�act me at 266-6482. Attachment CC: Kathy Megarry Trish Freiberger G:\Shared�HRCOMMONVSHOCKLEl'�TMS.VaI ardrlxsesc20day.notice2.wpd Council File # p � — \\Sq �i �i i '_. . r i :— r 7 `�-' i!- �,�a, ,_ .-.� CITY Presented Referred To Green Sheet # 62918 Committee Daze 1 An Administrative Resolution amending the Salary 2 Flan and Rates of Compensation by changing the rate of 3 pay for the Valuation and Assessment Engineer class. � 5 RESOLVED, that the compensation for the classification titled Valuation and Assessment Engineer be changed from that as set forth in Grade 28, to that set forth in grade 30, of the Saint Paui Supervisors Organization (SPSO), Bazgaining Unit 09, Salary Schedule, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the effective date of this resolufion shall be the first pay period following its passage and approval. Requested by Department of. Office of Human Resources BY� �� •�� � Form Approved by City Attorney By: C\�� I.e�,,' �!� 1 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY= � �- t"y..�—�_4.- Approved by Mayor: Date � �� �� �-- By: RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Approved by Ma or for Submission to Council sy: c�%� � /���� G1Shared�I-Il2CAMMONVSHOCKLEY�TMS.ValmdASSes Eng.pay.res.wpd Adopted by Council: Date � �_' 1 �. � o\ ��� DEPARTMENT/OFFICFICOUNCII.: Human Resources CONTACI' PERSON & PHONE: 7ohn Shockley 266-6482 M[J5C BE ON COUNCII,AC.ENDA BY (DATL+� As soon as possible TOTAL#OFSIGNATURE ACl'ION REQUESTED: °`'TE m��'� � GREEN SHEET 10-11-01 No.: 62918 OI -1\39 � sm7nvna� . n�nxrarmaxE 1 DEPARTMENI D�G�6, 4 CRYCOUNCd ASSIGNED 2C[iYATI'ORNEY �"�L'IfYCLERK I�IAfBEf[FOR ROUTING FltlANCW,SERVDIR_ FWANCIAI.SERV/ACCIC 3MAYOR(ORASSf.) P ALL IACATTONS FOR SiGNATURE� Approval of a resolurion changing the rate of pay for the class titled Valuation and Assessment Engineer &om grade 28 to grade 30 of the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization Salary Schedule. RECOM.�NDATtONS: APPro�e �A) ��� B) _PLANNtNG COMIvIISSION Cffi CAMIvIlITEE CI�'IL SERVICE COMbIISSION PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS M[7ST ANSWER THE FOLiAVPIn'G QUESTfONS: l. flaclhiipersoNfumeverwmkedwderacontmctforthisdepaztmwt? Yes No 2. Hasttdsperson/fvmevabemaeityemployee? Yo No 3. Does this pe�soNfumpossas a skill not no�mally possessed by a�y cwirnc ciry uuployee? Yes No 4. Is tlds persodfirtn a targeted vendoY+ Yes No E�laiwatl yesanawe�s onaepscate sheM and atfach to grecrt sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUF OPPORTUNII'1 (Whq What, When, Where, Why): The Department of Technology and Management Services requested that a compensation study be conducted of the Valuation and Assessment Engineer class. This is a single position classification. This resolution implements the results of that study. Since this position was last studied for appropriate compensation, the position has been " assigned additionai duties of managing the Design Section that was formerly a part of the Office of LIEP. Also the position is now responsible for overseeing the environmentai clean up of varioxs City owned properly, and the obtaining of State and Federal funding for certain capital improvements. The positioA was studied using the City's QES job evaluation system which assists in determining the internal hierarchy of jobs in the City. The study revealed that the Valuation and Assessment Engineer class should be placed in grade 30 of the Saint Paul Schedule. ADVANTAGESIFAYPROVED: Equitable compensation commensurate with the level of duties and responsibilities of the positions will be established. DISADVANTAGES TF APPROVED: None. Salary costs have b een budgeted. This is approximately a 5.7% salary in c re ase f t he in DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Equitable compensation will not be established. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACI'ION: FUNDING SOURCE: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (LXPL4i1� G:\SharedU�IRCOMMONVSHOCKLEI'1TMS. COS1`/REVENUE BUDGETED: Approrimately $5,000 a year i�crease in salary ACTIVITY NUMBER: C�s�nc�� f��s��r�� �°��#�� 0�7 � � 20Q� —� ..ax�.. .. `_...o_»�..... ` f Classification and Compensation Study Report ��dY) Class Studied: Valuation and Assessment Engineer Persons Co�acted: Incumbent, Peter VVhite Supervisor, Peter Hames Date Studied: June 5, 2001 and 7une 7, 2001, August 30, 2001 Studied By John H. Shockley Approval of The Director Of Human Resources Background �-601 On May 16, 2001, a detennu�ation notice was sent to the D'uector of the Department of Technology and Management Services ('I'MS) indicating that the Valuation and Assessment Engineer position had been studied and the determivation had been made that this single incumbent classification should remain . compensated in grade 28 ofthe SPSO salary ranges. On May 24, 2001, the Office ofHuman Resources received a memorandum from the TMS Director indicating that he did not agree with the conclusion reached in the determination and wished to appeai. The TMS Director also indicated when contacted regarding the appeal process that he would like to be interviewed for lris input regazding the incumbenYs position. The incumbent also disagreed with the findings and stated that the initiai study did not adequately address the efFects the addition of the responsibilities of managing the Design Section that was formerly a part of the Office of LIEP, the environmental clean up of various city owned lands, and the obtaining of State and Federal funding for certain capital improvements, had on the intemal value of lus position. The incumbent provided additional information zegazding his position in an interview on June 7, 2001 and in another on Au�aust 30, 2001. Additional, information was also provided by the TMS Director to further assist in evaluating this position. Studv Cotnponents • Interviews with the incumbent • Ixrterviews with the supervisor • Review of additional information provided including comparison data and an organizational chart • Review of the Job Profile that was originally submitted • Comparisons with other divisions manager positions • Thorough QES Analysis Position Descriotion o � -\\Sg This position performs highly responsible managerial work in providing leaderslup and direcrionto the Real Estate Division of the Department of Technology and Manaoement Services. The Real Estate Division functions include assessments, collections, determining space needs and insurance needs. The Division also provides advice to City managers, the Mayor, and the Council on spreading and Ieveraging assessments, and in determining the monetary awards for property acquisitions. Further, the Division provides management of City owned buildings and other property as well as facility planning and design services. Tn addition, the Division is responsible for oversite of environmental clean up of city owned properry specified as contaminated by the Mim�esota Pollurion control Agency. Finally, the Division provides grant writing O � - �\51 services in obtaining State and Federal funding for certain capital improvements. In regard to supervision, the position in question works under the general policy direction of the Director of Technology and Management Services (TMS). The position provides general supervision and policy direction to subordinate section supervisors, professional, technicaS, administrative support employees, and private contractors. As to the minnnum qualifications for this single position classification, incumbents aze required to have a bachelor's degree in azclutecture, civil engineering, urban planning, or real�state and ten years' eacperience in real property valuation and building appraisal work in a responsibie capacity, at least five years of such ea�perience must l�ave been as a supervisor or they must have had similaz experience as a practicing azclutect, azclutectural engineer or civil engineer in an urban environment with responsibility for land and property value issues. Comparisons The duties and responsibilities of the posirion in question were compared to the class specificarions and job profiles of the other division manager positions in TMS and division manager positions in Public Works and the Water Utiliry. Division Manager positions in TMS: Cable communications Officer Tlus single posirion class performs responsible professional and managerial work in the admiuistration of the Ciry's Cable franchise, cable television programming, and cable telecommunications operations. The position is the City's expert on cabie television franchise operations and cable telecommunications issues. This position manages a small division of TMS. The posirion requires a bachelor's degree in a communications field and five years of related mauagement experience. The class is assigned to SPSO grade 24. This position has less of au organizational impact than the position in quesrion and requires a more limited lrnowledge base than required of the position in question. IS Division Mana�er Formerly, this position was allocated to a class called Manager of Data Processing. The ciurent position is responsible for managing the City Information Services Division(IS). The Mana.aer of Data Processing class is currently assigned to SPSO grade 30, however, the curreut incumbent is receiving out of title pay in Non-Represented Ciry Managers grade 33. This was done as an interim measure wrtil a final determination is made regarding the appropriate orgauizational structure of IS and its place within the City's overall organizational structure. The IS Division is lazger than that managed by the position in question. In addition, there aze external market f-actors impacting the compensation level of the information technology mansgement positions Purchasin� Svstems Mana2er Tlus single position class manages the combined City of St. Paul and the Ramsey County purchasing program. 17�e position directs the purchase of cost effecrive materials, supplies, equipment and services for all City and Counry organizational units. This class is assigned to SPSO grade 29. Incumbents are required to have, at least, a bachelor's degree in public or business adnvnistration, organizarional development or planning, and ten years of related experience. Tlus position requires more limited imowledge base than the position in question. p \—\lS1 Also, tlris position is focused in one prograzn azea wlule the position in question has a more variety of programs to ma�e. Treasurv Manager This single position class is currendy vacant. The functions of ihis position are under the spaa of control of the Duector of TMS. The position had responsibility for ma.+ag+na the city's im�estments, cash flow, and debt issuance. It supervised the receipt, disbursement, banldng, and protection of all money and securities received by the city. While the position managed a very small division, #he work of the division had a great impact on the organization. The class is assigned to SPSO grade 29. lncumbents would be required to have, at least, a bachelor's degree in accounting, fmauce, 6usiness or public administration and five years of related e�cperience including financial investment and debt service eacperience. The scope of this position has a more limited focus than that of the position in question. Risk ManaEer This single posirion class manages the City's Risk Management functions which include, insurance, workers compensation, safety, unemploymetrt compensation, and employee insurance benefits. 17ais class is assigned to Non-Represented Ciry Manager's grade 29 because of its confidentiat status in collective bazgaining. Incumbents aze reguired to have, at least, a bachelor's degree and five years of related progressively responsible professional experience. This position requires a more limited ]rnowledge base than that required of the position in question. The incumbent asked that his position also be compared to the Assistant City Engineer class and also the Division Manager- Water Utiliry class which are assigned to SPSO grade 30. Assistant Citv En�ineer Positions allocated to this class manage divisions of the DeQartment of Public Works such as Sewers, Bridges, Streets, etc. These posirions manage divisions such as Sewers, 5ueets, and Bridges, with ongoing programs and projects which impact the City's infi'astructure. Incumbents aze required to have, at least, a bachelor's degree in engineering and eight years of Civil Engineering experience at least three years of which must have been at the Civii Engineer III level. They must also haue registered professional engineering certification from the State of Minnesota. They also require professional engineering certification. Tkiese positions require education and experience similaz to that of the position in question. The programs and projects managed by these positions have a similar impact on City as those managed by the position in question. Division Manaaer - Water Utilitv Posirions allocated to this class provide direction to divisions of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS) which serves the City and many of its suburbs. The divisions impact the provision of a safe and continuous supply of treated water. They also deal with land matters, permits, special projects, emergencies, materials, and a variety of equipment use. Incumbents are required to l�zue, at least, a bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering and over ten years of progressively responsible Civil Engineer eacperience. They must also be registered professional engineers by the State of Minnesota. They are also required to haue a Water Systems Operator's Certificate from the State of Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. These posiuons have a similaz level responsibility as the position in question. O � .11.5� OES Analysis The appropriate campensation ofthis position is contingent upon the application ofthe QES job evaluarion tool. The information provided by the incumbent and especially lus supervisor regarding the nature and scope of the position, as well as the added management responsibilities for the Design Section, the environmental clean up activities, and the grant writing in order to obtain capital improvement funds, were wnsidered in a new evaluation of the position. This information was compared to the QES definitions and the factor awards were compazed with those of other City job classifications. The result was a change in the factor awards as follows: 1. For the factor of Knowledge Required which measures the lmowledge a worker must possess to do acceptable work, the award should change from a level eight to a level nine. The level eight dafinition requires an advanced lmowledge of a field of work or study, and sufficient comprehension to regulazly perform unusual or lrighly difficult assignments in the fieid. The level nine definition requires a comprehensive Imowledge of a field of work or study, and sufficient comprehension to perform expert work involving the development of new techniques and approaches covering broad aspects of the field; or to resolve matters through novel interpretations of existing principles and concepts. According to the information provided by the incumbent and his departmenf director, tlus position is the City's expert in matters of detemiining and spreading of assessments for local improvements such as pavings, sewers, and streets. The position I�as full responsibility for the results in the preparation of plans and estimates , tlie determination of damages for the taking of privately owned properry for public use under condemnation proceedings. In addition, the position has had to acquire additional e�cpertise regarding rivo new professional disciplines of azchitecturat design and environmental engineering in managing the Design Section and the environmental cleanup of the City's currently owned and recently acquired properry. A majority of the other TMS division managers positions haue been awarded an eight level for the factor of Knowledge required, but the TMS director indicated that the nature of work performed by this position is of a greater scope and difficulty than that of the other division tnanagers. This would support the level nine awazd. 2. For the QES factor of Mental Effort, the award should be changed from a level four to a level five. T1us factor measures work in terms of its mental requirements. T�e four level for the Mental Effort factor is defined as work consisting of activities which aze unusual or nonstandard and information must be developed through specialized methods of analysis. Decisions would involve the assessmem of concrete as weIl as abstract matters such as issues, concems and views of others. The level five is defined as work consisting of a broad range of activities within a field and information must be developed through intensive analysis of many different aspects. Decisions involve new designs or major areas of uncertainty and alternatives require cazeful probing assessment to determine iheir probable effects. This posirion is now responsible for the Design Section which recommends changes to city owned buIldings based on tenant and developer needs. The posirion is also involved in the environmental clean up of contaminated city owned property. These two new azeas have increased the mental effort required of the position meeting the five level definition. Also the other TMS Division Managers with similaz point levels have been awazded a five level for the factor of Mental Effort. 3. The Hazards and Stress factor measures hazards present in the work and deadlines which create stress and the frequency of occurrence. This position has been awazded a level three because of the exposure to risks requiring safety equipment and the stress present in adjusting plans, schedules, and deadlines to meet frequently changiug requirements. The study revealed that the level three award should be occasional and not regular. vt-«s9 4. Surroundings is a factor that measures the discomforts or uupleasantness of the work environmex�t and the frequency of exposure to same. Previously tivs position had been awarded a level two on a regulaz basis. Level two is defined as a work environme� that involves some discomfort or unpleasaniness such as moderate levels of noise, dampness, vibration, dust, dirt, or odors: or constraints in the continuous operation of a piece of equipment This study revealed that the position in question is only occasionally eaposed to the work environmern described instead of regvlazly. The new evaluation of t6e position in question supports assigning the position to grade 30 of the SPSO salary ranges. Recommendation It is recommended that the Valuation and Assessment Engineer class be reassigned from SPSO grade 28 to SPSO grade 30. It is further recommended that the class sgecification be updated to reflect the addition of the new responsibiliries for managing the Design Section, the environmental clean up of City owned property, and the oversight of obtaiuiug State and Federal funding for capital improvements. It is further recommended that following implementation of the grade change, the Department of TMS should consider changing the name of t�e class to Valuation and Assessment Division Manager. T'his is reconunended to emphasize the curreut focus of the position, which is on management and not engineering. G:VShared�BC1WPFII,ESVSHOCBI.E1'�vatuation and assess�nent rnginee2.wpd PROPOSED TTTLE OF CLASS: Code: 439A VALUATIONANDASSESSMEI3TS BU: 09 �, ENGINEER Effective: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Daties: Performs highly responsible managerial and adminisharive work in overseeing the Real Estate function of the City including assessments, collecrions, facility planning and design services, space needs, insurance, and environmental clean up; advises senior management, depaztment heads, the Mayor, and the Council on spreading and levying assessments, and on the determination and awazding of damages for the acquisirion of property; manages the collection of assessments and the process of obtaining state and federai funds for capital improvements; perForms related duties as required. S�u ervision Received: Works under the broad guidance and direction of a depaztrnent head. �ervision Exercised: Exercises general supervision and policy direction directly and through subordinate supervisors over all assigned employees. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Directs the laying out of assessment disiricts and the spreading of assessments for local improvements, such as paving, sewers, street and alley grading, etc. Manages, with full responsibility for results, the prepazarion of plans and estimates, the determinarion of the amount af damages for the taking of privately owned property for public use by condernnarion proceedings. Oversees the process of appraising and fixing the value of property to be purchased or sold by the City. Maintains qualificarions to testify, and testifies, as an expert on real estate valuations in court and condemnation proceedings. Maintains ability to tesrify as an expert on conshuction projects, easements, etc. Plans, implements, and directs the activities of the division which performs the assessment and real property functions ofthe City. Directs or conducts studies relating to new or proposed legislation, reorganizarions,and new technology to assess impact on City and on division policies and procedures. Directs reviews of proposals for assessments from departments and advises as to what can properly and legally be assessed against properties. Assists deparhnents in developing alternatives if necessary. Reviews, or directs reviews, of policies and procedures to ensure efficiency, effectiveness, and compliance with law. (VALUATION AND ASSESSMENTS ENGINEER) Page 1 of 2 PROPOSED TTTLE OF CLASS: Advises and assists departments in determining space needs. Code: 439A BU: 09 Effecrive: 6 t- l�S`[ Oversees the management of City owned properry including building management responsibility for selected buildings and insurance issues for all properry. Oversees the provision of facility planning and design services. Testifies before City Council on a variety of matters conceming assessment and real property issues. Oversees the environmental clean up of city owned lands deemed contaminated by the Mimiesota Pollution Control Agency and the prevention of future contamination. Oversees prepazation of testimony including all required supporting documentation for appeazances in court, before Council, and before other public bodies. Oversees the provision of grant writing sezvices in obtaining State and Federal funds for capital improvements. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES, AND COMPETENCIES Thorough knowledge of taws, regulafions and administrative decisions relating to assessments, appraisais, insurance and other real properry issues. Expert knowiedge of government appropriarion and budget principles and prac6ces. Considerable Imowledge of engineering standazds and practices as they apply to public improvements on property. Considerable knowledge and ability to testify in court regarding assessments, valuarion, and insurance issues. Considerable ability to communicate difficuit legal and fiscal issues to experts and laypersons both orally and in writing. Considerable ability to negotiate agreements with high level o�cials from other deparhments. Considerable ability to function effectively with elected officials, citizen groups, other special interest groups, property owners, and the media. Considerable ability to negoriate successful settlements with property owners. Considerable ability to deal with hostile citizen or business goups. Considerable ability to plan, arganize, monitor, evaluate and delegate work. Considerable ability to integrate legal requirements, the welfaze of the City, and the interests of properry owners on assessment, condemnafion and valuation issues into decisions. VALUATION AND ASSESSMENTS ENGINEER (VALUATTON AND ASSESSMENTS ENCsINEER) Page 2 of 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: Code: 439A VALUATION AND ASSESSMENTS BU: 09 d�.. ttS t ENGINEER Effective: MII�T[MUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in azchitecture, civil engineering, urban planning or real estate and ten years' experience in real properry valuation and building appraisal work in a responsible capacity, at least five years of which must have been as a sapervisor, or similaz e�cperience as a practicing architecY, azchitectural engineer or civil engineer in an urban environment with responsibflity for land and properry value issues. (VALUATION AND ASSESSMENTS ENGTNEER) Page 3 of 2 O£FICE OF I�I[JMAN RESOURCES John Hamifton, Di�ecmr CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Nosm Coteman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Helga Kessler, President - SaintPaul Supervisors Organization John Shockley, Sr. Consultant Manager O�ce of Human Resources October 15, 200I 400 City Hall Annex 25 West Fmnth Sbeet SaintPaul,Mismesota 55702-I63I Valuation and Assessment Engineer Revised 20 day Notice e. �.�sZ Telephone: 651 d 66-6500 7DD/ITY� 65I-266-650I Job line: 65I-266fi502 Facsimile: I" Option: 65I-292L414 Zn Ophon: 657-292-6415 3^' Opfion: 657-292-7656 As a result of an appeal of a previous determination, a restudy was conducted in order to determine the appropriate compensa6on for ihe Valuation and Assessment Engineer single incumbent ciassificarion. The current incumbent is Peter White. The result of the restudy is that our office will be introducing a resolution, in accordance with Civil Service Rule 3.B., reassigning the Valuarion and Assessment Engineer class from grade 28 to grade 30 of the Saint Paul Supervisors Association (SPSO) salary schedule. Also, we will be amending the Valuation and Assessment Engineer class specification to reflect changes in the duties and responsibilities (See attached revised class specification). Therefore, pursuant to City of Saint Paul, Civil Service Rule 3.C, this memorandum is to inform you that this action is being talcen. If you have any quesfions regazding this matter, please contact me at 266-6482. Attachment CC: Trish Freiberger Kathy Megarry C:\WINDOWS\1BMP\TMS.VaI and Assess20day.notice.SPSO.wpd OFFICE OF HIJMAN RESOURCES JohnHamikon,Dirutor CTTY OF 5AINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor T�: FROM: DATE: RE: 400CiryHaIIAnnes 25 WestFourth Street SaintPau7,M(nnesota 55102-1631 Peter Hames, Director Department of Teclwology and Management Services John Shockley, Sr. Consultant Manager Office of Human Resources October 15, 2001 Valuation and Assessment Engineer Revised 20 day I*Totice Telephone: ZDDlIZY: Job line: Facsimrle: 1 Optlan: Y 3'�Opnon: 01. ll5 � 651-2666500 651-266-6501 651-266-6502 651-292-6414 651-292-6415 651-292-7Q56 As a result of an appeal of the original detemrina#ion, a restudy was conducted in order to detemune the appropriate compensarion for the Valuation and Assessmeut Engineer singie incumbent classification. The current incumbent is Peter White. The result of the restudy is that our office will be introducing a resolution, in accordance with Civil Service Rule 3.B., reassigning the Valuation and Assessment Engineer class from grade 28 to grade 30 ofthe Saint Paul Supervisors Association (SPSO) salary schedule. Also, our office will be revising the Valuation and Assessment Engineer class specifica.rion to reflect changes in the duties and responsibiliries (See attached revised class specification}. Therefore, pursuant to City of Saint Paul, Civil Service Rule 3.C, tlus memorandum is to inform you that this action is being taken. If you haue any questions regazding this matter, please co�act me at 266-6482. Attachment CC: Kathy Megarry Trish Freiberger G:\Shared�HRCOMMONVSHOCKLEl'�TMS.VaI ardrlxsesc20day.notice2.wpd Council File # p � — \\Sq �i �i i '_. . r i :— r 7 `�-' i!- �,�a, ,_ .-.� CITY Presented Referred To Green Sheet # 62918 Committee Daze 1 An Administrative Resolution amending the Salary 2 Flan and Rates of Compensation by changing the rate of 3 pay for the Valuation and Assessment Engineer class. � 5 RESOLVED, that the compensation for the classification titled Valuation and Assessment Engineer be changed from that as set forth in Grade 28, to that set forth in grade 30, of the Saint Paui Supervisors Organization (SPSO), Bazgaining Unit 09, Salary Schedule, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the effective date of this resolufion shall be the first pay period following its passage and approval. Requested by Department of. Office of Human Resources BY� �� •�� � Form Approved by City Attorney By: C\�� I.e�,,' �!� 1 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY= � �- t"y..�—�_4.- Approved by Mayor: Date � �� �� �-- By: RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Approved by Ma or for Submission to Council sy: c�%� � /���� G1Shared�I-Il2CAMMONVSHOCKLEY�TMS.ValmdASSes Eng.pay.res.wpd Adopted by Council: Date � �_' 1 �. � o\ ��� DEPARTMENT/OFFICFICOUNCII.: Human Resources CONTACI' PERSON & PHONE: 7ohn Shockley 266-6482 M[J5C BE ON COUNCII,AC.ENDA BY (DATL+� As soon as possible TOTAL#OFSIGNATURE ACl'ION REQUESTED: °`'TE m��'� � GREEN SHEET 10-11-01 No.: 62918 OI -1\39 � sm7nvna� . n�nxrarmaxE 1 DEPARTMENI D�G�6, 4 CRYCOUNCd ASSIGNED 2C[iYATI'ORNEY �"�L'IfYCLERK I�IAfBEf[FOR ROUTING FltlANCW,SERVDIR_ FWANCIAI.SERV/ACCIC 3MAYOR(ORASSf.) P ALL IACATTONS FOR SiGNATURE� Approval of a resolurion changing the rate of pay for the class titled Valuation and Assessment Engineer &om grade 28 to grade 30 of the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization Salary Schedule. RECOM.�NDATtONS: APPro�e �A) ��� B) _PLANNtNG COMIvIISSION Cffi CAMIvIlITEE CI�'IL SERVICE COMbIISSION PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS M[7ST ANSWER THE FOLiAVPIn'G QUESTfONS: l. flaclhiipersoNfumeverwmkedwderacontmctforthisdepaztmwt? Yes No 2. Hasttdsperson/fvmevabemaeityemployee? Yo No 3. Does this pe�soNfumpossas a skill not no�mally possessed by a�y cwirnc ciry uuployee? Yes No 4. Is tlds persodfirtn a targeted vendoY+ Yes No E�laiwatl yesanawe�s onaepscate sheM and atfach to grecrt sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUF OPPORTUNII'1 (Whq What, When, Where, Why): The Department of Technology and Management Services requested that a compensation study be conducted of the Valuation and Assessment Engineer class. This is a single position classification. This resolution implements the results of that study. Since this position was last studied for appropriate compensation, the position has been " assigned additionai duties of managing the Design Section that was formerly a part of the Office of LIEP. Also the position is now responsible for overseeing the environmentai clean up of varioxs City owned properly, and the obtaining of State and Federal funding for certain capital improvements. The positioA was studied using the City's QES job evaluation system which assists in determining the internal hierarchy of jobs in the City. The study revealed that the Valuation and Assessment Engineer class should be placed in grade 30 of the Saint Paul Schedule. ADVANTAGESIFAYPROVED: Equitable compensation commensurate with the level of duties and responsibilities of the positions will be established. DISADVANTAGES TF APPROVED: None. Salary costs have b een budgeted. This is approximately a 5.7% salary in c re ase f t he in DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Equitable compensation will not be established. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACI'ION: FUNDING SOURCE: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (LXPL4i1� G:\SharedU�IRCOMMONVSHOCKLEI'1TMS. COS1`/REVENUE BUDGETED: Approrimately $5,000 a year i�crease in salary ACTIVITY NUMBER: C�s�nc�� f��s��r�� �°��#�� 0�7 � � 20Q� —� ..ax�.. .. `_...o_»�..... ` f Classification and Compensation Study Report ��dY) Class Studied: Valuation and Assessment Engineer Persons Co�acted: Incumbent, Peter VVhite Supervisor, Peter Hames Date Studied: June 5, 2001 and 7une 7, 2001, August 30, 2001 Studied By John H. Shockley Approval of The Director Of Human Resources Background �-601 On May 16, 2001, a detennu�ation notice was sent to the D'uector of the Department of Technology and Management Services ('I'MS) indicating that the Valuation and Assessment Engineer position had been studied and the determivation had been made that this single incumbent classification should remain . compensated in grade 28 ofthe SPSO salary ranges. On May 24, 2001, the Office ofHuman Resources received a memorandum from the TMS Director indicating that he did not agree with the conclusion reached in the determination and wished to appeai. The TMS Director also indicated when contacted regarding the appeal process that he would like to be interviewed for lris input regazding the incumbenYs position. The incumbent also disagreed with the findings and stated that the initiai study did not adequately address the efFects the addition of the responsibilities of managing the Design Section that was formerly a part of the Office of LIEP, the environmental clean up of various city owned lands, and the obtaining of State and Federal funding for certain capital improvements, had on the intemal value of lus position. The incumbent provided additional information zegazding his position in an interview on June 7, 2001 and in another on Au�aust 30, 2001. Additional, information was also provided by the TMS Director to further assist in evaluating this position. Studv Cotnponents • Interviews with the incumbent • Ixrterviews with the supervisor • Review of additional information provided including comparison data and an organizational chart • Review of the Job Profile that was originally submitted • Comparisons with other divisions manager positions • Thorough QES Analysis Position Descriotion o � -\\Sg This position performs highly responsible managerial work in providing leaderslup and direcrionto the Real Estate Division of the Department of Technology and Manaoement Services. The Real Estate Division functions include assessments, collections, determining space needs and insurance needs. The Division also provides advice to City managers, the Mayor, and the Council on spreading and Ieveraging assessments, and in determining the monetary awards for property acquisitions. Further, the Division provides management of City owned buildings and other property as well as facility planning and design services. Tn addition, the Division is responsible for oversite of environmental clean up of city owned properry specified as contaminated by the Mim�esota Pollurion control Agency. Finally, the Division provides grant writing O � - �\51 services in obtaining State and Federal funding for certain capital improvements. In regard to supervision, the position in question works under the general policy direction of the Director of Technology and Management Services (TMS). The position provides general supervision and policy direction to subordinate section supervisors, professional, technicaS, administrative support employees, and private contractors. As to the minnnum qualifications for this single position classification, incumbents aze required to have a bachelor's degree in azclutecture, civil engineering, urban planning, or real�state and ten years' eacperience in real property valuation and building appraisal work in a responsibie capacity, at least five years of such ea�perience must l�ave been as a supervisor or they must have had similaz experience as a practicing azclutect, azclutectural engineer or civil engineer in an urban environment with responsibility for land and property value issues. Comparisons The duties and responsibilities of the posirion in question were compared to the class specificarions and job profiles of the other division manager positions in TMS and division manager positions in Public Works and the Water Utiliry. Division Manager positions in TMS: Cable communications Officer Tlus single posirion class performs responsible professional and managerial work in the admiuistration of the Ciry's Cable franchise, cable television programming, and cable telecommunications operations. The position is the City's expert on cabie television franchise operations and cable telecommunications issues. This position manages a small division of TMS. The posirion requires a bachelor's degree in a communications field and five years of related mauagement experience. The class is assigned to SPSO grade 24. This position has less of au organizational impact than the position in quesrion and requires a more limited lrnowledge base than required of the position in question. IS Division Mana�er Formerly, this position was allocated to a class called Manager of Data Processing. The ciurent position is responsible for managing the City Information Services Division(IS). The Mana.aer of Data Processing class is currently assigned to SPSO grade 30, however, the curreut incumbent is receiving out of title pay in Non-Represented Ciry Managers grade 33. This was done as an interim measure wrtil a final determination is made regarding the appropriate orgauizational structure of IS and its place within the City's overall organizational structure. The IS Division is lazger than that managed by the position in question. In addition, there aze external market f-actors impacting the compensation level of the information technology mansgement positions Purchasin� Svstems Mana2er Tlus single position class manages the combined City of St. Paul and the Ramsey County purchasing program. 17�e position directs the purchase of cost effecrive materials, supplies, equipment and services for all City and Counry organizational units. This class is assigned to SPSO grade 29. Incumbents are required to have, at least, a bachelor's degree in public or business adnvnistration, organizarional development or planning, and ten years of related experience. Tlus position requires more limited imowledge base than the position in question. p \—\lS1 Also, tlris position is focused in one prograzn azea wlule the position in question has a more variety of programs to ma�e. Treasurv Manager This single position class is currendy vacant. The functions of ihis position are under the spaa of control of the Duector of TMS. The position had responsibility for ma.+ag+na the city's im�estments, cash flow, and debt issuance. It supervised the receipt, disbursement, banldng, and protection of all money and securities received by the city. While the position managed a very small division, #he work of the division had a great impact on the organization. The class is assigned to SPSO grade 29. lncumbents would be required to have, at least, a bachelor's degree in accounting, fmauce, 6usiness or public administration and five years of related e�cperience including financial investment and debt service eacperience. The scope of this position has a more limited focus than that of the position in question. Risk ManaEer This single posirion class manages the City's Risk Management functions which include, insurance, workers compensation, safety, unemploymetrt compensation, and employee insurance benefits. 17ais class is assigned to Non-Represented Ciry Manager's grade 29 because of its confidentiat status in collective bazgaining. Incumbents aze reguired to have, at least, a bachelor's degree and five years of related progressively responsible professional experience. This position requires a more limited ]rnowledge base than that required of the position in question. The incumbent asked that his position also be compared to the Assistant City Engineer class and also the Division Manager- Water Utiliry class which are assigned to SPSO grade 30. Assistant Citv En�ineer Positions allocated to this class manage divisions of the DeQartment of Public Works such as Sewers, Bridges, Streets, etc. These posirions manage divisions such as Sewers, 5ueets, and Bridges, with ongoing programs and projects which impact the City's infi'astructure. Incumbents aze required to have, at least, a bachelor's degree in engineering and eight years of Civil Engineering experience at least three years of which must have been at the Civii Engineer III level. They must also haue registered professional engineering certification from the State of Minnesota. They also require professional engineering certification. Tkiese positions require education and experience similaz to that of the position in question. The programs and projects managed by these positions have a similar impact on City as those managed by the position in question. Division Manaaer - Water Utilitv Posirions allocated to this class provide direction to divisions of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS) which serves the City and many of its suburbs. The divisions impact the provision of a safe and continuous supply of treated water. They also deal with land matters, permits, special projects, emergencies, materials, and a variety of equipment use. Incumbents are required to l�zue, at least, a bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering and over ten years of progressively responsible Civil Engineer eacperience. They must also be registered professional engineers by the State of Minnesota. They are also required to haue a Water Systems Operator's Certificate from the State of Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. These posiuons have a similaz level responsibility as the position in question. O � .11.5� OES Analysis The appropriate campensation ofthis position is contingent upon the application ofthe QES job evaluarion tool. The information provided by the incumbent and especially lus supervisor regarding the nature and scope of the position, as well as the added management responsibilities for the Design Section, the environmental clean up activities, and the grant writing in order to obtain capital improvement funds, were wnsidered in a new evaluation of the position. This information was compared to the QES definitions and the factor awards were compazed with those of other City job classifications. The result was a change in the factor awards as follows: 1. For the factor of Knowledge Required which measures the lmowledge a worker must possess to do acceptable work, the award should change from a level eight to a level nine. The level eight dafinition requires an advanced lmowledge of a field of work or study, and sufficient comprehension to regulazly perform unusual or lrighly difficult assignments in the fieid. The level nine definition requires a comprehensive Imowledge of a field of work or study, and sufficient comprehension to perform expert work involving the development of new techniques and approaches covering broad aspects of the field; or to resolve matters through novel interpretations of existing principles and concepts. According to the information provided by the incumbent and his departmenf director, tlus position is the City's expert in matters of detemiining and spreading of assessments for local improvements such as pavings, sewers, and streets. The position I�as full responsibility for the results in the preparation of plans and estimates , tlie determination of damages for the taking of privately owned properry for public use under condemnation proceedings. In addition, the position has had to acquire additional e�cpertise regarding rivo new professional disciplines of azchitecturat design and environmental engineering in managing the Design Section and the environmental cleanup of the City's currently owned and recently acquired properry. A majority of the other TMS division managers positions haue been awarded an eight level for the factor of Knowledge required, but the TMS director indicated that the nature of work performed by this position is of a greater scope and difficulty than that of the other division tnanagers. This would support the level nine awazd. 2. For the QES factor of Mental Effort, the award should be changed from a level four to a level five. T1us factor measures work in terms of its mental requirements. T�e four level for the Mental Effort factor is defined as work consisting of activities which aze unusual or nonstandard and information must be developed through specialized methods of analysis. Decisions would involve the assessmem of concrete as weIl as abstract matters such as issues, concems and views of others. The level five is defined as work consisting of a broad range of activities within a field and information must be developed through intensive analysis of many different aspects. Decisions involve new designs or major areas of uncertainty and alternatives require cazeful probing assessment to determine iheir probable effects. This posirion is now responsible for the Design Section which recommends changes to city owned buIldings based on tenant and developer needs. The posirion is also involved in the environmental clean up of contaminated city owned property. These two new azeas have increased the mental effort required of the position meeting the five level definition. Also the other TMS Division Managers with similaz point levels have been awazded a five level for the factor of Mental Effort. 3. The Hazards and Stress factor measures hazards present in the work and deadlines which create stress and the frequency of occurrence. This position has been awazded a level three because of the exposure to risks requiring safety equipment and the stress present in adjusting plans, schedules, and deadlines to meet frequently changiug requirements. The study revealed that the level three award should be occasional and not regular. vt-«s9 4. Surroundings is a factor that measures the discomforts or uupleasantness of the work environmex�t and the frequency of exposure to same. Previously tivs position had been awarded a level two on a regulaz basis. Level two is defined as a work environme� that involves some discomfort or unpleasaniness such as moderate levels of noise, dampness, vibration, dust, dirt, or odors: or constraints in the continuous operation of a piece of equipment This study revealed that the position in question is only occasionally eaposed to the work environmern described instead of regvlazly. The new evaluation of t6e position in question supports assigning the position to grade 30 of the SPSO salary ranges. Recommendation It is recommended that the Valuation and Assessment Engineer class be reassigned from SPSO grade 28 to SPSO grade 30. It is further recommended that the class sgecification be updated to reflect the addition of the new responsibiliries for managing the Design Section, the environmental clean up of City owned property, and the oversight of obtaiuiug State and Federal funding for capital improvements. It is further recommended that following implementation of the grade change, the Department of TMS should consider changing the name of t�e class to Valuation and Assessment Division Manager. T'his is reconunended to emphasize the curreut focus of the position, which is on management and not engineering. G:VShared�BC1WPFII,ESVSHOCBI.E1'�vatuation and assess�nent rnginee2.wpd PROPOSED TTTLE OF CLASS: Code: 439A VALUATIONANDASSESSMEI3TS BU: 09 �, ENGINEER Effective: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Daties: Performs highly responsible managerial and adminisharive work in overseeing the Real Estate function of the City including assessments, collecrions, facility planning and design services, space needs, insurance, and environmental clean up; advises senior management, depaztment heads, the Mayor, and the Council on spreading and levying assessments, and on the determination and awazding of damages for the acquisirion of property; manages the collection of assessments and the process of obtaining state and federai funds for capital improvements; perForms related duties as required. S�u ervision Received: Works under the broad guidance and direction of a depaztrnent head. �ervision Exercised: Exercises general supervision and policy direction directly and through subordinate supervisors over all assigned employees. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Directs the laying out of assessment disiricts and the spreading of assessments for local improvements, such as paving, sewers, street and alley grading, etc. Manages, with full responsibility for results, the prepazarion of plans and estimates, the determinarion of the amount af damages for the taking of privately owned property for public use by condernnarion proceedings. Oversees the process of appraising and fixing the value of property to be purchased or sold by the City. Maintains qualificarions to testify, and testifies, as an expert on real estate valuations in court and condemnation proceedings. Maintains ability to tesrify as an expert on conshuction projects, easements, etc. Plans, implements, and directs the activities of the division which performs the assessment and real property functions ofthe City. Directs or conducts studies relating to new or proposed legislation, reorganizarions,and new technology to assess impact on City and on division policies and procedures. Directs reviews of proposals for assessments from departments and advises as to what can properly and legally be assessed against properties. Assists deparhnents in developing alternatives if necessary. Reviews, or directs reviews, of policies and procedures to ensure efficiency, effectiveness, and compliance with law. (VALUATION AND ASSESSMENTS ENGINEER) Page 1 of 2 PROPOSED TTTLE OF CLASS: Advises and assists departments in determining space needs. Code: 439A BU: 09 Effecrive: 6 t- l�S`[ Oversees the management of City owned properry including building management responsibility for selected buildings and insurance issues for all properry. Oversees the provision of facility planning and design services. Testifies before City Council on a variety of matters conceming assessment and real property issues. Oversees the environmental clean up of city owned lands deemed contaminated by the Mimiesota Pollution Control Agency and the prevention of future contamination. Oversees prepazation of testimony including all required supporting documentation for appeazances in court, before Council, and before other public bodies. Oversees the provision of grant writing sezvices in obtaining State and Federal funds for capital improvements. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES, AND COMPETENCIES Thorough knowledge of taws, regulafions and administrative decisions relating to assessments, appraisais, insurance and other real properry issues. Expert knowiedge of government appropriarion and budget principles and prac6ces. Considerable Imowledge of engineering standazds and practices as they apply to public improvements on property. Considerable knowledge and ability to testify in court regarding assessments, valuarion, and insurance issues. Considerable ability to communicate difficuit legal and fiscal issues to experts and laypersons both orally and in writing. Considerable ability to negotiate agreements with high level o�cials from other deparhments. Considerable ability to function effectively with elected officials, citizen groups, other special interest groups, property owners, and the media. Considerable ability to negoriate successful settlements with property owners. Considerable ability to deal with hostile citizen or business goups. Considerable ability to plan, arganize, monitor, evaluate and delegate work. Considerable ability to integrate legal requirements, the welfaze of the City, and the interests of properry owners on assessment, condemnafion and valuation issues into decisions. VALUATION AND ASSESSMENTS ENGINEER (VALUATTON AND ASSESSMENTS ENCsINEER) Page 2 of 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: Code: 439A VALUATION AND ASSESSMENTS BU: 09 d�.. ttS t ENGINEER Effective: MII�T[MUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in azchitecture, civil engineering, urban planning or real estate and ten years' experience in real properry valuation and building appraisal work in a responsible capacity, at least five years of which must have been as a sapervisor, or similaz e�cperience as a practicing architecY, azchitectural engineer or civil engineer in an urban environment with responsibflity for land and properry value issues. (VALUATION AND ASSESSMENTS ENGTNEER) Page 3 of 2 O£FICE OF I�I[JMAN RESOURCES John Hamifton, Di�ecmr CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Nosm Coteman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Helga Kessler, President - SaintPaul Supervisors Organization John Shockley, Sr. Consultant Manager O�ce of Human Resources October 15, 200I 400 City Hall Annex 25 West Fmnth Sbeet SaintPaul,Mismesota 55702-I63I Valuation and Assessment Engineer Revised 20 day Notice e. �.�sZ Telephone: 651 d 66-6500 7DD/ITY� 65I-266-650I Job line: 65I-266fi502 Facsimile: I" Option: 65I-292L414 Zn Ophon: 657-292-6415 3^' Opfion: 657-292-7656 As a result of an appeal of a previous determination, a restudy was conducted in order to determine the appropriate compensa6on for ihe Valuation and Assessment Engineer single incumbent ciassificarion. The current incumbent is Peter White. The result of the restudy is that our office will be introducing a resolution, in accordance with Civil Service Rule 3.B., reassigning the Valuarion and Assessment Engineer class from grade 28 to grade 30 of the Saint Paul Supervisors Association (SPSO) salary schedule. Also, we will be amending the Valuation and Assessment Engineer class specification to reflect changes in the duties and responsibilities (See attached revised class specification). Therefore, pursuant to City of Saint Paul, Civil Service Rule 3.C, this memorandum is to inform you that this action is being talcen. If you have any quesfions regazding this matter, please contact me at 266-6482. Attachment CC: Trish Freiberger Kathy Megarry C:\WINDOWS\1BMP\TMS.VaI and Assess20day.notice.SPSO.wpd OFFICE OF HIJMAN RESOURCES JohnHamikon,Dirutor CTTY OF 5AINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor T�: FROM: DATE: RE: 400CiryHaIIAnnes 25 WestFourth Street SaintPau7,M(nnesota 55102-1631 Peter Hames, Director Department of Teclwology and Management Services John Shockley, Sr. Consultant Manager Office of Human Resources October 15, 2001 Valuation and Assessment Engineer Revised 20 day I*Totice Telephone: ZDDlIZY: Job line: Facsimrle: 1 Optlan: Y 3'�Opnon: 01. ll5 � 651-2666500 651-266-6501 651-266-6502 651-292-6414 651-292-6415 651-292-7Q56 As a result of an appeal of the original detemrina#ion, a restudy was conducted in order to detemune the appropriate compensarion for the Valuation and Assessmeut Engineer singie incumbent classification. The current incumbent is Peter White. The result of the restudy is that our office will be introducing a resolution, in accordance with Civil Service Rule 3.B., reassigning the Valuation and Assessment Engineer class from grade 28 to grade 30 ofthe Saint Paul Supervisors Association (SPSO) salary schedule. Also, our office will be revising the Valuation and Assessment Engineer class specifica.rion to reflect changes in the duties and responsibiliries (See attached revised class specification}. Therefore, pursuant to City of Saint Paul, Civil Service Rule 3.C, tlus memorandum is to inform you that this action is being taken. If you haue any questions regazding this matter, please co�act me at 266-6482. Attachment CC: Kathy Megarry Trish Freiberger G:\Shared�HRCOMMONVSHOCKLEl'�TMS.VaI ardrlxsesc20day.notice2.wpd