273874 WHITE — CITV CLERK � � PINK — FINANCE (jI� OF SAINT PAUL Council �� ':� �� CANARV —DEPARTMENT File NO. dLtJE . -�[dAVOR s ~ O.rdindnce Ordinance N 0. �V�J /� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Section 454. 04, Subdivision 2, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to the Operation of Public Swimming Pools. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 454. 04, Subd. 2, of the Legislative Code, is hereby amended to read as follows: "Subd. 2. The Health Officer and the E���-A�ek��ee� Supervisor of Code Enforcement are authorized to promu gate regulations in connection with the oper- ation and maintenance of public swimming pools for the protection and promotion of public health and safety. The Health Officer shall perform inspections at reasonable hours to insure compliance. Every public swimmin ool shall be o erated under�Te. - close supervision of a - esignated operator. Every designated o erator shall be required to obtain a certi icate of com etenc issued by the Health Of icer upon success ul y comp eting a swimming �ool operator's training_course offered by_ the Division of Public Health, or which the Bureau may charge a reasonable fee, or any other swimming pool course a prove y the Health Officer." ... �COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved b Ci Att ney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By � Approved by Mayor: Date App o ed by Ma r for Sub i sio to Council By By ,, WHITE - CITV CIERK � 5���� P)NK - FINANCE TT � t CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA V L COIlIlC1I BLUE� ��MAVOR File �0. � J . ` �' Ordindnce Ordinance N 0._!���!?�v Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays COMMUNITY $ERVICES X� McMahon � [n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine � Against B Maddox Showalter Tedesco 1979 Form Approved b ity ttorne Adopted by Council: Date NOV �- Certified a s d y C cil retary��� BY � y L.1 �- _ App by ayor: Date NOV E� �9�9 Appro b Mayor Submis on t G ncil BY BY �1►81,tSk�ED fJ OV 1 Q 1979 � � � � OM O1.�����'1975 � Rsv. s 9/S/76 -. xON OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, LUT ONS� AND ORDIl� S ,I _.._.....r_,_�_�. ,�,��'� R�'�'�iY�D Dat�: September �8, 1979 , 1 ��'� �OCT. � MpYOR'S OfFICE � Tp: MAYGR GE�RG� LATIMER Flt: Thomas J. Kelley 1tEs Amendment ito �winming Pool Qrdinance � ; ACTION REt�ESZ'�D: � I�r�il�w��� . . App-oval o'F attnched Ordinance - ; PU�4SL AND RA�ICNALE FOR TSIS AC�24N: . Make swinm�"ng pool operator's course mandatory. . ATTACA�NTS: Ordinance � _ _ _ . � . , �►����� DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES �G�-�- � DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER-0FFICE COMI�AUNICATION September 26, 1979 T0: Thomas J. Kelley Director of Community Ser 'c FROM: Paul J. Cox, D.V.M. Director of Environme Health SUBJECT: Amendment to Swimming Pool Ordinance We have received additional funding from CHS to employ another sanitarian who will have the responsibility of presenting a swimming pool operator's course to both city and county swimming pool operators. Past inspections revealed numerous deficiencies in the operation of swimming pools. Most of these violations could be corrected if the operator was exposed to a course which dealt with these matters. It is felt that if we have swimming pool operators knowledgeable in swimming pools, we will have fewer complaints and will be affording the general public more protection when utilizing the facilities. We are recommending that the Swimming Pool Ordinance be amended to make the course mandatory and to allow the Health Officer to charge a reasonable fee. There are 43 indoor pools and 42 outdoor pools in the City of Saint Paul. We estimate between 50 and 60 swimming pools out in the county. If you concur in the above, please submit the proposed amendment to the City Council. PJC/kmj cc: Edward R. Eberhardt Enclosure 3 � lst�� 2nd ?( 1 /�� 3rd 'L/ / ��� Adopted � � _ , Yeas Nays _ HOZZA HUNT LEVINE �, y��C`��� s MADDOX McMAHON TEDESCO PRESID�TT (SHOWAL�ER)