273882 WHITE - CITV GLERK PINK - FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PALTL Council �5{ CA:JPftY •�QEPARTMENT � .�// BL�E -MAYOR File NO. �����d rdin�nce Ordinance N�. J(S1( Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance increasing certain deposits for sewer connections; increa�ing the penalty for violation of certain section of the Code, and eliminating certain obsolete language; amending Chapter 230 of the St. Paul Legislative Gode. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 230.03 oY the Saint Paul Legislative Code is amended to read: 230.03. No permit without deposit; exceptions. Where any tract of land has not been assessed for any existing abutting sanitary sewer and has been excepted from the levy of the assessment for the same, and a new sewer has not been built for which it may be assessed, no permit shall be granted to connect such tract of land with the city sanitary sewer unless a deposit shall have been made with the ee�}se}e�e�-e�-���a�ee de artment of finance and mana e- ment services in the amount of ��g��-Be��a��- 8T8A 12 per assessable front foot to a depth of 150 feet; except that where a public sewer has been built under private contract and paid for by one or more owners of land thereby served or provided to be served under a permit authorized by the city council, and in accordance with conditions specified in said permit, in any such case a permit shall be granted to connect all or any of the said land which said sewer is intended to drain and which abuts on said sewer without payment of a deposit. The provisions of Sections 230.02 and 230.03 shall not apply to properties served by sewers within the area proposed to be platted as COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler �[i�l c �Oo�!S Hozza In Favor Hunt /� / Levine Against BY "�� Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by�ity Attorney/, Adopted by Council: Date f � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � � � By � �� � Approved by Mayor: Date Ap r ed by Mayor fo S b ssion to Council By By WHITE - CITV CLERK � COII1lC11 �� P�� C NrA~ - D�PAR MENT �����n �i��p � BLUE -MAYOR GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. � . O rdZn�nCP, Ordinance 1�0.�OT�� � Presented By Referred To Comrnittee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 3 Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in �orce . thirty days from and after its passage, approval ,and publicati on. x COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: � McMahon Hozza In Favor Hunt Lev� Maddox � Against BY � �� Showalter Tedesco ��n`� ,� �g�g Form Approved by City Att�rney Adopted by Council: Date ' ,\ Certified P y Council retary� gY By �� � ! App by Mayor: D ��� � 1979 Ap ro e by Mayor for Su is on to Council By B ��M�� N 0'V 1 � i979 " vt•1 u1.: .LL/ly /5 Rev. : 9/8/76 � � � ExPI.��NATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE OR�ER5, RESOLUTIONS, �,ND ORDINANCES ��� , . � j���' Date: September 26, 1979 � � . . ,. ; �� . Tp: MAYOR GEORGE �,ATIMER � � � � ��, :r. �,;, � t. 0 G; v - 1979 FR: Thomas J. Eggum, Publ i c Works Offi ce Engi neer . ��pa��'� RE: Chapter 230 Legislative Code entitled "Sewers and Drains". � . - AGTION REQU�STED: 1) References to "Comnissioner.° are` bein� updated to proper. authority �hroughout this chapter. _ . 2) Section .03. The rate charged as a deposat for sewer conn�ctions is being raised from $8.00 to $12.00 per frant foot. This brirtgs the charge more in line with the costs .for.constructing a sewer. - � 3) Section .09. Penalty for failure to ob�ain sewer connection permit-or��f�ilure � to comply wi tfi the condi ti ons of the permi t� i s tzeing rai sed from. $10.00 to� $100.00. . ' � PURPOSE RND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Update Legislativ.e Code. _ . , ATTACHMENTS: � Ordinance ' _ . 1��c�� � ������� Page 2. Riverview Industrial Park which is served by sewers existing in the said park as of November 30, i967. Section 2. That Section 230.0`} and Section 230.08 of the St. Paul Legislative Code are hereby deleted in their entirety and the following section substituted in lieu and in place thereof: 230.07. Licensed contractor. No connection shall be made with any sewer or drain except b ersons re�ularl licensed as house sewer contractors, bonded and insured as ro.vided in the a licable sections of this Le islative Code . Cha ter 240 . Section 3. That Section 2�0.09 of the St. Paul Legislative Code is amended to read: 23o•Og. Connection permit. No connection shall be made with any sewer without he written permission of the ee���s�}e�.e�-e� director of the department of public works, and any opening or connection made into any sewer without such permi��ion, or in any manner different from the mode prescribed for such opening or connection by ��e-a����a�ee this chapter, shall subject the person making the same, and the occupier or owner of the premises directing it, to a penalty of not less than �e�.-�e��a�s-���A� 100 for each and every day said connection or opening shall remain after notice by the city engineer to close and disconnect the same. Section 4. That Section 230.24��of the St. Paul Legislative Code is repealed. i� 1 s t_ ��/��� 2nd_ /��/L„1�.� 3rd �� �� — Adopted � � � - - , . Yeas Nays HOZZA HUNT LEVINE �f'f���� L ^ MADD OX � �Mc1`1AHON TIDESCO � PRESIDENT (SHOidALTER)