273470 WHITE - CITV CIERK A��ry p'�j,y-� � PINK - FINANCE f •l -1f�' 1�■ CANARV - DEPARTMENT C I TY OF SA I NT PALTZ COUIICll � `� � v BLUE -MAYOR File NO. • In `, Ordinance N 0. � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordin�ve amending Ordinanoe No. 13537, approved Ja�uary 31, 1967 pertaining tA Truck R�utes. THE OOUNCIL O�F' Zi� QTY QF SAINT PAUL DC�S OR�A1N: Sectirn 1. Zhat Ordinanoe No. 13537, approved January 31, 1967, is hereby amenc�ed by ctieleting the follvwing from sectiori 2, Subsection (3) , tt�ereof: Mississippi St. - York Ave. to JessaQnine Ave. Jessami.r�ee Ave. - Mississippi St. to Arlcwright St. Arkwright St. - Jessamine Av�e. to Maryland Ave. Section 2. Z�is ordinanoe shall not be print�ed as part of the Saiat Paul Legislativ�e Coc1e but shall be inoorporated therein by referenoe. Secti� 3. This ordinanoe shall take effect and be in foroe thirty (30) clays from and after its passag�e, approval an�d pt�lication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � �� � �`'�^��'n In Favor �t�er - Traffi� Hozza Y���.t-ri��, � Hunt , L,evine � Against BY Maddox Showalter �`° SEP y 1g79 Form Approved b� ity Attorne Adopted by Council: Date I Certified P y o nci cr y gY 'i By v Appro Mayor: D c�p �. Q 1979 Ap o�ke by Ma r fo b 'is�ion to Council By BY� l�eustt�u S E P 15 1979 _ _ s . OM 0�.: Z2��.9�5 . � , . �v• � � 9/8/76 � - � EXPLANATIpN OE' ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, +�c�_ � R'�SOLUTIONS, Al�tll ORD:�NANC S �rp ti/��O . Date: July 24:, 1979 . . � 1'Q; MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR: Dana3.d D. Tufte, Public Works Dept., Traffic Hr�gineezinc� gE: Pea�vail of the folla�ing streets fx+am the Z'YVr�s A�ite �r.d3na�we: 1�SSISSIPPI STl�'.� - YOrk Ave�ie :tA Jessaanine A�enue JES.���E AVII+it&: - Mississi�pi Straet to Arkwric�t St��eet AI�fQ� 51�,+'T - Jessa�nine Ave�ue to Maiy]�nd A�enne ACTION REQUESTED: City Gax�cil a�praval o€�th�e att�d Ord�naz�oe. PURPO5E AND RATTONALE FOR THIS ACTION: - With the oauQletiai of the �ew bridges an N�ssissippi Stree� it is poeasible tio z+esacme tt�e referenced tnx�c rotxhes th�ough,a reside�ntial neighbo�ood. Zriese rq�bes were established by O�+dinanoe No. 15685 cn August 15, 19y4, when weic�t restrictians were pla�oed an tt�e Mississippi St�eet bridges. AT�ACHMENTS: � Ordinanae �IIt:DDT:aed ' . � 13 - ' ls t __�_��f 2nd _ �, �� 1 3rd ���-�—� Adopted ��� i �/2� . 'Yeas Nays BUTLER �T Fd/���� LEVINE � � MADDOR SHOWALTER � � E i TEDESCO ' � ; PRESIDENT (flOZZA) i i r