273825 WHITE - CITV CLERK CO13I1C11 •)' /•lQ�� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L c.� CANARV - DEPARTMENT /�_ ��� BLUE - MAVOR File NO.�� " ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Resolution adjusting the rate of pay for Dentist-Clinic and Medical Examiner in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution be amended by striking out of Section II B where the titles appear under the heading "Special Employments" the following: "Dentist-Clinic $50. 00 per clinic session" "Medical Examiner (Clinics only) $50. 00 per clinic session" and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: "Dentist-Clinic $55. 00 per clinic session" "Medical Examiner (Clinics only) $60. 00 per clinic session" COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: � McMahon PERSO L OF E Hozza In Favor i�t Levine � _ Against BY Maddox • Sh ter edesc OCT 4 1979 Form rov y o Ad ed by C ncil: Date � ertifie asse y �ouncil Secretar By I B}' l�p r v d by Mavor: ate �`.�L1 � 1979 AaP d by Mayor for S ton to Council sy _ — B ��#iE� O C`� 1 � 1979 � . _ �l.�r�� �t �_;?� �),E1..�:��'t _1.��� ��.!.• ��� r- :--��� , � � ',-;. .'`,; -�, . O��':b'�[�:�4�� O;. ''�`i[]': C;.!"t'Y C;OLf��,?�� �� �*.� /� r.`-- �; ..` -'�`:.,, ,1, .�`� _ _ � j,:j � . ,,t--����' � �- -f�:; Da�e : September 24, 1979 . �, /�� �r � r� s'� ;i� J' r' �i i � '� �i �I �vi 3�j � �. 30 . �aint �uui Cii� Council - �i; � ��;� = C fl;73 i i'l t�f�� O FINANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL _ � t, r�. RUBY HUNT ,�aifinen, m��.es fihe �otl .,.�cnc� rt por3 o n C. F. � Ordinnnce �6� � Fi£SOiEi'f it7C1 . . " . , � 0►h�r . . � � 3 �..� : . " _ : ' � . The Finance Committee, at its meetings of September �4, 1979, recommended approval __ -of the�following: � . '.� 1 . Approved preliminary authorization of retention of bond counsel� and underwriters service for h7-rise and townhouse construction phase bonding, Shepard Park, � District 15. - . 2. Resolution establishing title and class specifications for Adjudication Specialist ' � in Grade 3 of Section 3.J ( Prof/Admin. Non-Supervisors) of the civil service rules. (10213-RH) ' � . � 3�. Resolution amending Sal�try Plan and Rates of Compensation resolution to inc-rease the � rate of pay for Dentist-Clinic from $50.00 per clinic sessi"on to $55.00 per clinic � session and to increase rate of pay for Medical Examiner (Clinic only) from $50.00� � per clinic session to $60.00 per c7inic session. (10211-RH) ' , . 4. Resolution amending Salary Plan and Rates af Compensation Resolution to allow payment - through the five-yeai^ rate which has always been the practice for exempt employees. � �10210-RH) • � 5. Resolution establishing title and class specifications for Manpower Employment Counselor in Grade 30 of Section 3.L (Tech.Group) in civit service rules (10212-RH) 6. Resolution establishing titles and class specifications for Manpower Coordinator I in Grade 5, Manpower Coordinator II in Grade 9, and Manpower Coordinator III in Grade 13 of the Prof/Admin. Non-Supv. Group (Section 3.J. ) . (10176-RH). 7. Resolution establishing title of Service Worker III in Grade 16 of Technical Group (Section 3.L) , also establishes class specifications. (10175-RH) . - 7, sFV�:ti itt ��1.t:0:: S:11\I I�_LUt_, ::!���y�a-e.� s�t�: � . .. 1�1'�!. . . e �'` . -� � . . �' .. ' - . • . � � . . _ . . . . .. . ...,. .. -. �„�. .._. . . _� . . ..., � ,� � tb +nbf d�t�h thi� memvrand�tt► f�rn tho � re�+oh�lion: �o thai this in#ormation w�lt be �v�tabie 'E+a�`'�e City Coua��. ; ., . EXPL4�NATION 4B AI�INTSTRdiT�V$ Q�I?'�RS �t���� : I RESOLTJT�QAT6, ANB° +DRDI C�._ a � I D�t�: A;tsgust 31 l g79 �a: r�aYaa c�o�E r�axx�R _ FR: Perso�el bffice : 5 I ,,�; � . R�: Resoluticn� far s�bmission to Ci.ty.Council ' _ i � � . . , _ ., , �� ACTIAN.RE4UE&'I'BD I � � W�n ac�ccimmt�nd y+ourr�approval and submf.ssicna of this-�do].utian to the G��y-Cl�ci].• � _ , :. ;: ` PURRI�S$ AI�D RATIfl FOx TSIS ACTION: , ' � _. T'hia re salution a� eads the Sa�l,ary Flan and Rate a of Comge�s�,�o� Re saltrtioa�o ,' imc��as� �e �st�e- of pay for Dentist-Clinic {wnder the head�ng Spe�ia7. �mpiQym�atj f��sn $50.OO p�� 19;�i.c session to $55.00 per clinic sesai4�. T'his �Qt��was las"t . adj�.sted in Janua. y, 1 q?'�. . ; T�is r+eeolt�ion a. so amende the Salary Flan and Rates of Can�ea�a#.3t�n'�tes.t�lutaLmn `'` to ia►creass tk�e r te of pay for Medical E�aminer (Cliriic`Oa1y) {u�.de� t� heacli#�� • �Spec3�a1 Er��loyr� at}fxom $50�OO per climic ees�si+�n`to.'$6�:0O per cl�riic seseiora.. ` Thia rate �ovas la.s adj�usted an November, 19'�tf. ; . . . . " . . . . . . . .. .. � .:F . . . . . . _ ' .. �..r . i . • . . � .... .T. , .. �._:.�,.. ' .. . . � .. . . . . . k.,. . . . . � ' . , . ..�:. ... i. � � . � . . , . . . . . . .. ��� � �. . � . � � .. � � . . . . . �� °� � � . . � . . . . � . . . . , / . . - . .. � . . . .. . . . . � . . � . .. . ' , � . ' � i� .. � . ' . .. . � � � . � .. ��1 ATTAC�S: .,.w._ � Reeolution and:co y for City C1erk. + I . ` _ . , ;. { . , . j ' , . ��; y� .;;