01-1156Council File # p \ -1\SL „ h, F � ._. � � ti ':. i� � . ,J ; j :! . Presented by Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet #_106855_ �S Committee Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached Memorandums of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Professional Employees Association (PEA) and the Saint Paul Supervisors Organizafion (SPSO). Requested by Department of: Office of Human Resources Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � - - .. . . . ., i, iu .., ��,ii� �' �.i B y' �4� Form A roved b City Attomey B � S�` � 1�� j o f Approved ayor for Submission to ouncil � � By: Adopted by Council: Date �..> � y a-pp \ CS� DEPARTMENf/OFF[CE/CO'JNCII,: DA7'E INITfATED GREEN SHEET No .: 106855 HUMAN RESOURCES October 17, 2001 O�-1�5` CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: p uaTTnUpA7�E nvn7�upAte JOHN SHOCKLEY 266-6482 ,�IGx 1 DEPARTMENf DIR. (0 6 �, a crrr cour�cn. KATHY MEGARRY 266-6496 �vu�Ex z crrr n1 _�/vt ctrr ci.axx FOR BUIX'ET DIR. FAI. & MGT. SERVICE DIl2. MUSf BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATE) ROUTING 3 MAYOR (OR ASST.) ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGFS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA'CqRE) ACI70N REQUFSIED: Approval of the attached Memorandums of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Professional Employees Association (PEA) and Saint Paul Supervisors Organization (SPSO). RECOMbIENDA110NS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI. SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST AIVSWER TE� FOLLOWIIAG QUESTI6NS: _PLANNING COMbIISSiON _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this persoNfilm ever worked under a contract for ffi�s depaztrnent? CIB COMMITfEE y¢5 I.to _STA�F 2. Haz Nis persoNSrm ever been a city employee? _DISTRICT COURT Yes No � SUPPOR7S WHICH COUNCIL OBJEC7IVE? 3. Dces this pecson/film possas a skill not normally possessed by any curtent ciry employce? Yes No Explain all yes answers oo separate sheet and attach to green sheet INTTL4TING PROBI,EY[, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Wha4 K'heo, Where, Why): These agreements were made in order to extend the administrative processes and terms and conditions of employment created by The Information Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling Pro,ject until a new agreement and project can be implemented in 2002. ADVANTpGESIFAPPROVED: Continued administration of a successful system of selection, promotion and salary advancement for employees in supervisory and professional positions allocated to classifications in the Information Systems Job Family. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: . CiC$Uil Research Center Possibie disrupfion of a successful system. O�T 3 0 2001 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACfION: COST/REVENUE BCfi^^°T�_,.�, ` �/ FUNDING SOURCE: , ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIAL IiVFORiViATIO1V: (EXPLAlI� O � —�\S 4 � 2001 Memorandum of Agreement In order to continue the administrative processes and terms and condirions of employment created as a result of the Information Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling Project, the City of Saint Paul (Gity) and The Professional Employees Associa6on, Ina (PEA) hereby agree to extend the attached 1998 Memorandum of Agreement for those employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRW5), and Public Health whose positions have been allocated to IS Job Family classifications designated as represented by PEA. It is further agreed that such extension shall expire upon establishment of a new agreement and/or pilot project in 2002. Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. � ! t :r�i� 9� xa. � Human Resources Director President Professional Employees Association, Inc. / /r � ., Business Representative Professional Employees Association, Inc. G:VShared�HRCOMMONVSHOCKLEYUS.PEAE�n.MOA WPD � o�-��sr. 2001 Memorandum of Agreement In order to continue the administrative processes and terms and conditions of employment created as a result of the Information Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling Projeet, the City of Saint Paul (City) and The Professional Employees Association, Inc. (PEA) hereby agree to extend the attached 1998 Memorandum of Agreement for those employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Saint Paul Reg'eonal Water Services (SPRWS), and Public Health whose positions have been aliocated to IS 7ob Family classifications designated as represented by PEA It is further agreed that such e�rtension shall expire upon establishment of a new agreement and/or pilot project in 2002. Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shail not be used to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. Human Resources DirecYor G:VShared�HRCOMMONVSHOCKLEYUS.PEAExLMOA W PD � io/8`o � President Professional Employees Associarion, Inc. / /� i ��' Business Representative Professional Employees Association, Inc. � � � o�-�tisL 1998 Memorandum of Agreement In accordance with Civii Service Rule 8.A.6, goveming the imptementation ofHuman Resources pilot projects, the City of Saint Paul (City) and The Professional Empioyees Association, Inc. (PEA) hereby state that the they have met and discussed the proposed pilot pro}ect descrihed in the attached document entitled City of Saint Paul Information Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling Project and agree that the stipulations contained therein that affect terms and conditions of employment shall apply to those employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Water Utility, or Public Health whose positions have been allocated to the IS 7ob Family levels designated therein as represented by PEA. Furthermore, PEA and the City aiso agree to use the following Civil Service Rules, as modified, in the administration ofthis pilot project: 1. Civil Service Rule 8.A.2 (Reallocation) shall aliow for the non-competitive promotion of incumbents who have demonstrated the required competencies and res�onsibilities of a higher level IS Job Family position for six months or more. 2. Civii Service Rule 8.A.5 (Combining of Titles) shall allow for the appointment of the affected incumbents to the IS Job Family Levels outlined in the attached pilot project document that were designated to replace the job classifications to which their positions had been previously allocated. 3. Civil Service Rule 14 (Promotion Requirements) shall allow employees to enter an examination on a promotion basis after serving not Iess than one year in a classified position prior to the examination date. Such incumbents shall also have actually served at least 1040 hours in such classified position. This rule shall be used, as modified, only for exams used to determine eligibles for vacancies in the IS Job Family System outlined in the attached pilot project document. 4. Civil Service Rule 22 (Lay Offj shall allow employees to maintain ciass seniority in their newiy assigned IS Job Family level even though their former class, now included in the new IS Job Family level, has not been formally abolished. Also, Civil Service Rule 22 shall allow the class seniority listing of incumbents reallocated to higher levels in the IS Job Family System on the same date to be determined by the total length of continuous service in ail ciassified City positions. 5. Civil Service Rule 26.III.B (Grievance Procedure, Eaaminations) shal] not be used for appeals of IS Job Family promotion examinations Instead the appeals procedure outlined in the attached pilot project document shall be used. o� _��s� 1998 Memorandum of Agreement continued Page 2 6. Section F.1.(b) of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation governing advancement in salary, shali not apply to employees in positions allocated to the IS Job Family levels defined in the attached pilot project document. Instead, the salary schedules contained within the pilot project document shall be followed. The applicable step increases therein may be granted in the time frames set forth. Five, ten, and fifteen year step increases as defined in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation shall continue to apply for such employees subject to the time frame limitations set forth by the applicable pilot project salary schedule. Finaily, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used outside this pilot project to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. � � .��1 Human Resources Director (� President Professional Employees Association, Inc. ��,�,��e_ -----, Labor elations Director �,,��.�� ��t Business Representative Professional Employees Association, Inc. F.IUSERSIHRC OMMON�S HOC}:LEY�W PR07EC7.�.�'PD ot-`�si• 2001 Memorandum Agreement In order to continue the administrarive processes and terms and condirions of employment created as a result of the Information Services Reorganizarion and 7ob Familty Modeling Project, the City of Saint Paul (City) and The Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization (SPSO) hereby agree to estend the attached 1998 Memorandum of Agreement for employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS), and Public Health whose positions have been allocated to IS 7ob Family classifications designated as represented by SPSO. It is further agreed that such extension shall expire upon esablishment of a new agreement and! or pilot project in 2002. Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. � �,.'1�� ,�a�t1J Human Resources Director President Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization G:VSharedViRCOMMONVSHOCKLEYVSPSO.ISM �� �'� �aj V��� �st FYQtfif ?/ :: i '-` �;"� t% �� � 2 r�t , , . e ^X O t -\�S� 1998 Memorandum of Agreement In accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A.6, governing the implementation of Human Resources pilot projects, the City of Saint Paul (City) and The Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization (SPSO) hereby state that the they have met and discussed the proposed pilot project described in the attached document entitled City of Saint Paul Information Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling Project and agree that the stipulations contained therein that affect terms and conditions of employment shall apply to those employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Water Utility, or Public Health whose positions have been allocated to the IS Job Family levels designated therein as represented by SPSO. Furthermore, SPSO and the City also agree to use the following Civil Service Rules, as modified, in the administration ofthis pilot project: 1. Civil Service Rule S.A.2 (Reallocation) shall allow for the non-competitive promotion of incumbents who have demonstrated the required competencies and responsibilities of a higher level IS Job Family position for six months or more. 2. Civil Service Rule S.A.S (Combining of Titles} shall allow for the appointment of the affected incumbents to the IS Job Family Levels outlined in the attached pilot project document that were designated to replace the job classifications to which their positions had been previously ailocated. 3. Civil Service Rule 14 (Promotion Requirements) shal] allow employees to enter an examination on a promotion basis after serving not less than one yeaz in a classified position prior to the examination date. Such incumbents shall also have actually served at least 1040 hours in such classified position. This rule shall be used, as modified, only for exams used to determine eligibles for vacancies in the IS 7ob Family System outlined in the attached pilot project document. 4. Civil Service Rule 22 (Lay Of'f) shall allow employees to maintain class seniority in their newly assigned IS Job Family level even though their former class, now included in the new IS 7ob Family level, has not been formally abolished. A1so, Civil Service Rule 22 shall allow the class seniority listing of incumbents reallocated to higher levels in the IS Job Family System on the same date to be deternrined by the total length of continuous service in all classified City positions. 5. Civil Service Rule 26.1II.B (Grievance Procedure, Eaaminations) shall not be used for appeais of IS Job Family promotion examinations Instead the appeals procedure outlined in the attached pilot project document shall be used. o�-��s` 1998 Memorandum of Agreement continued Page 2 6. Section F.1.(b) of the Satary Plan and Rates of Compensation governing advancement in salary, shall not apply to employees in positions allocated to the IS Job Family levels in the attached pilot project document. Instead, the salary schedules contained within the pilot project document shaIl be followed. The applicable step increases therein may be granted in the tim� frames set forth. Five, ten, and fiReen year step increases as defined in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation shall continue to appiy for such employees subject to the time frame limitations set forth by the applicable pilot project salary schedule. Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used outside this pilot project to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. �1� '��� Human Resources Director ��� � (� i-�(� --�i Labor itelations Director � President Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization Business Representative Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization F:\L'SERS\HRCOMMOFISHOCKLEY�SPSO.ISM r�- - �, neraR�NTio�zcF✓covrrcu.: DATE �nTwT�D GREEN SHEET No.: to6855 HCJMAN RESOURCES October 17, 2001 ��-��54 CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: � R�7TTNAUATE m177nIJnA'tE JOHN SHOCKI,EY 266-6482 p�IGN 1 DEPARTMEN'1' DIR. �{/ !0 6( , 4 CITYCOUNCIL KATHY MEGARRY 266-6496 ivuMaEx z crrY nrrotuaEY _ ����o/v� cin cLatuc gpg BUD(iET DIR. FIN. & MGT. SERVICE D[R �ItJSA' BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) ROUTING 3 MAYOR (OR ASSTJ ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNAI'URE PAGES_1 (CLiP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATI7RE) ACITON REQUES"I'ED: Approval of the attached Memorandums of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Professional Employees Association (PEA) and Saint Paul Supervisors Organization (SPSO). RECOMMENDATTONS: Approve (A) or Re�ect (A) PERSONAL SERVICE CON'fRACTS MUST ANSWER Tf;E FOLLOWING QUESTI6NS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _CML SERVICE COMMISSION , 1. Has this person/finn ever worked under a contract for th�s depaztrnent? _CIB COMMITTEE Yes No _STAFF 2. Has this person/film ever been a c�Ty employee� DISIRIC"C COURT Yes No � SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? 3 Dces this person/firm possess a skiil not normally possessed by any cu�rent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach ro green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): These agreements were made in order to extend the administrarive processes and terms and conditions of employment created by The Informatian Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling Project until a new agreement and project can be implemented in 2002. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED' Continued administration of a successful system of selection, promotion and salary advancement for employees in supervisory and professional positions allocated to classifications in the Information Systems Job Family. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: �iOU71Cl� a�°Sea(C�E CP+P1teY Possible disruprion of a successful system. (,��T 3 � 20�1 TOTALAMO[JN"I'OFTRANSACTiON: WST/REVENUEB�C� '' f FOIVDING SOURCE: , ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMAT[ON: (EXPLAIN) o ► -��s c. 2001 Memorandum of Agreement In order to continue the administrative processes and terms and conditions of employment created as a result of the Information Services Reorganization and 7ob Family Modeling Project, the City of Saint Paul (City) and The Professional Employees Association, Inc. (PEA) hereby agree to e�end the attached 1998 Memorandum of Agreement for those employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS), and Public Health whose positions have been allocated to IS Job Family classifications designated as represented by PEA. It is further agreed that such eatension shall eapire upon establishment of a new agreement andJor pilot project in 2002. Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. ��/a10 i Human Resources Director President Professional Employees Association, Inc. i✓e���� " yll.%ec� Business Regresentative Professional Employees Association, Inc. G:VS6ared�ARCOMMONVSI-IOCIiLEYUS.PEAExtMOA W PD � o � - �tSt, 200I Memorandum of Agreement In order to continue the administrative processes and terms and conditions of employment created as a result of the Information Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling Project, the CiTy of Saint Paul (City) and The Professional Employees Association, Inc. (PEA) hereby agree to extend the attached 2998 Memorandum of Agreement for those employees of the Division ofInformation Services (IS), The Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS), and Public Health whose positions have been allocated to IS Job Family classifications designated as represented by PEA. It is Further agreed that such exiension shall expire upon establishment of a new agreement and/or pilot project in 2002. Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. L ^fl� Human Resources birector � / ,% f�/6/a (� President Professional Employees Association, Inc. i✓�u�� �fl�� Business Representative Professional Employees Association, Inc. G:15hazed�HRCOMMON�SHOCXI.EYUS.PEAE�.t.MOA W PD o�-��� 1998 Memorandum ofAgreement In accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A.6, governing the implementation of Human Resources piIot projects, the City of Saint Paul (City} and The Professional Employees Association, Inc. (PEA) hereby siate that Lhe they have mei and discussed the proposed pilot project described in the attached document entitled City of Saint Paul Information Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling Project and agree that the stipulations contained therein that afFect terms and conditions of employment shall apply to those emptoyees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Water Utility, or Pubtic Health whose positions have been allocated to the IS Job Family levels designated iherein as represented by PEA. Furthermore, PEA and the City also agree to use the following Civil Service Rules, as modified, in the adminisiration of this pilot project: 1. Civil Service Rule 8.A.2 (T2ealJocation) shall allow for the non-competitive promotion of incumbents who have demonstrated the required competencies and res�onsibilities of a higher level IS Job Family position for six months or more. 2. Civil Service Rufe 8.A.5 (Combining of Titles) shall atlow for the appointment ofthe affected incumbents to the IS Job Family Levels ouilined in the attached pilot project document that were designated to replace the job classifications to which their positions had been previously allocated. 3. Civil Service Rute 14 (Promotion Requirements) shall atlow employees to enter an examination on a promotion basis after serving not less ihan one year in a classified position prior to the examination date. Such incumbents shall also have actually served at least 1040 hours in such classified position. This rule shall be used, as modified, only for exams used to determine eligibles for vacancies in the IS 7ob Family System outiined in the attached pilot project document. 4. Civil Service Rule 22 (Lay Of� shall allow employees to maintain ciass seniority in their newly assigned IS 7ob Family level even though their former class, now included in the new IS Job Family level, has not been formally abolished. Also, Civil Service Rule 22 shall allow the cfass seniority listing of incumbents realiocated to higher levets in the IS Job Family System on the same date to be determined by the total length of cominvous service in all ciassified City positions. 5. Civil Service Rule 26.III.B (Grievance Procedure, Eaaminations) shall not be used for appeals of IS Job Family promotion examinations Instead the appeals procedure outtined in the attached pilot project document shall be used. �.'�' d ti-1\SG 1998 �Iemorandum ofAgreement continued Pa2e 2 b. Section F.1.(b) of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation governing advancement in salary, shalI not appiy to employees in positions allocated to the IS 7ob Family levels defined in the attached pilot project document. Instead, the salary schedules contained within the pilot project document shall be followed. The applicable step increases therein may be granted in the time frames set forth. Five, ten, and fi8een year step increases as defined in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation shall continue to apply for such employees subject to the time frame limitations set forth by the applicable pilot project salary schedule. Finally, it is aereed that this memorandum shall not be used outside this pilot project to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. �'r � � .��71 Human Resources Director --_'��''.w.�`'_ �„ President Professional Employees Association, Inc. �,;� ,�r� Labor elations Director F:`.liSERS'�HRCOU'..10\'�SHOC}:LEY�W PROJEC7. WPD ' �'! ��fc f �iG �--�t Business Representative Professional Employees Association, Inc :�d 01 _t�S� 2001 Memorandum Agreement In order to continue the administrative processes and terms and conditions of employment created as a result of the Information Services Reorganization and Job Familty Modeling Project, the City of Saint Paul (City) and The Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization (SPSO) hereby agree to extend the attached 1998 Memorandum of Agreement for employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS), and Public Health whose positions have been allacated to IS Job Family classifications designated as represented by SPSO. It is further agreed that such e�ctension shall expire upon esablishment of a new agreement and/ or pilot project in 2002. Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. ^ �l ��a ���.\ Ga� �'� � ,�-tiU.-E l. �v Human Resources Director G:1Shazed�HRCOMM0INSHOCKLEY�SPSO.ISM President Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization �i =�:� 1'. �3:C2 ��. v*�s ° . � � �C2 � l -\\5�. 1998 Memorandum of Agreement In accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A.6, goveming the implementation of Human Resources pilot projects, the City of Saint Paul (City) and The Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization (SPSO) hereby state that the they have met and discussed the proposed pilot project described in the attached document entitled City of Saint Paul Information Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling Project and agree that the stipulations contained therein that affect terms and conditions of employment shall apply to those employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Water Utility, or Public Health whose positions have been allocated to the IS 7ob Family levels designated therein as represented by SPSO. Furthermore, SPSO and the City also agree to use the following Civil Service Rules, as modified, in the administration of this pilot project: i. Civil Service Rule B.AZ (Reallocation) shall allow for the non-competitive promotion of incumbents who have demonstrated the required competencies and responsibilities of a higher level IS Job Family position for six months or more. 2. Civil Service Rule 8.A.5 (Combining of Titles) shall atlow for the appointment of the affected incumbents to the IS Job Family Levels outlined in the attached pilot project document that were designated to replace the job classifications to which their positions had been previously allocated. 3. Civil Service Rule 14 (Promotion Requirements) shall allow employees to enter an examination on a promotion basis after serving not less than one yeu in a classified position prior to the examination date. Such incumbents shall also have actually served at least 1040 hours in such classified position. This rule shall be used, as modified, only for exams used to detemune eligibles for vacancies in the IS Job Family System outlined in the attached pilot project document. 4. Civil Service Rule 22 (Lay Of'!) shall allow employees to maintain class seniority in their newly assigned I3 Job Family level even though their former class, now included in the new IS Job Family level, has not been formally abolished. Also, Civil Service Rule 22 shall allow the class seniority listing of incumbents reallocated to higher levels in the IS Job Family System on the same date to be determined by the total length of continuous service in all classi5ed City positions. 5. Civit Service Rule 26.III.B (Grievance Procedure, E=aminations} shall not be used for appeals of IS 7ob Family promotion examinations Instead, the appeais procedure outlined in the attached pilot project document shall be used. o�_��ra 1998 Memorandum of Agreement continued Page 2 6. Section F.1.(b) of the Salary Plan and Rata of Compensation goveming advancement in salary, shal] not apply to employees in positions allocated to the IS 7ob Family levels in the attached pilot project document. Instead, the salary schedules contained within the pilot project document shall be followed. The applicable step increases therein may be granted in the tim� frames set forth. Five, ten, and fiReen year step increases as defined in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation shall continue to apply for such employees subject to the time frame limitations set forth by the applicable pilot project salary schedule. Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used outside this pilot project to set, in an} w�ay, a binding precedent on either of the parties. �,�.��� Human Resources Director � { ��!�s�;�(!�� Labor �telations Director Business Representative Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization F. �tiSERS HRCOMMO,\^SHOCKLEY�SPSO.ISM Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization Council File # p \ -1\SL „ h, F � ._. � � ti ':. i� � . ,J ; j :! . Presented by Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet #_106855_ �S Committee Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached Memorandums of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Professional Employees Association (PEA) and the Saint Paul Supervisors Organizafion (SPSO). Requested by Department of: Office of Human Resources Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � - - .. . . . ., i, iu .., ��,ii� �' �.i B y' �4� Form A roved b City Attomey B � S�` � 1�� j o f Approved ayor for Submission to ouncil � � By: Adopted by Council: Date �..> � y a-pp \ CS� DEPARTMENf/OFF[CE/CO'JNCII,: DA7'E INITfATED GREEN SHEET No .: 106855 HUMAN RESOURCES October 17, 2001 O�-1�5` CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: p uaTTnUpA7�E nvn7�upAte JOHN SHOCKLEY 266-6482 ,�IGx 1 DEPARTMENf DIR. (0 6 �, a crrr cour�cn. KATHY MEGARRY 266-6496 �vu�Ex z crrr n1 _�/vt ctrr ci.axx FOR BUIX'ET DIR. FAI. & MGT. SERVICE DIl2. MUSf BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATE) ROUTING 3 MAYOR (OR ASST.) ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGFS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA'CqRE) ACI70N REQUFSIED: Approval of the attached Memorandums of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Professional Employees Association (PEA) and Saint Paul Supervisors Organization (SPSO). RECOMbIENDA110NS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI. SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST AIVSWER TE� FOLLOWIIAG QUESTI6NS: _PLANNING COMbIISSiON _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this persoNfilm ever worked under a contract for ffi�s depaztrnent? CIB COMMITfEE y¢5 I.to _STA�F 2. Haz Nis persoNSrm ever been a city employee? _DISTRICT COURT Yes No � SUPPOR7S WHICH COUNCIL OBJEC7IVE? 3. Dces this pecson/film possas a skill not normally possessed by any curtent ciry employce? Yes No Explain all yes answers oo separate sheet and attach to green sheet INTTL4TING PROBI,EY[, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Wha4 K'heo, Where, Why): These agreements were made in order to extend the administrative processes and terms and conditions of employment created by The Information Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling Pro,ject until a new agreement and project can be implemented in 2002. ADVANTpGESIFAPPROVED: Continued administration of a successful system of selection, promotion and salary advancement for employees in supervisory and professional positions allocated to classifications in the Information Systems Job Family. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: . CiC$Uil Research Center Possibie disrupfion of a successful system. O�T 3 0 2001 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACfION: COST/REVENUE BCfi^^°T�_,.�, ` �/ FUNDING SOURCE: , ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIAL IiVFORiViATIO1V: (EXPLAlI� O � —�\S 4 � 2001 Memorandum of Agreement In order to continue the administrative processes and terms and condirions of employment created as a result of the Information Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling Project, the City of Saint Paul (Gity) and The Professional Employees Associa6on, Ina (PEA) hereby agree to extend the attached 1998 Memorandum of Agreement for those employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRW5), and Public Health whose positions have been allocated to IS Job Family classifications designated as represented by PEA. It is further agreed that such extension shall expire upon establishment of a new agreement and/or pilot project in 2002. Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. � ! t :r�i� 9� xa. � Human Resources Director President Professional Employees Association, Inc. / /r � ., Business Representative Professional Employees Association, Inc. G:VShared�HRCOMMONVSHOCKLEYUS.PEAE�n.MOA WPD � o�-��sr. 2001 Memorandum of Agreement In order to continue the administrative processes and terms and conditions of employment created as a result of the Information Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling Projeet, the City of Saint Paul (City) and The Professional Employees Association, Inc. (PEA) hereby agree to extend the attached 1998 Memorandum of Agreement for those employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Saint Paul Reg'eonal Water Services (SPRWS), and Public Health whose positions have been aliocated to IS 7ob Family classifications designated as represented by PEA It is further agreed that such e�rtension shall expire upon establishment of a new agreement and/or pilot project in 2002. Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shail not be used to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. Human Resources DirecYor G:VShared�HRCOMMONVSHOCKLEYUS.PEAExLMOA W PD � io/8`o � President Professional Employees Associarion, Inc. / /� i ��' Business Representative Professional Employees Association, Inc. � � � o�-�tisL 1998 Memorandum of Agreement In accordance with Civii Service Rule 8.A.6, goveming the imptementation ofHuman Resources pilot projects, the City of Saint Paul (City) and The Professional Empioyees Association, Inc. (PEA) hereby state that the they have met and discussed the proposed pilot pro}ect descrihed in the attached document entitled City of Saint Paul Information Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling Project and agree that the stipulations contained therein that affect terms and conditions of employment shall apply to those employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Water Utility, or Public Health whose positions have been allocated to the IS 7ob Family levels designated therein as represented by PEA. Furthermore, PEA and the City aiso agree to use the following Civil Service Rules, as modified, in the administration ofthis pilot project: 1. Civil Service Rule 8.A.2 (Reallocation) shall aliow for the non-competitive promotion of incumbents who have demonstrated the required competencies and res�onsibilities of a higher level IS Job Family position for six months or more. 2. Civii Service Rule 8.A.5 (Combining of Titles) shall allow for the appointment of the affected incumbents to the IS Job Family Levels outlined in the attached pilot project document that were designated to replace the job classifications to which their positions had been previously allocated. 3. Civil Service Rule 14 (Promotion Requirements) shall allow employees to enter an examination on a promotion basis after serving not Iess than one year in a classified position prior to the examination date. Such incumbents shall also have actually served at least 1040 hours in such classified position. This rule shall be used, as modified, only for exams used to determine eligibles for vacancies in the IS Job Family System outlined in the attached pilot project document. 4. Civil Service Rule 22 (Lay Offj shall allow employees to maintain ciass seniority in their newiy assigned IS Job Family level even though their former class, now included in the new IS Job Family level, has not been formally abolished. Also, Civil Service Rule 22 shall allow the class seniority listing of incumbents reallocated to higher levels in the IS Job Family System on the same date to be determined by the total length of continuous service in ail ciassified City positions. 5. Civil Service Rule 26.III.B (Grievance Procedure, Eaaminations) shal] not be used for appeals of IS Job Family promotion examinations Instead the appeals procedure outlined in the attached pilot project document shall be used. o� _��s� 1998 Memorandum of Agreement continued Page 2 6. Section F.1.(b) of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation governing advancement in salary, shali not apply to employees in positions allocated to the IS Job Family levels defined in the attached pilot project document. Instead, the salary schedules contained within the pilot project document shall be followed. The applicable step increases therein may be granted in the time frames set forth. Five, ten, and fifteen year step increases as defined in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation shall continue to apply for such employees subject to the time frame limitations set forth by the applicable pilot project salary schedule. Finaily, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used outside this pilot project to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. � � .��1 Human Resources Director (� President Professional Employees Association, Inc. ��,�,��e_ -----, Labor elations Director �,,��.�� ��t Business Representative Professional Employees Association, Inc. F.IUSERSIHRC OMMON�S HOC}:LEY�W PR07EC7.�.�'PD ot-`�si• 2001 Memorandum Agreement In order to continue the administrarive processes and terms and condirions of employment created as a result of the Information Services Reorganizarion and 7ob Familty Modeling Project, the City of Saint Paul (City) and The Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization (SPSO) hereby agree to estend the attached 1998 Memorandum of Agreement for employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS), and Public Health whose positions have been allocated to IS 7ob Family classifications designated as represented by SPSO. It is further agreed that such extension shall expire upon esablishment of a new agreement and! or pilot project in 2002. Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. � �,.'1�� ,�a�t1J Human Resources Director President Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization G:VSharedViRCOMMONVSHOCKLEYVSPSO.ISM �� �'� �aj V��� �st FYQtfif ?/ :: i '-` �;"� t% �� � 2 r�t , , . e ^X O t -\�S� 1998 Memorandum of Agreement In accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A.6, governing the implementation of Human Resources pilot projects, the City of Saint Paul (City) and The Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization (SPSO) hereby state that the they have met and discussed the proposed pilot project described in the attached document entitled City of Saint Paul Information Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling Project and agree that the stipulations contained therein that affect terms and conditions of employment shall apply to those employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Water Utility, or Public Health whose positions have been allocated to the IS Job Family levels designated therein as represented by SPSO. Furthermore, SPSO and the City also agree to use the following Civil Service Rules, as modified, in the administration ofthis pilot project: 1. Civil Service Rule S.A.2 (Reallocation) shall allow for the non-competitive promotion of incumbents who have demonstrated the required competencies and responsibilities of a higher level IS Job Family position for six months or more. 2. Civil Service Rule S.A.S (Combining of Titles} shall allow for the appointment of the affected incumbents to the IS Job Family Levels outlined in the attached pilot project document that were designated to replace the job classifications to which their positions had been previously ailocated. 3. Civil Service Rule 14 (Promotion Requirements) shal] allow employees to enter an examination on a promotion basis after serving not less than one yeaz in a classified position prior to the examination date. Such incumbents shall also have actually served at least 1040 hours in such classified position. This rule shall be used, as modified, only for exams used to determine eligibles for vacancies in the IS 7ob Family System outlined in the attached pilot project document. 4. Civil Service Rule 22 (Lay Of'f) shall allow employees to maintain class seniority in their newly assigned IS Job Family level even though their former class, now included in the new IS 7ob Family level, has not been formally abolished. A1so, Civil Service Rule 22 shall allow the class seniority listing of incumbents reallocated to higher levels in the IS Job Family System on the same date to be deternrined by the total length of continuous service in all classified City positions. 5. Civil Service Rule 26.1II.B (Grievance Procedure, Eaaminations) shall not be used for appeais of IS Job Family promotion examinations Instead the appeals procedure outlined in the attached pilot project document shall be used. o�-��s` 1998 Memorandum of Agreement continued Page 2 6. Section F.1.(b) of the Satary Plan and Rates of Compensation governing advancement in salary, shall not apply to employees in positions allocated to the IS Job Family levels in the attached pilot project document. Instead, the salary schedules contained within the pilot project document shaIl be followed. The applicable step increases therein may be granted in the tim� frames set forth. Five, ten, and fiReen year step increases as defined in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation shall continue to appiy for such employees subject to the time frame limitations set forth by the applicable pilot project salary schedule. Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used outside this pilot project to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. �1� '��� Human Resources Director ��� � (� i-�(� --�i Labor itelations Director � President Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization Business Representative Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization F:\L'SERS\HRCOMMOFISHOCKLEY�SPSO.ISM r�- - �, neraR�NTio�zcF✓covrrcu.: DATE �nTwT�D GREEN SHEET No.: to6855 HCJMAN RESOURCES October 17, 2001 ��-��54 CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: � R�7TTNAUATE m177nIJnA'tE JOHN SHOCKI,EY 266-6482 p�IGN 1 DEPARTMEN'1' DIR. �{/ !0 6( , 4 CITYCOUNCIL KATHY MEGARRY 266-6496 ivuMaEx z crrY nrrotuaEY _ ����o/v� cin cLatuc gpg BUD(iET DIR. FIN. & MGT. SERVICE D[R �ItJSA' BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) ROUTING 3 MAYOR (OR ASSTJ ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNAI'URE PAGES_1 (CLiP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATI7RE) ACITON REQUES"I'ED: Approval of the attached Memorandums of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Professional Employees Association (PEA) and Saint Paul Supervisors Organization (SPSO). RECOMMENDATTONS: Approve (A) or Re�ect (A) PERSONAL SERVICE CON'fRACTS MUST ANSWER Tf;E FOLLOWING QUESTI6NS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _CML SERVICE COMMISSION , 1. Has this person/finn ever worked under a contract for th�s depaztrnent? _CIB COMMITTEE Yes No _STAFF 2. Has this person/film ever been a c�Ty employee� DISIRIC"C COURT Yes No � SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? 3 Dces this person/firm possess a skiil not normally possessed by any cu�rent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach ro green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): These agreements were made in order to extend the administrarive processes and terms and conditions of employment created by The Informatian Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling Project until a new agreement and project can be implemented in 2002. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED' Continued administration of a successful system of selection, promotion and salary advancement for employees in supervisory and professional positions allocated to classifications in the Information Systems Job Family. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: �iOU71Cl� a�°Sea(C�E CP+P1teY Possible disruprion of a successful system. (,��T 3 � 20�1 TOTALAMO[JN"I'OFTRANSACTiON: WST/REVENUEB�C� '' f FOIVDING SOURCE: , ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMAT[ON: (EXPLAIN) o ► -��s c. 2001 Memorandum of Agreement In order to continue the administrative processes and terms and conditions of employment created as a result of the Information Services Reorganization and 7ob Family Modeling Project, the City of Saint Paul (City) and The Professional Employees Association, Inc. (PEA) hereby agree to e�end the attached 1998 Memorandum of Agreement for those employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS), and Public Health whose positions have been allocated to IS Job Family classifications designated as represented by PEA. It is further agreed that such eatension shall eapire upon establishment of a new agreement andJor pilot project in 2002. Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. ��/a10 i Human Resources Director President Professional Employees Association, Inc. i✓e���� " yll.%ec� Business Regresentative Professional Employees Association, Inc. G:VS6ared�ARCOMMONVSI-IOCIiLEYUS.PEAExtMOA W PD � o � - �tSt, 200I Memorandum of Agreement In order to continue the administrative processes and terms and conditions of employment created as a result of the Information Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling Project, the CiTy of Saint Paul (City) and The Professional Employees Association, Inc. (PEA) hereby agree to extend the attached 2998 Memorandum of Agreement for those employees of the Division ofInformation Services (IS), The Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS), and Public Health whose positions have been allocated to IS Job Family classifications designated as represented by PEA. It is Further agreed that such exiension shall expire upon establishment of a new agreement and/or pilot project in 2002. Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. L ^fl� Human Resources birector � / ,% f�/6/a (� President Professional Employees Association, Inc. i✓�u�� �fl�� Business Representative Professional Employees Association, Inc. G:15hazed�HRCOMMON�SHOCXI.EYUS.PEAE�.t.MOA W PD o�-��� 1998 Memorandum ofAgreement In accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A.6, governing the implementation of Human Resources piIot projects, the City of Saint Paul (City} and The Professional Employees Association, Inc. (PEA) hereby siate that Lhe they have mei and discussed the proposed pilot project described in the attached document entitled City of Saint Paul Information Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling Project and agree that the stipulations contained therein that afFect terms and conditions of employment shall apply to those emptoyees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Water Utility, or Pubtic Health whose positions have been allocated to the IS Job Family levels designated iherein as represented by PEA. Furthermore, PEA and the City also agree to use the following Civil Service Rules, as modified, in the adminisiration of this pilot project: 1. Civil Service Rule 8.A.2 (T2ealJocation) shall allow for the non-competitive promotion of incumbents who have demonstrated the required competencies and res�onsibilities of a higher level IS Job Family position for six months or more. 2. Civil Service Rufe 8.A.5 (Combining of Titles) shall atlow for the appointment ofthe affected incumbents to the IS Job Family Levels ouilined in the attached pilot project document that were designated to replace the job classifications to which their positions had been previously allocated. 3. Civil Service Rute 14 (Promotion Requirements) shall atlow employees to enter an examination on a promotion basis after serving not less ihan one year in a classified position prior to the examination date. Such incumbents shall also have actually served at least 1040 hours in such classified position. This rule shall be used, as modified, only for exams used to determine eligibles for vacancies in the IS 7ob Family System outiined in the attached pilot project document. 4. Civil Service Rule 22 (Lay Of� shall allow employees to maintain ciass seniority in their newly assigned IS 7ob Family level even though their former class, now included in the new IS Job Family level, has not been formally abolished. Also, Civil Service Rule 22 shall allow the cfass seniority listing of incumbents realiocated to higher levets in the IS Job Family System on the same date to be determined by the total length of cominvous service in all ciassified City positions. 5. Civil Service Rule 26.III.B (Grievance Procedure, Eaaminations) shall not be used for appeals of IS Job Family promotion examinations Instead the appeals procedure outtined in the attached pilot project document shall be used. �.'�' d ti-1\SG 1998 �Iemorandum ofAgreement continued Pa2e 2 b. Section F.1.(b) of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation governing advancement in salary, shalI not appiy to employees in positions allocated to the IS 7ob Family levels defined in the attached pilot project document. Instead, the salary schedules contained within the pilot project document shall be followed. The applicable step increases therein may be granted in the time frames set forth. Five, ten, and fi8een year step increases as defined in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation shall continue to apply for such employees subject to the time frame limitations set forth by the applicable pilot project salary schedule. Finally, it is aereed that this memorandum shall not be used outside this pilot project to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. �'r � � .��71 Human Resources Director --_'��''.w.�`'_ �„ President Professional Employees Association, Inc. �,;� ,�r� Labor elations Director F:`.liSERS'�HRCOU'..10\'�SHOC}:LEY�W PROJEC7. WPD ' �'! ��fc f �iG �--�t Business Representative Professional Employees Association, Inc :�d 01 _t�S� 2001 Memorandum Agreement In order to continue the administrative processes and terms and conditions of employment created as a result of the Information Services Reorganization and Job Familty Modeling Project, the City of Saint Paul (City) and The Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization (SPSO) hereby agree to extend the attached 1998 Memorandum of Agreement for employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS), and Public Health whose positions have been allacated to IS Job Family classifications designated as represented by SPSO. It is further agreed that such e�ctension shall expire upon esablishment of a new agreement and/ or pilot project in 2002. Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. ^ �l ��a ���.\ Ga� �'� � ,�-tiU.-E l. �v Human Resources Director G:1Shazed�HRCOMM0INSHOCKLEY�SPSO.ISM President Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization �i =�:� 1'. �3:C2 ��. v*�s ° . � � �C2 � l -\\5�. 1998 Memorandum of Agreement In accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A.6, goveming the implementation of Human Resources pilot projects, the City of Saint Paul (City) and The Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization (SPSO) hereby state that the they have met and discussed the proposed pilot project described in the attached document entitled City of Saint Paul Information Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling Project and agree that the stipulations contained therein that affect terms and conditions of employment shall apply to those employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Water Utility, or Public Health whose positions have been allocated to the IS 7ob Family levels designated therein as represented by SPSO. Furthermore, SPSO and the City also agree to use the following Civil Service Rules, as modified, in the administration of this pilot project: i. Civil Service Rule B.AZ (Reallocation) shall allow for the non-competitive promotion of incumbents who have demonstrated the required competencies and responsibilities of a higher level IS Job Family position for six months or more. 2. Civil Service Rule 8.A.5 (Combining of Titles) shall atlow for the appointment of the affected incumbents to the IS Job Family Levels outlined in the attached pilot project document that were designated to replace the job classifications to which their positions had been previously allocated. 3. Civil Service Rule 14 (Promotion Requirements) shall allow employees to enter an examination on a promotion basis after serving not less than one yeu in a classified position prior to the examination date. Such incumbents shall also have actually served at least 1040 hours in such classified position. This rule shall be used, as modified, only for exams used to detemune eligibles for vacancies in the IS Job Family System outlined in the attached pilot project document. 4. Civil Service Rule 22 (Lay Of'!) shall allow employees to maintain class seniority in their newly assigned I3 Job Family level even though their former class, now included in the new IS Job Family level, has not been formally abolished. Also, Civil Service Rule 22 shall allow the class seniority listing of incumbents reallocated to higher levels in the IS Job Family System on the same date to be determined by the total length of continuous service in all classi5ed City positions. 5. Civit Service Rule 26.III.B (Grievance Procedure, E=aminations} shall not be used for appeals of IS 7ob Family promotion examinations Instead, the appeais procedure outlined in the attached pilot project document shall be used. o�_��ra 1998 Memorandum of Agreement continued Page 2 6. Section F.1.(b) of the Salary Plan and Rata of Compensation goveming advancement in salary, shal] not apply to employees in positions allocated to the IS 7ob Family levels in the attached pilot project document. Instead, the salary schedules contained within the pilot project document shall be followed. The applicable step increases therein may be granted in the tim� frames set forth. Five, ten, and fiReen year step increases as defined in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation shall continue to apply for such employees subject to the time frame limitations set forth by the applicable pilot project salary schedule. Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used outside this pilot project to set, in an} w�ay, a binding precedent on either of the parties. �,�.��� Human Resources Director � { ��!�s�;�(!�� Labor �telations Director Business Representative Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization F. �tiSERS HRCOMMO,\^SHOCKLEY�SPSO.ISM Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization Council File # p \ -1\SL „ h, F � ._. � � ti ':. i� � . ,J ; j :! . Presented by Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet #_106855_ �S Committee Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached Memorandums of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Professional Employees Association (PEA) and the Saint Paul Supervisors Organizafion (SPSO). Requested by Department of: Office of Human Resources Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � - - .. . . . ., i, iu .., ��,ii� �' �.i B y' �4� Form A roved b City Attomey B � S�` � 1�� j o f Approved ayor for Submission to ouncil � � By: Adopted by Council: Date �..> � y a-pp \ CS� DEPARTMENf/OFF[CE/CO'JNCII,: DA7'E INITfATED GREEN SHEET No .: 106855 HUMAN RESOURCES October 17, 2001 O�-1�5` CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: p uaTTnUpA7�E nvn7�upAte JOHN SHOCKLEY 266-6482 ,�IGx 1 DEPARTMENf DIR. (0 6 �, a crrr cour�cn. KATHY MEGARRY 266-6496 �vu�Ex z crrr n1 _�/vt ctrr ci.axx FOR BUIX'ET DIR. FAI. & MGT. SERVICE DIl2. MUSf BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATE) ROUTING 3 MAYOR (OR ASST.) ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGFS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA'CqRE) ACI70N REQUFSIED: Approval of the attached Memorandums of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Professional Employees Association (PEA) and Saint Paul Supervisors Organization (SPSO). RECOMbIENDA110NS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI. SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST AIVSWER TE� FOLLOWIIAG QUESTI6NS: _PLANNING COMbIISSiON _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this persoNfilm ever worked under a contract for ffi�s depaztrnent? CIB COMMITfEE y¢5 I.to _STA�F 2. Haz Nis persoNSrm ever been a city employee? _DISTRICT COURT Yes No � SUPPOR7S WHICH COUNCIL OBJEC7IVE? 3. Dces this pecson/film possas a skill not normally possessed by any curtent ciry employce? Yes No Explain all yes answers oo separate sheet and attach to green sheet INTTL4TING PROBI,EY[, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Wha4 K'heo, Where, Why): These agreements were made in order to extend the administrative processes and terms and conditions of employment created by The Information Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling Pro,ject until a new agreement and project can be implemented in 2002. ADVANTpGESIFAPPROVED: Continued administration of a successful system of selection, promotion and salary advancement for employees in supervisory and professional positions allocated to classifications in the Information Systems Job Family. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: . CiC$Uil Research Center Possibie disrupfion of a successful system. O�T 3 0 2001 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACfION: COST/REVENUE BCfi^^°T�_,.�, ` �/ FUNDING SOURCE: , ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIAL IiVFORiViATIO1V: (EXPLAlI� O � —�\S 4 � 2001 Memorandum of Agreement In order to continue the administrative processes and terms and condirions of employment created as a result of the Information Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling Project, the City of Saint Paul (Gity) and The Professional Employees Associa6on, Ina (PEA) hereby agree to extend the attached 1998 Memorandum of Agreement for those employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRW5), and Public Health whose positions have been allocated to IS Job Family classifications designated as represented by PEA. It is further agreed that such extension shall expire upon establishment of a new agreement and/or pilot project in 2002. Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. � ! t :r�i� 9� xa. � Human Resources Director President Professional Employees Association, Inc. / /r � ., Business Representative Professional Employees Association, Inc. G:VShared�HRCOMMONVSHOCKLEYUS.PEAE�n.MOA WPD � o�-��sr. 2001 Memorandum of Agreement In order to continue the administrative processes and terms and conditions of employment created as a result of the Information Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling Projeet, the City of Saint Paul (City) and The Professional Employees Association, Inc. (PEA) hereby agree to extend the attached 1998 Memorandum of Agreement for those employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Saint Paul Reg'eonal Water Services (SPRWS), and Public Health whose positions have been aliocated to IS 7ob Family classifications designated as represented by PEA It is further agreed that such e�rtension shall expire upon establishment of a new agreement and/or pilot project in 2002. Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shail not be used to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. Human Resources DirecYor G:VShared�HRCOMMONVSHOCKLEYUS.PEAExLMOA W PD � io/8`o � President Professional Employees Associarion, Inc. / /� i ��' Business Representative Professional Employees Association, Inc. � � � o�-�tisL 1998 Memorandum of Agreement In accordance with Civii Service Rule 8.A.6, goveming the imptementation ofHuman Resources pilot projects, the City of Saint Paul (City) and The Professional Empioyees Association, Inc. (PEA) hereby state that the they have met and discussed the proposed pilot pro}ect descrihed in the attached document entitled City of Saint Paul Information Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling Project and agree that the stipulations contained therein that affect terms and conditions of employment shall apply to those employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Water Utility, or Public Health whose positions have been allocated to the IS 7ob Family levels designated therein as represented by PEA. Furthermore, PEA and the City aiso agree to use the following Civil Service Rules, as modified, in the administration ofthis pilot project: 1. Civil Service Rule 8.A.2 (Reallocation) shall aliow for the non-competitive promotion of incumbents who have demonstrated the required competencies and res�onsibilities of a higher level IS Job Family position for six months or more. 2. Civii Service Rule 8.A.5 (Combining of Titles) shall allow for the appointment of the affected incumbents to the IS Job Family Levels outlined in the attached pilot project document that were designated to replace the job classifications to which their positions had been previously allocated. 3. Civil Service Rule 14 (Promotion Requirements) shall allow employees to enter an examination on a promotion basis after serving not Iess than one year in a classified position prior to the examination date. Such incumbents shall also have actually served at least 1040 hours in such classified position. This rule shall be used, as modified, only for exams used to determine eligibles for vacancies in the IS Job Family System outlined in the attached pilot project document. 4. Civil Service Rule 22 (Lay Offj shall allow employees to maintain ciass seniority in their newiy assigned IS Job Family level even though their former class, now included in the new IS Job Family level, has not been formally abolished. Also, Civil Service Rule 22 shall allow the class seniority listing of incumbents reallocated to higher levels in the IS Job Family System on the same date to be determined by the total length of continuous service in ail ciassified City positions. 5. Civil Service Rule 26.III.B (Grievance Procedure, Eaaminations) shal] not be used for appeals of IS Job Family promotion examinations Instead the appeals procedure outlined in the attached pilot project document shall be used. o� _��s� 1998 Memorandum of Agreement continued Page 2 6. Section F.1.(b) of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation governing advancement in salary, shali not apply to employees in positions allocated to the IS Job Family levels defined in the attached pilot project document. Instead, the salary schedules contained within the pilot project document shall be followed. The applicable step increases therein may be granted in the time frames set forth. Five, ten, and fifteen year step increases as defined in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation shall continue to apply for such employees subject to the time frame limitations set forth by the applicable pilot project salary schedule. Finaily, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used outside this pilot project to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. � � .��1 Human Resources Director (� President Professional Employees Association, Inc. ��,�,��e_ -----, Labor elations Director �,,��.�� ��t Business Representative Professional Employees Association, Inc. F.IUSERSIHRC OMMON�S HOC}:LEY�W PR07EC7.�.�'PD ot-`�si• 2001 Memorandum Agreement In order to continue the administrarive processes and terms and condirions of employment created as a result of the Information Services Reorganizarion and 7ob Familty Modeling Project, the City of Saint Paul (City) and The Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization (SPSO) hereby agree to estend the attached 1998 Memorandum of Agreement for employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS), and Public Health whose positions have been allocated to IS 7ob Family classifications designated as represented by SPSO. It is further agreed that such extension shall expire upon esablishment of a new agreement and! or pilot project in 2002. Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. � �,.'1�� ,�a�t1J Human Resources Director President Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization G:VSharedViRCOMMONVSHOCKLEYVSPSO.ISM �� �'� �aj V��� �st FYQtfif ?/ :: i '-` �;"� t% �� � 2 r�t , , . e ^X O t -\�S� 1998 Memorandum of Agreement In accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A.6, governing the implementation of Human Resources pilot projects, the City of Saint Paul (City) and The Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization (SPSO) hereby state that the they have met and discussed the proposed pilot project described in the attached document entitled City of Saint Paul Information Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling Project and agree that the stipulations contained therein that affect terms and conditions of employment shall apply to those employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Water Utility, or Public Health whose positions have been allocated to the IS Job Family levels designated therein as represented by SPSO. Furthermore, SPSO and the City also agree to use the following Civil Service Rules, as modified, in the administration ofthis pilot project: 1. Civil Service Rule S.A.2 (Reallocation) shall allow for the non-competitive promotion of incumbents who have demonstrated the required competencies and responsibilities of a higher level IS Job Family position for six months or more. 2. Civil Service Rule S.A.S (Combining of Titles} shall allow for the appointment of the affected incumbents to the IS Job Family Levels outlined in the attached pilot project document that were designated to replace the job classifications to which their positions had been previously ailocated. 3. Civil Service Rule 14 (Promotion Requirements) shal] allow employees to enter an examination on a promotion basis after serving not less than one yeaz in a classified position prior to the examination date. Such incumbents shall also have actually served at least 1040 hours in such classified position. This rule shall be used, as modified, only for exams used to determine eligibles for vacancies in the IS 7ob Family System outlined in the attached pilot project document. 4. Civil Service Rule 22 (Lay Of'f) shall allow employees to maintain class seniority in their newly assigned IS Job Family level even though their former class, now included in the new IS 7ob Family level, has not been formally abolished. A1so, Civil Service Rule 22 shall allow the class seniority listing of incumbents reallocated to higher levels in the IS Job Family System on the same date to be deternrined by the total length of continuous service in all classified City positions. 5. Civil Service Rule 26.1II.B (Grievance Procedure, Eaaminations) shall not be used for appeais of IS Job Family promotion examinations Instead the appeals procedure outlined in the attached pilot project document shall be used. o�-��s` 1998 Memorandum of Agreement continued Page 2 6. Section F.1.(b) of the Satary Plan and Rates of Compensation governing advancement in salary, shall not apply to employees in positions allocated to the IS Job Family levels in the attached pilot project document. Instead, the salary schedules contained within the pilot project document shaIl be followed. The applicable step increases therein may be granted in the tim� frames set forth. Five, ten, and fiReen year step increases as defined in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation shall continue to appiy for such employees subject to the time frame limitations set forth by the applicable pilot project salary schedule. Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used outside this pilot project to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. �1� '��� Human Resources Director ��� � (� i-�(� --�i Labor itelations Director � President Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization Business Representative Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization F:\L'SERS\HRCOMMOFISHOCKLEY�SPSO.ISM r�- - �, neraR�NTio�zcF✓covrrcu.: DATE �nTwT�D GREEN SHEET No.: to6855 HCJMAN RESOURCES October 17, 2001 ��-��54 CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: � R�7TTNAUATE m177nIJnA'tE JOHN SHOCKI,EY 266-6482 p�IGN 1 DEPARTMEN'1' DIR. �{/ !0 6( , 4 CITYCOUNCIL KATHY MEGARRY 266-6496 ivuMaEx z crrY nrrotuaEY _ ����o/v� cin cLatuc gpg BUD(iET DIR. FIN. & MGT. SERVICE D[R �ItJSA' BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) ROUTING 3 MAYOR (OR ASSTJ ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNAI'URE PAGES_1 (CLiP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATI7RE) ACITON REQUES"I'ED: Approval of the attached Memorandums of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Professional Employees Association (PEA) and Saint Paul Supervisors Organization (SPSO). RECOMMENDATTONS: Approve (A) or Re�ect (A) PERSONAL SERVICE CON'fRACTS MUST ANSWER Tf;E FOLLOWING QUESTI6NS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _CML SERVICE COMMISSION , 1. Has this person/finn ever worked under a contract for th�s depaztrnent? _CIB COMMITTEE Yes No _STAFF 2. Has this person/film ever been a c�Ty employee� DISIRIC"C COURT Yes No � SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? 3 Dces this person/firm possess a skiil not normally possessed by any cu�rent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach ro green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): These agreements were made in order to extend the administrarive processes and terms and conditions of employment created by The Informatian Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling Project until a new agreement and project can be implemented in 2002. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED' Continued administration of a successful system of selection, promotion and salary advancement for employees in supervisory and professional positions allocated to classifications in the Information Systems Job Family. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: �iOU71Cl� a�°Sea(C�E CP+P1teY Possible disruprion of a successful system. (,��T 3 � 20�1 TOTALAMO[JN"I'OFTRANSACTiON: WST/REVENUEB�C� '' f FOIVDING SOURCE: , ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMAT[ON: (EXPLAIN) o ► -��s c. 2001 Memorandum of Agreement In order to continue the administrative processes and terms and conditions of employment created as a result of the Information Services Reorganization and 7ob Family Modeling Project, the City of Saint Paul (City) and The Professional Employees Association, Inc. (PEA) hereby agree to e�end the attached 1998 Memorandum of Agreement for those employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS), and Public Health whose positions have been allocated to IS Job Family classifications designated as represented by PEA. It is further agreed that such eatension shall eapire upon establishment of a new agreement andJor pilot project in 2002. Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. ��/a10 i Human Resources Director President Professional Employees Association, Inc. i✓e���� " yll.%ec� Business Regresentative Professional Employees Association, Inc. G:VS6ared�ARCOMMONVSI-IOCIiLEYUS.PEAExtMOA W PD � o � - �tSt, 200I Memorandum of Agreement In order to continue the administrative processes and terms and conditions of employment created as a result of the Information Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling Project, the CiTy of Saint Paul (City) and The Professional Employees Association, Inc. (PEA) hereby agree to extend the attached 2998 Memorandum of Agreement for those employees of the Division ofInformation Services (IS), The Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS), and Public Health whose positions have been allocated to IS Job Family classifications designated as represented by PEA. It is Further agreed that such exiension shall expire upon establishment of a new agreement and/or pilot project in 2002. Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. L ^fl� Human Resources birector � / ,% f�/6/a (� President Professional Employees Association, Inc. i✓�u�� �fl�� Business Representative Professional Employees Association, Inc. G:15hazed�HRCOMMON�SHOCXI.EYUS.PEAE�.t.MOA W PD o�-��� 1998 Memorandum ofAgreement In accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A.6, governing the implementation of Human Resources piIot projects, the City of Saint Paul (City} and The Professional Employees Association, Inc. (PEA) hereby siate that Lhe they have mei and discussed the proposed pilot project described in the attached document entitled City of Saint Paul Information Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling Project and agree that the stipulations contained therein that afFect terms and conditions of employment shall apply to those emptoyees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Water Utility, or Pubtic Health whose positions have been allocated to the IS Job Family levels designated iherein as represented by PEA. Furthermore, PEA and the City also agree to use the following Civil Service Rules, as modified, in the adminisiration of this pilot project: 1. Civil Service Rule 8.A.2 (T2ealJocation) shall allow for the non-competitive promotion of incumbents who have demonstrated the required competencies and res�onsibilities of a higher level IS Job Family position for six months or more. 2. Civil Service Rufe 8.A.5 (Combining of Titles) shall atlow for the appointment ofthe affected incumbents to the IS Job Family Levels ouilined in the attached pilot project document that were designated to replace the job classifications to which their positions had been previously allocated. 3. Civil Service Rute 14 (Promotion Requirements) shall atlow employees to enter an examination on a promotion basis after serving not less ihan one year in a classified position prior to the examination date. Such incumbents shall also have actually served at least 1040 hours in such classified position. This rule shall be used, as modified, only for exams used to determine eligibles for vacancies in the IS 7ob Family System outiined in the attached pilot project document. 4. Civil Service Rule 22 (Lay Of� shall allow employees to maintain ciass seniority in their newly assigned IS 7ob Family level even though their former class, now included in the new IS Job Family level, has not been formally abolished. Also, Civil Service Rule 22 shall allow the cfass seniority listing of incumbents realiocated to higher levets in the IS Job Family System on the same date to be determined by the total length of cominvous service in all ciassified City positions. 5. Civil Service Rule 26.III.B (Grievance Procedure, Eaaminations) shall not be used for appeals of IS Job Family promotion examinations Instead the appeals procedure outtined in the attached pilot project document shall be used. �.'�' d ti-1\SG 1998 �Iemorandum ofAgreement continued Pa2e 2 b. Section F.1.(b) of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation governing advancement in salary, shalI not appiy to employees in positions allocated to the IS 7ob Family levels defined in the attached pilot project document. Instead, the salary schedules contained within the pilot project document shall be followed. The applicable step increases therein may be granted in the time frames set forth. Five, ten, and fi8een year step increases as defined in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation shall continue to apply for such employees subject to the time frame limitations set forth by the applicable pilot project salary schedule. Finally, it is aereed that this memorandum shall not be used outside this pilot project to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. �'r � � .��71 Human Resources Director --_'��''.w.�`'_ �„ President Professional Employees Association, Inc. �,;� ,�r� Labor elations Director F:`.liSERS'�HRCOU'..10\'�SHOC}:LEY�W PROJEC7. WPD ' �'! ��fc f �iG �--�t Business Representative Professional Employees Association, Inc :�d 01 _t�S� 2001 Memorandum Agreement In order to continue the administrative processes and terms and conditions of employment created as a result of the Information Services Reorganization and Job Familty Modeling Project, the City of Saint Paul (City) and The Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization (SPSO) hereby agree to extend the attached 1998 Memorandum of Agreement for employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS), and Public Health whose positions have been allacated to IS Job Family classifications designated as represented by SPSO. It is further agreed that such e�ctension shall expire upon esablishment of a new agreement and/ or pilot project in 2002. Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used to set, in any way, a binding precedent on either of the parties. ^ �l ��a ���.\ Ga� �'� � ,�-tiU.-E l. �v Human Resources Director G:1Shazed�HRCOMM0INSHOCKLEY�SPSO.ISM President Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization �i =�:� 1'. �3:C2 ��. v*�s ° . � � �C2 � l -\\5�. 1998 Memorandum of Agreement In accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A.6, goveming the implementation of Human Resources pilot projects, the City of Saint Paul (City) and The Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization (SPSO) hereby state that the they have met and discussed the proposed pilot project described in the attached document entitled City of Saint Paul Information Services Reorganization and Job Family Modeling Project and agree that the stipulations contained therein that affect terms and conditions of employment shall apply to those employees of the Division of Information Services (IS), The Water Utility, or Public Health whose positions have been allocated to the IS 7ob Family levels designated therein as represented by SPSO. Furthermore, SPSO and the City also agree to use the following Civil Service Rules, as modified, in the administration of this pilot project: i. Civil Service Rule B.AZ (Reallocation) shall allow for the non-competitive promotion of incumbents who have demonstrated the required competencies and responsibilities of a higher level IS Job Family position for six months or more. 2. Civil Service Rule 8.A.5 (Combining of Titles) shall atlow for the appointment of the affected incumbents to the IS Job Family Levels outlined in the attached pilot project document that were designated to replace the job classifications to which their positions had been previously allocated. 3. Civil Service Rule 14 (Promotion Requirements) shall allow employees to enter an examination on a promotion basis after serving not less than one yeu in a classified position prior to the examination date. Such incumbents shall also have actually served at least 1040 hours in such classified position. This rule shall be used, as modified, only for exams used to detemune eligibles for vacancies in the IS Job Family System outlined in the attached pilot project document. 4. Civil Service Rule 22 (Lay Of'!) shall allow employees to maintain class seniority in their newly assigned I3 Job Family level even though their former class, now included in the new IS Job Family level, has not been formally abolished. Also, Civil Service Rule 22 shall allow the class seniority listing of incumbents reallocated to higher levels in the IS Job Family System on the same date to be determined by the total length of continuous service in all classi5ed City positions. 5. Civit Service Rule 26.III.B (Grievance Procedure, E=aminations} shall not be used for appeals of IS 7ob Family promotion examinations Instead, the appeais procedure outlined in the attached pilot project document shall be used. o�_��ra 1998 Memorandum of Agreement continued Page 2 6. Section F.1.(b) of the Salary Plan and Rata of Compensation goveming advancement in salary, shal] not apply to employees in positions allocated to the IS 7ob Family levels in the attached pilot project document. Instead, the salary schedules contained within the pilot project document shall be followed. The applicable step increases therein may be granted in the tim� frames set forth. Five, ten, and fiReen year step increases as defined in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation shall continue to apply for such employees subject to the time frame limitations set forth by the applicable pilot project salary schedule. Finally, it is agreed that this memorandum shall not be used outside this pilot project to set, in an} w�ay, a binding precedent on either of the parties. �,�.��� Human Resources Director � { ��!�s�;�(!�� Labor �telations Director Business Representative Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization F. �tiSERS HRCOMMO,\^SHOCKLEY�SPSO.ISM Saint Paul Supervisors' Organization