01-1150S �es�:�-���. — �ov. �,, �o�� Presented By: Referred To: Committee Date: i Whereas, the Saint Paul Police DepartmenYS Records Management System needs an addHional final investment estimated at $350,000 to supply z access to i�ormation from local, state, and federal data bases to officers in the fieltl, to allow police officers to prepare paperiess reports via s mobile tapiop computers, and to permit changes necessary to accommodate the National Incident Based Reporting System (IS{BRS) standards; and s Whereas, Police management has idenYrfied funding within the 2001 approvetl budget ihat can be applietl to this need, spec'rficalty, $150,000 from s the Returnetl City Pension Assets Funtl and $75,000 from the Local Law Enforcement Block Grafrt; antl a Whereas, the City Council, during Rs budget deliberations on the 2001 budget, added S763,400 to the 2001 Butlget, which was intended to fund a fuil s year's cost of the ongoing support of the wireless communication component of the Records Management System, but will partially go unused for io ongoing system costs in 2001, and, therefore, a portion of that amouM is available to fund the balance of the 5350,000 inveslmeM; antl iz Whereas, the Police Department needs to lease 115 mobile laptop computers and purchase flexible mounting docking stations for police squad ia cars for the laptop PCs; and ta is Whereas, the Mayor and Director of Financial Services have agreed to prepare and submit a technical change for the 2002 budget to the City Council is to add the annual cost of leasing 175 mobile laptop computers, estimated at $140,000, to the 2002 budget; and n �a Whereas, the cost of 115 mounting docking stations is estimated to be $66,725, and there currently is no available budget authority; antl 79 aa WHEREAS, the Mayoq in accordance with Section 70.07.1 of the city charteq certifies thffi there are available tor appropriation $60,000 in generel 2i fund monies in excess of those estimated in the 2UU7 budget; and, in accordance with Section tU.U7.1 of the City Char[er, recommends the zz following changes to the 2001 budget: za u CURRENT AMEN�EO zs Fund Activity Object Description BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 26 n S FUND - FINANCING ze U5e of Fund BaWnce 29 001 • 00000 - 30 at SENERALPUND-SPENDING sx Police Department - Police Fleet 33 001 - 04001 - 9830 0346 Council File # p\_\� rj p Green Sheet # � ` � � � RESOLU710N OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Use of Fund Balance 6,097,799 66,725 6,163,924 66,125 66,125 Accessories foI Vehicles � as GENERAL FUND SPENDWG CHANGE 66,125 36 a� NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves the amendetl butlgets as indicated above, and adopts the revisions to aa the 2001 bud9et. Requested by Department of: By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: By: —��� � r---�s � Approved by Mayor: Date ��� J C 2�� By: Approval Recommentled by Director of Financial Services: BY� � �A1�d��� Form roved CiTyAttomey: gY: 2 Approv arforSubmissiontoCouncil: By: '�LC� ���/�/�f�Y%�iV(i / PraperMbyNe011keo(Menc�el5ttvkm (GlSXP11EPBU0GEN391�FPT Ol1CfAM5FE5%,WKG) Atlopted by Council: Date �p-� , `'� � �op \ DEPAFiTMEM NCIL DAiE W RIATED . - . O I_ �� c�rico��si ia�-ZOO� GREEN SHEE � N 21625 GONTAGf P ON 8 E � �EPNiTMINT DIRE � GRY COUNG� MRWJDATE Dan Bostrom 266-8660 �sswx � em�rrorwer � cmcxenu NUM6EA FCR MUST BE ON CWNCR AGENDA BY (ONTEI ROUi1N6 O BUUREf DIRECfOfl � FlN. E MGT. SEHVICES 01R �� o ������� o SOTAL #E OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CL3P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNASUR� �crror+ r+�a�esreo Approve 2001 BudgetAmendment forPolice departmentto repairand upgrade it Records Management System and to obtain 11 S mobile laptop computers. RECOMMEero�T�S:l,ppiave �A) a Pe)eet (R) pENSONAL SERVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING GUESTIONS: _ PLANNIN6 COGMtSS70N � CNIL SENVICE WMM75S70N 1. Fies tlris perSOM(m eve[ rtatk9d unde( 8 cOntrac[ tar Nis QeP�rtt? _ peCOMMrtTEE _ YES NO _�� 2. Hps Mis parsoNRrm over been a ay emptoyeeT — YES NO — D�S7Hi�T COl1RT — 3. Does Mis persoNfirm posseu a akitl not nortnalry possesseC by any curteM dty employee? SuFPotxfS wN�CH COUNG�L OBJEClIVE? YES NO �plain all yn �nswsn on �spmb shset �nA �@se� to pnsn aMn INRUTIN6 PROB�EM,ISSUE. OPPOPTUIi1SY (WM.Yfiet, WMn. WAsn, Wtm: Saint Paul receive federal grant money to purchase 1701ap top computers for wireless communications within squad cazs. The City's Records Management System needs to be repaired and upgraded to be able to ailow police officers to prepare paperless reports. Additional computers are needed so that all squads have access to the new systems.. ADVANTAOES IFMPROVED: Police reports will be more accurate, complete, timely, and accessible. I?ata analysis will be better. OISAOVANTAGES IFAPPRWED: Reduces the General Fund's fund balance by $66,125. OISApVANTAGES IF NGTAPPRQYED: The Police Department will not be in full compliance with the terms and conditions ofa federal grant for computers. TOTAL AMOUNT OF THANSACTION f COSTlREVENVE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINQ SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (E%PLAIN) a S-115� DEPAp7MENT/OFFICE/COUNGL DATE MRIATED . c�rico,���� �o-ZS-zoo� GREEN SHEE 6�_ 21525 COMACT PERSON & PHONE �N[TIALlOATE INITIAVDAiE O DEPAFTMENTDIRECTOR � CITYCAtINCIL Dan Bostrom 266-8660 p���'N O CISY ATfORNEY O CITY CLERK NUYBERFOR MUST E ON COUNCIL ACaENDA BY (DATE) pp�� � BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. OPOEN � ,.�qYOR (OR ASSI5fANT) ❑ TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUHE) ACf10N REQUESTED: Approve 2001 Budget Amendment for Police department to repair and upgrade it Records Management System and to obtain 115 mobile laptop computers. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) pEflSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personMirtn ever worked under a contract fm this department? _CIBCOMMfTTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a c"rty employee? _ S7AFF _ YES P1O _ DISiRICT COUa7 � 3. Does thi5 personRirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curretn city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explein ell yes snswers on seperate sheei nnd nttaah to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whaq When, Where, Why): Saint Paul receive federal grant money to purchase 1701ap top computers for wireless communications within squad cars. The City's Records Management System needs to be repaired and upgraded to be able to allow police officers to prepare paperless reports. Addirional computers are needed so that a11 squads have access to the new systems.. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Police reports will be more accurate, complete, timely, and accessible. Data analysis will be better. DISADVANTAGES IPAPPROVED: Reduces the General Fund's fund balance by $833,000. OISADVANTACaES IF NOTAPPROVE�' The Police Aepattment will not be in full compliance with the terms and conditions of a federal grant for computers. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO PUNDING SOUHCE ACTIYITY NUMBER FINANpAL INFORMATION� (EXPU{IN) Council File # (7l - i 1 Sb Green Sheet # �� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Date 1 WEIEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department's Records Management System eds to be repaired and 2 upgraded at an estunated cost of $350,000 in order to be able to haue police office submit paperless reports 3 via mobile laptop computers and make the changes necessary to accommodate e Nafional Incident Based 4 Reporting System (I�IIBRS) standards; and 5 WHEREAS the department needs to lease ll 5 mobile laptop comput s and purchase flexible mounting 6 docking stations for the squad cars at an estunated cost of $483,00 , in order to supplement the laptop 7 computers provided by federal and state grants; and 8 WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Ci Charter, does certify that there aze available 9 for appropriation funds of $833,000, in excess of those esti ted in the 2001 budget: and 10 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the following 11 12 13 FINANCING PLAN 14 00000-General Fund I S 9830- Use of Fund Balance 16 Total Changes To Financing Plan 17 SPENDING PLAN 18 04310-St. Paul Police � 20 02XX- Services 1 `� �F�f•iR� 21 0856 - Computer ardwaze 22 0$57 - Comput Sofiware 23 Tota1 Changes To Spending Plan . 1. ': .1: •'• Systems Unit: 88,980 11,200 958 32.820 133,958 1 to the 2001 budget: �� C es 833.000 833,000 CI; C 483,000 350,000 +833,000 Amended Budeet 6.920.898 6,920,898 .; . � 11,200 483,958 382.820 9b6,958 al-11Sa 1 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council does approve these recommende hanges 2 totaling $833,000 to the Saint Paul Police Department's 2001 General Fund budget to enhance efficiency 3 and effectiveness of Police operations. Requested by Department of. B Blakey Bostrom Coleman Harris L antry Reiter Adopted by CouncIl: Adoption Certified� / By: Council Secretary Approved by Mayor: Date � � Approval Recommended by Financial Services Office: � Form Approved by Ciry Attorney: � Approved b�r Subm�to City Council: By: S �es�:�-���. — �ov. �,, �o�� Presented By: Referred To: Committee Date: i Whereas, the Saint Paul Police DepartmenYS Records Management System needs an addHional final investment estimated at $350,000 to supply z access to i�ormation from local, state, and federal data bases to officers in the fieltl, to allow police officers to prepare paperiess reports via s mobile tapiop computers, and to permit changes necessary to accommodate the National Incident Based Reporting System (IS{BRS) standards; and s Whereas, Police management has idenYrfied funding within the 2001 approvetl budget ihat can be applietl to this need, spec'rficalty, $150,000 from s the Returnetl City Pension Assets Funtl and $75,000 from the Local Law Enforcement Block Grafrt; antl a Whereas, the City Council, during Rs budget deliberations on the 2001 budget, added S763,400 to the 2001 Butlget, which was intended to fund a fuil s year's cost of the ongoing support of the wireless communication component of the Records Management System, but will partially go unused for io ongoing system costs in 2001, and, therefore, a portion of that amouM is available to fund the balance of the 5350,000 inveslmeM; antl iz Whereas, the Police Department needs to lease 115 mobile laptop computers and purchase flexible mounting docking stations for police squad ia cars for the laptop PCs; and ta is Whereas, the Mayor and Director of Financial Services have agreed to prepare and submit a technical change for the 2002 budget to the City Council is to add the annual cost of leasing 175 mobile laptop computers, estimated at $140,000, to the 2002 budget; and n �a Whereas, the cost of 115 mounting docking stations is estimated to be $66,725, and there currently is no available budget authority; antl 79 aa WHEREAS, the Mayoq in accordance with Section 70.07.1 of the city charteq certifies thffi there are available tor appropriation $60,000 in generel 2i fund monies in excess of those estimated in the 2UU7 budget; and, in accordance with Section tU.U7.1 of the City Char[er, recommends the zz following changes to the 2001 budget: za u CURRENT AMEN�EO zs Fund Activity Object Description BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 26 n S FUND - FINANCING ze U5e of Fund BaWnce 29 001 • 00000 - 30 at SENERALPUND-SPENDING sx Police Department - Police Fleet 33 001 - 04001 - 9830 0346 Council File # p\_\� rj p Green Sheet # � ` � � � RESOLU710N OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Use of Fund Balance 6,097,799 66,725 6,163,924 66,125 66,125 Accessories foI Vehicles � as GENERAL FUND SPENDWG CHANGE 66,125 36 a� NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves the amendetl butlgets as indicated above, and adopts the revisions to aa the 2001 bud9et. Requested by Department of: By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: By: —��� � r---�s � Approved by Mayor: Date ��� J C 2�� By: Approval Recommentled by Director of Financial Services: BY� � �A1�d��� Form roved CiTyAttomey: gY: 2 Approv arforSubmissiontoCouncil: By: '�LC� ���/�/�f�Y%�iV(i / PraperMbyNe011keo(Menc�el5ttvkm (GlSXP11EPBU0GEN391�FPT Ol1CfAM5FE5%,WKG) Atlopted by Council: Date �p-� , `'� � �op \ DEPAFiTMEM NCIL DAiE W RIATED . - . O I_ �� c�rico��si ia�-ZOO� GREEN SHEE � N 21625 GONTAGf P ON 8 E � �EPNiTMINT DIRE � GRY COUNG� MRWJDATE Dan Bostrom 266-8660 �sswx � em�rrorwer � cmcxenu NUM6EA FCR MUST BE ON CWNCR AGENDA BY (ONTEI ROUi1N6 O BUUREf DIRECfOfl � FlN. E MGT. SEHVICES 01R �� o ������� o SOTAL #E OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CL3P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNASUR� �crror+ r+�a�esreo Approve 2001 BudgetAmendment forPolice departmentto repairand upgrade it Records Management System and to obtain 11 S mobile laptop computers. RECOMMEero�T�S:l,ppiave �A) a Pe)eet (R) pENSONAL SERVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING GUESTIONS: _ PLANNIN6 COGMtSS70N � CNIL SENVICE WMM75S70N 1. Fies tlris perSOM(m eve[ rtatk9d unde( 8 cOntrac[ tar Nis QeP�rtt? _ peCOMMrtTEE _ YES NO _�� 2. Hps Mis parsoNRrm over been a ay emptoyeeT — YES NO — D�S7Hi�T COl1RT — 3. Does Mis persoNfirm posseu a akitl not nortnalry possesseC by any curteM dty employee? SuFPotxfS wN�CH COUNG�L OBJEClIVE? YES NO �plain all yn �nswsn on �spmb shset �nA �@se� to pnsn aMn INRUTIN6 PROB�EM,ISSUE. OPPOPTUIi1SY (WM.Yfiet, WMn. WAsn, Wtm: Saint Paul receive federal grant money to purchase 1701ap top computers for wireless communications within squad cazs. The City's Records Management System needs to be repaired and upgraded to be able to ailow police officers to prepare paperless reports. Additional computers are needed so that all squads have access to the new systems.. ADVANTAOES IFMPROVED: Police reports will be more accurate, complete, timely, and accessible. I?ata analysis will be better. OISAOVANTAGES IFAPPRWED: Reduces the General Fund's fund balance by $66,125. OISApVANTAGES IF NGTAPPRQYED: The Police Department will not be in full compliance with the terms and conditions ofa federal grant for computers. TOTAL AMOUNT OF THANSACTION f COSTlREVENVE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINQ SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (E%PLAIN) a S-115� DEPAp7MENT/OFFICE/COUNGL DATE MRIATED . c�rico,���� �o-ZS-zoo� GREEN SHEE 6�_ 21525 COMACT PERSON & PHONE �N[TIALlOATE INITIAVDAiE O DEPAFTMENTDIRECTOR � CITYCAtINCIL Dan Bostrom 266-8660 p���'N O CISY ATfORNEY O CITY CLERK NUYBERFOR MUST E ON COUNCIL ACaENDA BY (DATE) pp�� � BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. OPOEN � ,.�qYOR (OR ASSI5fANT) ❑ TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUHE) ACf10N REQUESTED: Approve 2001 Budget Amendment for Police department to repair and upgrade it Records Management System and to obtain 115 mobile laptop computers. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) pEflSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personMirtn ever worked under a contract fm this department? _CIBCOMMfTTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a c"rty employee? _ S7AFF _ YES P1O _ DISiRICT COUa7 � 3. Does thi5 personRirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curretn city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explein ell yes snswers on seperate sheei nnd nttaah to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whaq When, Where, Why): Saint Paul receive federal grant money to purchase 1701ap top computers for wireless communications within squad cars. The City's Records Management System needs to be repaired and upgraded to be able to allow police officers to prepare paperless reports. Addirional computers are needed so that a11 squads have access to the new systems.. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Police reports will be more accurate, complete, timely, and accessible. Data analysis will be better. DISADVANTAGES IPAPPROVED: Reduces the General Fund's fund balance by $833,000. OISADVANTACaES IF NOTAPPROVE�' The Police Aepattment will not be in full compliance with the terms and conditions of a federal grant for computers. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO PUNDING SOUHCE ACTIYITY NUMBER FINANpAL INFORMATION� (EXPU{IN) Council File # (7l - i 1 Sb Green Sheet # �� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Date 1 WEIEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department's Records Management System eds to be repaired and 2 upgraded at an estunated cost of $350,000 in order to be able to haue police office submit paperless reports 3 via mobile laptop computers and make the changes necessary to accommodate e Nafional Incident Based 4 Reporting System (I�IIBRS) standards; and 5 WHEREAS the department needs to lease ll 5 mobile laptop comput s and purchase flexible mounting 6 docking stations for the squad cars at an estunated cost of $483,00 , in order to supplement the laptop 7 computers provided by federal and state grants; and 8 WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Ci Charter, does certify that there aze available 9 for appropriation funds of $833,000, in excess of those esti ted in the 2001 budget: and 10 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the following 11 12 13 FINANCING PLAN 14 00000-General Fund I S 9830- Use of Fund Balance 16 Total Changes To Financing Plan 17 SPENDING PLAN 18 04310-St. Paul Police � 20 02XX- Services 1 `� �F�f•iR� 21 0856 - Computer ardwaze 22 0$57 - Comput Sofiware 23 Tota1 Changes To Spending Plan . 1. ': .1: •'• Systems Unit: 88,980 11,200 958 32.820 133,958 1 to the 2001 budget: �� C es 833.000 833,000 CI; C 483,000 350,000 +833,000 Amended Budeet 6.920.898 6,920,898 .; . � 11,200 483,958 382.820 9b6,958 al-11Sa 1 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council does approve these recommende hanges 2 totaling $833,000 to the Saint Paul Police Department's 2001 General Fund budget to enhance efficiency 3 and effectiveness of Police operations. Requested by Department of. B Blakey Bostrom Coleman Harris L antry Reiter Adopted by CouncIl: Adoption Certified� / By: Council Secretary Approved by Mayor: Date � � Approval Recommended by Financial Services Office: � Form Approved by Ciry Attorney: � Approved b�r Subm�to City Council: By: S �es�:�-���. — �ov. �,, �o�� Presented By: Referred To: Committee Date: i Whereas, the Saint Paul Police DepartmenYS Records Management System needs an addHional final investment estimated at $350,000 to supply z access to i�ormation from local, state, and federal data bases to officers in the fieltl, to allow police officers to prepare paperiess reports via s mobile tapiop computers, and to permit changes necessary to accommodate the National Incident Based Reporting System (IS{BRS) standards; and s Whereas, Police management has idenYrfied funding within the 2001 approvetl budget ihat can be applietl to this need, spec'rficalty, $150,000 from s the Returnetl City Pension Assets Funtl and $75,000 from the Local Law Enforcement Block Grafrt; antl a Whereas, the City Council, during Rs budget deliberations on the 2001 budget, added S763,400 to the 2001 Butlget, which was intended to fund a fuil s year's cost of the ongoing support of the wireless communication component of the Records Management System, but will partially go unused for io ongoing system costs in 2001, and, therefore, a portion of that amouM is available to fund the balance of the 5350,000 inveslmeM; antl iz Whereas, the Police Department needs to lease 115 mobile laptop computers and purchase flexible mounting docking stations for police squad ia cars for the laptop PCs; and ta is Whereas, the Mayor and Director of Financial Services have agreed to prepare and submit a technical change for the 2002 budget to the City Council is to add the annual cost of leasing 175 mobile laptop computers, estimated at $140,000, to the 2002 budget; and n �a Whereas, the cost of 115 mounting docking stations is estimated to be $66,725, and there currently is no available budget authority; antl 79 aa WHEREAS, the Mayoq in accordance with Section 70.07.1 of the city charteq certifies thffi there are available tor appropriation $60,000 in generel 2i fund monies in excess of those estimated in the 2UU7 budget; and, in accordance with Section tU.U7.1 of the City Char[er, recommends the zz following changes to the 2001 budget: za u CURRENT AMEN�EO zs Fund Activity Object Description BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 26 n S FUND - FINANCING ze U5e of Fund BaWnce 29 001 • 00000 - 30 at SENERALPUND-SPENDING sx Police Department - Police Fleet 33 001 - 04001 - 9830 0346 Council File # p\_\� rj p Green Sheet # � ` � � � RESOLU710N OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Use of Fund Balance 6,097,799 66,725 6,163,924 66,125 66,125 Accessories foI Vehicles � as GENERAL FUND SPENDWG CHANGE 66,125 36 a� NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves the amendetl butlgets as indicated above, and adopts the revisions to aa the 2001 bud9et. Requested by Department of: By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: By: —��� � r---�s � Approved by Mayor: Date ��� J C 2�� By: Approval Recommentled by Director of Financial Services: BY� � �A1�d��� Form roved CiTyAttomey: gY: 2 Approv arforSubmissiontoCouncil: By: '�LC� ���/�/�f�Y%�iV(i / PraperMbyNe011keo(Menc�el5ttvkm (GlSXP11EPBU0GEN391�FPT Ol1CfAM5FE5%,WKG) Atlopted by Council: Date �p-� , `'� � �op \ DEPAFiTMEM NCIL DAiE W RIATED . - . O I_ �� c�rico��si ia�-ZOO� GREEN SHEE � N 21625 GONTAGf P ON 8 E � �EPNiTMINT DIRE � GRY COUNG� MRWJDATE Dan Bostrom 266-8660 �sswx � em�rrorwer � cmcxenu NUM6EA FCR MUST BE ON CWNCR AGENDA BY (ONTEI ROUi1N6 O BUUREf DIRECfOfl � FlN. E MGT. SEHVICES 01R �� o ������� o SOTAL #E OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CL3P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNASUR� �crror+ r+�a�esreo Approve 2001 BudgetAmendment forPolice departmentto repairand upgrade it Records Management System and to obtain 11 S mobile laptop computers. RECOMMEero�T�S:l,ppiave �A) a Pe)eet (R) pENSONAL SERVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING GUESTIONS: _ PLANNIN6 COGMtSS70N � CNIL SENVICE WMM75S70N 1. Fies tlris perSOM(m eve[ rtatk9d unde( 8 cOntrac[ tar Nis QeP�rtt? _ peCOMMrtTEE _ YES NO _�� 2. Hps Mis parsoNRrm over been a ay emptoyeeT — YES NO — D�S7Hi�T COl1RT — 3. Does Mis persoNfirm posseu a akitl not nortnalry possesseC by any curteM dty employee? SuFPotxfS wN�CH COUNG�L OBJEClIVE? YES NO �plain all yn �nswsn on �spmb shset �nA �@se� to pnsn aMn INRUTIN6 PROB�EM,ISSUE. OPPOPTUIi1SY (WM.Yfiet, WMn. WAsn, Wtm: Saint Paul receive federal grant money to purchase 1701ap top computers for wireless communications within squad cazs. The City's Records Management System needs to be repaired and upgraded to be able to ailow police officers to prepare paperless reports. Additional computers are needed so that all squads have access to the new systems.. ADVANTAOES IFMPROVED: Police reports will be more accurate, complete, timely, and accessible. I?ata analysis will be better. OISAOVANTAGES IFAPPRWED: Reduces the General Fund's fund balance by $66,125. OISApVANTAGES IF NGTAPPRQYED: The Police Department will not be in full compliance with the terms and conditions ofa federal grant for computers. TOTAL AMOUNT OF THANSACTION f COSTlREVENVE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINQ SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (E%PLAIN) a S-115� DEPAp7MENT/OFFICE/COUNGL DATE MRIATED . c�rico,���� �o-ZS-zoo� GREEN SHEE 6�_ 21525 COMACT PERSON & PHONE �N[TIALlOATE INITIAVDAiE O DEPAFTMENTDIRECTOR � CITYCAtINCIL Dan Bostrom 266-8660 p���'N O CISY ATfORNEY O CITY CLERK NUYBERFOR MUST E ON COUNCIL ACaENDA BY (DATE) pp�� � BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. OPOEN � ,.�qYOR (OR ASSI5fANT) ❑ TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUHE) ACf10N REQUESTED: Approve 2001 Budget Amendment for Police department to repair and upgrade it Records Management System and to obtain 115 mobile laptop computers. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) pEflSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personMirtn ever worked under a contract fm this department? _CIBCOMMfTTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a c"rty employee? _ S7AFF _ YES P1O _ DISiRICT COUa7 � 3. Does thi5 personRirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curretn city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explein ell yes snswers on seperate sheei nnd nttaah to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whaq When, Where, Why): Saint Paul receive federal grant money to purchase 1701ap top computers for wireless communications within squad cars. The City's Records Management System needs to be repaired and upgraded to be able to allow police officers to prepare paperless reports. Addirional computers are needed so that a11 squads have access to the new systems.. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Police reports will be more accurate, complete, timely, and accessible. Data analysis will be better. DISADVANTAGES IPAPPROVED: Reduces the General Fund's fund balance by $833,000. OISADVANTACaES IF NOTAPPROVE�' The Police Aepattment will not be in full compliance with the terms and conditions of a federal grant for computers. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO PUNDING SOUHCE ACTIYITY NUMBER FINANpAL INFORMATION� (EXPU{IN) Council File # (7l - i 1 Sb Green Sheet # �� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Date 1 WEIEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department's Records Management System eds to be repaired and 2 upgraded at an estunated cost of $350,000 in order to be able to haue police office submit paperless reports 3 via mobile laptop computers and make the changes necessary to accommodate e Nafional Incident Based 4 Reporting System (I�IIBRS) standards; and 5 WHEREAS the department needs to lease ll 5 mobile laptop comput s and purchase flexible mounting 6 docking stations for the squad cars at an estunated cost of $483,00 , in order to supplement the laptop 7 computers provided by federal and state grants; and 8 WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Ci Charter, does certify that there aze available 9 for appropriation funds of $833,000, in excess of those esti ted in the 2001 budget: and 10 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the following 11 12 13 FINANCING PLAN 14 00000-General Fund I S 9830- Use of Fund Balance 16 Total Changes To Financing Plan 17 SPENDING PLAN 18 04310-St. Paul Police � 20 02XX- Services 1 `� �F�f•iR� 21 0856 - Computer ardwaze 22 0$57 - Comput Sofiware 23 Tota1 Changes To Spending Plan . 1. ': .1: •'• Systems Unit: 88,980 11,200 958 32.820 133,958 1 to the 2001 budget: �� C es 833.000 833,000 CI; C 483,000 350,000 +833,000 Amended Budeet 6.920.898 6,920,898 .; . � 11,200 483,958 382.820 9b6,958 al-11Sa 1 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council does approve these recommende hanges 2 totaling $833,000 to the Saint Paul Police Department's 2001 General Fund budget to enhance efficiency 3 and effectiveness of Police operations. Requested by Department of. B Blakey Bostrom Coleman Harris L antry Reiter Adopted by CouncIl: Adoption Certified� / By: Council Secretary Approved by Mayor: Date � � Approval Recommended by Financial Services Office: � Form Approved by Ciry Attorney: � Approved b�r Subm�to City Council: By: