273476 �NHITE - CITV CLERK ������ PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT �AU L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT 1 BLUE - MAVOR Flle NO. Co ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Resolution changing the grade and the class specification for the title of Disbursement Auditing Supervisor in the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3.B (Clerical Group) by striking from Grade 38 the title of Disbursement Auditing Supervisor and inserting this title in Grade 36; and be it FURTHER RE50LVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended by striking from Section 32 the class specification for the title of Disbursement Auditing Supervisor and substituting in lieu thereof the attached class specification for the title of Disbursement Auditing Supervisor. Approved: , Chairman Civil Service Co issio COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �e�- � PER ONN OFF CE Hozza [n Favor , Hunt T a� � __ Against BY ' Maddox snoW 4 1979 sco AUG �' Form App ved b City A r y Ado by Council: Date c ertified P� • y Counci retary BY � t�pprov d by � v Dat �� � 6 App by Mayor for u is i n to Eouncil By _ gy �usK�o AUG 2 � 1979 � ��'��r6 Title of class: DI3BURSIIKENT AUDITING SUPERVISOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs supervisory work directing the clerical work involving auditing a variety of payment instruments for the disbursement of City funds; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of a higher level accountant or a division or unit head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a unit close technical supervision directly over clerical workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Supervises employees engaged in the final audit of purchase orders, contract claims, contract estimates, miscellaneous claims, travel claims, pay vouchers and inter-departmental transfers for proper preparation and compliance with specifications and legal requirements. Prepares budget estimates for future expenditures. Maintains file of authorized signatures, agreements, contracts and other documents necessary to audits. Prepares, reviews and updates procedural manuals for office practices and guidelines. Supervises the issuing of special checks. Develops and utilizes new disbursement practices and procedures in accor- dance with administrative guidelines. Advises City departments of improper purchasing practices, necessary res- olutions, administrative orders, agreement or contract additions, incomplete i.zivoices or other discrepancies: Maintains severance pay ledgers, prepares affidavits when necessary, sub- mits budget estimate for annual use of severance pay funds. Schedules disbursements to obtain maximum use of funds consistent with accepted business practice. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of general accounting procedures and practices. Considerable knowledge of laws, statutes, resolutions and board meetings that affect the financial disbursements function. Considerable knowledge of modern office practice and procedures. Working ability to make arithmetic comgutations by hand or with an adding machine. Considerable ability to establish working relationships with subordinate employees. Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with City personnel and tfie general public. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation and eight years� clerical experience, at least three years of wfiich must have been in a responsible supervisory capacity in accounting, disbursement or payroll work. :` � ` �1�./.���1�C'� �_:J� ►�,')11.Z.:��'' _.7�t?.E�.. l���_� �_�- � � � � �� f'�.- f\ •:::,\ ���'.E.'��:f'; �J�� rJl'S'��': �i;.�L'� �;�Lj��iF�, ���� i•' . '� �:t� ; ._ . s �'�,�,-_-- 1=� _ ;: �;- . _ �1 � .l� �����\ y �j;�" Da t e : July 30, 1979 �` '_' =;f'�� �i � ��ti ��i I�� � � %.� �i i.� � � Y i ^i � O : �c�in� °ctul Ciiy Co�ncii _ � F i; �3 ��] = C 0;7�iii�t�7�'� rJ il F,�N,ANCE, MANA�EMENT AND PERSONNEL _ RUBY HUNT ;��ifrncn, mGnes the Yc�tl�:•�ins rt pori� o n C. F. - � Ordinar�ce - ���� � �iCS4�:IfFOiI � . � -. . - � o�� �r - . _ , � �3L� ; _ - _ - The Finance Committee, at its meeting of July 30, 1979, recommended approi�al of - ._ the fol.lowing: � - l . � Resolution transferring ftmds in the 1979 Contingent Reserve-Specified �o th� Model Ci�ties Health Program. (5g95-RH�.. � 2. Resolution amending 1978.-1979 Agreement with Sheet Metal Workers Local 76.. . � t9994-RH� . ' 3. Resolution amending Salary �lan and Rates of Compensation to increase rate of . , � pay for Parfcing Lot Guard �Schools) . (9�9�-RH�. ' � 4. Resolution replacing title of Project Manager Assistant in Grade a, Section 3.J � � (Prof/Admin: Non-Supervisorsj with title of Project Manager T in same grade and� section. _ � � .� 5. Reso7ution revising specification for Project Manag.er TV in Grade 22, Section 3.J. (Prof/Admin. Non Superyisors�. (9987-RH) . 6. Resolution estab7ishin titles and class specificatians for Project Manager II in � � Grade 10, Section 3.J �Prof/Admin. Non-Supervisors) and Project Tlanager I�I in Grade 16, Section 3.7 (Prof/Admin. Non-Supervisors}. (9992-RH}: 7. Resolution establisF►ing title of Accounting Technician I - Renewal in Grade 30 of Section 3.L. (Technical Group� of the Civil Service Rules. �9991-RH). � 8. Resolutaon revising class specification for and reducing the grade of the Disburse- - ment Auditing Supervisor classification from Grade 38 to Grade 36 in Section 3.B � (Clerica7 Group� of the Civil Service Rules_ (9�90-RH). 9. Resolution replacing title and class specification for Substitute Library Technician- �Zn Section 3.M� (Special Employment Groupj with title and class specification for Su6stitute Library Specialist. No c}iange in pay. (9989-RH�. 10. Resolution establishing title of Zoning Specialist in Grade 14 of theProf/Admin. Non-Supervisors Group (Section 3.J.) , a'tso esta6lishing c7ass specification. . ;r� i11iT.T. $F>v�ti-r:: ��r.co:: s:��_:r r:L.�.�., ::►��;:S��e,� S�To: t .T�.,. . . . : . . . . . , . jry " - _ ` . �+ f ( F .;a , . �a �! detach this merrw�andum fre�t'�i��r � � � ,,; . rya�oN�tlk� so tha# th�s.irrfom�atior! w�N D!R ���`'��, � � .,�� a�ra►tt�bte to ttts C� �Councii. � Y � � : � � CE:�-�/�� � � :�. . , �e�aTZa� o� i�szxzss�Trv� :o�m�s � ; ����' ox�ixt�css J!!t � 91979� , , .E . . . .; ' .. � - IIIiA����� � , ', � ° Da�e� Juaie 13, :1979 � � �,;. �'0: �1k.Y0�_'GB�AGE L�TI1�R ; ,� �'R: Parawnnel Off`�ee � : J�; �eol.c��io�:fo�c aubmissioa to City Cduncil .� , . � : : ACTT4N REQUBS�� :,. , , : � We:xe�ad 7ttaux� °a��xovsl and �ubmiasian of this Resolut3on �v Cha �"l.L� C��:�.► � �! F.,..: •' � . .. ,. . . .. , . .. . . . . . ' . . . . . . . � . . . . ,.. . . � ' � . . . . . - . � .. � � . � . : . ... - .�9 Pti�FL�SE AN!? 1tATI0i�A�,��POR Tfl�� ACTI4N: This Resoluta.on. will revise the elasa specificatadaa i�or �d:��v��:i�e gr�.e of the Disbureemeat Auditi.x�g �u.pe�viea� cl.asaifa�4i.o�►� fro�n A �rs�+1.e 38 to Grade 3b in Section 3.B (C1er,ical Gro�pj 4f�he C�.�3;1' + Service Rul:ee, ,��� Thie classi.fic�tioa was upgraded several yea�;a aga �ct G�a�: �� ` �� ' contia��t upon�he Gity's contiauin,g to av.dit i�hoo�. I�i�ict.�s�ir�e- ` � meats. The City;�ao longe� pe�forms this s�rva.c� fc�r Iside�ei'�.dq�r►t . , • $choal. F�Iietrict'Number 625 artd i�ie position is �tr�eatlg.v�c�tt. , ;;. Gr�de 3b was previsouly d�e't�r';�mined. to be apgropria.te �;#�e v��1��did . ,. not inclade Schaol Dietrict disbn��en�nts. ' ,' ' 7.'he �1�,s� specificatioa has been amended to rernowe �e��ere�c�s tt�.�e � ��' School Distric� � ;a , . � _ ; .-, , , ; ; , ; , � � f: A1TAC�]TS: v ,: R�a�ion anc3 cop� for the C'ity Clerk. . ` �: , � � a . . , • Title of class. DISBURSEMENT AUDITING SUPERVISOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK Gen�ral 5tatement of Duties: Performs supervisory work directing the clerical work involving auditing a variety of payxnent instruments for the disbursement of City and school funds; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Workcs under the ger�eral guidance and direction o£ a higher level accountant or a division or unit head. 5upervision Exercised: Exercises w�ithin a unit close technical supervision directly over clerical workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this classo Supervises employees engaged in the final audit of purchase orders, contract claims, contract estimates, mi.scellaneous claims, travel claims, pay vouchers and inter-departrnental transfers £pr propex preparation and • compliance with specifications and legal requirements. Prepares budget e5timates for future expenditures. . Maintains file of authorized signatures, agreements, contracts and other documents necessary to audits. Prepares, reviews and updates procedural max�uals fox office practi.ces and guidelines. Supervises the issuing of special checks. Develops and utilizes new disbursement practices and procedures in accor- dance with administrative guidelines. Advises City departments and School District of improper pu�chasing prac- tices, necessary resolutions, administrative orders, agreemen,t or con- tract additions, incomplete invoices or other discrepancies. Maintains severance pay ledgers, prepares affidavits when necessary, sub- mits budget estimate for annual use of se�r�x�nce pay #'unds. Schedules disbursements to obtain maximum use of funds consisten� with accepted business practice, KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIE5 Working knowledge of general accounting procedures and practices. Considerable knowledge of laws, statutes, resolutions and board meetings that affect the financial disbursements function. (continued on reverse side) • EffectivE May 7, I977 DISBURSEMENT AUDTTTNG SUPERVZSOR � R � DISBURSEMENT AUDITIN� SUPERVISOR • (Continued) Considerable knowledge of modern office practice and procedures. Working ability �o make arithmetic computations by hand or with an adding ma chine, Conside�rable ability to establish working relationships with subordinate employees. Considerable ability to deal ta�zfully and efficiently with City and school personnel and the general public. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation and eight years' clerical experience, at least three years of which must have been in a responsible supervisory capacity in accounting, disbursement or payroll work. � , .