273813 WMITE - CITV CLERK � ��1�� J PINK - FINANCE COIIIICII �� �'� t CANARV - DEPARTMENT ITY OF SAI T PAUL BLUE - MAVOR File NO. , o�� i lution Presented By LICENSE COMMITTE'E � Referred To Co mi e Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That applicationa for Temporary On Sale Malt Beverage I+icenses, applied for by the following organizations at the following addresses be and the sam@ are hereby granted, in compliance with Council File No. 266399, ordinaces No. 15927, which amends ch�pter 310 of the St. Paul Legislative Code an Ordinances. Marah Of Dimes 6701 Pean. Ave. S. Rchfld. Temp. on Sale malt App.10472 New Sylvan Booster Club 77 W. Rose St. Temp. On Sale malt 10544i Piew Northwest Como Booster Club Como Park Pavilion " 10599 New Nativity Adult Social Club 1900 Stanford Ave. " �0664 " Church of St. Vincent DelPaul 651 Virginia Ave. " 10715 " St. Paul Tenants Union Rent Control Committee " 1854 Beebe Mplewd. " 10'�28 " COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �li�r McMahon � �n Favor ..lieeea► Hunt Levine � _ Against By ..A�idwc Showalter � Form Approved by City Attorney ted by Coun ' . Date — Certified }�• _ed by Co il Secretar BY B ' — � — � a� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Ccsuncil Ap ro by i4lavor: te — sy _ — BY pl�stts�� 0 CT � 3 1979