273814 M�HITE - CITV CLERK ��[�� � PINK - FINANCE x CANARV - DEPARTMENT OF A PAUL COUIICII t � � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � i o ut ' Presented By LICIIdSE COI�+II�iITTEE ` Referred To Co m'tte : Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLgED: That licenses applied for by the follvwing persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted. Ala Carte Vending Systems, Inc. 236� Uninersity Ave. Cigarette loper. App. $311 New 'r '► 2 ad'1 cig. VM " '� �� �r 5 I-foods VM loc. " " " " I-foods VM oper. 'r " n �e �F add'1 I-fOOds VM �' �� Buckbee N��rs Co. 24,5 E. 6th St. cigarette locaion 9']97 " * Northomation Systems, Inc. 7421 Bush Lk. Rd. Ed.ina I-foods VM location 9'798 " Flameburger, Inc. 933 W• Mi.nnehaha Ave. Restaurant C-2 10396 " Richard Bonbeson 344 Ruth st. Tow truck W/gas sta. 10485 " Judith M. Roach 2tY79 E. Hawthorne Ave. Beauty shop 10630 " Kenneth K. Mclntosh 562 University Ave. D-foods orig. cont. 10657 " Patrick M. Murray 872 E. �th St. Barber 10685 r► N.G. Tucker 2561 �i.sk st. Rsvl. I-foods VM loe. 10694 " Lou Gershman Iron & Metals 63'7 Pine St. I-foods VM location 10712 " James Birch 153$ White Bear Ane. B»foods 1�PW 19719 " Northwest ,Opticians, Inc. 280 N. Smith Ave. Optician 10'J30 " Joe Cropsey 2177 Hudson Rd. Barber 10'�39 " Hillcrest Country Club, Ine. 2200 E. Larpenteur Ave. Cigarette loc. 10754 " Northern Vending Services, Ine. 1481 Marghall Ave. 2 ad'1 cig. VM 10755 " Catherine Robinson & Geo�ge Asimos " 213 Front Ave. Cigarette location 10760 " Ran Bartizal �� dY 95 Westminister Ave. Tree triaamier (lnh.) 10']77 St. Francis De Sales 426 s. �sceola . Ave. Cigarette loeation 10814 " Donald Doty 1004 Carroll Ave. Foot peddler 10816 " Holiday Stationstores, Inc. 1429 W. 7th St. 1 ad'1 pump 10842 " David Ka.ufman 881 Weir Dr. Wdbry Vehicle peddler 10860 " Taha Yams, Aba Isnaineh 6516 Zane Ave. N. Mpls. Foot peddler 10866 " * Northomation Systems, Inc. 7421 Bush Lk. Rd. Edi na 4 ad'1 I-foods VM 9798 " n n 1 ad'1 ci.g. VM n n COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: X��X McMahon _� �n Favor •-Hezza Hunt {"� Levine _ __ Against BY — �Made�ex Showalter —�a �g�g Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted b un l: Date Cert ed Ya_ d by ouncil Se�cretary BY /i),�,� "� App o by Mavor. te Q�+ 5 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council sy By Pt�SHED 0 CT 13 1979