273801 WHITE - G�TV CLERK t PINK - FINANCE COUI1C11 CANARV - DEPARTME G I T OF SA I NT PAU L File NO. �� BLUE - MAVOR � � � � - cil Resolution Presented By � � Referred o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor and the City Council of Saint Paul have supported the efforts of the League of Minnesota Cities to secure .passage of tax increment financing legislation; and WHEREAS, the efforts of the League of Minnesota Cities have involved consider- able involvement of legal and technical staff per5ons in the preparation <S� fiscal analysis and legislation; and WHEREAS, the League of Minnesota Cities has determined that a special assess- ment of all members of the League of Minnesota Cities will be necessary to support the cost of tax increment financing lobbying efforts; and � WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul ' a share of the total cost of tax increment - financing lobbying has been determined to be $8, 000; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul approves payment of $8, 000 as Sa�nt Paul' � share of the cost of tax increment financing services; and be it FURTF�ER RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Sectiori 10.07.4 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, there is hereby transferred the following in the 1979 budget: From: General Government Accounts Contingent Reserve-General 09060-536-000 Transfer or Contribution to Budget Fund $8, 000 To: General Government Accounts Municipal Memberships 01925-255-000 Dues $8,000 L pp , ed as , �ding: A roved: *.��� /`,� �� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � � McMahon T �n Favor Hozza Hunt V Levine _ __ Against BY -- Maddox , Showalter Adopt y Counc . Date �979 Form Ap roved by City A torney ertified P- ed b ouncil S�cretar BY � 61pp d by 17avor: Dat OCT 5 Approved or for Subm' ncil BY BY , �uQ��s��b �CT 131979 . .. ��� � o � �,. �, a �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL J�� L� INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM /,1 � ��v G� .'�'P�' 0�� U �,/"" August 22,- 1979 � )f � r /�" RcCEIVE� �A To: councilwoman Ruby xunt �� A�l� � 61979 FRON�: Steve Wellington� ���N�������N �t,��Y k-i�1NT Attached is the response from the League of Cities regarding the�z request for $10 ,000 for reimbursment for their work on Tax I:ncrement Financing. � It would appear that the League Board approved a voluntary .,;�,; assessment program. Also, I believe we can feel certain < th.at none of the expense was used for lobbying but rather � . �or a fa.�rly extensive�t,research and bill drafting effort. - ,� Could we discuss this sometime, at your convenience? Thanks. SW:lmp attachment . +` �� ;� � e � :: �"` �; ) * � '� y. ;,� � N 4f ���� llil f r�^- � 1 1!�7�'1 l��� � ����QR � ���iCE ieagu� of minneso�a cities August 20, 1979 Mr. Steve Wellington Office of the Mayor City Hall St. Paul , MN 55102 Dear Steve: I am writing in response to your letter sent to William Bassett in June, I believe that the easiest way of answering your questions is to relate briefly the history of the Tax Increment Task Force. The Task Force was formed during the summer of 1976 in response to the Legis- latives' concerns over tax increment financing. The League and NAHRO held several meetings and decided to work jointly on the project. In the beginning, � it was felt this was a six or seven month project and the Minneapolis HRA was willing to provide both staff and legal counsel , and the League H�ould provide Phil Cohen as the lobbiest. During the first year, it became apparent that the task was more complicated and required more work than had been anticipated. The staff grew to 9 people in order to comolete the study during the 1977 session. As we all know, the Legislature wanted more work completed than we could accomplish that first year. Therefore, the Task Force continued on into the next session. Minneapolis had already paid for more than it had originally intended and there was a great deal of discussion as to how we would finance the second year. The Task Force decided to ask the League Board to assess the costs to partici- pating cities. The request was made, and the Board indicated it was all right as long as the assessment was voluntary. In the meantime, discussions were going on both in the Task Force and with Minneapolis. Minneapolis indicated that it would be willing to pick up the entire cost for the second year and one-half of the attorney's cost for the remainder of the Task Force project. Therefore, no assessment was necessary during the second year. The cost for the second year was something over $100,000 plus attorney's fees. This was down considerably from the first year as the staff had been reduced to three full time people. In addition, it was believed very strongly that the staff had to be physically seperated from the MHRA in order to get rid of the feeling many legislators had that the whole effort was really a htinneapolis project. �00 h��over building, 4�0 cedar street, saint paul, minnesota 55101 C612] 222-2eF1 Steve Wellington -2- August 20, 1979 By the third year, most of the research had been finished, There was still the session to cover and some travel was necessary in order to answer a few questions that remained from the previous session. The Task Force decided at this point to go ahead and make an assessment through the League. This money in no way went for League lobbying. It was used only to cover research, travel and time spent at the Legislature working with legislators and staff. The lobbying was handled by Arlin Waelti and Don Slater. The amount involved was approximately $50,000 which covered the costs of TARS staff time and one- half of Jim Holme's time. I hope this answers your questions. If there is any further clarification you need, please get in touch with me. Sincerely, I` � Richard Graves Director - TARS ` � . ::-:r�' �,.s�,�•� 'r� � . , �� �; . .ALL-Ar�1E�1CA CiTY � � ��• E . z �; � r �' r ,. ' s°,. � ' ,S 9 ��`�VOii' � " �"�� � - -,. ��.. � - 202 East Jackson Street Box 3368 -'" C�"��• Man�cato, MN 56001 Pnone(507)625-3t ti: .. _ .,�, .�� F�.',. � . : {:: � . . .,,.. _. ,, `" �� �..`s, ;,"`. r'- ,r,�y� . �':! � , �=',�,'t - Y , �. :�. � � � � � i � ¢' � y �� r. �M. v � t � ic�/ . . AP� G - ��?° Apri 1 3, 1979 � f,h;�i�:33�t'S- O��IC� . Rase hlix . Clerk St. Paul , ��IN. 55102 Dear t�ts. Mix: When �ae first �vrote to cities requesting contributions to defray tax increment lobbying expenses, ���e thought that city officials �•�°re acquainted with the propos�tion, After our letter was received, a r.��:�1her of cities raised questions concerning the matter so that additional information is clearly indicated, The question of a special assessment to support tax increment lobbying vras first discussed and agreed to at a meeting af t.he Leag�:ae/PJAHRQ � Corm�ttee mePting in Alexandria �n August of 1977. The issues were aga�n discussed and supported at a similar rreet;ng in July of 1978. ' Based upon these understar�d2ngs, a budget was dra«n and an assessment . sched��le estab�?shed, Both are er,closed for your informatione Please note that the budget does not support the League af Cities ?obbying staff, but pays for technicaT back up and the services of a special counse? , name�y, J�m Holmeso ?he techn;cal staff and attorney Jim No?�r,ps have alrzady w�r�ceU to produ�:e th� League supporied tax increment bi11 S.F. 257 and HoF, 45� . l!e expect to support the enactment of these bil7s Vigorous2y. !,le hope that you a�i1l join us ir� financing this effort, Your assessment amount is in�iuded in the assessment tab?e, Piease for4�a�d your pay- ment to the League of Minnesota Cities� 300 Hanover Bui?ding, 480 Cedar Street9 St. Paul , MN� 5510? 0 GL/.�%�i-�m�� �GZ.�t-Q�J . tJil � iam Bassett, City �ra.n.agnr ���i/L �-�����-1�7� e�n Otterson HP.H/St, Cloud CC: ��idyor MF��k810 i���n 3ffir�'�,'tiv�action, equal opportunit,emp!oyee. J' . • / ' /i N�h1E OF t4UNICIPALITY POPULATIOPd ASSESSh1EfVT A1 be•rt Lea 19,41 g $ 717.00 A,mboy 571. 50 0 00 Annandale 1 ,234 75s00 Appleton 1 ,789 100.Q0 Austin 26,210 955000 8eaver Creek 235 50.00 Benson 3,549 162.0� B�rd Island T,309 75.00 B?oomington 81 ,970 2,906.�0 B�ue Earth 3,965 176.00 Breckenridge 45200 185.00 Brewster 563 50.00 Cambridge 2,720 . 133000 Cannon Fa11s 2,072 125.00 C7arkfield 1 ,084 75.OJ , Crookston 8,3�2 328°OQ Dawson 1 ,699 100.00 Detroit Lakes 6,352 260.00 Duluth 100,578 3,558o0Q Ed�na 48,940 1 ,750.QQ Eveleth 4,721 203.00 Farmington 3,104 ?46.00 Fergus Falls 12,443 473.00 Glencoe 4,217 � �85.00 G?^a►1d f�larais 1 ,301 75„00 G�an�te Falls 3,225 150.00 Has±ings 12,195 464.00 H�pkins 13,428 507�00 Hutchinson 8,142 322.00 Jordan 1 ,836 100o0Q Lake Crystal 1 ,807 100>00 !eCenter 1 ,890 �OOaOQ LeSueur 3,745 169.00 Luverr.e 4,703 202000 P�1ade7 ia 2,316 125�00 P4ankata 30,895 1 ,7?9.OQ P�larshal l 10,�94 394000 P4i�roy 247 50>00 P�inneapo7is 390,000 � i�,000.00 P•1�nnetonka 35,776 1 ,290a00 t�loor•head 29,687 1 ,0�7.00 P�orris 5,366 225.00 P�Iountain Lake ] ,986 100000 het�i London 736 50.00 Northfield 10,235 396°OQ North ��1ankato 7,347 295,00 North St� Paul 1 ] ,950 456,00 Pe? �can Rapids 1 ,835 ?00:00 Pipestane 5,328 224,00 Red Lake Fal1s 1 ,740 ?00.00 P,ed !4 i ng 12 834 487.00 P,ichfield 47,23? 1 ,69? �00 Robb�nsda?e 16,�45 627o0Q (OVER) � . , NAME OF MUNICIPALITY POPULATION ASSESSP�EPdT Sauk Rapids 5,051 � 214.00 St. Cloud 42,223 1 ,515,00 St. Louis Park , 48,833 1 ,747.OQ St. Paul 309,000 ' 10,000.00 South Sto Paul 25,016 913.00 Starbuck 1 ,138 75.00 Stewartville 2,802 136.0� Virginia 12,450 473.00 Waconia 2,445 125�00 Walnut Grove 736 50.Q0 Waseca 6,789 275.00 Watkins 785 � 50e00 Willmar 13,362 505000 Windom 3,952 176.00 t�Ji nona 26,438 963.00 Worthington 9,916 385.00 Zumbro Falls 203 50.00 Wayzata 3,700 ?67.00 Chanhassen 5,054 214.00