D00814aTV oF saNr Pnu� OFFlCE OF THE MAYOR r1 LJ FINANCWG PLAN ADMINISTRATNE ORDER BUDGET REVISION ApProved CoPiesto: - City qerk (Original) - Fnance DepYs Accounting Division - Requesting Dept. 1 ( ADMINISTRATNE ORDER, Consistent with the authoriry granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the Ciry Charter , I(�7 �"� and based an the requesi of the Direcfor ot Fnance and Management Services to amend the 79 XX budget of the Capital ImprovemeM Projects fund, the Director of the Fnance and Man�qement Services Department is authorized to amend said budgM in the following manner. No: � Date: CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGEi CIS Computer Room Rehabilitation C874 R001 • 1987 CIB Transfer from General Fund 545,550.81 545,550.81 70,000.00 (57.00) 69,943.00 615,550.81 (57.00) 615,493.81 SPENDING PLAN Cis Co CIS Computer Room Rehabilitation C87-7R007 Construction FINANCWG PLAN CH/CH Elevator Automation C87-iR002 Transfer form Special Fund SPENDING PLAN CH/CH Elevator Automation C87-1R002 615,550.81 (57.00) 615,493.81 . � �� . � �u • �� Construction 666,670.00 (666,670.00) 0.00 • �ag��f P���t`� • • • FlNANCWG PLAN CH/CH Skywayl+ccessibility C90-1R670 Transfer from Property Man�qement Fund CDBG SPENDING PLAN CH/CH Skyway Accessibility C90-1R010 Construction FINANCING PLAN Limited Partnership Sprinkler System C94-1T002 Assessments SPENDING PLAN Limited Partnership Sprinkler System C94-1T002 Construction FINANCING PLAN 275 South Wabasha Sprinkler System C94-7T003 Assessments SPENDING PLAN 215 South Wabasha Sprinkler System C94-1T003 Construction 15,000.00 (9,184.p6) S,S15.94 75,W0.00 (15,000.00) 0.00 30,W0.00 (24,184.06) 5,815.94 30,000.00 (24,184.06) 5,815.94 s�,ss�.00 �aa.�a) s�,5ss.as s�,sai.00 �sa.ia� s�,ess.ss 40�780.D0 (4�2�.20) 36,579.80 40,780.00 (4,20020) 36,579.80 'D008�y p. 3 r��l � • C� FlNANCWG PLAN James Productions Sprinkler System C95-7T012 Assessments SPENDINC� PLAN James Productions Sprinkler System C95-1T072 ConsVUCtion FINANCING PLAN Sakura Restaurant Sprinkler System C95-1T013 Assessments SPENDING PLAN Sakura Restaurant Sprinkler System C95-1T013 Construction FINANCING PLAN Special Assessment Bond Proceeds - 1988 C88-9Tt88 Bond Proceeds SPENDING PLAN Special Assessment Bond Proceeds - 1988 C88-9T188 Cost of Bond Issuance Transfers Out 77,828.00 (2,782.80) 75,645.20 n,aza.00 �z,iaz.so) �s,sas.zo 29,072.00 (12,527.00j 16,551.00 zs,o�z.00 �iz,szi.00) is,ss�.00 2,590,100.00 (1p8,686.78) 2,487,413.?2 50�000.00 (37,895.55) 12,104.45 2,540,100.00 (70,79123) 2,469.308.77 2,590,100.00 (1p8,686.78) 2,481,41322 p a��fy I , L J • FlNANCING PLAN Special Assessment Bond Proceeds - 1991 C97AT797 Bond Proceeds SPENDING PLAN Special Assessment Bond Proceeds- 1991 C91-9T791 Cost of Bond Issuance Transfers Out 2,os�,zoo.00 hs,oao.00> Z,oia,�so.00 21,400.00 6,023.94 27,423.94 2,075,8�.00 (85,063.94) 7,990,736.06 2,097,200.00 (79,040.00) 2,018,160.00 �/�/4 � Date Approved by: Department Director Date Date • � 'D()081y oEPA Finance/Accounting, � GREEN SHEE N_ 30204 CONTACT PEqSON $ PHONE INIiIAL/DATE INRIAVDATE � DEPAFTMEMDIRE O CT'COUNCiL Joan Rutten 266-8806 ���C� �cx �cmnrronNev �CRYCLERK UST BE ON CAU IL AGENDA 6Y (DA7E) p�Mq�� � BUDGET DIflECTOR � FlN. 8 MGC SERVICES OIR. OPCER OMAYORIORASSISTANi) �Fin/�rrto. TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES I (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION HC-0UESfED: Approval of attached Administrative Order reducing Capital Project budgets to actual. ' FECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) w fleject (R) pERSONAL SEXVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER 7HE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEiiVICE CpMMI$SION �� Has tt�is persoNfirtn ever worked under a contract for ihis deparlmeM? - _ CIB COMMI7TEE YES NO _ S7AFF 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a city emptoyee? — YES NO _ DI5fAICi COUa7 — 3. Does Mis person/firm possess a skili not normally possessed by any wrtent ciry employee? SUPPORTS WMICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes anawers on separete sheet and attaeh to green sheet INRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNRY (Wha, Whet. When, Where, Why): Various projects have been identified as completed and may be closed out. This ' administrative order redueces the budgets for these projects to the actual costs and revenues. There are no surpluses in these projects. DVANTAGES IF APPqOVED: These capital projects may be closed out on the City's finance system. RECEIVED _ JAN 0 $ 1g96 DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: BUDG61 OFF�CE None RECE1t�E� JAN - 91996 CITV CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPflOVED: � Projects will remain active on the City's finance system. TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/HEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOUHCE VBTI.OUS ACTIVITV NUMBER Various FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � � � p WV