273758 WHITE - CITV CLERK / PINK - FINANCE COUIICII 'w/ /��( BLUERV - MAVPORTMENT � G I TY OF SA I NT PALTL File NO. �� �.3�" o�ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Com�nittee By Date WHEREAS, An Ordinance, Council File No. 273628 granting permission to Champion International Corporation, 2250 Wabash, Saint Paul, Minnesota, to construct and maintain three four-inch diameter conduits with cable across Hampden Avenue approximately 75 feet southwesterly of University Avenue has been prepared and introduced to the Council and will be adopted on September 18, 1979 to be effective eventually on October 18, 1979; now,, there- fore, be it RESOLVED, That pending the said Ordinance becoming effective the Director of the Department of Public Works is hereby author- ized and directed to issue a permit to Champion International Corporation, for the construction of said conduits, to the same conditions and requirements established in Ordinance, Council File No. 273628, pending before the Council of the City of Saint Paul. Informal approval of said construction being hereby given in anticipation of the final adoption and approval of said Ordi- nance. COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: X�Y McMahon � �n Favor Hozza Htsn� � , Levine _ � __ Against BY — Maddox Sh er edesco 2 5 �g�g Form Approve by City Attorne Ad ed by Counc' . Date � ertified Y• ed by Co cil cretary BY �. I � /�pp y 1�lavor: Dat �0 2 6 1919 Ap ro e by Mayor for Su s ' to ncil By — BY . . � P��1SHE� 0 CT 6 197 vM V1; Z2/1975 .� '. , - Rev. s 9/8/76 � EXPLANhTION OF AD�IINIST�..?^IVE ORDERS, � r�ND ORDIivr��10E5 i�'j���� RESOLUTIONS, _ .�s • , , Date s September ]1 � 1979 . TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIKER FR: Thomas J. Eggun�, Publ ic �lorks Off ice Engtneer gE; F.J ace�nent of condu i t under H�pden Avenue� - ' . ACTION REQULSTE D: An Ord t nanee i s nav bcfore the C ttY Cainc i l., Counc i i Fi,l e No, 273b28 to pera�tt Cf�amp�on fnt��national' (Hoe�ner titaTdocf� to pi�c� undargrau�nd condu i t across Hsmpden Avenue to connect the t� bu t l.si ings on �ei�tF�r s 1�de o1' , Mampden. T�i t s Ord inance Ni l l not be eff�ect rve unt i l October :1$,. 1979, Thi's Resotutton wbuld perintt instailatton of the co�du�t no+v, pending tt� Ot�dtnance becoming effective. � � PtJRPOS� RuD RATIO�TALE FOR THIS ACTION: Champion fnternati'onal wants to h�Ve the conduit placed and the roadrwy canpletely restored wh�le the wes�tt►er �s st�ll gc�od. Si�nilar peraitsston- granted by Resolution, see Ccwnctl File No, 267Q27, � . adopted Apri1 6, 1976. . , ATTAC��MENTS: Resolution. '