273887 WHITE -�GTV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT File � NO. �t �� Bl_UE - MAVOR . Resolution Presented Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with the United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service whereby the City will undertake a demonstration project utilizing a variety of tree species and landscape plans as part of the ongoing program of combatting Dutch elm disease a.r�d reforestation; said agr�ement to be kept on file and record of in the Department of Finance and Manageraent Services. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays p �K McMahon E�, Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine __ Against Maddox Sho er Ado d by Council� Date OCT 16 1979 Form prove b i Atto c erlified Y- ed by ' �ecretary B ! gy, !/ !� � tapproved by � r: Date T � '7 1979 Ap ved by Mayor for S 'ssion to Council By _ — By _`� � �.1sxEO 0 CT 2 71979 - ' � OM O1: I2/1975 Rev. : 9 8/76 � ' EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, ����"� RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES Date: October 2 , 1979 x + ', i `�� � ;� �� � ' OC� 3 — s��g . T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER �,.OR'S O�F10E FR: Judith Barr �= Agreement with USDA `Forest Service for Demonstration Tree � Planting Grant , ACTION REQUESTED: City Council authorization to accept $3 ,000 federal grant. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Grant .will permit the city to undertake a speci-al tree planting demonstration project this fall. ATTACHMENTS: l. Council Resolution 2 . Copy of federal grant application r , � � , , ' U.S. QEPARTMFNT OF AGRICULTURE OMB Approval I�o. 80-ft0190 � �- APPLICATION FOR FE��RAL AS�ISTANCE (Nonconstruction Progroms)° �. ��'� , � _,.:. ` FEJERAL ASSISYANCE T• Ap�'L�' �• kUMOER 3. STATE •• NUMBER � CANT'S N A APPUCM N A TION 1 1. TYPE FREAPPLIGtTION APPLI. b. DATE IDENTi• b. DATE Ycar mowtA day }'tor montb day � AC7ION � �pPUCATION CATION 19 FIER ASSIGNED 19 �o°�� (� R�TIfiCATION OF t!�TENT (Op�) ��ti, boz) � R�PORT Of F�'DfF.AI ACTION Btank 4. IEGAL APPLtCANT/RECIPIENT 5. FEOERAL EMPLOYER IDENi1fICA7iON NO. �� "�o��a^�"�^� • Cjt� of Saint Paul �. Or¢�ntutlon Unk : Par s & Recreation Division c, sc�.evv.o. eox : 1224 No. Lexington Pkwy. Rp. �. NUMeER � 1� 0�• �i �i �i � d. Citr : $C. Paul �. County : R8IRS@y GRAM p. TITLE �. sat• • : riinnesota ��. IIP Codr. �SIO3 Fedr�1 t1��,���t�� r��e��ry �,SSIStance h. Contact Pwson (Nanu Cataoa) �Y � .i telephone xo.� : Lloyd Burkholder 612-488-7291 0 7. TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF APPLiCANT'S PROJECT 8. TYPE OF APPLICANT/ftECtP1ENT . A-Stat� M-Commun�ry Action Agencp • � T�ain Cities Street Tree Demonstration Project B-,�s�R��. i-N�gher Fducatianal InsUtulion � . e. C-$absb4a )-Ir.dun 7nbs ia St. Paul Site o�:c���c K-0that (Speeijy): � ( See narrative attached ) E-ci°ty F-Schoal Disttid G-Speciil Purpos� � - • Oistnct . - Enter apyropriate feiter� t�� 9. TYPE OF ASSIS'fAPJCE A-Buie Cnnt D-Insunna ` p . B-SuDP�em�ntal Gnnt E-0thcr Enler appro- � C-Lwn priate lciter(s) � vi 10. ARFA OF FROJECT 161PACT !1`!amce oJ titici,to:tnlie�, 11. ESTIMATED NUR1- 12. TYPE Of APPLICA710N ,i.tqC +, e BER OF PERSONS �New • FRerisioo E-AuYmentstion Twin City i•fetro :ti_�..4, 9�f�nnesota BENEFITING � ' B-Renew�l 0.Continuation and the iV rt:leastern Area � 6 million Enfe�appropriate Iettcr� 13. PF.OPOS[O FUNDING 14. CONGRESSIUNAL CISTP.ICTS OF: ?.5. TYPE OF CHANGE (F'or l2c.cr 11c) > �. MPIIf.ANT b. PROJECT 1�-���rease Dolhn F-Other (SycciJy): i. iLDF.R'Al = .00 !3-Dccrease Dollars b. APPLlCANT � .00 4 4 D-Drcrea e�DuwSon � . e. STATE • ,�� 15. PROJECT START 17. PR0IECT E-Csncellation DATE 1'ear montl►dcy DURA7IGN Enter appro- d. LOCAL .00 1 Montlu priate lettcr(a! �� e. OTNER ,UO 18. EST�MATED DATE TO Ytar month day 19. EXISTING FEDERAI IDENTtFICATIOi� NUMI3ER BE SUBMITTEp TO � �; �u = � .pQ FEDERAL AGENCY► 19 , 2�. iEDERAL AGENCY TO kECEIVE REQUEST (Nara,City,State,Z!P eods) 21. REMARKS ADDEO F Yes � No z ?2. t. To th� �at of my knowledg• �n4 Mlief, b. It rquired by Ok8 Circutar P.-°5 this �pD�?Gtion wss submit!ed, pursuant to in- Na+'e- Rveponae • o dat� In this PreaP�licatioo/�PDlicsfi�n m •V�,ci�on� thorein, W �DDropria:s darinQhauses and all raaponsss are attacAW: syowss att�cclud , � THE tru� •nd eornct, tAe daumer.t Aes bsan APPUCANT duly �uthorii�d by the povem:nQ body af " CERTIFIES tha �ppliunt �nd the �7F��urt wiil compiy �+� � � Y THAT► witA th� ■ttechad �uun�ca it 2h• cuid- � � • � �nc� ia �pOcowd. (3) ❑ ❑ � 23. �. TYPED RAIdE AND II1LE 4. SIGNATURc a DATE SIGMED �v CERTIFYING �,�` /�,,w 1'sar MoatJ� doy r�EPRe- � Acting �Mayor ��(,�L��� �L�- (/`L'�G�it is �� �7 /Z- SE.NTATIVE 24. AGENCY NAME 25. APPLICA- Year �noxth dsr , �j�/)� �U t- e S� J e r�r C 'v RECEIVED 79 6 y /y�� 26. ORGAAfIZATlONAI UNIT .�- 27. INIST TIYE OF'fICE 28. FEOERAL APPLICATION " � r�,T t �r ( J Q l� /or C S r.� ���,.��S j .er� ���L IDf:kTIFICATION i/g � � 29. AODRE• �ti� �' � f^d Uh^4 /� �c! ! �!/Q� 30• DENT FICATIO ,/r�'A� � � �� - � 31. AS,I#ON TAYEN 32 Fi1N N 1'car :nontk dav 3�. Ysur �wow:k day K ' ST�RTINO p p t � ��AWARDED •. fEDERLL = _ D .00 33. ACTION DATE► ]9 '� �y 3� DATf_' 19� ! � ( �.,7 � � h. REIECTED b. APMICANT � ,pp 35. CONTACT FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMA• 36. Year u�oxlJ� dsy TION (Nam� uwd tstsDl�ons r.umD��) �j � C. RETURtcED FON e. STATE .00 OATENG 19 0� �S �f • - a+E���T e. �oc�� .o� Ed Vandermillan a�. REMARKS AODEO � �d. DEFERRED e, OTHER ,pp 215-596-1673 � � h WITHDRAWN f. TOTAL f D(J .00 [] Yos flNo ;S, a. In laking �bor� �dion, snr commmh rec�iwd'trom cl+vinahowa w�n eon• b. FE�ERQ AGENCY 14-95 OfFICIN. , tid�nd. If e;r�xy tcsponse Ia dw und�r provi�ions of P�rt l,OMB Ci ulu 11r95, (Narn�and telkplwn�+a.l., ���' FEDERAL AGENCY It hu ban a it Wina ma6�. � ' ''� •''t r �, A-95 ACTIQN �//1 �CNNE ROt31NS0i� '� ,:, , s�:�• STANCRRD PORM 4:4 �AGE 1 (l0�-75) 524-101 PORM AD-G2�(RF;VISI?�6-78) 1'"!if3 1 /'rc,irrlbed by Otif,^., C!«tr/nr rl-!0"' a M , , � � S�ICTIQN IV-REMARKS (Plecwe reierence tha proper item number Jrom Sections 1,II�r III�ij applicable) • � SF-424 �SECTION III - Starting date changed to 9/15/79. ' AD-623 PART III SECTION B Columns 1 & 5 Item f changed to show $3000.00. n o n n n k u n agree • mathematically with changes. THE ABOVE CHANGES ARE HEREBY CONCURRED IN. , (Signature & Title) (Date) � i � - , . � � ��e���� ��: ��a:�� ��:-:_t.. � ^i�� c��;�a��� i� �e���� a�:L��o���. , � _.. � 7 f Qs�t. �1 � •1�i;��t;ict�,. . L.: Dt�t FO1�M AD-623(REVISED 6•78) �ncE 2 STANDARD FORM 424 PAGE 2 (10-75) c a�va (sc-�a�s�n.�a)cz9 av wao.� � �' x' � - � oo — �o p, r v p� v. v� s. c., �a .-. �° � -1 � -+ O C'� 57 a' Rl --� -o o � C o�^0 0 °. � � � _ �v ° y ^� (o Q O G1 N T� t�J d fD � .i V �. < �' ^ N ".I Q�' O+ ' � N � � n ^ N � � � j � T 3 � r 1('� �� c _ � -� cN � NW ro � y `�l .<� ^ � s d � �� — _ � _ _ � � � - ob � �' � - � " ' o N d N d 3 00 � � G N �D N �J . � � � D � � a a, '� N N tl • � � H .{� 2� � r � o , n rn w iv �. 'Y ` pr O " O �O 0 p �n � O � O O Z T T � . a m � .Z7 R1 ^ • .• ffl � T C �„ �„ n = 4 n � rn N "' .� '� . -i -I C7 0 - O °' 0 — I'n m Z o = �7 v o Z D. a � oo �, . w � n I � � . � i ' � W ; C � z � I Cv N Z �o � � � � W � � $ m � a � � � � � o i 3 —1 n° � ' Gl D' n � � ' H H W � D � � .� ^ � I � "� N om � � �� � cy �yz � • O O N N > > O -{ , • � � C n � . . /1D N W W � O ? !il < � Q S •L � N � � Q � O � O C O n _ y I O� N (q � N p Z � O O N fq � � W I (Jl� Z O 3 � v � o N p � � ,y �' � T p p : c � r • � w �N H . ! � H � ( � C N � � d . O � Q� ,. n �� p � O p "� � � ; 0 O O O � o O O o m O o 2 • - o 0 0 a U . Q � y ': • ,� • •l N' ! � 1' ! � • U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE • APPLICAT{ON FOR FEDERAL ASSISTANCE oMe No.eaRO �ee ` (Nonconstruction Programs) , PART II � PROJECT APPROVAL INFORMATION Item 1. ' Does thia assistance request require State, local, Name of Governing Body � rr,gio►wl, or other priority rating? Priority Roting • Yes XX No I:�em 2. Does thia assistance request �equire Stote, or local Name of Agenry or • advisory, educotional or health clearances? Board • • Yes_�.�No (Attoch Documentotion) Item 3. Does this assistance request require clearinghouse (Attach Comments) review in occo�dance with OMB Circular A-95? . Yes___��(_JJo . Item 4. Does this assistance request require State, local, Name of Approving Agency regional or other planning approval? Date Ye s_..a(�No Item 5. ' Is the proposed project covered by an approved compre- Check one: State ❑ hensive plon? Lxal �j XX Regionol �J Yes No Location of Plon $t. PdU� Item 6. Will the assistance requested serve a Federa) Name of Federal Instollation ' instellation? Yes.��_No Federal.Population berefiting from Project Item 7. . Will the ossistonce requested be on Federol land or Name of Federal Installation instollotion? Locotion of Federal Land Yes�No Percent of Project Item 8. Will the assistance requested have an impact or effect See instnictions for additional information to be on the environment? XX provided. - Yes No Item 4. Number of: Will the ossistance requested cause th'e displacement Individuols of individuals, families, businesses, or farms? Fomilies B�sinesses Yes XX No Farms (tam 10. ' Is there other related assistance on this project previous, $ee instructions for odditional information to be pending, or onticipated? provided. . Yes��No Item 11. • Is the project in a designated flood hazard area7 See instructio� for additional information to be provided. • Yes No PORM AD-623(NF:V1S1?I)6-78) 1'AG1�5 e��va (aca aas�n�a)£z9-av wao3 W N N O �O CO V P U � W N O �O � � � 0 .0 -1 Z T -1 • . O o • O c> � 3 °' y '� -1 ? a -I c7 ��i- ,^�� ' r r e 'o D ■ n r _ r c� n S '^ : '^ �, o n . a ; _ • i � tn c�v . " . n o� -� . ; O �-' ° Z `� �, � rn � � . • o u, , y I 3 v pp '• v . $ C � � v .� a rn � 3 r —+ n � « « a D N -� --1 tn � ° � rn ° • < n � o rn r n-n —+ n o ii7 O N � —� -i�7 � ; Z O n O 0�1C � ., T "n ° z Z m•^ � D � 1 �'nn C7 Cl m° . � O O N M ��I N M ' N M � �� z d --i rn -n � z n� a � _ � o � P o r-+ � o � a D � a Z 2>m D T W N � o n r. 'n<^-I —� � n �1—� < ' v � n N D o�� rn � � • o rn � �Zs D e -rn-1 �' � D C1� �' r'm- o' � � e. ,,, rn �. « n a r+ ��.c �- . 8 "n m `^ m o-�i -o '=- O v � 2 c^� c � � N � � a Z ^ CO m �� n � p T o �17 '� [l-'". � —I o m O o U n � O b T "'� �� C � ^ N rn Hn � , � z W = o D o o z r �' �. . M M � Z N N N N � rn n o p o rn ° � � „ -� 'o o p o = 3 2 j � O A v A m � o H � A = � � • �n m p "0 m /�O � N . . N N O N N N M � m/� � l J V V � I� • Q T �. L • p p -� o A o � p -1 D = i P � N p A 0 O � TWIN CITTES STREET TREE DEMONSTRATION PROJECT � Narrative ' The Twin Cities Street Tree Demonstration Project is being� planned � and coordinated by the USDA Forest Service, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, the City of riinneapolis and the City of St. Paul. The objective of the project is to demonstrate alternative design techniques and urban forest resource management techniques in street tree reforestation. The demonstration includes both a Minneapolis and a St. Paul site. They are less than a mile apart . and easily accessible within the Twin Cities metropolitan area. The prevailing �treet tree design technique adopted by city foresters � toda}i is basically one of "mini-monocultures", or one species planted in a linear 2 - 4 block area, and another taking off from there (see Appendix 1). Although this techriique does achieve the desired overall species diversification and suggestl a simplified maintenance schedule, it can lack variety on the human scale, particularly if other land- � scape and architectural features are monotonous. 1 One idea supporting the T'mini-monoculture1d technique is that it will result i.n streamlined maintenance and, consequently, reduced dollars. There are no known dollar comparisons available between "mini-monoculture'� maintenance vs, maintenance of a street treeproject � designed with variety on. a smaller scale, however, it is possible � that such a comparison can be achieved through this project. . _ � . � The demonstration will offer a direct comparison between alter- . native designs and the "mini-monoculture" technique. Because � there are many functional and economic criteria to be considered when developing a street tree planting plan, the comparison can • � � serve as a guide to design selection for communities with similar ' � . reforestation needs. . Minneapolis Site � The Minneapolis site will demonstrate street tree selection and � design in a residential area recently voided of virtually all the street tree resource due to Dutch Elm Disease. The east - west streets will emphasize the integration of design elements (size, foi^m, color and texture) to achieve the desired variety, balance, harmony, and rhythm on the .human scale� North - south streets will be planted in the mini-monoculture design to allow ' a compa�ison of the overall effects. � St. Paul Site The St. Paul site will demonstrate another asDect of urban forest management in a residential street tree situation containing existing plant matQrials. This site also contains a center island which will lend itself to the use of conifers.'? ? � . The emphasis of tlie St. Paul site will be on the appZication of uneven-aged stand management to urban forestry, the integration . of new plant materials into existing vegetation, and elm replacement. � Both sites re�resent common situations faced by city. foresters. in midwe�tern communities. Speci.es selection in both sites will be based on function in the design, suitability for. use as a street tree, and hardiness. The demonstration will be open to the general public at all times. A brochure will be available for self-guiding tours. ' � � , � � PART V . ASSURA�dCES The Ap�licant.hereb•/ assures and certities tliat he vrill eomply witfi the regulations, policies, guidelines, and requirements intludin9 G`.:E3 Circulart Nos. A•E37, :•�JS, ond A•102, as they relate to the application, xcepWnce and use oi Federal (unds (or thn Federa�iy assisted pr�ject.Also Ine A��plicant a;.ures and cert�fies with respcxct to the grant that: 1. It possesscs Icry��l avthority,to apply tor the grant:that a 4, It will tomply with requirements ot the pro��isions resolut�on, r�io;ion or similar action has bccn duty of the Uni(orm Kclocation Assistancc��nd Real Property adopted cr passed as an ofhcial act of the aa�l�cant's Acquisitions Aet of 1970 (P.L. 91�C,tol �vh�eh providet governin� lx>dy, aulhOriling thC f�lint�of tf�c a,^.plication, for tair and cquitablc t�catment ot �,e.r;cros dispt,,ccd as a i�eluding all und�rstandmgs and assu�anccs r.onwined result oi Fecleral �,nd federally assiste�d pro•;rams. • ther�in, and directing an�t authoriling the per<on identi- 5. It will tomply v�ith the provisions ot the Hatch Act fied as the o(fici�l reprrcnu;tive of the ,-,aplicant.to act ' which fimit the poGtiGal activity of employees. in eonnection with the a��;,lication �nd to prr,vide such 6. It wilJ comply wrth the minirnum v:�ce and maximum addition�t information ,•s m:,y hc rcquircd, hours provisions of the Federal Fair La��or Sr,anc'.irds ' Z, it v:ill cumnly with Titie VI Gf il:e Civii Ri,hts Act of �ct, as thCy apply to hospit,�f anci educ.tional inst�tu• 1,r,G4 fP.L. 8ii•35?.1 and in accord<;nce with Title VI of tian cmploy�es of St�te and loc�l ;o�:ernm��n?s. Shat 11ct, r:o perscn in the Uritcd $t�;es s'i�lf, o� thC �• �t will estabiish safcyu�rds to prohi;,it employe��s from . �round of �a;;e, eol,�r, or national ori,in, be excluded using their �,osit�cns for a purpose that is or yr:es zhe appearance of being motivated by a desire for prir;,:c irom partici�:�tinn in, hr; deni�rri thn hen^t�ts of, or be ��in for thcrosclves or others, particut�rly those �vi;1i other�vise wbjected lo disc�iminc,tion under any pro• ��,hom they have i�mily, business, or otner ties. gram or activity �or which the��uplicant receives Fed�ral ' financial assistance znd will irrmediately Wl:e �,ny mea- �• �t �Yi�� 9ive the yrr�ntor agency,or th� Comptroller Gcn• sures nec^ssary to effectuate th�s agreemrnt. erat through any authorized represent3tive the acce,s to and the right tu examine all records, books, papers, or 3. It wil) comply with Title VI of thc Civil Ri�hts Aet of documenu r�fated to thc grant. 1�JG4 (42 USC ZCCOd) prohibiting r.mploym�nt discrimi- �J. It will Comply with all reGuirements imposed by the nation wh^re (1) the primary purpese of a 5rant is to Federal c�ran[or t��ency concerninn spccial requirements . proyide ern�loyment or (2) discrim�natory employment of lati��, proe�rr�m rec,uircments, an� o:h,r �dr�iri;tra;ivc practiCes�vili result in une.;ual treatment ef p�rsons v✓ho rec;uirements appro��ed in accocc'�nce w�tn Ofticc of are or should be benefiting irom ihe grant•aided�ctivity, haanagemr,nt and �u���et C��cular l:o.A•102. 10. It rrill ir�sur� that tt,e f.cili:iei un.:er its ��:�-�'Stip, lea�e cr . s�,�.visior. nr.iit� s^all t;,• ��lil�:cd in :';c ecc� ;:lisr��^�t o( Lhe P•.:?C.t i.r� r.Jt ilitc� un t�' �-��n•7Y:��r��nt�1 :'fOt[c�.t'�.�❑ � ,�•n:p�i � ' (EP:.) iist o•` i'ir�l.:ttm� i:cflit'�s ana :H::! i; .:iil nr: -y :: � Fcc!_ral �r�n::r r:i•_;,:y u� ihr r:•;.��;,t ut any �,� ;:�unic.�;'�:n tr, ' thc U�reet�r or :i�e :i;. �i;icc c' Feo�_r�l bx:iv�tics ir;icr,t;�," t�•ai a taeility tu Uc utilic�a in ?::_.p�uJec: is ur._r ecns���rat•�"� i,��• IiSI��:.� :�Y l�tP Ff;�. 11. ll t;ili ci, .;�1� a:it:. t'�c :loo� icsure�rtce pur.i��se req�urr..°;.nts of Se:ti;��•� IG:I�? o` tre Fl::�j !�isaster IfJ:C.:ti:r. P.ct o; ,"'�. Public L•':t 43'PJ;, .i7 5, :. 97^ a:,nrc,tA Cc�_r�..cr 31� 1S'o. ,i. • ,...���:�_r , sfch 2, ,c75. ,. . ;�t+���.• '- Scct�on 1�_�..) �:•c,i.�rrs, cn , .. o.` iload ini,ra�,ce in co': .r�i.'cs �:rere s�ch i�:;urancc �� c. .r:it��� vhcrc :urh ��;sur:��ce is ,::��i.:L�.� cs a cc�:dil;;.; for t�: rcc_: • of an}• Fcdcral fir�arcial assts:a.^.ce for c:.^.struct��n or � .,�:�:..'� pu��d:a;es ior usr i:. zny ar�n :�:at I,Mi bc�n i� �;tii i.:: ' . Sctrciary cf thi L`:r�r� :r.t J� :.�uSir,; acC L�':.�� L.�v��l�:, .�nt �s .�n • ercJ 1!�vin� se:t�dl f1c:.J I;�:ards. Tt�� G.nraSC ��frdc•'��: �i��:�c`..l e55ist�rtc" includc�s any for- cr ]ua^,. �rau:, �,rar,r;. �n-.:�.••:r pay�:�:�r.C. YC��3LC� sa�s���, c:i:aster ass�s:or.ec ie;:n or ;�'ar[. :. •n� et��^�' forn of dtrC::. or �nCi«ct Feccr.+l essistance• . 12. It �aill assizt !hr Fedcctt yr•a��tor ar,�ncy in i:s cc�;,l��:�t,� t:�!ti Sect�us liu Cf t;� �t�c❑�l ::�storit :�'�°.�'r:':�an Act ,:t 1';._ .s d (16 U.S.C. �iL'). [�e��:`vP i•�'.:��r li5,i� .urJ i�.. :,r-<'� ���;t'al BGk.'�tC�i s -r 1 �.(.:.t-t C: 'c^:.1 G� and li'st��ie PrescrviC:c� �..: o. 1•�,., ;lb l.:i.... (d) t.•�saltu.) �+iU�.t`�C :tate ��storii Pres�r.at:oc U•'��.�r cr :t,c tor,A:�,t oi �nvcsttr,.i,ions. as ��^tess,ici. t� ���ntit/ ' :���rt��s �� �;tsl��r c• i��;- ltsic! tn or el�,:i:,ic ior incl,:sio�> >r. t1,e ':�'-��".�l • t�ric Plr.-es th�t ��rc ...:j�e: n aCv��rse ci i r ts (��r ::, C�� �,rt ' 8J0.8) by thc activlty. rr,d ne:ity�nr, ,,;�� i�::.rel yr.:':,�• o:�':r �� . tl•.c c,ist�rec cf «��y sc.n Pr'c;crt�cs. erd by l:,) e�-��.�r� rit❑ ali req�nrc��:nt1 estaLlisi:•.:; by t:;e Fc:trrai ;�:��r�,r ay�•ncy tu a�o�c or, ��Sti,::C advcrsc tf(ccti u;�:n iuch pr;:crl�es. ' 1�. It w�11 co';ly wi!h Scction 5.: Of the RchaGiiitalicn %�ct of 1'�73 r5 r ��r:Ard 119 U5� 79:) �nd .�li rc_tul.:�:,r: c.+:dcl���. nr,C ie.e�' �a'Ct.il1V�•� 1SSU�1J l'ur;uJUt [�.tr�[U. �2:ti�0 `.:: pru.�•1 V..: ;:J li 1:'�JJ� 9!.•I� Su���i`:•y' 1, .Ut� • OL}irr•��15P qb��ffiC.1 Itar,lic!.ti`C� t J �;.�ticn �n, D� C•r,i�4 ' ' Of h1S h:r,Ji�.�p, r�• �•..tudcd (r:':� :h•_ :•�rt�� thn p�.r;c(it; of, or Sub}rCt LO ducrl: i��,�t�:n und�f dtiy �rc,)�d'� ur � _ •Ctivily rcCC�ving frdr�'�1 tii:anc�al essi�taucc. �: U.S.C�c�cLf:v�fE�iPR1�fltit;c�F11rE;�y��d:1•eao.��es�-1 FORn1 AO•623 tREVtSEO 5•761 {�AGG t2 �..�:+:�j.r�.i � . � . � ,Q ���� c�l x 1 , �� � . �������►�.� �,,��.�. � � . � .�..��..�:. .�:.� :,':_: .-,.:.�:�'�'`!;'r\ ' ' l'�,`,;•`.�°:' ,►,� � �� A'� ' :��-� ��` �� KE�'T. :. �- �� ' �a,::�� ��,Y��$T�,�� �. �1 � '. � � y�—'``; "`�`-.: �'�k x, �3 T :>,,,��Y,, , ' ,... ;� - . � ="�., r � � ��'�.. . �i � �1 3� •�-... � ._ .. -�. �.a� � =<,, 1� �L � [ � � �� �"-s��� �,, � � � � �(/ � �`n�i�?+��'. ! �; j � ��!• `: 1:.� '�f/��' .�`' ��).. ,� 1,/ y 1 / '� -,� '�' � ��-�-`�.�.� �c��•� r - � .'J'��/ u i'�'T ../�` 1 �'� - t�} r � �`� �••�� � 1�{� � �� � � � E, r U � � 'y� . � � % b �� ;��: 'Q � � 71 Q �'' 7 / ` � i : � � � �'- F� � �° �= Y���� �- �l � � _ � � f��;�' � `'�,� � � "` � � a � _ . � ;i. . ( ;�,� � � � �- � �- .� � � � A. �. �v e o c -'; i..aK���\��,� ;� a� •' 3 � ., `�Y-��� � �.- y� '� � �r•: �:._ _ .,,� ,, =;� � ; � �- , h � �- :. , �' - `� � ` �'�^ e..., �: � y `� Y— :� , -. � y.1`� � � ��1 ��a� �t ''`, .a� �7 r �����V- � _u• �.:- ,►� �? .� •�•.....\.;--�{..�. � � �, � ,..:.�+;, ��.:.::.� ,, . ' ;, � , `�� j� � � 4 . ; � �,.�: E � ��. T�_ ��'1" ��a �.i • � '�y...� . 4 /� �� � • l��7 � r / � �� J . v . '� � �r � �.-�'� � ST.� � � • �� � , � �. :.:J z3;, � _� � 2 —�.'"•.,.�t��?^_ -"i•�•� v, ;�(-•�'a'',�..._ � ��_,��-�.1..��_ .� r�� ��.- .-''�,� `/J � � � _.. �.; Q �� � �.:. ..�. '..��. �� � . !� �� �+ j ..�-.- "'�.� • . °;� � �j.•;�'•�''• - t ( �j— � "'`��'� i00PER�. f �-''�±— � K� �{SCFI.s: . �r�`� 1 5T� �— G �� ��/C�•'-� _..�1 � �l ��� ���7T7T� ..t��1�'�,' . � � . ��d..L�.'"_ r_,� j w �._��L�''�'.�y� t r � f� ���Y-��• . � � � �r„� � ' �� N �� � � . ,�� . r � �� ; �� ' C � L�.�y� � r � � � � �,! P j�. i��� .� �'���.�.. � � •����aoo���� e�o�oeo�00000�s�o• f � TD�}-�CO `` . � . .w.._� ._...._: H4 . . ";`°"°""..-T------------�...;.,.,..._-,...,,_, __ P'"' ,. LEGENL` FOR NEIGHBOP,NOOD PLAN hiAPS �f��;'; � ' MRPLE lilfiflfl�llf�lllfi{III Sugar Maple �� L,�LJ � �� 1lorway Maple � � � � Schwedler Maple � � , :����, �� Crimson Kin� Maple ■���o a�e s.■■ Columnar Norway Maple � ' • ' ' � ' ' Red t�;aple � LINDEN . �,,���i��.� American Linden � � L�ttle Leaf Linden � ��'���.�� Redmond Linden � '/////////. Greenspire Linden i . ' OAK , , . � ����004 Pin Oak j ( Bur Oak 1 � UNRELATED DECIDUOUS SPECIES . �:r.%-�..�-�•,�.�.� • 1''`�"r '�� Hackberry ����00�� Green Ash � ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Nor.ey Locust � . • Ginkgo . ��i ��i'��ir'� European Mountain Ash �c�c�(c�{c�c�(c�*:��c: Flo�,ering Crab ' EXPERIMEIJTAL TREES ___________ These trees are named on map:� ' Ohio Buckeye, Ironwood, Sycamore, Amur Cork Tree, Russian Olive, Kentucky Coffee Tree, .Amur P;aple, . Catalpa, Sapporo Autumn Gold Elm, Amelanchier, Scotch Pine, Austrian Pine, European I�arch, Black Hills Spruce, Douglas Fir, Eastern Red Cedar. •�������a�����• FRIORITY SdIRE REtaOVAL '�. A14 . , , , ,; ._�._- _ Krr+r�r�owAAr'�" • C3[i,_�+.=Lare`�i..ro14 ttsw-�� t+'.'��..t^+ -� .y. ' r r rj C6:Q�� _ ��I ,.. }_^-,.� 1! .• r�..i.. _�.c i ��-'�Y . ! i' � i.,-1 t""'.� �i � -- --- :. � :/ �i --E��::..I ., + .. .... :�: ° � y � - I a -�'----C G�-�. / -/ ' _ . Q ,t' _I� �� ��:Ii[.�=_._�-�K� •r •.r.i�.�e •t��i.. :-L � � -- � l : ��x_.. , _ . ..__. � ' Et ' y�` ,' . ;' � . _.�.... ., :� �Y-' •:�t---+=-•f��•G.: � � . _�'l � ----• • -- E t�:.s . . " , � . ' "1 ,� --�----�-�- '.11��E1--� _: �,;,3 � C3� u:u•a���- � ;: T � � �� � �_V-i�-Y�`�C ,' '� �,L�"i �""� � w _�_�L�JI ��~ ----�----=.•��:t�' , , ' _ ' _. / � � 19� c�_; -�n ��- --�—�v�E�-.�r--•��-c_:' �� : --- — '�- � /� y ri.i� _ –.._J•= �/a.a�— ti-�„t : ..f i // � I ���� ���L._�'�'— �'----.�� V •. ��' � • – �----�•-�.�-- � 1 � '' v, :. I�(��� Q'"-�`- -T�r�r'_� �__�['`':.':�� = { L_ �.� l� _�L—� '�C=_ � , � .� •� : ��� �,._ i � � �� � �, �_��____:��-,. ! �; �� -� = � � � ��_-��=_�_�;�_ � , •. ` � �y � I � ���-�C-------��i �_ ,� , . � a_- e� t.� � �,; ,... ..... , :s���C----��'�__:--�-- � � �� -- _ \ cs a – ��_���–_-i�T�-___.w � ��_=_� ��-_�� .. , �` O���C�-n--- � ' C__.__�_- . � � ��:1 . � .\1� �� i>, �-���--..� --- , - e.. .o,o. : � � [.- . _ \, � �� �, . w .. �1�---� - , �t. �. �q � s�-,-�� - �. �� , � � � �L'����� --.�:.�` �� � , ; -;- � -- �- , �--���'-� � -_---_ ----- �;- � � � I'���a=� -�� �' �,� — ..�..., _, ,� �_ - . ' • ,` _ L.. .� �/ \. _ ��L^[.. ^ � 1.� \ � � '�' i'`� � '\�.)IL i a _l,t��'j_�, j I � �_ � . \ .� �.__.��f � � �V� � I�,,�� �_�,; . � � –1_ °.�"'rz-.Ci \\ r�a. .. - . \ 4t"'�"�` r '�'L ... -- . . . � �� � -{��s��- - �t] ...... ... =J __ \\ t �'^"u.� ��= G— ' � � . j ;j�µ'��.. ,s o -- --�—'� r(.,,� ..�t�Z � \ ---= .�. °j�. .� _ ......�� .� • - ' ,+ - �' _p—���--- ,�� ���� ��_j�. � I — � � � � `� , . � �� � -- .— �G �� �_•� ; � , . w � ',—�`- � � . �� � . ,, /. ��� ' ''�_ ;, �� � . � �� �-'—� �'(� � ��'�i � :.� �.� �I r -.--f ;�;� v� :;. � � ��1.��!r'�� �=� M 2-=- � � . �,%�',�, _an. j �: � �� � ' �_-_ t=�� - .\ -�_� ����� :, .,�, / �-__� - -�- , - �,.., �� � :>:�_ -— � � ---- � . _��_- • - � . � � . : � • � � � . � . . . . � • .� ' � . � � ' _ � C � � . �.��:��,�{� . DI�T�9�T � A N , h�l���LA�D �� 0 �►! ;� . • ae STREET TREE LI aT . � ' . . CODED FOR REFERENCE , A I�edge Maple* J Blue Ash* W Crimean Linden l . 'Redmord ' B Amur t�1ap1 e K Gi nkgo, Common ' � 1 . male qrafted C Norway Maple 2. ' Fairmount' Park & Park�•ray 1 . Common Variety TREE LIST 2. 'Cleveland' L Ginkgo, Columnare �3. 'Emerald Queen ' 1.. 'Lakeview' �Conifers 4. 'Green Lace' � 2. 'Mayfield ' 5. 'Jade Glen ' 3. 'Sentry' Seed , Nut, and 6. 'Sch►•�edler' 4. 'Sinclair' Fruit Bearing 7. 'Summershade' � Trees ' - 8. 'Miller' s Super' M Locust 9. 'Crimson King' 1 , 'Shademaster' 10. 'Columnare' � 2. � 'Skyline' 11 . 'Globe' 3. ' Imperial ' 4. 'Moraine ' D Red Maple 5. ' Rubylace' * � l . Common Variety * � 2. 'Armstrong' . * N Crab Apple* � 3. 'Autumn Flame * 4. 'Bowha 11 ' * O I ron�•aood 5. 'Columnare' * P Amur Cork Tree E Suqar Maple Q Canada Red Cherry* 1 . Common Variety 2. 'Green Mountain' R Calle►°y Pear 3. 'Sweet Shadow' . l . Aristocrat � 4.� 'Columnare' 2. Br-adford 5, 'Newton Sentry' 3. Redspire � 6. 'Globe' S Swamp White Oak � F American Hornbeam . . T Bur Oak � G Nackberry � � " U Pin Oak H 1�'hite Ash 1 . Common Variety l . Commori Variety �. 'Sovereign '* 2. 'Autunm Purple' V Little Leaf Linden I Green Ash � 1 , Common Variety 1 . 'Emerald ' . 2. 'Chancellor' 2. 'Sum���i t' 3. 'Greenspi re' 3. 't•tarshall ' s Seedless ' *TRIAL BASIS ONLY