273766 WMITE — CITV CLERK COUIICII ������� PINK — FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL � CANARY — DEPARTMENT BI.UE� — M.nMOR File NO. ♦ Co�n ' e�s l 'o Presented By I+ICENSE COI�II�IITTEE � Referred To Committee: a Out of Committee By e RESOLVID: That licen$es applied for by the following persons at the addres�ea stated be and the same are hereby granted. People, Inc. 1�93•»97 Hewitt Ave. Rng. & Brd house App 5446 Renew Jimmy Jingle, Inc. 26U1 2nd Ave. S. Mpls. I«•foods VM oper 6225 " n n 12 I«foods VM loa. " " ►� �� 39 ada�1 �.vrR �� �� �' " Cigarette VM oper. " " n » 6 add'1 Cig. VM rt n Lloyd Kilber 3921 Pillabury Ave. S.Mpls. Z•foods VM ��s�r. 6242 " " " I-foods VM loc. r' " n n 1 add'1 I«.VM n �� Z4�vi.n City Novelty Co. 9549 penn Ave. S. Mpl�. Cigarette VM oper 6244 " " " 11 add'1 cig. VM '� �� Best Vendiug Servi�es, Inc. 11� State St. I�foods vM oper 6245 ►' r► �� 2 I.»foods VM loc. " 'r '� �� 9 add�1 I••foods VM �t �� Lester H. Bruning 425 Edgewood Ave.,Stwtr. Cigarette VM oper �2m)7?05 " �� " 4 add'1 cig. VM " �' A & J, Inc. 754$ Stillwater Way N. Cig. VM oper (2m) 7724 " " " 2 add'1 cig. VM " " " " Fdstf YM oper. " " n n 7 �•foods 'rM loc. " " �� " 15 add'1 Z»VM �► ►f Jamea Kreager 314 W. Bernard St. Cigarette VM oper �2m) 7770 " '� '� 16 add'1 ttig. VM " n �� " I•.foods VM oper. ?771 " " '� 8 I-foods VM loc. " ►' Donald J. Iree 62$ E. Orange Ave. Fdstf VM oper. ']781 " N n 3 fdstf VM loe. " " �� '� 2 add'1 fdstf VM loc. " " Walson Music Co., Inc. 500 Bush Ave. Cigarette VM oper �2m) 7949 " �� " 1 add'1 Yl�I �� �� F�ed Sande 3212 Valleyridge Dr.Eagan Cigare�te oper (2m�1 8096 " �� �r add'1 ai . YM '� �� COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department oE: Butler [n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine __ Against BY Maddox Showalter TedesCO Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY B� tlpproved by ;Navor. Date Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council BY - — BY WMITE - CITV CLERK COUIICII }'•�� 6(p�■ PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL 1 ���' � vi� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAi'OR F11E NO. t� Co�ncil Resolution Presented By LS�II+iSE COI�I2TmF'F Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date CONTINUED PA(3E �2 Harley Davidson St. Paul Co, Inc. App. Renew '� 1209 W. 7th St. Dealer repair gar. 8101 " H.A. Theisen �o. 792'7 Nicollet Ave. S.Mpla�. Cigarette VM oper 8198 " '� '► Cigarette VM oper (2�)8198 'r �� �� 5 add;1 Maeh. " �� SIR Vend, Inc. 3241 WinPark Dr., Mpls. Cigarette VM oper. (2m) 8199 " " " 10 add'1 cig. YM " n Caold Medal Beverage Co. 553 N• Fairview Ave. L•foods VM oper. 82r1 " n a 382 L»food+s VM loc. " 'r �t " 17 adfl'1 Z-•food8 YM �� r+ Advance Carter Co. 85� Decatur Ave. N. Mple. Cigaret�e sVM oper 826� " �t '� 20 add'1 6ig. VM �' �� D.V.M., Inc. 119 State St. Z»fd�tf VM oper. $2g2 " " " 12 Z-foods VM loc. " 1e r' �� 29 �dd'1 I«foods VM n n D.V.M., Ine. 119 State St. �igarette VM oper. 5293 " " �+ 68 add'1 cig. V'M �' �� '� " Catering veh...K 8294 " Theiaen Vending Co. 3804 Nicollet A�e. S. Mpls. Z�-foods VM oper $316 " tt n 31 Z»foods VM loe. " " �' �� 11 add'1 I�foods VM �� �r " " �'+igarette VM oper. " " N " 8 add'1 cig. VM �' �� Yiking Pioneer, Ina. 5200 W. �4th St. Edina Z••foods VM oper. 8318 " n �f 11 �•foods VM loc. " " " " 56 aaa'1 Z••foods VM " �� �� "' Cigarette VM oper. " �' „ " 21 add'1 Eig. VM �� n The Pioneer Co., Inc. 266 E. 7th St. Z»foods VM oper. 833� " " "' 19 I•.food+e VM loa. " " " " 30 add'1 �•faod�s VM '" " �� " Cigarette YM oper. " " �� r� 13 add'1 Qi . VM n » COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by �ity Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By tlpproved by AAavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - - — �Y WHITE - CI TV CLERf( COUflCll � e� 5�� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL � CANARV - DEPARTMENT � V BIUE - MA�'OR File �O. � Council Resolution Presented By LICE1�iSE COMMT'�F Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date CONTIlViJED PA(�E: �3 Canteen Co. of MIV�Ina. 6300 Penn Ane. S. Mpls. Cig. VM oper. App.8335 Renew " " 6 add'1 cig. VM " " " n I»foods VM oper. n n " " 1 L• food+� YM loc. " " " " 74 add 1 T»foods VM " " James �ran 4404 5th St. N.E. Mpls. I••foods VM oper. 833? �� 'r " 1� I-•foods VM loc. " " " " 28 add'1 I«foods VM " " Arthur W. Fi�her 1.343 E. Co. Rd. D. I-foods VM opr 8338 " " " 4 Z-�foode VM loc. " " " , " 1 add'1 Z•»foods �I " '� Thomas a. Nellas 5892 SunRise Br. Mpl�. Foods VM oper. 8339 " " " 5 I••fooda YM loa. n n " " 4 add'1 �»foods YM " " IZailroad Emp. Cafeteria Asscc. 1�5 E. 4th St. Cigarette location 8344 " Phyllis Lsngfield 3900 Beard Ave. S. mpls. I-food�s VM oper. 8358 " " " l� Z�.foods YM loa. " " " " ? add'1 I•»foods VM " " F�ank Ca+sale 440 10'Jth I,�ne N.W. Coon I�pids " " �igarette VM oper. 8361 " " " 7••foods VM oper. n �r " " 4 �.rooa� VM loc. " " " '� 12 add'1 L•foods YM �' �' Harold Awe Co. 1372 Scheffer Ave. Cigarette YM oper. 8375 �� �r " 40 add'1 aig. VM �� �� Lloyd a. Young 1227 Oseeola Ave. Z»foods VM oper. 8431 " " " � 4 I..foods VM loc. �' " �� t' 3 add'1 I•*�oodB VM �� �� N.GF. Tucker z561 F`iek st. Rlsnle �.I.�.foods Vl�t oper. 8437 " n �t 6 I,�•fds VM loa. �� n I,eo Bpielman 11833 shady oak Ir�. Mtka. Z�•foods VM oper. 8557 " " " 14 I»foods VM loc. " n " " 4 ada'1 L.food+s YM " " COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary By By Iapproved by IVlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — BY WMITE - CITY CLERK E�,������ PINK - FINANGE (j I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. � Co�ncil Resolution Presented By LGII+TGE C�II'tYi'F'F Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date CONTINIIED PA(�E: #4 Leo Spielman 11833 shaay oa�c Ia,. Mtica Cig. oper. App. 8557 Renew �� " 5 add'1 aig. tfM " " Imperial V�nding Serniee, Inc. 832 N. Prior Ave. Z»foods VM $per. 856? " �� r► 17 I.»foods M loc. " " �� �f 38 add'1 I-.foods VM �� �� r� " Cig VM oper (2m) 8568 " �► ►� 13 etdd'1 Cig. V1�! �� �r �ed & Dorothy Hagerstrom 8972 (3rand Ave. S. Ctg.(�rv. I•�foods V1�4 oper. 8608 " n rr 3S ?,»foods VM loa. " " " " 30 add'1 I..foods VM " " " " Cigarette VM oper. 8623 " " " 12 add'1 cig. VM " " Midwest Vending Co. 2212 W. 94th st. Blmtn. Cigairette VM oper. 8698 n r� ►� 9 add'1 Etig. YA4 �� ►e Midwest Vending Co. " I•»foods VM oper. 8599 " " " L•foods VM loc. " " '� " add'1 L»fooda VM " " C�riswold Coffee Co. 8300 loth Ave. N. Mple. Fdstf Z»YM oper. 8717 " " " '7 fdetf I�VM loc. " " " " 130 add'1 fdst f �..YM mae;h. " Vendmark, Inc. 1255 Trapp Rd. Eagan -��»fdstf VM oper. 8735 " �� n 23 fdstf VM loc. n �� �� " 98 add'1 VM " �� " " Cigarette VM oper. " 'r " " 10 add'1 YM �� �� A & J Enterprise�s 2367 IIniveraity Ave. Cig. VM oper. $��g ►r » �► 8 add r1 yA,! n n " " Foods VM oper. " " " ►' 27 food8 VM loc. ►� u " " 25 add'1 foods VM " " A.R.A. Food S�rvice 2830 IV. Fairview Ave.RSvl. Fdstf I-�YM oper. 8811 " " '� 34 I«.VZ4 fdstf loa. " " �� " 233 add'1 fdstf YM " �' COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary By By t�pproved by 1�lavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — -- By WFIITE - C�TV CLERK COIIRCII ���� PINK - - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � �- Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COMHIITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date CONTINUED PAGE: #5 L�rry D. Fergusa�n P.O. Box 380, Osseo Z•.�oods VM oper. App. 8951 Ren�r n �� 5 L•foods VM loc. " ►� " " 10 add'1 L•foods VM r' " Interstate United Corp. 10g1 Pierce Butler Rd. L•foods VM oper. 8970 " " " 26 I..foods VM loa. " " " " 179 add'1 I.�foods �M M " Canteen Co. ofMrt, Ine. 6300 Penn Ave. S., Mpls. L-foods VM oper. 91�'j " ►� �r 36 I..foods V�4 loc. " " �► ►r 192 add'1 L•foods VM " " Don Reinki.ng 8433 Center Dr. N.E. Bpring Le.ke Park �� �� Cigarette VM oper. 9111 " n +� 4 add'1 cig. VM �� n �� e� L.foods VM oper. 911Z " " " 6 I-•foods VM loc. " '� " " 4 add'1 L.foods VM " " Arnold E. Tessmer 7684 Stillwater W�y N. Cigarette VM oper. (2m) 9286 " " " l� add'1 cig. VM " �� ►r �� L•foods VM oper. 9287 " n '� 19 I�•foods VM loc. n '� �� �' 8 add'1 I••foods VM '� '� ARA Food Service 2830 N. Fairview Ave.Rsvl. Cigarette VM oper. 9214 " n �r 32 add'1 cig. VM r' �� Griswold Coffee Co. 8300 lOth Ave. N. Mpls. Cigarette YM oper. 9316 " t► �� 12 add'1 cig. VM 'r M St. Joseph's Hospital 69 W. E�change St. Hospital 9330 ►� James Kragger 314 W. Berr�rd St. 2 add'1 aig. VM 9�'j4 rr IInited Hospitals Inc. 333 N• Smith Ave. 'Hospital 9395 �► Ruesell Schweizer ,5193 Abercrombie Dr. Edina Cigarette VM oper. 9423 " �r tt 3 add'1 cig. YM �� �� �� " 1 add'1 cig. VM " �f Robert J. Eberhard 759 W. Co. Rd. B Cigarette oper. 9447 " " " 5 add'1 cig. VM �' n n COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler [n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By� Approved by Ytavor: Date — Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy _ — BY \ ������ WHITE - C�TV CLERK COUIICIl PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL C CANARV - DEPARTMENT Bl_UE - MA�'OR File NO. � Council Resolution P res en ted By LIG�NSE C01NNlITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date CONTINU�D PAGE: # 7 Franciscd Cardenas 47g w. 7th St. Restaurant G»2 App.10027 Renew St. John's Hospital 403 Maria Ave. Hospital 10041 " Sam Yep 828 White Bear Ave. Restaurant C-2 10042 " �uvenile Hor�zons 325 Dayton Ave. Rmg. & Brd house 1r047 " " " Food estab.�»M �' �' Hudson Rd. �nbers, Inc. 1758 Old Hudson Rd. Restaurant C»2 10051 " Southland Corporation 97 E. Annapolis St. Groc. A..2/frz.fds. 10061 " " " Off �sale malt " r' St. Mary's Home 1g25 Norfolk Ave. Rest/nurs. home 10065 " " " food estab.-M " " James R. Bastyr 1286 University Ave. Barber 10087 " Little Sisters of the Poor 90 Wilkin St. Rest/nurs. home 10089 " Wyman Nelson Enterpri ses, Inc. 1979 Old Hudson Rd. Restaurant Cr-2 10105 r' Arthur Treachers F`ish & Chips 757 Grand Ave. Restaurant C-2 10126 " St. John's Hospital 403 Maria St. Parking lot (150+c) 10127 " Shell Oil Co. ?78 Otto Ane. Bulk Oil strg. 10130 " " '� Fuel dealer liq. " " r� fe private fuel puarp " " Clark Oil & Refining Corp.506 Randolph Ave. Bulk oil strg. 10131 " IInion Chemical Division 40 E. Water St. Bulk oil strg. 10136 " Clair B. �able 1341 St. Clair Ave. (3as station �3p) 10152 " " " 1 add'1 pwnp n rr " " G4eneral repair garage " " C.G. Rein 1485 St. Paul Ave. Swimming pool (out) 10180 " Mobil oil Corp. 852 Hathaway Ave. Bulk oil strg. 10190 " Mounds Park Residence 908 Mound S�. Rest/nurs. home 10199 " Hoikkahouse, Inc. 238 Pleasant Ave. Rest/nurs. home 10235 " McDonal:ds of St. Paul, Midway #6310 Mr. Inc. M 1468 University Ave. Restaurant C-•l 10249 "e Best Food Services, Inc. 65 E. Kellogg Blvd. Restaurant C�-2 10263 " Best Food Services, Inc. 302 Bremer Bldg. ReStaurant G-2 10264 " S�yway Restaurants, Inc. 312 Capitol Skyway Bldg. Restaurarit C-2 10269 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler In Favot Hozza Hunt Levine __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By . t�pproved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy _ — BY WHITE - CITV GLERK COUflCll �' /���� B�E - M �oRE CITY OF SAINT PALTL CANARV - DE ARTMENT � File N 0. Council Resolution Presented By LT_CENSE COI�IlrIITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date CONTINUED PA(#E: #$ St. Paul FYre & Marine Co. 385 Washington St. Restaurant C-2 App.102$0 Renew Interstate IInited Corp. 450 N. S�tndicate St. Restaurant C-•2 10284 " Holiday Stationstores, Inc. 1429 W. 7th St. Fires�rms 1034$ " The BeSt Steak House, Inc. 1676 White Bear Ave. Cigarette location 10360 " Space Center, Ine. 1145 Homer St. 4 private fuel pumps 10383 " Korai Kwan Cafe 466 N. Lexington Pkwy. Restaurant C-2 10384 " Creative Care Center 1849 Marshall Ave. Food estab.-M 10385 " The Sandwich Giant, Inc. 1129 IIniversity Ave. Restaurant G•2 10390 " White Castle System, Inc. 1601 White Bear Ave. Restauaant G•2 10394 " Unibn Oil Co. 1089 University Ave. Gas station._(3p) 10407 " ►� �� 7 add'1 p�p� " " Superamerica Stations, Inc.�4038 390 E. Maryland Ave. (�as station (3p) 10412 " er �► 9 add�1 pwnps n n " " Al-grecery �r ►► '� " Hardware " " �� �� �`i.rearms �� r� Holiday Stationstores, Inc. 1400 Arcade St. (ias station �9p) 10417 " " " F1xel dealer liq. " " n n Al-grocery n n " r� Hardware rr �� r� ►► Florist/Nursery " " tt " FlreBY'NS n tr Pro Pharmacy 242 S. Cleneland Ave. D�*foods orig. cont. 10418 " Hol�.day Stationstores, Inc. 629 Rice St. C�as station (lOp) 10425 " �� t' GroCery-Al n �� " 'r F`irearms n e' " " ' Florist/nursery " " " 'r Fuel dealer- liq. " ►' n !r Harclaware t' �� Stanley Bester 1148 W. '7th St. L�.undry/dry cleaning plant �� r� ►� 1p433 �� Vicker's Minneeota �i:l Co. 2199 W. IIniversity Ave. C�as station (3p) 10441 " n �► 13 addrl p�ps �� n COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler [n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY Maddox Showalter TedesCO F'orm Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By t#pproved by IVlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By --- BY j WHITE - CI7V CLERK °�� ./���� PINK - FINANCE COUI�CIl Ya� � f1 BLUERV - MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File �O. Council Resolution Presented By LCENSF C(11���[TTTFF Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date CONTINUED PAGE: #9 Clark Oil & Refining 2236 W. 7th St. Gas station (3p) App.10464 Renew �t rr 3 add'1 pumps 'f " Richard Bondeson 344 Ruth St. Gas station �3p) 10483 " " " 11 add'1 pumps �' " L�urie (3as, Inc. 675 W. 7th St. Gas station �3p) 10498 " n " 5 add�1 p�p$ �� i� Lloyd's Automotive Sertice, Inc. g82 Grand Ave. 2nd hand dealer MV 10506 " Donald I,a.Valle 982 Qrrand Ave. aas station (3p) 1050'J " Joseph P. Flaherty 177 S. E�cchange St. Parking lot 10531 " n '� Gas station (3P) n �� tt ' �� 1 add�1 pump ►► �t Desnick Bros. 445 N. Lexington Pkwy. Rental/hosp. & S.R.Equip. �� �� �� 10537 �� G. Milo ailliland 251 Ireland Blvd. Orig. cont. 10547 " (�lenn Danner 93 E. Annapolis Ave. f3eneral repair garage 10556 " �� ►� Auto body repa.ir " " �Ashbach Construction Co. 492 Barge Cannel Rd. 4 private fuel pumps 10557 " Lowell Torgerson 1380 Dayton Ave. Geneaal repair garage 10559 " Robert Janecek 181 Qrand Ave. Gen. reg gar. 14562 " Sister Gloria Degele 490 Iiall Ave. Beauty shop 10564 '� Joseph Novotr�y 125� Juno Ave. F`irearars 10565 M Richard C. Williams, Louis Sass, John Davidson & Thomas Ziegler " 3�3 1Karia Ave. Auto body repair �0566 n Snyder's Drug Stores, Inc. 75? N. Milton St. A••l grocery 10567 " �� " Hardware r� n '� " Florist/nursery " " " " Off sale malt �r �� Snyder's Drug Stores,Inc. ?57 N. Milton St. Cigarette locat�on 10568 " Edward J. Meier 1818 W. Minnehaha Ave. A-2 groc./frz. fds. 10569 " ►' " Off ,.sale malt " " Milo J. Ustipak 1415..19 w. 7th St. 2nd hand motor nhe.dlr. �� �� �� 10572 �� COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by CounGil: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by lVlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - -- BY NNITE - CITV CLERK ���I�',�� PINK - FINANCE � CANARV - h.E�ARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL COUTICIl e �' BLUE. - MAYOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By LCENSF. CdrIlYiI'ntn+'F' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date CONTINUED PAGE: � 10 Radio Shack 2439 w• 7th St. Radio &TV tube test device " '� " App. 10573 Renew Haugen's Office Suppliee 1821 University Ave. A»foods orig. cont. 10590 " American Nat'1 Bank-�nployeea Cafe " 101 E. 5th St. Cigarette location 10595 " (�reat American Ins. Co. 27()0 Unieer�ity Ave. Cigarette location 10596 " Arie I�ncman 10'Jl S. Qeveland Ave. A�1 grp�ery 10602 " Speed,y Markets, Inc.#15 2310 W. Como Ave. A••2 (iroc./butcher 10604 " Jim �uehling 1901 E. Minnehaha Ave. Barber 10608 " Le Roy Andrle 218 Bates Ave. (ieneral repair garage 10618 " Sebesta Excavator's 1920 Benson Ave. 2 private fuel pumps 10619 " Arthur Brooks 481 Rice St. Barber 10625 " Oliver C. Mangold Box134, Lindstrom, I�T Auctioneer (annual) 10632 " William J. Poidinger 1221 Pierce Butler Rte. MV Sleg. dealer 10633 " FIillcrest Development 555 Wabasha st. Cigarette location 10638 " Richard Mangini 1177 Clarence St. Cigarette location 10639 " Pillsbury Co. 1061 Red Rock Rd. Cigarette location 10640 " Sambo's Restaurants, Inc. 695 E. 7th St. Cigarette location 10641 " Robert I,ietzke 399 E• Mryland Ave. Cigaret�e location 10642 " Ann M. Koppang 244 s. Albert St. Beauty shop 10643 " (iertx^ude M. Schnaidt 801 W. Cottage Ave. Beauty shop 10644 " COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays /� �� McMahon b [n Favor Hozza �i. Levine � __ Against BY Maddox S er edesco Form Approved by City Attorney A ted by Coun � Date —.--�p 2 � �9Tg Cerlified P• ed by Co cil Secretary BY � A�pp by Mavor: Date �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By — BY � Pit�,tSH� 0 CT 6 1979