01-1157�RIGIS�AL RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Refened To Council File # p 1— �15� Green Sheet # 106858 Committee Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve First Special Session �a 4 5 Laws 2001 - Chapter 10, Article 10, Sections 2 and 6 which relate to public pension coverage exclusion for certain trades personnel, pursuant to the provisions of Minn. Stat. § 645A21; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby request to file a certificate of such approval with the Secretary of State, in such forxn as may be prescribe by the Attorney General, in compiiance with 6 Minn. Stat. §645.021, subd. 3. Yeas Na s Absent Benanav ✓ Blakey Bostrom Coleman Harris � Lantry � Reiter f Adopted by Council: Date ��.�� �Ap � � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary \� . � �.� . -� . � �• 1 li ����— ../ i �' i - , � m Requested by Department of. Office of Labor Relations BY� � -��n.l�/�'� �b� Form Appro d by Ci orney By: ��`' — ' ' Approved bi �yor for Submiss�on to Council By: � � � DEPARTMEN[/OFF7CE/COUNCIL: DATE IlYITTATED GREEN SHEET No.: 106858 b�� ��5� " LABOR RELATIONS October 24, 2001 CONTACI' PERSON & PHONE: p uvm��,mniE jMTlp,yipply; TERRY HALTINER 266-8897 �I� 1 DEPARI'MENC DIR �'i� a crrv covNCn. NOMBER 2 CTTY ATI'ORNEY '� CI1'Y CLERK �1IJST BE ON COUNCB, AGENDA BY (DATE) FOR BUDGEf DIR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICE DIR ROUTING 3 MAYOR (OR ASST.) ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNAT[JRE PAGES 1 (CLTP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATTJRE) ' � ACTION REQUESTED: , Resolution approving the First Special Session Laws 2001 - Chapter 10, Article 10, Sections 2 and 6 allowing certain Building Trades employees to opt out of PERA. � RECOM[v�NDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACI'S MUST ANSWER TI�IE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMbIISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION L Has this person/fim� ever worked under a contract for this department? _CIB COMbII1'CEE Yes No STAFF 2. Has this person/fvm ever been a ciry employee? _DISIRICT COURT Yes No �� SWPORTS WFIICH COtINCIL OBJECTIVE? 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normal(y possessed by any cmrent city employee? Yes No � Explain aIl yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet IMTIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORI'fJNTTY (N'ho, Wha; When, Where, Why} Certain building trade unions (see attached letters) persuaded the Legislature to allow current employees to opt out of PERA and exempt future employees that are members or their unions. w, . � ADVANTAGES[FAPPROVED� ' All affected unions have requested approval. � DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Council Researah Center ' None, there is no cost to the City. OCT � 0 2001 ' DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: � Denial of request by unions. ' ° TOTAL AMOIJN'I' OF'PRAVSACTION: 0 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FONDING SOURCE: ACTIVI'CY NUMBER: � FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) c�-��s� Bricklayers cznd Allied Cra, ftworkers Local Union No. 1 Minnesota 372 Central Ave., Suite 328 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414 September 27, 2001 Jason Schmidt "Build Better For Less Wiih Masonry' GARY F. GOBLIRSCH President / Secretary-Treasurer Labor Relations Specialist City of St. Paul 400 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 —1631 1:7�»d_1 Dear Mr. Schmidt, n„ k - o =-_�. TELEPHONES: 612/379-2966 612/379-4230 Fax:672/379-8754 This letter is being sent in response to your letter dated September 25, 2001. The Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers Local Union #1 of Minnesota Local Union #1 of Minnesota is hereby requesting that all members working for the City of St. Paul be granted the opportunity to exercise their right to opt out of PERA. Please consider this letter a formal request from the Union on behalf of its members and submit a resolution to the City Council to enact the State's legislation. If you have any further questions regarding this matter, please contact Michael Cook at this office at 612-379-2966. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, �� �� Michael J Cook Vice President / Business Representative Brickiayers and Allied Craftworkers Local Union #1 of Minnesota �,�� �V�s' y� t ��+ € � ,�. LARRY T. VEE finanaql Secretary Business Manager DON RACHNER Pr�dent ota�s� CEMENT MA.SONS, PLASTERERS AND SHOPHANDS Local No. 633 of tYlinnesota, iVorth Dakota, and NW Niscorzsin • AFL-CIO 312 Central Avenue • Room 376 • Minneapolis, Minnesota SSd14 Phone(612)379-1558 • fax(612)379-1559 GREG MASSEY Jason Schmidt, Labor Relations Specialist BusinessAgerrc City of St Paul LARAY BENNETT 400 City Hal! Annex BusinessAgent 25 W 4�' St DONALD KRAHN St Paul, MN 55102 Business Agent DENNYWHITE RE: PERA BusinessAgent fAME$ MUR(tAY BusmessAgent Dear Mr. Schmidt October 2, 2001 MICHAE� SYVERSRUD BusinessAgent This letter is being sent in response to your letter dated September 25, 2001. The Cement Masons, Plasterers and Shophands Local No. 633 is hereby requesting that ali members working for the City of St. Paul be granted the opportunify fo exercise their righfi to opt out of PERA. Please consider this letter a formal request from the Union on behalf of its members and submit a resolution to the City Council to enact the State's legislation. If you have any further questions, please contact me attention to this matter. Sincerely, Larry Bennett, Business Agent LN:db Opeiu12 Thank you for your 5 °o ���,° A"' � _� g = o m 2 N DNf UNtON z � ,�� 0 r' 9 '�' 41 70NP� J JEFF J. JEW£1T Business Manager PAUL C. SPOEHR Fle1d IZEpY¢SCtttahVe HARI.AND OISON F�nanaaI Secretaiy EXECUTTVE BOARD R4ARK BARTEL JOHN DREELnN ROBEAT FEICISERT HARLANU OiSON RON RITCHIE MAATY THELL Internationa2 Union of Painters Allied �'ra es LOCAL UNION NO. 61 4ll Main Street • Sliite 204 • Iabor Centre e Saint Paul, MN 55102 �ssi� z2¢zsis • Fax: �ssi� zz4-os�o September 26, 2001 Mr. Jason Schmidt, Labor Relations Specialist City of St. Paul Labor Relations 400 City Hall Annex 25 West 4� Street Sf. Paul, MN 55102 DearJason: CERTiFIED MAIL — RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED This is in response to your letter dated September 25, 2001, regarding "opting out" of PERA retirement plan. St. Paui Painters Local 61's members wish to have the opportunity to opt out of PERA if they so choose. With kind regards, � ,�/ _.__�- ''! �' ��`rx'°� Jeff J. Jewett Business Rep District Council 82/Locai 6'f JJJ.ea Opem #12 ai-usn Professional Painting Pays ��I-11�7 CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE Fred Owees:�, City Clerk ���� CTI`Y OF SAINT PAUL 170CiryHall Tel.: 651-266-8989 Narm Coleman, Mayor IS W KelloggBoulevmd Fas: 657-266-8689 Safnt Paul, M"mnesom 55102 1Vovember 20, 2001 Secretary of State 100 Constitution Avenue Room 180, State Office Building Saint Paul, MN 55155 - Attention: Renee Coffey Dear Ms. Coffey: Attached for filing in the Office of the Secretary of State is a Certificate of Approval by the City of Saint Paul for Chapter 10, Artide 10, Sections 2 and 6, Laws 2001, as approved by Council fiie 01-1157, adopted on November 7, 2001. Please date stamp the aftached copy of this letter and return it to the Deputy City Clerk, 170 City Hall, 15 W. Keilogg, Saint Paui, MN 55i02. Sincerefy, � c=%'n�,c,`. ��� Shari Moore Deputy City Clerk Attachments C�1- I� 57 CER71FiCATE OF APPROVAL OF SPECiAL LAW BY GOVERNING BODY (Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, 645.02 and 645.021) �STATE OF MINNES�TA Countyof RamseY TO THE SECRETARY OF STA7E OF M(NNESOTA: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, That the undersigned chief clerical officer of the City of Saint Paul DOES HEAEBY CERTIFY, that in compliance with the provisions of Laws, Zooi , Chapter lo (year) (number) requiring approval by a majority*vote of the governing body of said local governmental unit before it becomes effective, the Saint Paul City Council (designate goveming body) at a meeting duly held on the 7 C�3�J Of November 2001 , by resolution OI-1157 did approve said Laws, 2001 , Chapter �o (if otherthan resolution, specify) (year) (number) by a�-o majority vote* of ail of the members thereof {Ayes 7 ; Noes o ; Absent or not voting � and the fotlowing additional steps, if any, required by statute or charter were taken: A copy of the resolution is hereto annexed and made a part of this certificate by reference. � � Signed: � SEAL Deputy City Clerk {Officiai designation of officer) (This form prescribed by the AttorRey General and fumished by the Secretary of State as required in Minnesota Statutes 645.�21.) *if extraordinary majority is required by the special Ia+N, insert frastion or percentage here. Flease see reverse side for instructions for compieting this form. certauth.p65 Rev, 7I98 �RIGIS�AL RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Refened To Council File # p 1— �15� Green Sheet # 106858 Committee Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve First Special Session �a 4 5 Laws 2001 - Chapter 10, Article 10, Sections 2 and 6 which relate to public pension coverage exclusion for certain trades personnel, pursuant to the provisions of Minn. Stat. § 645A21; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby request to file a certificate of such approval with the Secretary of State, in such forxn as may be prescribe by the Attorney General, in compiiance with 6 Minn. Stat. §645.021, subd. 3. Yeas Na s Absent Benanav ✓ Blakey Bostrom Coleman Harris � Lantry � Reiter f Adopted by Council: Date ��.�� �Ap � � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary \� . � �.� . -� . � �• 1 li ����— ../ i �' i - , � m Requested by Department of. Office of Labor Relations BY� � -��n.l�/�'� �b� Form Appro d by Ci orney By: ��`' — ' ' Approved bi �yor for Submiss�on to Council By: � � � DEPARTMEN[/OFF7CE/COUNCIL: DATE IlYITTATED GREEN SHEET No.: 106858 b�� ��5� " LABOR RELATIONS October 24, 2001 CONTACI' PERSON & PHONE: p uvm��,mniE jMTlp,yipply; TERRY HALTINER 266-8897 �I� 1 DEPARI'MENC DIR �'i� a crrv covNCn. NOMBER 2 CTTY ATI'ORNEY '� CI1'Y CLERK �1IJST BE ON COUNCB, AGENDA BY (DATE) FOR BUDGEf DIR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICE DIR ROUTING 3 MAYOR (OR ASST.) ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNAT[JRE PAGES 1 (CLTP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATTJRE) ' � ACTION REQUESTED: , Resolution approving the First Special Session Laws 2001 - Chapter 10, Article 10, Sections 2 and 6 allowing certain Building Trades employees to opt out of PERA. � RECOM[v�NDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACI'S MUST ANSWER TI�IE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMbIISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION L Has this person/fim� ever worked under a contract for this department? _CIB COMbII1'CEE Yes No STAFF 2. Has this person/fvm ever been a ciry employee? _DISIRICT COURT Yes No �� SWPORTS WFIICH COtINCIL OBJECTIVE? 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normal(y possessed by any cmrent city employee? Yes No � Explain aIl yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet IMTIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORI'fJNTTY (N'ho, Wha; When, Where, Why} Certain building trade unions (see attached letters) persuaded the Legislature to allow current employees to opt out of PERA and exempt future employees that are members or their unions. w, . � ADVANTAGES[FAPPROVED� ' All affected unions have requested approval. � DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Council Researah Center ' None, there is no cost to the City. OCT � 0 2001 ' DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: � Denial of request by unions. ' ° TOTAL AMOIJN'I' OF'PRAVSACTION: 0 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FONDING SOURCE: ACTIVI'CY NUMBER: � FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) c�-��s� Bricklayers cznd Allied Cra, ftworkers Local Union No. 1 Minnesota 372 Central Ave., Suite 328 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414 September 27, 2001 Jason Schmidt "Build Better For Less Wiih Masonry' GARY F. GOBLIRSCH President / Secretary-Treasurer Labor Relations Specialist City of St. Paul 400 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 —1631 1:7�»d_1 Dear Mr. Schmidt, n„ k - o =-_�. TELEPHONES: 612/379-2966 612/379-4230 Fax:672/379-8754 This letter is being sent in response to your letter dated September 25, 2001. The Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers Local Union #1 of Minnesota Local Union #1 of Minnesota is hereby requesting that all members working for the City of St. Paul be granted the opportunity to exercise their right to opt out of PERA. Please consider this letter a formal request from the Union on behalf of its members and submit a resolution to the City Council to enact the State's legislation. If you have any further questions regarding this matter, please contact Michael Cook at this office at 612-379-2966. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, �� �� Michael J Cook Vice President / Business Representative Brickiayers and Allied Craftworkers Local Union #1 of Minnesota �,�� �V�s' y� t ��+ € � ,�. LARRY T. VEE finanaql Secretary Business Manager DON RACHNER Pr�dent ota�s� CEMENT MA.SONS, PLASTERERS AND SHOPHANDS Local No. 633 of tYlinnesota, iVorth Dakota, and NW Niscorzsin • AFL-CIO 312 Central Avenue • Room 376 • Minneapolis, Minnesota SSd14 Phone(612)379-1558 • fax(612)379-1559 GREG MASSEY Jason Schmidt, Labor Relations Specialist BusinessAgerrc City of St Paul LARAY BENNETT 400 City Hal! Annex BusinessAgent 25 W 4�' St DONALD KRAHN St Paul, MN 55102 Business Agent DENNYWHITE RE: PERA BusinessAgent fAME$ MUR(tAY BusmessAgent Dear Mr. Schmidt October 2, 2001 MICHAE� SYVERSRUD BusinessAgent This letter is being sent in response to your letter dated September 25, 2001. The Cement Masons, Plasterers and Shophands Local No. 633 is hereby requesting that ali members working for the City of St. Paul be granted the opportunify fo exercise their righfi to opt out of PERA. Please consider this letter a formal request from the Union on behalf of its members and submit a resolution to the City Council to enact the State's legislation. If you have any further questions, please contact me attention to this matter. Sincerely, Larry Bennett, Business Agent LN:db Opeiu12 Thank you for your 5 °o ���,° A"' � _� g = o m 2 N DNf UNtON z � ,�� 0 r' 9 '�' 41 70NP� J JEFF J. JEW£1T Business Manager PAUL C. SPOEHR Fle1d IZEpY¢SCtttahVe HARI.AND OISON F�nanaaI Secretaiy EXECUTTVE BOARD R4ARK BARTEL JOHN DREELnN ROBEAT FEICISERT HARLANU OiSON RON RITCHIE MAATY THELL Internationa2 Union of Painters Allied �'ra es LOCAL UNION NO. 61 4ll Main Street • Sliite 204 • Iabor Centre e Saint Paul, MN 55102 �ssi� z2¢zsis • Fax: �ssi� zz4-os�o September 26, 2001 Mr. Jason Schmidt, Labor Relations Specialist City of St. Paul Labor Relations 400 City Hall Annex 25 West 4� Street Sf. Paul, MN 55102 DearJason: CERTiFIED MAIL — RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED This is in response to your letter dated September 25, 2001, regarding "opting out" of PERA retirement plan. St. Paui Painters Local 61's members wish to have the opportunity to opt out of PERA if they so choose. With kind regards, � ,�/ _.__�- ''! �' ��`rx'°� Jeff J. Jewett Business Rep District Council 82/Locai 6'f JJJ.ea Opem #12 ai-usn Professional Painting Pays ��I-11�7 CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE Fred Owees:�, City Clerk ���� CTI`Y OF SAINT PAUL 170CiryHall Tel.: 651-266-8989 Narm Coleman, Mayor IS W KelloggBoulevmd Fas: 657-266-8689 Safnt Paul, M"mnesom 55102 1Vovember 20, 2001 Secretary of State 100 Constitution Avenue Room 180, State Office Building Saint Paul, MN 55155 - Attention: Renee Coffey Dear Ms. Coffey: Attached for filing in the Office of the Secretary of State is a Certificate of Approval by the City of Saint Paul for Chapter 10, Artide 10, Sections 2 and 6, Laws 2001, as approved by Council fiie 01-1157, adopted on November 7, 2001. Please date stamp the aftached copy of this letter and return it to the Deputy City Clerk, 170 City Hall, 15 W. Keilogg, Saint Paui, MN 55i02. Sincerefy, � c=%'n�,c,`. ��� Shari Moore Deputy City Clerk Attachments C�1- I� 57 CER71FiCATE OF APPROVAL OF SPECiAL LAW BY GOVERNING BODY (Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, 645.02 and 645.021) �STATE OF MINNES�TA Countyof RamseY TO THE SECRETARY OF STA7E OF M(NNESOTA: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, That the undersigned chief clerical officer of the City of Saint Paul DOES HEAEBY CERTIFY, that in compliance with the provisions of Laws, Zooi , Chapter lo (year) (number) requiring approval by a majority*vote of the governing body of said local governmental unit before it becomes effective, the Saint Paul City Council (designate goveming body) at a meeting duly held on the 7 C�3�J Of November 2001 , by resolution OI-1157 did approve said Laws, 2001 , Chapter �o (if otherthan resolution, specify) (year) (number) by a�-o majority vote* of ail of the members thereof {Ayes 7 ; Noes o ; Absent or not voting � and the fotlowing additional steps, if any, required by statute or charter were taken: A copy of the resolution is hereto annexed and made a part of this certificate by reference. � � Signed: � SEAL Deputy City Clerk {Officiai designation of officer) (This form prescribed by the AttorRey General and fumished by the Secretary of State as required in Minnesota Statutes 645.�21.) *if extraordinary majority is required by the special Ia+N, insert frastion or percentage here. Flease see reverse side for instructions for compieting this form. certauth.p65 Rev, 7I98 �RIGIS�AL RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Refened To Council File # p 1— �15� Green Sheet # 106858 Committee Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve First Special Session �a 4 5 Laws 2001 - Chapter 10, Article 10, Sections 2 and 6 which relate to public pension coverage exclusion for certain trades personnel, pursuant to the provisions of Minn. Stat. § 645A21; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby request to file a certificate of such approval with the Secretary of State, in such forxn as may be prescribe by the Attorney General, in compiiance with 6 Minn. Stat. §645.021, subd. 3. Yeas Na s Absent Benanav ✓ Blakey Bostrom Coleman Harris � Lantry � Reiter f Adopted by Council: Date ��.�� �Ap � � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary \� . � �.� . -� . � �• 1 li ����— ../ i �' i - , � m Requested by Department of. Office of Labor Relations BY� � -��n.l�/�'� �b� Form Appro d by Ci orney By: ��`' — ' ' Approved bi �yor for Submiss�on to Council By: � � � DEPARTMEN[/OFF7CE/COUNCIL: DATE IlYITTATED GREEN SHEET No.: 106858 b�� ��5� " LABOR RELATIONS October 24, 2001 CONTACI' PERSON & PHONE: p uvm��,mniE jMTlp,yipply; TERRY HALTINER 266-8897 �I� 1 DEPARI'MENC DIR �'i� a crrv covNCn. NOMBER 2 CTTY ATI'ORNEY '� CI1'Y CLERK �1IJST BE ON COUNCB, AGENDA BY (DATE) FOR BUDGEf DIR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICE DIR ROUTING 3 MAYOR (OR ASST.) ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNAT[JRE PAGES 1 (CLTP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATTJRE) ' � ACTION REQUESTED: , Resolution approving the First Special Session Laws 2001 - Chapter 10, Article 10, Sections 2 and 6 allowing certain Building Trades employees to opt out of PERA. � RECOM[v�NDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACI'S MUST ANSWER TI�IE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMbIISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION L Has this person/fim� ever worked under a contract for this department? _CIB COMbII1'CEE Yes No STAFF 2. Has this person/fvm ever been a ciry employee? _DISIRICT COURT Yes No �� SWPORTS WFIICH COtINCIL OBJECTIVE? 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normal(y possessed by any cmrent city employee? Yes No � Explain aIl yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet IMTIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORI'fJNTTY (N'ho, Wha; When, Where, Why} Certain building trade unions (see attached letters) persuaded the Legislature to allow current employees to opt out of PERA and exempt future employees that are members or their unions. w, . � ADVANTAGES[FAPPROVED� ' All affected unions have requested approval. � DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Council Researah Center ' None, there is no cost to the City. OCT � 0 2001 ' DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: � Denial of request by unions. ' ° TOTAL AMOIJN'I' OF'PRAVSACTION: 0 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FONDING SOURCE: ACTIVI'CY NUMBER: � FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) c�-��s� Bricklayers cznd Allied Cra, ftworkers Local Union No. 1 Minnesota 372 Central Ave., Suite 328 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414 September 27, 2001 Jason Schmidt "Build Better For Less Wiih Masonry' GARY F. GOBLIRSCH President / Secretary-Treasurer Labor Relations Specialist City of St. Paul 400 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 —1631 1:7�»d_1 Dear Mr. Schmidt, n„ k - o =-_�. TELEPHONES: 612/379-2966 612/379-4230 Fax:672/379-8754 This letter is being sent in response to your letter dated September 25, 2001. The Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers Local Union #1 of Minnesota Local Union #1 of Minnesota is hereby requesting that all members working for the City of St. Paul be granted the opportunity to exercise their right to opt out of PERA. Please consider this letter a formal request from the Union on behalf of its members and submit a resolution to the City Council to enact the State's legislation. If you have any further questions regarding this matter, please contact Michael Cook at this office at 612-379-2966. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, �� �� Michael J Cook Vice President / Business Representative Brickiayers and Allied Craftworkers Local Union #1 of Minnesota �,�� �V�s' y� t ��+ € � ,�. LARRY T. VEE finanaql Secretary Business Manager DON RACHNER Pr�dent ota�s� CEMENT MA.SONS, PLASTERERS AND SHOPHANDS Local No. 633 of tYlinnesota, iVorth Dakota, and NW Niscorzsin • AFL-CIO 312 Central Avenue • Room 376 • Minneapolis, Minnesota SSd14 Phone(612)379-1558 • fax(612)379-1559 GREG MASSEY Jason Schmidt, Labor Relations Specialist BusinessAgerrc City of St Paul LARAY BENNETT 400 City Hal! Annex BusinessAgent 25 W 4�' St DONALD KRAHN St Paul, MN 55102 Business Agent DENNYWHITE RE: PERA BusinessAgent fAME$ MUR(tAY BusmessAgent Dear Mr. Schmidt October 2, 2001 MICHAE� SYVERSRUD BusinessAgent This letter is being sent in response to your letter dated September 25, 2001. The Cement Masons, Plasterers and Shophands Local No. 633 is hereby requesting that ali members working for the City of St. Paul be granted the opportunify fo exercise their righfi to opt out of PERA. Please consider this letter a formal request from the Union on behalf of its members and submit a resolution to the City Council to enact the State's legislation. If you have any further questions, please contact me attention to this matter. Sincerely, Larry Bennett, Business Agent LN:db Opeiu12 Thank you for your 5 °o ���,° A"' � _� g = o m 2 N DNf UNtON z � ,�� 0 r' 9 '�' 41 70NP� J JEFF J. JEW£1T Business Manager PAUL C. SPOEHR Fle1d IZEpY¢SCtttahVe HARI.AND OISON F�nanaaI Secretaiy EXECUTTVE BOARD R4ARK BARTEL JOHN DREELnN ROBEAT FEICISERT HARLANU OiSON RON RITCHIE MAATY THELL Internationa2 Union of Painters Allied �'ra es LOCAL UNION NO. 61 4ll Main Street • Sliite 204 • Iabor Centre e Saint Paul, MN 55102 �ssi� z2¢zsis • Fax: �ssi� zz4-os�o September 26, 2001 Mr. Jason Schmidt, Labor Relations Specialist City of St. Paul Labor Relations 400 City Hall Annex 25 West 4� Street Sf. Paul, MN 55102 DearJason: CERTiFIED MAIL — RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED This is in response to your letter dated September 25, 2001, regarding "opting out" of PERA retirement plan. St. Paui Painters Local 61's members wish to have the opportunity to opt out of PERA if they so choose. With kind regards, � ,�/ _.__�- ''! �' ��`rx'°� Jeff J. Jewett Business Rep District Council 82/Locai 6'f JJJ.ea Opem #12 ai-usn Professional Painting Pays ��I-11�7 CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE Fred Owees:�, City Clerk ���� CTI`Y OF SAINT PAUL 170CiryHall Tel.: 651-266-8989 Narm Coleman, Mayor IS W KelloggBoulevmd Fas: 657-266-8689 Safnt Paul, M"mnesom 55102 1Vovember 20, 2001 Secretary of State 100 Constitution Avenue Room 180, State Office Building Saint Paul, MN 55155 - Attention: Renee Coffey Dear Ms. Coffey: Attached for filing in the Office of the Secretary of State is a Certificate of Approval by the City of Saint Paul for Chapter 10, Artide 10, Sections 2 and 6, Laws 2001, as approved by Council fiie 01-1157, adopted on November 7, 2001. Please date stamp the aftached copy of this letter and return it to the Deputy City Clerk, 170 City Hall, 15 W. Keilogg, Saint Paui, MN 55i02. Sincerefy, � c=%'n�,c,`. ��� Shari Moore Deputy City Clerk Attachments C�1- I� 57 CER71FiCATE OF APPROVAL OF SPECiAL LAW BY GOVERNING BODY (Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, 645.02 and 645.021) �STATE OF MINNES�TA Countyof RamseY TO THE SECRETARY OF STA7E OF M(NNESOTA: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, That the undersigned chief clerical officer of the City of Saint Paul DOES HEAEBY CERTIFY, that in compliance with the provisions of Laws, Zooi , Chapter lo (year) (number) requiring approval by a majority*vote of the governing body of said local governmental unit before it becomes effective, the Saint Paul City Council (designate goveming body) at a meeting duly held on the 7 C�3�J Of November 2001 , by resolution OI-1157 did approve said Laws, 2001 , Chapter �o (if otherthan resolution, specify) (year) (number) by a�-o majority vote* of ail of the members thereof {Ayes 7 ; Noes o ; Absent or not voting � and the fotlowing additional steps, if any, required by statute or charter were taken: A copy of the resolution is hereto annexed and made a part of this certificate by reference. � � Signed: � SEAL Deputy City Clerk {Officiai designation of officer) (This form prescribed by the AttorRey General and fumished by the Secretary of State as required in Minnesota Statutes 645.�21.) *if extraordinary majority is required by the special Ia+N, insert frastion or percentage here. Flease see reverse side for instructions for compieting this form. certauth.p65 Rev, 7I98