273826 NiHITE - CITV CLERK ������
uncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
A.n Administrative Resolution establishing the title
and class specification for Manpower Employment
Counselor in the Civil Service Ru1es.
RESOLVED, that th.e Civil Service Rules be amended in 5ection
3.L (Technical Group), by inserting the title of Manpower Employment
Counselor in Grade 30; and be it
FURTHER RE50LVED, that the Civi.l Service Rules be further
amended i.n Section 32 by inserting, in proper alphabetical order, the
attached specification for Manpo�er Employment Counselor.
- Approved: ^ ��
ai rman
Civil Service mission
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays �
��X McMa.hon [n Favor I'E R O N F C E
Levine _ __ Against BY
T co nr.T 4 19�g Form Approved y tor y �
Ado by Council: Date —�� C
ertiEied Ya;- `by Council Seccetary BY
�lppro d by 1Aavor. t ,� ` _ uLT � n �9�9 App by Mayor for S i ion t� C uncil
BY - — By
p�e�,.tSNEfl O CT 13 1979 .
Oe �o� detach this memora�.���
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ava��� tfl the C�ty Cuunc� .
BX,PLANATION OF l�Il+i�fiTRATT�E 01�1�5 �����
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-. Date,: A�xet �, 1979 : .
TO s M��: �0�ffi LATIH�R
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RE: Resokut� :. fo� ��t�alssicrn .ta Citq: Cousicil '
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Thie R,�so�.v#oa e$tal�li:ahee the title and clase..�specifica��oa for I�n�u�vver Emp�yxtie�ftt�.,;'
Counselar i�. G ade 34 of Secti� 3.L (Techaical Gr�p} ir� the Ci�v�1'Ser�ice Rules.
The bi-wee�ly a:ry raage for Grade 30 ia as fo]1owe: .
A B C D E F 10-yr. 15.•yx. 2Uw�r. . 25-�r-. ' ��
521.52 545.9Q 570.28 597._84 625.93 655y b1 6?3.b3 6�3r24 7Qb.24 7�.9. 2+4�
. $13,612.00 aur�a�all.y $fi8, �72:0��,� `
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Resolution a� aP� �or the City �lerk.
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Title of class:
General Statement of Duties: Performs vocational counseling work assisting
clients with career choices through vocational training and employment
placement; and performs related duties as required.
Supervision Received: Works under the close supervision of a manpower
Supervision Exercised: May exercise close techrtical supervision over
technical or clerical workers.
The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in
this class.
Interviews clients to determine their job interests and readiness; provides
information on how to obtain support services and acts as an advocate with
other agencies if necessary.
Administers vocational interest and aptitude tests to clients and interprets
and evaluates the results with reference to job markets.
Helps the client clarify vocational interests; provides guidance in the
selection of training programs and in the �ob search process.
Refers clients to training, subsidized employment or placement after - ' -
_ _
assisting him/her witfi overcoming all barriers to placement.
Develops and conducts workshops and group counse�ing sessions to help
clients make the transition to employment.
Maintains contact with clients in educational or sheltered employment
settings thr.ough monitors and personal contact.
Maintains contacts with educational, subsidized employment and placement
personnel for the purpose of making referrals.
Writes contracts with clients throughout the counseling, training and
referral process specifying what steps they have agreed to take to
make them employable.
Prepares classroom training and employability plans and submits required
information to the_ assistant' coordinator.
Prepares forms and documents as required hy project guidelines; keeps case
notes on each client; prepares reports as necessary.
Refers cases of non-compliance to the adjudication specialist; provides
documentation for cases as requested.
Trains and assigns case aides to the routine clerical and administrative tasks.
Participates in staff ineetings; cantributes to program evaluation and develop-
ment; recommends resources for the Career Resource Center.
The ability to administer and interpret a wide range of vocational interest
and aptitude and psychological tests.
The ability to establish and ma.intain effective working relationships with
personnel in other agencies.
The ability to establish a productive working relationship with a wide range
of clientele. "
K�owledge of counseling theory and techniques, with some emphasis on
vocational counseling.
(continued on reverse side)
Knowledge of the policies, procedures and goals of the manpower project.
Knowledge of the factors involved in personality development, motivation
learning and behavior.
Knowledge of the job market and the requirements for entry into particular
f ields.
(Approved qualifying experience may he substituted for education.)
1. College graduation with a degree in Social Work or a related field; or
2. An associate degree in human services or counseling as offered by an
accredited community college or equivalent and one year of experience
as a vocational counselor; or
3. An associate degree in human services or counseling as offered by an
accredited community college or equivaleat and two years` experience
providing social welfare services.
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':;��� ��:: D a�t e ; Septe�nber 24, 1979
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�i; � �'t,;� = C 0:�'3 iil f�7�� O FINANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL _
RUBY HUNT ; haifman, m��es �the �ottc:��iny � �
repor� on C. F. � � Orc3innnce -
�6) � Reso�c�'ri�n - - �
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The Finance Committee, at its meetings of September 24, 1979, recommended approval
_ .of the�fol l owi ng: -_;�. ___
1 . Approved preliminary authorization of retention of bond counsel� and underwriters
service for hi-rise and townhouse constructior� phase bonding, Shepard Park,
� District 15. - � �
2. Resolution establishing title and class specifications for Adjudication Specialist '
in Grade 3 of Section 3.J ( Prof/Admin. Non-Supervisors) of the civil service rules.
(10213=RH) � � .
" 3: Resolution amending Salatry Plan and Rates of Compensation resolution to inc-rease the
� rate of pay for Dentist-Clinic from $50.00 per clinic sessi"on to $55.00 per clinic
• session and to increase rate of pay for Medical Examiner (Clinic only) from $50.00-
� per clinic session to $60.00 per clinic session. (10211-RH) � '
, . .
4. Resolution amending Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution to allow payment
- through the five-yea� rate which has a7ways been the practice for exempt employees.
. �70210-RH).
� 5. Resolution establishing title and class specifications for Manpower Employment
Counselor in Grade 30 of Section 3.L (Tech.Group) in civil service rules (10212-RH}
6. Resolution establishing titles a�d class specifications for Manpower Coordinator I
in Grade 5, Manpower Coordinator II in Grade 9; and Manpower Coordinator III in
. Grade 13 of the Prof/Admin. Non-Supv. Group (Section 3.J.) . (10176-RH).
7. Resolution establishing title of Service Worker iII in Grade 16 of Technical Group
(Section 3.L) , also establishes class specifications. (10175-RH). -.
, ` Y i[fii T. SE�'E:;�1�{ T�I.COc: S:'1i\1� F':iEi.L, :•II\\LS��E��t S�!i!2