273797 Cit of St.Paul COUNCtL FILE N ��"���
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FINAL ORDER IN >� t�� °�
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File No.
In the Matter of �� �, � � �, �� � �� � � ��
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under Preliminary Order ���� approved SEP � 1979
A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard
all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby orders said improvement to be made
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FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Council hereby deteemines that the estate requited tot thie improvement be as describ-
, e�,.above, and t�at the proper City otficers eubmit a repott to the City Counoil for the purpose of the Counail's making an
A, �award of damages for the interest aquired and determination of asaesements, it any, against the benefited ptopetty.
COUNCILMEN Ado y e Council: Date
OCT 2 1979
eas ��� Certified sed b C uncil Secretary pCT 5 1979
- Hozza
H u nt �In Favor
" Maddox ' v Against
. Schowalter � SH 0 CT 13 i979 Mayor
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