Koehnen, Julia I RECEI�IE� 5/20/2014 �iAY 2 3 2014 Dear City Of Saint Paul Claims Administrator, CITY CLERK I am formally writing to you as it is my intention to submit a claim to the City of Saint Paul,MN for the damages that were sustained to my vehicle.The incident occurred on April 11�, 2014 on the West Lafayette Frontage Road. I was proceeding southbound on the aforementioned road and I hit a pothole that was in my driving lane.There was significant damage to my vehicle including a damaged wheel,lost hubcaps,suspension damage,alignment damage,and power steering-rack and pinion damage. I have enclosed bills for the work that needed to be done. Law enforcement arrived on the scene and by their direction a claim was submitted to MNDOT(Minnesota Department of Transportation).MNDOT has indicated that they do not have jurisdiction over this segment of road and that the City of Saint Paul is the proper authority to submit my claim to. Please find the attached letter of explanation from MNDOT. I am a college student and through no fault of my own, my vehicle was damage by an improperly maintained road causing me great financial hardship. I very much appreciate your prompt attention to my claim. Thank you again for taking the time to consider my claim, ��;��� ����"J Julia Koehnen 3529 67�Street E. Inver Grove Heights,MN 55076 651-324-2716 koehnenj 1102@gmail.com I RECEl�I�D h1AY 23 20�4 ' NOTICE OF CLAIM FORM to the City of Saint Paul, Minn�� C L E R K Minnesota State Statute 466.05 states that"...every person...who ctaims damages from any nwnicipaliry...shall cause to be presented to the � governing body of the municipality within 180 days after the alleged loss or injury is diseovered a notice stating the time,place,and circumstances thereof,and the amowu of comptnsation or other relief demanded." Piease complete tl�is form in its entirety by dearly typing or printing your answer to eac6 question. V more space is I needed,attach additional sheets. Please note that yon will not be contacted by telephone to darify answers,so provide as j much information as nec�sary to explain your claim,a�the amonat of rnmpensation being requcgted. You will receive a written aclrnowledgement once your form is recefived. The process can tske np to ten weeks or longer depending on the nature of your claim This form must be signed,and both pages completed. If somet6iag does not apply,write`1V/A'. SEND COMPLETED FORM AND OTHER DOCUMENTS TO: CITY CLERK, 15 WEST KELLOGG BLVD,310 CITY HALL, SAINT PAUL,MN 55102 t ,/� � First Namev u� � Middle Initial � Last Name t"u�h'e� Company or Business Name Are You an Insurance Company? Yes l� ff Yes,Claim Number? � Street Address�J"5 a-� �0�+h S�' � I City �hv���' ����s State����f0� Zip Code��� ' Daytime Phone(� - Cell Phone �l SI ) 3� a���Evening Telephone�) - Date of Accidend Injury or Date Discovered �IPV`� �1 1 � � � Time ��"�0 am/pm Please state,in detail,what occurred(happened;,and why you are submitting a claim.Please indicate why or how you f 1 City of Saint�a�1 or its e o ees are involved ana�or responsible for your damages. ` C�S �V�.��Y. 1�. � � �owr1 w �f�,� �� �act caKSe ! 0.� awavt s .J ct w f ri i . Sau�1 5 � 1 c a�ineab i� -t'��n �c " L S ' n h►' " � . 'fHt t �-1-ti�4 �.l P� nc�C�i(a i/�pUk trv� w'btV� -fo 8�!^+WO �d M�#{i`? d3 � W' - ( k't' aY�b ��'8f sE U,h�+ wn �' � Y N►a�I �',itlM ttr. a► rwW �� (M ah.-rv� ct aF aun+ �a r t��.spe,n� rny �el�v �- � � v���c�- � Please check the box(es)�most closely represent the reason for completing this form: �"�'�` b O I Y��A �' ❑My ve hic le was d a mag e d in an acci dent ❑My ve h ic le was d a m age d dun n�a tow �'f 1�iy vehicle was damaged by a pothole or condition of the street ❑My vehicle was damaged by a plow ��O My vehicle was wrongfully towed and/or ticketed ❑ I was injured on City property ❑ Other type of property damage-please specify ❑Other type of injury-please specify In order to process your claim vou need to include cooies of all aualicable doeuments. i For the claims types listed below,please be sure to include the documents indicated or it will delay the handling of your claim. Documents WII.L NOT be returned and become the property of the City. You are encouraged to keep a copy for y urself before submitting your claim form. �Property damage claims to a vehicle:two estimates for the repairs to your vehicle if the damage eaceeds $500.00;or the actual bills and/or receipts for the repairs O Towing claims: legible copies of any ticket issued and a copy of the impound lot receipt O Other property damage claims:two repair estimates if the damage exceeds$500.00;or the actual bills and/or receipts for the repairs;detailed list of damaged items O�njury claims:medical bills,receipts j�Photographs are always welcome to document and support your claim but will not be retumed. Page 1 of 2-Please complete and return both pages of Claim Form Failurc to complete and return both pages will result in delay in the Landling of your ciaim. All Claims—olease comalete this section Were there wimesses to the incident? Yes No Unlrnown (circle) Provide their names,addzesses and telephone numbers. �L��Y�� SYW �d�Y tV� Were the police or law enforcement alled? Yes No �� Unlmown (circle) � � �� � #or re rt# � If yes,what department or a�ency. ��iil� �h-k�Q�1�1.� Case po �_� Where did the accident or injury take place? Provide street address,cross street,intersectio � am+e f r�rk or f ility, sest an etc. 1 �de '1 as po�si le. ff n sary,attach a diagam. Please indicate the nt yo s ��n in com nsat�n w t you woul ' e C' to do t resolve this claim to your �sfactio . � , I .00 - reciP+s �� � ed Vehicle Clam�s— lease com lete this seetion 0 check box if this section does not a 1 Your Vehicle: Year ` Make SU�UI�-t Model Y'� License Plate Number Z� �} State_�Color �(N Registered Owner I 1�1 Driver of Vehicle Area Damaged � �'� City Vehicle: Year Make Model _ � License Plate Number State Color Driver of Vehicle(City Employee's Name) Area Damaged -- --° _ - . Iniurv Claims—Qlease comolete this secflon ' �check box if this section does not annlv How were yon injured? What part(s)of your body were inj�red? Have you sought medical treatment? Yes No Planning to Seek Treatment(cizcle) � When did you receive treatrnent? (provide date(s)) Name of Medical Ptovider(s): Address Telephone Did you miss work as a result of your injury? Yes No , When did you miss work? (provide date(s)) Name of your Employer: Address Telephone , �Check here if you are attaching more pages to this claim farm. Number of additional pages �� . ', By signing this form,you are stating that all informa�ion you have provided is true and correct to the best of your knowledge. Unsigned forms will not be prncessed Submitting a false claim can r�sult in prnsecution. Date form was completed ��a�I ���� Print the Name of the Person who Completed this Form:�,�t 1�1111 W��f��� Signature of Person Malung the Claim: Revised Febniary 2011 � inneso�ra DEPARTMENT OF ADMINIS7RATION Risk Management Division 310 Centenaial Office Building 658 Cedar Street St Paul,Minaesota 55155 Phone:651-201-2586 Fax:651.297.7715 TTY:651.296.6280 Apri122, 2014 Julia Koehnen 3529 67"' Street East Inver Grove Heights, MN 55016 Re: D/L: 4-11-2014 File No.: GC116078 Dear Ms. Koehnen: This acknowledges receipt of your claim. Under Minnesota Statute § 3.736 Tort Claims, our office represents the state agency and all of the state employees involved in this matter. We aze investigating this claim with the Department of Transportation. Once we have completed our investigation we will immediately let you know. Please direct any communicadon on this matter to the attention of the undersigned. Thank you. Sincerely, �� � t ;� �_..... _.�/ Bryan Freeman-Sr. Claims Rep. Risk Management Division I An Equai Opportunity Employer �' � innesot� OEPARTMENT OP ADMINISTRATION May 6, 2014 Risk Managemeat Division Centennial Office BuiWing 3rd Floor N.W. Julia Koehnen 658 Cedar Street St.PAUI,Minnesota 55155 3529 67�' Street East Phone: 65�.2o�.2ss6 Inver Grove Heights, MN 55016 Fax: 651Z97.7715 Re: Date of Loss: 4-11-2014 Claim No: GC 116078 Deaz Ms. Koehnen: I have received a response from MN/DOT relative to the above-referenced claim. Under Minnesota Statute §3.736 Tort Claims, our office represents the state agency and all of the state employees involved in this matter. We understand you encountered a pothole while tra.veling westbound on the Lafayette Frontage Road leading to T.H. 52 in St. Paul, Minnesota on 4-11- 2014. MN/DOT states they checked the Metro Radio Log reports for the two weeks prior to and one week after the stated date of loss. The log shows a notification call for this area on 4-16-2014. This call was referred to the City of St. Paul. Minnesota Statute § 3.'736 governs claims against the State of Minnesota and its employees. The statute provides that claims may be paid in cases where the State or its employees were negligent. In this instance there is no evidence of any negligence. MN/DOT advises they are only responsible for maintaining the ramps in this area. If this incident occurred on the ramp, , MN/DOT had no notification of this pothole prior to this incident. Since I was unable to establish that any employee acted negligently in this instance,the Department of Transportation declines to offer any payment on this claim. From the information , presented on the Claim Report and Demand form,you may wish to contact the City of St. Paul '� about this claim as they aze responsible for maintaining the frontage road. , Sincerel I Y�.--� ... � �L'���� Bry�man-Sr. Claims Rep. Risk Management Division An Equal Oppo�tunity Employer CLAIM REPORT AND DEMAND This claim must be filled out by the person making the claim against the State and/or its employees. It is to be returned within 10 days to: Risk Management Division 310 Centennial Office Building 658 Cedar Street St.Paul,MN 55155 1. CLAIMANT �u�, �o��r�er� � 352� 101�'�' S�� . Name of Claimant Home Address tl�0�,1 i°Iql �.���r�►C fl��� �N SS�� Date of Birth City,State,Zip Code S1 �� c��-3a�—a��� Marita Status Home Telephone ����n �r Name of Spouse Business Address �bnS �r��A.( Address of Spouse Nam' f Employer � �r���-Pau�.� M� �s�o� No.and Age of Dependants City,State,Zip Code �'f)P�i1RX1��a �, Q�'q1'�lt�' �OYY� (�s�'_�"' ?�� Email Ad ��s �— Business Telephone 2. ACCIDENT OR OCCURRENCE �}�Il ��b 14 ca m.� li='�9�`�' Date Time v��t � ��fi-e �n I� �un�- Par�-�., M� Location City,State Cl�l.r �f�t1'S z G�aYK- Weather Conditions Descnbe the accident r occ ce in detail: ���U �� �� V� . -�'I�t . S vl � � ��, 's w ti � — 5� i s �e �arr�e So [ 5-1►11 �. � �l� � d C s��� �y� {�✓� � ukvc¢,I c� ve�i+i� i - �+o c�+'`�-� �Iv � �h're. l �o � �'�" -fi� - �, ��� �� � �nG���- —��, � �. c��--�- �.Q. � �hiCl� . � Full names and addresses of all witnes"s�• a. ��,Q,l��I�l�' �� Gl,L� b. c. Full name and address of each state agency and each state employee whom you claun caused your damages or injuries: a. Xr b. c. Full name and address of all other persons,companies,or govemmental agencies whom you claim are respo ibl for yow damages or injuries: a. �� P�oa�t�� oF�T�ans��'a�� b. c. State the cause of the accident or occutrence: C lk � trlr�tX1,C� 1/�S �-�'1'�. lC(;�' l�` .F-�x tn -}-t+� t�s 3. DAMAGES OR INNRIES Full name and address of injured person on whose behalf claim is here made(hereinafter"the injured"): (If a minor,include birth date and parenis'names) Full name and address of other person(s)suffering injuries,if any: a. � b. c. Describe the injury,damages and losses incurred hy the injured on whose behalf claim is made: � N� �hr�.r�es. � What was the injured doing at the time of the accident: � If injury or damage was to property,state in detail the foilo ' a. What was damaged: � g� �'I. ` ��,�t ��t.b t� dv�v�e. �t,sb S'� 2 Vu�b b. Name of manufacturer. c��.ti/1�� c. How old was it: ' � d. What condition was it in at the time of the accident or occurrence: srt�fi� `�� �a �.� - e. Any prior damage:If so,descnbe: � � f. Where pw�chased• � g. If other than claimant,who owned it at the time of the accident:l. ra���� '�JV�.tG� a�" -f1�c, c� �.�d�-dt�" h. Any liens,mortgages,attachments,security interests or third party rights or claims outstanding on said property? If yes,state name and address: �d i. Estimated cost of repair. { �• j. Where is the damaged pmperty now located: Q. �� c�a�f c��- to t�i.o� � u� �s a-�-�c� � �'aw� in -�t'Pa�.� If injury or damages were to the person of the injured,state the following: a. Where was the injured taken: b. Full name(s)and address of doctor first called or seen: c. Full name(s)and address of any other doctor giving treatment or diagiosis: d. Did injury arise out of or in the course of the injured's employment? If so,describe: Any type of insurance coverage protecting claimant for the damages sustained? If so,descn`be the kind of coverage and company: State the amount hereby claimed and de.manded by you from the State:� ��O i O� t State the basis of the calculation of this ount�6 � �r � � �. �� �`l'!G� �ar �- 1�e.� �irt —�ioa.oa ��n c��, �i5+oo tn �� �01acp ,�1P�'QVS ev► bt�J-�n Lc� -d�iv'�.s — ��5 ,� �.��!qppp Have you made any other claims against the State and/or its employees?_ lV� If so,state the date(s)and circumstances: I hereby certify that the foregoing statements and claim made by me are true. I am aware that if any statement made herein is to my knowledge false,in whole or in part,that I am subject to punishment provided by law. Dated: �����1✓ Si tnre of Claimant I'ride,Professionulisrn&Partaers�ip A• HU1�g �ol�ce Offcer P(?LICE DEPAR'TMEN�' CITY OF SATM�PAUL ' . 367C.wrStRet Yoinr,Mm7:45/266- 900D ev71J107 ���NSS �� �j� �Yo4 haYe qua��oL Y�iepo�,cai� �PaM Pbiioe Aeeards Uet(631)2f6-57Y9 If you have a comment or concern about the service you have received,you may report it to the$t.Pau1 police �ePartment,the Civilian Intemai qffalrs Review Commission,or one of the organizacions listed below: Police Civilian Int.Affairs Review Comm.(651)266_5583 St.Paul Police Department Int.Affairs(651 j 266-576p Nt1ACP(651)649-Q520 Council on Asian-Pacific Minnesotans(651)757=1740 Hmong I8 Councii(612)239-9526 Neighborhood Justice Center(651)222-4703 Neighborhood gouse(651)7gg_25pp Indian.�f{�Council(651)296-p132 Saint Paul Hvman Rights(651)266-5900 Ali retums and warranty daims must A��O 754 R�ce St be accompanied by�is original irnoice. S�Paul,MN 55i 17 See reverse side for additiona�store policies. PARTS PF X�6;����o • . £ot�t6lteked twc 1'929 1AIE BUY jUNK CARS! 986816 4/14/201412:25 dCE-autoparts.COfl'1 Mon:-Fri.8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. • � ' � sales@ace-autoparts.com Sa�8 a.m.-1 p.m. � 1 s JULIA s Preferred Customer 0- St. Paul,MN 55117 N D 651-324-2716 :P T T O :0 SALES PERSON ORDER TYPE ' ` TAX.ID I COUf SHiP YIA ; PAGE '' 1 - 1 TSS COUNTER SALE MN 1 QIJANTITY DESCRIPTION IJNIT PRlCE EXT PRtCE 1 DEPOSIT $102.24 $102.24 W:52503 `�a�u�y �u�ed cuad e��,;c�tec��l'� sy�scc t�s�C �¢��vacl�e� NOTES: Ace is not responsible for TPMS sensor. PAYMENT TOTALS: PAYMENT NOTES: TOTALS: CHARGE FREIGHT CASH $102.24 DISCOUNT CHECK TAXABLE �•� CREDIT CARD NON TAX $102.24 DEBIT CARD TOTAL TAX �•� PAYPAL ALL MERCHANDISE SOLD AS-IS RECEIVED BY: INVOIGE AMT. $102.24 ._.�,......�_.w.,.�. __ All retums and warranty daims must AUTO 754 Rice St. be accompanied by this original imoice. St Paul, MN 55117 See reverse side for additional store policies. PA RTS Phone:(651)2249479 Fax:(651)293-0670 � � � �eta,6lla�rid t�c 1'9P9 1NE BUY jUNK CARS� 525t13 4/14/2014 I�:25:39 PM dCE-autoparts.COt11 Mon.-Fri.8 a.m.-530 p.m. • • ' • ► ' sales�ace-autoparts.com Sat 8 a.m.-1 p.m. ; 1 S N�� S Preferred Customer � St. Paul,MN 5511'7 ;H D 651-324-2716 P T T O O SALES PERSON 'ORDER TYPE ` TR�(1D/CODE SHtF VlA PAGE 1 - 1 TSS WflRK ORDER MN 1 QUANTITY D�SCRtPT10N 11NIT PRiCE EXT.PR{EE 1 560-72b881U-Wheel;Grade A $95.00 $95.00 R 001912643;VIN#KLSJD66Z66K482�1; PO#130062; Requested:20� FORENZA;FORENZA 04-08 ro�d wheel, 15z6,steet; Q:1769203 Replacement Options For:56Q72688 None Available 1 DEPOSIT ($102Z4) ($1U2Z4) °�a:��y �ored�d a�e�.ted—'7l�� yau�rve clazv���u���e! PAYMENT TOTALS: PAYMENT NOTES: TOTAIS: CHARGE FREIGHT CASH DiSCOUNT GHECK TAXABLE �-� CREDIT CARD NON TAX S(1.U(1 DEBIT CARD ` TOTAL TAX $7.24 PAYPAL pLL MERCHANDISE SOLD AS-IS RECEIVED BY: INVOICE AMT. $p,QQ ,., .......:_�..,.� All retums and warranty daims must AUTO T54 Rice St, be accompanied by this original tnvace. SL Paul, MN 55117 See reverse side for additional store policies. PA RTS PFhax(561)293-0670 � . � F,dta�6lta�c.d ta 1'929 WE BUY)UNK CARS! 987143 4/15/201415:02 lC@-autoparts.00111 Mon.-Fri.8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. • ' • ' ' sales�ace-autoparts.com Sat 8 a.m.-1 p.m. ; 1 s JULIA 5 Preferred Customer � St. Paul,MN 55117 'H u 651-324-2716 p 7-' T O" p SALES PERSON' QR�ER TYPE '�AX ID(CU�E SHIP VIA PAGE 1 - 1 TSS COtJNTER SALE MN 1 QUANTITY DESCRlPt70N UNR PRICE €XT.PRICE 1 568-726881U-Wheel; TROY A �95.00 595.00 R 001912643; VIN#KLSJD66Z66K482901;PO#130062;Requested:2008 FORENZA;FORENZA 04-08 road wheel,15a6,stcel; Q:1769203;W:52503; D:275�471 1 DEPOSIT ($102.24) ($102.24) W:52503; D:275471 1 �IRE MOUNT RIM 55.00 $5.00 W:52543; D:275471 _ � ___. 1 TIRE BALANCE $10.00 $10.00 W:52503; D:275471 � � ��+� �v�a.ud a�r��cutec�'7�� y,a�c�a�C ���' NOTES: Ace is not responsible for TPMS sensor. PAYMENT TOTALS: PAYMENT NOTES: TOTALS: CNARGE FREIGHT CASH DISCOUNT CHECK ' TAXABIE �.� CREDIT CARD $15.00 NON TAX (��•�) t3EBiT CARD ' TOTAL TAX $7.24 PAYPAL ALL MERGHANDISE SOLD AS-IS RECEIVED BY: INVOICE AMT. $15.00 ...,.��.��..r.�..A.�, } ...4,_.' .. � � �E �t0 Fa�TS ` 1� RICE ST, �INT PAI�. �N�I 55111 6�1-�14-94]9 Terminal ID� 00645612 0003 -------------------------------- 4/15/14 3:02 PM MASTERCAHD AOCT #: x�+��*�x��*��8592 C�DIT SAIE UID: 410�411�92 �F #� 6833 BATCN #� 359 AUTH #� 006833 NMOI�+it $15.00 APPROVED I �I AWa� � �E aUTOtS �Ti� POLICIES ON EIECTRICAI � Fl�l REINTED P�RTS & F� tRA�iC11 c�S � �5 OR LE�S, Cl�TO�R C�'Y ineedahubcap.com:New Order#200000072 -koehnenj 1102�a,gmail.com- Gmail Page 1 of 2 You aro utlng a verobn d In6ertid Expbrx wHCh Gmei m lorger s�4P��Sane�mey not wak�y.UppraOs b a rtadem Wawser.sueh as Google Chrorne.Dis _ _ __ _ _. - +.1t1ie Gmail wa. a a es4 CONIPOSE aFax.com-BFeam for Orine Fa�p-Pat yar fex rrsMx b aFax�.Get rid of yar tax mad�ins end save rtwisy.Shrt yar Res T�ial. � u�nox ineedahubcap.com:New Order�2000000�2 ��co. . me ancw smRea _ _ _ ___ _ trnportant ��PPOR<��eP�> ��B t��Y�) ;- in�ihe�alfid�al a�pp � b� SB11t 6A8N Try i OfeltB °� ineedahubcap.com n�o1� eFnx.coM Easy access fi fhotuanals ot replacement hubcaps � eFax� � Fa�dr 5er1A"� Hello,Julia Koehnen aon yar fax m,r ih�nic you for yar ordx iom�.Oncs Yar Padwpa dips we wi aaiM an art�W wYA a Btic b traek yout �. : Gat rid of your fa ��.s�� Ofdaf.H Y01111lV!ilyl Q�Ybout y0uf Oldx plsasa cOntsG W 8t sales�ineedahubcao.00m of pr us af 1-866�482' � �- SaV@ III0f1@y.St8 2�Q�+Y'Fr�aY,8am-Spm EST. . ..... . vw•r.nevinp aoue�e var adsr cardf�mrion b esloiw.rnruc you aprn for yar eu�inan. Capibl Ona�( mn11RGY�0 b('a00yls `��Y�P�V we7 k.ap ryiny... Find a ceM wdh 1 Your OMer#200000072(aaced on np�r�s,2014 8:29:05 PM EDT) www.capitame.c MN Car I�urai Blrbg IrdwmWOn: Paym�nt MNlad: No Car I�ra� ��� Get a Fiea Quotc 3529 B7w sinM wal � Gedk CaM free.qia[e18b.can imw 9iow MiplMS,Minaou.55076 unled Stras Cn�Caa rype: vka The Dlscover P T:8513242716 CndY Card Nwnear:�moc�770 Eart1 C89t1 Rewe Proe�ssM M�owit w�h Your Oiaown Now! www.disoweira Slrpping Mamttlon: Sfdppiny MNhod: .lufa Koatnan F�w SIrPD�q-(�� 1 � 3829 671h risN ust � . irner grow Miphb.lf�nmota.56076 U�YI�d StNas c�;�,t �� �u �.� h�b��� � �. Wt� or�l dct.ma�'�°I _ y -��,p� �,�c�`4,e.� ' ��S,p� v�ro�-�� https://mail.google.com/maiVu/0/ 4/17/2014 � 1000 S.C.a�oo�d Sheet ���.�� 5/05/14 6147982/ (661)451 1313 g�p��i�� ��"� ��a'"-�D�30p-m- 5/07/14 Pre—Invoic r-aoc(65t)2�1-82es �Aa�►-Sa1ud�► ��"''isT°'"�' 61639 61648 NATS F./4390 . 3529 67TH ST. S 651-324-2716 RLSJD56Z18K851466 INVLR GROVS H$IGHTS, I�+II�T 55076 651-457-3395 2 0 0 8 SIIZDKI FORffiiTZA 4DR SDN AD'I'O 1 - : P RM CO Y $ N LOW TIRE PRESSIIRg LIGHT ON? Work performed by SS (166) Sub Total: .00 - ------------------------------------------------------------------ #2 -_147495 z �BTIl� 2 WHBgI, p1LIGNM�NT$�4.g5 CpIIppN SPBCTLT• _-- HAD TO REPLACE DRIVBR FRONT TIRB "¢�f�forme�d by SS (16 6) 74.9 ALIGNSD FRONT END. S Total: 74.95 --- - - ___— ---- ----------------------------------------------------------------- #3 - 012195: BPRBSS LIIBB SffitVICS $21.95 COIIPONiJP �O 5 QTS. NON SYNTHSTIC OIL Work performed by SS (166) 10.23 Inatalled lAMFL00002 :FILTER: ENGIN$ OIL 1�5.40 5.4 Installed 68055890AA :OIL: 5W20 5e3.13 15.6 Hazardous l�aterials Charge 2_� CHANGSD OIL AND FILTER. Sub Total: 34.03 -------------------------------------------------------------------- #4 - 02S: STSI�RING /SIISPffi�TSION RSPAIR RSPLACE ST�RING GBAR Work perfonned by SS (166) 317.8 Installed PS 361823 :GSAR, POW�2 STSSRING 1�475.99 475.9 Installed ATl�i 1003617 :TIB ROD BND 1Q44.99 44.9 Installed ATM 1003616 :TIB ROD ffiJD 1@44.99 44.9 Installed 68055894AA :FLUID: ATF + 4 1a9.50 9.5 RSPLACBD RACK AND PII�TION AND OVt'!3R TIB ROD ffi�IDS, F .SiRlCTLYCI18F1 lRiE33 ARRANGHIBlTS ME IMOE. �hsaby a�lwize f�s iap�ir L.AHOR h�b bs dons dag�fr naos�aar mrryl ad ap�s trt yau are not�eapa�a- iar lo�ar dOm�g�b vdiefs at ifeNs Mt la Ne vMicle in Ci�d iR�eR ar sy arr► P�� Esyoed yaur oaial v tar an�dd�s eaisad by ar��6Ry d P�IS ar AM�ys in�ps p�UCT�L.E bY IAS at4Pis ar taroponer. �he�bY 9�Ya a��PbY��b 9�s vancM hs�in dwubd on sreMs.li�Nnys,or ella�M�Me tor h ptq�ass d tetig �UBIET N�sp�tlOn M apwss aieclrNC'�Mn is Iwabp ado�orAsdysd on abasralikL b leaw araoint d iapeYs IUsMa• 8110P St�PLES OF wAliitAttilE,B. Mry wartaM m t�e P�sold As�by w twoe awde yr FIAZARDOOS�AII7EWAL8 m�riecYss'1tK salw nsaby�wehr�delws all wpawes aMwra�ass ari�plbd, SALES TAX OR TAX I.D. a�f��Pwd�h d��1�6i1Y a►QSees for a psYaYr pupo�s,sd Oe aarer oelier nar s�wixas any ofis pasan b saaee for k anp Yb�r in oo��e�fm rMh t�s a�e d �AL ORDER 0�'0.91T p�oduels.My ioif�on na�M�6�ed Aeiain doea�at applyMie�e pd�lieA bY Iwr. p�g . TOTAL DtJE X �_ ` � -i G't��� ��,�� 1000 S.Corx�ord Street sa�h st.Paul,MN 56075 5/05/14 6147982/ (651)451-1313 g�E p��Hp�,g 1-800-�6-0028 7:00 a.m.to 5:30 p.m. 5/0 7�Z 4 Pre—IIIVOl.C Fax:(�1)251-8266 MondaY-Sacurday a1p�+n..�T.P� """�"fi'�°�'�" 616 3 9 616 4 8 NATE F./4390 , A 3529 67TH ST. T 651-324-2716 RL5JD56Z18K851466 INVER GROVE HEIGHTS, MN 55076 651-457-3395 2008 SUZOKI FORENZA 4DR SDN AiJTO ILLED AND BLLD SYSTEM. Sub Total: 893 .35 -------------------------------------------------------------------- #5 - 025: STESRING /SIISPENSION REPAIR REPLACE STABILIZFsR LINKS Work performed by SS (166) 101.1 Installed NCP 2651628 :LINR, SWAY BAR 1�49.99 49.9 Installed NCP 2651629 :LINR, SWAY BAR 1�49.99 49.9 REPLACED FRONT SWAY BAR LINKS. Sub Total: 201. 12 -------------------------------------------------------------------- #6 - 08E: ELBCTRICAL REPAIRS INSTALL LLFT FRONT TIRE PRESSIIRE SENSOR, CURREN'1'L'Y HAS REGIILAR RIIBBF'sR STEM Work performed by SS (166) FixltFund Installed BR 923304 :TPMS FixItFund REPLACED RIIBB$R VALVE STffiK IN LEFT FRONT TIRF WITH TIRE PRESSIIRE SENSOR, ROAD TESTSD, IINABLE£ TO FIND PROGRAMMING INSTRIICTIONS IN ALLDATA. REC. TARE TO SUZUKI DEALER FOR PROGRANIl�IING. -------------------------------------------------------------------- MANAGFsR'S DISCOUNT -120.8 *************************************************�********** * FREE LIFPTIME TIRE ROTATION W/PIIRCHASF3 OF 4TIRES. * * LIFFTIME WARRANTY ON BRAKE PADS/SHOLS/SHOCRS/ * * STRIITS/FRONT II�iD ALIGNMFNPS. MQTORCYCLES * ' * EXCLiJDED.GUAR.ANTLED PRICffiK1�TCH-WE SLRVICL ALL * * MAKTS&MODELS! * *************�x**********************************�***�******* w�s:srnicnr cas�+u�ss ar�nrx��rrts n��. h ne�ny�m�� u►aoEt 5 0 4.2 n��►m�a���a,n,e��r��+a�n,�►�,��a�- PARTS 6 9 6.5 'ble for bss a damage to vehide a artides IeR in tlie vehide in case af f�e.Mefl.or any otl�er . O e beyorM your conbol or tor anY ddaYs�bf'�Y�P�a��P� DEDUCTIBLE F�m�ts bY tlie suPP�iet or§ansPater. �herebY 9raM You u►Sra►�ploy�s P�m�sion to . O the vetrde herein descri6ed an streets.highways.or elsewitiere(or Vie purpaae d tesUng SUBLET a�r�sp�tion. ao e�s�s�n is rrereny aacrawieayed oo�e v�aae�seaxe sHOP suPPL{ES 2 0.0 amamt of repeirs tlrereto' HAZARDOUS MATERUILS 2 .7 �oF wn�s. a�y w�es o�a����ow►�my s��maee by 51. 0 e manufaaurer.The se�r hereby expressy disdaims�1 waranNes eilher mcpress a imqied. ^aALE3 TAX OR TAX I.D. �9�Y impN�wartaNy d me�d�bdily or fitr�ess for a pardaYSr pwpose.�d the se�r�eiU�r .� ���mw���r o�r+�ro��ra n�,y u�r�o�,�mn n,e�a SPECtAL ORDER DEPOSIT � �oa�s.n�y��ne�,aoes�a aapy wi,«e aarama br�- ��sCOUNTS —12 0.8 TOTAL DUE 11 3 .6 X FURV hOTORS 10�9 S CONCORD ST SOUTH SRIN1 PRUI MN 56875 651-451-1313 eees Ter�inal ID: 8@684858 __ -------------------------3:23 PM 5�7i14 pnERICf1N==isi=�aaai1884 pCCT n� CREDIT SRLE UID: 412Z29961944 REF a: 3968 BATCH M: 2Z6 AUTH M: 517835 arouaT 51163.sz pppROVED NWN.FURYMOTORS.COM 1NpNK YOU! 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