273788 ,. WMITE - CITV CLERK � �i PINK �INANCE I T O F SA I NT PA U L Council ,,���/ � � • � CAp�1ARV - JEPARTMEN File NO. BLUE - MAVOR � ' � ncil Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee B�y Date , WHEREAS,I the Council of the City of Saint Paul did consider at a meeting on September 19, 1979, the recommendation of the License Insp ctor that the second hand dealer's license issued to Peggy Kru r, doing business at 385 University Avenue be revoked; and WHEREAS, ' notice of the hearing and proposed recommendation was sent to M . Kruger by the License Inspector on August 10, _ 1979, togethe with notification of her right to be represented by counsel, t� cross-examine witnesses and to present evidence in her defens�t and i WHEREAS,�Ms. Rruger appeared before the Council together with her atto ney, Edward Mansur; and WHEREAS, �it was stipulated into the record that Ms. Kruger had pled guil y to the charge of receiving stolen property, and that said act occurred in connection with her second hand dealer's business; and WHEREAS, the Council was informed that the receipt of the stolen proper occurred in January and February of 1978; and WHEREAS, ecause of the time �apse since the occurrence and Ms. Kruger's s sequent good conduct, it was agreed by the members of the Council that a two week suspension of Ms. Rruger's second hand dealer's icense would be an appropriate disposition of this matter, now th refore, be it RESOLVED y the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the second hand de ler's license issued to Peggy Kruger, doing business at 385 Univer� �y Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, is hereby suspended COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler [n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by C ouncil: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY sy Approved by ;Navor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By — By N�HITE - CiTY CLERK I PINK �INANCE ' � � CAI�::ER'I - OEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L F le ci1N0. •'�� ��� BLUE - MAVOR ' Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee �y Date � -2- for a period bf two weeks commencing on October l, 1979 and ending at mid.$�ight, October 14, 1979. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas HOZZa Nays � Hunt ' �` In Favor Levime ' � � Maddox __ Against BY McMahon Showa esCO Form Ap by City Attorney Ado by Council: Date ���� ,� �� ertified P�s� y Cou _i Secreta�r}y B �� bl ro by IVlavor: D e z �979 Approved by Mayor for ission to Council BY BY � ��!�H� 0 CT 6 1979 � i � _ '� " c �_ � � 7�� __ i `. _ � �, �::: ......,�,.�,� �.```"��*_ �,��, CITY OF SAINT PAUL 3�� � �. _�, i�,� �° �= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ;� u�wn �: , ;,� u� �� n �� `'� �- DIVIStON OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMlNISTRATION ' L�"''"'"""�r Room ZO9,Ciry Hall GEORGE LATIMER Sai�t Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR August 10, 1979 Ms. Peggy Mary Ann Kruger 695 Sherburne Avenue St. Paul, Minne�ota 55104 Dear Ms. Kruger7 As License 'inspector for the City of Saint Paul, it is my responsibility tto inform you that on September 5, 1979, a public hearing will be 'held before the Saint Paul City Council. This hearing will be held in the Saint Paul City Council Chambers, Third 'Floor of the City and County Court House at 9:00 A.M. At this heairing, the License and Permit Division will�recommend revocation of ydur Second Hand Dealer's license presently issued to you at 385 Unjiversity Avenue, Saint Paul. � The Saint Plaul Police Department will preseat to the Saint Paul City Couaci� evidence of misconduct. The License and Permit Division bases its recommeadation on the following: May 15, 19713 - That you, being duly re-arraigned, entered a plea of guilty to the crime of theft. , It is our a�legation that the above described activity is in violation of the, following: Chapter 342 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. 342. SECON� HAND DEALERS 342.05. Wh� Maq Be Licensed. Before such person, firm or corporation�shall be licensed to conduct such business in said city, � copy of the application for such license shall be delivered to the Chief of Police of said city; the Chief of Police o�t an officer duly detailed by said Chief for such purpose sha�l investigate the applicant and report the result of such inv�stigation to the License Inspector together with the approva]; or the disapproval of such application by said � Chief of Poltice; provided, however, that no person shall be licensed under the terms hereof who may at any time prior to the issuancei of said license been duly convicted in any court of competent; �urisdiction of having received stolen goods or of any infraction of the terms and provisions of this chapter. � �� � ; ; , . � � _ f � �, .f . r -�!" August 10, 197� Page �ao, Cont�nued You are a�vised that you may be represented at such hearing by an attorney or other representative at which time he will be allowed to cross-examinle all witnesses present. Your presence is expected at this hearing,. Enclosed i'�s a memorandum of procedures used by the Saint Paul City Council foir hearings on license revocations, suspensions, and denials of new �pplications and person-to-person transfers. Very tru yo r�, � • _ JOS H F. CARCH�DI, License Inspectdr � JFC/d j c Enclosures CC - Mr. David Hbz2a, . President Councilwomah Ruby Hunt Co.uncilman �eonard Levine Councilman �tonald Maddox Councilwomam�Joanne Showalter Councilman �ictor Tedesco Mr. Terry G�rvey, Asst. City Attorney Mr. Bernard ,Carlson, Director of Finance Mr. Richard 'Rowan, Police Chief Sergeant Tor� Redding, Police Department � ... i . , r I ����� � .....�,�,,., ��a••••G�Tf O��yy . =:•` �`�--,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL �° "= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ANp MANAGEMENT SERVlCES %: iii�iiiii �: �,�r� wQ� �.,;� ���� ,,= DlVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ''��maon.o��� Room 209,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR fl���1���� �,U G 3 01979 August 29, �9�9 CI I Y ATi G�1��rY Mr. Edward N. Mansur Mansur & M�asur Suite 300 Minnesota State Bank Building 200 South Robert Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55107 Dear Mr. Majnsur: The Saint Paul City Council (License Co�ittee) today has honored youjr request to reschedule the Public Hearing regarding the revocat;ion of a Second Hand Dealer's license presently issued to MJs. Peggy Mary Ann Kruger, 385 University Avenue, � originally �scheduled for September 5, 1979, to September 19, 1979. This Pµblic Hearing (September 19, 1979) will be held before the �sint Paul City Council in the Council Chambers, Third Floor of the City and County Court House at 9:00 A.M. ery tru y ours, . � . JOS H F. Ct�RCFiIDI, License Ins�ector JFC/d j c CC - Mr. David Hozza, President Counci]lwoman Ruby Hunt Council;man Leonard Levine Counciliman Ronald Maddox Counci�woman Joanne Showalter Cc+�,r.ci]i_;: .- ":.. � _ ;'• _ _v ' r:. � L:. - . ::' � .,.,.s��r•�5 L:�Lec�c� af Finance Mr. Terry Garvey, h;:.-�. Cit-c .r;t-rorr���= J Mr. Riclhard Rowan, Chief of Po�ic�� Sergeanit Tom Redding, Police Depar.tment ' a�� . I . _ � �TATE OF MINNESOTA DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF RAMSEY , SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT THE STATE OF MINNESOTA ' -vs- PeggY Mary Kr'uueger ; _ JUDGMENT � File No . 30398 De en ant . -- ��`�..�� � The County Attorn�y on the __3 �_day of � ' _� , 19 �$ , � , returned into Court a_ (amenc�ed) Complaint -X IndictLnent against �eggy Mary Krueger charging� with �',the crime of: Theft ��- �-° � � � � _ And the said PeggY Mary Krueger on the 15th day of May 1978 , being duly re-arraigned entered a plea of I' Guilty ' - I --- Whereupon the ��Court, in accordance with said plea, adjudged the defendant Guilty - Not Guilty of the offense of Theft 27�hd June 1 ?8 ronounced and on the ay of , 9 , p �_ the follow�ng sentemce, viz : It is the judgment of this Court and the sentence of the law that as punishment for said crime you are hereby committed to the R',amsey County V�orkhouse , or any other institution deemed � - ---- — appropriate by the� Sheriff of Ramsey County , for a period of not to exceed six months, there ;to be received, kept and em�loyed according to law under ----+- the rules and regulations of said institution or until duly discharged by due coi�rse of law mr competent authority. Bxecution of sentence is stayed for that periodo l�xecution of sentence is sta}•ed for a petiod of two years or less if recom.mended by Probation Officer and during that time you are placed on obatior�. ��. GOCPfO+','SKI� Clerk �f the Distric�����=r,, �'�--,��y ���� ZE�. G. ARTH � --- Co;���, State of �iinnesota, does hereby certiiy thBf th�C erl� of the Distric�Court attached instrumer!t is a true and correct copy of the R mG� Ceunty Min esbta orig�re! on fii and re�ord i y office. , � � Date�l th�s ay of 1�I . ;. � , ��,.'� , . 1. E. C��C!�SKI Clerk of the D� urt � eputy � ' EtiJ ��y � CDC Form ��921F�ie I�o. _� d 39 1 ' � ' �TATE OF MINNESOTA DISTRICT COURT ,� COUNTY OF RAMSEY SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT THE STATE OF MINNESOTA � -vs- Peggy Mary Krueger � � JUDGMENT File No . 30398 De en ant . -- ���� The County Atto�ney on the _ � � day of �_' , 19 ?$ , , returned into Court a (amenc�ed) Complaint -X Indictment against Peggy Mary Krueger charging� with the crime of: Theft - ,� And the said PeggY Mary Krueger on the �5th day of �'y 1978 , being duly re-arraigned entered a plea of Guilty Whereupon the Court, in accordance with said plea, adjudged the defendant Guilty - Not Guilty of the offense of Theft and on the 27thday of June , 19 78 , pronounced the following sentence, viz : It is the judgment of this Court and the sentence of the law that as punishment for said crime you are hereby committed to the Ramsey County Y�orkhouse , or any other institution deemed appropriate by the Sheriff of Ramsey County , for a period of not to exceed six months, there to be received, kept and em�loyed according to law under the rules and regulations of said institution or until duly discharged by due course of law or competent authority. 1'sxecution of sentence is stayed for that periado fixecution of sentence i� sta}•ed for a petiod of two years or less if reco�r.mended by� Probation Offic�r and during that time you are placed on p o�ation. 7.�. G CKQt':-SK1, Clerk of the District Co�r;, �t�:^ds�y '� ZE�, G. ARTH • -- Co�nty, State of Minnesota, does hereby certi�y that th6C erl� of the Distric Court attached instrument is a Xrue and correct copy of the R ms� Ceunty Min e�ta orig��! on fil�..a,n�d record i y offiCe. � , � Dated this_��day of lg7 ' -S�BY,•� ' ^ -� ,. J. E. ChCt�SKI, Clerk of the D� ou�t �. / eputy � �y p��y , CDC Form ��921F�ie Ivo.l �_d 3�I , i